
2.(1分)A.It's rainy.
B.They are listening.
C.It's exciting.
3.(1分)A.I like rock music best.
B.No,I can't.
C.Of course not.
4.(1分)A.I'm reading it.
B.They are boring.
C.I like it very much.
5.(1分)A.Not at all.
B.Yes,I do.
C.Have a good time.
B.No,I don't.
C.Yes,I can.
7.(1分)Where are the speakers talking?
A.At home.
B.At school.
C.In a restaurant.
8.(1分)Who will move to a new flat?
B.The man.
9.(1分)How many girls are there in the boy's class?
10.(1分)How much is a box of apples now?
11.(1分)What does the man mean?
A.He is very satisfied with the new girl.
B.He is not very satisfied with the new girl.
C.He has no idea.
13.(3分)(1)A.Because of the heavy snow.
B.Because of the heavy rain.
C.Because of the strong wind.
(2)A.20 minutes
B.30 minutes
C.40 minutes
(3)A.At the school gate.
B.In the classroom.
C.In the playground.
14.(10分)Do you know that there are two special days for parents in America?One is Mother's Day (1)__________the second Sunday of May,and the(2)__________ is Father's Day on the(3)__________Sunday of June.On these two days,American children(4)__________give gifts to their parents or take(5)__________out for lunch or mon gifts are flowers and(6)__________for mothers and shirts or ties for fathers.I heard that it is(7)__________more and more popular to celebrate Mother's Day and Father's Day in China.I wonder if children over there also(8)__________similar gifts to their parents.I believe that there are many ways to show(9)__________love.Actually,we don't have to spend a(10)__________of money.It is also a good idea to help parents to do something instead.
15.(1分)﹣﹣﹣China has made a complete victory in its fight against poverty(贫困).
﹣﹣﹣As Chinese,we our country.
A.are proud of B.are friendly to
C.are interested in
16.(1分)Many research labs ________in the next 5 years to develop science and technology in China.
A.are building B.will be built
C.were built
17.(1分)Our country has made great progress in the fight blue skies and clear waters.(  )
A.for B.against C.between
18.(1分)﹣ Have you found the poor dog yet?
﹣ Yes. But he was when we found him. The bad weather killed him.(  )
A.dying B.died C.dead
19.(1分)—________ interesting book it is!
—Yes,I have read it twice.(  )
A.What B.How C.What an
七、情景交际 根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有一个为多余选项。
20.(5分)A:What are you reading,Linda?
B:Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe.
A: (1)   
B:Its about a man named Robinson who lives alone on an island.
A:Really?I can't imagine !What's Robinson like?
A:Is the story interesting?
B:Sure.(3)   I can't stop reading the book.
B:Of course!I'll bring it to you as soon as I finish it.
B:It won't take long.
A.What's the book about?B.I can't wait to read the book.C.Can I borrow it?D.The book is difficult to understand.E.He's clever enough to get over many difficulties.F.I enjoy it so much.
21.(5分)Think of all the ways that you use your arms and hands.You use(1)   to open doors,carry boxes,climb trees and ride bikes.
Jessica Cox was born without arms.But she didn't let that stop her from doing things.She learned to feed herself,paint and play the piano by using her feet.
When she was at(2)   ,Jessica watched the other students on the playground.She did not have hands to catch balls with,(3)   she did not have arms to climb with.Jessica imagined herself as a girl of unusually(不寻常地)great ability.She would fly over the playground and take her friends into the sky.
Many years later,when Jessica(4)   ,she did fly.She learnt to fly a plane!It was hard work,but Jessica was patient,confident and brave.She controlled the plane with her feet.She made her(5)    come true.
(1)A.that B.it C.them
(2)A.Hospital B.school C.bed
(3)A.and B.but C.though
(4)A.set up B.gave up C.grew up
(5)A.dream B.advice C.mark
22.(10分)It was December 30th.Anna and Alex were helping Mom make banana cakes.They cut up the (1)    ,put the eggs and sugar in the flour(面粉),poured the milk in and mixed them all up.
When they were almost done,Anna asked,"Mom,why are we making so many cakes?""I want to take some over to Mrs.Brown(2)   the street," said Mom." Her husband died of a serious illness a few days ago.She only has her dog Wangwang in the house."
Mom put the cakes in the oven(烤箱) and the children helped(3)   the mess(杂物).The cakes were finally done.They all waited(4)   until the cakes cooled down.Then they put some on a plate and headed to the opposite house.
