期中阅读拓展专项训练(16篇) 2023-2024外研版 八年级英语下册(含解析)

期中阅读拓展专项训练(16篇) 2023-2024学年外研版 八年级英语下册
Chaka Salt Lake is in Qinghai Province. It sits at an altitude of about 3,100 meters and covers an area of 105 square km. It is rich in salt with a heavy salt bed close to the lake surface. That makes the lake a main source of salt in our country. When the weather is clear, the lake provides beautiful reflections (映像) of the blue sky. That is why people call it “Sky Mirror”.
Because of its amazing views, people see the lake as one of the “must-go” places in China. The best time to visit it would be from July to August. It is believed that breathing (呼吸) in the humid air with its salt content is especially good for the lungs.
If you want to go on a trip to the lake, the following tips may be helpful.
★Don’t eat the salt in the lake directly.
★Wear sunglasses and a hat because of the ultraviolet rays (紫外线).
★Prepare some medicine for the weak and the elderly to deal with altitude sickness.
Traveling to such a beautiful world of salt surrounded by snowy mountains and green grassland, you will feel like you are in a wonderland.
If you have a chance, why not go there and enjoy the amazing place
1.Why do people call Chaka Salt Lake “Sky Mirror”
A.Because it has rich salt.
B.Because it has a high altitude.
C.Because the ultraviolet rays over the lake are strong.
D.Because it provides beautiful reflections of the blue sky.
2.What makes the lake a main source of salt in China
A.The wide area of the lake. B.The warm weather of the lake.
C.The high altitude of the lake. D.The heavy salt bed close to the lake surface.
3.What does the underlined word “humid” mean in Chinese
A.寒冷的 B.肮脏的 C.潮湿的 D.异样的
4.What does the writer think of Chaka Salt Lake
A.Dangerous. B.Beautiful. C.Hot. D.Common.
5.What can we get from the text
A.Chaka Salt Lake has a warm winter.
B.Chaka Salt Lake is a big lake in South China.
C.Chaka Salt Lake is a wonderful place to visit.
D.The best season to visit Chaka Salt Lake is spring.
Sometimes, we see some people reading books while biting (咬) their nails (指甲). We may think it is a kind of behavior that means they are focused (专心的). But in fact, it is more than that and science has proved it.
Nail biting can begin at an early age. According to the BBC, up to 45 percent of teenagers bite their nails. There is not an exact answer to explain why people bite their nails. But most commonly, nail biting is said to be a nervous habit. It is done because of stress, boredom or excitement.
What’s more, scientists found that people with higher levels of intelligence (智力) are the ones who start biting their nails at an early age. They believe that compared with the average person, those with higher levels of intelligence may feel higher levels of stress more easily. This habit is bad for the biters. It can give them red or sore fingertips. And long-term nail biting can affect (影响) how our nails grow.
But don’t worry! There are many ways to stop biting your nails. First, keep your nails clean. The more you focus on (集中于) taking care of your nails, the less likely you are to start biting them again. Also, when you feel stressed, try to relax. Doing exercise or having a warm bath both help.
6.According to the BBC, ________ of UK teenagers bite their nails.
A.four fifths B.nearly a half C.two thirds D.three quarters
7.Many people might bite their nails when _________.
A.their nails are too long B.they are taking an exam
C.they don’t want to wash their hands D.they feel relaxed
8.Which of the following is true
A.Nail biting is only a kind of behavior that means people are focused.
B.Scientists have known exactly why people bite their nails.
C.People with average levels of intelligence may start biting their nails later than those with higher levels of intelligence.
D.When you focus on taking care of your nails, you are likely to start biting them again.
9.What problems can nail biting cause
A.It can give people red fingertips. B.It can make people’s fingertips ache.
C.It can affect how the nails grow. D.All the above (以上).
10.What does the last paragraph mainly tell us
A.Don’t worry about biting nails. B.How to stop biting nails.
C.Try to relax. D.Pay attention to doing exercise.
We all know that getting the flu is not fun. There are headaches, coughs, fevers, and other terrible feelings. To help us get better, we take some medicine and get much rest. We also drink lots of water and eat healthy food to make us feel better.
However, some people don’t want to get sick at all. So they get a flu shot before the flu season starts. The flu shot is in fact, a vaccine (疫苗), not usual cold medicine. It will protect them from the flu.
The vaccine introduces some of the flu into the body. But don’t worry. The flu is dead and won’t make you sick. It will teach your body to know it and fight it off in the future, though.
Vaccines not only protect you but also protect others. That’s because they help stop diseases (疾病) from spreading (扩散) from person to person. When fewer people have the diseases, the chances of getting them go down. Sometimes, the diseases completely go away.
Even though vaccines are quite safe, some adults are afraid of them. Their worry is that the vaccines will cause serious side effects (副作用). Vaccines might cause side effects, but they are usually not as terrible as people imagine. For most people, vaccines are ▲ and make them better.
So, they are believable and people want them in their bodies. These days, people are in line for the COVID-19 vaccines and hope they can protect them well!
11.What does the underlined word “It” in Paragraph 3 refer to
A.The vaccine. B.The disease. C.The flu.
12.Which of the following is the main idea of Paragraphs 3 and 4
A.Vaccines protect us from the diseases.
B.People with vaccines never get any diseases.
C.Vaccines can drive all diseases from our bodies.
13.What can we put in the ▲ in the fifth paragraph
A.brave B.safe C.interesting
14.Why does the writer write this text
A.To introduce the uses of vaccines.
B.To explain people’s fears about vaccines.
C.To encourage people to stay away from disease.
We all know that it is important to protect our teeth. We should not eat too many candies. We should brush our teeth every day. A new survey in America also shows that if we drink too many sodas (汽水), our teeth will also be bad.
