2023-2024八年级下册人教版Unit4 Why don't you talk to your parents综合测试卷(含答案)

时 间:120分钟 满分:120分
题 号 I Ⅱ Ⅲ IV V VI VⅡ 总 分
得 分
I. 单项选择。(共10小题,计20分)
( )1.You could save some money you can buy a gift for your mother
A.in order to B.because C.so D.so that
( )2. he is very poor, he feels very happy.
A.Although;but B.Although;/ C.Because;so D.Because;/
( )3.This math question is too difficult.Can you help me
A.work on it B.work out it C.work it out D.work for it
( )4.Yong people should their seats to the old on the bus.
A.offer B.bring C.lend D.take
( )5.Japan will have to do a great with America on rice because of nuclear pollution( 核
污染) .
A.reason B.result C.deal D.stress
( )6.Don't worry!I'm sure you'll your classmates if you are kind and friendly to them.
A.catch up with B.get on well with
C.agree with D.be strict with
( )7.My mother won't go to sleep I get back home
A.because B.until C.but D.when
( )8.Please stop talking.It's time class.
A.at B.to C.in D.for
( )9. give him a watch
A.What about B.Let's C.Why don't D.Why don't you
( )10.—My mother always compares me with my sister.
一You should have a talk with your mother.
A.How are you B.What should I do
C.What's wrong D.What do you do
When my brother and I were kids,we sometimes fought.One day I jumped over the gate to go downstairs when my brother was doing the laundry. 1 my brother was in the way,I hit him by
mistake.Then he 2 me back on my head.I had been 3 angry because my dad did not allow me
to go to the movies in the morning.Therefore(因此) ,I 4 with him.And then we fought until 5
dad stopped us.I then found 6 on my hand.My brother's nose was bleeding badly.About an hour later after I cooled off,I realized that I was 7 .He was my brother.I was supposed to 8 him.I said 9 to him and we became as close as we were before.
Today is my brother's birthday.We talked 10 that on his birthday party.Happy birthday,my
dear brother! ( )1.A.Although ( )2.A.lent ( )3.A.already ( )4.A.communicated ( )5.A.his ( )6.A.blood ( )7.A.happy ( )8.A.depend on ( )9.A.nothing ( )10.A.with B.If B.offered B.seldom B.competed B.our B.water B.clever B.take after B.sorry B.by C.After C.hit C.never C.agreed C.her C.rubbish C.wrong C.get on with C.thanks C.for D.Because D.pulled D.hardly D.argued D.youi D.clothes D.proper D.compare with D.OK D.about
What is one thing that would help parents understand their kids better More than 8,000 US kids answered this question in an online poll(投票)by Kids Health.org.
Many US kids,two out of three,said they get along with their parents.But that doesn't mean they never disagree.In fact,most kids reported arguing with their parents,at least some times.And two out of five kids said arguments sometimes even include shouting at each other.
“It's certainly normal to disagree and argue,”says Darcy Lyness,an American expert.“But it's also
important to learn how to do so respectfully.Be patient.Don't use a raised,angry voice.”
And not surprisingly,three out of four kids said they had lied to their parents sometimes.Many said they tell lies so that they would not get into trouble or disappoint their parents.According to Lyness,lying isn't just wrong.It can actually have bad results.Telling the truth builds trust.
“Telling the truth shows maturity(成熟),”says Lyness.But older kids actually lie more often than younger ones.Kids aged 12 to 14 not only said they lie more,but they also reported having less fun, feeling less close and not getting along well with their parents.
According to Lyness,those feelings are common.As kids become more independent they have more areas of disagreement with their parents.But it doesn't have to be that way.“Kids and parents get along differently at each stage of the journey,”she says.“As kids grow and change,it is important for everybody to change.”
( )1.In Lyness's opinion,kids their parents.
A.never agree with B.may argue with
C.must always agree with D.can shout at
( )2.Why do some kids lie to their parents
A.They don't trust their parents. B.They don't want to get into trouble.
C.They don't think lying is wrong. D.They aren't worried about their parents.
( )3.About out of the 8,000 students in the poll said that they have lied to their parents.
A.3,000 B.4,500 C.6,000 D.7,500
( )4.According to Paragraph 5,older kids
A.have more fun in life B.hardly lie to their parents
C.feel less close to their parents D.gets along better with their parents
( )5.The writer wrote this article to
A.explain why kids tell lies
B.show how parents and kids get along
C.make troubles between parents and kids
D.help parents and kids understand each other better
Sometimes you might feel it impossible to get on with your parents.6. _Follow these ways, and then you'll improve your relationship with them.