When Mrs.Brown opened the door,Anna said,"Mrs.Brown,we have brought you some banana cakes."" Thank you.(5)   smell delicious," Mrs.Brown said." Wangwang and I are feeling a little (6)   these days.It's kind of you to come."
" Would you like to(7)   us tomorrow for New Year's dinner?" asked Mom. "Take Wangwang,too.""Well,I'm not sure,"said Mrs.Brown."Please say yes,"said Alex."Come to our house,(8)   it will be great fun," said Anna.
Anna was(9)   .They never had such a pleasant dinner.Mrs.Brown thanked them for inviting Wangwang and her,saying she felt better.(10)   was doubled when shared.
(1)A strawberries B.bananas C.oranges
(2)A.beside B.across C.around
(3)A.hand out B.give away C.clean up
(4)A.strongly B.patiently C.bravely
(5)A.I B.They C.We
(6)A.excited B.angry C.lonely
(7)A.join B.invite C.ask
(8)A.and B.but C.though
(9)A.strict B.quiet C.right
(10)A.Kindness B.Sadness C.Happiness
23.(6分)Build for yourself a strong box,
Build each part with care;
When it's strong as your hand can make it,
Put all your troubles there.
Hide there all thought of your failures,
And each pain that you take;
Lock all your heartaches in it,
Then sit on the lid(盖子) and laugh.
Tell no one else what's inside,
Never share its secrets,
When you've dropped in your care and worry,
Keep them forever there.
Hide them from sight(视野)so completely,
That the world will never dream half:
Cover the strong box safely.
Then sit on the lid and laugh.
(1)The material above is probably    .
A.a story
B.a poem
C.a letter
(2)What does the writer advise us to put in the box?    
A.Sad things.
B.Happy things.
C.Interesting things.
(3)According to the writer,we'd better keep these things in the box    .
A.for a month
B.for a year
24.(6分)When I was in the eighth grade,my class was assigned(指派)to be friends with the second﹣grade kids.I got this little girl named Shelley.The first time I saw her,she was silent and cold.She was small for her age,and she didn't play with the other kids in her class.
I tried all kinds of things to get her to talk to me.I bought her toys,crayons and candies.But try as I might,nothing worked.One time,I gave her a coloring book and said,"Shelley,now you can color in it any time."
Shelley looked at the coloring book and then looked up at me,and finally looked away.By that time,I didn't know how I was going to get through to the little girl,but I knew I wouldn't give up on her.
One Friday,I decided to tell her a story about my childhood.I told her that I felt lonely when I was with my classmates,and how I thought only my teachers liked me.I also told her that every day was a battle(战役)for me and I fought back tears so people wouldn't know how much I was hurting.
She sat there just listening,trying to decide whether I was lying or not.Finally,when my story ended,there were tears in her eyes.And then she did the unthinkable.She said,"Thank you."From then on,Shelley was a different little girl.She started smiling and talking with other kids.
Looking back at this I'm in awe(惊叹),because all I did was to help her realize that she wasn't alone.I didn't ask her to tell her story,because her story is my story.
(1)What was Shelley like when the writer first saw her?    
(2)In order to get through to Shelley,the writer    .
A.made her a toy
B.told her a story
C.drew her a picture
(3)Shelley changed a lot because she realized that    .
A.her teachers loved her
B.she had to study even harder
C.the writer understood her
A.a public holiday B.Tomb﹣Sweeping Day C.outdoor activities D.ancestors' tombs
Every April,there is a special day in China.It is the Qingming Festival,also called the (1)   .On that day,people remember and honor(纪念) their ancestors(祖先).The Qingming Festival is a traditional Chinese festival.It has a long history.It began over 2,000 years ago.A famous poem by Du Mu,a Tang Dynasty poet,describes the day:Rain falls heavily as Qingming comes,and passers﹣by(行人)with lowered spirits go.
The Tomb﹣ Sweeping Day has been(2)   on the Chinese mainland since 2008.On this day,families bring flowers,food and wine to their(3)   .They put food in front of the tombs.After that,they sweep the dirt off the tombs and remember their dead family members.
Why do Chinese people do this?That's because people think that visiting tombs is to show respect(尊重)to their dead family members.
However,the Tomb﹣Sweeping Day is not only about this.During that time,the weather is becoming warmer.People are able to garden(从事园艺) and enjoy(4)   .Families often get together for outings(远足)or to fly kites at this time.
26.(10分)We've heard about several "poor students" in the past year.Cui Qingtao,a student from Yunnan,was working with his parents on a building site when he got an admission letter(录取通知书)from Peking University.(1)   She is a student from Hebei.She was doing her part﹣time job in another city when her family got her admission letter from Peking University.
