
Luoyang is a city lying in the west of Henan Province. It is also the eastern starting point of the Silk Road in China. Luoyang is an old city with a history of over 5,000 years. It served as the capital city in different times by thirteen dynasties in China’s history.
Luoyang is well-known for its peony planting. The peony flowers are beautiful and thought of as a symbol of wealth. The Peony Culture Festival of Luoyang China is held every April. People can enjoy the elegant (典雅的) and beautiful peony and learn more about what the peony culture is during the Peony Culture Festival.
Every April, the roadsides, parks, and gardens are full of peony flowers. People all over the city seem to be happy and excited to live a sea of flowers.
To welcome the 40th China Luoyang Peony Cultural Festival in April, the city of Luoyang turned the traffic lights in some areas into the shape of peonies. Visitors could see green and red peonies in those traffic lights on Longmen Street in Luoyang. Peony drawings could also be seen at the crossings. They caught the eye of many people and quickly became popular, not only in Luoyang, but throughout the country.
What a wonderful city Luoyang is!
1.How many dynasties did Luoyang serve as the capital in China’s history (不超过5个词)
2.What is the symbol of the peony flowers (不超过10个词)
3.Where could people see green and red peonies (不超过10个词)
When Jack graduated from high school, he dreamed of becoming a great magician. He was always admiring the stars on the stage. So Jack decided to make his dream come true, and he started finding videos and books and practicing magic skills day and night. He even spent hours practicing his every move. He also studied the performances of the great magicians, and soon he made great progress.
Jack spent the next few years making his performances better, studying different other styles and skills. He invited friends to watch his performances and gave him advice.
After ten years, Jack finally got the chance to perform on stage. The local community needed a magic show for a festival celebration. The organizers heard that Jack loved magic and had been training, so they asked him to have a try.
The night of the show arrived, Jack went on stage, nervously and excitedly to perform his most familiar show Super Change. When his performance began, he heard the cheers of his friends. When the last move was done, Jack turned around and saw all the audience (观众), cheering wildly. Tears of joy came down his face as he realized that all his hard work and effort had paid off.
At that moment, Jack understood the true meaning of the saying: “ __________ ”
4.Why did Jack dream of becoming a great magician (不超过10个词)
5.How did Jack get a chance to give his performance on stage (不超过15个词)
6.What would the English saying be filled in the blank (不超过15个词)
阅读下面短文, 并用英语回答问题(请注意每小题后面的词数要求)。
In Jinzhong, Shanxi Province, there is a group of people who are busy drawing maps around. They are not workers on geography, but dispatchers (调度员) on Emergency (急救) Center of the city.
Since 2007, the dispatchers in the center have been drawing maps of the local areas.
“A dispatcher’s job is counted in seconds,” says Liang Ruimei, a dispatcher in the center. She has been working in the center since it started in 2007. “We must answer the phone in 3 seconds, get clear information about the patient in 60 seconds and dispatch (调度) emergency medical workers in 3 minutes at most. If we save one second, the patient may have a better chance to live. ”
Although nowadays the center has electronic maps, the dispatchers still walk through the streets to draw maps by hand.
After many years’ hard work, the dispatchers keep every building and street of the city in mind. They even know whether or not a car can enter the gate of a building. Sometimes the caller can’t tell clearly where he is, but it doesn’t matter. As long as he describes the buildings around, the dispatcher can dispatch emergency medical workers to him.
“We are trying to be quicker than death,” says Liang.
7.What is Liang Ruimei (不超过10个词)
8.When did Emergency Center of Jinzhong start (不超过5个词)
9.If the caller can’t tell the dispatcher clearly where he is, what should the caller do (不超过10 个词)
阅读下面短文,并用英语回答问题 (请注意每小题的词数要求)。
Service dogs are not just pets. They are usually trained to help people who have difficulty seeing, hearing or walking. But the most common type of service dog is one that helps children with autism (自闭症). David is one of the service dogs. With the help of David, Peter gets better.
Peter was an unlucky boy because he had autism. He was unable to communicate with others, and the outside world seemed frightening (可怕的), and never talked to others, even his parents.
When Peter was ten, David came into his family. Since then, he has changed Peter’s world.
David is big and happy. He stays with Peter and plays with Peter. He is like Peter’s best friend. Now, Peter goes out for a walk with him every day. They go to the shops and other crowded places together. Peter often says hello to other people and smiles at them.
They both like travelling. Peter has a passport. David has a pet passport, too. The winter vacation is coming.
