
Ⅰ. 单词辨音(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
1. A. blind B. hide C. risk D. write
2. A. pattern B. brave C. action D. cat
3. A. loud B. ground C. house D. trouble
4. A. though B. think C. throw D. theory
5. A. care B. copy C. certain D. coin
Ⅱ. 语法与情景对话(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)
6. Frank is in the art club. He plays ________ piano very well.
A. a B. an C. the D. /
7. I’m not good at math. Can you give me some ________ to improve it
A. suggestions B. questions C. operations D. examinations
8. —Nine toys are placed in a line on the table.
—The ________ one is in the middle.
A. third B. fifth C. sixth D. seventh
9. Dick, this question is very easy. I think you can answer it by ________.
A. yourself B. myself C. herself D. himself
10. The rabbit in Picture ________ is under the table.
A. B.
C. D.
11. Please be more careful, ________ you’ll make mistakes again.
A and B. or C. so D. but
12. There ________ an old man living in this house years ago.
A. is B. are C. was D. were
13. — ________ will the train arrive at the station
—In about ten minutes.
A. How soon B. How far C. How often D. How long
14. Danny ________ his clothes, lay in bed and had a rest.
A. put off B. turned off C. cut off D. took off
15. Liu Bin is ________ for more knowledge. He keeps working hard at his lessons.
A. necessary B. thirsty C. natural D. famous
16. ________ the apple in half and each of us has one half.
A. Cut B. Cutting C. To cut D. Cuts
17. There was a fire in his house. ________, he was not hurt at all.
A. Simply B. Luckily C. Really D. Definitely
18. —I ________ wait any longer. My mum is waiting for me at home, so I’ll go now.
—OK. You can leave a message for him.
A. can’t B. needn’t C. couldn’t D. shouldn’t
19. —________ did you buy this nice gift
—In a gift store nearby.
A. When B. Why C. Where D. Who
20. —Can you tell me ________
—Yes. It will begin at a quarter to nine.
A. how you like the lecture B. where we’ll have the lecture
C. who will give the lecture D. when the lecture will begin
21. Sam put the paper on the desk and ________ a beautiful flower on it.
A. will draw B. drew C. draws D. is drawing
22. We ________ the machine. There is nothing wrong with it. You can go on using it.
A. check B. are checking C. were checking D. have checked
23. Which of the following is TRUE according to the right picture
A. The girl is helping her mum with chores. B. The girl is cooking a meal with her mum.
C. The girl and her mum are watching a movie. D. The girl and her mum are washing clothes.
24. —I am learning to skate, but it is too hard. I want to give it up.
—________ All things are difficult before they are easy.
A. You are just right to do so. B. Don’t always think about it.
C. Keep trying and you can do it. D. I agree with you this time.
25. Which of the following signs tells us to turn right on the street
A. B. C. D.
Ⅲ. 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
Everyone has his or her hero. My hero is Zhang Jianna. Let me tell you something about her.
Zhang is a 50-year-old ____26____ from Hebei. She worked as a waitress and a sales clerk in Beijing at first. In 2012, she became a sanitation (公共卫生) worker in Sanlitun.
There are many embassies (大使馆) in the area. One day in 2014, a foreigner walked up to Zhang outside an embassy. He asked her some ____27____, but she couldn’t understand him. They looked at each other in confusion (困惑). ____28____ Zhang graduated from high school, she had forgotten most of her English knowledge. From that day on, she ____29____ to relearn English. Then she began to study her children’s English books. She memorized the words at night and repeated them the next morning. In ____30____ free time, she used some apps on her smartphone to learn English. She ____31____ practiced English conversations with her children.
Zhang’s efforts have paid off (得到回报). Now she can ____32____ English-speaking tourists smoothly. She can help them with giving directions and giving information about the city. Zhang is in charge of a sanitation team. They need to ____33____ more than 100,000 square meters of road every day. They also need to clean more than 300 waste bins near 56 embassies daily. Zhang has learned the English names of all these embassies as well.
“English is like a ____34____,” Zhang said. “It helps me introduce Beijing to the world.” The studious (用功的) sanitation worker even plans to study a ____35____ language in the future. “I’ve heard that French is beautiful, and I’d like to learn it!”
A. writer B. teacher C. worker D. doctor
A. questions B. dreams C. ideas D. hobbies
A. After B. Before C. And D. Because
A. stopped B. hated C. decided D. refused
A. his B. her C. my D. your
A. hardly B. seldom C. never D. also
A. play with B. talk with C. fight with D. argue with
A. run B. hurt C. clean D. build
A. room B. house C. bottle D. bridge
A. common B. hard C. simple D. new
Ⅳ. 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
The Budget (预算) of Mike’s Family Trip to Paris
Items Costs Total
Airfare to Paris cot of tickets $200 $200
Airfare back home cost of tickets $275 $275
Hotel cost per day $75 $225
Food cost per day $50 $150
Entertainment amount $130 $130
Gifts amount $85 $85
Others amount $40 $40
Total cost of the trip $1,105
36. Mike’s family will travel to Paris by plane.
37. Mike’s family will stay in Paris for five days.
38. Mike’s family will pay $85 for the gifts.
39. Mike’s family want to buy other things with fifty dollars.
40. Mike’s family plan to spend $1,105 during the trip.
Famous places in Asia
Guilin Lijiang River Lijiang River is very beautiful. We can also see its photo on China’s 20 yuan paper note (纸币). The scenery along it is very wonderful. The best way to enjoy the scenery is by boat. And the trip can take up to five hours.
Bali Island Bali’s natural beauty is so popular. Travelers call it “heaven on Earth”. Here green forests, high mountains and, beautiful beaches, all sit side by side. And a first-time trip to Bali Island would not be complete without a visit to Ubud, Bali’s cultural center.
Chiang Mai It lies in the green mountains in northern Thailand. It has a quiet culture and natural beauty. The city tour includes taking tuk-tuk rides, visiting temples (寺庙) and hanging out at the markets. Then walk out of the city to visit the elephant sanctuary (保护区).
