
英 语
1.全卷满分120分,答题时间为 120分钟。
第一部分(听力 共 30分)
Ⅰ.听选答案(共15 小题,计 20分)
第一节:听下面 10段对话,每段对话后有一个问题,读两遍。请根据每段对话的内容和后面的问题,从所给的三个选项中选出最恰当的一项。(共10小题,计10分)
1. A. Beef noodles. B. Chicken rice. C. Vegetable soup.
2. A. Mo Yan. B. Yu Hua. C. Wang Shuo.
3. A. By plane. B. By train. C. By car.
4. A. To take an umbrella. B. To add clothes. C. To wear a raincoat.
5. A. On May 9th. B. On May 19th. C. On June 19th.
6. A. Interesting. B. Boring. C. Educational.
7. A. To get into a good high school.
B. To read many good books.
C. To develop some hobbies.
8. A. Shenzhen Safari Park.
B. Beijing Art Museum.
C. Shanghai Disneyland Park.
9. A. He shops online. B. He buys on a farm. C. He buys in the supermarket.
10. A. Because he failed the exam.
B. Because he lost his book.
C. Because the room is too dirty.
第二节:听下面两段对话,每段对话后有几道小题,请根据对话的内容,从题目所给的三个选项中选出问题的正确答案。每段对话读两遍。(共5 小题,计10分)
听第11段对话,回答第 11、12 小题。
11. Who does the boy want to buy the shoes for
A. His father. B. His sister. C. His mother.
12. How much are the shoes
A.60 dollars. B.70 dollars. C.160 dollars.
听第12段对话,回答第 13 至 15 小题。
13. Which is the sign for Shanghai underground station
14. What is the common color of the subway signs in Shanghai and the UK
A. Green. B. Orange. C. Red.
15. Where is the man from
A. The UK. B. China. C. The US.
16、The Great Wall of China is one of the most amazing places of interest .
17. Most people visit the parts that are Beijing.
18. If you visit it, be sure to bring a !
19. Each year, over people come to China to see the Great Wall.
20. part of it is about 9 meters.
第二部分(笔试 共 90分)
Jake’s homework was to come up with an idea for the“Great Ideas Fair”at his school. 21 he couldn't think of a good idea, let alone a great one.
He lay in bed and started to think about a movie he saw in school. It was about Ben Franklin who lived 22 long time ago. Ben Franklin invented many important things and had many good ideas.
After thinking for a while, Jake was so tired that he fell asleep and began to dream. 23 his dream, Jake went down to his mailbox where he found a letter from Ben Franklin!Jake put the letter in his pocket. Then, he heard shouting. The shouting became louder and 24 still. It woke him up! The shouting was coming from his sister Susan.
“All my toys are boring! I want new 25 ! I want an airplane for my doll to fly.Please!”cried Susan.
“We can't buy new toys whenever you want 26 ,”said Mom. “Toys are expensive.Play with the ones you already have.”
“I wish Susan would be quiet,”Jake thought. “I still need to come up with an idea like Ben Franklin. He experimented with lightning, and even 27 a lending library.” He thought again about Ben Franklin's ideas. Suddenly, he knew 28 .
“I’ll start a library, just like Ben Franklin,”said Jake, “Only it will be a toy library.Kids can bring in their toys and trade them for different toys! It won't cost 29 and it will be like having a new toy all the time.”
His mother said,“Jake, 30 ! You should enter the idea in the Great Ideas Fair. It's sure to make everyone happy!”
That was exactly what Jake did.
21. A. So B, Or C. And D. But
22,A. a B. an C, the D./
23, A. In B. On C. For D. To
24. A. loud B. loudly C. louder D. loudest
25. A. one B. ones C. that D. those
26. A. they B. them C. their D. theirs
27. A. starts B. will start C. was starting D. started
28. A. how he should do B. how should he do C. what he should do D. what should he do
29. A. something B. nothing C. anything D. everything
30. A. how great the ideas B. how a great idea C. what great ideas D. what a great idea
Some people love cats and some prefer dogs. Each pet has their advantages but both are good pets for their own reasons.
I wanted a 31 but my parents always said to me“Too much work, Kai.”Still, I kept asking. On my ninth birthday, I thought my dream could 32 come true. My dad came home and 33 a small cat from a big box. I tried to hide my sadness and named him Toby.He slept on my bed with me every night. He was fun, too. On my next 34 , I didn't even ask for a dog.
