中考英语二轮专题专练 原创外国小说改编阅读理解37-40篇(含答案)

Bertie was sad for weeks, months after the lion died. There was nothing I could do to cheer him or even console(安慰) him. He would sit for hours in his room, or go off on long walks all on his own. He seemed to shut away inside himself, so distant. Try as I did, I could not reach him.
①Then one day I was in the kitchen here, when I saw him hurrying down the hill, waving his stick and shouting for me. “I’ve got it,” he cried, as he came in, “I’ve got it at last.” He showed me the end of his stick. It was white. “See that, Millie ” “Chalk! It’s chalk underneath, isn’t it ”
“So ” I said.
“You know the famous White Horse on the hillside at Uffington, the one they carved out of the chalk a thousand years ago That horse never died, did it It’s still alive, isn’t it Well, that’s what we’re going to do, so he will never be forgotten. We’ll carve The White Prince out on the hillside—he’ll be there forever, and he’ll be white forever too.”
“It’ll take a bit of time, won’t it ” I said.
“We’ve got plenty, haven’t we ” he replied, with the same smile he had smiled at me when he was a ten-year-old boy asking me if he could come back and mend my kite for me.
② Every spare hour we had, we were up there scraping(刨土) away with spades(铲子), and we had buckets(桶) to carry away the earth. It was hard, back-breaking work, but it was a labour of love. We did it, Bertie and I, we did it together-paws, claws, tail, mane, until he was complete and perfect in every detail.
③It was just after we’d finished that the butterflies first came. We noticed that when the sun comes out after the rain, in the summer, the butterflies-Adonis Blues, they are, I looked them up-come out to drink on the chalk face. Then The White Prince becomes a butterfly lion, and breathes again like a living creature.
④So now you know how Bertie’s white lion became The White Prince and how The White Prince became our butterfly lion.
(Adapted from The Butterfly Lion)
1.The sentence “It took the next twenty years to do it. ” should be put at the beginning of one paragraph. Where should we put it
A.① B.② C.③ D.④
2.The underlined word “he” in Paragraph 4 refers to(指代) ________.
A.Bertie B.butterfly C.the white lion D.the White Horse
3.The correct time order of the events about the story is ________
a. The lion died and Bertie was sad.
b. Butterflies flew to the chalk face.
c. Bertie decided to carve the lion on the hillside.
d. Bertie and Millie spent all the spare time carving.
A.a-c-d-b B.a-d-b-c C.d-a-b-c D.c-b-a-d
4.Millie told the story to express ________.
A.how Bertie carved the lion
B.how Bertie cheered up
C.how much Bertie loved the lion
D.how Bertie found the White Horse
Bassanio looked at the three boxes, but he did not read the writing on them. He looked at the gold and silver.
“The world is tricked by appearances,” he said. “People often hide ordinary things with beautiful gold, silver, and jewels. People always agree with those who speak well, even if they say foolish things. Many people who seem brave are really cowards. How often do we believe in leaders who turn out to be bad ” Then Bassanio remembered the story of Midas, the man who loved gold too much. He wanted everything to be gold. He wished that he could make everything gold just by touching it. When he could, it was a disaster. He could not eat his golden food, and he was afraid to touch his daughter.
“No, I do not want these beautiful boxes of gold and silver. I will choose the lead box with its ordinary color. It speaks more to me than all the gold and silver in the world. Please give me the key to the lead box. Let happiness be mine.” Bassanio said to himself.
One of the servants gave him the key, and he went to the box and opened it. Portia was very pleased. She could not believe it, until Bassanio opened the box and saw the picture of Portia inside it. When he saw the picture, he loved her even more because the picture was very beautiful. He wondered how anyone could paint such a good picture of her. It was almost as beautiful as Portia herself. He looked at all the parts of the picture. He looked at the eyes and the hair and the eyes. All of them were perfect. But Portia herself even more beautiful than her picture.
The writing inside the box told him that he had chosen the right box. It said that he should go to Portia and look into her eyes. She would be his wife. Bassanio could not believe it. “Is it really true ” he asked. “Will you really be my wife I am afraid to believe it until you say so.”
1.What do we know about Midas
A.He was happy to eat golden food. B.He could make everything gold without touching it.
C.He was afraid of his daughter. D.He showed great interest in gold.
2.What may “cowards” do when they face the difficulties
A.Find out ways to solve them. B.Show fear and give up.
C.Ask others for help. D.Hand in the problems to others.
3.Why did Portia feel very pleased when Bassanio opened the box
A.Because Bassanio didn’t like gold, silver or jewels.
B.Because Bassanio didn’t read the writing on the box.
C.Because she hoped to become the wife of Bassanio.
D.Because she thought the picture in the box was perfect.
4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
A.There was nothing but a picture in the lead box.
B.The servants suggested Bassanio to choose the lead box.
C.Bassanio thought the picture was more beautiful than Portia.
D.Bassanio was too excited to believe himself after reading the writing.
5.What may be the best title of the passage
A.Bassanio and the lead box B.Portia and her picture
C.The things in the boxes D.Tricks by appearances
So I put on the clothes and practised walking like a girl. “What do you think, Jim ”
“Very good, Huck. Nobody will know you’re really a boy! Ha ha ha!”
I took the canoe(独木舟)and paddled across the river to the town. Very soon I met a woman and we started talking. She told me that her husband and another man were looking for a runaway slave(奴隶).