Singapore From the moment you get to Singapore, you can enjoy this famous city. You can see the city’s colorful neighbourhoods and the modern areas. After shopping on Orchard Road and visiting Chinatown, you can go to the center of the city. There you are sure to like the city parks and modern buildings.
41. The best way to enjoy the scenery of Guilin Lijiang River is ________.
A. by bike B. by boat C. by car D. on foot
42. To make our first trip to Bali Island complete, we should ________.
A. watch green forests B. climb high mountains
C. go on a visit to Ubud D. visit beautiful beaches
43. What can visitors do out of the city of Chiang Mai
A. Take tuk-tuk rides. B. Visit temples.
C. Hang out at the markets. D. Visit the elephant sanctuary.
44. If we want to visit Chinatown, where can we go
A. To Singapore. B. To Chiang Mai.
C. To Bali Island. D. To Guilin Lijiang River.
45. Where can you probably see the text
A. In a novel. B. In a storybook. C. In a fashion magazine. D. In a guidebook.
Canadian educator Isabel Crook, who pioneered English language teaching in New China and was a recipient of the Friendship Medal, China’s highest honor for foreigners, died on August 20, 2023 in Beijing at the age of 108.
Crook, who lived and worked in China for more than 90 years, saw and took part in the development of China’s foreign language education, according to Beijing Foreign Studies University, where she taught English for more than 70 years She helped compile (编写) China’s first English language textbook for college students and played a part in English subject building, reform and teachers’ development.
Crook was born into a Canadian missionary (传教士) family in Sichuan Province. At the age of 23, she graduated from the University of Toronto in Canada with a master’s degree in anthropology (人类学) and started field research in the villages of Sichuan. She became a member of the Communist Party of Great Britain after meeting her future husband, David Crook, in China in the early 1940s.
In 1947, the couple was warmly welcomed by the Communist Party of China to study the revolutionary land reform taking place in the country. A year later, they accepted the invitation to teach at what is now BFSU. David Crook passed away in 2000 at the age of 90.
In a recent interview with local broadcaster BRTV, their son Michael Crook said the secret to his mother’s long life was that she always had a mission (使命), which made her life very meaningful.
46. When was Isabel Crook probably born
A. In 1910. B. In 1915. C. In 1939. D. In 1947.
47. What can we learn about Isabel Crook
A. She joined the Communist Party of China in 1947.
B. She met her husband while she was studying in Toronto.
C. She won the highest honor in China for her work in science.
D. She studied anthropology but was more known as an educator in English.
48. Which may be the reason for Isabel Crook’s long life according to the last paragraph
A. Her sense of mission. B. Her patience for work.
C. Her healthy life habits. D. Her efforts to live happily.
49. What is the passage about
A. A Canadian family living in China. B. A woman scientist from Canada.
C. A great English educator from Canada. D. A long lived Canadian woman.
50. In which part of a website can the text be found
A. Part 1 Business B. Part 2 Health C. Part 3 People D. Part 4 Science
Ⅴ. 任务型完形填空(共10空;每空1分,满分10分)
exactly, story, by, either, difficult, when, anything, a little, collect, take up
What is collecting In simple terms, collecting refers to gathering certain things together as a hobby. These objects can be ___51___ , from watches to books to photos and other things Each person’s collection is different. It can be ___52___ small or big. There is also no strict time limit to collecting, so people can ___53___ this hobby at any time.
Rick likes collecting watches and clocks. He ___54___ his first clock five years ago. Now he collects more than two hundred watches and clocks. He told us, “I can’t tell ___55___ the age of the watches and clocks, but they are really old.”
Emily is a bookworm. She began to collect books ___56___ she was five years old. She said, “Books are one of the most popular things to collect. I collect books ___57___ kind, writer or language. I can find most books in the bookstore. But good books are ___58___ to find and collect. And I have to keep the books clean and tidy.”
Alice’s hobby is collecting photos. She thought it was easy at the beginning, but later she found it was ___59___ hard to collect good photos. She said, “Photos tell ____60____ people, places and events. Now I find they are interesting. These are what I am looking for.”
Ⅵ. 任务型阅读理解(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
Liu Yunwei was born in February, 1974. He is from Baiyin, Gansu. He is the founder (创建者) of the Baiyin Charity Volunteer Association. Over these years, he does his best to spread truth, goodness and beauty and tries to help more people in need.
In 2012, Liu Yunwei set up Baiyin Love Public Service Volunteer Association, with 2,300 registered volunteers and over 5,000 members in branch offices. He also set up volunteer service teams to do volunteer work in Baiyin and places around Gansu.
Baiyin Public Welfare (福利) Education Assistance Program, led by Liu Yunwei, is a public welfare project. The Warm Western Thousand Student Program is a part of it. In the four years since it started in 2016, it has carried out 61 activities and visited 124 schools, benefiting (使受益) 10,659 teachers and students. In 2018, 2019 and 2020, Gansu TV’s Good People Around Us reported his deeds (行为).
Liu Yunwei and his teams have recorded their wonderful experiences. He has also set up “Love House” “Love Racing Team” and “Love Art Troupe”. They actively provide volunteer service for big events in the city, and they say they’ll hold more volunteer activities in the future.
阅读短文,根据其内容完成以下任务。1—2题回答问题;3题列举一条有关Warm Western Thousand Student Program的事实性信息(fact),(用英语列举);4题根据短文最后一段补全下面句子;5题填写以下信息卡中所缺的内容(________上填写一词)
61. What does Liu Yunwei try to spread over these years
62. When did Liu Yunwei set up Baiyin Love Public Service Volunteer Association
63. _____________________________________________
64. In the future, Liu Yunwei and his teams will _________________________.
65. 填写以下信息卡中所缺的内容(________上填写一词)
Name: Liu Yunwei Born in February, 1974 Things to do with Liu Yunwei: ●He set up Baiyin Love Public Service Volunteer Association. ●He does volunteer work with his teams in Baiyin and places around Gansu. ●He leads Baiyin Public Welfare Education Assistance Program. ●He provides volunteer ________ for big events in the city with his teams.
Ⅶ. 口语交际(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
(Li Juan is talking with her brother Li Ming. A is for Li Juan; B is for Li Ming.)