A few days later, my friend Miguel had a bad accident. One of his 35 was badly hurt so that he couldn't walk. In the hospital, he said 36 he hated being in bed all the time.After that, when my dad and I talked to the nurse who took care of Miguel. She said,“Still,we love having animal visitors. They can help 37 people get well faster. Just keeping an animal can make people feel less worried or less 38 .”
We all agreed that Toby would be a good visitor. The next day, Dad and I took Toby to 39 Miguel. Before I could even say“Hi”to Miguel, Toby had jumped onto his bed and his shoulder. Other kids got together.
“He's pretty cool, I love it very much,”Miguel said happily. “You see, sometimes 40 is the best medicine,”the nurse said.
31. A. fish B. cat C. duck D. dog
32. A. finally B. carefully C. slowly D. firstly
33. A. took away B. took out C. took up D. took in
34. A. party B. birthday C. weekday D. weekend
35. A. ears B. teeth C. legs D. arms
36. A. sadly B. happily C. luckily D. hardly
37. A. active B. comfortable C. strong D. sick
38. A. important B. friendly C. honest D. lonely
39. A. watch B. visit C. hear D. read
40. A. habit B. sleep C. love D. study
Ⅳ.阅读理解(共15 小题,计 20分)
第一节:阅读下面A、B、C三篇材料,从所给的四个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的一个最佳答案。(共10 小题,计15分)
People from every corner of the world travel to meet the typical lovely animal of Australia every year. In today's story, a young kangaroo(袋鼠) is so lucky to be alive, thanks to two teenagers.
Nick and Jack were driving in the bush outside Sydney on Sunday when they came across a kangaroo that is stuck in the mud(泥). The boys saw the head of the animal out of the mud at Agnes Banks near the Nepean River in southwest Sydney.
The animal was clearly in danger but the boys couldn't save it, or even reach it, so they rushed home to get a rope. When they returned, Jack tied the rope around his waist(腰) and walked into the thick mud to get hold of the kangaroo while his friend then pulled them about 30 meters to safety.
“The kangaroo’s life means a lot to us, so we pulled out all the stops to save it,”Nick said. “And we are proud of what we did. If we see something like that again, we will do it all over.”
The animal was not in good health after being saved. It was then sent to Wildlife Rescue Organization. It's believed that it was very hot and the kangaroo was likely to seek for water in the dry conditions when it got stuck in the mud.
As for the helpers in the story, Nick and Jack are glad to have been in the right place at the right time to help save the animal— and in fact, they don't even care about the attention it's brought.
41. What happened to the kangaroo when Nick and Jack found it
A. It got lost in the bush. B. It was stuck in the mud.
C. It was wounded by the hunter. D. It had nothing to eat.
42. From the story, we can see the two teenagers are .
A. shy and quiet B. serious and clever
C. hard-working and humorous D. warm-hearted and helpful
43. The underlined phrase“seek for”means in the passage.
A. search for B. care for C. wait for D. pay for
In 2023, a video of an elder tour guide offering tour explanations in Xi’an went on the top search of Weibo. Yang Jian, a 70-year-old senior tour guide, attracted a large number of tourists for his excellent presentation. His humorous expression and lively body language made the tourists laugh happily. Here is an interview between the reporter and him.
Reporter: Why are you so passionate(热情的) about being a tour guide
Yang Jian:I loved telling stories even when I was a child. Whenever I read an interesting story, I would retell it to my friends. Either a child or a worker, I often volunteered to offer tour guide to my relatives, classmates, and even friends coming out of town.
But slowly, I found my knowledge is not enough, and I must learn systematic professional knowledge and skills to continue what I do. So I used my spare time to study and took the national examination. In 2012, I became a senior tour guide, and there were only around 1,000 senior tour guides in the country.
In 2013, I retired at the age of 60 and became a full-time tour guide. Although tired, l enjoyed it for its positivity and advantages to the public.
Reporter: What do you think is the main meaning of your work
Yang Jian: As a local in Xi'an, I have deep love for this ancient city. Through my tour guide, I hope that more people can understand Xi’an and enjoy its beauty.
Even in his seventies, Yang Jian gives 8 tour presentations every week. Besides, he keeps studying 2-3 hours every day. In the short future, he has another goal—to be a Special Tour Guide within two to three years. “It's never too late to learn. We should always keep a young heart, to learn and to fight in our lives.”
