人教新目标八下Unit 7 What’s the highest mountain in the world?Section B 2a-3b课件+学习任务单+课后练习

Section B
What’s the highest mountain
in the world
Unit 7
To understand the article about pandas
2. To learn to scan the article to find specific
3. To think about ways to protect endangered
4. To raise the awareness of animal protection
5. To learn some new words and expressions:
bamboo, research, keeper, awake,
excitement, walk into, fall over, illness,
wild, government, oil, protection, huge …
Watch and observe.
* I’ve travelled over 5000 miles to China to meet one of the world’s most magical creatures.
* I’ll be taking care of baby pandas, nursing some of the youngest.
* I can’t think of a cuter animal in the world.
* This is one of the most exciting journeys I’ve ever been on.
* These are the most precious animal babies in the world.
How will baby pandas grow up
Now read the article on P54 and find your answer.
comparatives and superlatives
Read the article to find out what these numbers mean: 10, 12, 300, 2,000.
10 — Adult pandas eat 10 kilos of bamboo daily.
300 — About 300 pandas live in zoos or research centers in China or other countries.
2000 — Scientists say there are fewer than 2,000 pandas living in the forests.
12 — Adult pandas spend more than 12 hours a day eating.
Scanning (扫读):即直接搜寻数字,然后阅读数字前后的内容,确定数字表达的信息。
Read the article again and write short answers to the questions.
What is Lin Wei’s job
2. What do the baby pandas have for
3. Why are pandas endangered
4. What does the education program in
Chengdu do
5. Why are scientists doing research
What is Lin Wei’s job
2. What do the baby pandas have for breakfast
3. Why are pandas endangered
A panda keeper.
Check your answers!
Pandas do not have many babies, and the babies often die from illnesses and do not live very long. Humans started to cut down the forests. As the forests get smaller and other human activities cause more problems, pandas cannot find enough to eat and they are having fewer babies.
4. What does the education program in
Chengdu do
5. Why are scientists doing research
Teach children about pandas and other endangered wild animals. They send people to schools to tell children about the importance of saving these animals.
To better understand the habits of pandas.
How will baby pandas grow up
Complete the sentences using words from the passage.
The panda _______ at the Chengdu
Research Base are awake early in the
morning to ________ breakfast for the
baby pandas.
2. In _____, pandas have become so
__________ that they are now a symbol
of China.
3. Adult pandas do not have babies very
_____, and some of the babies only live
for a short time because of ________.
4. A special program in Chengdu teaches
________ about why pandas are
5. The Chinese government is helping to
_______ the pandas. Scientists also
want to better ____________ the habits
of pandas.
Read the passage again and fill in the blanks.
Baby pandas
Amount of food
Number of pandas
Ways to protect pandas
Only ______________________
Babies often die from ________
10 __________________ a day
Fewer than 2000 _______________
300 _______________________
Teach _______. Tell them about the __________ of saving pandas.
Scientists are doing research ____________________________.
one every two years
kilos of bamboo
in the forests
in zoos or research centers
to better understand the habits of pandas.
Drink ______ for breakfast
What other ways do you think children can help to save the pandas
raise money to build more nature reserves (自然保护区)
protect the homes of pandas
do not buy fur products
Possible answers:
Underline these words
and phrases in the article.
1. run over
2. walk into
3. fall over
4. take care of
5. in fact
6. so ... that ...
7. or so
8. die from
9. spend time (in) doing sth.
10. cut down
11. the importance of saving
12. try hard to do sth
Read and translate.
Talk about pandas in your class.
Use these words to help you.
big bamboo zoo
popular cute black and white
Sichuan famous endangered
beautiful forest protect
Work in groups of four. Take turns to tell a story about pandas.
Each student in your group picks three words or phrases from the list to make sentences about pandas in your story-telling.
They live in the beautiful forests in Sichuan.
Where do they live
What do they look like
Adult pandas are big and cute, and they are
black and white.
What do they eat
They eat bamboo.
Why do they have to be protected
Because they are endangered.
Read the words and phrases about whales. Put them in the correct place in the chart.
