考纲词汇spend-sunny 9AU5强化语法综合 阅读训练(含答案)-2024年上海中考九年级英语(牛津上海版)

☆spend~ stop
I. Complete the following sentences with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be used once and
notice there is one word or phrases more than you need.
spoon staff state steal steam stick stocking still stomachache
1. She sat perfectly while I took her photograph. ( )
2. was rising from the cup of coffee.
3. They were so poor that they had to food from their neighbors.
4. If you heat the noodles in the microwave, they will possibly together.
5. I ate too much and got a terrible .
6. She ate soup with a silver . ( )
7. The teaching of this university are very excellent. ( )
8. The vice president is in a of poor health.
plete the following sentences with the given words in their proper forms.
1. The old lady took a few towards the window. (step)
2. Sara tried to open the window but it was . (stick) ( )
3. The parient’s stopped after he took the medicine. (stomach)
4. We’d have been here earlier, but we made several along the way. (stop)
5. He closed his with a funny joke. (speak)
III. Sentence transformation.
1. We started early the next morning in order to catch the bus.
We early the next morning in order to catch the bus.
2. The police prevented them from leaving the country.
The police them leaving the country.
plete the following sentences with proper words. The first letter of each word has been given.
1. How would you like your s done, rare, medium or well done
2. Children usually leave a Christmas s in their house on Christmas Eve so that it can be filled with
3. That night, we camped out under the s and the moon.
4. She admitted s the money from her employers.
5. You can see many people dance in the town s . They look so happy that the passersby always stop to join
6. There were so many people on the bus that I had to s all the way home.
7. The naughty boy threw a s at the dog.
8. She couldn’t get the door to open. It kept s .
V. Complete the following sentences according to the Chinese given.
1. So when did you (开始收集邮票)?
2. My book got wet and all the pages (粘在了一起).
3. He’s (用了一辈子写) this book.
4. They’ll offer lessons in English (在29 家广播电台) across the country.
5. News of his invention quickly (在全国各地传播).
6. (停止喊叫)! You’re giving me a headache.
7. I hope the weather (会持续放晴).
8. Be careful (不要踩进泥里).
I. Complete the following sentences with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be used once and
notice there is one word or phrases more than you need.
subject store straight strike strange sudden suffered strict success
1. After dinner we went back to our hotel.
2. They a great deal during the war.
3. That’s -- I’m sure I put my glasses in my bag but they’re not there now.
4. She’s a vegetarian (素食者) and refuses to eat any meat or fish.
5. I should my thick sweaters and jackets away until next winter.
6. Our for discussion is “Helping the homeless” .
7. I’ve got a life insurance policy that will look after my family if disasters .
8. The rate for this operation is very low.
plete the following sentences with the given words in their proper forms.
1. Martha chose her favorite book of bedtime . (story)
2. She’s tried to pass her driving test for two years and she’s finally . (success)
3. I don’t know what to wear tonight. Do you have any (suggest)
4. I realized what I’d said might hurt her, but it was too late. (sudden)
5. We’re having the party in the garden, so I’m praying it’ll be . (sun)
6. The make is physically than the female. (strong)
7. Recent have suggested that exercise benefits both body and brain. (study)
8. It was one of the President’s most speeches. (success)
III. Sentence transformation.
1. The firemen managed to put out the forest fire in Southern Florida.
The firemen in out the forest fire in Southern Florida.
2. The data is kept on a hard disk and backed up on a CD.
The data on a hard disk and backed up on a CD. ( )
3. I suggested bringing the meeting to an end.
I suggested that we the meeting to an end.
4. The stories he told were so funny that we all laughed.
He told us stories that we all laughed. ( )
5. The old man was too weak to carry these heavy bags himself.
The old man was not to carry these heavy bags himself.
plete the following sentences with proper words. The first letter of each word has been given.
1. I think he s quite a lot when his wife left him.
2. How many spoonful of s do you put in your tea
3. He held the door back with his s arm.
4. My grandmother had a s influence on my early childhood.
5. I’d put on s a lot of weight that I couldn’t get into my trousers.
6. Her children were all away at a s camp.
7. There are many homeless people living on the s .
8. The figures s an improvement in health care.
V. Complete the following sentences according to the Chinese given.
1. Mr. Smith needs a small room (存放他的书籍).
2. We were glad to know that our school debate team (取得巨大成功) in the
3. (他真是很愚蠢) to make a decision like that.
4. My parents (对我很严格) when I was young.
5. A lot of trees were blown down (在最近的暴风雨中).
6. The church clock began (敲响十二下).
7. She (冬天承受很大痛苦)when it’s cold and her joints get stiff.
8. I suggest (去散步) after supper.
2. 9A U5 强化
I. Finish the passage.
Joyce wanted to have 1 ( 有 关 于 记 忆 的 专 题 ) in the school
newspaper. She and her 2 (编辑们) all agreed to write short articles 3 (有关于) this topic.
