
Do you find any new fun on your phone Here are some apps to help you in life.
Calm Can’t you stay calm because of stress Then Calm comes to help. Calm is an app that can help you relax and get better sleep. It is top mental (心理的) health experts’ favorite. According to the app’s developers, it aims to “make the world happier and healthier”. You can also check your progress and set reminders to make sure you take time for your mental health.
TickTick How do you deal with important tasks Making to-do lists can help you finish tasks on time. Wouldn’t it be great if your to-do lists could remind you when your tasks are due With TickTick, you can organize all of your tasks, set reminders and see when your tasks are due on your calendar. You can also set reminders to help you do things on time and share your tasks with friends.
Kindle Do you love reading but worry about the space all of your books take up It will be wonderful to have all of your books with you wherever you go. The Kindle app brings all of your favorite books straight to your phone or computer. There are over a million free e-books to download. It also reminds you to continue reading if you don’t read for a period of time.
Notability In the middle of taking notes as usual, then a picture comes out, How can you copy that down in your notes Don’t worry! Notability can help. Notability is a useful app that can help you take better notes. With it, it’s easy to add things like pictures, videos and even audio (音频) recordings to your notes. You can choose to write your notes by hand and make checklists. You can also share your notes with others! The function is very useful when you need to do group projects.
1.When is Calm useful to you
A. When you are ill. B. When you are tired.
C. When you are afraid. D. When you are worried.
2.Which of the following people will probably download the app TickTick
A. An old man who doesn’t get enough sleep.
B. A businessman who has to deal with lots of tasks.
C. A teenager who likes reading everywhere he goes.
D. A college student who takes notes including pictures and videos.
3.Which is not included in what Notability can do
A. Sharing notes. B. Making checklists.
C. Getting better grades. D. Adding pictures to notes.
4.What do the three apps Kindle, TickTick and Calm have in common
A. You can set reminders with them. B. They can help to reduce stress.
C. You can download them for free. D. They don’t take up much space on the phone.
5.Where is the text probably from
A. A guidebook. B. A health report.
C. An advertisement. D. A science magazine.
It was just another busy day until I met that boy in a bus. No. He was not a passenger like me. He was, what we call, a street child. An 8-10 years old kid with a worn T-shirt. These poorly-dressed kids were seen almost everywhere in Dhaka City, but what was special about that boy was his face. There was “something” in him that caught my attention. An angelic (天使般的) baby face with little care.
He got straight into the bus as it stopped at a traffic light. The bus helper shouted at him in the first place but the boy remained silent and started handing out a piece of paper to all the passengers. What was written in the paper was, in short, his father died a couple of years ago, his mother worked at houses, and he needed money to help his family, so buy chocolates from him.
Now this was nothing new to people who used bus every day and I was no different. I had my earphones on. When he came to me to get the paper back, I casually (随意地) gave him a note of Rs. 20. Thankfully, it brought some smile in his face. He was about to give me 10 chocolates in return of the money I gave him
“I don’t like chocolates, brother. No need of chocolates. You can have the money,” I said.
All of a sudden, the smile on his face disappeared.
“I’m not a beggar. Please take the chocolates or take your money back.”
His straight answer greatly surprised me. I had given money to many kids before, without taking their chocolates. I realized his angelic baby face was not the only thing special about him.
6.What does the underlined word “something” refer to in Paragraph 1
A. The boy’s politeness. B. The boy’s worn T-shirt.
C. The look on the boy’s face. D. The things the boy was holding.
7.What was the boy doing in the bus
A. Selling the tickets. B. Selling his chocolates.
C. Raising money for the poor. D. Begging passengers for money.
8.What did the writer mean by saying “I was no different”
A. He had his earphones on like other passengers.
B. He was really sorry for the boy and wanted to help.
C. He was really interested in what the boy was doing.
D. He was not surprised to see children begging for money.
9.How did the boy probably feel when the writer refused his chocolate
A. Hurt. B. Worried. C. Happy. D. Surprised.
10.What touched the writer in the end
A. The boy’s values. B. The boy’s hard life.
C. The boy’s kindness. D. The boy’s cleverness.
Post-traumatic stress disorder (创伤后应激障碍) (PTSD) is a disorder that develops in some people who have experienced a shocking, scary, or dangerous event.
