阅读理解易错专项训练(含答案)-英语人教新目标Go for it 九年级全一册

阅读理解易错专项训练-英语人教新目标Go for it 九年级全一册
Roger Federer, a world -famous sports star, quit (放弃) the 2020 Olympic Games to deal with his knee problem. It was a hard decision because no one wanted to be a quitter. But finding the courage to let go can be good for you.
★ Maybe your heart isn't in playing the piano any more, or you only play football because your friends do and you want to try a different sport instead. Making the decision to walk away can free up time and energy to spend on something you really enjoy. In fact, studies show that letting go of goals you can't reach, or don't really want, can build up your confidence and help you lead a happier and healthier life.
But how can you know it's time to stop and move on Eric Bean is an expert in sports psychology (心理学) who helps athletes and teams understand their feelings. He says, "Quitting never a matter of black and white. " He suggests thinking carefully. about why you aren't enjoying something any more. Is it because you've argued with a teammate or can't get on with a new art teacher Talk about this with a trusted adult or friend. That can help you decide whether you should stay and stick, or quit and move on.
Quitting doesn't have to mean totally giving up, though. For example, playing an instrument might be more fun if you take away the pressure of exams. If you do decide to give up an activity, Bean suggests picking up another where you can still enjoy things like teamwork, creativity, and exercise.
1.The writer mentions "Roger Federer" to show that ____.
A.we should never give up
B.it's all right to stop and quit
C.we should get away from trouble
D.it's difficult to win Olympic medals
2.Which of the following can be put in ★
A.Roger did something special.
B.It's necessary to try your best.
C.Sometimes learning to let go is important.
D.Let's enjoy happy life.
3.According to the writer, learning to let go is important because we can ____.
A.learn about perseverance
B.have more trusted friends
C.reach some important goals
D.feel more confident in ourselves
4.By saying the underlined sentence, Eric Bean means that ____.
A.it's not good to stick at things we don't like
B.we don't have to take exams to show our true abilities
C.we should think twice before quitting an activity
D.it's wiser to pick up a new hobby than to keep the old one
5.Which could be the best title for the passage
A.Knowing When to Stop B.Working Hard to Move on
C.Learning How to Grow up D.Taking Away the Pressure
Born at the Beijing Zoo, China's giant panda Yaya was taken to the Memphis Zoo in Tennessee, the United States in 2003 for a research project. In December 2022, the Memphis Zoo announced (宣布) that it would return Yaya to China. After finishing her 20-year loan period (租借期), China's giant panda Yaya finally returned home from the US on April 27,2023.
In January, visitors in the Memphis Zoo found that Yaya became bony, making many Chinese and animal lovers abroad worried about her health and life quality at the Memphis Zoo. China prepared to welcome back Yaya and experts from the Beijing Zoo arrived in the US in March to learn about her habits and feeding situation from the zoo staff members. Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said that the quarantine (检疫) and feeding places for Yaya were ready along with her feeding plans and medical care.
The news that Yaya is coming back to China has cheered up millions of Chinese people. By April 9, a topic about Yaya had received 250 million views. "Come home soon, Yaya. I'll go to see you in the zoo even if I have to queue all day long!" an Internet user commented (评论) on Sina Weibo.
On April 27, Yaya arrived in Shanghai. Groups of people rushed to the airport to welcome Yaya. During the quarantine in Shanghai, the zoo prepared enough bamboo and foods for Yaya. Experts and carers took care of her 24 hours a day there. Yaya's health was in stable (稳定的) condition. After finishing the quarantine, Yaya was safely transported to the Beijing Zoo on May 29. The giant panda, Yaya will spend her late years there and won't meet the public recently.
6.When did Yaya return home from the US
A.0nMay29, 2023. B.On April 9, 2022.
C.0 n April27, 2023. D.In December, 2002
7.What does the underlined word "bony" mean in Paragraph 2
A.Quite lively. B.Very happy
C.Too lonely. D.Terribly thin.
8.Why did experts from the Beijing Zoo arrive in the US
A.To learn about Yaya's health situation.
B.To provide medical care for Yaya.
C.To make feeding plans for Yaya.
D.To ask the Memphis Zoo to return Yaya to China
9.What can wo infer from the Internet user's comment on Sina Weibo
A.He might feel worried when he heard the news.
B.He was surprised to see the views.
