
V. 单项填空 从每小题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
10.(1分)﹣﹣﹣The hamburgers at KFC are usually much smaller than in the advertisements.
﹣﹣﹣So they are!That is the Art of Advertising.(  )
A.that B.those C.one D.ones
11.(1分)Put dangerous things like medicine and knives __________ the reach of children.(  )
A.in B.within C.beyond D.over
12.(1分)The customers are pleased with the _________of the restaurant.(  )
A.balance B.experience
C.surface D.service
13.(1分)There is only one old book with a few pages _______ on his desk.(  )
A.missed B.going C.missing D.losing
14.(1分)—I'm afraid I won't attend his birthday party,for I have no time on that day.
— .I have to prepare a report.(  )
A.Neither do I B.Nor will I
C.So will I D.So I can
15.(1分)I attended a course on writing I could improve my skills.(  )
A.before B.so as to
C.such that D.in order that
16.(1分)The Smiths are considering ______ to England because they ______ the cold weather there.(  )
A.not moving; aren't used to
B.not moving; didn't use to
C.not to move; didn't use to
D.not to move; aren't used to
17.(1分)The teacher asked the students .(  )
A.that they had planted trees
B.when was Spud Web born
C.how they would do with the computers
D.if they were interested in dinosaurs
18.(1分)—I have the final round of the competition.
— !(  )
A.lost;In your dream
B.got;I can't believe my ears
D.won;I suppose so
19.(1分)—The robber was the end of the street and he could hide himself .
—No wonder the police caught him easily.(  )
A.in;somewhere B.at;in anywhere
C.in;nowhere D.at;nowhere
Ⅵ. 完形填空 阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。
20.(10分)Reading is very useful for English learners.Listening,speaking and writing are very(1)   when you're learning English,but reading is also very useful.When you(2)   ,you can both learn some new words and learn how to use them.You can also find a good(3)   for writing when you read.
Read something at your right(4)   .Read something that you can more or less understand.If you need to stop every three words to use a(5)   ,it's not right for you.
Try to increase your vocabulary (增加词汇量).Try to(6)   their meanings if there are 4 or 5 new words on a page.Then look them up in a dictionary after reading and write them down in your notebook.Try to remember them.
Try to read regularly (规律地).Reading for 15 minutes is(7)   than two hours every Sunday.Try your best to find(8)   to read.For example,you could read for 15 minutes before you go to bed or at lunchtime.
Read what(9)   you.Choose a book or a magazine that you like.You can also read newspapers,for example,China Daily.There is always something(10)   in it.
(1) A.difficult B.boring C.useless D.important
(2) A.read B.listen C.view D.write
(3) A.hope B.secret C.example D.chance
(4) A.book B.level C.age D.end
(5) A.product B.speech C.ability D.dictionary
(6) A.miss B.forget C.guess D.teach
(7) A.quieter B.faster C.harder D.better
(8) A.spirit B.light C.time D.fun
(9) A.avoids B.surprises C.prefers D.interests
(10) A.warm B.endless C.meaningful D.hopeless
21.(10分)During the Spring Festival,I went to Chiang Rai,I travelled around Thailand with two good friends.We had a(1)   time.They both had to go back home on the seventh day.But I had decided to stay for(2)   week in Thailand.I had never spent longer time in a foreign country.(3)   exciting the trip is!
But after seeing my friends off at the airport,I felt a little sad.It took me three hours from Chiang Mai to Chiang Rai.It was(4)   a long way that I felt a little painful.It was the first time that I had ever travelled in a foreign country alone.The thought of loneliness(5)   my heart.After a short nap (打盹),I arrived at Chiang Rai.There was no taxi in sight.I had no idea(6)   get to my hotel.I'm sure the look of worry showed on my face.(7)   police officer came over and caught a taxi for me.A smile came across my face with the kindness of this stranger.And as I walked into the taxi,the driver greeted me warmly.When he knew I was a Chinese,the driver offered(8)   for free.He said he was happy to meet with a Chinese at the Spring Festival.I was deeply moved by the strangers' kindness and I was touched by(9)   kind actions.
