
专题11 阅读选择
I was Saturday. Chen Jie and her mother exchanged roles (交换角色). Chen Jie did her mother’s work and her mother did Chen Jie’s work. Chen Jie got up at six o’clock in the morning. She cooked breakfast. Her mother read books and did homework in the study. Chen Jie wanted to watch TV, but the house was in a mess (不整洁). So she cleaned every room in the house. Then she washed her clothes. At last, she sat on the sofa. She said to her mother, “Mum, I’m so tired. It’s not easy to be a hard-working mum.” Her mother said, “It’s also not easy to be a hard-working student.” They understood (理解) each other more than before.
1.Chen Jie exchanged roles with her _______. ( )
A.father B.brother C.mother
2.Chen Jie wanted to _______ after she cooked breakfast. ( )
A.watch TV B.clean the house C.sit on the sofa
3.Her mother read books and _______. ( )
A.cooked breakfast B.did homework C.watched TV
4.At last, Chen Jie was very _______. ( )
A.happy B.sad C.tired
(2023·青海黄南·小升初真题)It’s nine o’clock in the evening. The family are at home. Jim’s father is sitting in a chair. He’s watching TV. Jim’s mother is standing near the window. She’s giving some food to a bird, Polly. Polly says, “Thanks! Thanks!” Where’s Jim Oh, he’s behind the door. Kate, Jim’s sister, is looking for him. They are playing games. They have no homework on Sunday evenings.
5.There are ______ people in the family. ( )
A.three B.four C.five
6.Who is watching TV in a chair ( )
A.Jim. B.Jim’s mother. C.Jim’s father.
7.Jim and Kate are ______. ( )
A.good friends B.brother and sister C.two boys
8.The children ______ doing their homework. ( )
A.aren’t B.isn’t C.don’t
9.What’s Kate doing ( )
A.She’s doing her homework. B.She’s standing near the window. C.She’s playing games.
(2023·安徽淮南·小升初真题)A teacher comes into the classroom and says to his students, “Today I want you to write about yesterday’s football match. I’m going to take your exercise books home with me. Now please begin.”
The students all take out their pens and exercise books and begin to write. A boy called Tom thinks hard. But he doesn’t write down a word. Five minutes later, he finishes(完成). He stands up and looks at the teacher. The teacher asks, “What is the matter, Tom ” “I have finished, sir.” says the boy.
“Well, give me your book.” The boy walks to the teacher and gives him the exercise book. The teacher opens it and reads, “Rain, no match.”
10.The teacher asks the students to ________. ( )
A.read the text B.write about a match C.do their homework
11.The teacher’s going to read the students’ exercise books _______. ( )
A.in class B.at home C.in the office
12.Tom thinks hard and finally(最终) ________. ( )
A.writes down many things B.writes down “Rain, no match.” C.doesn’t write down a word
13.Tom is ________ to finish writing. ( )
A.the third B.the last C.the first
14.From the text, we know that Tom ________. ( )
A.is not good at writing B.likes playing football C.doesn’t like rainy days
(2023·河南三门峡·小升初真题)Sally had a great trip last summer holiday. She went to Canada with her parents. It’s far from the UK. They went there by air. She visited the CN Tower in Canada. It was very tall. And she went to the Niagara Falls. They wee wonderful. She went shopping, too. She bought some gifts for her friends. And she also went to some restaurants. She ate some delicious food there. What a nice trip!
15.When did Sally have a great trip ( )
A.Last summer holiday B.Last winter holiday
16.Where did they go ( )
A.The UK. B.Canada.
17.They visited _____ in Canada. ( )
A.Big Ben B.the CN Tower and the Niagara Falls
18.How did they go there ( )
A.By plane. B.By ship.
19.What did she buy for her friends ( )
A.Some restaurants. B.Some gifts.
(2023·内蒙古通辽·小升初真题)It was Sunday yesterday. I visited my grandparents with my father and mother. My grandmother cooked dumplings. I went fishing with my grandfather. What did my parents do They cleaned the room and washed my grandparents’ clothes. After lunch, we went to the park together. We were very happy yesterday.
20.What day is it today ( )
A.Sunday. B.Monday. C.Saturday.
21.Who went fishing ( )
A.My grandparents. B.My parents. C.My grandpa and I.
22.My grandmother cooked ________ for us. ( )
A.fish B.dumplings C.noodles
23.What did they do after lunch ( )
A.Went to the park. B.Rode a bike. C.Cleaned the room.
24.Were they happy yesterday ( )
A.Yes, they are. B.Yes, they were. C.No, they weren’t.