In America, it is popular to drink sodas. About 90% of young people have sodas every day. Most of them have more than three glasses of sodas every day. About 30% of them have bad teeth. When they eat fast food, or when they are thirsty, they drink sodas instead of water. But the sodas are sweet and the sweet things can change into the sour (酸的) things, and the sour things can make our teeth bad. So the American scientists say that it is not good to drink sodas, especially for the young people.
15.Our teeth will be bad if we _________.
A.eat too many candies B.don’t brush our teeth
C.drink too many sodas D.A, B and C
16.About _________ of young people in America have sodas every day.
A.10% B.30% C.90% D.70%
17.From the passage, the _________ things can make the teeth bad.
A.salty B.sour C.hot D.cold
18.According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE
A.It is popular to drink sodas in both China and America.
B.About 90% of young people in America have bad teeth.
C.The sour things can change into the sweet things easily.
D.It is not good for the young people to drink sodas often.
To help you decide what might make a good pet, we have put together a pet checklist.
We have named some of the animals that are often kept as pets. We’ve shown some good points and bad points about each. And we’ve told you which are OK or not OK to keep.
Which pet is for you
Pick-a-pet Checklist
Pets Good Points Bad Points OK to Keep
Rabbits Easy to keep Enjoy being petted Good to hold Hard to house-train Drop lots of hair Easily upset by high temperature Yes
Raccoons (小浣熊) Can be very interesting Can be friendly when young Against the law to keep in many states Can get unkind when old No
Cats Easy to feed & care for Can live indoors or out Fun to hold Very friendly May scratch furniture Little pets can be messy May kill birds May make you sneeze Yes
Dogs Come in many sizes Can live indoors or out Fun to love & play with Very friendly Can give safety Can be smelly, messy, noisy Need to be licensed & trained May make you sneeze May bite if angry Need lots of attention Yes
19.________ have the same bad point that will make you sneeze.
A.Rabbits & raccoons B.Raccoons & cats C.Cats & dogs D.Dogs & rabbits
20.According to the checklist, a rabbit would not live in ________ weather.
A.cold B.cool C.warm D.hot
21.If people try to keep ________ as pets, they may break the law in many states.
A.dogs B.cats C.raccoons D.rabbits
22.What is the main purpose (目的) of this checklist
A.To help pick the best pet for you. B.To tell how to take care of your pet.
C.To list the best pets. D.To list the worst pets.
Alice, 13 What can affect my moods They’re colors. I seldom wear blue clothes because blue can make me very sad, but I don’t know why. I usually wear red clothes. It can make me more active.
Zhao Lei, 14 Hello, everyone. Food can change my feelings. Especially food in the morning can influence my feelings a lot. If I have a bottle of milk, one egg and some bread, I’ll feel happy.
Kate, 14 I like watching TV a lot. So TV programs can change my feelings in different ways. After I see a comedy (喜剧), I’ll feel happy for a few days. But after I see a sad play, I’ll be sad for some days.
Wang Shuo, 13 Weather can affect my moods. I like fine days. It can make me happy and lively. When it’s raining, I’ll feel unhappy. I also feel unhappy when I see gray. It makes me bored.
23.Who will feel unhappy in rainy days
A.Alice. B.Zhao Lei. C.Kate. D.Wang Shuo.
24.Why does Alice seldom wear blue clothes
A.Because she doesn’t like blue. B.Because blue can make her sad.
C.Because she looks ugly in blue. D.We don’t know why.
25.According to the passage, which is NOT true
A.Red can make Alice more active.
B.Zhao Lei thinks food can change people’s feeling.
C.Kate doesn’t like seeing sad plays.
D.Color can also affect Wang Shuo’s moods.
26.The word “influence” means ________ in Chinese.
A.影响 B.镇静 C.伤害 D.不利
27.What’s the best title of the passage
A.Food and Drinks B.What Can Affect Our Feelings
C.Hobbies and Feelings D.The Weather and the Color
You may see a smiling face in clouds, a shocked face on a wall, or an angry face in a car. Why do we see faces in almost everything
According to a study by scientists from the University in Australia, this might be passed down from our ancestors (祖先). “It’s an important skill to run away from dangerous animals,” the scientist Peter told us.
For our ancestors, seeing different faces quickly could be a matter of life and death. It’s much safer to mistake a sun flower for a lion’s face than not see the lion’s face. So the brain chooses to make life-saving mistakes.
Scientists from Canada had another explanation, “Humans are social (社会的) animals. When we meet each other, we need to know if the other person is a friend or not.” That’s why we can not only see “faces”, but also know if the face is happy or sad.
People believed that when the eyes see things from the outside world, they will send that information to the brain (大脑). But it’s not true. Doctor Lee asked people to find faces from a group of pictures. About 34 percent of the time, people said they saw faces when there were no faces at all. It showed that when our brain expects to see something, it can tell our eyes to “see” it.
“The brain plays an important role in how we experience the world,” said Lee. “A lot of things we see aren’t coming from our sight (所见), but from inside our minds.”
28.Why might we see faces in almost everything, according to Peter
A.Because many things are similar to faces.
B.Because it is a way to pass important information.
C.Because it’s a way for our ancestors to protect themselves.
D.Because it is easy to mistake things for faces.
29.What does the underlined (划线的) phrases “pass down” mean in Chinese
A.遗传 B.经过 C.递给 D.通过
30.Why can people see looks from the “faces” according to scientists from Canada
A.To know their own feelings. B.To understand happiness and sadness.
C.To care about the feelings of these “faces”. D.To know the other person is a friend or not.
31.According to Lee, what is the reason that we mistake something for a face
A.Because we saw too many faces. B.Because the eyes send the information to the brain.
C.Because our brain tells our eyes to see the face. D.Because blood runs down from our brain.
