
Welcome to Old Town. To make you better understand this special small town, we have four programs for you.
Program 1 Going back to the past: Spend a day in an old house. Have a cup of tea underold trees. Enjoy food and toys from Grandma’s time. Program 2 Buying old things: Shop at second-hand stores. Visit the weekend market. Buy an old-time party dress
Program 3 Learning from the past: Visit the history museum. Meet the town’s old people. See the movie Good Old Times. Program 4 Looking to the future: Visit old farms with new machines. Dance with the teenagers of Old Town. Watch the video program A Modern Life in Old Town.
21. If Candy wants to spend a day in an old house, she will be interested in_______.
A. Program 1 B. Program 2 C. Program 3
22. Who will most probably talk with the visitors in Program 3
A. Tom, 10 years old, who enjoys climbing the old trees of Old Town.
B. Aunt Susan who has visited her married daughter in Old Town three times.
C. Mr. Green who has lived in Old Town for more than sixty years.
23. The purpose of the material is to_______.
A. call on people to protect Old Town
B. make people better know Old Town
C. develop more programs in Old Town
Using two fans he found at a market, the 15-year-old Hussam AI-Attar has madeelectricity to light up his family’s tent. He and his family have been living in the tent sincethe start of Israel’s attack(袭击) on Gaza(加沙).
Because of his talent, his neighbors in the tent camp called him “Gaza’s Newton”.
“Newton was sitting under an apple tree when an apple fell on his head. And we hereare living in darkness and tragedy(悲剧), and rockets are falling on us, so I thought of creating light, and did so,”AI-Attar said to Reuters.
The AI-Attar family have connected their tent to the side of a house, allowing the boy toclimb onto the top ofthe house and set up his two fans to produce electricity. Then, he linked(连接) the fans to switches(开关), lightbulbs(电灯泡) in the tent to make lighting for his family.
It took him a while to succeed finally after his first two tries failed.
“I was very happy that I was able to make this because I reduced the suffering(痛苦) of my family... and everyone here who is suffering from the conditions that we live in during this war,” AI-Attar told the media.
AI-Attar is still holding on to his dreams and hopes when this is probably the most difficult time of his life.
“I am very happy that people in this camp call me ‘Gaza’s Newton’, because I hope toachieve my dream ofbecoming a scientist like Newton and creating an invention that will benefit(利益) not only the people of the GazaStrip but the whole world,” he added.
24. What did AI-Attar want to do with his invention
A. Protect people from Israel’s rockets.
B. Change people’s lives and bring hope.
C. Save electricity for the country.
25. How did the boy set his fans
A. B. C.
26. Which one is AI-Attar’s hope
A. Selling his invention to become rich.
B. Helping his country win the war.
C. Making something good for the whole world.
27. How can we describe AI-Attar
A. Creative and hopeful. B. Good-looking and outgoing. C. Polite and gentle.
In the fifth grade, there came my sudden fashion moment. One day, Iwas really feeling myself. I put on a black skirt and colorful tights(连裤袜), a yellow T-shirt with dark purple flowers. Then I added my final touch: a pair of green rain boots(雨靴).
I climbed onto the school bus, smiling and thought I was a super star. But when I got off, my friend John lookedme up and down and said, “What are you wearing ” Everyone turned and looked at me, laughing. I was discouraged. To be honest, John wasn’t trying to make me disappointed. He was just shocked.
But while my ego(自尊) took a minute to return, a rebellious(反叛的) voice appeared in my mind and I said, “No,I’m not showing up like everyone else.”
Style has always lit me up. And through all my years, that voice has remained.
But the truth isn’t about clothes. It’s about a powerful need to be accepted by the world as my true self. Personalstyle isn’t about drawing attention. It is a strong wish not to be looked at but to be taken in as a whole by others.
However, society sometimes fails to understand this. There is a saying, “To be yourself in a world that is trying tochange you into something else is the greatest achievement.” Wear the clothes you love and be yourself.
28. Which of the following is the closest in meaning to “discouraged”
A. Upset. B. Joyful. C. Surprised.
29. What did the writer do after being laughed at by her classmates
A. She kept silent and never said anything.
B. She shouted at her friend and never talked to him.
C. She stuck to her true feeling and made an effort to be herself.
30. The writer thinks “personal style” is_______.
A. being looked at and praised by others
B. wanting to be accepted as true self
C. dressing well to draw attention
31. What’s the best title for the passage
A. Change Your Clothes B. Follow the Rules C. Be Yourself Bravely
On a sunny morning, a group of people got together in front of Burj Khalifa in Dubai. Burj Khalifa is the world’stallest tower. There, people were dressed in traditional Chinese martial arts(武术) clothes.32. __________________
Tai Chi is a series of slow and smooth movements. It is very popular all over the world. Many people practice it toimprove their health and reduce stress.
In recent years, weekly Tai Chi practice has become quite popular among local people inDubai.33. __________________He said that they began offering online Tai Chi classes several years ago. A lot of local peoplelearned Tai Chi from them. After they started to offer offline classes, more and more local people began joining to learnQigong, Tai Chi, Tai Chi Sword and Tai Chi Fan. 34. __________________
Liu further explained, “Every weekend, we organize martial arts events in South Ridge Park, which is located inthe heart of Dubai.There, we show the traditional beauty of Chinese martial arts and culture to people from all cornersof the world,”said Liu.
Robert is a Tai Chi lover from the United Kingdom and he plays Tai Chi whenever he is available. He said, “Bylearning Tai Chi, I have a deep understanding of traditional Chinese culture.35. __________________”
A. Liu Huajin is the organizer of the event. B. It also gave me a new understanding of myself. C. Practicing Tai Chi has greatly improved Robert’s health. D. Now, nearly 200 people from over 50 countries usually take part in these activities. E. With the sounds of peaceful music, they performed some Tai Chi movements happily.