C.He jumped for joy for Yaya's coming back.
D.He liked Yaya best of all the pandas
10.What's the best title for the passage
A.The Panda Yaya in the US.
B.Pandas in the Beijing Zoo
C.20 Years' Loan Period of Yaya
D.Welcome Back, Yaya!
Energetic music fills the air as students move their arms and dance along to do aerobic exercises (有氧体操). This semester, students at the Aerospace City School of RDFZ in Beijing have more fun activities.
"Students have different physical conditions after recovering from the Disease, " Wang Lifang, a PE teacher at the school, told a local TV station. "So we start from easier activities such as dancing, fun games and sit-ups to gradually improve students' physical health. "
The PE teachers designed a series of aerobic exercises, which can train students' core (核心), upper body and leg strength. To make sure everyone is safe, the school also uses wearable devices to keep track of students' heart rates during exercises.
"The music is happy and relaxing, and we all enjoy this kind of fun PE class, "said eighth-grader Tu Yahan.
At Taipingchuan No. 1 Middle School in Jilin, students began to do Tai Chi instead of running during the morning break. "I like doing Tai Chi because it won't make you out of breath. I think it's good for students who are still coughing these days, "said Liu Jiawei from the school.
But this doesn't mean that students will not do other regular sports anymore. According to Wang, the PE teachers will keep changing training plans based on students' conditions and gradually go back to normal teaching content. "During this special period of time, it's even more important to let students realize the value of sports and develop healthy exercise habits, " said Wang.
11.Aerobic exercises are added in PE classes because they _________.
A.help improve students' health bit by bit
B.are fun activities
C.train students' courage
D.are in style recently
12.What does Liu Jiawei think of the new PE classes
A.Pleasing and relaxing B.Quite useful.
C.Even worse. D.Much safer.
13.It's clear that ____.
A.aerobic exercises started in many schools
B.wearable devices are used during exercises
C.doing Tai Chi makes students breathless
D.all students recover fast through new PE classes
14.We can infer from the last paragraph that ____.
A.it will still take a long time to recover from the Disease
B.PE classes will gradually go back to normal
C.students will have more choices in PE classes
D.regular sports will be completely replaced in PE classes
15.What would be the best title for the passage
A.Keeping Fit and Safe B.Recovering from the Disease
C.Health Comes First D.the Value of Sports
A few close friends walking through the city streets has become popular among young people in China. It is called Citywalk. People would like to have a journey to walk around the city and explore(探索) its beauty.
Citywalk first appeared in London, England to make tourists travel like locals. A group of people followed a guide, enjoyed the city's streets, saw buildings up close, and got a deep understanding of the history and culture. At that time, Citywalk emphasized (强调) the importance of heartfelt feeling and a new understanding.
But in China, Citywalk emphasizes following the heart and moving at a slower speed. People do not need to have a good plan before they start walking. Unlike walking in the park or in their neighborhood, Citywalk includes discovering old buildings, exploring special shops, having a cup of coffee, trying local food and so on. People take photos, make videos and share their stories online. They tell others where they go and what they find.
In this fast-paced world, young people are always working hard and they have little time for local exploration. Citywalk helps them have a warmer, more relaxing and slower-paced lifestyle. Whether it's a busy market, a small shop in a small neighborhood, or a modern city street, they can al make them feel comfortable.
Let's take a walk together and explore the beauty of daily life!
16.Why do young people like Citywalk in China
A.It helps them find better jobs.
B.It gives them more time to work.
C.It offers chances for international travels.
D.It allows them to explore daily life at a slower speed.
17.What would people do when they join Citywalk in China
A.Walk in their neighborhood.
B.Look for some old buildings.
C.Walk in some beautiful parks.
D.Make a detailed plan before walking.
18.What is the main purpose of this text
A.To emphasize the importance of Citywalk.
B.To call on people to take part in Citywalk.
C.To introduce what Citywalk is to the readers.
D.To ask readers to citywalk in England and China.
19.What is the best title of this text
A.Citywalk for All Ages
B.Citywalk Around the World
C.Citywalk in the Small Neighborhood
D.Citywalk—A Way to Lead a Slow Life
If someone said they'd pay you $1, 800 to stay off social media(社交媒体) for 6 years, would you do it Could you An American mom challenged her son to do just that, and he succeeded.