It is natural to feel afraid during and after a very terrible situation. Fear causes many changes in the body, helping protect a person from danger. This response is a reaction (反应) meant to protect a person from harm. Nearly everyone experiences this kind of reaction after trauma (痛苦经历), yet most people get well. Those who continue to experience problems may develop PTSD. People who have PTSD may feel stressed or scared, even when they are not in danger.
Not everyone with PTSD has been through a dangerous event. Some experiences, like the sudden, unexpected death of a loved one, can also cause PTSD.
Symptoms (症状) usually appear early, within the first 3 months after the unpleasant event, but sometimes they appear years afterward. ’To be considered to have PTSD, one’s symptoms must last more than a month and be serious enough to influence relationships or work. The courses of the illness are different. Some people get well within 6 months, while others have symptoms that last much longer. For some people, the condition lasts for a long time.
People with PTSD always have re-experiencing symptoms. They have terrible memories, bad dreams, or scary thoughts, especially when they meet with events or objects that remind them of the trauma. People with PTSD also experience sleep disorders and the feelings of anger or low spirits.
Luckily, through research, effective medicine and treatments have been developed to help people with PTSD.
11.Which paragraphs explain the causes of PTSD
A. ①③④ B. ①②③ C. ②③④ D. ②③⑤
12.How long must one’s symptoms last before he is considered to have PTSD
A. For over a month. B. For about 6 months.
C. For at least 3 months. D. For more than a year.
13.Which of the following is NOT a re-experiencing symptom according to the text
A. Having bad dreams. B. Having scary thoughts.
C. Having terrible memories. D. Having the feelings of anger.
14.Which of the following can we learn according to the text
A. Humans still don’t know how to treat PTSD.
B. It’s hard for people with PTSD to work actively.
C. Most people get PTSD after a terrible thing happens to them.
D. Fear is no good to us when we are in a terrible situation.
15.What is the theme of the text
A. Medicine. B. Education. C. Nature. D. Technology.
16.Many people believe that only talented people can come up with new invention ideas. ①_______ If you follow these steps, you can have your own invention ideas.
First, you need to find fields that you know well. ②_______ By making the list, you will find the fields easily. What are you interested in What fields are you good at You can ask yourself these questions and write down the answers on your list.
Then, you should try to find the needs and problems. Your aim is to find what you need to do better in your fields. You can ask people around you about their problems and worries. ③_______ new invention ideas need to solve those problems.
④_______. Once you know the needs, you can start researching. There may be some tools in the market that can solve the problems. The only thing you can do is to find ways to improve these tools and make them better. ⑤_______ The market can tell you the exact information.
When you have finished all these steps, you will get some interesting ideas. Then it will be time for you to create your inventions.
A. You can make a list of them.
B. The next step is to research the market.
C. If there are no such tools, you can think about creating them.
D. In fact, it is possible for anyone to have good invention ideas.
E. If you are too shy, you can use the Internet to get some information.
17.阅读短文, 从方框中选择恰当的词并用其正确形式填空, 使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词, 每词限用一次。
need month become begin for raise final when big anyone
Chang Xiangyu was a famous artist of Henan Opera. She got the title of “people’s artist” in 2004for her great achievements.
She was born in a poor family in Zhengzhou in the autumn of 1923. Her father was a famous actor of Henan Opera. When she was nine years old, her father asked her to learn Henan Opera. As a ①_______, she worked hard and made rapid progress soon. In 1936, she ②_______ famous. She was only 13years old then. She continued to learn and took the strong points of other artists. ③_______, she developed beautiful singing loved by many people.
To support the army at the front, in 1951, she led his troupe (剧团) to work ④_______ half a year. They completed the task of ⑤_______ money for a plane. In March, 1953, she led some actors of her troupe to perform for the army abroad. For more than five ⑥_______, she traveled almost every day and performed in different places. ⑦_______ who watched her programs was full of praise.
As long as she was ⑧_______, even if she was seriously ill, she would work. At the end of 2003, she was 80 and ill in hospital. ⑨_______ she learned that there was a special performance, she pulled out the infusion tube (输液管) and stepped on the stage with the help of her family.