(2023·浙江温州·小升初真题)____________ (Title)
Many kids have fun ideas about our life in the future. Maybe people will make these things one day. Let's have a look first, go, go, go! This sofa is cool. It can talk to me. It can play music, too. When I feel tired and want to sleep, it will play light music to help me fall asleep quickly. This is the sleeping mode(模式). When I'm reading a book on it, it will get into reading mode.
These glasses don't look special. They also have two pieces of glasses. But they are different. They're not only short--sighted(近视) glasses but also a camera(相机) and a telescope(望远镜). If I want to see something far away, touch the glass on the right side, it will make the things far away bigger. If I want to take a photo, just touch the glass on the left side and blink (眨) my eyes.
This smart (智能的) classroom looks like a spaceship (宇宙飞船). There is no blackboard or teachers in it. But there are some robots. They can answer any questions. With their help, learning is really easy. What's more, every student has a flying chair. When we press a button (按下按钮) on it, we can travel between home and school. My parents don't need to get up early and drive me to school again.
25.—How does the magic sofa help us fall asleep ( )
—It will ______.
A.talk to us B.get into reading mode C.play light music
26.If I want to see something far away with my super glasses. What should I do ( )
A.Touch the glass on the right. B.Touch the glass on the left. C.Blink my eyes.
27.—Which is the right picture of the smart classroom ( )
A. B. C.
28.—How do the students in the smart classroom go home ( )
—They go home ______.
A.by car B.by flying chair C.by spaceship
29.Choose a best title (标题) for this passage. ( )
A.Magic sofa B.Fun ideas about our future C.Super glasses
(2023·陕西汉中·小升初真题)My name is Mike. Next year, I'm going to the middle school. During (在……期间) the six years, I changed a lot. I was short and I couldn't ride a bike before. I was a little heavy and didn't like sports. I didn't like summer because it was too hot. I was strict in class and didn't like talking with others. Now, I'm tall and I usually go to school by bike. I often do morning exercises, so I'm thinner than before. I'm very interested in swimming, so I like summer. Last summer holiday, I went to Hainan with my family. I learnt to swim in the sea. That was great! And I become friendly and active in class. I make many friends and play with them after class.
30.Could Mike go cycling before ( )
A.Yes, he could. B.We don't know. C.No, he couldn't.
31.Why didn't Mike like summer before ( )
A.Because he often had a cold in summer. B.Because he thought the weather was so hot.
C.Because he couldn't eat his favourite ice cream.
32.Mike is ______ than before. ( )
A.taller and heavier B.thinner and smarter C.taller and thinner
33.What did Mike do in Hainan over the holiday ( )
A. B. C.
34.Which one is RIGHT ( )
A.Mike took a trip to Hainan last winter holiday. B.Before, Mike's hobby was playing sports.
C.Mike is active in class now.
(2023·湖北孝感·小升初真题)Hello, I am Wei Ke. I live in Wuhan with my parents. My father is a police officer. He usually goes to work by bike. He likes sports. He is good at football.
My mother is a nurse. She often drives to work. She likes singing. She is very kind. She likes helping the sick people. She did very well in fighting against could-19 (抗击新冠肺炎). Many people call her “Angel” (白衣天使).
I am a student. I often go to school by subway. I like basketball. I play basketball after school every day. I want to be a basketball player like Yao Ming. On Sundays I often take a trip with my family. This Sunday, we are going to the East Lake. We will go there by car. We can row a boat there.
