
广东省深圳市宝安中学 2021-2022 学年九年级上学期期中英
语试题 2
考试范围:xxx;考试时间:100 分钟;命题人:xxx
题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 总分
第 I 卷(选择题)
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Number sense is not the ability to count. It is the ability to recognize a change in number. Human beings are born with this ability. 1 , experiments show that many animals are,
too. For example, many birds have good number sense. If 2 nest has four eggs and
you remove one, the bird will notice. However, if you remove two, the bird generally leaves.
This means that the bird 3 the difference between two and three.
Another interesting experiment showed a bird’s 4 number sense. A man was
trying to take a photo of a crow (乌鸦) that had a nest in a tower, but the crow always left
when she saw him coming. The bird did not 5 until the man left the tower. The man
had an idea. He took another man with him to the tower. One man left and the other stayed,
but they weren’t successful in fooling the bird. The crow stayed away 6 the second man left, too. The experiment was 7 with three men and then with four men. It was not until five men went into the tower and only four left that they finally managed to take a
How good is a human’s number sense It’s not very good. For example, babies about fourteen months old 8 notice if something is taken away from a small group. But
when the number 9 three or four, the children are often very confused.
It seems that number sense is something we have in common with many animals in this
world, and that our human ability is not much 10 than a crow’s.
试卷第 1页,共 10页
1 .A .Surprisingly B .Importantly C .Disappointedly
2 .A .the B .a C .this
3 .A .went out B .turned out C .looked out
4 .A .forgetful B .friendly C .amazing
5 .A .escape B .return C .fly
6 .A .until B .after C .when
7 .A .noticed B .mentioned C .repeated
8 .A .never B .rarely C .properly
9 .A .runs up to B .is smaller than C .goes over
10 .A .better B .worse C .more
D .Fortunately
D .that
D .found out
D .silly
D .sing
D .while
D .produced
D .usually
D .is around
D .less
评卷人 得分
Issac Newton was a quiet boy. Having lost his father before he was born, he grew up
with his grandparents. At 17, soon after he finished schooling, young Newton would spend his time making small tools. His head teacher saw the genius in him and asked his mother to
send him to the university. Newton set out for Cambridge in June, 1661.
Newton was always trying to understand and explain a lot of things in nature. To test a
question about colors, he would stare at (凝视) the sun with one eye until all the colors
changed. As a result, he had to stay in the dark for several days before his eye returned to
normal. Newton was the first to show us that white light is made up of colors mixed together.
He was also the first person to undertand the rainbow and explain how it forms.
A story goes like this: One day, an apple fell on Newton’s head, and it was then that
Newton realized that the apple fell towards the Earth and didn’t go anywhere else. He thought to himself, he later knew all objects (物体) always fall towards the Earth’s center because the
Earth attracts them. He realized that every object in the universe attracts every other object
towards it. Then Newton discovered the law of universal gravitation.
Newton was an English physicist, mathematician and astronomer. Because of the
significant work Newton has done, he is widely considered as one of the greatest scientists of
all time.
试卷第 2页,共 10页
11.What can we learn about Newton from Paragraph 1
A .He invented many useful tools.
B .He never studied in a university.
C .He didn’t like doing farm work.
D .He lost his mother at a young age.
12 .Which words can best describe Newton when he was testing a question about colors
A .Careful and lucky.
B .Skillful and smart.
C .Relaxed and excited.
D .Hard-working and patient.
13 .What does Paragraph 3 mainly tell us
A .When an apple fell on Newton’s head.
B .How one object attracts another object.
C .Why Newton was famous among people.
D .How Newton made the important discovery.
14 .Which of the following is NOT mentioned in this passage
A .What Newton was.
B .When Newton was born.
C .When Newton set out for Cambridge.
D .With whom Newton spent his childhood.
15 .What can you learn from Newton’s experiences
A .Time waits for no man.
B .Practice makes perfect.
C .Roses given, fragrance in hand.
D .Where there’s a will, there’s a way.