I read in a book that we have 4 (短期记忆) and a long-term memory. When people get old, their short-term memory becomes w 5 (weak), but they can still remember things
6 happened a long time ago.
My grandad told me a joke about memory. He said, ‘When you get old, three things start to 7 (出错). First, you start to lose you memory. And I can’t remember what the other two things
8 (记忆对生活来说至关重要). I saw a programme on television about a man 9 had had an accident and injured his brain. Afterwards, he could not remember anything
for longer than a few minutes.
His wife visited him in hospital every day, but he forgot her visits a few minutes after she left. He 10 (常常生她的气) because he thought that she never visited him. It was
very sad.
One basic way of improving your memory is 11 (使用联想法). If you want to 12 (memory) something, you should make a picture in your mind. If the picture is silly, strange and colorful, you will remember it b 13 . For example, I am trying to remember the word ‘smile’. An easy way to do this is to i 14 there is a ‘mile’ between the first letter and the last letter. This makes it the
longest word in the world!
In the Guinness Book of Records, we can find some 15 (amaze) stories about memory. For example, Gou Yanling from Harbin in China has memorized more than 15,000 telephone numbers. And Dave
Farrow from America remembered the correct o 16 of 2,704 playing cards, after seeing them just once.
Memory 17 (与我们的感觉相关联). For example, if someone says ‘This is a spider’, and then put a large spider on your hand, you will probably remember the word ‘spider’! When something 18 (drama) happens, we usually remember it well, and we also remember where we were and 19 ( 我们 正在做什 么). For example, most people in China can remember where they were when the 20 (开幕式) of the 29th Olympic Games was held
in Beijing in 2008.
III. Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the given words.
1. Some people have very good memories while I don’t. I have a very poor for English words and some names and places. That is, I can’t remember what I have learnt because it is difficult for me to many
things at a time. Does it mean that I am old (memory)
2. It is to learn how to use the computer in the modern world. (essentially)
3. The injured basketball player is out of the team because of . There were two in his leg. So
doctors said they would operate on his leg. (injure)
4. She told me some information about computers and she also said those two ways were very
similar. (basic)
5. I have pens in 12 different and some paper. What’s your favorite Now I will
show you my paintings. (color)
IV. 选择合适的词并用适当形式完成下列句子。
basic imagine death method lose memory connect
1. The English Channel France and Britain.
2. are very important when you study.
3. We were shocked when we were told his .
4. Let’s what it will be if we are on the Venus
5. ABC is the of English.
6. - What happened to the poor old man
- He when his brain was injured during World War.
V. Choose the best answer
1. You will be late you hurry up.
A. after B. when C. unless D. if
2. I usually sleep with the window open it’s very cold.
A. until B. unless C. as D. if
3. We won’t wait for you you come here on time.
A. if B. unless C. when D. till
4. It’s clear that fish cannot live water.
A. with B. without C. in D. under
5. He asked me .
A. if she will come B. how many books I want to have
C. they would help us do it D. what was wrong with me
I. 词汇练习
1. b most simple; main; standard
2. c join, link
3. d exciting; unusual
4. i make something better
5. m put into your memory; learn exactly
6. f be unable to remember things
7. d the time when one dies; the end of life
8. m way of doing something
9. i hurt
10. a at a later time
II. Words transformation
1. I studied English and at college, where I took some pictures. Sometimes we watch some
very plays and films. (drama) ( )
2. Prices have fallen because of the financial crisis. (drama) ( )
3. The Great Wall is one of the seven in the world. I if you have ever visited it. And I am when we can visit it again. During my visit to it, I had a time. I found that the Great Wall was
built very . It looks as if it was a wonderland. (wonder)
4. It is to learn how to use the computer in the modern world. (essentially)
5. This term I have made a progress and in order to get higher , I study even harder. I even
my saying on the corner of my desk to remind myself. ( )
plete the following sentences with if or unless.
1. You won’t pass the exam you study hard.
2. We can’t go to the park it rains tomorrow.
3. it is a sunny day tomorrow, he will not take his son to the zoo.
4. you come back after 11 o’clock, I won’t see you.
5. I won’t go to the cinema the ticket is bought.
6. you get up early, you will miss the school bus.
7. The milk will go bad you put it in the fridge.
I. Choose the best answer
1. When people want to relax themselves, they prefer TV or listen to music rather than
A. watching; read B. watching; to read C. to watch; read D. to watch; reading
2. The manager promised me a job in advertising.
A. offer B. to offer C. offering D. offered
3. It took us five hours there.
A. get B. to get C. to getting D. getting
4. My first wish is a policeman in the future.
A. be B. to be C. being D. been
5. – Do you mind here for a little while - Of course not.v
A. wait B. waiting C. to wait D. waited
6. She offered me to school.
A. drive B. driving C. to drive D. drove
7. It’s time for you lunch.
A. have B. having C. to have D. had
8. It’s possible the Internet at a café in big cities.
A. use B. uses C. to use D. using
9. What he said made his mother very excited.
A. feel B. feeling C. to feel D. felt
10. John wants to be a professional besketball player, so he practises basketball everyday.
A. play B. plays C. to play D. playing
11. Please tell Tom late for school again.
A. not be B. not being C. don’t be D. not to be
12. Martin Murray is a fifteen-year-old boy. He used a “problem child”, but luckily, his mother was very
patient, and didn’t give up him.
