Unit 1 The lion and the mouse 达标检测卷(含答案 无听力音频 含听力原文)

( )1. A. strong B. ask C. story
( )2. A. sharp B. weak C. cheer
( )3. A. large B. quietly C. happily
( )4. A. hit B. ground C. bite
( )5. A. just then B. from then on C. bite
( )6. A. reach B. read C. run
( )7. A. ship B. lions C. sharp
( )8. A. work B. woke C. word
( )9. A. then B. them C. friend’s
( )10. A. mouse B. house C. mouth
( )1. A. Yes, it is. B. No, it wast t. C. No, it didn't.
( )2. A. I played football. B. I was at home. C. I make a cake.
( )3. A. No, you can’t. B. Sure. C. I help you.
( )4. A. No, I don’t. B. Yes, I was. C. Yes, I am.
( )5. A. Yes, there was. B. No, there wasn't. C. Yes, there were.
Last , Anna to a shopping centre with her . They a small boy on the floor. He sad because he find his mum. They the boy to an office in the shopping centre and him a sweet. The small boy happy. They happy too.
1. hit bite ( ) 2. strong lose ( )
3. throw show ( ) 4. then through ( )
5. pour floor ( ) 6. reach weather ( )
7. blouse out ( ) 8. young house ( )
finish friend ( ) 10.hurt girl ( )
五、从每组单词中找出画线部分读音与其余三个不同的选项。(5 分)
( )1. A. afternoon B. book C. food D. room
( )2. A. cheer B. dear C. bear D. hear
( )3. A. hit B. big C. bite D. fit
( )4. A. ground B. out C. group D. shout
( )5. A. then B. thought C. thank D. thin
( )6. A. strong B. front C. not D. lot
( )7. A. short B. doctor C. horse D. for
( )8. A. teacher B. peach C. heavy D. please
( )9. A. strong B. so C. photo D. home
( )10. A. mouth B. about C. mouse D. young
1.就在那时 2.大声地笑
3.第二天 4.走过,路过
5.又大又强壮 6. from then on
7. pour water into the hole 8. become friends
9. wake the lion up 10. in the forest
( )1. Last Sunday, I to the museum my friends.
A. go; with B. went; with C. go;and D. went; and
( )2. Su Hai is an email her friend.
A. write; for B. writing; for C. writing; to D. write; to
( )3. That boy is crying . Can you help
A. sad; him B. sadly; him C. sad; he D. sadly; he
( )4. Yesterday, my father caught a thief and him the police station.
A. take; for B. take; to C. took; to D. took; for
( )5. I gave the little boy a sweet, then he .
A. become happily B. become happy C. became happily D. became happy
( )6. Long long ago, there too water in that river.
A. is; much B. was; many C. were; many D. was; much
( )7. Don’t in the office. Be quiet, please.
A. shout quietly B. shout loudly C. shouting loudly D. shouting quietly
( )8.—Who is the lollipop —The girl over there.
A. for B. to C. of D./
( )9. The lion cried ,“ can I get out ”
A. sadly; What B. sad; How C. sadly; How D. sad; What
( )10. From then on, Sam and Bobby good friends.
A. become B. became C. is become D. are became
1. The boy is very (excite) about the (excite) film. He's dancing (excited).
2. Christmas is on the (twenty-five) of December.
3. The lion (let) the fox go. The fox is happy,
4. (Mike) umbrella is behind the door.
5. The mouse made thirteen (hole).
6. The bear is (bite) the meat.
7. There are some nice (potato) and (tomato) in the photos.
Please put (this) (photo) on the wall.
8. The students are talking (loud).
9. Our classroom was on the (two) floor last year.
10. Mr Brown poured the juice into glass (quick).
( )1. What did you do last Sunday A. Yes, I did.
( )2. Where did Mike go B. Because I wanted to ask him a question.
( )3. Did you watch a film yesterday C. I made new clothes for my doll.
( )4. Where were you last night D. I was in Nancy's house.
( )5. Why did you call him E. He went to the park.
( )6. How many signs can you see F. I can.
( )7. Can you see those sweets G. No, I can't.
( )8. Who can read the words H. Seven.
1. woke, the, walked, up, by, and, the, lion, mouse (.)