32.In which part of a magazine or newspaper can you read the text
A.Health. B.History. C.Science. D.Culture.
“What’s the name of the man living next door I can’t remember it right now.” Have you ever heard your grandparents ask questions like this Usually, we think old people’s memories (记忆力) become bad because their brains (大脑) can’t work quickly. But a team of German scientists has a different idea.
“The human brain works slower in old age,” said scientist Michael Ramscar, “but only because they have kept much more information over time.”
The findings are a result of many computer simulations (模拟) of learning and memory. Scientists let the computers read words and learn new things each day. When the computer “reads” only so much, its result in memory tests is the same as that of a young man. But if the computer learns much more than that, its result is the same as that of an older man. It is slower because more information makes the computer’s database (数据库) grow and the computer has more data to work with—it takes time. This is the same as old people.
Think about this. A man knows two persons’ birthdays. Another man knows the birthdays of 2,000 people, but can only match the right man to the right birthday nine times out of ten. Can you say that the first man has a better memory than the second one The fact is that “The larger the library you have in your head, the longer it usually takes to find a word,” Benedict Carey, a science reporter for the New York Times, wrote in a report about the study.
33.The writer uses the question at the beginning to ________.
A.make readers think of their friends
B.say that many people have bad memories
C.make readers interested in the passage
D.show why older people like asking questions
34.The scientists did the study by ________.
A.asking old people questions
B.reading books and some useful reports
C.following the lives of a group of old people
D.using computers to simulate man’s learning and memory
35.Why do old people forget other people’s names easily
A.Because they have a very poor memory.
B.Because they are too old to remember things.
C.Because there is something wrong with their brains.
D.Because there is too much information in their brains.
36.What would be the best title for the passage
A.Is It Better to Be Old or Young B.How Can Man Use Their Brains
C.Do Old People Have Poor Memories D.What Are Scientists’ New Findings
Flu (流感) easily spreads (传播) from one person to another. If you are weak (无力的), you probably catch flu easily. How can you avoid (避免) flu Here is some advice.
Keep in good health
You can eat everything you want but make sure that your diet (饮食) is healthy. The healthier you are, the better it is for you to avoid any kind of illness around. Most doctors suggest drinking lots of fresh fruit juice and water is helpful to avoid flu.
Stay away from people with flu
If a member of a family or a friend has flu, stay away from him/her until he/she is well. Flu is very communicable (可传染的). If you stay with the person with flu, you can catch flu easily. Wear a mask (口罩) and avoid using their things.
Exercising will make you stronger. You’ll have a stronger immune system (免疫系统), too. Exercise often so that (以便于) you can keep healthy. It doesn’t matter what kind of exercise it is.
Be happy
Happy people are healthy people. Their life isn’t stressed out, so they may be safe from illness. If you are unhappy, you will easily get sick.
Follow the suggestions above and you can avoid the flu easily.
Title: 37
Keep in good health The healthier you are, 38 it is for you to avoid any kind of illness.
Stay away from people with flu Stay away with the person with flu, 39 you can catch flu easily.
Exercise You can exercise often 40 keep healthy.
41 You will easily get sick if you are unhappy.
We live in a world where good health is usually related to a certain kind of appearance. But it doesn’t mean it is necessary for good health. How can you tell if you are healthy Here are some to look out for.
You eat when you’re hungry and stop when you’re full. This simple behavior is a symbol of healthy eating. “It sounds really silly, but many of us can’t do it,” said Geyer. Besides, you should eat a varied diet rich in whole foods. Natural food is much better than processed food. What’s more, eating enough is very important.
Experts suggest 150 minutes’ proper activities every week is good for our health, like quick walking. “Going quickly up two flights of stairs without stopping and feeling good suggests that your body can perform high intensity (高强度的) activity!”
You can face different kinds of emotions. Emotional health is as important as physical heat, and Geyer has a simple way of measuring (测量) it. “I think emotional well-being is facing various emotions and understanding that they’re all normal,” Geyer said. “And remember that no one of them is going to be permanent (长久的).”
You can wake up without an alarm clock. It is not surprising that no enough sleeping is terrible for your health. Lack of (缺乏) sleep increases the risk of illness. That’s why it’s important to sleep for eight hours a night.
You have the energy to do the things you want to do. Geyer said that there was one word that kept coming to her mind when she thought of good heath—energy. “Having the energy to do the things you want to do is usually a very good sign of good health,” she said.
Anyhow, remember that heath is individualized (因人而异的). If you’re worried you’re not healthy or you’re just curious about where you stand, you can go to see your doctor.
42.How many health signs are mentioned in the passage
43.What is the symbol of healthy eating
44.According to experts’ suggestions, how long should we do exercise every week
45.Why do we need a good sleep every night Please describe another sign of health.
Many travelers feel nervous about going to a strange place. If you plan your trip carefully and get well prepared, you can relax and enjoy yourself. Remembering the following tips can help you have an enjoyable trip.
◆Check Your Paperwork
When you prepare for your leaving, make sure your paperwork is organized. You’ll check the dates on your visa (签证) and passport. Also, do some research on the local currency (货币). Some countries—like Jamaica—use more than one currency. It’s best to know how and when to use them.
◆Mind Your Health
Get a physical checkup before the trip. If you need to take medicine along, keep it in its bottles.
Also, make sure that you know the place or phone number of the local hospital so that if you are sick while traveling, you will be able get the treatment as soon as possible.
◆Pay Attention
Stay safe by keeping one eye on the amazing sights and the other on your personal things. When you get into a taxi, make sure there is a meter (计价器) and it is turned on. If there is no meter, agree on a price before starting out.
◆Learn About the Locals
If you will visit a country, buy a guidebook and a map. It’s a good way to learn about the culture of the country you will visit. Then you will have a better understanding of the country. For example, in Thailand, it’s impolite to point with your feet at someone or something. Also, try to learn a few basic words and sentences of the local language. Not everyone will speak your language.