A. to be; try to help B. being; trying helping
C. to be; trying to help D. being; try helping
13. —Do you think our football team will win the match
—Yes, we have better players. So I them to win.
A. hope B. ask C. help D. expect
14. Was she made the classroom
A. cleans B. clean C. to clean D. to cleaning
15. What do you think is the best way the wild animals
A. protecting B. to protect C. protected D. protect
II. Rewrite the following sentences as required.
1. You won’t complete the work if you don’t hurry up. (保持句意基本不变)
You will fail the work if you don’t hurry up.
2. The doctor said to Mike, “Don’t smoke any longer.” (合并为一句)
The doctor told Mike any longer.
3. He has made up his mind to take part in the chemistry contest. (对划线部分提问)
has he made up his mind
4. Mum asks Tom to make the bed after he gets up. (改为被动语态)
Tom is asked the bed after he gets up.
5. I wonder when we shall hold our school sports meeting. (改为简单句)
I wonder when our school sports meeting.
6. The students were busy with their homework when the teacher came in. (保持句意基本不变)
The students were their homework when the teacher came in.
7. I often went to school on foot when I was in Grade Six. (保持句意基本不变)
I used to school on foot when I was in Grade Six.
8. The Lis are looking forward to seeing their friend, Bob, who has gone to Australia. (保持句意基本不变)
The Lis are expecting their friend, Bob, who has gone to Australia.
9. I saw that he was repairing his bike when I passed by. (保持句意基本不变)
I saw his bike when I passed by.
10. Eating enough vegetables is good for you. (保持句意基本不变)
It’s good for you enough vegetables.
11. Would you mind if I open the window (保持句意基本不变)
Would you mind the window
12. Mr. White is busy. He can’t help us today. (合并为一句)
Mr. White is busy help us today.
(A) Jack: Hello! Billy: Hi, Jack. This is Billy. I’m going to play basketball this afternoon. Would you like to come Jack: I’d like to, but I must pack for the graduation trip. Billy: A graduation trip But you will be flying to Australia next Wednesday to begin your postgraduate studies. Do you still have time to go on a trip tomorrow Jack: At first I hesitated, but since it would be the last time that all my classmates could go out together, I made up my mind to join them. Billy: That’s true. It’ll be very difficult to see each other after graduation. Where are you going Jack: We’re going to the countryside for three days. Billy: Wow! It sounds great! It’s the get-together with friends. Have fun! Jack: Thanks. I will.
Billy: How was your graduation trip Jack: It was so great. We all sighed and hugged each other when we said goodbye. Billy: Did you go there by train Jack: Yes, and we began to enjoy ourselves the moment we got on board. We had fun playing poker. We
burst into laughter from time to time. Billy: Yes, travelling with friends is much more interesting than doing it alone. When did you arrive in the countryside Jack: Around six o’clock in the evening. Billy: Did you starve Jack: Yes, we certainly did. We immediately went to a restaurant. During the dinner we chatted excitedly about the past four years of college life and our future. But when we realized that it was the last time we would be together, we became a little bit sad. Some girls even shed(流下) tears. Billy: Oh, you should have cheered up and just had fun! Jack: We brightened up during the campfire party that night. We played “Truth or Dare” . Billy: Interesting! Graduation trips are the best opportunities to learn our classmates’ secrets. Jack: Exactly. After the campfire party, we all slept like babies. The next day we climbed mountains, rode horses and rowed boats on the lake. Billy: This trip will certainly be one of your best lifetime memories. Jack: Yes, I think so.
( ) 1. Billy gave Jack a phone call to invite him to .(★)
A. begin their postgraduate studies B. go on a trip
C. play basketball D. fly to Australia together
( ) 2. Jack will fly to Australia .(★★)
A. in three days. B. tomorrow
C. next Wednesday D. this afternoon
( ) 3. Jack decided to join his classmates in the graduation trip because .(★)
A. he liked the countryside
B. it would be the last time for them to go out together
C. he didn’t want to play basketball with Billy
D. he was free
( ) 4. The underlined word “starve” is closest in meaning to “ ”. (★★)
A. have no money to use B. have nothing to eat
C. have no water to drink D. have no places to rest
( ) 5. From the passage we can know that .(★)
A. some girls cried because they didn’t like the food
B. Jack and his classmates shared five years of college life
C. they didn’t sleep well after the campfire party
D. they had a good time during the graduation trip
( ) 6. Which is the best title for this passage (★★)
A. Jack’s Graduation Trip B. “Truth or Dare”
C. Jack’s Postgraduate Studies D. Laughter and Tears
Parents with young ones need to be careful of the Internet activities of their children. Many parents have children just old enough to start using the Internet and they might not have considered 1 they’re going to
keep their kids safe online. Here are some tips for helping protect the kids online.