A: Don’t shout loudly around me I feel so bored.
B: ___66___
A: What about going on an adventure (冒险) at the city space museum
B: Great! ___67___
(An hour later.)
A: Here we are in the first room. What deep space it is!
B: Look! ___68___
A: It is information about different planets.
B: Look! Here is a quiz.
A: ___69___
B: Here is a notice. We can go into the next room.
A: Let’s try. But look over there. ___70___
B: I think we can have a meal with them.
A. What’s that over there
B. That must be very interesting.
C. The cooks are preparing the food.
D. But I really don’t know what I can do.
E. The city space museum is too far from here.
F. And the winner can make a name for an unknown planet.
G. What kind of information do you know about planets
Ⅷ. 词汇考查(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
A) 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。
71. There are two small ________ (garden) in our neighborhood.
72. Our classroom is new, while ________ (they) is old.
73. Let him ________ (fly) kites with you today.
74. This morning, Frank got up ________ (early) than usual.
75. When I walked into the hall, they ________ (talk) about the weather in Baiyin.
76. Helen said she felt ________ (true) sorry about this matter.
77. Lin Ping was the ________ (two) to finish the work today.
78. You are supposed ________ (read) more books in your free time.
79. Emma ________ (study) in this school since she moved to this city.
80. A new library was ________ (build) in our city last year and it is open to the public now.
B) 选出与句子面线部分意思相同或相近的选项。
81. Sally is afraid of exams. She is always worried about failing them.
A. enjoys B. fears C. discovers D. plans
82. —They started early this morning and left for Lanzhou.
—They finally got there on time.
A. at times B. at first C. at noon D. at last
83. He wants to drop physics because it is too difficult for him.
A. give up B. put up C. take up D. use up
84. Wang Hong and her family went to Baiyin for their holiday.
A. to find B. to show C. to spend D. to finish
85. We have learned over 3,000 words since last year.
A. less than B. at least C. all of D. more than
Ⅸ. 按要求完成句子(共10小题;每空1分,满分20分)
A) 句型转换。按括号内的要求转换下列句型。(每空限填一词)
86. It is June17 today. (对画线部分提问)
________ is the ________ today
87. Frank fed chicken on his uncle’s farm. (改为否定句)
Frank ________ ________ chicken on his uncle’s farm.
88. How do you like this new town (改为同义句)
What do you ________ ________ this new town
89. They have built a new library for the students. (改为一般疑问句)
________ they ________ a new library for the students
90. English is his favourite subject. (对画线部分提问)
________ ________ is his favourite
B) 根据所给汉语提示完成下列句子。(每空限填一词)
91. 你最好试穿一下这双鞋以确保它们合脚。
You’d better ________ ________ the shoes to make sure they fit.
92. 你认为你年轻的时候更有创造力吗?
Do you think you were ________ ________ when you were young
93. C919飞机在2024年新加坡航空展上展出。
The C919 aircraft was ________ ________ at Singapore Airshow 2024.
94. 教育对一个人的未来有深远的影响。
Education can ________ a profound ________ on a person’s future.
95. 我把计划告诉他们,但是没有人同意。
I told them my plan, but nobody ________ ________ me.
Ⅹ. 书面表达(满分15分)
96. 假设你是李华,你校英语报“DIY”专栏面向全校学生征集美文,要求学生用英语介绍制作书签需要准备的材料和制作过程。请你根据以下图示,以“How to make a bookmark for my favourite book”为题,用英语给专栏写一篇短文。
Materials and tools: a card, scissors, glue
cut the card into… draw a picture of… write (your favourite sentence from a book or a famous saying or…)
1. 包括提示中所有的写作要点;
2. 条理清楚,行文连贯,可适当发挥;
3. 短文中不能出现真实的人名和地名等信息;
4. 词数:80左右。题目和开头已给出,不计入总词数。(不用抄写在答题卡书面表达作答区域。)
How to make a bookmark for my favourite book
I’m Li Hua. I have read some nice books and The Old Man and the Sea is my favourite. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
Ⅰ. 单词辨音(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
1. A. blind B. hide C. risk D. write
2. A. pattern B. brave C. action D. cat
3. A. loud B. ground C. house D. trouble
4. A. though B. think C. throw D. theory
5. A. care B. copy C. certain D. coin
【答案】1. C 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. C
blind/bla nd/;hide/ha d/;risk/r sk/;write/ra t/。根据音标可知,选项C的划线部分发音/ /,与其他三项的划线部分发音不同。故选C。
pattern/ p tn/;brave/bre v/;action/ k n/;cat/k t/。根据音标可知,选项B的划线部分发音/e /,与其他三项的划线部分发音不同。故选B。
loud/la d/;ground/ɡra nd/;house/ha s/;trouble/ tr bl/。根据音标可知,选项D的划线部分发音/ /,与其他三项的划线部分发音不同。故选D。
though/ /;think/θ k/;throw/θr /;theory/ θ ri/。根据音标可知,选项A的划线部分发音/ /,与其他三项的划线部分发音不同。故选A。
care/ke (r)/;copy/ k pi/;certain/ s tn/;coin/k n/。根据音标可知,选项C的划线部分发音/s/,与其他三项的划线部分发音不同。故选C。
Ⅱ. 语法与情景对话(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)
6. Frank is in the art club. He plays ________ piano very well.
A. a B. an C. the D. /
考查冠词。play the piano“弹钢琴”,固定用法。故选C。
7. I’m not good at math. Can you give me some ________ to improve it
A. suggestions B. questions C. operations D. examinations
考查名词辨析。suggestions建议;questions问题;operation手术;examinations考试。根据“I’m not good at math.”可知,应是给出提高数学的建议。故选A。
8. —Nine toys are placed in a line on the table.
—The ________ one is in the middle.