35.Wei Ke's father can play _________. ( )
A.basketball B.volleyball C.football
36.Wei Ke's mother usually goes to work _________. ( )
A.by car B.by bike C.by subway
37.Wei Ke's mother is a wonderful _________. ( )
A.doctor B.nurse C.police officer
38.Wei Ke wants to be a _________. ( )
A.football player B.scientist C.basketball player
39.Wei Ke's family is going to the East Lake to _________ this Sunday. ( )
A.row a boat B.go fishing C.go swimming
1.C 2.A 3.B 4.C
1.句意:陈洁和她的______互换角色。A爸爸,B哥哥/弟弟,C妈妈,根据“Chen Jie and her mother exchanged roles (交换角色).”,可知陈洁和她的妈妈互换角色,故选C。
2.句意:陈洁做完早饭后想_______。A看电视,B打扫房子,C坐在沙发上,根据“She cooked breakfast. Chen Jie wanted to watch TV, but the house was in a mess (不整洁).”,可知陈洁做完早饭后想看电视,故选A。
3.句意:她妈妈看书和______。A做早饭,B做作业,C看电视,根据“Her mother read books and did homework in the study.”,可知她妈妈看书和做作业,故选B。
4.句意:最后,陈洁很_______。A高兴的,B伤心的,C累的,根据“Mum, I’m so tired.”,可知最后陈洁很累,故选C。
5.B 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.C
5.句意:吉姆家里有____口人。A三,B四,C五,根据文中“Jim’s father is sitting in a chair. Jim’s mother is standing near the window. Kate, Jim’s sister, is looking for him.”可知吉姆家里有爸爸、妈妈、妹妹和他自己共四口人,故选B。
6.句意:谁在椅子上看电视?A吉姆。B吉姆的妈妈。C吉姆的爸爸。根据文中“Jim’s father is sitting in a chair. He’s watching TV.”可知吉姆的爸爸正在椅子上看电视,故选C。
7.句意:吉姆和凯特是____。A好朋友,B兄妹,C两个男孩,根据文中“Kate, Jim’s sister, is looking for him.”可知吉姆和凯特是兄妹,故选B。
8.句意:孩子们____做他们的家庭作业。A没有在,主语为可数名词复数,B没有在,主语为可数名词单数,C,没有,用于一般现在时,根据文中“They have no homework on Sunday evenings.”可知孩子们没有在做他们的家庭作业,主语children为可数名词复数,doing为现在分词形式,前面不能用don’t,故选A。
9.句意:凯特在做什么?A她正在做她的家庭作业。B她正站在窗户旁边。C她正在玩游戏。根据文中“They are playing games.”可知凯特正在玩游戏,故选C。
10.B 11.B 12.B 13.C 14.A
10.句意:老师要求学生们______。根据 “I want you to write about yesterday’s football match.”我想你们写一写昨天的足球比赛。可知老师要求写的是关于比赛的,A读文章,B写关于一个比赛,C做他们的作业,故选B。
11.句意:老师打算______看学生们的练习本。根据“ I’m going to take your exercise books home with me.”我打算把你们的练习本带回家。可知老师打算在家批改他们的文章,A在课堂上,B在家,C在办公室,故选B。
12.句意:汤姆努力思考并最终_______。根据“The boy walks to the teacher and gives him the exercise book. The teacher opens it and reads, “Rain, no match.”这个男孩走向老师并把练习本交给老师。老师打开读到:“下雨,没有比赛。”可知汤姆最终写下了这句话,A写下很多东西,B写下“下雨,没有比赛。”C一个字也没有写下,故选B。
13.句意:汤姆是______完成的。根据“I’m going to take your exercise books home with me.”我打算把你们的本子带回家读,可知写文章耗时比较久,又根据“Five minutes later, he finishes(完成). ”五分钟后,他完成了。可知他完成得非常快,是第一个,A第三,B最后,C第一个,故选C。
14.句意:通过这篇短文,我们知道汤姆______。根据“A boy called Tom thinks hard. But he doesn’t write down a word. ”一个叫汤姆的男孩努力思考,但是他一个字也没有写。和他写下的“Rain, no match.”下雨了,没有比赛。可知他不擅长写作,A不擅长写作,B喜欢踢足球,C不喜欢下雨天,故选A。
15.A 16.B 17.B 18.A 19.B
15.题干句意:莎莉什么时候旅行愉快?A去年暑假,B去年寒假,根据“Sally had a great trip last summer holiday. ”可知是去年暑假,故选A。
16.题干句意:他们去哪儿了?A英国,B加拿大,根据“ She went to Canada with her parents.”可知是加拿大,故选B。
17.题干句意:他们访问了加拿大的_____。A大本钟,B加拿大国家塔和尼亚加拉瀑布,根据“She visited the CN Tower in Canada. It was very tall. And she went to the Niagara Falls.”可知是加拿大国家塔和尼亚加拉瀑布,故选B。
