
中考复习外研版八年级(上)Module 12(教材词汇攻关)
1.His office is on the top of the tall building. You should take a ________ to the thirtieth floor.
A.lift B.bus C.car D.train
2.Father’s love seems like a mountain. He always hides love deep at the _______ of his heart.
A.front B.bottom C.habit D.top
3.—I think it is a good way to study English by watching English movies.
—I agree. I find it _______ in improving my listening.
A.harmful B.thankful C.helpful D.hopeful
4.The purpose of this _______ is to show students how to protect themselves during an earthquake.
A.meaning B.beginning C.training D.exercising
5.Our government has taken measures to solve the problem of _______ shortage recently.
A.wealth B.power C.price D.light
6.In my hometown, the temperature can below zero at night.
7.Many sick people don’t have money for treatment because of poverty (贫穷). Our government is trying to help them.
8.Last week, my father seriously me not to climb the mountain in such bad weather.
9.She realizes that talking about problems and trying to solve them is better than them as secrets.
10.Most of the earth’s surface is by ocean, so we call it Blue Planet.
11.There is a girl crying. Let’s go to see if she is in .
12.Things are changing so fast these days. We can’t exactly what life will be like in 100 years’ time.
13.There is something with my eyes. I can’t see the words on the blackboard clearly.
14.During bad lightning storms, we usually stay at home, close the and don’t use our phones.
15.No matter what happens, children should learn to stay and protect themselves.
16.I realized that I had left the key after I locked the door this morning.
It is very important for us to live and work safely, especially in schools. In China, 17 education is becoming more and more important now. Students had better learn to keep themselves safe. As middle school students, we 18 master (掌握) these necessary safe skills. Stampedes (踩踏) and fires are the main accidents. Maybe students usually meet these accidents. How can we protect 19 from the accidents
A stampede always 20 in crowded places, especially in stairs after class. When students 21 you begin to push, just stand there and try to hold on to something. Don’t be nervous. Please keep calm first 22 that you can have a clear mind to protect yourself. If you fall down, move to one side and protect your head 23 your two hands around it.
When there’s a fire, try to leave the building as quickly as possible. First, make 24 to bend to leave and don’t take the lift downstairs. Then it is better to cover your mouth and nose with something 25 . If you don’t do like this, the fire and smoke may be 26 to your body easily. Remember, the most important thing is to stay calm in a fire, too.
考查名词词义辨析。lift电梯;bus公共汽车;car汽车;train火车。根据“You should take a...to the thirtieth floor.”可知,应表达乘电梯去三十层。故选A。
考查名词辨析。front前方;bottom底部;habit习惯;top顶部。根据deep可知,是藏在心底。at the bottom of“在……底部”,固定短语。故选B。
考查形容词辨析。harmful有害的;thankful感激的;helpful有帮助的;hopeful有希望的。根据“it is a good way to study English by watching English movies”和“I agree.”可知,看英语电影有助于提高英语听力。故选C。