As I walked into the hotel,I was once again greeted with beautiful smiles.Sitting alone in my room,I started to plan my(10)   around Chiang Rai happily.I took a good rest and set off the next morning with a smile on my face.
(1) A.wonderful B.interesting C.terrible D.boring
(2) A.other B.another C.the other D.others
(3) A.How B.What C.What an D.What a
(4) A.so B.much C.very D.such
(5) A.lost B.called C.filled D.missed
(6) A.how I could B.where I could C.how could I D.where could I
(7) A.Suddenly B.Unluckily C.Seriously D.Recently
(8) A.drive B.driving C.drove D.to drive
(9) A.they B.them C.their D.themselves
(10) A.course B.trip C.business D.speech
第三部分阅读理解 VII. 补全对话根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个为多余选项。
22.(5分)A:There's a TV program about space travel tonight.
B:Fantastic! (1)   
A:You know,I'm really interested in space.
B: (2)   
A:Yes,I'd love to be an astronaut!Do you think I'll make it?
B: (3)    I predict(预测) you'll fly to the moon!
A:What about you? (4)   
B:Me?I'll be an astronomer(天文学家).
A:You must be interested in looking at the stars,right?
B:Yes.I hope to find a new star or a planet one day.
A:Fantastic! (5)   
B:Great!I'll go with you!
A.Why not?
B.I'll watch it if I'm free.
C.I'm not interested in space.
D.What will you do in the future?
E.Will you be an astronaut one day?
F.If you find a new planet,I'll land on it!
G.How are you going to make your dream come true?
VIII. 阅读理解 阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。
23.(6分)Do you believe in green living?Read the following blog (博客)and replies about a fun,easy and creative way to make your lifestyle greener.
Posted by Gina at 8:32 a.m.on 11th February 2018New uses for old clothing Nowadays,we're more wasteful than ever﹣buying,using and throwing things away without thinking about the costs.We need to start living more responsibly﹣ but bow?One answer is to upcycle (再生利用) If you're like me,you might already make soil for gardening from food waste and use empty paper boxes as storage space.Did you know you can apply (应用) the same way to old clothing?You just need imagination! I started upcycling clothing,Making new things out of old clothes is the best way to mix my talent and my interest.Do you upcycle?If so,what new things have you made?If not,why not give it a try? What do you think of the "new" bat I made for my sister?It used to be my mum's sweater.
TerryB Posted at 9:08 a.m.on 11th February 2018 Why don't you give your old clothes to people in need?I even give away the most expensive things I don't wear anymore.So I can help the environment while giving something useful to people in need. Gina Posted at 9:28 a.m.on 1 Ith February 2018 early Good point! 'm talking about only the oldest clothing in your room﹣﹣the clothes that are too old to be worn by others.The same idea goes for food waste at restaurants and supermarkets. Before upcycling food that can still be eaten,for example,using it to make soil;we should give it to those in need.
Betty99 Posted at 10:18 a.m.on 11th February 2018 I've made shopping bags out of T﹣shirts and dog toys out of socks. Upcycling clothing is a fun hobby,but the most important thing is that it makes me feel like I'm living less wastefully.
(1)What is special about the hat?    
A.It came from an old sweater.
B.It was given by Gina's mum.
C.It was new and expensive.
D.It was a gift from Gina's sister.
(2)Why did Gina give a reply to TerryB?    
A.To draw TerryB's attention.
B.To introduce a new method.
C.To further explain her idea.
D.To express her deep regret.
(3)What did Betty99 upcycle to make dog toys?    
A.Paper boxes.
B.Shopping bags.
24.(8分)Clara Daly was sitting on an Alaska Airlines flight from Boston to Los Angeles when she heard a worried voice over the loudspeaker: "Does anyone on board know American Sign Language?"