All of us may have experienced embarrassing moments. It could have been the time
when you pronounced a simple word wrong in class, wore your T-shirt backwards, talked
about someone else without realizing that they were right behind you, or secretly tried to take
a picture of someone while the flash was on.
Though these embarrassing moments don’t harm us a lot, they come back from time to
time and make us feel upset. Even if these moments may have faded after some time, we
试卷第 3页,共 10页
would always remember the feeling of strong embarrassment. In fact, these feelings may last for years. When these kinds of feelings return, they are known as a “cringe attack (羞愧综合
症)” .
I personally get a quite uncomfortable feeling when I think back on a party my parents
took me to when I was younger. I ate a bowl of strawberries by myself. My parents shouted at me – in front of everyone — for being so selfish. From then on, every time I put a strawberry
into my mouth, my brain just throws that embarrassing scene back.
Why do these “cringe attacks” still pop up in our daily lives even though the actual
events happened weeks, months, or even years ago According to researchers, our brains give special attention to feelings that can be easily noticed. The stronger the feeling is, the stronger
the memory will be. If you have a highly embarrassing or highly emotional (情绪激动的)
moment, no matter what it is, your brain will try to catch it.
So how can we deal with this Well, we can start by trying to be more objective (客观的) about our past selves. Consider that you are not alone in your embarrassment—everyone fails or makes silly, embarrassing mistakes. Instead of just trying to forget what we did, we should
try to accept who we were at that moment and think about how we can change for the better.
16 .What does Paragraph 1 mainly tell us
A .It’s common to wear T-shirt backwards.
B .It’s easy to get into embarrassing situations.
C .It’s a shame to pronounce a simple word wrong.
D .It’s impolite to take a picture of someone secretly.
17 .The underlined word “faded” has the same meaning as “ ”.
A .disappeared B .continued C .returned D .increased
18 .Why does the writer talk about his own experience in Paragraph 3
A .To show his love for strawberries.
B .To give an example of cringe attacks.
C .To explain that he was not really selfish.
D .To show everyone has embarrassing moments.
19 .According to Paragraph 4, the more emotional we are, .
A .the more exciting life we will live
B .the shorter the event will stay in our memory
C .the better we will remember about the event
试卷第 4页,共 10页
D .the more embarrassed we will feel about the event
20 .What’s writer’s suggestion about dealing with embarrassing moments
A .Taking them seriously.
B .Just forgetting about them.
C .Trying to improve ourselves.
D .Comparing them with others ’.
To many people, art is a human expression of creativity. But in recent years, you may
have read news about AI creating its own art. Some people worry that AI might replace artists
However, this worry seems to be unnecessary, at least for now. Many artists today are
turning AI into a useful tool. Instead of replacing artists, AI is bringing artists more
A piece of music created by AI attracted people’s attention. AI was used to turn the novel
corona virus into a piece of music based on its protein structure (蛋白质结构): The project
was led by Markus Buehler, an American musician.
Except for creating imaginative works, AI can also do some easy work for artists again and again. For example, in the comic and animation industries, there are now AI tools that
can automatically (自动地) color in black-and-white line drawings.
“Although the results require a little clean-up, it could give artists time to experiment, by
cutting down the time it takes to color each drawing.” said a famous animator.
As Peter Ward wrote for The Culture Trip, art of every kind has always been influenced by technological (技术的) development. AI can become a useful tool to bring change to the
art world if people don’t fear it and try to welcome it.
What else can AI do
AI can learn different music styles by analyzing (分析) audio data. It uses this data to
create music ranging from pop to jazz and more.
AI can learn different styles of paintings. For example, it can learn paintings of
impressionism, and then-recreate paintings in the same style.
AI can be trained with past text to find trends and write or translate articles and poems. It
also can help collect data and facts for news writing.
21 .What’s the writer’s opinion about AI
试卷第 5页,共 10页

A .It is just useful for artists. B .People needn’t be afraid of it.
C .People can’t depend on it too much. D.It can be harmful to people in some way.
22 .What’s the main idea of the fourth paragraph
A .AI can make everything possible. B.AI can do everything better than humans.