46.Check the dates on your visa and passport, and on the local currency.
47.Before the trip, we had better get a to mind our health.
48.What should you do without a meter in a taxi
Biting could be worrying
Nail biting (咬指甲) can begin at an early age. Up to 45 percent of the teenagers in the UK bite their nails, the BBC reported. There are also many famous nail biters, including American singer Britney Spears. A survey shows that 13.78% of primary school students in China bite nails. It makes our fingers look ugly. It’s dirty. It could hurt a lot. But many people just can’t stop doing it.
There’s nothing wrong with biting nails to keep them tidy. But it could get out of control. Some people bite a nail not because it’s too long, but because they are feeling stressed out, or just have nothing else to do.
The same could happen to skin picking and hair pulling. A normal behavior (行为) could become “pathological” (病态的), as experts say.
In 2013, the American Psychiatric Association labeled (把……列为) nail biting as an obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD,强迫症). People with this disorder may wash their hands too many times or have to line up their shoes in a certain way.
These behaviors have a lot in common. OCD is doing something normal and healthy too much, NPR reported. But nail biting is different from other OCD behaviors in at least one way. People with other OCD don’t want to wash their hands over and over again. There is no fun in it. They are just afraid that if they don’t do something, something else that’s very bad will happen to them. But nail biters enjoy it. “When you get the right nail, it feels good,” said Mathews.
But anyway, it’s still a bad habit. So what can we do to stop it Since most people bite nails as a way of lower stress, finding another way to lower that stress could be useful, suggested Rochelle Torgerson, a doctor at the Mayo Clinic in the US. She said: “They can try playing with their pens.” “Besides, nail biters really want to bite if they find a small imperfect part of the nail”, said Mathews. So always keep your nails in good shape.
51 ·Nail biting begins at an early age. ·45% the teenagers in the UK like biting nails. And 13.78% of primary school students in China bite nails according to a study. ·It makes fingers look ugly. ·It’s dirty and it could hurt a lot. Reasons·The nail biters feel 52 and stressed out. ·The nail biters try to keep nails tidy and in good shape.
Differences between OCD behaviors and nail biting·Other OCD people have no fun washing their hands many times or lining up the shoes, 53 the nail biters. They just fear something bad will happen. ·The nail biters want to keep their nails in a good shape. So they do it 54 . Advice·Find some other ways to lower stress. For example, they can try playing with pens 55 biting nails.
The Awakening Age (《觉醒年代》), a TV series telling the story of how the Party was founded (成立) in 1921 has become a hot topic and has won praise (赞扬) among lots of young people in China recently, who found the part of history inspiring (鼓舞人心的).
The history of the birth and growth of the Communist Party of China (CPC 中国共产党) a century ago has drawn the interest of many young Chinese audiences (观众). It is reported that some young audiences even look through history books while watching the shows to better understand them.
“I love the scene in which young Mao Zedong first appears (出现) in the series so much and have watched the two-minute video several times. He walks through the rain, shining like a light,” one reviewer wrote.
Director (导演) Zhang said that the biggest pressure (压力) in making The Awakening Age comes from how to make it more accepted by young audiences in China, who have set very high standards (标准) for historical movies and TV shows.
Using the New Youth magazine as background material, the series linked Chen Duxiu, Li Dazhao, and Hu Shi, shining names in the history. Stories about how Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, and other passionate youths (有志青年) pursued truth and explored knowledge were also included in the series. Those great men of that generation have great love for the family and the nation. These spirits, passing down from generation to generation, will continue to enlighten (启发) the young generation of today. Many audiences look forward to the sequel (续集) to the series, but Director Zhang says all the Chinese people today have already seen it and are enjoying it.
56.How long has the Communist Party of China been founded
57.What do some young people do to understand the TV series better when watching it
58.How does Mao Zedong first appears in the series
59.What do great people like Chen Duxiu, Li Dazhao, and Hu Shi love according to the article
60.What is the sequel to the series in your eyes
The Start of Summer, one of the 24 solar terms (节气) in China always falls on the 5th or 6th of May each year. It was set during the end of the Warring States Period. During the Start of Summer time, all vegetation grows fast. It’s the tie for the harvest of wheat and other summer crops. For this reason, the Start of Summer has been labeled with great importance since ancient times in China. In Zhou Dynasty, the emperor himself led his officials and people to welcome the Start of Summer.
Among the 24 solar terms, the Start of Summer is the most attractive to children. There are many customs on this day and the egg competition is one of them. In summer, with increasing temperature, it is easy for children to feel weak. There is an old Chinese saying which says, “Hanging an egg on children’s chest can prevent them from getting summer diseases”.
On this day, parents prepare boiled eggs for their children. They put the egg in a knitted bag and hang the egg on the chests of their children. When at school, children gather together to hold the egg competition. There are two ends of an egg. The pointed end is the top and the round end is the bottom. In the competition, children let the pointed end of their egg hit the pointed end of their competitor’s egg. The children battle one by one and those whose eggs are broken will lose the game. The person who has the hardest egg is the champion (冠军).
The custom to check one’s weight started from the Three Kingdoms Period. It is said that Zhao Zilong left Liu Bei’s son, A Dou, to Mrs. Sun in Wu State on the day of Start of Summer. Mrs. Sun weighed A Dou in front of Zhao Zilong and planned to weigh him again on the same day the next year to see if A Dou became stronger. Today people of all ages still like weighing themselves. It is believed that one weighs oneself on this day will have a strong body through the summer.
The Start of Summer
Facts It always 61 on the 5th or 6th of May each year. It has been very important since ancient times in China 62 it is time for harvesting.