18.题干句意:他们是怎么去的?A乘飞机。B坐轮船。根据“They went there by air.”可知是乘飞机,故选A。
19.题干句意:她给朋友买了什么?A一些餐馆。B一些礼物。根据“She bought some gifts for her friends.”可知是一些礼物,故选B。
20.B 21.C 22.B 23.A 24.B
20.句意:今天是星期几?A星期日。B星期一。C星期六。根据“It was Sunday yesterday. ”可知昨天是星期日。今天应该是星期一,故选B。
21.句意:谁去钓鱼了?A我祖父母。B我的父母。C我和我爷爷。根据“I went fishing with my grandfather. ”可知作者和他的爷爷。故选C。
22.句意:我奶奶给我们做了_______。A鱼,B饺子,C面条,根据“My grandmother cooked dumplings.”可知做了饺子。故选B。
23.句意:午饭后他们做什么了?A去公园了。B骑自行车了。C打扫房间了。根据“After lunch, we went to the park together. ”可知他们去公园了。故选A。
24.句意:昨天他们开心吗?根据“We were very happy yesterday.”可知他们开心。故做肯定回答,故答案为B。
25.C 26.A 27.C 28.B 29.B
25.句意:—魔法沙发怎么帮助我们入睡的?—它将______。A和我们交谈,B进入阅读模式,C播放轻音乐,根据“When I feel tired and want to sleep, it will play light music to help me fall asleep quickly. ”可知是播放轻音乐。故选C。
26.句意:假如我想用我的超级眼镜看远处的东西。我该怎么做?A触摸眼镜的右边。B触摸眼镜的左边。C眨我的眼镜。根据“If I want to see something far away, touch the glass on the right side, it will make the things far away bigger. ”可知是触摸眼镜的右边。故选A。
27.句意:哪一个是智能教室的正确图片?根据“What's more, every student has a flying chair. When we press a button (按下按钮) on it, we can travel between home and school. ”可知每个学生都有一把会飞的椅子。故C图相符,故选C。
28.句意:—智能教室里的学生怎么回家?—他们______回家。A乘小汽车,B坐会飞的椅子,C乘宇宙飞船,根据“What's more, every student has a flying chair. When we press a button (按下按钮) on it, we can travel between home and school. ”可知是坐会飞的椅子。故选B。
29.句意:给这篇短文选择一个正确的标题。A有魔力的沙发,B关于我们未来的有趣想法,C超级眼镜,根据“Many kids have fun ideas about our life in the future.”可知B选项符合。故选B。
30.C 31.B 32.C 33.A 34.C
30.句意:以前迈克会骑自行车吗?A是的,他会。B我们不知道。C不,他不会。根据文中“I was short and I couldn't ride a bike before. ”可知以前迈克不会骑自行车。故选C。
31.句意:迈克为什么以前不喜欢夏天?A因为他经常在夏天感冒。B因为他认为天气如此热。C因为他不能吃最爱的冰淇淋。根据文中“I didn't like summer because it was too hot. ”可知他不喜欢夏天是因为天气热。故选B。
32.句意:迈克是____比以前。A更高和更重;B瘦受更聪明;C更高和更瘦;根据文中“ Now, I'm tall and I usually go to school by bike. I often do morning exercises, so I'm thinner than before.”可知迈克比以前更高更瘦。故选C。
33.句意:假期迈克在海南做了什么?根据文中“ I learnt to swim in the sea. ”可知他在海里学游泳。图片A符合语境,故选A。
34.句意:哪一个是正确的?A迈克去年寒假去海南旅游了。B以前,迈克的爱好是运动。迈克现在在课堂上很活跃。C 迈克现在在课堂上很活跃。根据文中“ Last summer holiday, I went to Hainan with my family.”可知迈克去年暑假去海南了。故排除A。根据文中“ I often do morning exercises”可知迈克现在爱好锻炼。故排除B。根据文中“And I become friendly and active in class.”可知迈克现在变得友好且活跃。表达正确,故选C。
35.C 36.A 37.B 38.C 39.A
35.句意:魏珂的父亲会踢____。A篮球,B排球,C足球,根据“He is good at football.”此处he指魏珂的父亲,可知魏珂的父亲会踢足球,故选C。
36.句意:魏珂的母亲通常____去上班。A开车,B骑自行车,C乘地铁,根据“She often drives to work.”此处she指魏珂的母亲,可知魏珂的母亲开车去上班,故选A。
37.句意:魏珂的母亲是一位了不起的____。A医生,B护士,C警察,根据“My mother is a nurse.”可知魏珂的母亲是护士,故选B。
38.句意:魏珂想成为一名____。A足球运动员,B科学家,C篮球运动员,根据“I want to be a basketball player like Yao Ming.”此处I指魏珂,可知魏珂想成为篮球运动员,故选C。
39.句意:魏珂一家这周星期天要去东湖____。A划船,B去钓鱼,C游泳,根据“This Sunday, we are going to the East Lake. We will go there by car. We can row a boat there.”可知魏珂一家要去东湖划船,故选A。




下一篇:Unit 3 How do you get to school? 基础知识检测试题(无答案)2023--2024人教版英语七年级下册