Clara,15 at the time,pressed the call button.An air hostess came by and explained the situation."We have a passenger on the plane who's blind and deaf,but he was traveling alone and the air hostesses couldn't understand what he needed.
Clara had been studying ASL for the past year to help blind and deaf people and she knew she'd be able to finger spell into the man's palm.So she rose from her seat,walked toward the front of the plane,and knelt by the seat of Tim Cook,she signed, "How are you?Are you OK?" Cook asked for some water.
When it arrived,Clara returned to her seat.She came by again a bit later because he wanted to know the time.On her third visit,she stopped and stayed for a while.
"He didn't need anything.He was lonely and wanted to talk," Clara said.
So for the next hour,she talked about her family and her plans for the future.Cook told Clara how he had become blind over time and shared stories of his days as a traveling salesman. "Even though he couldn't see her,she looked attentively at his face with such kindness," a passenger reported.
"Clara was amazing," an air hostess told Alaska Airlines in an interview. "You could tell Cook was very excited to have someone he could speak to,and she was such an angel."
Cook's reply: "Best trip I've ever had."
(1)What was the air hostesses' problem?    
A.They had a very difficult passenger.
B.They couldn't understand the passenger.
C.They didn't know the passenger's name.
D.They didn't have what the passenger wanted.
(2)Why did Clara Daly believe she could help?    
A.Because she happened to learn some ASL.
B.Because she had helped people like Cook.
C.Because she thought she might know Cook.
D.Because her grandfather had the same problem.
(3)Why did Tim Cook keep asking for service?    
A.Because he was hungry and thirsty.
B.Because he needed someone to talk to.
C.Because he was afraid of taking planes.
D.Because he was interested in Clara's story.
(4)Which of the following words best describe Clara Daly?    
A.Brave and clever.
B.Beautiful and lovely.
C.Patient and caring.
D.Outgoing and friendly.
25.(6分)A lot of animals travel from one place to another.We call this migration.
In Africa,large animals,like elephants and zebras,migrate to find food and water.They usually follow the same ways every year.
A lot of birds migrate to find food and better weather,too.They are usually birds that eat insects.They spend the summer in northern Europe,because there are lots of insects there.In the winter there aren't any insects,too.In North America,millions of monarch butterflies fly south to spend the winter in Mexico,where it's warmer.They travel 50 km﹣65km each day and they travel about 1,125 km.
Some fish migrate to breed(繁殖).Salmon(鲑鱼) can swim over 20,Scotland and other places in northern Europe.The young fish swim down the river to the sea and into the Atlantic Ocean.They live in the ocean until they are adults.Then they return to the river where they were born.They lay their eggs in the river and then they usually die.Salmon do this,because their eggs are safer in the river.Other fish can't eat them.
Arctic terns (北极燕鸥) travel the furthest when they migrate.They spend the summer in the Arctic,but when winter comes they fly to the Antarctic,000 km from one end of the earth to the other and back again.Nobody knows how they do it.
(1)According to the passage,monarch butterflies in North America migrate to    .
A.find insects
B.look for water
C.find better weather
D.produce the young
(2)Adult salmon swim back to the river because    .
A.they won't be eaten by other big fish
B.they want to lay eggs in a safer place
C.they are getting ready to die there
D.they want to go where they grew up
(3)The example of Arctic terns in the last paragraph is used mainly to show    .
A.the distance of migration
B.the purpose of migration
C.the direction of migration
D.the time of migration
26.(8分)Scientists believe the Earth is 4.6 billion years old.However,the mountains,valleys (山谷),rivers,deserts and forests we see today are much younger than that.For example,at about 15000 years old.
The Earth is always changing because of volcanoes (火山),earthquakes and of course,wind and rain.Some of these changes are very slow and others are quick.Water and ice can make very great changes to the planet.For example,rivers of ice can cut through mountains and make lakes and deep valleys.Many volcanoes are under the oceans and sometimes they become new islands.This is happening in the South Pacific.