History It 63 during the end of the Warring States Period. In Zhou Dynasty, the emperor himself welcomed the Start of Summer 64 his officials and people.
65 The 66 competition Hanging eggs help children 67 for summer. The person who has the hardest egg 68 the game.
Checking one’s weightWeighing oneself on this day is 69 among people of all ages. By doing so, people believe they will have a strong body, during the 70 summer.
Sometimes, we see some people reading books while biting their nails (指甲). We may think it is a kind of behavior that means they are focused (专心的). But in fact, it is more than that and science has proved it.
Nail biting can begin at an early age. According to the BBC, up to 45 percent of teenagers bite their nails.
There is not an exact answer to explain why people bite their nails. But most commonly, nail biting is said to be a nervous habit. It is done because of stress, boredom or excitement.
What’s more, scientists found that people with higher levels of intelligence (智力) are the ones who start biting their nails at an early age. They believe that compared with the average person, those with higher levels of intelligence may feel higher levels of stress more easily.
This habit is bad for the biters. It can give them red or sore fingertips. And long-term nail biting can affect (影响) how our nails grow.
But don’t worry! There are many ways to stop biting your nails. First, keep your nails clean. The more you focus on (集中于) taking care of your nails, the less likely you are to start biting them again. Also, when you feel stressed, try to relax. Doing exercise or having a warm bath both help.
Nail biting
Introduction It can start when people are 71 . Up to 45 percent of teenagers have the 72 .
73 It has something to do with a nervous habit because people feel stressed, bored or excited. The higher levels of intelligence people have, the higher levels of stress they may feel, and the more likely they will bite their nails.
Effects(影响) It can give them red or sore fingertips. Long-term nail biting can affect the 74 our nails grow.
Solutions Keep your nails clean. Focus more on looking after your nails. If you feel stressed, it is 75 to do exercise or have a warm bath.
During the holiday season, many of us feel nervous to find our loved persons the “perfect” gift. Why Because gift-giving has long been thought a common way to express love. However, the study, published this summer in The Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, suggests that small acts of kindness, not expensive gifts, make people feel most loved and supported.
“Our research found that a kind word, hugging with a child, or receiving compassion (同情) make people feel most loved,” says Dr. Zita Oravecz, a professor in human development and family studies at Pennsylvania State University and one of the study’s researchers.
In the study, 495 men and women between the ages of 18 and 93 did a survey evaluating (评价) 60 possible ways that people can feel love. Each question began with, “Most people feel loved when…” The situations included like spending time with friends, receiving gifts, and spending time in nature. The survey also included negative (消极的) ways, like being controlled by others.
Oravecz says the findings show close relationships can offer good feelings. In fact, study showed human communication is a more important expression of love than receiving real presents. Connecting with others was also thought more highly than getting positive replies on the Internet, showing that people get the most support from personal human relationship.
“However, the power of spending time with another person is a gift we can give at any moment,” says Dr. Carla Naumburg, a social worker in Newton. Activities like reading to a child, meeting a friend for a walk, or taking a moment to call a family member, are ways to express love and care and can keep good relationship.
While only few people hold the view that the idea of offering loved ones gifts of our time cannot be compared with giving them expensive presents, they think that gift-giving can improve social connections. Although having differences, most people agree on what makes us feel loved —staying together with our loved ones.
76.What does Dr. Carla Naumburg want to tell us
A.Face to face connection can be a gift to show love.
B.People often find it confident to stay with others.
C.Balancing holiday activities with relaxation is suggested.
D.Reading to a child is the best way to express love and care.
77.What can we learn from the passage
A.Gift-giving can lower the social stress.
B.People like negative communication.
C.Relationship can’t improve our life.
D.Kind acts make people feel satisfied.
78.What’s your way to express love Why
1.D 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.C
1.细节理解题。根据“When the weather is clear, the lake provides beautiful reflections of the blue sky. That is why people call it ‘Sky Mirror’.”可知茶卡盐湖被叫做“天空之境”是因为能够反射出天空的倒影。故选D。