Was there a moment when you would stop, take a good look and get lost in thought For me, it was last Sunday.My friend 36 me to visit a European art exhibition(展览会) in Shanghai.
To be honest, I’m not interested in art paintings at all. I know very little about European art. So, at first, I 37to go to the exhibition. But finally I became excited to see the artworks of the famous 38 like Monet(莫奈)and Van Gogh(梵高). The exhibition included 52 artworks. It was really a special 39 to see them face to face.
My friend was happy to see so many40 painting styles in one place. The visit made her remember thetrip to Paris several years ago. She told me that 41 could be found in every corner of the city.
Most of the visitors, I thought, had limited(有限的) knowledge about art, too. They were just busy takingpictures, and then 42 everyone on Wechat that they had been there. Under the influence of my friend, who isan art lover, I began to 43the paintings carefully. One painting that moved me most was Van Gogh’s LongGrass With Butterflies. Those things such as grass, butterflies were quite44 in my life. However, I had neverthought they were worth attention. I had 45 followed the crowd to see what was “special”. Actually, weshould pay more attention to the “common” things around us.
Sometimes we are supposed to have a careful look, think for a while, then we will find the beauty in our life.
36. A. forced B. invited C. promised
37. A. refused B. prepared C. expected
38. A. scientists B. artists C. teachers
39. A. result B. success C. experience
40. A. different B. simple C. strange
41. A. science B. art C. music
42. A. showed B. found C. followed
43. A. look after B. look for C. look at
44. A. common B. expensive C. valuable
45. A. hardly B. usually C. finally
In the Shiniuzhai Scenic Area in Hunan Province, there is46. _______ very specialconvenience store(便利店). Hanging on the side of a cliff(悬崖), it is probably the world’smost inconvenient convenience store. This small 47. _______(wood) store is located 120meters above the ground. The cliffside store has been open for several years, 48. _______it has only recently caught the public’s attention.
In the past, the store 49. _______ (regard) as a resting point for rock climbers through their climbs. Now it hasbecome a convenience store unlike any other. 50. _______ (it) special location(位置)—right next to a protected climbingroute(路线)—makes it a top place for climbers to stop for51. _______(eat) something.
During the busy Mid-Autumn Festival, and National Day holidays, the convenience store mostly serves52. _______(tour), giving them a chance to relax during the breathtaking climbs. In addition, the store sells cakes and drinks,providing much-needed energy 53. _______ them.
Because of the small space of the store, only one visitor can be served at a time. For those who love excitement,this unusual convenience store allows them54. _______ (experience)special convenience and adventure at the same time.
“The store is so cool, as you do not find such a store 55. _______(easy) in your daily life,” a visitor said. “I willrecommend my friends to go rock climbing here. It is challenging and also brings a great sense of achievement.”
Taking care of old people seems an unlikely choice for many young people.However, this is what Tashi Wangmo, a 34-year-old from Barkam, Sichuan, decidedto do at the age of 17.
“I saw that Barkam Nursing Home was recruiting(招聘) in 2008, and I thoughtthis was the best way to realize my dream,” Tashi Wangmo said. Tashi Wangnogrows up as an orphan(孤儿) supported by those around her so she has alwayswanted to give back to society.
Tashi Wangmo’s love for the elderly she cares for has grown day by day. “When I first started here, I was just ayoung girl while some of the old people were in their 50s or 60s. They had no children, and I had no parents, so wekept each other company(互相陪伴) and loved each other,”she said.
In 2023, Tashi Wangmo was chosen as an NPC deputy(全国人大代表). When realizing that the senior care industry(老年护理行业), especially in mountainous areas, has not received enough attention from society, she called on more young people to care for the elderly. “How we treat seniors now is how we are going to be treated when weare old,” she said. She noticed that the key to getting along with old people is that you need to treat them like kids.
She also said that being an NPC deputy was not as difficult as it might seem. “NPC deputies are a bridge betweenthe country and the people,” Tashi Wangmo said. “I want to bring hope back to the people from the mountains.”
56. When did Tashi Wangmo decide to take care of elderly people
57. Why does Tashi Wangmo hope to give back to society
58. What is the key to getting along with old people according to Tashi Wangmo
59. Is it quite hard for Tashi Wangmo to be an NPC deputy
60. How can you help the elderly in your daily life
61. 湘江之畔,我们的家乡大美湖南让人流连忘返。为了讲好湖南故事,深入了解丰富多彩的本土文化,你校上周五结合“湖南元素”开展了有关湖南文化的研学。假如你是李华,请根据下文的信息写一篇短文介绍你此次研学的经历。
1) 文中不得出现真实姓名和学校及班级名称;
2) 注意书写工整、语句通顺、句意连贯;
3) 词数80词左右。
My Unforgettable Experience
Hunan enjoys great popularity across the country nowadays.
21—23ACB 24—27BBCA
32—35 EADB
Ⅲ. 语言运用
36—40 BABCA 41—45 BACAB
46. a
47. wooden
48. but
49. was regarded
50. Its
51. eating
52. tourists
53. for
54. to experience
55. easily
Ⅳ. 读写综合
56. At the age of 17.
57.Because Tashi Wangnogrows up as an orphansupported by those around her.
58. You need to treat them like kids.
59. No (, it isn’t).
60. By showing them patience and understanding and spending more time with them.



上一篇:Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?单元测试题(含解析)