As a parent, if you are not familiar with the Internet, now it is the best time to improve your computer skills. A good understanding of 2 such as QQ, e-mail, chat rooms, and social network sites will be important for you
to make sure that your kids are safe online.
To protect your kids online, 3 a list of acceptable computer behavior. For example, in the beginning, the Internet can only be used by the kids when they are accompanied(陪伴) by parent. This would be useful for guiding
your children 4 their first-time experiences on the web.
You can keep the family computer in a central place. This can help your kids’ online behavior be watched. You don’t need to stand over them, but just knowing that you are there will make them less 5 to search the
web for bad information. This will help to protect your kids from bad things online.
It will be difficult to keep close watch on what your children are doing online 6 . So it’s suitable to set up on Internet control software(软件) program. The software should include secret passwords, website history and
some methods of taking screen pictures at regular times.
( ) 1. A. whether B. what C. how D. why
( ) 2. A. software B. hardware C. methods D. technologies
( ) 3. A. write B. create C. waste D. translate
( ) 4. A. except B. without C. besides D. through
( ) 5. A. likely B. able C. pleased D. lucky
( ) 6. A. at a time B. at all times C. at the same time D. at the time
The Japanese are well known to have some of the longest life
expectancies( 长寿) in the world. They also enjoy the l 1 obesity( 肥胖症) rate in the developed countries.
What's the secret Their healthy diet contributes a lot.
"Eating" with your eyes
An important f 2 of the Japanese diet is the visual appeal( 视觉 吸 引) of food. Food with attractive appearance is presented on pretty little dishes and plates. This way of dining enables you to "eat" with your eyes, by enjoying the beauty of the food. The result is that you slow down to savor(品尝) every bite, which means eating
less, because it gives your brain time to r 3 you're full.
Smaller portions (量)
In Japan, food is served on separate small plates, and in bowls instead of on one big plate. Diners take turns having a little taste of e 4 . Serving smaller portions maybe one of the best secrets for healthy eating and
weight loss.
Vegetable craze
Japanese p 5 fresh vegetables and fruits. Lots of fresh vegetables and fruits are eaten daily in the Japanese diet. Japan is kind of a "vegetable-crazed"(嗜蔬菜如命的) nation. When Japanese women were asked
which home-cooked meals they most loved to prepare for their families, "mixed vegetable simmered(炖) in soup"
came out on top. Green beans, onions, tomatoes, green, peppers, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, sweet potatoes all have a place in the Japanese diet. Vegetables are served simmered in soup, stir—fried (炒) in a small bit of canola
oil(菜油) or lightly steamed. All these m 6 keep a maximum amount of nutrients(营养成分).
Plenty of fish
Japanese eat a lot of fish. Japan account for (占…… 比例) only 2% of the world's population, but its people eat 10% of the world's fish. Fish, e 7 fatty fish, for example, salmon (三文鱼) and tuna (金枪鱼) are Japanese
favorites. Eating a lot of fish help them to reduce the risk of heart disease.
Children in the US are active about community service and regard it as a necessary part of their lives. Some
school make community service a requirement for graduation. Let’s look at what students abroad have been doing
for their communities.
Shi Siyao, 17, an 11th grader in the US
I chose to attend a programme for handicapped( 残 疾 的 ) kids in my neighbourhood. The kids I worked with most was a six-year-old boy named Ryan. been told that he was always the child who made the teachers crazy. However, my Ryan went surprisingly well. I did not take long for me to discover that he was
a smart little guy, with extraordinary ideas in mind. Sometimes he is naughty just
I had time with actually
he is eager to make friends.
Chen Tuo, 17, a 12th grader in the US
Winston Churchill once said, “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” I am willing to agree with him. I have been volunteering at the Boston Children’s Hospital every year since I was 13. At the beginning, I only wanted to go because I would get credit(学分) for something as simple as entertaining(哄) children at the hospital. After giving my time from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. for two months, my opinion changed
Zheng Chenyu, 17, an 11th grader in the US
Last Wednesday, I had my first painting job as a member of Habitat for Humanity, an organization that helps build and rebuild homes for people in need. I remembered that, back when my family was decorating our new house, I was so eager to help with the painting of the wall. Unfortunately, I was never allowed to touch the brushes. “You would just ruin the wall and your clothes!” my mum shouted. I felt overjoyed when the school bus carried ten
of us to the shelter. I would finally have a chance to paint the wall myself.