44. How many questions are asked by the reporter
A. One. B. Two. C. Three, D. Four.
45. What does the underlined word“it”refer to
A. The town. B. Xi’an.
C. The interesting story. D. The knowledge.
46. Which one below is the fact about Yang Jian
A. He has been a full-time tour guide for over ten years.
B. He became a full-time senior tour guide in 2012.
C. He is more than seventy-five years old at present.
D. He wants to be a Special Tour Guide after many years.
47. What can we learn from Yang Jian
A. Being a tour guide is a very good job.
B. We are supposed to keep studying 2-3 hours every day.
C. There are 10,000 senior tour guides across the country.
D. We should keep active and keep learning in the lifelong journey.
Chinese calligraphy is an artistic practice of writing Chinese characters,often with a brush and ink on xuan paper. The development of Chinese calligraphy began along with the earliest Chinese characters discovered on oracle bones (甲骨文) from the Shang Dynasty in Anyang, Henan Province. Over time, calligraphy gradually took shape as a form of art rather than a way of record. The five major styles of script (字体) 一running script, cursive script, official script, seal script and regular script, were born from such calligraphy.
Calligraphy is a demanding and advanced(高雅的) art. The type of brush, ink and paper can all change the works. From brush inclination(倾斜度) and direction to speed of writing,every turn of the wrist(手腕) is also important. Besides, it is said that the feelings and thoughts of the writer are directly showed on calligraphy.
The great calligraphy work——Lanting Xu (The Orchid Pavilion Preface), created by Wang Xizhi during the Eastern Jin Dynasty, is one of the most celebrated works of Chinese calligraphy. It presented its both historical and cultural meanings in Chinese literature.Calligraphy is also within reach. Like the spring festival couplets that were put on the door of every family, calligraphy has always been the priceless and special art for the Chinese.
Where there is Chinese language, there is Chinese calligraphy, and where there is calligraphy, there is beauty. The artistry is still highly valued today, for it is more than just writing, it is a living cultural heritage*.
*Heritage is that the history, traditions and qualities that a country or society has had for many years and that are considered an important part of its character.
48. This passage is about .
A. Chinese traditional culture B. Chinese historical people
C. the earliest Chinese character D. the most famous cultural heritage
49. The writer took the example of to support his idea.
A. Boyuan Tie written by Wang Xun
B, Zhongqiu Tie created by Wang Xianzhi
C. Gushi Si Tie written by Wang Xu
D, Lanting Xu created by Wang Xizhi
50. What does the writer want to express by the underlined sentence
A. Chinese language is important.
B. Chinese calligraphy is worldwide,
C. Chinese calligraphy is a kind of art,
D. Chinese language is a kind of calligraphy.
第二节:根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(共5 小题,计5分)
Red forests are smart, just like humans. 51 . Especially in the south, where there are many typhoons(台风), they guard the local villages and protect the villagers during the typhoon seasons every year.
52 . That's because their bar k is rich in tannic acid(单宁酸). If the surface of the tree is cut, the tannic acid oxidized(氧化) by the air turns red. Mangrove grow in coastal areas, and their structural features have developed over a long period to suit to the environment. They can stand seawater and strong winds and waves.
Mangrove plants have also developed lots of air roots to deal with the lack of oxygen(氧气不足) in soils. 53 , including nationally protected kinds, such as black-faced spoonbills, horseshoe crabs, red-flowered black mangrove and more.
Mangrove seeds produce new leaves from the fruit. 54 . It is like animals giving birth to babies. So mangroves are also known by the local people as“trees that give bírth to children”. As both protectors and mothers, mangroves are both“manly”and warm.
China is one of the few countries where the mangrove areas have increased. 55 : they include Dongzhai Port in Hainan, Zhanjiang Mangrove Nature Reserve in Guangdong and the Zhangjiangkou National Mangrove Nature Reserve in Fujian.
A. Lots of birds and sea creatures live in mangroves
B. We should know about how to deal with typhoons
C. Shorter ones stand at the front and the taller at the back
D. When they fall into the soil, they can grow into trees
E. The country has set up a number of protected areas with mangroves
F. There are so many mangrove areas all over the world
G. Mangroves are green, but they are called“red forest”
The garden is the most beautiful .
can sell their farm products online.
In China, the loong is power and luck.
It is important to slow down, rest, and .
The topic of the UK“ ”project is“4H : Hope, Home, Harmony,Health”.