C .AI can save time for artists to experiment. D .AI can only do the difficult work for
23 .Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage
A .AI can help people make music. B .AI can learn and recreate paintings.
C .AI can colour everything better than the real painters. D .AI can help collect
information for news writing.
24 .What can we learn from the passage
A .What AI can do for artists. B .How people can use AI correctly.
C .Why people can do better than AI. D .When AI first appeared in people’s life.
25 .We can read this article in .


) (

)A .a comic book
评卷人 得分
Tea is an important part of Chinese tradition. Tea has a very close relationship to Chinese culture. 26 . People say that he lived 5,000years ago. One summer day, while he was
visiting a faraway part of his country, he felt very thirsty. The servants began to make water
hot enough to turn into gas for him to drink. Dried leaves from a near plant fell into the water.
The king drank some, and found it could make him feel less tired. 27 . And so, tea
was created in 2737BC .The main types of Chinese tea are classified as green tea, white tea,
yellow and dark tea.
28 . It makes people feel less tired, clears heat inside the human body and
helps people lose weight. As you add a cup of tea to your daily life, please check the
following helpful advice.
Drink it hot. Tea oxidizes (氧化) quickly, so it is suggested that you drink it hot.
试卷第 6页,共 10页
Do not drink too much strong tea. It will probably be harmful to your stomach and make
you feel sick if you make the tea too strong.
The best time to drink tea is between meals. 29 . It may make you lose the wish
to eat when your stomach is empty, or cause stomachache when your stomach is full.
30 . It many change the medical result. You can drink tea two hours after
you take medicine.
Green tea is the best choice for office workers. Why Because green tea helps stop the
bad result of the computer.
A .Avoid taking tea with medicine.
B .Drinking tea has many advantages.
C .Do not take medicine with cold tea
D .Drinking tea soon after or before meals is not a wise choice.
E .It is said that Chinese tea was discovered by King Shen Nong.
F .As a scientist as well, Shen Nong was interested in the new drink.
第 II 卷(非选择题)
请点击修改第 II 卷的文字说明
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右边的材料 A-F 是六位同学的困惑,请根据左边各题中人物的需求,帮他们选择合适
31 Betty was invited to her friend’s birthday party next Saturday. She doesn’t know how to behave well at the party. 32 Nancy is a top student who can’t get on well with her classmates. She looks serious and it’s not often that she helps them with their study. 33 Wendy is much too worried A .Talk to someone who looks friendly. Sing and dance with several friends of yours. Then you won’t feel worried or shy.B .It’s necessary for students to do some housework. We can not only help our parents but also get some important life skills. C.Make sure you are on time. Wear
试卷第 7页,共 10页
about her grades. She can’t get to sleep before big exams, so she always gets too tired to do well in the exams. 34 Tim keeps a diary about his study, friends and feelings. He is angry with his parents because they read his diary without his permission. 35 Lily is a shy girl. She always gets nervous at parties. She is afraid of singing and dancing in front of others. something suitable and greet your friend cheerfully with a “Happy birthday!”, then hand over a gift. D .Always smile, and you’ll look more friendly. Sharing what you know with the classmates can make you closer to people around you. E. You should first study hard. And then do something relaxing like listening to music before going to bed. That can help you fall asleep easily. F. Have a nice talk with your parents and tell them how you feel, but don’t get angry with them. They read your diary because they care about you.
评卷人 得分
Strange things happen when you drive into Green Bank, West Virginia. Radio stations
become weaker. Your mobile phone 36 (become) useless. If you want to make
37 call, you can use the phone both at the edge of the town.
Going to Green Bank is like travelling back in time. There is no mobile phone service
and no Wi-Fi. Welcome to the Quiet Zone.
There is a reason for the silence in Green Bank. You’ll see it as you drive into the area.
It’s a radio telescope (射电望远镜) that towers 485 feet above the town. It 38
(build) in the 1950s. The government created the National Radio Quiet Zone to protect it.