“They’re going to Jackson’s Island tonight to catch him,” she said.①
I hurried back to the cave to tell him.
“Jim! They know you’re here. They’re coming to get you tonight. We must leave now!”
We put all our things, including the canoe, on the big raft(木筏)and set off down the river for the town of Cairo, where the Mississippi and the Ohio rivers meet.
② We didn’t get to Cairo. We ran into a thick fog(雾)on the river one night and we couldn’t see a yard in front of us. The next day it cleared but there was no sight of a town that looked like Cairo.
“Maybe we missed it in the fog,” Jim said.
③ So we continued drifting down the river because the raft couldn’t sail back up the river against the current.
We had a few adventures on the way but nobody caught us. Our life on the raft was very pleasant and I was enjoying myself. During the day we made a camp under the trees and slept. As soon as it got dark we set off again. Jim made a special platform on the raft where we could make a small fire to cook fish. After dinner we swam in the moonlight or lay on our backs looking at the stars. ④ Then one morning something happened and our lives changed.
I was paddling up a side river to look for berries for breakfast when two men suddenly ran out of the woods.
“Help! Please help us!” they shouted, “Some men with dogs are chasing us! They want to kill us! ” One of the men was about seventy years old, the other was about thirty, and they both had very old, dirty clothes.
I felt sorry for them. I told them to get onto the raft and we paddled back to the camp.
(Adapted from The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain)
1.What’s the correct order of the following events
a. Huck told Jim some people wanted to catch him.
b. Huck took two men to the camp by raft.
c. Huck and Jim enjoyed themselves on the raft.
d. Huck dressed up as a girl to be safe.
A.c-a-b-d B.d-a-c-b C.a-d-c-b D.a-b-d-c
2.Which is the best place for the sentence “This wasn’t good news for Jim.”
A.① B.② C.③ D.④
3.The underlined word “it” in the passage refers to __________.
A.the river B.the yard C.the fog D.the town
4.According to the passage, what may Huck be like
A.Clever and kind. B.Lazy and stupid.
C.Honest and humorous. D.Popular and generous.
I stayed in Mildendo about two weeks. One of the Emperor’s ministers came to see me one day. He looked very worried, and he said he needed my help. Then he told me that there was going to be a war with the country of Blefuscu. In the past, the people of Lilliput and the people of Blefuscu had agreed about this. They had both believed that eggs should be broken at the bigger end.
One day, however, the Emperor’s grandfather had an accident while he was opening an egg. He cut his finger. He ordered all Lilliputians to open eggs from the smaller end in the future. The people did not like this order, and many of them refused to obey the Emperor. There was a civil war in Lilliput, and many people were killed. The Emperor’s minister explained to me that Blefuscu supported the rebels in the civil war — many rebels went to live in Blefuscu.
The situation was now very serious because Lilliput and Blefuscu were at war. Thousands of people had been killed in the war of the eggs. The government minister told me that Blefuscu was planning to attack Lilliput. The Emperor wanted my help. I told the minister that I was ready to help the Emperor.
The Blefuscu navy was planning to invade Lilliput by sea. The distance between the two countries is about three hundred metres by sea. All the Blefuscu ships were ready, and they were sure they would be victorious in the war. I told the Emperor of Lilliput that I had a plan of my own to help him defeat the enemy.
I waited until it was dark. Then I took some rope with me, and walked into the sea that separated the two kingdoms. The water was not deep. While I was walking in the sea, I put on my glasses to protect my eyes from the arrows of the enemy. I tied a piece of rope to each of the Blefuscu ships. The Blefuscu sailors were terrified when they saw me. The jumped into the sea, and swam away. I took the pieces of rope in my hands, and pulled the Blefuscu navy towards Lilliput.
When the people of Lilliput saw the Blefuscu navy, they thought the invasion had started. They were very frightened now!
Then they saw that I was pulling the ships, and they were happy. It was a great victory for Lilliput, and the Emperor said I was a hero.
The Emperor of Lilliput asked me to go on with the war against Blefuscu. I did not want to go on with the war, because I did not want lots of people to be killed. The Emperor listened to what I said, but he was very angry with me. Now he did not like me.
1.Who was the cause of the war according to the passage
A.The emperor of Lilliput. B.The Emperor’s grandfather.
C.The people of Blefuscu. D.The people of Lilliput.
2.Which is the best reason why the emperor wanted Gulliver’ help
A.Thousands of people lost their lives in the war.
B.Blefuscu was planning to attack Lilliput by sea.
C.Gulliver was kind and always ready to help others.
D.Gulliver was the biggest and strongest in the country.
3.What does Paragraph 5 mainly tell us
A.How Gulliver fought against the Blefuscu.
B.Why Gulliver put on his glasses in the sea.
C.What the Blefuscu sailors did when they saw Gulliver.
D.Where the Blefuscu sailors went at the end of the war.
4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
A.Many Blefuscu sailors lost their lives at the beginning of the war.
B.Gulliver pulled all the Blefuscu ships away with only some ropes.
C.The people of Lilliput were happy to see the Blefuscu ships at first.
D.Gulliver was respected by all the people in the country of Lilliput.
5.From the passage, we know Gulliver was________.
A.a peace-lover
B.an easy-going person
C.a hardworking man
D.a trouble-maker
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