中考英语二轮专题专练 原创外国小说改编阅读理解61-64篇(含答案)

In order to find the box of money that Injun Joe buried, they tried their best. One morning, Tom took Huckleberry to a quiet place and told him that he knew it was never in room number two and it was in the caves.
“I will help you get it out. But I don’t want to get lost there! We won’t get lost because I know an easy way to get in there. I’m the only one who knows it, Huck.”
They got some bread and meat, some string, some bags, and some candles. They borrowed a boat from somebody who wasn’t around. Then they went down the river to the hole where Tom had got out of the caves. The hole was covered in bushes, but Tom remembered exactly where it was.
“It’s a great hiding place,” said Hucklebery.
They went into the caves. Tom was soon back at the spring where he had stayed. Then he and Huckleberry went to where he had seen Injun Joe. He held up his candle, and they saw a big cross on the wall.
“Number two, under the cross!” said Tom. “That’s what he said.”
Huckleberry was afraid. “Tom, let’s get out. What if Injun Joe’s ghost comes ”
“No, ghosts don’t want money! Anyway, Injun Joe died five miles from here. It’s too far.” Huckleberry agreed. They got to the cross and began to look under it. It didn’t take long for them to find the wooden box with the money. It was very heavy. They couldn’t hoist it. They took the money out of the box and put it into the bags. The bags were easier to carry. They got out of the caves and went back into the boat.
“Haha, we are rich now.” Huckleberry laughed. “I can buy delicious food, new clothes and even anything I want. I won’t go to school any more.”
Soon they were back in St. Petersburg. When the Welshman saw them come back safely, he hugged them and made them go to Widow Douglas’s house. There were many people there. Widow Douglas gave both boys new clothes to change into. Huckleberry didn’t like being with so many people and wanted to leave, but Tom made him stay. The Welshman made a speech and told everybody how Huckleberry had helped to catch Injun Joe. With tears filled in eyes, Widow Douglas said she was going to give them some money if they really hated school so that they could start a business when they were older. Although they all knew that she lived a hard life herself.
After hearing this, Tom felt their deep love and made a decision. Then he told them that the didn’t need any money because they already had a lot. He showed everyone the bags with the money. They were amazed to look at the bags full of money.
“Huck,” Tom said,“All the neighbours gave us a lot of care and help although they met a lot of difficulty. That’s the real treasure in our life. I think we should give the money to people in need. And we have to go to school to work hard for our future. I’m with you.”
“That’s better.” Huckleberry agreed.
Tom made him promise and wrote his name in blood.
1.The meaning of the underlined word “hoist” is close to ________.
A.open B.leave C.lift D.rise
2.Which is the correct order of the things below
①They returned to St. Petersburg.
②The Welshman told everybody the achievement of Huck.
③Tom showed the bags with the money.
④They found the wooden box with the money.
⑤Tom took Huck to number two, under the cross.
⑥They prepared something for the adventure to the cave.
A. ⑥⑤④①②③ B. ②⑥⑤④①③ C. ②⑤⑥④①③ D. ⑤⑥④①②③
3.From the passage, we can know that ________.
A.it was easy for them to take out the bags with money
B.it was really difficult for them to find the treasure box
C.Injun Joe died exactly in the place where the treasure was
D.Widow Douglas gave Huck some money to start a business
4.Which can be the best title for this passage
A. Good friends B. An adventure C. A great hiding place D. Treasure and love
The students were excited and a little bit nervous. Mrs Barrow was about to announce the winner of the Student of the Year Award. Tim’s mum, his uncle Frank and his auntie Ruby were waiting with the other parents and relatives to hear the result.
“There are some great projects — like yours, Tim,” said Jenny. “And there are some really bad projects. Did you hear about Claire and Lynn Mrs Barrow eliminated (把……排除在外) them.”
“Why ” said Tim. He looked around for Claire. She was sitting next to her mother. She looked very unhappy.
“They did a reading project for kids from the local primary schools,” said Jenny.
“What’s wrong with that ” said Tim.