1. Is community service a requirement for graduation in all American schools
2. How old was the kid Shi Siyao worked with most in her neighbourhood
3. What did Shi Siyao think of the boy named Ryan
4. Why did Chen Tuo volunteer at the Boston Children’s Hospital at the beginning
5. What do members of Habitat for Humanity do
6. Among the above-mentioned three types of community service, which volunteering job would you like to do
☆spend~ stop
I. Complete the following sentences with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be used once and
notice there is one word or phrases more than you need.
spoon staff state steal steam stick stocking still stomachache
1. She sat perfectly while I took her photograph. ( )
2. was rising from the cup of coffee.
3. They were so poor that they had to food from their neighbors.
4. If you heat the noodles in the microwave, they will possibly together.
5. I ate too much and got a terrible .
6. She ate soup with a silver . ( )
7. The teaching of this university are very excellent. ( )
8. The vice president is in a of poor health.
plete the following sentences with the given words in their proper forms.
1. The old lady took a few towards the window. (step)
2. Sara tried to open the window but it was . (stick) ( )
3. The parient’s stopped after he took the medicine. (stomach)
4. We’d have been here earlier, but we made several along the way. (stop)
5. He closed his with a funny joke. (speak)
III. Sentence transformation.
1. We started early the next morning in order to catch the bus.
We early the next morning in order to catch the bus.
2. The police prevented them from leaving the country.
The police them leaving the country.
plete the following sentences with proper words. The first letter of each word has been given.
1. How would you like your s done, rare, medium or well done
2. Children usually leave a Christmas s in their house on Christmas Eve so that it can be filled with
3. That night, we camped out under the s and the moon.
4. She admitted s the money from her employers.
5. You can see many people dance in the town s . They look so happy that the passersby always stop to join
6. There were so many people on the bus that I had to s all the way home.
7. The naughty boy threw a s at the dog.
8. She couldn’t get the door to open. It kept s .
V. Complete the following sentences according to the Chinese given.
1. So when did you (开始收集邮票)?
2. My book got wet and all the pages (粘在了一起).
3. He’s (用了一辈子写) this book.
4. They’ll offer lessons in English (在29 家广播电台) across the country.
5. News of his invention quickly (在全国各地传播).
6. (停止喊叫)! You’re giving me a headache.
7. I hope the weather (会持续放晴).
8. Be careful (不要踩进泥里).
I. Complete the following sentences with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be used once and
notice there is one word or phrases more than you need.
subject store straight strike strange sudden suffered strict success
1. After dinner we went back to our hotel.
2. They a great deal during the war.
3. That’s -- I’m sure I put my glasses in my bag but they’re not there now.
4. She’s a vegetarian (素食者) and refuses to eat any meat or fish.
5. I should my thick sweaters and jackets away until next winter.
6. Our for discussion is “Helping the homeless” .
7. I’ve got a life insurance policy that will look after my family if disasters .
8. The rate for this operation is very low.
plete the following sentences with the given words in their proper forms.
1. Martha chose her favorite book of bedtime . (story)
2. She’s tried to pass her driving test for two years and she’s finally . (success)
3. I don’t know what to wear tonight. Do you have any (suggest)
4. I realized what I’d said might hurt her, but it was too late. (sudden)
5. We’re having the party in the garden, so I’m praying it’ll be . (sun)
6. The make is physically than the female. (strong)
7. Recent have suggested that exercise benefits both body and brain. (study)
8. It was one of the President’s most speeches. (success)
III. Sentence transformation.
1. The firemen managed to put out the forest fire in Southern Florida.
The firemen in out the forest fire in Southern Florida.
2. The data is kept on a hard disk and backed up on a CD.
The data on a hard disk and backed up on a CD. ( )
3. I suggested bringing the meeting to an end.
I suggested that we the meeting to an end.
4. The stories he told were so funny that we all laughed.
He told us stories that we all laughed. ( )
5. The old man was too weak to carry these heavy bags himself.
The old man was not to carry these heavy bags himself.
plete the following sentences with proper words. The first letter of each word has been given.
1. I think he s quite a lot when his wife left him.
2. How many spoonful of s do you put in your tea
3. He held the door back with his s arm.
4. My grandmother had a s influence on my early childhood.
5. I’d put on s a lot of weight that I couldn’t get into my trousers.
6. Her children were all away at a s camp.
)7. There are many homeless people living on the s .
8. The figures s an improvement in health care.
V. Complete the following sentences according to the Chinese given.
1. Mr. Smith needs a small room (存放他的书籍).
2. We were glad to know that our school debate team (取得巨大成功) in the
3. (他真是很愚蠢) to make a decision like that.
4. My parents (对我很严格) when I was young.
5. A lot of trees were blown down (在最近的暴风雨中).
6. The church clock began (敲响十二下).
7. She (冬天承受很大痛苦)when it’s cold and her joints get stiff.
8. I suggest (去散步) after supper.
2. 9A U5 强化
I. Finish the passage.
Joyce wanted to have 1 ( 有 关 于 记 忆 的 专 题 ) in the school
newspaper. She and her 2 (编辑们) all agreed to write short articles 3 (有关于) this topic.
I read in a book that we have 4 (短期记忆) and a long-term memory. When people get old, their short-term memory becomes w 5 (weak), but they can still remember things
6 happened a long time ago.