考查名词辨析。meaning意义;beginning开始;training训练;exercising锻炼。根据“to show students how to protect themselves during an earthquake”可知,此处是指训练的目的。故选C。
考查名词辨析。wealth财富;power电力供应;price价格;light灯光。根据“solve the problem of...shortage recently.”可知,解决的应该是电力短缺的问题。故选B。
【详解】句意:在我的家乡,夜间气温可以降到零度以下。根据“the temperature can...below zero at night”可知,夜间气温可以降到零度以下,drop“下降”,情态动词后用动词原形,故填drop。
【详解】句意:许多病人因为贫穷而没有钱治病。我们的政府正在努力帮助他们。根据“Many sick people don’t have money for ... treatment because of poverty”可知,此处是指病人因为贫穷而没有钱接受治疗,应用形容词medical“医学的,医疗的”作定语,修饰名词treatment。故填treatment。
【详解】句意:上周,我父亲严肃地警告我不要在这么坏的天气里爬山。根据“not to climb the mountain in such bad weather”可知,此处是指父亲严肃地警告“我”,考查warn sb. not to do sth.“警告某人不要做某事”,动词短语,其中warn“警告”,动词;根据“Last week”可知,句子时态为一般过去时,谓语动词应用过去式warned。故填warned。
【详解】句意:她意识到谈论问题并试图解决问题比把它们当作秘密要好。根据“talking about problems and trying to solve them …”及“… them as secrets”可知,该句是指面对问题时不同的处理方式,前者指“谈论问题并尝试解决问题”与后者“将其保密”作对比,“keep sth. as secret(s)”为固定搭配,意为“将……保密”。又结合“better than …”可知,介词than后应用动名词形式。故填keeping。
【详解】句意:地球的大部分表面被海洋覆盖,所以我们称它为蓝色星球。根据“Most of the earth’s surface is...by ocean”可知,地球的大部分表面被海洋覆盖。cover“覆盖”,和主语之间是被动关系,应用被动语态结构,动词用过去分词。故填covered。
【详解】句意:有一个女孩子在哭。我们去看看她是不是遇到麻烦了。根据“There is a girl crying.”可知此处用be in troubel表示“陷入麻烦中”,trouble为不可数名词。故填trouble。
【详解】句意:现在事情变化太快了。我们无法确切地想象100年后的生活会是什么样子。根据“Things are changing so fast these days.”可知,此处是指无法想象未来生活会是什么样的;imagine“想象”,动词,空前有“can’t”,此处用动词原形。故填imagine。
【详解】句意:我眼睛出问题了,我看不清黑板上的字了。此空为形容词修饰不定代词something,后置,There is something wrong...表示“出问题”。故填wrong。
【详解】句意:在严重的雷暴期间,我们通常待在家里,关上窗户,不使用手机。根据“During bad lightning storms”可知,严重的雷暴发生时,我们待在家,关好窗户以及不使用手机;window“窗户”,名词,符合语境;结合常识,窗户不止一扇,名词应用复数。故填windows。
【详解】句意:今天早上我锁门后才意识到我把钥匙忘在里面了。根据“...left the key...after I locked the door this morning”可知,应是锁门后意识到要是被锁到里面了,inside“在里面”,故填inside。
17.safety 18.should/must 19.ourselves 20.happens 21.around 22.so 23.with 24.sure 25.wet 26.harmful
17.句意:在中国,安全教育变得越来越重要。根据“Students had better learn to keep themselves safe.”可知,说的是安全教育,应用safety education,故填safety。
18.句意:作为中学生,我们应该/必须掌握这些必要的安全技能。根据“master (掌握) these necessary safe skills”可知,学生们应该/必须掌握这些必要的安全技能。should“应该”,must“必须”。故填should/must。
19.句意:我们如何保护自己免受事故的伤害?根据“How can we protect...from the accidents ”可知,指的是保住我们自己,应用反身代词ourselves。故填ourselves。
20.句意:踩踏事件经常发生在人多的地方,尤其是下课后的楼梯上。根据“A stampede always...in crowded places”可知,踩踏事件经常发生在人多的地方。happen“发生”,句子是一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数,动词用三单。故填happens。
21.句意:当你周围的学生开始推挤时,你就站在那里,试着抓住什么东西。根据“When students...you begin to push”可知,指的是周围的人,应用around。故填around。
22.句意:请先保持冷静,这样你才能有一个清晰的头脑来保护自己。分析句子可知,此处表示目的,应用so that引导目的状语从句,故填so。
23.句意:如果你摔倒了,向一边移动,用双手保护你的头。根据“protect your head...your two hands around it.”可知,用自己的双手保护头部,应用介词with。故填with。
24.句意:首先,一定要弯下腰离开,不要乘电梯下楼。此处是固定搭配make sure“确保”,故填sure。
25.句意:然后最好用湿的东西遮住你的嘴和鼻子。根据“cover your mouth and nose with something”可知,着火了会产生烟雾,所以用湿的东西遮住你的嘴和鼻子。wet“潮湿的”符合语境,故填wet。
26.句意:如果你不这样做,火和烟很容易对你的身体有害。根据“the fire and smoke may be .... to your body easily”可推出火和烟对人体是有害的,be harmful to“对……有害”。故填harmful。



上一篇:牛津版七年级下册拓展练习- Module 2 Unit 3 Our animal friendsReading(含解析)