2.细节理解题。根据“It is rich in salt with a heavy salt bed close to the lake surface. That makes the lake a main source of salt in our country.”可知茶卡盐湖成为主要盐源是因为靠近湖面的盐层很重。故选D。
3.词义猜测题。根据划线词所在句“It is believed that breathing in the humid air with its salt content is especially good for the lungs.”可知说的是呼吸这种空气对肺好,结合选项可知潮湿的空气对肺好,故humid应是“潮湿的”意思,故选C。
4.推理判断题。根据“Traveling to such a beautiful world of salt surrounded by snowy mountains and green grassland, you will feel like you are in a wonderland.”去这样一个被雪山和绿色草原包围的美丽的盐世界旅行,你会觉得自己身处仙境。可推测作者认为茶卡盐湖是一个美丽的地方。故选B。
5.细节理解题。根据“Because of its amazing views, people see the lake as one of the ‘must-go’ places in China.”可知茶卡盐湖是一个旅行的好去处,故选C。
6.B 7.B 8.C 9.D 10.B
6.细节理解题。根据“According to the BBC, up to 45 percent of teenagers bite their nails.”可知,超过45%的青少年咬指甲,也就是接近一半人数。故选B。
7.推理判断题。根据“But most commonly, nail biting is said to be a nervous habit. It is done because of stress, boredom or excitement.”可知,咬指甲被认为是一种紧张的习惯。这样做是因为压力、无聊或兴奋。因此考试应是一个容易引发紧张情绪的场景。故选B。
8.细节理解题。根据“What’s more, scientists found that people with higher levels of intelligence (智力) are the ones who start biting their nails at an early age.”可知,科学家发现,高智商的人是那些在很小的时候就开始咬指甲的人,因此智力普通的人可能开始咬指甲要比智力水平较高的人晚。故选C。
9.细节理解题。根据“This habit is bad for the biters. It can give them red or sore fingertips. And long-term nail biting can affect (影响) how our nails grow.”可知,咬指甲会导致手指发红或疼痛,长期的咬指甲会影响指甲的生长。故选D。
10.段落大意题。根据“There are many ways to stop biting your nails.”可知,最后一段告诉我们停止咬指甲的方法。故选B。
11.C 12.A 13.B 14.A
11.词义猜测题。根据“The vaccine introduces some of the flu into the body. But don’t worry. The flu is dead and won’t make you sick. It will teach your body to know it and fight it off in the future, though.”可知,流感病毒不会让你生病,它会教会你的身体认识它。因此It指的是“流感”。故选C。
12.段落大意题。通读3、4段并根据“The vaccine introduces some of the flu into the body. But don’t worry. The flu is dead and won’t make you sick.”和“Vaccines not only protect you but also protect others.”可知,3、4段主要讲了疫苗保护我们免受疾病的侵袭。故选A。
13.推理判断题。根据Vaccines might cause side effects, but they are usually not as terrible as people imagine. For most people, vaccines are ... and make them better.”可知,疫苗应该是安全的。故选B。
15.D 16.C 17.B 18.D
15.推理判断题。根据“We should not eat too many candies. We should brush our teeth every day.”以及“A new survey in America also shows that if we drink too many sodas (汽水), our teeth will also be bad.”可推知,如果吃太多糖、不刷牙、喝太多苏打水的话,我们的牙齿会变坏。故选D。
16.细节理解题。根据“About 90% of young people have sodas every day.”可知,在美国,大约90%的年轻人每天都喝苏打水。故选C。
17.细节理解题。根据“and the sour things can make our teeth bad”可知,酸的东西会使我们的牙齿变坏。故选B。
18.细节理解题。根据“So the American scientists say that it is not good to drink sodas, especially for the young people.”可知,选项D“年轻人经常喝苏打水是不好的”表述正确。故选D。
19.C 20.D 21.C 22.A
19.细节理解题。根据Cats和Dogs中Bad Points一栏“May make you sneeze”可知,猫和狗的缺点都有可能会让你打喷嚏。故选C。
20.细节理解题。根据Rabbits中Bad Points一栏“Easily upset by high temperature”可知,兔子的缺点是在高温中容易烦躁。故选D。
21.细节理解题。根据Raccoons中Bad Points一栏“Against the law to keep in many states”可知,饲养浣熊在许多州都是违法的。故选C。
22.细节理解题。根据“To help you decide what might make a good pet, we have put together a pet checklist.”可知,为了帮助你选择一只好宠物,我们整理了一份宠物清单,即清单的目的是帮你挑选最好的宠物。故选A。
23.D 24.B 25.C 26.A 27.B
23.细节理解题。根据表格第四行“When it’s raining, I’ll feel unhappy.”可知,王烁认为下雨会让她不快乐。故选D。
24.细节理解题。根据表格第一行“I seldom wear blue clothes because blue can make me very sad, but I don’t know why.”可知,爱丽丝很少穿蓝色因为会让她悲伤。故选B。
25.细节理解题。根据表格第三行“I like watching TV a lot. So TV programs can change my feelings in different ways.”以及“But after I see a sad play, I’ll be sad for some days.”可知,凯特喜欢看不同的电视节目,只是悲伤的电视节目会让她难过。选项C表述“凯特不喜欢看悲伤的电视节目”错误。故选C。
26.词义猜测题。根据表格第二行“Food can change my feelings. Especially food in the morning can influence my feelings a lot.”可知,前文提到了食物会改变作者的感觉,划线词是“影响”。故选A。
27.标题归纳题。根据表格第一行“What can affect my moods They’re colors.”;表格第二行“Food can change my feelings.”;表格第三行“ So TV programs can change my feelings in different ways.”以及表格第四行“Weather can affect my moods. I like fine days.”可知,这篇文章讲述了什么会影响我们的感觉。故选B。
28.C 29.A 30.D 31.C 32.C
28.推理判断题。根据第二段“According to a study by scientists from the University in Australia, this might be passed down from our ancestors (祖先). ‘It’s an important skill to run away from dangerous animals,’ the scientist Peter told us.”可知,根据Peter所说,我们在几乎所有事物中都能看到人脸,是遗传自我们的祖先,这是一项逃离危险动物的重要技能,由此推测,我们在几乎所有事物中都能看到人脸,是因为这是我们祖先保护自己的一种方式。故选C。
29.词义猜测题。根据第二段“this might be passed down from our ancestors (祖先).”可知,此处表示我们在几乎所有事物中都能看到人脸,这可能是从我们的祖先遗传下来的,由此猜测,pass down意为“遗传”,故选A。
30.细节理解题。根据第四段“Scientists from Canada had another explanation, ‘Humans are social (社会的) animals. When we meet each other, we need to know if the other person is a friend or not.’ That’s why we can not only see ‘faces’...”可知,加拿大的科学家认为,我们之所以能看到“脸”,是因为人类是群居动物。当我们遇到对方时,我们需要知道对方是否是朋友。故选D。
31.细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“Doctor Lee asked people to find faces from a group of pictures. About 34 percent of the time, people said they saw faces when there were no faces at all. It showed that when our brain expects to see something, it can tell our eyes to ‘see’ it.”可知,根据Lee的的说法,我们把某物误认为是脸,是因为我们的大脑告诉我们的眼睛去看脸。故选C。