A. third B. fifth C. sixth D. seventh
9. Dick, this question is very easy. I think you can answer it by ________.
A. yourself B. myself C. herself D. himself
考查反身代词。yourself你自己;myself我自己;herself她自己;himself他自己。根据“you can answer”可知,是指“你可以自己回答”。故选A。
10. The rabbit in Picture ________ is under the table.
A. B.
C. D.
11. Please be more careful, ________ you’ll make mistakes again.
A. and B. or C. so D. but
考查连词辨析。and和;or否则;so所以;but但是。根据“Please be more careful...you’ll make mistakes again”可知要认真点,否则会再犯错。故选B。
12. There ________ an old man living in this house years ago.
A. is B. are C. was D. were
考查时态和主谓一致。分析句子结构可知使用了there be句型,be动词和其后的名词一致;an old man是单数,故可排除选项B和D;又由“years ago”可知用一般过去时,可排除A。故选C。
13. — ________ will the train arrive at the station
—In about ten minutes.
A. How soon B. How far C. How often D. How long
考查特殊疑问句。How soon多久之后,用于提问一般将来时;How far多远,询问距离;How often多久一次,询问频率;How long多长,询问长度。根据“In about ten minutes.”可知,是对将来时的时间段进行提问,用How soon。故选A。
14. Danny ________ his clothes, lay in bed and had a rest.
A. put off B. turned off C. cut off D. took off
考查动词短语辨析。put off推迟;turned off关上;cut off切断;took off脱下。根据“his clothes”可知,此处表示脱衣服。故选D。
15. Liu Bin is ________ for more knowledge. He keeps working hard at his lessons.
A. necessary B. thirsty C. natural D. famous
考查形容词辨析。necessary必要的;thirsty渴的,渴求的;natural自然的;famous著名的。根据“He keeps working hard at his lessons.”可知,是指渴求更多的知识,be thirsty for意为“对……渴求”,故选B。
16. ________ the apple in half and each of us has one half.
A. Cut B. Cutting C. To cut D. Cuts
17. There was a fire in his house. ________, he was not hurt at all.
A. Simply B. Luckily C. Really D. Definitely
考查副词辨析。Simply简单地;Luckily幸运地;Really真地;Definitely明确地。根据“There was a fire in his house”和“he was not hurt at all”可知,这里指很幸运没受伤,此处修饰整个句子应用副词Luckily,故选B。
18. —I ________ wait any longer. My mum is waiting for me at home, so I’ll go now.
—OK. You can leave a message for him.
A. can’t B. needn’t C. couldn’t D. shouldn’t
考查情态动词。can’t不能;needn’t不必;couldn’t不能;shouldn’t不应该。根据“wait any longer. My mum is waiting for me at home, so I’ll go now.”可知妈妈在等我,所以不能再等了,且句子用一般现在时,用can’t。故选A。
19. —________ did you buy this nice gift
—In a gift store nearby.
A. When B. Why C. Where D. Who
考查特殊疑问词。When什么时候;Why为什么;Where在哪里;Who什么时候。根据“In a gift store nearby.”可知,此处问的是地点,故选C。
20. —Can you tell me ________
—Yes. It will begin at a quarter to nine.
A. how you like the lecture B. where we’ll have the lecture
C. who will give the lecture D. when the lecture will begin
考查宾语从句。根据答语“Yes. It will begin at a quarter to nine.”可知,问的是讲座什么时候开始。故选D。
21. Sam put the paper on the desk and ________ a beautiful flower on it.
A. will draw B. drew C. draws D. is drawing
考查时态。根据“Sam put the paper on the desk”可知句子用一般过去时,动词用过去式。故选B。
22. We ________ the machine. There is nothing wrong with it. You can go on using it.
A. check B. are checking C. were checking D. have checked
23. Which of the following is TRUE according to the right picture
A. The girl is helping her mum with chores. B. The girl is cooking a meal with her mum.
C. The girl and her mum are watching a movie. D. The girl and her mum are washing clothes.
考查常识。The girl is helping her mum with chores这个女孩正帮她妈妈做家务;The girl is cooking a meal with her mum女孩正在和妈妈一起做饭;The girl and her mum are watching a movie女孩和她妈妈正在看电影;The girl and her mum are washing clothes女孩和她妈妈正在洗衣服。根据图片可知,小女孩正帮妈妈做家务。故选A。
24. —I am learning to skate, but it is too hard. I want to give it up.
—________ All things are difficult before they are easy.
A. You are just right to do so. B. Don’t always think about it.
C. Keep trying and you can do it. D. I agree with you this time.
考查情景交际。You are just right to do so你这样做是正确的;Don’t always think about it不要总是想着它;Keep trying and you can do it继续努力,你就能做到;I agree with you this time这次我同意你的看法。根据“I want to give it up.”以及“All things are difficult before they are easy.”可知此处是鼓励对方不要放弃,要继续努力,选项C符合语境。故选C。
25. Which of the following signs tells us to turn right on the street
A. B. C. D.
Ⅲ. 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
Everyone has his or her hero. My hero is Zhang Jianna. Let me tell you something about her.
Zhang is a 50-year-old ____26____ from Hebei. She worked as a waitress and a sales clerk in Beijing at first. In 2012, she became a sanitation (公共卫生) worker in Sanlitun.
There are many embassies (大使馆) in the area. One day in 2014, a foreigner walked up to Zhang outside an embassy. He asked her some ____27____, but she couldn’t understand him. They looked at each other in confusion (困惑). ____28____ Zhang graduated from high school, she had forgotten most of her English knowledge. From that day on, she ____29____ to relearn English. Then she began to study her children’s English books. She memorized the words at night and repeated them the next morning. In ____30____ free time, she used some apps on her smartphone to learn English. She ____31____ practiced English conversations with her children.
Zhang’s efforts have paid off (得到回报). Now, she can ____32____ English-speaking tourists smoothly. She can help them with giving directions and giving information about the city. Zhang is in charge of a sanitation team. They need to ____33____ more than 100,000 square meters of road every day. They also need to clean more than 300 waste bins near 56 embassies daily. Zhang has learned the English names of all these embassies as well.
“English is like a ____34____,” Zhang said. “It helps me introduce Beijing to the world.” The studious (用功的) sanitation worker even plans to study a ____35____ language in the future. “I’ve heard that French is beautiful, and I’d like to learn it!”