The radio telescope is one of the 39 (large) moving things on Earth. Scientists
试卷第 8页,共 10页
use it 40 (search) for radio waves from stars and planets. One of its main jobs is to
listen for life somewhere in the universe.
Kids in Green Bank aren’t 41 (complete) cut off from the world. Home
computers are connected to the Internet, 42 the service is slow. A video can take
several 43 (minute) to load (加载).
For most people, that’s just fine. Green Bank is in the beautiful mountains of West
Virginia. Kids spend time 44 (care) for pets or farm animals. They play sports. And
they don’t worry 45 checking social media(社交媒体) 60 times a day. Does that
sound terrible or kind of nice to you
评卷人 得分
46 .近日,作为中国第一个飞向太空的女航天员,王亚平于 2021 年 10 月 16 日顺 利进入太空。你作为校园广播台的一名英语播报员,准备向全校介绍这名女航天员。请
简介 1980 年 1 月出生于山东,毕业于北京大学。
主要事迹 1. 从小就对天空感兴趣;在一年的学习后,1998 年首次驾驶飞机驶上蓝天; 2. 曾驾驶飞机去汶川救援,并与 2010 年成为航天员; 3. 2018 年与其他航天员被授予“ 时代楷模” 的称号。
评价 1. 有毅力,不怕困难。 2. … …(至少一点)
要求:1. 字迹工整,书写规范,包含全部要点,适当发挥;
2. 文中不得出现真实的学校、班级名称;
3. 80 词左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;
4. 请将书面表达内容写在答题卡上相应的位置。
提示:时代楷模 Model of The Times;有毅力的 perseverantOn 16 October 2021, a
female astronaut, Wang Yaping successfully entered space.
试卷第 9页,共 10页
试卷第 10页,共 10页
1 .A
2 .B
3 .D
4 .C
5 .B
6 .A
7 .C
8 .D
9 .C
10 .A
1 .句意:令人惊讶的是,实验表明许多动物也是如此。
Surprisingly 令人惊讶地;Importantly 重要地;Disappointedly 失望地;Fortunately 幸运地。 根据“experiments show that many animals are, too.”可知,令人惊讶的是,实验表明许多动物
也是如此,因此 Surprisingly 符合句意。故选 A。
2 .句意:如果一个鸟巢里有四个蛋,你移走一个,鸟儿就会注意到。
the 定冠词;a 一个,不定冠词;this 这个;that 那个。根据“nest”可知,此空需要一个不定
冠词表示泛指,因此 a 符合句意。故选 B。
3 .句意:这意味着鸟儿发现了 2 和 3 之间的区别。
went out 出去;turned out 结果是;looked out 小心;found out 发现。根据“if you remove two, the bird generally leaves”可知,鸟儿发现了 2 和 3 之间的区别,因此 found out 符合句意。故
选 D。
4 .句意:另一个有趣的实验显示了鸟类惊人的数字感。
forgetful 健忘的;friendly 友好的;amazing 惊人的;silly 愚蠢的。根据“A man was trying to take
a photo of a crow (乌鸦) that had a nest in a tower, but the crow always left when she saw him
因此 amazing 符合句意。故选 C。
答案第 1页,共 8页
5 .句意:直到那个人离开了塔,那只鸟才回来。
escape 逃跑;return 返回;fly 飞;sing 唱歌。根据“but the crow always left when she saw him coming.”可知,有人时,乌鸦就会离开,因此此句是说直到那个人离开了塔,那只鸟才回来,