2. lion, did, the, how, men, the, catch ( )
3. water, from, the, on, fish, in, the, then, lived (,.)
4. is,a, there, on, the, hole, ground, deep (.)
5. bowl, pour, Miss Li, the, the, into, did, tea ( )
David was too and he the ball .
This hole is too . I can’t my ball.
3.看! 那个男孩跑得真快,女孩们都在兴奋地欢呼。
Look! That boy is. . The girls are cheering .
That little boy is sitting on the and he is crying .
One day, an ant 1 drinking at a river. Suddenly she slipped, and fell into the 2 .The ant was 3 . She shouted, “Help! Help!”An eagle 4 pity on her. He threw a leaf into the river. The ant climbed up the leaf. And she was saved.
A 5 days later, the ant saw a strong man aiming a gun at the eagle. She 6 the man.The man felt bad. He missed the shot, and the 7 life was saved.
The eagle 8 very grateful. He 9 good friends with the 10 .
( )1. A. is B. were C. was
( )2. A. water B. soup C. juice
( )3. A. loud B. sharp C. weak
( )4. A. take B. took C. takes
( )5. A. few B. little C. lot
( )6. A. bit B. bite C. bites
( )7. A. eagle B. eagle’s C. eagles’
( )8. A. feeling B. feel C. felt
( )9. A. went B. played C. made
( )10. A. eagle B. ant C. man
十三、阅读理解。 (5分)
Long long ago, a little mouse picked up a pumpkin. He wanted to take it home. But the pumpkin was too big. The mouse was not strong. He couldn't take it home.
Suddenly he saw a dog riding a bike. He watched the bike. The wheels were round. “I know! I have a good idea.”He jumped and shouted happily. He thought the pumpkin liked a wheel. He could roll it.
So he rolled the pumpkin to his home. His mother saw the big pumpkin. She was very surprised,“Oh, my God! How can you carry it home ”
The little mouse answered proudly, “I can’t lift it. But I can roll it.”
Her mother smiled and said, “What a clever boy!”
( )1. What did the little mouse want to take home
A. A wheel. B. A bike. C. A pumpkin.
( )2. How was the mouse
A. He was strong. B. He was weak. C. He was tall.
( )3. What shape was the pumpkin
A. It was round. B. It was sharp. C. It was heavy.
( )4. How was his mother
A. She was afraid. B. She was sad. C. She was surprised.
( )5. The little mouse was a boy.
A. bad B. clever C. foolish
一、1.Strong 2.weak 3.happily 4.ground 5.just then 6. reach 7. sharp 8. woke 9. then 10. mouth
二、1. Did the lion eat the mouse 2. What did you do yesterday
3. Can you come and help me 4. Are you good at table tennis
5. Were there any balls
三、Last Saturday, Anna went to a shopping centre with her parents. They saw a small boy on the floor. He looked sad because he couldn't find his mum. They took the boy to an office in the shopping centre and gave him a sweet. The small boy became happy. They were happy too.
一、1. A 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. A 10. C
二、1. C 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. C
三、Saturday went parents saw looked couldn't took gave became were
四、1. D 2. D 3. S 4. D 5. S 6. D 7. S 8. D 9. S 10. S
五、1. B 2. C 3. C 4. C 5. A 6. B 7. B 8. C 9. A 10. D
六、1. just then 2. laugh loudly 3. the next day
4. walk by 5. large and strong
6.从那时起 7.把水倒入洞里
8.成为朋友 9.吵醒狮子 10.在森林里
七、1. B 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. D 6. D 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. B
八、1. excited exciting excitedly 2. twenty-fifth 3. lets
4. Mike's 5. holes 6. biting
7. potatoes tomatoes these photos
8. loudly 9. second 10. quickly
九、1. C 2. E 3. A 4. D 5. B 6. H 7. G 8. F
十、1. The mouse walked by and woke the lion up.
2. How did the men catch the lion
3. From then on the fish lived in the water.
4. There is a deep hole on the ground.
5. Did Miss Li pour the tea into the bowl
十一、1. excited hit hard 2. deep reach
3. running fast excitedly 4. floor/ground, sadly
十二、1. C 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. A 7. B 8. C 9. C 10. B
十三、1. C 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. B



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