2024天津中考英语二轮重难题型研究复习专题 题型三 完成句子 (含答案)

2024天津中考英语二轮重难题型研究复习专题 题型三 完成句子
Part 1 近8年已考短语
类型1 动词短语
1. ________________ 请求(给予)(2023.70)
2. ________________ (永久)关闭, 关停(2015.73)
3. ________________ 出版;问世(2013.72)
4. ________________ 拜访(某人的家)(2019.67)
5. ________________ 倒数;倒计时(2018.68)
6. ________________ 劳驾, 对不起(用于礼貌地引起某人的注意)(2023.67)
7. ________________ 下(飞机、火车、公共汽车等)(2018.66)
8. ________________ 发胖(2023.68)
9. ________________ 起床(2014.71)
10. ________________ 回家(2017.71)
11. ________________ 外出;游玩(2015.75)
12. ________________ 复习;练习(2020.69)
13. ________________ 提交;上交(2016.71)
14. ________________ 收到……的来信(2019.69)
15. ________________ 参加(2015.74)
16. ________________ 以……为生(2013.71)
17. ________________ 照顾;照管(2015.72)
18. ________________ 看(2020.67)
19. ________________ 为……付出代价(2017.75)
20. ________________ 使整齐;使整洁(2023.69)
21. ________________ 试穿(2020.66)
22. ________________ 担心……(2017.72)
23. ________________ 写下;记下(2014.75)
24. ________________ 去买东西, 去购物(2014.74)
25. ________________ 观光(2013.73)
26. ________________ 易理解;合情理;有意义(2016.72)
27. ________________ 注意;留心(2016.74)
28. ________________ 拍照(2019.66)
29. ________________ 确保;确认(2018.67)
30. ________________ (希望、梦想等)实现, 成真(2017.73)
类型2 介词短语
31. ________________ 在工作(2020.70)
32. ________________ 用手;靠手做 (2018.70)
33. ________________ 和平地;平静地(2016.75)
34. ________________ 遇上麻烦;处于困境(2015.71)
35. ________________ 正在出售(2017.74)
36. ________________ 在度假; 在假期中(2014.72)
37. ________________ 最后;终于(2018.69)
38. ________________ 起初;首先(2013.73)
39. ________________ 而不是(2019.70)
40. ________________ 在……旁边(2016.73)
类型3 副词短语
41. ________________ 独自一人(2020.68)
42. ________________ 浑身;到处(2019.68)
43. ________________ 再一次(2013.75)
44. ________________ 在那边(2023.66)
Part 2 未考短语
类型1 动词短语
45. ________________ 同意某人
46. ________________ 把某物从某物上刷掉
47. ________________ 取消;决定终止
48. ________________ 赶上
49. ________________ 用欢呼声激励;为……加油
50. ________________ 来自
51. ________________ 把……比作
52. ________________ 比较……与……
53. ________________ (与……)相比
54. ________________ 取决于;决定于
55. ________________ 为……而死
56. ________________ 死于……
57. ________________ 突然向下倾斜
58. ________________ 从……跌落
59. ________________ 填写;填充
60. ________________ 发现;查明;弄清
61. ________________ 放弃(努力)
62. ________________ 回去
63. ________________ 离开
64. ________________ 穿过
65. ________________ 稍等
66. ________________ 使变热;给……加热
67. ________________ 赶快
68. ________________ 嘲笑;对……一笑置之
69. ________________ (使)避开;(使)不靠近
70. ________________ 抬起;提起
71. ________________ 寻找
72. ________________ 快速阅读;浏览
73. ________________ 查;查找
74. ________________ 编写;创作
75. ________________ 拿起;举起
76. ________________ 指着……
77. ________________ 指出;指明
78. ________________ 收起;收拾好
79. ________________ 张贴;公布
80. ________________ 朗读;宣读
81. ________________ 逃走;逃跑
82. ________________ 搜寻;查找
83. ________________ 动身;出发
84. ________________ 开办;设立;创办;建立
85. ________________ 坐下
86. ________________ 大点声说
87. ________________ 起立
88. ________________ 是……的缩写;代表
89. ________________ 受(某种病痛)折磨;因……而受苦