VL短文填空:用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整正确。(每个单词限用一次,每空限填一个单词。)(共10小题,计 10分)
prize have violinist nervous careful where she one interest arrive
Zheng Xiaohui is a Chinese student in Milan, Italy. She 61 performed many erhu performances on the street, spreading traditional Chinese culture to the world.
Zheng comes from Shandong Province and 62 in Italy in 2021. She is now studying for a master's degree. She has been playing erhu since she was 9, winning 63 in national music competitions. Since April 2023, Zheng has been performing on the street during 64 free time, and she does three or four shows a month.
She 65 prepares for every erhu performance, dressing in Chinese hanfu. Her performances have not only traditional Chinese folk music such as“Horse Racing”, but also recomposed(重组的;改编的) parts from popular music and famous Italian music. So many people are 66 in her beautiful music on the street. They would stop to listen and enjoy,showing great interest in the erhu she plays. Some of them said that it was their 67 time seeing such a wonderful musical instrument.
Zheng did not plan to perform on the street at first, but her mind changed after watching a video of a 68 street performance. Recalling her first street performance, she was 69 at the time, but the excitement and interest from the people quickly cheered her up.
Talking about the future, Zheng looks forward to it, and said that whatever she does and 70 she lives, she will bring her erhu with her. She hopes to organize her own special concert to enable more people to learn about Chinese folk music.
Ⅶ.任务型阅读:阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,完成下列各题。(共5 小题,计10分)
If you travel back to 1930s Shanghai, you will find most Chinese women wearing a similar kind of dress — qipao(also known as Cheongsam). It's the traditional clothing of Chinese women in China and around the world. It was formed in the 1920s.
Qipao is a long, figure-fitting(修身的) dress that was from gowns* worn by the Manchu women in the Qing Dynasty. The early kind was a wide gown with long sleeves(袖子).
Then, over 100 years ago, the modern kind of qipao was invented. It is mainly made of silk. The cut of qipao is improved so that the dress becomes more close-fitting. The two sides show the beauty of Chinese women. And also, modern qipao keeps something traditional to show the beauty of Chinese culture.
Nowadays, qipao is worn by Chinese women on formal occasions(正式场合), as well as in daily activities. In different seasons, qipao can go well with different clothing like coats and sweaters. The bride——a woman who is getting married often greets the guests wearing a red qipao which is a symbol of happiness and good luck.
Mixing the clothing styles in the East and the West, China's dress——the qipao, is now known to the world. Many international designers get great ideas from it and put the ideas on different fashion shows.
*A gown is a dress, usually a long dress, which women wear on formal occasions.
71. When was qipao formed
Qipao was formed .
The title can be“ ”.
A:Liu Lei! We talked about the history of inventions in Unit 6. So what's your favorite invention
B:The mobile phone for sure.
B:Because I can do lots of things with it, like chatting online, taking photos and so on.
A:It really brings lots of convenience(便利) to our life. 77.
B:It was invented by Martin Lawrence Cooper. Do you know any Chinese mobile phone brands
A:Yes. The Chinese well-known brands include Huawei, OPPO, vivo, Xiaomi and others.
B:Yes. Huawei have unveiled(发布) the world's first 5.5G. How great! 78.
A:No, it isn't. My favorite invention is computer. And I want to be a computer programmer.
B:I see. There are many inventions in the world. And they have changed our life a lot.
A:79. . I want to invent something useful one day.
B:That sounds great. 80. .
A:Thanks for your encouragement.
假如你是李涛,请你阅读来自中学生 Julia 的信,并以笔友的身份给她回信,提出行之有效的建议,帮她解决遇到的难题。
Dear Mr. Li,I'm a middle school student from Shaanxi Province. I usually get on well with my parents, friends andclassmates. But these days, I meet a problem that is worrying me and I don't know how to deal with it—I hada fight with my good friend Li Hong because I lost her favorite birthday present by accident. I feel lonely andnervous. What can I do Please help me.Julia
common, explain, on purpose, send a message, true friendship...
Dear Julia,
Li Tao
第一节:听下面 10段对话,每段对话后有一个问题,读两遍。请根据每段对话的内容和后面的问题,从所给的三个选项中选出最恰当的一项。
1. W:Good afternoon, Sir. May I take your order
M:A bowl of beef noodles, please.
Q:What would the man like
2. M:Do you know about Yu Hua
W:Sure. I have read his famous novels To live and Brothers.
Q:Who are they talking about
3. W:Hi! Mark. I heard you went to Hong Kong. How did you go there
M:We went there by plane.