10.When did David come into Peter’s family (不超过10个词)
11.What are Peter’s changes (不超过15个词)
12.What will happen next Finish the ending. (不超过15个词)
Building Schools with Bottles
By Tracy Vonder Brink
Is your school made of bricks or concrete blocks Many are. But some classrooms in Guatemala and EI Salvador were built a different way—with bottles full of trash! Hug It Forward—bottle schools use plastic bottles, trash, and lots of community helpers. Let’s see how they do it!
First, kids and other helpers pick up trash. They’ll burn plastic bags and chip wrappers into eco-bricks. Each classroom takes about 3,500 eco-bricks to build. That’s around one ton of trash!
To make eco-bricks, the kids stuff empty plastic bags and chip wrappers into cleaned plastic bottles. They need about 80 plastic bags or around 100 chip wrappers to fill one bottle all the way to the top.
Helpers from the community build frames for the classroom walls. They add chicken wire to hold the eco-bricks.
The eco-bricks are tied in rows between the layers of chicken wire. Any gaps are filled with more plastic bags.
Rows and rows of eco-bricks make up the walls. They are just as strong and last as long as other kinds of walls.
13.How are the classrooms in Guatemala and EI Salvador built differently
14.What are the materials used to build the bottle schools
15.How many eco-bricks are needed to build one classroom
16.How are the eco-bricks made
17.Are the walls made of eco-bricks as strong as other kinds of walls
Tammy was in a bad mood. Her parents had insisted (坚持) that she was too young for a cell phone, no matter how much she begged (乞求). “But Sun and Alicia have cell phones!” Tammycried. “If I don’t get one. I won’t be popular.
“Having a cell phone doesn’t make you popular,” Tammy’s dad said. He was always saying things like that, as if he knew what it was like to be in the fourth grade. “Besides,” Dad said, “your school doesn’t allow cell phones, and you can call your friends from the house as soon as you finish your homework.”
“But I can’t send them text messages,” Tammy replied.
“You can use e-mail,” Mom said. “Cell phones are expensive. We want you to wait until you can pay for part of the cost before you get one.”
“By that time I won’t need one,” Tammy said. “Nobody will know who I am. I might as well move to a deserted island.”
“In that case, I’ll get you some empty bottles and some paper,” Dad said. “Bottle messages are way cooler than text messages.”
“Ugh,” sighed (叹息) Tammy. ______.
18.Was Tammy in a bad mood
19.What advice did mom give when Tammy said that she couldn’t send her friends text messages
20.Name three reasons why Tammy’s parents are against her getting a cell phone.
21.Describe Tammy’s facial (面部的) expression at the end of the story.
Do you ever find yourself standing in front of rubbish bins, not sure whether the piece of waste in your hand is recyclable or not To solve this problem, four Hong Kong high school students have invented a smart rubbish bin that uses AI to divide the waste. The students called the bin Waste Collection Point.
The bin uses a camera to know the kind of the waste and divides it into plastic, paper, glass or other kinds. To make sure the bin can divide waste correctly, the team tested every product in the school shop and took over 500 pictures of each one. “To train the AI, we had to take many photos from different angles (角度), so it has a better rate of accuracy (精确度),” said one of the students.
The students had the idea of the smart bin two years ago because they saw a lot of rubbish here and there in their village. Every weekend, they had to join the villagers in picking up the waste.
The students decided to invent a special recycling bin that would encourage people to protect the environment. Although the school ended at 2 p.m., the team members would continue to work on their invention until 6 or 7 p.m. at school.
“Our bin is now in its third generation (代). Before graduation, we hope that it can be widely used in the city.” The students said, “Then it will be easier than ever for people to recycle waste and protect our environment.”
22.What’s the name of the smart rubbish bin (no more than 3 words)
23.How can the smart rubbish bin know the kind of the waste (no more than 4 words)
24.What made the four students have the idea of the smart rubbish bin (no more than 10 words)
25.Where did the four students work on their invention (no more than 2 words)
26.Is the smart rubbish bin in its third generation (no more than 3 words)
It was a cold January morning. A man sat at a subway station in Washington DC and started to play the violin. When the musician played, thousands of people went through the station, but most of them didn’t stop.
A few minutes went by and a middle-aged man noticed there was a musician playing music. He slowed down and stopped for a few seconds and then he walked away hurriedly. Four minutes after he played the violin, the violinist received his first tip. A woman threw the money in the violin case without stopping and continued to walk.