What do they look like
Where do they live
What do they eat
What can they do
*Some kinds have teeth
*Live in the sea
*Eat small fish and other sea life
*Jump high out of the water
*Sing songs
Why do some of them have to be protected
How can we protect them
1. Humans catch whales for meat, fat and oil
2. Water pollution
3. Whale parts sold to make things like candles and soap
1. Rules on whale protection
2. Learn more about whales
3. Stop putting rubbish into the sea
Write a paragraph about whales and why they need to be protected. Use the information in 3a. Then make a poster.
Whales are … They live in …
They eat … They can …
One interesting fact is … Another interesting fact is …
Some kinds of whales are in danger because …
We should protect whales from …
I think people should/shouldn’t …
Sample writing:
Whales are huge animals. They live in the sea.
They eat small fish and other sea life. One interesting fact is whales can jump high out of water. Another interesting facts is whales can sing songs. Some kinds of whales are in danger because humans catch them for meat, fat and oil, and use whale parts to make candles and soap. We should protect whales from water pollution. I think people should protect whales by making rules on whale protection and by not putting rubbish into the sea. I think people should learn more about whales.
What can we
do to help
endangered animals
Possible answers:
to set up nature reserves / protection zones
make laws to prevent them from being caught and killed
protect our environment
no hunting, treat them as our friends
do not buy products made from endangered animals
raise money to help them
Prince William, David Beckham and Yao Ming are expressing their wishes as fathers.
1. At 9:00 a.m., they find that most of the babies are already awake and hungry.
Language points
Are the children still awake
They aren't awake yet.
Is he awake or asleep
What time do you usually wake (up) in the morning
Try not to wake the baby (up).
【拓展】 awake & wake
* awake adj. 醒着的
* wake v. 醒来,常与up连用。wake up意为“醒来;叫醒”,如果宾语是代词,该代词要放在wake和up的中间;如果宾语是名词,则该名词放在up的前面或后面都可以。
spend 花费(时间或金钱),主语是人。spend time / money (in) doing sth. 花费时间/金钱做某事;spend time / money on sth.
2. Adult pandas spend more than 12 hours a day eating about 10 kilos of bamboo.
We spend an hour learning English every day.
The girl spends 200 yuan on clothes every month.
How important is shopping to you How much time do you spend buying things
She spent all day sitting on her chair by the window.
He spends half an hour playing basketball every day.
excitement: n. 激动,兴奋
excite: v. 使激动;使兴奋
3. … they run over to them with excitement and some of the young pandas even walk into their friends and fall over!
Robin’s heart was pounding (剧烈的跳动) with excitement.
Nothing about my life excites me at present.
She ran over to say hello, but I didn’t recognize her.
He wasn’t looking and walked into a tree.
She fell over and broke her leg.
run over: 跑上前去,跑过去
walk into:(走路时意外地)撞上
fall over: 摔倒;跌跤;倒下
living in the forest: V-ing短语修饰前面的名词pandas,作其后置定语。
4. Scientist say there are now fewer than 2000 pandas living in the forests.
There are more than 10 boys playing basketball on the playground now.
or so: 大约,相当于about/around
数词/表时间的名词 + or so =about/around + 数词/表时间的名词
5. Another 300 or so live in zoos or research centers in China and other countries.
It took them three years or so to build this road.
= It took them about/around three years to build this road.
1) die from/of + 死亡原因: 死于……
2) ill (adj. 生病的) + ness (名词后缀)→illness
*adj. + ness →n. : 表示性质,状态
kind →kindness (仁慈)
happy →happiness (幸福)
6. The babies often die from illnesses and do not live very long.
He can’t come because of illness.
Mr. Zhang died from illness last week.
1. awake作表语
2. spend time / money (in) doing sth.