所以 return 符合句意。故选 B。
6 .句意:乌鸦一直呆在一边,直到第二个人也离开。
until 直到;after 在 … … 之后;when 当 … … 时;while 当 … … 时。根据“One man left and the other stayed, but they weren’t successful in fooling the bird.”可知,乌鸦直到第二个人也离开才回来,
因此until 符合句意。故选 A。
7 .句意:实验在三个人和四个人身上重复进行。
noticed 注意到;mentioned 提到;repeated 重复;produced 生产。根据上文可知,在 2 个人 身上进行了试验,所以接着是在三个人和四个人身上重复此次试验,因此repeated 符合句意。
故选 C。
8 .句意:例如,如果有东西从一小群中拿走,大约 14 个月大的婴儿通常会注意到。
never 从不;rarely 罕见地;properly 正确地;usually 通常。根据“But”和“the children are often very confused.”可知,如果有东西从一小群中拿走,婴儿通常会注意到。因此usually 符合句
意。故选 D。
9 .句意:但当数字超过 3 或 4 时,孩子们通常会很困惑。
runs up to 达到;is smaller than 比 … … 小;goes over 超过;is around 在 … …周围。根据“the children are often very confused.”可知,当数字超过 3 或 4 时,孩子们就不会注意到,因此 goes
over 符合句意。故选 C。
10 .句意:我们人类的能力比乌鸦好不了多少。
better 更好;worse 更坏;more 更多;less 更少。根据最后一段“It’s not very good.”可知,人
类的数字感没有乌鸦好,因此 better 符合句意。故选 A。
12 .D
13 .D
14 .B
15 .D
答案第 2页,共 8页
11.细节理解题。根据“At 17, soon after he finished schooling, young Newton would spend his
time making small tools.”可知小牛顿发明了许多有用的工具。故选 A。
12.推理判断题。根据“To test a question about colors, he would stare at the sun with one eye until
all the colors changed. As a result, he had to stay in the dark for several days before his eye
returned to normal.”可知,为了测试一个关于颜色的问题,他会用一只眼睛盯着太阳,直到 所有的颜色都改变了。结果,他不得不在黑暗中呆了好几天,眼睛才恢复正常,可推知牛顿
非常有耐心,且非常勤奋刻苦。故选 D。
13 .主旨大意题。通读第三段可知,主要讲了牛顿是如何发现地心引力的。故选 D。
14 .细节理解题。根据“Having lost his father before he was born, he grew up with his
grandparents.”、“Newton was an English physicist, mathematician and astronomer.”和“Newton set out for Cambridge in June, 1661.”可知,牛顿跟祖父母一起长大,牛顿是英国物理学家、数学 家和天文学家,牛顿于 1661 年 6 月出发去剑桥,因此全文没有提到牛顿出生的时间。故选
15 .推理判断题。通读全文可知,牛顿在做研究时非常有耐心,非常勤奋,因此可推知牛顿
是一个意志力很强的科学家。故选 D。
16 .B
17 .A
18 .B
19 .C
20 .C
【导语】本文是一篇说明文。主要讲述了生活中常见的尴尬现象以及如何去应对这些情况。 16 .推理判断题。根据第一段内容可知,列举了生活中常见的尴尬现象, 旨在说明“我们很
容易陷入尴尬的境地” 。故选 B。
17 .词义猜测题。根据“Even if”可知,此句与后面的主句意思相反,主句意为“我们总是还 会记得” ,因此从句应是“ 即使这些时刻在一段时间后会消失” ,所以“faded”意为“消失” ,与
disappeared 同义。故选 A。
18.推理判断题。根据“When these kinds of feelings return, they are known as a ‘cringe attack ’.”