“Drama is ⑩_______ than heaven” was Chang Xiangyu’s motto. She regarded art as life. In her life, she showed great love for our country and people.
18.Along the River During the Qingming Festival is a big painting. A famous painter Zhang Zeduan ①_______ lived in the Song dynasty created it.
The painting is one of ②_______ most famous works among all Chinese paintings. It is more than 5 meters long and describes the city, Bianjing, and people in the city during the celebration of the Qingming Festival. It shows the lively life of people and beautiful natural scenery on ③_______ sides of the Bian River. The painting describes more than 800 people, over 60 horses and other animals, morel than 170 trees, 8 sedan chairs (轿子), 28 boats and all types ④_______ buildings, bridges and city walls. The painting shows the lifestyles of the people from rich to poor, and the architecture (建筑) and clothing of the Song dynasty. The painting not ⑤_______ describes the life of the old city of Kaifeng, it is also a model of other old cities in the Yellow River basin (流域).
I was travelling on a British ship from India to London in 1905. Among all the passengers, no one would fail to notice Padishah, an Indian businessman. From the moment he got on the ship, he 1 showing off the diamond on his turban. The big diamond successfully attracted attention, 2 that of the five ostriches on the deck.
One morning, as Padishah passed by the ostriches, one swallowed (吞下) his diamond suddenly. The bird ran around and mixed itself with the others 3 .
“Whose are these stupid ostriches I want my diamond back!” Padishah shouted 4 . People began to crowd on the deck. I was among the first to arrive. I didn’t feel half sorry for the man as he was asking everyone what to do for the diamond’s 5 .
Word swept across the ship about the accident, 6 a man named Potter. After lunch in the hall, Potter went to Padishah and claimed (宣称), “I’ve contacted the ostriches’ owner in London. He 7 my offer for all five and now I am the owner. I have the 8 to keep the birds and the diamond inside.” I thought Potter was rather smart and regretted deeply at a lost chance.
Padishah was so upset and blurted, “There’s no way you can get my diamond,” he continued as he got calmer. “I can offer you 100 pounds for the birds.” 9 , Potter simply refused and left.
After a while, Potter came back to the hall with a tricky smile, announcing that he wanted to sell four birds to separate people by auction (拍卖). The 10 price was 80 pounds for a bird. One of them, he would keep for himself.
11 the crowd realized what was happening, a diamond businessman got one bird for 100 pounds. The prices for the following birds rose higher and higher. After the fourth being sold, Padishah got half 12 , not knowing what to do. Potter seemed suddenly sorry and said, “I should have kept them all. But... Trust me! The last bird 13 be the one.”
I stared at the last bird for quite a while and asked Potter for a private 14 . After a long talk, I finally got the bird for 700 pounds. What a great deal it was!
The next morning, I was waiting in line to 15 the ship, picturing the amazing future life in mind. Then, I saw Padishah and Potter walk arm in arm on the shore, just like old friends. At that moment, I learnt a lesson worth a diamond.
19.A. kept B. enjoyed C. imagined D. stopped
20.A. beside B. through C. like D. including
21.A. at no time B. at all time C. in no time D. at one time
22.A. excitedly B. angrily C. sadly D. impatiently
23.A. arrival B. return C. show D. cost
24.A. catching B. satisfying C. touching D. reaching
25.A. considered B. praised C. accepted D. compared
26.A. decision B. choice C. right D. freedom
27.A. Instead B. However C. Therefore D. Anyway
28.A. starting B. competing C. exciting D. falling
29.A. When B. After C. Before D. Until
30.A. mad B. surprised C. embarrassed D. relaxed
31.A. can B. may C. should D. must
32.A. meeting B. conversation C. suggestion D. explanation
33.A. pay off B. get off C. keep off D. shake off
34.A: Hi, Tony! The winter vacation is over. We are back at school again! ①________
B: Wonderful! I went to Harbin during the vacation. The brilliant scenery and people’s warmth left a deep impression on me. Did you go anywhere
A: No. I just stayed at home, as busy as a bee.
B: ②________
A: I have been busy with a project on books. May I ask you something about books
B: Certainly. Feel free to ask.
A: Which book do you like best Why is it your favorite book
B: Jane Eyre. Jane Eyre is a strong, brave and independent woman. ③________.