A. writer B. teacher C. worker D. doctor
A. questions B. dreams C. ideas D. hobbies
A. After B. Before C. And D. Because
A. stopped B. hated C. decided D. refused
A. his B. her C. my D. your
A. hardly B. seldom C. never D. also
A. play with B. talk with C. fight with D. argue with
A. run B. hurt C. clean D. build
A. room B. house C. bottle D. bridge
A. common B. hard C. simple D. new
【答案】26. C 27. A 28. A 29. C 30. B 31. D 32. B 33. C 34. D 35. D
writer作家;teacher老师;worker工人;doctor医生。根据“In 2012, she became a sanitation (公共卫生) worker in Sanlitun.”可知是一名工人。故选C。
After在……之后;Before在……之前;And和;Because因为。根据“she had forgotten most of her English knowledge”可知应是高中毕业后忘了。故选A。
stopped停止;hated讨厌;decided决定;refused拒绝。根据“Then she began to study her children’s English books.”可知决定重新学英语。故选C。
his他的;her她的;my我的;your你的。根据“she used some apps on her smartphone to learn English”可知是在“她的”空闲时间。故选B。
hardly几乎不;seldom极少;never从不;also也。根据“She ... practiced English conversations with her children.”及上文积极学英语可推出是也和孩子们联系说英语。故选D。
play with和……一起玩;talk with和……交谈;fight with和……打架;argue with和……吵架。根据“smoothly”可知可以和说英语的游客流利地交谈。故选B。
run跑;hurt伤害;clean打扫;build建立。根据“They also need to clean more than 300 waste bins near 56 embassies daily.”可知要清扫道路。故选C。
room房间;house房子;bottle瓶子;bridge桥。根据“It helps me introduce Beijing to the world.”可知英语是像是把北京介绍给世界的桥梁。故选D。
common共同的;hard困难的;simple简单的;new新的。根据“I’ve heard that French is beautiful, and I’d like to learn it!”可知计划学习新语言。故选D。
Ⅳ. 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
The Budget (预算) of Mike’s Family Trip to Paris
Items Costs Total
Airfare to Paris cot of tickets $200 $200
Airfare back home cost of tickets $275 $275
Hotel cost per day $75 $225
Food cost per day $50 $150
Entertainment amount $130 $130
Gifts amount $85 $85
Others amount $40 $40
Total cost of the trip $1,105
36. Mike’s family will travel to Paris by plane.
37. Mike’s family will stay in Paris for five days.
38. Mike’s family will pay $85 for the gifts.
39. Mike’s family want to buy other things with fifty dollars.
40. Mike’s family plan to spend $1,105 during the trip.
【答案】36. A 37. B
38. A 39. B
40. A
细节理解题。根据“Airfare to Paris”可知他们要坐飞机去巴黎。故答案为A。
Famous places in Asia
Guilin Lijiang River Lijiang River is very beautiful. We can also see its photo on China’s 20 yuan paper note (纸币). The scenery along it is very wonderful. The best way to enjoy the scenery is by boat. And the trip can take up to five hours.
Bali Island Bali’s natural beauty is so popular. Travelers call it “heaven on Earth”. Here, green forests, high mountains and, beautiful beaches, all sit side by side. And a first-time trip to Bali Island would not be complete without a visit to Ubud, Bali’s cultural center.
Chiang Mai It lies in the green mountains in northern Thailand. It has a quiet culture and natural beauty. The city tour includes taking tuk-tuk rides, visiting temples (寺庙) and hanging out at the markets. Then walk out of the city to visit the elephant sanctuary (保护区).
Singapore From the moment you get to Singapore, you can enjoy this famous city. You can see the city’s colorful neighbourhoods and the modern areas. After shopping on Orchard Road and visiting Chinatown, you can go to the center of the city. There you are sure to like the city parks and modern buildings.
41. The best way to enjoy the scenery of Guilin Lijiang River is ________.
A. by bike B. by boat C. by car D. on foot
42. To make our first trip to Bali Island complete we should ________.
A. watch green forests B. climb high mountains
C. go on a visit to Ubud D. visit beautiful beaches
43. What can visitors do out of the city of Chiang Mai
A. Take tuk-tuk rides. B. Visit temples.
C. Hang out at the markets. D. Visit the elephant sanctuary.
44. If we want to visit Chinatown, where can we go
A. To Singapore. B. To Chiang Mai.
C To Bali Island. D. To Guilin Lijiang River.
45. Where can you probably see the text
A. In a novel. B. In a storybook. C. In a fashion magazine. D. In a guidebook.
【答案】41. B 42. C 43. D 44. A 45. D
细节理解题。根据“The best way to enjoy the scenery is by boat.”可知欣赏桂林漓江最好的方式是坐船。故选B。
推理判断题。根据“And a first-time trip to Bali Island would not be complete without a visit to Ubud”可知,想要第一次巴厘岛之游完整,应该去乌布。故选C。
细节理解题。根据“Then walk out of the city to visit the elephant sanctuary (保护区).”可知,在城外游客可做的是参观大象保护区。故选D。
推理判断题。根据“After shopping on Orchard Road and visiting Chinatown, you can...”可推断,新加坡是有唐人街的。故选A。
Canadian educator Isabel Crook, who pioneered English language teaching in New China and was a recipient of the Friendship Medal, China’s highest honor for foreigners, died on August 20, 2023 in Beijing at the age of 108.
Crook, who lived and worked in China for more than 90 years, saw and took part in the development of China’s foreign language education, according to Beijing Foreign Studies University, where she taught English for more than 70 years She helped compile (编写) China’s first English language textbook for college students and played a part in English subject building, reform and teachers’ development.
Crook was born into a Canadian missionary (传教士) family in Sichuan Province. At the age of 23, she graduated from the University of Toronto in Canada with a master’s degree in anthropology (人类学) and started field research in the villages of Sichuan. She became a member of the Communist Party of Great Britain after meeting her future husband, David Crook, in China in the early 1940s.
In 1947, the couple was warmly welcomed by the Communist Party of China to study the revolutionary land reform taking place in the country. A year later, they accepted the invitation to teach at what is now BFSU. David Crook passed away in 2000 at the age of 90.