和下一段作者给出自己的经历可知,作者是为了给出一个关于这个症状的事例。故选 B。
19.细节理解题。根据“The stronger the feeling is, the stronger the memory will be.”可知,感觉
答案第 3页,共 8页
越强烈,记忆就越强烈。故选 C。
20 .细节理解题。根据“Instead of just trying to forget what we did, we should try to accept who we were at that moment and think about how we can change for the better.”可知,与其试着忘记
我们做过的事,我们还不如试着接受那一刻的自己,思考如何才能变得更好。故选 C。
21 .B
22 .C
23 .C
24 .A
25 .D
【分析】本文讲述了近年来人工智能开始创造自己的艺术,但人工智能并没有取代艺术家, 反而给艺术家带来了更多的可能性,人们认为人工智能可以成为一种给艺术世界带来变革的
21 .推理判断题。根据“However, this worry seems to be unnecessary, at least for now. Many
artists today are turning AI into a useful tool.”可知,人们的担心似乎是不必要的,至少目前如 此;如今,许多艺术家正在把人工智能变成一种有用的工具。所以作者认为人们不需要担心
人工智能,故选 B。
22 .主旨大意题。分析第四段内容可知,除了创作富有想象力的作品,人工智能还可以一次 又一次地为艺术家做一些简单的工作,所以本段叙述人工智能可以为艺术家节省实验时间,
故选 C。
23.细节理解题。根据“AI can learn different music styles by analyzing audio data.”,“AI can learn
different styles of paintings. For example, it can learn paintings of impressionism, and
then-recreate paintings in the same style.”和“It also can help collect data and facts for news
writing.”可知,文章没提到人工智能能比真正的油漆工给任何东西上色,故选 C。
24 .推理判断题。本文主要从几方面介绍人工智能能为艺术家做什么,故选 A。
报纸上看到这篇文章,故选 D。
26 .E
27 .F
28 .B
答案第 4页,共 8页
29 .D
30 .A
【分析】本文介绍了中国的茶文化,主要讲述了与茶有关系的传说以及一些饮茶的注意事项。 26 .根据后文“People say that he lived 5,000years ago”在介绍一个古时候的人,可知此处是提
及茶和一个古人的渊源,E 选项“据说中国的茶是由神农发现的”符合语境,故选 E。
27 .根据前文“Dried leaves from a near plant fell into the water. The king drank some, and found it could make him feel less tired”提及神农无意中喝到了茶,可知此处会说他的反应,F 选项“神
农还是一个科学家,他对这种新饮料很感兴趣”符合语境,故选 F。
28 .根据后文“It makes people feel less tired, clears heat inside the human body and helps people lose weight”在详细列举饮茶的好处,可知此处会说饮茶有好处,B 选项“饮茶有很多好处”
符合语境,故选 B。
29 .根据前文“The best time to drink tea is between meals”在说两餐之间喝茶最好,可知此处 会进一步阐述不要在快吃饭或饭后喝茶,D 选项“在餐前或餐后马上饮茶不是一个明智的选
择”符合语境,故选 D。
30 .根据后文“It many change the medical result”提及药效问题,可知此处在说饮茶和服药的
关系,A 选项“避免用茶水服药”符合语境,故选 A。
31 .C
32 .D
33 .E
34 .F
35 .A
31.根据“She doesn’t know how to behave well at the party”,可知她需要一些参加生日派对的 建议,C 选项“确保你们准时。穿上合适的衣服,愉快地迎接你的朋友,祝他生日快乐!然
后交出一份礼物。”与之对应。故选 C。
32 .根据“Nancy is a top student who can’t get on well with her classmates” ,可知她需要一些和 同学友好相处的建议,D 选项“总是微笑,你会看起来更友好。和同学们分享你所知道的可
以让你和周围的人更亲近。”与之对应。故选 D。
答案第 5页,共 8页
33 .根据“Wendy is much too worried about her grades. She can’t get to sleep before big exams”, 可知她需要缓解考前焦虑的建议,E 选项“你首先应该努力学习。然后在睡觉前做一些放松
的事情,比如听音乐。可以帮助你轻松入睡。”与之对应。故选 E。
34 .根据“He is angry with his parents because they read his diary without his permission” ,可知 他需要和父母相处方面的建议,F 选项“和父母好好谈谈,告诉他们你的感受,但不要生他
们的气。他们看你的日记是因为他们关心你。”与之对应。故选 F。
35 .根据“Lily is a shy girl. She always gets nervous at parties” ,可知她需要改变害羞、紧张的 建议,A 选项“和看起来友好的人交谈。和你的几个朋友一起唱歌跳舞。这样你就不会感到
担心或害羞。”与之对应。故选 A。
36 .becomes
37 .a
38 .was built
39 .largest
40 .to search
41 .completely
42 .but
43 .minutes
44 .caring
45 .about