90. ________________ 夺去;拿走
91. ________________ 脱去
92. ________________ 占去(时间或空间)
93. ________________ 多亏;归功于
94. ________________ 考虑
95. ________________ 想到;想出
96. ________________ 扔掉;丢弃
97. ________________ 试用;试
98. ________________ 关掉;关闭(设备)
99. ________________ 打开
100. ________________ 等待; 等候
101. ________________ 醒;醒来
102. ________________ 热身;做准备活动
103. ________________ 编写;写作
104. ________________ 吃早餐
105. ________________ 吃饭;吃晚餐
106. ________________ 玩得开心;有乐趣
107. ________________ 吃午餐
108. ________________ 交朋友
109. ________________ 握手
110. ________________ (告别用语)多保重
111. ________________ 入睡;睡着
112. ________________ 过得愉快
类型2 介词短语
113. ________________ 在家
114. ________________ 在学校;上学
115. ________________ 在周末
116. ________________ 例如
117. ________________ 用英语
118. ________________ 处于危险中
119. ________________ 事实上
120. ________________ 亲自;本人
121. ________________ 破碎
122. ________________ 安静地;沉默地
123. ________________ 及时
124. ________________ (广播或电视)播出
125. ________________ 出差
126. ________________ 根据;按照;据……所说
127. ________________ 至少;起码
128. ________________ 因为;由于
129. ________________ 远离
130. ________________ 正如;正像
131. ________________ 比如
类型3 副词短语
132. ________________ 和;又;也
133. ________________ 互相;彼此
134. ________________ 多大;几岁
135. ________________ 多少
136. ________________ 超过
137. ________________ 不再
138. ________________ 太多
类型4 名词短语
139. ________________ 日常生活
140. ________________ 舞曲
141. ________________ 饭厅, 饭堂
142. ________________ 球迷(或影迷、歌迷)俱乐部
143. ________________ 快餐食品
144. ________________ 急救
145. ________________ 名字
146. ________________ 第一名;冠军
147. ________________ 一等奖
148. ________________ 校长
149. ________________ 医疗保健(服务)
150. ________________ 跳高
151. ________________ 姓
152. ________________ 最后一句话;最终决定
153. ________________ 起居室;客厅
154. ________________ 移动电话, 手机
155. ________________ 自然公园
156. ________________ 总有一天
157. ________________ 零花钱
158. ________________ 邮政局
159. ________________ 小学
160. ________________ 航天旅行
161. ________________ 业余时间;闲暇
162. ________________ 对甜食的爱好
163. ________________ 茶会
164. ________________ 短信
165. ________________ 交通堵塞
166. ________________ 电子游戏
类型5 其他短语
167. ________________ 稍微;有点儿
168. ________________ 一些;几个
169. ________________ 少量
170. ________________ 即使;尽管
171. ________________ 几百;成百上千
172. ________________ 大量的;无数的
173. ________________ 大量;众多
174. ________________ 从那以后
175. ________________ 好几千;成千上万
176. ________________ 许多;很多
Group 1
1. (2023重庆B卷)离开房间时, 请记得关灯。
Please remember to ________ ________ the lights when you leave the room.
2. (2023枣庄改编)因为天气糟糕, 山底下的东西我们什么也看不到。
________ ________ the bad weather, we couldn't see anything below.
3. (2023恩施改编)如果年轻人放弃努力, 世界就会失去希望。
If young people ________ ________ efforts, the world will lose hope.
4. (2023甘肃通用卷改编)我花了一个小时在车站等火车。
I spent an hour at the station ________ ________ the train.
5. (2023重庆A卷)天冷时, 请穿上暖和的衣服。
Please ________ ________ warm clothes when it's cold.
Group 2
1. (2023安徽改编)露西经常在闲暇时间看望她的爷爷奶奶。
Lucy often visits her grandparents in her ________ ________.