In a recent interview with local broadcaster BRTV, their son Michael Crook said the secret to his mother’s long life was that she always had a mission (使命), which made her life very meaningful.
46. When was Isabel Crook probably born
A. In 1910. B. In 1915. C. In 1939. D. In 1947.
47. What can we learn about Isabel Crook
A. She joined the Communist Party of China in 1947.
B. She met her husband while she was studying in Toronto.
C. She won the highest honor in China for her work in science.
D. She studied anthropology but was more known as an educator in English.
48. Which may be the reason for Isabel Crook’s long life according to the last paragraph
A. Her sense of mission. B. Her patience for work.
C. Her healthy life habits. D. Her efforts to live happily.
49. What is the passage about
A. A Canadian family living in China. B. A woman scientist from Canada.
C. A great English educator from Canada. D. A long lived Canadian woman.
50. In which part of a website can the text be found
A. Part 1 Business B. Part 2 Health C. Part 3 People D. Part 4 Science
【答案】46. B 47. D 48. A 49. C 50. C
推理判断题。根据“died on August 20, 2023 in Beijing at the age of 108.”可知她在2023年去世,当时108岁,故她出生在1915年。故选B。
推理判断题。根据“Canadian educator Isabel Crook, who pioneered English language teaching in New China”可知她是新中国英语教学的先驱,根据“she graduated from the University of Toronto in Canada with a master’s degree in anthropology”可知她获得人类学硕士学位,所以她学习人类学,但更为人所知的是英语教育家。故选D。
细节理解题。根据“the secret to his mother’s long life was that she always had a mission”可知长寿的秘诀是她总是肩负着使命。故选A。
Ⅴ. 任务型完形填空(共10空;每空1分,满分10分)
exactly, story, by, either, difficult, when, anything, a little, collect, take up
What is collecting In simple terms, collecting refers to gathering certain things together as a hobby. These objects can be ___51___ , from watches to books to photos and other things Each person’s collection is different. It can be ___52___ small or big. There is also no strict time limit to collecting, so people can ___53___ this hobby at any time.
Rick likes collecting watches and clocks. He ___54___ his first clock five years ago. Now he collects more than two hundred watches and clocks. He told us, “I can’t tell ___55___ the age of the watches and clocks, but they are really old.”
Emily is a bookworm. She began to collect books ___56___ she was five years old. She said, “Books are one of the most popular things to collect. I collect books ___57___ kind, writer or language. I can find most books in the bookstore. But good books are ___58___ to find and collect. And I have to keep the books clean and tidy.”
Alice’s hobby is collecting photos. She thought it was easy at the beginning but later she found it was ___59___ hard to collect good photos. She said, “Photos tell ____60____ people, places and events. Now I find they are interesting. These are what I am looking for.”
【答案】51. anything
52. either 53. take up
54. collected
55. exactly
56. when 57. by
58. difficult
59. a little
60. stories
句意:这些东西可以是任何东西,从手表到书本到照片和别的物品。此处应填名词作表语,根据“from watches to books to photos and other things”可知,收集的东西可以是任何物品,结合备选词汇“anything任何物品”符合语境。故填anything。
句意:它可以是大的也可以是小的。根据“small or big”可知,大小都可以,either...or...“要么……要么”符合语境,结合备选词汇“either”符合语境。故填either。
句意:也没有严格的收集时间,所以人们可以在任何时候开始这项爱好。此处应填动词原形作谓语,根据“this hobby at any time.”可知,应是任何时间都可以这项兴趣爱好,结合备选词汇take up“开始做”符合语境。故填take up。
句意:他五年前收集了他的第一个钟。此处应填动词过去式,根据“Rick likes collecting watches and clocks.”可知,瑞克喜欢收集钟表,五年前收集了第一个钟,结合备选词汇collect“收集”的过去式“collected”符合语境。故填collected。
句意:他告诉我们:“我无法准确地说出钟表的年纪,但是它们真得很古老。”此处应填副词来修饰动词,根据“the age of the watches and clocks, but they are really old.”可知,瑞克只能说出这些钟表很古老,而不能准确说出具体有多古老,结合备选词汇exactly“准确地”符合语境。故填exactly。
句意:当她五岁时她开始手机书本。此处应填连词,根据“she was five years old.”可知,此处应是时间状语从句,结合备选词汇when“当……时候”符合语境。故填when。
句意:我通过种类、作者或者语言来收集书本。此处应填介词,根据“kind, writer or language. ”可知,应是通过这些方法来收集书本,结合备选词汇by“通过”符合语境。故填by。
句意:但是好的书籍很难找到和收集。此处应填形容词作表语,根据“And I have to keep the books clean and tidy.”可知,艾米丽很珍惜地保存这些书,故可推测书很难获得,结合备选词汇difficult“困难的”符合语境。故填difficult。
句意:她本以为一开始很简单,但是后来她发现收集好的照片有一点难。此处应填副词或词组来修饰形容词,根据“She thought it was easy at the beginning, but later she found it was...hard to collect good photos.”可知,前后句是转折关系,故可知收集好的照片不简单,结合备选词汇a little“有点儿”符合语境。故填a little。
句意:照片讲述故事、人们、地方和事件。此处应填可数名词复数作宾语,根据“people, places and events.”可知,照片传达出这些信息,结合备选词汇story“故事”的复数形式“stories”符合语境。故填stories。
Ⅵ. 任务型阅读理解(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
Liu Yunwei was born in February, 1974. He is from Baiyin, Gansu. He is the founder (创建者) of the Baiyin Charity Volunteer Association. Over these years, he does his best to spread truth, goodness and beauty and tries to help more people in need.
In 2012, Liu Yunwei set up Baiyin Love Public Service Volunteer Association, with 2,300 registered volunteers and over 5,000 members in branch offices. He also set up volunteer service teams to do volunteer work in Baiyin and places around Gansu.
Baiyin Public Welfare (福利) Education Assistance Program, led by Liu Yunwei, is a public welfare project. The Warm Western Thousand Student Program is a part of it. In the four years since it started in 2016, it has carried out 61 activities and visited 124 schools, benefiting (使受益) 10,659 teachers and students. In 2018, 2019 and 2020, Gansu TV’s Good People Around Us reported his deeds (行为).