A: That’s true. You’ve been really helpful. Thanks a lot.
B: My pleasure. By the way, I hear that there is a new bookstore near our school. ④________
A: Sure, I’d love to. What’s special about the new bookstore
B: ⑤________.
A: Wow, that’s amazing! I can’t wait to go to the bookstore.
35.转眼间, 初中生活已过去两年多, 回首过去的时光, 你还记得对你影响最大的某个人或某件事吗 请以“I will never forget”为题, 并根据以下要点和要求, 用英语写一篇短文。
1. 要点:
1) 你不能忘记的是哪个人或哪件事;
2) 这个人或这件事是如何对你产生影响的;
3) 这个人或这件事给你带来的感受。
2. 要求:
1) 文中不要出现所在学校的校名和师生姓名;
2) 词数100 左右。
I will never forget ________
解析:推理判断题。根据"Can't you stay calm because of stress Then Calm comes to help. Calm is an app that can help you relax and get better sleep. It is top mental (心理的) health experts’ favorite."可知,当你因为压力而不能保持冷静的时候,Calm可以来帮忙,故推出当你焦虑的时候Calm会对你有帮助。故选D
解析:推理判断题。根据"With TickTick, you can organize all of your tasks, set reminders and see when your tasks are due on your calendar. You can also set reminders to help you do things on time and share your tasks with friends."可知,使用TickTick,您可以组织 所有任务,设置提醒,并查看任务何时在日历上到期,您还可以设置提醒,帮助您按时完成任务,并与朋友共享任务,故推出一个需要处理很多任务的商人会更需要下载TickTick。故选B。
解析:细节理解题。根据“With it, it's easy to add things like pictures, videos and even audio(音频) recordings to your notes. You can choose to write your notes by hand and make checklists. You can also share your notes with others!”可知,Notability可以帮助分享笔记、制作清单和把图片添加到笔记中。故选C。
解析:细节理解题。根据"set reminders to make sure you take time for your mental health, set reminders to make sure you take time for your mental health. "及"It also reminds you to continue reading if you don’t read for a period of time."可知,Kindle, TickTick and Calm都可以设置提醒。故选A。
解析:推理判断题。根据“Do you find any new fun on your phone Here are some apps to help you in life.”及通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了手机上的几 款应用软件,故推出本文应出自科学杂志。故选D.
解析:主旨大意题。根据"Post-traumatic stress disorder (创伤后应激障碍)(PTSD) is a disorder that develops in some people who have experienced a shocking, scary, or dangerous event."可知创伤后应激障碍是一种发生在一些经历过令人震惊、恐怖或危 险事件的人身上的障碍,第一段讲述了创伤后应激 障碍的原因;根据“It is natural to feel afraid during and after a very terrible situation”以及“Some experiences, like the sudden, unexpected death of a loved one, can also cause PTSD.”可知第二和第三段也 介绍了创伤后应激障碍的原因。故选B。
解析:细节理解题。根据“To be considered to have PTSD, one's symptoms must last more than a month and be serious enough to influence relationships or work.”可知要被认为患有创伤后应激障碍,一个人的症状必须持续一个月以上。故选A。
解析:细节理解题。根据"They have terrible memories, bad dreams, or scary thoughts,"可知他们有可怕的记忆、噩梦或可怕的想法。故选D。
解析:细节理解题。根据"and be serious enough to influence relationships or work"可知患有创伤后应激障碍的人会影响工作,所以患有创伤后应激障碍 的人很难积极工作。故选B。
解析:主旨大意题。本文主要介绍了创伤后应激 障碍的相关信息,故本文的主题是医学。故选A。
①根据上文“Many people believe that only talented people can come up with new invention ideas.”及下文“If you follow these steps, you can have your own invention ideas.”可知,此处应表达任何人都有可能有好的发明主意,选项D“事实上,任何人都有可能有好的发明主意。”符合语境。故选D。
②根据下文“By making the list”可知,此处提到列清单,选项A“你可以把它们列一个清单。”符 合语境。故选A。
③根据上文“You can ask people around you about their problems and worries.”可知,此处提到你需要向周围的人询问他们的问题和担忧,选项“如果你太害羞,你可以通过互联网获取一些信息。”符合语境。故选E。
④根据下文“Once you know the needs, you can start researching.”可知,一旦你知道需求,你就能开始调查,选项B“下一步就是市场调研”符合语境。故选B。
⑤根据上文“The only thing you can do is to find ways to improve these tools and make them better.”可知,此处提到工具,选项C“如果没有这样的工具,你可以考虑创造它们”符合语境。故选C.