2. (2023随州)好的学习者不害怕犯错。
Good learners are not afraid of ________ ________.
3. (2023甘肃通用卷改编)健康取决于食物、锻炼和足够的睡眠。
Health ________ ________ food, exercise and enough sleep.
4. (2023金华改编)鲍勃独自在家时可以照顾他自己。
Bob could look after himself when he was ________ ________ alone.
5. (2023怀化改编)政府让我们把日常生活的垃圾归类。
The government asks us to put the rubbish from ________ ________ in different groups.
Group 3
1. 请记一些笔记帮助你复习功课。
Please ________ ________ some notes to help you go over your lessons.
2. 艾丽斯在网上搜索信息和做作业。
Alice ________ ________ information and does her homework on the Internet.
3. 一些澳大利亚人戴着特殊的帽子来避开苍蝇。
Some Australians wear special hats to ________ the flies ________.
4. 根据报道, 这周日将下雨。
________ ________ the report, it will rain this Sunday.
5. 含有太多盐的食物不利于我们的健康。
Food with ________ ________ salt is bad for our health.
Group 4
1. (2023逆袭卷)在课堂上回答问题时要站起来。
________ ________ when you answer questions in class.
2. 当红灯亮起的时候,意味着我们在播出。
When the red light is on, it means we're ________ ________.
3. 为什么不每天运动至少一小时呢?
Why not do sports ________ ________ an hour every day
4. 如果你忘记了这个单词, 就多读几遍。
________ ________ for several times if you forget the word.
5. 虽然她身患重病, 但仍然坚持从教十多年。
________ ________ she had a serious illness, she still kept on teaching for over ten years.
Group 5
1. 孔子的思想至今对我们来说都很有意义。
Confucius's ideas ________ a lot of ________ to us today.
2. 事实上,倾听他人是沟通中最重要的一部分。
________ ________, listening to others is the most important part of communication.
3. 在做饭前, 我妈妈先把蔬菜洗好、切好。
My mom washes and ________ ________ the vegetables before cooking.
4. 他昨天出门前把书放在了同一个地方。
He put his book in the same place before he ________ ________ yesterday.
5. 记得大点声说话, 因为奶奶现在有点耳背了。
Remember to ________ ________, because our grandma is a bit deaf now.
Group 6
1. 我们应该在晚上9点之前回家。
We are supposed to ________ ________ home before 9 pm.
2. 奶奶为李明亲手缝制了一个特别的书包。
Grandma made a special school bag for Li Ming ________ ________.
3. 玲玲正在商店里买礼物, 它们在减价出售。
Lingling is buying presents at the shop and they are ________ ________.
4. 在山里步行有点危险。
It is ________ ________ dangerous to walk in the mountains.
5. 我们可以把印刷术的发明比作二十世纪互联网的引入。
We can ________ the invention of printing ________ the introduction of the Internet in the twentieth century.
Group 7
1. 昨天王辉在学校旅行时拍了很多照片。
Wang Hui ________ lots of ________ when he was on a school trip yesterday.
2. 在过去的几年里, 镇上成百上千的工厂迅速发展。
________ ________ factories have developed quickly in the town in the past few years.
3. 吃了早餐才能让你早上更好地学习。
________ ________ can make you study better in the morning.
4. 为了欣赏山顶的景色, 我们早早出发了。
We ________ ________ early in order to enjoy the views on the top of the mountain.
5. 老师亲自拜访了汤姆的父母。
The teacher visited Tom's parents ________ ________.
Group 8
1. 蚂蚁到处都是, 我必须把它们从衣服上刷下来。
The ants are all over the place, and I have to ________ them ________ my clothes.
2. 你在舞蹈俱乐部是怎样交朋友的?
How do you ________ ________ in the dance club
3. 扔掉无用的东西以保持你的房间干净。
________ ________ useless things to keep your room clean.
4. 稍等,我叫他给你回电话。
________ ________, I'll ask him to call you back.
5. 请大家在到达天津之眼的时候按顺序下车。
Please ________ ________ the bus in order when we arrive at the Eye of Tianjin.