Liu Yunwei and his teams have recorded their wonderful experiences. He has also set up “Love House” “Love Racing Team” and “Love Art Troupe”. They actively provide volunteer service for big events in the city, and they say they’ll hold more volunteer activities in the future.
阅读短文,根据其内容完成以下任务。1—2题回答问题;3题列举一条有关Warm Western Thousand Student Program的事实性信息(fact),(用英语列举);4题根据短文最后一段补全下面句子;5题填写以下信息卡中所缺的内容(________上填写一词)
61. What does Liu Yunwei try to spread over these years
62. When did Liu Yunwei set up Baiyin Love Public Service Volunteer Association
63. _____________________________________________
64. In the future, Liu Yunwei and his teams will _________________________.
65. 填写以下信息卡中所缺的内容(________上填写一词)
Name: Liu Yunwei Born in February, 1974 Things to do with Liu Yunwei: ●He set up Baiyin Love Public Service Volunteer Association. ●He does volunteer work with his teams in Baiyin and places around Gansu. ●He leads Baiyin Public Welfare Education Assistance Program. ●He provides volunteer ________ for big events in the city with his teams.
【答案】61. Truth, goodness and beauty.
62. In 2012.
63. In the four years since it started in 2016, it has carried out 61 activities and visited 124 schools, benefiting 10,659 teachers and students.
64. hold more volunteer activities
65. service
根据文中“Over these years, he does his best to spread truth, goodness and beauty and tries to help more people in need.”可知,这些年来,他竭尽全力传播真善美,并努力帮助更多需要帮助的人,故填Truth, goodness and beauty.
根据文中“In 2012, Liu Yunwei set up Baiyin Love Public Service Volunteer Association”可知,2012年,刘云伟成立白银市爱心公益志愿者协会,故填In 2012.
根据文中“The Warm Western Thousand Student Program is a part of it. In the four years since it started in 2016, it has carried out 61 activities and visited 124 schools, benefiting (使受益) 10,659 teachers and students.”可知,“温暖西部千人计划”就是其中的一部分,自2016年启动以来的四年里,该计划共开展了61项活动,走访了124所学校,惠及10659名师生,故填In the four years since it started in 2016, it has carried out 61 activities and visited 124 schools, benefiting 10,659 teachers and students.
根据文中“They actively provide volunteer service for big events in the city, and they say they’ll hold more volunteer activities in the future.”可知,他们积极为城市的大型活动提供志愿服务,并表示今后将举办更多的志愿活动,故填hold more volunteer activities。
根据文中“They actively provide volunteer service for big events in the city”可知,他们积极为城市的大型活动提供志愿服务,故填service。
Ⅶ. 口语交际(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
(Li Juan is talking with her brother Li Ming. A is for Li Juan; B is for Li Ming.)
A: Don’t shout loudly around me. I feel so bored.
B: ___66___
A: What about going on an adventure (冒险) at the city space museum
B: Great! ___67___
(An hour later.)
A: Here we are in the first room. What deep space it is!
B: Look! ___68___
A: It is information about different planets.
B: Look! Here is a quiz.
A: ___69___
B: Here is a notice. We can go into the next room.
A: Let’s try. But look over there. ___70___
B: I think we can have a meal with them.
A. What’s that over there
B. That must be very interesting.
C. The cooks are preparing the food.
D. But I really don’t know what I can do.
E. The city space museum is too far from here.
F. And the winner can make a name for an unknown planet.
G. What kind of information do you know about planets
【答案】66. D 67. B 68. A 69. F 70. C
根据“Don’t shout loudly around me. I feel so bored.”和“What about going on an adventure (冒险) at the city space museum ”可知,下文提出来建议,说明李明也无聊了。选项D“但我真的不知道我能做什么”符合语境,故选D。
根据“What about going on an adventure at the city space museum ”和“Great!”可知,这是对提出的建议表示赞同,选项B“那一定很有趣” 符合语境,故选B。
根据“It is information about different planets.”可知,上文应是问那是什么。选项A“那边是什么”符合语境,故选A。
根据“Look! Here is a quiz.”可知,此空应填关于知识竞赛的内容,选择F“获胜者可以为一颗未知的行星取名”符合语境,故选F。
根据“I think we can have a meal with them.”可知,这里应提到了可以一起吃饭的人,选项C“厨师们正在准备食物”符合语境,故选C。
Ⅷ. 词汇考查(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
A) 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。
71. There are two small ________ (garden) in our neighborhood.
72. Our classroom is new, while ________ (they) is old.
73. Let him ________ (fly) kites with you today.
【详解】句意:今天让他和你一起放风筝吧。let sb. do sth.意为“让某人做某事”,故填fly。
74. This morning, Frank got up ________ (early) than usual.
75. When I walked into the hall, they ________ (talk) about the weather in Baiyin.
【答案】were talking
【详解】句意:当我走进大厅时,他们正在讨论白银的天气。when引导的时间状语从句,从句为一般过去时,主句为过去进行时,谓语动词形式为was/were+现在分词,主语they为复数形式,be动词用were,talk的现在分词为talking。故填were talking。
76. Helen said she felt ________ (true) sorry about this matter.
77. Lin Ping was the ________ (two) to finish the work today.
78. You are supposed ________ (read) more books in your free time.
【答案】to read
【详解】句意:你应该在空闲时间多读书。“be supposed to do sth.”意为“应该做某事”。故填to read。
79. Emma ________ (study) in this school since she moved to this city.
【答案】has studied
【详解】句意:自从Emma搬到这个城市她就在这所学校学习。根据“since”可知,时态为现在完成时,谓语动词形式为has/have+动词的过去分词,主语Emma是单数,助动词用has,study的过去分词为studied。故填has studied。
80. A new library was ________ (build) in our city last year and it is open to the public now.
【详解】句意:去年我们市建了一座新图书馆,现在对公众开放。根据时间状语last year可知时态为一般过去时,library和build之间为被动关系,用一般过去时的被动结构was/were+done,build的过去分词形式为built。故填built。
B) 选出与句子面线部分意思相同或相近的选项。
81. Sally is afraid of exams. She is always worried about failing them.
A. enjoys B. fears C. discovers D. plans
考查动词词义辨析。enjoys享受;fears害怕;discovers发现;plans计划。be afraid of害怕,与“fear”同义,故选B。
82. —They started early this morning and left for Lanzhou.