My grandad told me a joke about memory. He said, ‘When you get old, three things start to 7 (出错). First, you start to lose you memory. And I can’t remember what the other two things
8 (记忆对生活来说至关重要). I saw a programme on television about a man 9 had had an accident and injured his brain. Afterwards, he could not remember anything
for longer than a few minutes.
His wife visited him in hospital every day, but he forgot her visits a few minutes after she left. He 10 (常常生她的气) because he thought that she never visited him. It was
very sad.
One basic way of improving your memory is 11 (使用联想法). If you want to 12 (memory) something, you should make a picture in your mind. If the picture is silly, strange and colorful, you will remember it b 13 . For example, I am trying to remember the word ‘smile’. An easy way to do this is to i 14 there is a ‘mile’ between the first letter and the last letter. This makes it the
longest word in the world!
In the Guinness Book of Records, we can find some 15 (amaze) stories about memory. For example, Gou Yanling from Harbin in China has memorized more than 15,000 telephone numbers. And Dave
Farrow from America remembered the correct o 16 of 2,704 playing cards, after seeing them just once.
Memory 17 (与我们的感觉相关联). For example, if someone says ‘This is a spider’, and then put a large spider on your hand, you will probably remember the word ‘spider’! When something 18 (drama) happens, we usually remember it well, and we also remember where we were and 19 ( 我们 正在做什 么). For example, most people in China can remember where they were when the 20 (开幕式) of the 29th Olympic Games was held
in Beijing in 2008.
III. Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the given words.
1. Some people have very good memories while I don’t. I have a very poor for English words and some names and places. That is, I can’t remember what I have learnt because it is difficult for me to many
things at a time. Does it mean that I am old (memory)
2. It is to learn how to use the computer in the modern world. (essentially)
3. The injured basketball player is out of the team because of . There were two in his leg. So
doctors said they would operate on his leg. (injure)
4. She told me some information about computers and she also said those two ways were very
similar. (basic)
5. I have pens in 12 different and some paper. What’s your favorite Now I will
show you my paintings. (color)
IV. 选择合适的词并用适当形式完成下列句子。
basic imagine death method lose memory connect
1. The English Channel France and Britain.
2. are very important when you study.
3. We were shocked when we were told his .
4. Let’s what it will be if we are on the Venus
5. ABC is the of English.
6. - What happened to the poor old man
- He when his brain was injured during World War.
V. Choose the best answer
1. You will be late you hurry up.
A. after B. when C. unless D. if
2. I usually sleep with the window open it’s very cold.
A. until B. unless C. as D. if
3. We won’t wait for you you come here on time.
A. if B. unless C. when D. till
4. It’s clear that fish cannot live water.
A. with B. without C. in D. under
5. He asked me .
A. if she will come B. how many books I want to have
C. they would help us do it D. what was wrong with me
I. 词汇练习
1. b most simple; main; standard
2. c join, link
3. d exciting; unusual
4. i make something better
5. m put into your memory; learn exactly
6. f be unable to remember things
7. d the time when one dies; the end of life
8. m way of doing something
9. i hurt
10. a at a later time
II. Words transformation
1. I studied English and at college, where I took some pictures. Sometimes we watch some
very plays and films. (drama) ( )
2. Prices have fallen because of the financial crisis. (drama) ( )
3. The Great Wall is one of the seven in the world. I if you have ever visited it. And I am when we can visit it again. During my visit to it, I had a time. I found that the Great Wall was
built very . It looks as if it was a wonderland. (wonder)
4. It is to learn how to use the computer in the modern world. (essentially)
5. This term I have made a progress and in order to get higher , I study even harder. I even
my saying on the corner of my desk to remind myself. ( )
plete the following sentences with if or unless.
1. You won’t pass the exam you study hard.
2. We can’t go to the park it rains tomorrow.
3. it is a sunny day tomorrow, he will not take his son to the zoo.
4. you come back after 11 o’clock, I won’t see you.
5. I won’t go to the cinema the ticket is bought.
6. you get up early, you will miss the school bus.
7. The milk will go bad you put it in the fridge.
I. Choose the best answer
1. When people want to relax themselves, they prefer TV or listen to music rather than
A. watching; read B. watching; to read C. to watch; read D. to watch; reading
2. The manager promised me a job in advertising.
A. offer B. to offer C. offering D. offered
3. It took us five hours there.
A. get B. to get C. to getting D. getting
4. My first wish is a policeman in the future.
A. be B. to be C. being D. been
5. – Do you mind here for a little while - Of course not.v
A. wait B. waiting C. to wait D. waited
6. She offered me to school.
A. drive B. driving C. to drive D. drove
7. It’s time for you lunch.
A. have B. having C. to have D. had
8. It’s possible the Internet at a café in big cities.
A. use B. uses C. to use D. using
9. What he said made his mother very excited.
A. feel B. feeling C. to feel D. felt
10. John wants to be a professional besketball player, so he practises basketball everyday.
A. play B. plays C. to play D. playing
11. Please tell Tom late for school again.
A. not be B. not being C. don’t be D. not to be
12. Martin Murray is a fifteen-year-old boy. He used a “problem child”, but luckily, his mother was very
patient, and didn’t give up him.