In the musician’s 45-minute performance, only 6 people stopped and stayed for a while. About 20 gave him money but continued to walk. He collected $32 in all. When he finished playing and silence took over, no one noticed it.
No one knew the violinist was Joshua Bell, one of the best musicians in the world. Two days before his playing at the subway station, the tickets for Joshua Bell’s performance were sold out at a theater in Boston and the seats each cost 100 dollars.
Joshua Bell’s playing in the subway station was a social experiment. It asks questions: in a common environment at a wrong hour, do we enjoy beauty Do we stop to make a response (反应) If we do not have a moment to stop and listen to one of the best musicians in the world playing the best music, how many things are we missing So don’t miss the wonderful moment in life!
27.What was the weather like that day
28.When did the musician get his first tip
29.How long did the musician play
30.How many people recognized (认出) the musician at the subway station
31.What does the writer suggest
1.Thirteen. 2.They are thought of as a symbol of wealth./A symbol of wealth. 3.In those traffic lights on Longmen Street in Luoyang.
1.根据第一段“It served as the capital city in different times by thirteen dynasties in China’s history.”可知,在中国历史上不同时期,洛阳曾经作为13个朝代的首都。故填Thirteen.
2.根据第二段“The peony flowers are beautiful and thought of as a symbol of wealth.”可知,牡丹花被认为是财富的象征。故填They are thought of as a symbol of wealth./A symbol of wealth.
3.根据第四段“Visitors could see green and red peonies in those traffic lights on Longmen Street in Luoyang.”可知,在洛阳的龙门大街上,游客可以在红绿灯上看到绿色和红色的牡丹。故填In those traffic lights on Longmen Street in Luoyang.
4.Because he was always admiring the stars on the stage. 5.The local community needed a magic show for a festival celebration. 6.A minute on the stage takes ten-year practice.
4.根据“When Jack graduated from high school, he dreamed of becoming a great magician. He was always admiring the stars on the stage.”可知,因为他总是羡慕舞台上的明星,所以他想成为魔术师。故填Because he was always admiring the stars on the stage.
5.根据“After ten years, Jack finally got the chance to perform on stage. The local community needed a magic show for a festival celebration.”可知,因为当地社区在节日庆祝活动中需要一场魔术表演。故填The local community needed a magic show for a festival celebration.
6.根据通读全文可知,文章介绍了杰克努力了十年才登上舞台,这句谚语可为 “台上一分钟,台下十年功。”也可为 “所有的努力都有回报。”。故填A minute on the stage takes ten-year practice.
7.She is a dispatcher in the Emergency Center. 8.In 2007. 9.He should describe the buildings around (to the dispatcher).
7.根据第三段“‘A dispatcher’s job is counted in seconds,’ says Liang Ruimei, a dispatcher in the center.”可知,梁瑞梅是晋中急救中心的调度员。故填She is a dispatcher in the Emergency Center.
8.根据第三段“She has been working in the center since it started in 2007.”可知,急救中心创办于2007年。故填In 2007.
9.根据最后一段“Sometimes the caller can’t tell clearly where he is, but it doesn’t matter. As long as he describes the buildings around, the dispatcher can dispatch emergency medical workers to him.”可知,有时打电话的人不清楚自己在哪里,但没关系。只要他描述一下周围的建筑,调度员就可以向他派遣紧急医疗人员。故填He should describe the buildings around (to the dispatcher).
10.When Peter was ten years old. 11.He has become more outgoing and he is able to face other people. 12.Peter will travel around the world with David, and they will have a happy holiday.
10.根据“When Peter was ten, David came into his family.”可知,当彼得十岁的时候,大卫来到了他的家里。故填When Peter was ten years old.
11.根据“Peter often says hello to other people and smiles at them.”可知,他变得更外向了,能够面对别人了。故填He has become more outgoing and he is able to face other people.
12.根据“They both like travelling. Peter has a passport. David has a pet passport, too. The winter vacation is coming.”可知,他们将一起去旅游。故填Peter will travel around the world with David, and they will have a happy holiday.
13.The classrooms in Guatemala and EI Salvador are built with bottles full of trash instead of bricks or concrete blocks. 14.The bottle schools use plastic bottles, trash, and community helpers. 15.About 3,500 eco-bricks are needed to build one classroom. 16.The eco-bricks are made by stuffing empty plastic bags and chip wrappers into cleaned plastic bottles. 17.Yes, the walls made of eco-bricks are just as strong and last as long as other kinds of walls.