7. Your parents won't always be around,so try to spend more time with them.This doesn't mean just sitting in front of the TV together.Instead,you should do more activities with your parents together.By doing them,all of you will feel happy and relaxed.
8 In order to understand them better,you should talk with them more often.Try to learn more about their own childhood.In this way,you will understand them better.
Always listen to your parents.This may seem simple,but it's often harder than you think.Look at your parents when they are talking.9.
Share your feelings with your parents.Sometimes your parents also want to learn more about you. 10. When possible,talk to them about something at school or what you really want to be in the future.
Make your parents feel proud.There are always some ways to make your parents feel good about you.By working hard,you can do well at school or win prizes in games.They will think how lucky they are to have you and be more willing to talk about you in front of others.
A.Don't interrupt them,and then speak clearly when replying to them B.But in fact,it isn't as difficult as you think C.Spend more time alone. D.Spend more time with your parents. E.Just do your best to open your heart to them. F Don't lie to your parents G.Talk with your parents more often.
“I don't like my parents.They always tell me I should do this,and should not do that.It sometimes makes me angry,"said Tom,a middle school student in Beijing.Do you have the same problem Perhaps your parents had the same problem when they were young.Why aren't some parents so friendly in their children's eyes
One of the most important reasons is that he or she often worries about things,when someone becomes a parent.They worry about everything about you,from the time you were born.They do a lot for you.Though something would make you angry,they care about you and worry about you.They worry about your choice of friends,the food you eat,your study at school,how much sleep you get and so on.All these things are part of your life.They want you to grow up healthily and happily.
So how can you make things easier on yourself It's easier than you think.Just make sure your parents know what you're doing.Get them to know your friends.Phone them if you get home later than usual.Say sorry to them when you make mistakes.Talk about your ideas with them and they may talk about theirs with you.
Most of all,try to think about why your parents do this or do that.They are still practicing being parents and need help you can give them.When you become a parent,they may be able to help you learn how to get on with your children.
1.Parents always worry about everything about their children,don't they
2.What's the main idea of Paragraph 2
3.What should we do if we go home later than usual
4.What should children do when they make mistakes according to the writer
5.Do we need to think about why our parents do this or do that
V. 根据汉语意思完成下列句子。(共5 小题,计10分)
1. 他不想和他的弟弟打架。
He doesn't want to
with his brother.
these sentences,and your article will be better.
Why you with your parents for some more days
After the accident.he want to driye
He his son _ a good school
look we with spend three for parent how so lot
Nowadays,many teenagers find it hard to get on with parents.In life,they may argue 1. their parents and even say no to their ideas.So,2. _can we get on with our parents First,I think we should 3. more time with our parents.4. may have different ideas,but we
should not refuse to talk with them.Second,we should believe in our parents and ask them 5. _
,we must help when we have problems.They have more experience and may help us.6.
understand our parents.They have 7. of experience in their work,but they still have to spend
time 8. after us.
The most important thing for 9. to remember is that our parents love us deeply,10.
it's not difficult for us to understand and talk with each other.
假设你是 Tina, 你的笔友 Tom给你发了一封电子邮件,邮件中他诉说了他的烦恼:他最好的 朋友要过生日,他的朋友们准备的礼物都很贵,可是他却没有足够的钱去买昂贵的礼物。请根据 提示给他写一封回信,给他一些合理的建议。
Dear Tom,
Yours, Tina
Unit 4 综合测试卷
I.1-5 DBCAC 6-10 BBDDB
.1-5 DCADB 6-10 ACCBD
Ⅲ.1-5 BBCCD 6-10 BDGAE
IV.1.Yes,they do.
2.Parents worry about children because they want them to grow
up healthily and happily.
3.Phone our parents./Make a telephone call to our parents.
4.They should say sorry to their parents.
5.Yes,we do.
V.1.have a fight 2.Cut out 3.don't;stay
4.didn't;anymore 5.decided to send;to
VI.1.with 2.how 3.spend 4.Parents 5.for 6.Third
7.lots 8.looking 9.us 10.so
V.One possible version:
Dear Tom,
Glad to hear from you,but I'm sorry to know that you're so worried.In my opinion,gifts are just something to show our love.They can't be measured( 衡 量 )by money.
I don't think you need to buy an expensive gift,although your classmates will buy expensive gifts for him.If you buy one expensive gif,you will need too much money.And if you don't have enough money,you have to ask your parents for money. And I don't think it is a good idea.Why don't you buy some flowers or make a beautiful birthday card for your best friend
That'll be enough to make him happy.




下一篇:2023-2024八年级下册人教版Unit6 An old man tried to move the mountains 基础复习卷(含答案)