Sivert Klefsaas is the youngest of Lorna Gold-strand Klefsaas' four children, and his three older sisters all used social media growing up. It was influencing their feelings, as well as their friendships. So, Lorna thought, "If I could, I'd be willing to do whatever to keep Sivert off social media as long as I could, whatever that looks like." And that's where the idea for this challenge came from.
It all started when Lorna heard about a similar "16 for 16 challenge" on the radio, where a mother called Amanda Green gave her daughter Teresa $1, 600 when she turned 16 if she stayed off social media. So, Lorna decided to create her own "18 for 18 challenge". Not only did Sivert
"It wasn't too difficult to live without social media, and I didn't think about it much during the finally complete this challenge, but he would do it again, too. 6 years," Sivert said. "As time went on, it was more of a pride thing."
He had his friends keep him up to date on the latest information. Sivert added, "I got to avoid all the unnecessary things that were on there. It also meant I had more time to focus on my grades and sports instead."
Now that he's done with the challenge, Sivert joined Instagram(照片墙), but has no plans to let social media define(定义)him.
"Social media is great. We certainly need to use it," Sivert said. "But also make sure you spend time in other areas of your life, especially those personal relationships."
Still, Lorna is proud of her son's success. "We are certainly not against social media, but it's the healthy using of it," Lorna told CNN.
20.Who does the underlined word "she" refer to
A.Teresa Green. B.Amanda Green.
C.Lorna Klefsaas. D.Sivert Klefsaas.
21.How did Sivert get the latest information
A.By surfing on the Internet. B.Through the radio.
C.By talking with his friends. D.Through the social media.
22.What does Sivert think of social media now
A.Social media is a way to define people.
B.It's important to use social media healthily.
C.It is too difficult to live without social media.
D.Social media is great and he needs it all the time.
23.What can we learn about Lorna from the passage
A.She is a mother of a 16-year-old teenager.
B.She helped his son successfully stay off the social media.
C.She doesn't really agree with the "16 for 16 challenge" on the radio.
D.She is not against social media because her son succeeded in using it.
阅读下列材料,从每题所给的 A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
A couple often went shopping together. They both liked teacups. One day they saw a beautiful teacup in a store. As they picked it up, it suddenly spoke.
"I haven't always been a teacup. Once I was red clay(陶土). My master rolled(揉,搓) me over and over and I shouted, but he only smiled."
"Then I was placed on a rolling wheel and suddenly I went around and around. ' Stop! ' I cried, but the master only nodded."
"Then he put me in the oven( 烤炉). I had never felt so hot. I could see him through the opening and I could read his words, 'Not yet.'"
"Finally the door opened, and he took me out and put me on a shelf. Then he brushed me and put me back into the oven. This time it was twice as hot. I begged. I cried. I could see him through the opening shaking his head, saying, 'Not yet.'"
"Then I knew there wasn't any hope. I was ready to give up, but the door opened and I was taken out and placed on a shelf. Later he handed me a mirror and said, 'Look at yourself. ' I said, 'That can't be me. It's beautiful! ' "
" 'I want you to remember, ' he said, 'if I had just left you without rolling, you'd have dried up. If I had stopped rolling you around on the wheel, you would have been out of shape. If I hadn't put you in the oven, you would have broken. If I hadn't brushed you all over, you would not have any color in your life. If I hadn't put you back in that oven for the second time, you wouldn't be kept for very long because the hardness would not have held. Now you are a finished product. You are what I had in mind when I first started with you.'"
24.Which of the following shows the right process(过程) of making the teacup
a It was put into the oven for the first time.
b. It was put on a rolling wheel and went around.
c. The master took it out and brushed it all over.
d. It was put back into the oven again.
e. The master rolled the red clay over and over.
A. e, c, a, b, d B.e, b, c, a, d
C.e, b, a, c, d D.e, c, b, a, d
25.The master brushed the teacup all over to make it become ____ .
A.hot B.hard C.colorful D.soft
26.From the last paragraph, we can infer that ____ .
A.the master knew how to make the teacup
B.the master disliked the teacup
C.the teacup will dry up if it is rolled
D.the teacup will be on sale
27.What lesson does the passage mainly teach us
A.Beautiful look won't be refused by people.
B.Don't give up any chance in front of you.
C.Caring about others makes the world wonderful.
D.Going through hard time can make you better.