(2)   For example,they are all strong and optimistic(乐观的).Li Enhui said ir an interview,"As long as we are alive,there are no problems that cannot be solved,and many people don't have my experiences.(3)   ″Such an idea makes many adults feel embarrassed.He refused to accept money that was given by others and decided to make money by himself.This is also the common thing that "poor students" have.
Such personalities(品格)are important for growth.(4)   Not everything goes well all the time.A man can go through difficulties only when he is strong and optimistic.In fact,living in poor families doesn't promise such good personalities,and living happily doesn't mean optimistic attitudes(态度).We like such "poor students" because they are strong and optimistic.Few of them can choose their lifestyles.(5)   That's why they are highly praised.Every one of us should learn from them.
A.Life is full of ups and downs .B.A girl named Wang Xinyi is another example.C.And these experiences made me grow and become better.D.Born in poor families,these students have a lot in common.E.However,all of them can choose their attitudes towards life.
27.(10分)A vegetarian(素食者)is someone who does not eat meat.Being a vegetarian has become a popular choice.In fact,in every 200 kids in the US is a vegetarian.Most people choose to be vegetarians for many reasons.
First,they believe that a vegetarian diet(饮食)is good for health.It usually has less fat(脂肪)than a diet that includes meat.Vegetarians eat a low﹣fat diet to stay fit and healthy.A vegetarian diet also provides many vitamins(维生素)that people can't get from meat.These vitamins protect people from some diseases.
Second,many vegetarians are worried about how animals are raised and killed for food.They hope animals can be better treated.
Finally,they think being a vegetarian can help the planet.People use more energy,water and land to raise animals for food than to grow fruit and vegetables.Also,animals put greenhouse gases(温室气体)into the air.These gases cause global warming(全球变暖).
Vegetarians advise people to have just a couple of vegetarian meals a week to make the world a better place.
(1)According to the passage,a vegetarian    meat.
(2)Vegetarians eat a low﹣ fat diet to stay    .
(3)Many vegetarians are worried about how    .
(4)People use    to raise animals for food than to grow fruit and vegetables.
(5)Vegetarians advise people to    a week.
28.(1分)Scientists around the world are working hard to    [ di'sk v (r)]a medicine for COVID﹣19.
29.(1分)I don't know   (if/whether) they will come or not.
30.(1分)I really admire the frontline medical workers,who do not care about    ( they).
31.(1分)The young man died    ( of/ from)a heart attack in November this year.
32.(1分)China    ( success) launched Chang 'e﹣5 to collect moon samples on November 24th,2020.
try again,make your decision,a kind of,Hundreds of,in person
(1)Don't be influenced by others and you should    .
(2)Will you tell Peter the good news by phone or    ?
(3)   people get hurt or die in road accidents every month.
(4)In this world,there is    love from the mother that can never be replaced.
(5)Sorry,the subscriber you dialed is busy now,please    later.
34.(15分)假如你是李华,你的英国笔友Anna来信说她对中国民歌很感兴趣,想请你推荐你最喜欢的歌曲。请根据下面的提示,用英语写封回信,简要介绍你最喜欢的民歌《好一朵美丽的茉莉花》(What a Beautiful Jasmine),并谈谈你对这首歌曲的感受。
What a Beautiful Jasmine
1.世界经典民歌(classical folk song)之一。
2.1942年,14岁的何仿加工整理(make up)成《好一朵美丽的茉莉花》
3.源自《鲜花调》(Xianhua Diao),传唱几百年。
Dear Anna,
Li Hua
七、情景交际 根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有一个为多余选项。
27.【答案】(1)is someone who does not eat (2)fit and healthy(3)how animals are raised and killed for food.(4)more energy,water and land(5)have just a couple of vegetarian meals
33.【答案】(1)make your decision (2)in person (3)Hundreds of (4)a kind of (5)try again
34.【答案】Dear Anna,
I'm glad to hear from you.Now let me tell you something about my favorite song.
My favorite folk song is "What a Beautiful Jasmine".This is one of the most classic folk songs in the world.In 1942,14﹣year﹣old He Fang made up it into "What a Beautiful Jasmine".It comes from Xianhua Diao and has been sung for hundreds of years.After that,people of all ages loved to sing it.It must be played on important occasions at home and abroad,when Hong Kong and Macao returned to China.
This song is very popular because it sounds sweet,soft and relaxing.
Li Hua



上一篇:苏科版物理八年级上册《5.2 速度》同步练习(答案)