Group 9
1. 我父母必须去出差几天。
My parents had to go away ________ ________ for a few days.
2. 为了帮助贫困地区的孩子, 他们想了很多方法去筹集资金。
To help children in poor areas, they ________ ________ many ways to raise money.
3. 在我妈妈回家之前, 我们必须把房间里的东西都收拾好。
We have to ________ ________ everything in the room before my mother comes back home.
4. 我们学校为了发展学生的爱好设立了俱乐部。
Our school has ________ ________ clubs to develop students' hobbies.
5. 你可以把玻璃瓶放到那边的回收箱里。
You can put the glass bottles in the recycling box ________ ________.
Group 10
1. 白求恩是一位加拿大医生, 他最终为中国人而死。
Norman Bethune was a Canadian doctor and ________ ________ Chinese people finally.
2. 我确信每个人都想要一个像家一样干净的教室。
I'm sure everybody would like a clean classroom ________ ________ home.
3. 我现在知道如何准备食物和打扫我的卧室了。
Now I know how to prepare food and ________ ________ my bedroom.
4. 明天游览黄崖关长城时, 我们将会玩得很开心。
We will ________ ________ when we visit Huangyaguan Section of the Great Wall tomorrow.
5. 他不在学校, 因为他头疼。
He isn't ________ ________, because he has a headache.
Group 11
1. 有些纸质书很大, 有几千页。
Some of the paper books are huge ones with ________ ________ pages.
2. 请打开你的电脑, 线上课程快要开始了。
Please ________ ________ your computer and the online class will begin soon.
3. 我们应该找出这个问题的最佳答案。
We should ________ ________ the best answer to this question.
4. 卢浮宫在塞纳河旁边的一座美丽古老的宫殿里。
The Louvre is in a beautiful old palace ________ ________ the River Seine.
5. 长时间学习后,抬头看看外面。
________ ________ your head and look outside after you study for a long time.
Group 12
1. 赶快! 我们恐怕赶不上飞机了。
________ ________! I'm afraid that we can't catch the plane.
2. 这些天我正在找一份兼职工作。
I am ________ ________ a part time job these days.
3. 每年有数百万的游客来天津。
________ ________ tourists come to Tianjin every year.
4. 小熊指着他床上的小女孩叫喊起来。
Baby Bear ________ ________ the little girl in his bed and shouted.
5. 当演讲者发言的时候, 学生们静静地站着。
Students stood ________ ________ as the speaker made a speech.
Group 13
1. 我们得取消散步,然后回家。
We have to ________ ________ the walk and go back home.
2. 我将考虑怎么去周六的聚会。
I'll ________ ________ how to go to the party on Saturday.
3. 孙颖莎的训练项目占据了她大量时间。
Sun Yingsha's training programme ________ ________ a lot of her time.
4. 当你拿到卷子, 首先写下你的个人信息。
When you get the paper, write down your personal information ________ ________.
5. 篮球撞到了窗户上, 玻璃碎了。
The basketball flew to the window and the glass broke ________ ________.
Group 14
1. 一想到熊猫和其他处于危险中的动物就让人很难过。
It's sad to think of pandas and other animals ________ ________.
2. 他是一位著名的作家,一生编写了许多戏剧和诗歌。
He was a famous writer, and he ________ ________ many plays and poems in his life.
3. 《理想照耀中国》真精彩, 我还想看一遍。
Faith Makes Great is really wonderful and I want to see it ________ ________.
4. 在旅行前一晚, 我激动得无法入睡。
I was too excited to ________ ________ on the night before the trip.