“They read horror stories to the children and the parents complained,” said William.
“I hope you win, Tim,” said Jenny. “You deserve a prize for hiding Terry from your mum.”
“Yes, how many newspapers did you hide ” said William.
“Welcome, everyone, to the Arkwright School Open Day,” said Mrs Barrow. She was at the microphone. “Before I announce the winner of our Student of the Year Award, I would like to introduce to you—at last—our anonymous benefactor (匿名捐赠者). It is Mrs Margaret Green.”
Mrs Green said to the audience, “I’d like to thank all the students of Arkwright for their wonderful projects,” she said. “You have worked very hard. William, will you please stand up William, your Citizens’ Aid project, helping old people in the community, is brilliant. You helped at least one old person. Me. Thank you very much. Now, with your help, you can develop your project and help other senior citizens like me. I have a list of all the old people you can visit. You can start tomorrow.”
William sat down, surprised.
“Tim,” said Mrs Green. “Will you please stand up ”
Tim stood up. He was a little nervous.
“I cannot praise you enough, Tim,” said Mrs Green. “Arkwright School is clean and organized thanks to you.”
Tim waited. Nothing happened.
“But now for the winner,” said Mrs Green. “The award goes to Jenny Slater for her wonderful Arkwright Art project. Congratulations, Jenny!”
Jenny turned to look at Tim. “Tim...” she began.
Tim stopped her words. “Jenny,” he said, “I’m sad I lost, but I’m glad you won.”
(Adapted from Twins)
1.What is Mrs Barrow’s job from the passage
A.A doctor. B.A housewife. C.A reporter. D.A teacher.
2.Who was the benefactor of the Year Award
A.Tim’s mother. B.Uncle Frank. C.Mrs Green. D.Auntie Ruby.
3.Which is the correct order of what happened in the passage
a. Mrs Green announced the result in public.
b. The parents and relatives are waiting for the result.
c. Claire read horror stories to the children.
d. Tim was very sad that he lost the award.
A.a-c-b-d B.b-d-c-a C.c-b-a-d D.d-a-d-c
4.What do you think of Jenny
A.Brave and crazy. B.Kind and modest.
C.Busy and unfriendly D.Stupid and impolite.
5.What can we infer (推断) from the passage
A.Jenny won’ get on well with Tim any more.
B.Claire can’t go to school because she scared the children.
C.Mrs Green will go on holiday with William tomorrow.
D.Tim’s mother will do something to make Tim happy.
Atticus was nearly fifty. He was much older than the parents of our classmates, and there was nothing Jem or I could say about him when our classmates said, “My father—”
Our father worked in an office. He didn’t do anything that could possibly win the admiration of anyone. He wore glasses. He was nearly blind in the left eye.
When he gave us our air-rifles (气枪), Atticus wouldn’t teach us to shoot(射击). Uncle Jack said Atticus wasn’t interested in guns. Atticus said to Jem one day, “Don’t point that gun at anybody. Also remember it’s a sin (罪) to kill a mockingbird.”
That was the only time I ever heard Atticus say it was a sin to do something, and I asked Miss Maudie about it.
“Your father’s right,” she said. “Mockingbirds make music for us to enjoy. They don’t eat up people’s gardens. They do nothing but sing their hearts out for us. That’s why it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird.”
“What do you think of my father Is there anything he’s good at ”
“You’d be surprised if your father was thirty. You’d find he was quite different,” said Miss Maudie, “There’s life in him yet.”
One Saturday, Jem and I decided to go exploring with our air-rifles to see if we could find a rabbit or a squirrel. Suddenly we noticed an old dog. It hunched its shoulders and twitched its torso. “There’s something wrong with it.” We soon ran quickly back to tell Maudie. She quickly shut the wood door behind us. She herself ran outside to tell others.
“Mad dog’s coming! Mad dog’s coming!” Maudie’s message had been received by the neighborhood.
Nothing is more terrible than a deserted(空旷的), waiting street. The trees were still, the mockingbirds were silent. Everybody held their breath.