①句意:作为初学者,她努力学习很快就取得了很大的进步。根据"As a ..."及所给单词可知, 空处应表达初学者,begin“开始”,动词,空处用定 冠词a修饰,应用可数名词单数形式,beginner"初学者"。故填beginner。
②句意:1936年,她成名了。根据"she...famous"及所给单词可知,空处应填 become“变得”,时态为一般过去时,谓语动词用过去式。故填became.
③句意:最后,她练就了优美的歌声受到许多人的喜爱。根据"She continued to learn and took the strong points of other artists."可知,是最终她练就了优美的歌声,final“最后的”,形容词,空处为独立成分,修饰整个句子应用副词形式,句首字母大 写。故填Finally。
④句意:为了支援前线的军队,1951年,她 带领他的剧团工作了半年。空后half a year为一段时间,用介词for连接。故填for。
⑤句意:他们完成了为一架飞机筹集资金的任务。根据后面money可知,应表达筹集资金raise“筹集”,动词原形,介词of后面用动名词形式。 故填raising.
⑥句意:五个多月来,她几乎每天都在旅行,在不同的地方表演。根据"For more than five..."及所给单词可知,空处应表示五个多月, month“月”,可数名词,five修饰可数名词复数形 式。故填months。
⑦句意:任何看过她节目的人都赞不绝口。 根据“...who watched her programs was full of praise”及所给单词可知,此处为定语从句,先行词应为人,anyone“任何人”,句首字母大写。故填 Anyone.
⑧句意:只要需要她,即使她病得很重,她也会工作。根据"even if she was seriously ill, she would work"及所给单词可知,应表达只要需要她, need“需要”,主语she和need之间是被动关系,故用 过去分词。故填needed。
⑨句意:当得知有专场演出时,她拔出输液 管,在家人的帮助下登上舞台。根据“...she learned that there was a special performance, she pulled out the infusion tube (输液管)”可知,此句为时间状语从句,用when引导,句首字母大写。故填When。
⑩句意:“戏大于天”是常香玉的座右铭。 根据“Drama is...than heaven”及备选单词可知,此处表达戏大于天,big“大的”,空处应用比较级。故 填bigger.
18.答案:①who / that②the③both④of⑤only
①句意:生活在宋朝的著名画家张择端创作了这幅画。根据“Zhang Zeduan...lived in the Song dynasty created it”可知,本句为定语从句,先行词Zhang Zeduan指人,关系词在从句中作主语。故填 who/that。
②句意:这幅画是中国绘画中最著名的作品之一。one of the+形容词最高级+可数名词复数,表 示“最……之一”。故填the。
③句意:它展示了汴河两岸人们生动的生活和美丽的自然风光。根据常识可知,河流有两岸, both sides“两岸”。故填both。
④句意:这幅画描绘了800多人,60多匹马 和其它动物,170多棵树,8辆轿子,28艘船和各种 类型的建筑、桥梁和城墙。all types of“各种类型的”,固定搭配。故填of。
⑤句意:这幅画不仅描述了开封的古城生 活,也是黄河流域其它古城的模式。not only... but also...“不但……而且……”,固定搭配。故填only。
解析:句意:从他上船的那一刻起,他就不停地炫耀头巾上的钻石, kept一直;enjoyed享受;imagined想象; stopped停止。 根据“he...showing off the diamond on his turban”可知,应该是不停地炫耀。故选A
解析:句意:这颗大钻石成功地引起了人们的注 意,包括甲板上的五只鸵鸟的注意。 beside在旁边;through通过;like像; including包括。根据"as Padishah passed by the ostriches, one swallowed (吞下) his diamond suddenly"可知,是表达也引起了鸵鸟的注意。故选D
解析:句意:那只鸟跑来跑去,很快就和其他鸟 混在了一起, at no time在任何时候;at all time总是;in no time立刻;at one time一度。根据“The bird ran around and mixed itself with the others...”可知,是表达很快和它鸟混在了一起。故选C.