5. 游泳前要先热身以避免发生意外。
________ ________ before swimming to avoid accidents.
Part 1 近8年已考短语
类型1 动词短语
1. ask for 2. close down 3. come out 4. come round
5. count down 6. excuse me 7. get off 8. get fat 9. get up
10. go home 11. go out 12. go over 13. hand in
14. hear from 15. join in 16. live on 17. look after
18. look at 19. pay for 20. tidy up 21. try on 22. worry about 23. write down 24. go shopping 25. go sightseeing 26. make sense 27. pay attention 28. take photos 29. make sure e true
类型2 介词短语
31. at work 32. by hand 33. in peace 34. in trouble
35. on sale 36. on vacation/holiday 37. at last  38. at first
39. instead of  40. next to
类型3 副词短语
41. all alone 42. all over 43. once again 44. over there
Part 2 未考短语
类型1 动词短语
45. agree with... 46. brush...off... 47. call off
48. catch up 49. cheer...on e from 51. compare...to... 52. compare...with... pared with 54. depend on 55. die for 56. die of 57. fall away
58. fall off 59. fill out 60. find out 61. give up 62. go back 63. go off 64. go through 65. hang on 66. heat up
67. hurry up 68. laugh at 69. keep sb./sth. away 70. lift up 71. look for 72. look through 73. look up 74. make up
75. pick up 76. point at 77. point out 78. put away
79. put up 80. read out 81. run away 82. search for
83. set off 84. set up 85. sit down 86. speak up
87. stand up 88. stand for 89. suffer from 90. take away 91. take off 92. take up 93. thanks to 94. think about 95. think of 96. throw away 97. try out 98. turn off
99. turn on 100. wait for 101. wake up 102. warm up 103. write about 104. have breakfast 105. have dinner 106. have fun 107. have lunch 108. make friends
109. shake hands 110. take care 111. fall asleep
112. enjoy oneself
类型2 介词短语
113. at home 114. at school 115. at/on weekends 116. for example 117. in English 118. in danger 119. in fact
120. in person 121. in pieces 122. in silence 123. in time
124. on air 125. on business 126. according to 127. at least 128. because of 129. far from 130. just like
131. such as
类型3 副词短语
132. as well 133. each other 134. how old 135. how many/much 136. more than 137. no longer 138. too much
类型4 名词短语
139. daily life 140. dance music
141. dining hall 142. fan club 143. fast food 144. first aid
145. first name 146. first place 147. first prize 148. head teacher 149. health care 150. high jump 151. last name 152. last word 153. living room 154. mobile phone
155. nature park 156. one day 157. pocket money
158. post office 159. primary school 160. space travel
161. spare time 162. sweet tooth 163. tea party 164. text message 165. traffic jam 166. video game
类型5 其他短语
167. a bit 168. a few 169. a little 170. even though
171. hundreds of 172. millions of 173. plenty of 174. since then 175. thousands of 176. tons of
Group 1
1. turn off 2. Because of 3. give up 4. waiting for
5. put on
Group 2
1. spare time 2. making mistakes 3. depends on 4. at home
5. daily life
Group 3
1. write down 2. searches for 3. keep; away 4. According to
5. too much/lots of
Group 4
1. Stand up 2. on air 3. at least 4. Read out
5. Even though
Group 5
1. make; sense 2. In fact 3. cuts off 4. went out
5. speak up
Group 6
1. go back 2. by hand 3. on sale 4. a bit/little
5. compare; to
Group 7
1. took;photos 2. Hundreds of 3. Having breakfast
4. set off 5. in person
Group 8
1. brush; off 2. make friends 3. Throw away 4. Hang on
5. get off
Group 9
1. on business 2. thought of 3. put away 4. set up
5. over there
Group 10
1. died for 2. just like 3. tidy up 4. enjoy ourselves/have fun 5. at school
Group 11
1. thousands of 2. turn on 3. find out 4. next to 5. Lift up
Group 12
1. Hurry up 2. looking for 3. Millions of 4. pointed at
5. in silence
Group 13
1. call off 2. think about 3. took up 4. at first 5. in pieces
Group 14
1. in danger 2. made up 3. once again 4. fall asleep 5. Warm up



上一篇:2024天津中考英语二轮重难题型研究复习 语篇组合训练一 (含答案)