A. to be; try to help B. being; trying helping
C. to be; trying to help D. being; try helping
13. —Do you think our football team will win the match
—Yes, we have better players. So I them to win.
A. hope B. ask C. help D. expect
14. Was she made the classroom
A. cleans B. clean C. to clean D. to cleaning
15. What do you think is the best way the wild animals
A. protecting B. to protect C. protected D. protect
II. Rewrite the following sentences as required.
1. You won’t complete the work if you don’t hurry up. (保持句意基本不变)
You will fail the work if you don’t hurry up.
2. The doctor said to Mike, “Don’t smoke any longer.” (合并为一句)
The doctor told Mike any longer.
3. He has made up his mind to take part in the chemistry contest. (对划线部分提问)
has he made up his mind
4. Mum asks Tom to make the bed after he gets up. (改为被动语态)
Tom is asked the bed after he gets up.
5. I wonder when we shall hold our school sports meeting. (改为简单句)
I wonder when our school sports meeting.
6. The students were busy with their homework when the teacher came in. (保持句意基本不变)
The students were their homework when the teacher came in.
7. I often went to school on foot when I was in Grade Six. (保持句意基本不变)
I used to school on foot when I was in Grade Six.
8. The Lis are looking forward to seeing their friend, Bob, who has gone to Australia. (保持句意基本不变)
The Lis are expecting their friend, Bob, who has gone to Australia.
9. I saw that he was repairing his bike when I passed by. (保持句意基本不变)
I saw his bike when I passed by.
10. Eating enough vegetables is good for you. (保持句意基本不变)
It’s good for you enough vegetables.
11. Would you mind if I open the window (保持句意基本不变)
Would you mind the window
12. Mr. White is busy. He can’t help us today. (合并为一句)
Mr. White is busy help us today.
(A) Jack: Hello! Billy: Hi, Jack. This is Billy. I’m going to play basketball this afternoon. Would you like to come Jack: I’d like to, but I must pack for the graduation trip. Billy: A graduation trip But you will be flying to Australia next Wednesday to begin your postgraduate studies. Do you still have time to go on a trip tomorrow Jack: At first I hesitated, but since it would be the last time that all my classmates could go out together, I made up my mind to join them. Billy: That’s true. It’ll be very difficult to see each other after graduation. Where are you going Jack: We’re going to the countryside for three days. Billy: Wow! It sounds great! It’s the get-together with friends. Have fun! Jack: Thanks. I will.
Billy: How was your graduation trip Jack: It was so great. We all sighed and hugged each other when we said goodbye. Billy: Did you go there by train Jack: Yes, and we began to enjoy ourselves the moment we got on board. We had fun playing poker. We burst into laughter from time to time. Billy: Yes, travelling with friends is much more interesting than doing it alone. When did you arrive in the countryside Jack: Around six o’clock in the evening. Billy: Did you starve Jack: Yes, we certainly did. We immediately went to a restaurant. During the dinner we chatted excitedly about the past four years of college life and our future. But when we realized that it was the last time we would be together, we became a little bit sad. Some girls even shed(流下) tears. Billy: Oh, you should have cheered up and just had fun! Jack: We brightened up during the campfire party that night. We played “Truth or Dare” . Billy: Interesting! Graduation trips are the best opportunities to learn our classmates’ secrets. Jack: Exactly. After the campfire party, we all slept like babies. The next day we climbed mountains, rode horses and rowed boats on the lake. Billy: This trip will certainly be one of your best lifetime memories. Jack: Yes, I think so.
( ) 1. Billy gave Jack a phone call to invite him to .(★)
A. begin their postgraduate studies B. go on a trip
C. play basketball D. fly to Australia together
( ) 2. Jack will fly to Australia .(★★)
A. in three days. B. tomorrow
C. next Wednesday D. this afternoon
( ) 3. Jack decided to join his classmates in the graduation trip because .(★)
A. he liked the countryside
B. it would be the last time for them to go out together
C. he didn’t want to play basketball with Billy
D. he was free
( ) 4. The underlined word “starve” is closest in meaning to “ ”. (★★)
A. have no money to use B. have nothing to eat
C. have no water to drink D. have no places to rest
( ) 5. From the passage we can know that .(★)
A. some girls cried because they didn’t like the food
B. Jack and his classmates shared five years of college life
C. they didn’t sleep well after the campfire party
D. they had a good time during the graduation trip
( ) 6. Which is the best title for this passage (★★)
A. Jack’s Graduation Trip B. “Truth or Dare”
C. Jack’s Postgraduate Studies D. Laughter and Tears
Parents with young ones need to be careful of the Internet activities of their children. Many parents have children just old enough to start using the Internet and they might not have considered 1 they’re going to
keep their kids safe online. Here are some tips for helping protect the kids online.