—They finally got there on time.
A. at times B. at first C. at noon D. at last
考查介词短语。at times有时;at first首先;at noon在正午;at last最后。根据“They finally got there on time”可知是最后终于准时到达,故此处划线部分和at last意义相近。故选D。
83. He wants to drop physics because it is too difficult for him.
A. give up B. put up C. take up D. use up
考查动词短语。give up放弃;put up张贴;take up占据;use up用完。根据“because it is too difficult for him.”可知因为太难了,所以他决定放弃,故此处划线部分和give up意义相近。故选A。
84. Wang Hong and her family went to Baiyin for their holiday.
A. to find B. to show C. to spend D. to finish
考查动词辨析。to find为了找到;to show展示;to spend为了度过;to finish为了完成。根据“went to Baiyin for their holiday”可知他们去白银是为了度过他们的假期。故选C。
85. We have learned over 3,000 words since last year.
A. less than B. at least C. all of D. more than
考查副词短语。less than少于;at least至少;all of不少于;more than多于。over意为“超过”,和more than意义相近。故选D。
Ⅸ. 按要求完成句子(共10小题;每空1分,满分20分)
A) 句型转换。按括号内的要求转换下列句型。(每空限填一词)
86. It is June17 today. (对画线部分提问)
________ is the ________ today
【答案】 ①. What ②. date
87. Frank fed chicken on his uncle’s farm. (改为否定句)
Frank ________ ________ chicken on his uncle’s farm.
【答案】 ①. didn’t ②. feed
88. How do you like this new town (改为同义句)
What do you ________ ________ this new town
【答案】 ①. think ②. of
【详解】句意:你认为这个新城镇怎么样?How do you like... =What do you think of... 表示“认为……怎么样?”故填think;of。
89. They have built a new library for the students. (改为一般疑问句)
________ they ________ a new library for the students
【答案】 ①. Have ②. built
【详解】句意:他们已经为学生们修建了一个新的图书馆。句子时态是现在完成时,结构为have/ has+动词的过去分词。have/has是助动词。一般疑问句把have/has放到句首,句首首字母h要大写;故填Have;built。
90. English is his favourite subject. (对画线部分提问)
________ ________ is his favourite
【答案】 ①. Which ②. subject
【详解】句意:英语是他最爱的学科。划线部分是物,且指的是哪门学科,故用which subject,which位于句首,故大写首字母,故空一填Which;空二填subject。故填Which;subject。
B) 根据所给汉语提示完成下列句子。(每空限填一词)
91. 你最好试穿一下这双鞋以确保它们合脚。
You’d better ________ ________ the shoes to make sure they fit.
【答案】 ①. try ②. on
【详解】试穿的短语为try on且had better是情态动词短语,后接动词原形。故填try;on。
92. 你认为你年轻的时候更有创造力吗?
Do you think you were ________ ________ when you were young
【答案】 ①. more ②. creative
【详解】根据中英文对照可知,空处缺少了“更有创造力”,creative“有创造力的”,形容词,空处应用形容词比较级形式。故填more creative。
93. C919飞机在2024年新加坡航空展上展出。
The C919 aircraft was ________ ________ at Singapore Airshow 2024.
【答案】 ①. on ②. show
【详解】介词短语on show表示“展出”,在句中作表语。故填on;show。
94. 教育对一个人的未来有深远的影响。
Education can ________ a profound ________ on a person’s future.
【答案】 ①. have ②. influence
【详解】“对……有……的影响”have a/an ... influence on ...,是固定搭配;can后接动词原形。故填have;influence。
95. 我把计划告诉他们,但是没有人同意。
I told them my plan, but nobody ________ ________ me.
【答案】 ①. agreed ②. with
【详解】根据汉语提示,横线上应为 “同意”。agree with sb.意为 “同意某人(的观点)”。根据“I told them”可知,时态是一般过去时,故谓语动词也用过去式agreed。故填agreed;with。
Ⅹ. 书面表达(满分15分)
96. 假设你是李华,你校英语报“DIY”专栏面向全校学生征集美文,要求学生用英语介绍制作书签需要准备的材料和制作过程。请你根据以下图示,以“How to make a bookmark for my favourite book”为题,用英语给专栏写一篇短文。
Materials and tools: a card, scissors, glue
cut the card into… draw a picture of… write (your favourite sentence from a book or a famous saying or…)
1. 包括提示中所有的写作要点;
2. 条理清楚,行文连贯,可适当发挥;
3. 短文中不能出现真实的人名和地名等信息;
4. 词数:80左右。题目和开头已给出,不计入总词数。(不用抄写在答题卡书面表达作答区域。)
How to make a bookmark for my favourite book
I’m Li Hua. I have read some nice books and The Old Man and the Sea is my favourite. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
How to make a bookmark for my favourite book
I’m Li Hua, I have read some nice books and The Old Man and the Sea is my favourite. Now let’s make a bookmark for it.
To make a good bookmark, we should get the necessary materials, such as a card, scissors and glue in advance. First, we should cut the card into a proper piece with the correct shape and size. Then, we can draw a picture, such as a flower, a tree or an animal on it. After that, we can write our favourite sentence from the book or a famous saying near the picture. We can write our names on it, too.
Don’t wait. Make a bookmark by yourself at once!
③提示:注意连词的运用将步骤表述清楚。句型使用方面注意变化,可以使用“can/could/should/you’d better...”等句型。
①necessary materials必要的材料;
②in advance提前;
③correct shape and size正确的形状和尺寸
①To make a good bookmark, we should get the necessary materials, such as a card, scissors and glue in advance.(动词不定式表目的)
②Don’t wait. Make a bookmark by yourself at once!(祈使句)
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