3. run over: 跑上前去,跑过去
4. walk into:(走路时意外地)撞上
5. fall over: 摔倒;跌跤;倒下
6. V-ing短语作后置定语
7. or so: 大约
8. die from/of ... 死于……
1. Write a passage about what people
can do to protect the endangered
2. Finish the exercises.
3. Preview Unit 8.
Unit 7 What’s the highest mountain in the world Section B ( 2a-3b) 课后练习
学科 英语 年级 八年级下册
课题 Unit 7 What’s the highest mountain in the world Section B ( 2a-3b)
使用教材 人教新目标 出版日期 2013.05
姓名 学校 班级 学号
1. To understand the article about pandas 2. To learn to scan the article to find specific information3. To think about ways to protect endangered animals4. To raise the awareness of animal protection5. To learn some new words and expressions: bamboo, research, keeper, awake, excitement, walk into, fall over, illness, wild, government, oil, protection, huge …
一、根据提示,填写单词。1. The noise was keeping everyone ______ (醒着的).2. We should try our best to protect e__________ animals. 3. The news caused great __________ (激动) among her friends. 4. They raised two hundred dollars _____ (大约) for charity (慈善事业).5. They live in a _____ (巨大的) house.6. The plants grow _____ (野生的) along the banks (堤,岸) of rivers.二、根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. She's ___________ (research) into possible cures for AIDS.2. The number of pandas is _____ (two) as many as before.3. Lions spend at least 8 hours ________ (sleep) during the daytime.4. This law provides __________ (protect) for endangered animals. 5. He died at home after a long ______ (ill).三、翻译下列句子。1. 他太兴奋了,不小心撞到了老师身上跌倒了。2. 我们应该花些时间做个详细的计划去保护濒危动物。 答案:一、1.awake 2.endangered 3.excitement 4.or so 5.huge 6.wild 二、1.researching 2.twice 3.sleeping 4.protection 5.illness三、1.He was so excited that he walked into his teacher and fell over.2.We should spend some time making a detailed plan to protect the endangered animals.
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Unit 7 What’s the highest mountain in the world Section B ( 2a-3b)
学科 英语 年级 八年级下册
课题 Unit 7 What’s the highest mountain in the world Section B ( 2a-3b)
使用教材 人教新目标 出版日期 2013.05
姓名 学校 班级 学号
1. To understand the article about pandas 2. To learn to scan the article to find specific information3. To think about ways to protect endangered animals4. To raise the awareness of animal protection5. To learn some new words and expressions: bamboo, research, keeper, awake, excitement, walk into, fall over, illness, wild, government, oil, protection, huge …
请在书本54、55、56页划出单词表里及以下的词组以及句型。1 词汇:keeper ,prepare ,run over ,excitement , walk into , fall over , die from illnesses , bamboo forests , cut down , endangered animals, remaining forests , make artwork , wild animals , government 2 知识链接:大熊猫分布于中国甘肃,陕西,四川(地区灭绝:湖北、湖南 )。生活在海拔2600~3500米的茂密竹林里, 大熊猫具有不惧寒湿,从不冬眠的性格。大熊猫每天除去一半进食的时间,剩下的一半时间多数便是在睡梦中度过。大熊猫的食性是其最为奇特和有趣的习性之一,因为它几乎完全靠吃竹子为生。一只体重100公斤的成年大熊猫,在春天每天要花12~16小时,吃掉10~18千克的竹叶和竹杆,或者30~38千克的新鲜竹笋。它们一生中产仔数量少,且幼仔不易成活。全球现存的野外大熊猫数量1590多只,大约还有200只生活在中国或其他国家的动物园或研究中心。.大熊猫的数量已不多,我们可以通过下面方式来保护他们:1.不去轻易打扰它们,还他们自己的领地。
Task 1 Watch and observe.How will baby pandas grow up Now read the article on P54 and find your answer.Task 2 Read 2b Read the article to find out what these numbers mean: 10, 12, 300, 2,000.Task 3 2c Read the article again and write short answers to the questions. 1.What is Lin Wei’s job 2. What do the baby pandas have for breakfast 3. Why are pandas endangered 4. What does the education program in Chengdu do 5. Why are scientists doing research Task 4 2d Complete the sentences using words from the passage.Task 5 Read the passage again and fill in the blanks.Task 6 2e What other ways do you think children can help to save the pandas Task 7 Read and translate.1. run over2. walk into3. fall over4. take care of5. in fact6. so ... that ...7. or so8. die from9. spend time (in) doing sth. 10. cut down11. the importance of saving animals12. try hard to do sthTask 8 2a Talk about pandas in your class. Use these words to help you.Work in groups of four. Take turns to tell a story about pandas. Each student in your group picks three words or phrases from the list to make sentences about pandas in your story-telling.Task 9 3a Read the words and phrases about whales. Put them in the correct place in the chart. Task 10 3b Write a paragraph about whales and why they need to be protected. Use the information in 3a. Then make a poster.
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