中考英语二轮专题专练 原创外国小说改编阅读理解49-52篇(含答案)

Nils was a very naughty little boy. He went to school in winter, and looked after the farm animals when it was summer. He was very naughty. Sometimes he chased the swans and when he caught them, he pulled their feathers off. The swans were all very afraid of him.
One day Nils was studying at home when suddenly he fell asleep. When he woke up, he saw in the mirror—a tiny Nils! He had become only a little thumb toy figure!
But once he opened the door, he found all of swans circling around them. They chased him. They pinched (掐) him and laughed and said, “Now it is time for you to fear us!”
Then the wild swans flew in and saw their ancestors and said, “Hey, come on! Let us all go to beautiful Switzerland!”
A male swan named Max heard the wild swans, so he scooped up high into the sky. Nils found this good chance to experience new things, and held on tight to Max’s neck. They both flew high above into the sky. Nils was very scared, so he didn’t open his eyes at first. At last he got the courage to open his eyes and look down. He saw the white clouds high up the air, and saw the black earth under the ground.
Max’s energy left him behind, so he fell behind the group. Max flapped his wings quickly and quickly, but he still felt down and down. Nils was very worried, so at first he said, “Don’t worry, Max. You rest for a while and let’s go home!” Max liked his comfort, so he quickly caught up with the group.
The leader of the swans whose name was Oscar saw Nils and asked him, “Who are you ” Nils stood up and said: “My name is Nils. I was a human yesterday, but this morning…” Before Nils could finish his words, all the wild swans took a few steps back. Humans had been the swan’s enemy for centuries! No matter how hard Max tried to let Oscar agree to let Nils stay with them, Oscar still agreed to just let him stay with them for one night.
When they all slept snugly that night, a fox crept out behind a tree. He had kept his eyes on the wild swans for a while, and still thought of their delicious meat even as they slept. Oscar sensed this and told all the swans to get up and fly away to a safer place.
But Max left too quickly and dropped Nils down on the ground. Nils did not get hurt, but he did see the fox carrying the swan between his jaws. Nils shouted to him, “Hey, put the swan down!” He quickly grabbed the fox’s tail and pinched it with all his strength. This move allowed the fox to scream and so dropped the swan out of his mouth. Oscar said to Nils, “You are the first person to do good to a swan. So you can stay with us for the rest of the journey.”
1.What happened to Nils after he woke up
A.He became a member of the swans.
B.He lost his little thumb as a tiny boy.
C.He had wings and joined the journey of the swans.
D.He became smaller, the same size as a little thumb.
2.Why did the swans say “Now it is time for you to fear us!”
A.Because they were in groups and circling around Nils.
B.Because they hated Nils and wanted to punish him now.
C.Because they became brave and were not afraid of Nils any more.
D.Because Nils was smaller than before and they could make fun of him now.
3.In which order did swans change their feelings towards Nils
① Oscar thanked Nils for his kindness.
② Max took Nils to the sky though tired.
③ Oscar thought of humans as the swans’ enemy.
④ Nils pulled swans’ feather off and made swans afraid.
⑤ Nils comforted Max and saved the swan from the fox.
A.④③②⑤① B.③②④⑤① C.④③⑤①② D.③④②①⑤
4.Which of the following word is NOT part of Nils’ personality according to this story
A.Naughty. B.Humorous. C.Kind. D.Curious.
The younger woman cried out in alarm(恐惧) when the Indian ran past her horse.
“Don’t worry, Alice,” said the officer. “The Indian is called Magua, an army runner. He’s going to guide us to reach the destination before the soldiers.”
“Do you trust him, Heyward ” asked Alice.
“I do,” said the officer. “He used to fight with the Mohawks and once he was an enemy of your father, but that was a long time ago. Now he is our friend.”
“Does Magua speak English ” said Alice. “Can you ask him to say anything ”
Heyward laughed. He pretends he doesn’t know any English. He only speaks it if he has to.
Just then the Indian stopped and pointed to a dark path through the bushes. There was only space for one horse to pass.
“Maybe we should travel with the soldiers,” said Alice. “I don’t feel safe with Magua”
“Just because he has some different manners from us and his skin is dark, it doesn’t mean we should distrust him,” said the dark-haired woman. Alice did not reply to her sister. She rode her horse through the bushes and followed Magua down the dark path between threes.
The riders(骑马的人) continued through the forest. “The servants(仆人) must leave us now and change the direction,” said Magua. “Then it will be more difficult for Montclam’s Indians to follow our tracks(踪迹).”
Heyward told the servants to ride in the direction of the soldiers. Then he and the two sisters rode on. Magua ran in front of them. Suddenly they heard the sound of the horses’ hoofs. The riders held their breath and waited in the bushes to see who was following them. A tall thin man in a blue coat rode into view.
“Who are you ” asked Heyward.
“My name is David Gamut. I am a preacher and I sing hymns,” said the man.
Alice was happy when she heard this. “Please let him travel with us and we will sing together, Heyward.”
Gamut started singing. But Magua asked Heyward to stop Gamut immediately.
“I’m sorry,” said Heyward, “you have a wonderful singing voice, Mr. Heyward, but on this occasion I must ask you to travel in silence.”