解析:句意:Padishah愤怒地喊道。 excitedly兴奋地; angrily生气地; sadly悲伤地; impatiently不耐烦地。根据"as Padishah passed by the ostriches, one swallowed (吞下)his diamond suddenly."可知,应该是愤怒地喊叫。故选B
解析:句意:我一点也不为这个男人感到难过 因为他在问每个人该为钻石的归还做些什么。 arrival到来; return归还;show展示;cost费用。根据“one swallowed (吞下) his diamond suddenly”可知,是问为归还钻石做些什么。故选B
解析:句意:关于这起事故的消息传遍了整艘船,传到了一个名叫Potter的人那里 catching抓; satisfying满意; touching触摸;reaching 到达。根据"Word swept across the ship about the accident,...a man named Potter."可知,是指此事传到了一个名叫Potter的人那里。故选D
解析:句意:他接受了我对这五只鸵鸟的报价现在我成了老板. considered考虑; praised表扬; accepted接受 compared比较。根据“now I am the owner”可知,是 接受了报价。故选C.
解析:句意:我有权保留这些鸟和里面的钻石 decision决定;choice选择;right权利;freedom自由。根据"now I am the owner"可知,是有权保留, 故选C
解析:句意:然而Potter只是拒绝了,离开了。 Instead相反; However然而;Therefore因此; Anyway无论如何。根据"Potter simply refused and left"可知,应用however表示转折。故选B.
解析:句意:一只鸟的起价是80英镑 starting开始; competing对抗的; exciting兴奋的; falling下落。根据“auction(拍卖)”可知,起拍价是80英镑。故选A
解析:句意:在人群意识到发生了什么之前一位钻石商人花了100英镑买了一只鸟。 When当……时;After在……之后;Before在……之前;Until直到。根据“...the crowd realized what was happening”可知,应是在人们意识到发生什么之前, 故选C
解析:句意:在第四个被卖掉后,Padishah半疯了,不知道该怎么办。 mad疯了; surprised惊讶的;embarrassed尴尬的; relaxed放松的。根据"not knowing what to do"可知Padishah是要疯了。故选A
解析:句意:最后一只鸟一定是那只(吞了钻石 的鸟) can能够;may也许;should应该;must一定。根据“But... Trust me!”可知,应表达一定是那一只。故选D
解析:句意:我盯着最后一只鸟看了很长一段时间然后请Potter私下谈谈。 meeting见面;conversation谈话;suggestion建议; explanation解释。根据"After a long talk"可知,是私下里谈谈。故选B
解析:句意:第二天早上,我在排队等着下 船,脑海中浮现出令人惊叹的未来生活。 pay off还清;get off离开;keep off不接近;shake of 摆脱。根据"I was waiting in line to...the ship"可知是要下船离开。故选B
①How was your winter vacation/holiday /What do you think of/about your winter vacation /How do you like/find your winter vacation
②What have you been busy with (these days/ lately/ recently)
③We should learn from her. /She sets a good example to us. (对简爱人物性格的合理看法都可以) ...
④Would you like to go there with me/ join me /Do you want to go there with me /Can you go there with me
⑤It has the most comfortable seats. /It has the latest books. /It serves coffee for free. (描写书店特色的句子都可以) ...
I will never forget my English teacher
Looking back to the past two years, we have experienced many unforgettable things. I will never forget the help my English teacher gave me.
I still remember when I began to learn English, I found it too difficult. No matter how hard I tried, I still couldn't do well in it. I lost my confidence and almost gave it up. As soon as my English teacher knew it, she had a long talk with me about how to learn English well. She always encouraged me whenever I made a little progress. With her help, I was interested in English and improved myself a lot.
Though I have to say goodbye to her very soon, I still think I am so lucky to be her student.



上一篇:2024年河南省濮阳市华龙区濮阳油田实验学校一模物理试题(图片版 无答案)

下一篇:江苏省泰州市泰兴市黄桥中学2023-2024九年级下学期第一次月考物理试题( 无答案)