阅读下列材料,从每题所给的 A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
Improvements in technology often happen overnight. Some gadgets get smaller and faster. Others are replaced by newer things like smartphones. They can do hundreds of things. Here are some old gadgets that people used to use.
Call me
Do you have a landline at home These are phones that people plug (插入) into their living room walls. Mobile phones didn't use to be so common at that time, so most families had a landline. But landlines only worked at home. What did people do when they were outside and needed to call someone They looked for a pay phone! Then, most people had their own mobile phones and many homes no longer had landlines.
____ ____
People today store plenty of information online, or on SD cards. But in the 1980s and 1990s, people used to use floppy disks(软盘). The first floppy disks were large, expensive, and not very useful — each disk could store just 175 KB of information! Later, floppy disks got smaller and better. But even the best ones could only hold 1.44 MB. You would need three or four disks just for one song, and about 22,000 disks to match the storage (储存空间) available on a 32 GB phone!
Picture This
It's easy to take photos today. People often have thousands just on their phones! But photos used to be expensive, and people took fewer of them. To take a photo, you had to buy a roll of film. This allowed you to take about 30 photos. After finishing the roll, you left it at a shop. The shop developed the photos to make them be seen, which you could collect after a few days.
Technology changes all the time, and the gadgets we use today will one day be old. What do you think will be next to disappear
28.What does the underlined word "gadgets" mean in Paragraph 1
A.Toys. B.Tools. C.Games. D.Phones.
29.Which of the following can be best put in " ____ ____ "in Paragraph 3
A.Goodbye Disks B.Online Music
C.Information Development D.Phone Storage
30.What can we get from the passage
A.People outside used landlines to call someone.
B.The first floppy disks cost a lot of money.
C.It was convenient to take photos with film.
D.Technology changes all the time and it always takes place overnight.
31.What would be the best title for the passage
A.The Changing Phones. B.The Products of Tomorrow.
C.Old Things We Use Today. D.The Things We Used to Use.
Born at the Beijing Zoo, China's giant panda Yaya was taken to the Memphis Zoo in Tennessee, the United States in 2003 for a research project. In December 2022, the Memphis Zoo announced (宣布) that it would return Yaya to China. After finishing her 20﹣year loan period (租借期), China's giant panda Yaya finally returned home from the US on April 27, 2023.
In January, visitors in the Memphis Zoo found that Yaya became bony, making many Chinese and animal lovers abroad worried about her health and life quality at the Memphis Zoo. China prepared to welcome back Yaya and experts from the Beijing Zoo arrived in the US in March to learn about her habits and feeding situation from the zoo staff members. Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said that the quarantine (检疫) and feeding places for Yaya were ready along with her feeding plans and medical care.
The news that Yaya is coming back to China has cheered up millions of Chinese people. By April 9, a topic about Yaya had received 250 million views. "Come home soon, Yaya. I'll go to see you in the zoo even if I have to queue all day long!" an Internet user commented (评论) on Sina Weibo.
On April 27, Yaya arrived in Shanghai. Groups of people rushed to the airport to welcome Yaya. During the quarantine in Shanghai, the zoo prepared enough bamboo and foods for Yaya. Experts and carers took care of her 24 hours a day there. Yaya's health was in stable (稳定的) condition. After finishing the quarantine, Yaya was safely transported to the Beijing Zoo on May 29. The giant panda, Yaya will spend her late years there and won't meet the public recently
32.When did Yaya return home from the US
A.On May 29, 2023. B.On April 9, 2022.
C.On April 27, 2023. D.In December, 2002.
33.What does the underlined word "bony" mean in Paragraph 2
A.Quite lively. B.Very happy
C.Too lonely. D.Terribly thin.
34.Why did experts from the Beijing Zoo arrive in the US
A.To learn about Yaya's health situation.
B.To provide medical care for Yaya.
C.To make feeding plans for Yaya.
D.To ask the Memphis Zoo to return Yaya to China
35.What can we infer from the Internet user's comment on Sina Weibo
A.He might feel worried when he heard the news.
B.He was surprised to see the views.
C.He jumped for joy for Yaya's coming back.
D.He liked Yaya best of all the pandas
36.What's the best title for the passage
A.The Panda Yaya in the US.
B.Pandas in the Beijing Zoo
C.20 Years' Loan Period of Yaya
D.Welcome Back, Yaya!




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