Atticus drove back quickly and got out.
In a fog, Jem and I watched our father take the gun and walk out into the middle of the street. He walked quickly, but I thought he moved like an underwater swimmer: time had slowed to a nauseating crawl. Atticus rubbed his eyes and chin; we saw him blink(眨眼)hard.
The rifle cracked. The dog fell onto the ground. It didn’t know what hit itself.
Jem was frozen.
“I saw that, One-Shot Finch (神枪手)!” Neighbours cried.
“Forgot to tell you the other day that Atticus Finch was the deadest shot in his time.” Miss Maudie laughed.
When we went home, I told Jem we’d really have something to talk about at school on Monday.
1.According to the passage, Atticus is a ________ man.
A.modest and brave B.weak but friendly
C.energetic and humorous D.gentle but boring
2.Why was Jem frozen when the dog fell onto the ground
A.He was afraid the dog hadn’t died yet.
B.He was surprised Atticus could shoot.
C.He was worried about Atticus’s safety.
D.He was afraid of being hurt by the dog.
3.What’s the best title for the passage
A.An Awful Day B.The Mad Dog
C.Our Perfect Father D.One-Shot Finch
Cassy made a plan for her and Emmeline. No one wanted to go to the attic(阁楼)in Legree’s house because everyone thought it was full of ghosts and Legree was afraid of ghosts. Cassy’s room was under it. One day, Cassy moved all her furniture to a room very far from it. When Legree asked why, she replied, “I can’t sleep. There were noises in the attic, every night, from midnight until the morning.”
“Noises in the attic ” said Legree, worried, “Who is up there ”
“I don’t know,” said Cassy and she went to her room.
Then she put things in the attic that made strange noises when the wind blew. The slaves heard them and started talking about ghosts. Legree became scared of passing near the stairs to the attic.
Then one night Cassy and Emmeline ran away. They stayed near the house and waited. When Legree left to look for them with his slaves and dogs, Cassy and Emmeline went into the attic.
Legree was angry when he came back and he was sure that Tom knew something.
“Tom,” said Legree, “tell me where those two are, or I will kill you. Speak!”
“I have nothing to say,” said Tom.
“Are you telling me that you don’t know ”
“I know, Master, but I can’t tell you.”
Legree hit Tom and kicked him again and again, until he thought Tom was dead. Then he left. But Tom was not dead.
Cassy and Emmeline stayed in the attic for days, until Legree stopped looking for them. Then one night they escaped again and nobody followed them. They were free.
Two days later, a young man arrived. He was George Shelby. When he received the letter from Miss Ophelia, he went looking for Tom to buy him back, but it took a long time to find him.
Legree took George to see Tom. Tom was lying on the floor, waiting to die. When George saw him, he felt sick.
“Uncle Tom, my poor, poor friend!”
Tom opened his eyes. “Master George! You remembered me! It’s going well.” said Tom and then he closed his eyes forever.
When George turned, Legree was standing behind him. “Who cares about a dead slave!” said Legree. George hit Legree so hard that he fell to the ground. Then ________.
—Taken from Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1.Who knew where Cassy and Emmeline were according to the passage
A.George Shelby. B.Miss Ophelia. C.Legree. D.Tom.
2.Which of the following is True according to the passage
A.Tom, Legree and Cassy were all slaves.
B.George had no difficulty finding Tom.
C.Cassy made strange noises in the attic on purpose.
D.Legree searched the attic for Cassy and Emmeline.
3.Which of the following is the correct order
① George Shelby arrived. ② Cassy moved the furniture.
③ Cassy hid in the attic. ④ Tom was beaten. ⑤ The slaves heard the noises.
A.②⑤③④① B.②⑤④③① C.②⑤①③④ D.②③⑤①④
4.Which sentence can be put into the blank in the last Paragraph
A.George Shelby left alone sadly.
B.George Shelby took Tom’s body and left.
C.George Shelby went to look for Cassy.
D.George Shelby was arrested by the police.
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