33.C 34.D 35.D 36.C
33.推理判断题。根据“‘What’s the name of the man living next door I can’t remember it right now.’ Have you ever heard your grandparents ask questions like this ”和全文可知,作者开头提出老人记忆力变差的问题,且在下文解释了老人记忆力变差的原因,可推测作者在开头提出问题是为了让读者对文章产生兴趣,引出下文。故选C。
34.细节理解题。根据“The findings are a result of many computer simulations of learning and memory.”可知,这些发现是许多计算机模拟学习和记忆的结果,即科学家们通过使用计算机模拟人类的学习和记忆来做这项研究。故选D。
35.细节理解题。根据“‘The human brain works slower in old age,’ said scientist Michael Ramscar, ‘but only because they have kept much more information over time.’”可知,科学家迈克尔·拉姆斯卡表示人类大脑在老年时工作得较慢,这只是因为随着时间的推移,老人的大脑里保存了更多的信息,即老年人很容易忘记别人的名字是因为他们的大脑里有太多的信息。故选D。
37.How to/can you avoid flu/Some advice on how to (you can) avoid flu 38.the better 39.or 40.in order to/to 41.Be happy
37.根据“Flu easily spreads from one person to another. If you are weak, you probably catch flu easily. How can you avoid flu Here is some advice.”可知,全文是对如何避免染上流感提出了几点建议。该篇文章的标题可以是“如何避免流感/你能避免流感吗/关于如何 (你能) 避免流感的一些建议”,首字母大写。故填How to/can you avoid flu/Some advice on how to (you can) avoid flu。
38.根据“The healthier you are, the better it is for you to avoid any kind of illness around.”可知,你越健康,你就越能避免周围的任何疾病。故填the better。
39.根据“If you stay with the person with flu, you can catch flu easily.”如果你和患流感的人待在一起,你很容易得流感。结合题干中祈使句“Stay away with …”可知,应用连词or表示如果不远离患流感人群的后果,意为“否则”。故填or。
40.根据“Exercise often so that you can keep healthy.”可推测,锻炼是为了保持健康,此处应用介词短语in order to或不定式to表目的。故填in order to/to。
41.通读全文可知,本文讲述了四条避免染上流感的建议,此处是第四条关于“Be happy要开心”的建议。故填Be happy。
42.Five/5. 43.You eat when you’re hungry and stop when you’re full. 44.150 minutes. 45.Because no enough sleeping is terrible for our health and lack of sleep increases the risk of illness. Having a good habit of living is a symbol of health.
42.根据“You eat when you’re hungry and stop when you’re full…Experts suggest 150 minutes’ proper activities every week is good for our health…You can face different kinds of emotions. Emotional health…It is not surprising that no enough sleeping is terrible for your health…Having the energy to do the things you want to do is usually a very good sign of good health”可知,一共提到了饮食、运动、情绪、睡眠和能量五种健康的标志。故填Five/5.
43.根据“You eat when you’re hungry and stop when you’re full. This simple behavior is a symbol of healthy eating.”可知,饮食健康的标志是“饿了就吃,饱了就停”。故填You eat when you’re hungry and stop when you’re full.
44.根据“Experts suggest 150 minutes’ proper activities every week is good for our health”可知,专家建议每周锻炼150分钟。故填150 minutes.
45.根据“It is not surprising that no enough sleeping is terrible for your health. Lack of (缺乏) sleep increases the risk of illness.”可知,没有足够的睡眠对健康不好,还会增加疾病的风险;健康的生活习惯是一种健康的标志。故填Because no enough sleeping is terrible for our health and lack of sleep increases the risk of illness.;Having a good habit of living is a symbol of health.
46.do some research 47.physical checkup 48.Agree on a price before starting out. 49.Remembering the following tips can help you have an enjoyable trip. 50.当你上出租车时,一定要确保有计价器并且它是开着的。
46.根据“Also, do some research on the local currency (货币).”可知,检查签证和护照上的日期,并对当地货币进行一些研究。故填do some research。
47.根据“Get a physical checkup before the trip. If you need to take medicine along, keep it in its bottles.”可知,旅行前,我们最好做一次身体检查,注意身体健康。故填physical checkup。
48.根据“If there is no meter, agree on a price before starting out.”可知,出发前先商定价格。故填Agree on a price before starting out.
根据“Remembering the following tips can help you have an enjoyable trip.”及下文的介绍可知,本文就安全旅游给出了相应的建议。因此全文的主题句为:Remembering the following tips can help you have an enjoyable trip.故填Remembering the following tips can help you have an enjoyable trip.
50.when:当……时候;you:你;get into a taxi:上出租车;make sure:确保;there is:有;a meter:一个计价器;and:并且;it:它;is turned on:是被打开。故填:当你上出租车时,一定要确保有计价器并且它是开着的。
51.Facts and figures 52.bored 53.compared with/compared to 54.enjoyably/with enjoyment/with joy/happily 55.instead of
51.根据第一段介绍的咬指甲从很小的年龄开始并且比例很高可知,本段介绍的是咬指甲的事实和数据。故填Facts and figures。
52.根据第二段“Some people bite a nail not because it’s too long, but because they are feeling stressed out, or just have nothing else to do.”可知,一些人咬指甲不是因为它太长,而是因为他们觉得压力大或者无事可做。feel 是系动词,后面需用形容词作表语。“无事可做”意为“无聊的”,需用bored。故填bored。
53.根据第五段“People with other OCD don’t want to wash their hands over and over again. There is no fun in it. They are just afraid that if they don’t do something, something else that’s very bad will happen to them. But nail biters enjoy it.”可知,其他强迫症患者不喜欢一遍遍的洗手,但咬指甲的人喜欢,推测出这将其他强迫症与咬指甲的人进行对比。compared with/to表示“与……对比”,故填compared with/compared to。
54.根据最后一段“Besides, nail biters really want to bite if they find a small imperfect part of the nail, said Mathews. So always keep your nails in good shape.” 可知,咬指甲的人看到指甲不完美的部分时,就喜欢开心地将指甲弄整齐。故填enjoyably/with enjoyment /with joy/ happily。
55.根据最后一段“They can try playing with their pens.”可知,建议他们用玩笔来代替咬指甲。instead of 表示“代替”。故填instead of。
56.(About) 102 years./More than 100 years. 57.They look through history books. 58.He walks through the rain, shining like a light. 59.They love the family and the nation. 60.Fighting for the new China.