Q:How did the boy go to Hong Kong
4. W:Jack, it will be rainy tomorrow. Remember to take an umbrella.
M:OK. Thank you, Mom.
Q:What does Jack's mom ask him to do
5. W:Dear students, our School Open Day will be on May 19th. Welcome your parents to visit our school.
M:Thank you, Miss Li.
Q:When will the School Open Day be
6. W:I think Jia Ling's new movie YOLO is interesting. What do you think of it
M:It's educational. I love it and I have learned a lot from it.
Q:What does the boy think of the movie
7. W:What's your plan in the Year of the Loong
M:I'm going to study hard and get into a good high school.
Q:What is the boy's plan in the Year of the Loong
8. M:Would you like to go to Shanghai Disneyland Park this summer
W:Of course. We can go there together.
Q:Where will they go this summer
9. W:Where do you usually buy everyday things
M:I usually shop online. I can save lots of time.
Q:Where does the boy usually buy everyday things
10. W:Rick, you look unhappy. What's wrong
M:The room is too dirty. Look! The rubbish is everywhere.
Q:Why does Rick look unhappy
听第11段对话,回答第11、12 小题。
W:Can I help you, sir
M:Yes, I want a pair of shoes for my sister. Next Monday is her birthday.
W:Okay. Let me show you. How about this pair
M:It's too big and I don't like the color.
W:What size do you need
M:Six. And I want the pink one.
W:Here you are. It's 60 dollars.
M:Thank you.
听第12 段对话,回答第13 至 15 小题。
W:Excuse me. Where's the underground station
M:It's over there. Can you see that sign
W:Yes. Thank you. I just came from Shanghai. The sign for the underground station there is red. The first letter of the English“Shanghai Metro”,“S”and“M”, form a round.
M:I see. There are different signs in different cities. In the UK, the sign is a big red circle.You can see the word“UNDERGROUND”in the middle. Are there any special signs in your country
W:Yes. We have some animal signs. Sometimes the animals use the roads too. We must look out for them.
M:That's interesting.
What makes the Great Wall of China so popular It's one of the most amazing places of interest in the world. That's the biggest reason people visit China. They come to see the Great Wall from all over the world. Most people visit the parts that are close to Beijing. If you go, be prepared to do a lot of walking and climbing. You'll also want to take many pictures. Be sure to bring a camera!
How long is it You can't see the Great Wall from the Moon, but it is still amazing. So it is known as a sleeping dragon. Each year, over ten million people come to China to see the Great Wall.
What about its length and width The total length of all parts is about 21, 196kilometers. It's the longest building in history. The widest part is about 9 meters. The tallest part of the wall is about 8 meters.
1——5 ABAAB 6——10 CACAC 11—15 BABCA
16. in the world 17. close to 18. camera 19. ten/10 million 20. The widest
21——25 DAACB 26——30 BDCCD 31——35 DABBC 36——40 ADDBC
41—45 BDABC 46——50 ADADC 51—55 CGADE
56. in June 57. Farmers 58. the/a symbol of 59. eat healthily
60. Happy Chinese New Year
61. has 62. arrived 63. prizes 64. her 65. carefully
66. interested 67. first 68. violinist's 69. nervous 70. wherever
71. in the 1920s
72. third/last/right
73. in daily activities
74. happiness and good luck
75. The Beauty of Chinese Qipao/China's Dress Symbol—the Qipao
76. Why do you like it/the mobile phone best/Why(do you think so)
77. Who was it/the mobile phone invented by/Who invented it/the mobile phone
78. Is the mobile phone also your favorite invention
79. So they are/You're right/I agree with you
80. I hope you can achieve your dream/You can make it 等鼓励话语均可
Dear Julia,
It's common to meet this kind of problem in our daily life. Here are my suggestions.
Why don't you talk this problem with your parents I think they can give you some good advice. Secondly, you should sit down and communicate with your good friend. You can explain that you didn't do that on purpose. If you can't do that, you can send her a message to say you will buy her a new one. I think she would be friends with you again as before because the secret of true friendship is to understand and to be understood. I hope things will be better for you soon.
Li Tao
72. Which qipao in the picture is the early kind in the Qing Dynasty
It's the one.
73. In what situation do people wear qipao nowadays
They wear qipao on formal occasions and .
74. Why does the bride often greet the guests wearing a red qipao
Because it's a symbol of .
75. What title can you make for this passage in no more than eight words




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