1.How many riders are mentioned in the passage
A.4 B.3 C.5 D.6
2.Alice didn’t trust Magua NOT because
A.Alice didn’t feel safe with Magua. B.Magua couldn’t speak English.
C.Magua was once her father’s enemy. D.Alice disliked his different appearance.
3.Can you infer(推断)why Magua stopped Gamut from singing
A.Magua tried to spoil(扫兴)Alice on purpose.
B.Magua noticed someone else watching them now.
C.Magua disliked Gamut’s hymns very much.
D.Magua wanted to keep them safe from danger.
4.Which of the following can best describe Magua
A.Kind and popular
B.Careful and clever
C.Caring and creative
D.Friendly and brave
At nine o’clock that night Encyclopedia climbed into bed. He lay awake for a long time. He thought over what his mother had said to him about being a detective when he grew up. In the morning he made up his mind.
He would go into the detective business and help people. He wouldn’t wait until he grew up. It was summer and school was out. He could begin at once.
Encyclopedia got out of bed and searched through his closet. He dug out a toy printing press, a Christmas gift from his Uncle Ben two years ago.
As soon as Encyclopedia finished breakfast, he printed fifty leaflets. When the ink (墨水) was dry, he put the leaflets in all the mailboxes in the neighborhood.
Then he went home and asked his mother for a big piece of cardboard. She gave him a dress box from the Bon Ton Store, which she had been saving. Encyclopedia borrowed the kitchen scissors and cut out a square piece of cardboard. He took a black crayon and carefully lettered a sign.
The leaflets and the sign said:
Encyclopedia put up the sign on the door of the Browns’ garage (车库). The next morning, he sat in the garage, waiting for somebody with a problem to drop in. Nobody dropped in. Only the rain. The roof of the garage had a hole in it.
Rain fell all morning, all afternoon, and all the next day.
Encyclopedia looked at the rain and felt lower than a submarine’s (潜水艇) bottom. He thought about taking down the sign and going digging for worms (虫子) with Billy and Jody Turner or fishing off the bridge at Mill Creek.
Suddenly a pair of rubbers (雨鞋) and a raincoat appeared in the doorway. Inside them was a small boy.
“My name is Clarence Smith,” said the boy, “I need your help.”
1.Which is the correct order of the following events
①A small boy appeared in the doorway.
②Encyclopedia printed fifty leaflets and lettered a sign.
③Encyclopedia’s mother told him something about being a detective.
④Encyclopedia climbed into his bed.
⑤Encyclopedia waited for someone to drop in.
A.③④②⑤① B.③④⑤②① C.④③②⑤① D.④③⑤②①
2.What can be inferred from the underlined sentence
A.Encyclopedia fell deep into the sea. B.Encyclopedia was interested in the rain.
C.Encyclopedia felt sad and almost lost heart. D.Encyclopedia waited at the bottom of a submarine.
3.What would probably happen next
A.Encyclopedia would finish his homework soon.
B.Encyclopedia would help the boy with his case.
C.Encyclopedia would dig for worms.
D.Encyclopedia would repair the roof.
Later in the summer, Tom decided to go digging for buried (埋藏) treasure. He found Huck and told him all about the places that robbers hid their treasure and a treasure map.
One day, they decided they would start digging under a dead tree near the haunted house. They talked about what they would do with their treasure. Huck said he would spend his so his father couldn’t get any of it. They dug for a while, and then gave up and tried another place. There’s no treasure there, either. Tom realized they should return at midnight to dig again. As a result, the boys failed to find treasure that night. Finally they both agreed that the next day they would dig in the haunted house, and Huck believed they were taking chances to get treasure if they did.
They met again with their tools and went to the haunted house. They explored the downstairs, as they got ready to leave, they heard two men coming to the door of the house. Scared, the boys hid themselves upstairs to see who they were. They recognized one man. It was Injun Joe! The unknown man was saying something dangerous. Tom and Huck were scared to death, so they stayed quiet. The men were talking about some “work” that the unknown man believed to be too dangerous. Tom and Huck couldn’t believe they were watching real robbers bury treasure! It included thousands of dollars in gold and treasure.
The men wanted to bury all their treasure again when Injun Joe started wondering why there were some tools in the house. Surely someone was there, he decided to hide the money somewhere else. He then started looking around the house for the owners of the tools. He was almost up the stairs when the bad wood broke and he fell down. Then the boys walked home quickly.
— Taken from The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
1.The underlined word “it” in Paragraph 2 may mean ________ .
A.the treasure B.a treasure map C.a dead tree D.the haunted house
2.Which is TRUE according to the passage
A.The robbers dug under a dead tree.
B.The robbers found the owners of the tools.
C.The two boys got the treasure successfully.
D.The two boys escaped from the haunted house.
3.From Paragraph 3, we can know that ________.
A.the boys saw two men leaving the door of the house
B.the boys hid themselves upstairs to get the treasure
C.the two robbers planned to do something dangerous
D.the two robbers stayed quiet because they were scared
4.Which of the following words best describes the two boys’ feeling in the last paragraph
A.Afraid. B.Sad. C.Curious. D.Bored.
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