56.根据“the Party was founded (成立) in 1921”可知,中国共产党成立于1921年,今年为2023年,距今102年或超过100年。故填(About) 102 years./More than 100 years.
57.根据“It is reported that some young audiences even look through history books while watching the shows to better understand them.”可知,据报道,一些年轻观众甚至在看电视剧时翻阅历史书来更好地理解它们。故填They look through history books.
58.根据“I love the scene in which young Mao Zedong first appears (出现) in the series so much and have watched the two-minute video several times. He walks through the rain, shining like a light”可知,毛泽东第一次出现在剧中的场景是:他走在雨中,像一盏灯一样闪闪发光。故填He walks through the rain, shining like a light.
59.根据“Those great men of that generation have great love for the family and the nation.”可知,那一代伟人对家庭和国家都有极大的爱。故填They love the family and the nation.
60.本题属于开放性试题,言之有理皆可。故填Fighting for the new China.
61.falls/comes 62.because 63.started/began/appeared 64.with 65.Custom 66.egg 67.prepare 68.wins 69.popular 70.whole
61.根据“The Start of Summer, one of the 24 solar terms (节气) in China always falls on the 5th or 6th of May each year.”可知,立夏通常在每年的5月5日或6日。falls=comes“到来”,故填falls/comes。
62.根据“It’s the tie for the harvest of wheat and other summer crops. For this reason, the Start of Summer has been labeled with great importance since ancient times in China”可知,因为这是小麦和其他夏季作物收获的季节,所以自古以来,立夏在中国就被赋予了重要的意义,空后表示原因,所以用because引导原因状语从句,故填because。
63.根据“It was set during the end of the Warring States Period.”可知,它始于/出现春秋战国时期,start/begin“开始”;appear“出现”,时态是一般过去时,所以空处用动词的过去式,故填started/began/appeared。
64.根据“In Zhou Dynasty, the emperor himself led his officials and people to welcome the Start of Summer.”可知,在周朝,皇帝和他的官员和人民一起庆祝立夏,with“和”,故填with。
65.根据“There are many customs on this day and the egg competition is one of them.”和右侧“Hanging and eating eggs ...”可知,这里是介绍立夏的其中一个风俗,custom“风俗习惯”,故填Custom。
66.根据“Hanging eggs help children...for summer.”可知,此处介绍的是“鸡蛋”比赛,egg“鸡蛋”,用单数名词作定语,故填egg。
67.根据“In summer, with increasing temperature, it is easy for children to feel weak”和“Hanging an egg on children’s chest can prevent them from getting summer diseases”可知,悬挂鸡蛋是为夏天做准备,prepare for“为……做准备”,help sb do sth“帮助某人做某事”。故填prepare。
68.根据“The person who has the hardest egg is the champion (冠军).”可知,谁的蛋最硬,谁就是冠军,即谁就会赢得比赛,win“赢得”,时态是一般现在时,主语是the person,谓语动词用三单形式,故填wins。
69.根据“Today people of all ages still like weighing themselves.”可知,现在,各个年龄段的人都喜欢称体重,也就是说在这一天称体重在各个年龄段的人们中都很流行,popular“流行的”,形容词作表语,故填popular。
70.根据“ It is believed that one weighs oneself on this day will have a strong body through the summer.”可知,人们相信,在这一天称体重的人整个夏天都会有一个强壮的身体。the whole summer“整个夏天”,故填whole。
71.young 72.habit 73.Reasons 74.way 75.helpful
71.根据第二段“Nail biting can begin at an early age.”可知,咬指甲可能在很小的时候就开始了,are后跟形容词。故填young。
72.根据第二段“According to the BBC, up to 45 percent of teenagers bite their nails.”可知,高达45%的青少年有咬指甲的习惯。the后跟名词。故填habit。
73.根据第三段“There is not an exact answer to explain why people bite their nails.”可知,这里主要讲了咬指甲的原因,用可数名词复数。首字母应该大写。故填Reasons。
74.根据第五段“And long-term nail biting can affect (影响) how our nails grow.”可知,长期咬指甲会影响指甲的生长方式。故填way。
75.根据最后一段“Doing exercise or having a warm bath both help.”可知,如果你感到压力大做运动或洗澡是有帮助的,is后跟形容词。故填helpful。
76.A 77.D 78.I often say “I love you” to those I love. Because I think it’s a direct way to let them know how important they are to me./ I often give a hug to those I love. Because they can get relaxed through a warm hug and feel connected to me./ I prefer to buy a small gift for those I love. Because I think every time they see the gift, they will think of me and the good memories between us.
76.推理判断题。根据“ ‘However, the power of spending time with another person is a gift we can give at any moment,’ says Dr. Carla Naumburg, a social worker in Newton. ”可知,Carla Naumburg博士认为,和一个人花时间在一起,是我们任何时候都能给的礼物,所以与人进行面对面地交流,是最好的礼物。故选A。
77.细节理解题。根据“Our research found that a kind word, hugging with a child, or receiving compassion (同情) make people feel most loved”可知,一些体贴的行为可以使人感到满足,感到被爱。故选D。
78.开放性问题,答案言之有理即可。故填I often say “I love you” to those I love. Because I think it’s a direct way to let them know how important they are to me./ I often give a hug to those I love. Because they can get relaxed through a warm hug and feel connected to me./ I prefer to buy a small gift for those I love. Because I think every time they see the gift, they will think of me and the good memories between us.



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