13.根据第一段中“Is your school made of bricks or concrete blocks Many are. But some classrooms in Guatemala and EI Salvador were built a different way—with bottles full of trash!”可知,危地马拉和萨尔瓦多的教室是用装满垃圾的瓶子而不是砖块或混凝土块建造的。故填The classrooms in Guatemala and EI Salvador are built with bottles full of trash instead of bricks or concrete blocks.
14.根据第一段中“Hug It Forward—bottle schools use plastic bottles, trash, and lots of community helpers.”可知,建造瓶子学校需要塑料瓶、垃圾和社区帮手。故填The bottle schools use plastic bottles, trash, and community helpers.
15.根据第二段中“Each classroom takes about 3,500 eco-bricks to build.”可知,建造一间教室需要大约3500块生态砖。故填About 3,500 eco-bricks are needed to build one classroom.
16.根据第三段中“To make eco-bricks, the kids stuff empty plastic bags and chip wrappers into cleaned plastic bottles.”可知,将空塑料袋和薯片包装纸装入清洁的塑料瓶中,这样制成了生态砖。故填The eco-bricks are made by stuffing empty plastic bags and chip wrappers into cleaned plastic bottles.
17.根据最后一段中“Rows and rows of eco-bricks make up the walls. They are just as strong and last as long as other kinds of walls.”可知,生态砖制成的墙和其他类型的墙一样坚固耐用。故填Yes, the walls made of eco-bricks are just as strong and last as long as other kinds of walls.
18.Yes, she was. 19.She can use e-mail. 20.She was too young for a cell phone. Her school doesn’t allow cell phones. Cell phones are expensive. 21.She showed a disappointing expression.
18.根据“Tammy was in a bad mood.”可知,塔米当时心情不好。故填Yes, she was.
19.根据“You can use e-mail”可知,妈妈给了她的建议是她可以使用电子邮件。故填She can use e-mail.
20.根据“Her parents had insisted (坚持) that she was too young for a cell phone”,“your school doesn’t allow cell phones”和“Cell phones are expensive”可知,她年纪小,学校不允许使用手机以及手机很贵都是父母反对她买手机的三个原因。故填She was too young for a cell phone. Her school doesn’t allow cell phones. Cell phones are expensive.
21.根据“‘Ugh,’ sighed (叹息) Tammy.”可知,愿望没有达成,所以很失望。故填She showed a disappointing expression.
22.Waste Collection Point. 23.It uses a camera./By using a camera. 24.A lot of rubbish here and there in their village. 25.At school. 26.Yes, it is.
22.根据“The students called the bin Waste Collection Point.”可知,智能垃圾桶名字叫Waste Collection Point。故填Waste Collection Point.
23.根据“The bin uses a camera to know the kind of the waste and divides it into plastic, paper, glass or other kinds. ”可知,智能垃圾桶通过使用照相机来了解垃圾的种类。故填It uses a camera./By using a camera.
24.根据“The students had the idea of the smart bin two years ago because they saw a lot of rubbish here and there in their village.”可知,学生们两年前就有了智能垃圾桶的想法,因为他们看到村里到处都是垃圾。故填A lot of rubbish here and there in their village.
25.根据“Although the school ended at 2 p.m., the team members would continue to work on their invention until 6 or 7 p.m. at school.”可知,他们在学校里致力于他们的发明。故填At school.
26.根据“Our bin is now in its third generation (代).”可知,垃圾桶现在是第三代了。故填Yes, it is.
27.It was cold./It was a cold morning. 28.Four minutes after he played the violin. 29.45 minutes. 30.None/No one/Nobody. 31.Don’t miss the wonderful moment in life!
27.根据“It was a cold January morning.”可知,这是一个寒冷的早晨。故填It was cold./ It was a cold morning.
28.根据“Four minutes after he played the violin, the violinist received his first tip.”可知,在演奏了45分钟之后,小提琴家获得了第一份小费。故填Four minutes after he played the violin.
29.根据“In the musician’s 45-minute performance”可知,小提琴家演奏了45分钟。故填45 minutes.
30.根据“No one knew the violinist was Joshua Bell, one of the best musicians in the world.”可知,没有人认出这个著名的小提琴手。故填None/No one/Nobody.
31.根据“So don’t miss the wonderful moment in life!”可知,我们不应该错过生活中的精彩时刻。故填Don’t miss the wonderful moment in life! (答案不唯一,有理皆可)
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