As a parent, if you are not familiar with the Internet, now it is the best time to improve your computer skills. A good understanding of 2 such as QQ, e-mail, chat rooms, and social network sites will be important for you
to make sure that your kids are safe online.
To protect your kids online, 3 a list of acceptable computer behavior. For example, in the beginning, the Internet can only be used by the kids when they are accompanied(陪伴) by parent. This would be useful for guiding
your children 4 their first-time experiences on the web.
You can keep the family computer in a central place. This can help your kids’ online behavior be watched. You don’t need to stand over them, but just knowing that you are there will make them less 5 to search the
web for bad information. This will help to protect your kids from bad things online.
It will be difficult to keep close watch on what your children are doing online 6 . So it’s suitable to set up on Internet control software(软件) program. The software should include secret passwords, website history and
some methods of taking screen pictures at regular times.
( ) 1. A. whether B. what C. how D. why
( ) 2. A. software B. hardware C. methods D. technologies
( ) 3. A. write B. create C. waste D. translate
( ) 4. A. except B. without C. besides D. through
( ) 5. A. likely B. able C. pleased D. lucky
( ) 6. A. at a time B. at all times C. at the same time D. at the time
)The Japanese are well known to have some of the longest life
expectancies( 长寿) in the world. They also enjoy the l 1 obesity( 肥胖症)
in the developed countries. What's the secret Their healthy diet contributes a lot.
"Eating" with your eyes
An important f 2 of the Japanese diet is the visual appeal( 视觉 吸 引) of food. Food with attractive appearance is presented on pretty little dishes and plates. This way of dining enables you to "eat" with your eyes, by enjoying the beauty of the food. The result is that you slow down to savor(品尝) every bite, which means eating
less, because it gives your brain time to r 3 you're full.
Smaller portions (量)
In Japan, food is served on separate small plates, and in bowls instead of on one big plate. Diners take turns having a little taste of e 4 . Serving smaller portions maybe one of the best secrets for healthy eating and
weight loss.
Vegetable craze
Japanese p 5 fresh vegetables and fruits. Lots of fresh vegetables and fruits are eaten daily in the Japanese diet. Japan is kind of a "vegetable-crazed"(嗜蔬菜如命的) nation. When Japanese women were asked
which home-cooked meals they most loved to prepare for their families, "mixed vegetable simmered(炖) in soup"
came out on top. Green beans, onions, tomatoes, green, peppers, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, sweet potatoes all have a place in the Japanese diet. Vegetables are served simmered in soup, stir—fried (炒) in a small bit of canola
oil(菜油) or lightly steamed. All these m 6 keep a maximum amount of nutrients(营养成分).
Plenty of fish
Japanese eat a lot of fish. Japan account for (占…… 比例) only 2% of the world's population, but its people eat 10% of the world's fish. Fish, e 7 fatty fish, for example, salmon (三文鱼) and tuna (金枪鱼) are Japanese
favorites. Eating a lot of fish help them to reduce the risk of heart disease.
Children in the US are active about community service and regard it as a necessary part of their lives. Some school make community service a requirement for graduation. Let’s look at what students abroad have been doing
for their communities.
Shi Siyao, 17, an 11th grader in the US
I chose to attend a programme for handicapped( 残疾的) kids in my neighbourhood. The kids I worked with most was a six-year-old boy named Ryan. I had been told that he was always the child who made the teachers crazy. However, my time with Ryan went surprisingly well. I did not take long for me to discover that he was actually a smart little guy, with extraordinary ideas in mind. Sometimes he is naughty just because he is eager to
make friends.
Chen Tuo, 17, a 12th grader in the US
Winston Churchill once said, “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” I am willing to agree with him. I have been volunteering at the Boston Children’s Hospital every year since I was 13. At the beginning, I only wanted to go because I would get credit(学分) for something as simple as entertaining(哄) children at the hospital. After giving my time from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. for two months, my opinion changed
Zheng Chenyu, 17, an 11th grader in the US
Last Wednesday, I had my first painting job as a member of Habitat for Humanity, an organization that helps build and rebuild homes for people in need. I remembered that, back when my family was decorating our new house, I was so eager to help with the painting of the wall. Unfortunately, I was never allowed to touch the brushes. “You would just ruin the wall and your clothes!” my mum shouted. I felt overjoyed when the school bus carried ten
of us to the shelter. I would finally have a chance to paint the wall myself.
1. Is community service a requirement for graduation in all American schools
2. How old was the kid Shi Siyao worked with most in her neighbourhood
3. What did Shi Siyao think of the boy named Ryan
4. Why did Chen Tuo volunteer at the Boston Children’s Hospital at the beginning
5. What do members of Habitat for Humanity do
6. Among the above-mentioned three types of community service, which volunteering job would you like to do




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