36 .句意:你的手机变得没用了。根据前文“Radio stations become weaker”用的一般现在时, 可知此处也用一般现在时;become 意为“变得” ,是动词,主语 Your mobile phone 为三单,
动词也用三单,故填 becomes。
37 .句意:如果你想打电话,你可以使用小镇边缘的电话亭。make a call 意为“打电话” ,是
固定搭配,故填 a。
38 .句意:它建于 20 世纪 50 年代。build 意为“建造” ,是动词,主语 it 和 build 之间构成被
动关系,所以此处是被动语态。根据“in the 1950s” ,可知是过去时的被动语态,结构为
was/were+done 。build 的过去分词为 built ,主语为 it ,be 动词用 was ,故填 was built。
39 .句意:这个射电望远镜是地球上最大的移动物体之一。根据 one of the+形容词最高级+
答案第 6页,共 8页
名词复数意为“最 … … 之一” ,可知此处填形容词最高级。large 意为“大的” ,是形容词,其最
高级为 largest ,故填 largest。
40 .句意:科学家用它来搜寻星星和星球上的无线电波。此处表示目的,应该用动词不定式
作目的状语。search 意为“搜索” ,是动词,故填 to search。
41.句意:绿岸小镇的孩子并不是完全与世界隔绝。此处修饰动词短语 cut off,可知用副词。
complete 意为“完全的” ,是形容词,其副词为 completely ,故填 completely。
42 .句意:家里的电脑联了网,但是服务有点慢。根据前后两句的逻辑,可知此处表转折,
应该用转折连词 but 连接,故填 but。
43 .句意:一个视频要花好几分钟来加载。此处作宾语,其前被 several 修饰,可知填名词
复数;minute 意为“分钟” ,是名词,故填 minutes。
44 .句意:孩子们花时间照顾宠物或农场的动物。根据 spend+时间+(in) doing sth.意为“花费 时间做某事”,可知此处填动名词作宾语。care 意为“在意”,是动词,其动名词形式为 caring,
故填 caring。
45 .句意:他们也不用担心一天要查社交媒体 60 次。worry about 意为“担心 … …” ,是动词
短语,故填 about。
46 .参考范文:
On 16 October 2021, a female astronaut, Wang Yaping successfully entered space. As the first
female astronaut, Wang was born in January, 1980 in Shandong and graduated from Peking
University. The following are some important events in her life.
First of all, Wang has showed great interest in space since she was little. After a year’s
learning of flying, she flew into the blue sky in a plane in 1998 for the first time. What’s more, she
used to fly to Wenchuan to rescue people. After that, she was chosen to be an astronaut. So
excellent was she that she was awarded the Model of The Times with other astronauts.
As far as I’m concerned, she is terribly perseverant and not afraid of difficulties.
Therefore, as students, we should learn from her and make contributions to our country.
4 段落格式,第一段:介绍女航天员王亚平的个人信息;第二段:介绍女航天员王亚平的主
答案第 7页,共 8页
答案第 8页,共 8页1.
( 1 ) A
( 2 ) D
( 3 ) D
( 4 ) B
( 5 ) D
( 1 ) B
( 2 ) A
( 3 ) B
( 4 ) C
( 5 ) C
( 1 ) B
( 2 ) C
( 3 ) C
( 4 ) A
( 5 ) D
becomes ; a ; was built ; largest ; to search ; completely ; but ; minutes ; caring ; about
On 16 October 2021, a female astronaut, Wang Yaping, successfully entered space. As the first female astronaut, Wang was born in January, 1980 in Shandong and graduated from Peking
University. The following are some important events in her life.
First of all, Wang showed a great interest in space when she was little. After a year's learning of flying, she flew into the blue sky in a plane in 1998 for the first time. What's more, she used to fly to Wenchuan to rescue people. After that, she was chosen to be an astronaut. So excellent was she
that she was awarded the Model of the Times with other astronauts.
As far as I'm concerned, she is terribly perseverant and not afraid of difficulties. Therefore, as
students, we should learn from her and make contributions to our country.