It's normal for our planet to change,but at the moment,scientists think it's changing faster than usual.Some deserts are growing and many forests are getting smaller.The weather is getting wetter in some places and drier in others,the sea level will continue to rise in the next hundred years.As a result,many cities will possibly be covered by water and much of the most productive farming areas will be lost.Some island countries are likely to disappear on the map of the world.
These changes will bring great harm to the planet.However,they can be beneficial to some people.For example,as the Arctic (北极) is getting warmer,some people in Greenland now own businesses and sell vegetables they grow on their land.That wasn't possible in the far north 50 years ago.Farmers in Greenland like the warm weather and hope it will continue.
(1)How does the writer describe the changes of the Earth in Paragraph 2?    
A.By giving examples.
B.By comparing things.
C.By telling stories.
D.By listing numbers.
(2)From Paragraph 3,we can mainly learn about    .
A.the age of the Earth
B.problems for the planet
C.the life of the farmers
D.influences on the mountains
(3)The underlined word "beneficial" in Paragraph 4 is the closest in meaning to "    ".
(4)In which part of a magazine can we most probably find this article?    
27.(6分)①Chinese calligraphy(书法) was once considered an important part of the school curriculum(课程).However,some people think it's less important to teach this art form at school now.In this article,I will look at both the pros and cons of learning Chinese calligraphy at school.
②One reason why Chinese calligraphy should be learned at school is that it is an important form of culture expression.Clearly,it is not just about practicing handwriting.It is also about connecting with a traditional Chinese art form.When students learn this art in class,they will become more interested in the works of famous Chinese artists.
③Another reason is that it may help students to develop patience.At the times of high technology,students are getting less patient for traditional classroom learning.By introducing Chinese calligraphy into the classroom,students' patience can be improved because they have to practice focusing on each brush movement.
④From the above,it can be seen that there are clear advantages.However,others think there are some disadvantages.The first one is that it has little to do with students' life.Living in a modern age,wouldn't it be a backward(倒退的) step if students were asked to spend their valuable time at school learning Chinese calligraphy?
⑤The second argument against learning Chinese calligraphy at school is that it takes a long time to master.The time at school is better spent on more important subjects.After all,learning Chinese calligraphy can always be done as an after﹣school activity if students are really interested in it.
⑥In my opinion,the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.This special art form is one of China's national treasures.It also helps to enrich students' life and improve their sense of beauty.So without doubt,it is worth being included in the school curriculum.
(1)Which of the following is the structure of the passage?    
(2)What can we learn from the passage?    
A.High technology can help students become more patient.
B.Students should spend more time on after﹣school activities.
C.Learning Chinese calligraphy gets more popular in the modern age.
D.Students may like art works better after learning Chinese calligraphy.
(3)What does the writer probably think of learning Chinese calligraphy?    
A.Important and necessary.
B.Valuable but backward.
C.Popular and interesting.
D.Meaningful but boring.
28.(6分)In Jinzhong,Shanxi Province,there is a group of people who are busy drawing maps around.They are not workers on geography(调度员) on Emergency (急救) Center of the city.
Since 2007,the dispatchers in the center have been drawing maps of the local areas.
"A dispatcher's job is counted in seconds,"says Liang Ruimei,a dispatcher in the center.She has been working in the center since it started in 2007."We must answer the phone in 3 seconds(调度)emergency medical workers in 3 minutes at most.If we save one second,the patient may have a better chance to live. "
Although nowadays the center has electronic maps,the dispatchers still walk through the streets to draw maps by hand.
After many years' hard work,the dispatchers keep every building and street of the city in mind.They even know whether or not a car can enter the gate of a building.Sometimes the caller can't tell clearly where he is,but it doesn't matter.As long as he describes the buildings around
"We are trying to be quicker than death," says Liang.
(1)What is Liang Ruimei? (不超过10个词)
(2)When did Emergency Center of Jinzhong start? (不超过5个词)
(3)If the caller can't tell the dispatcher clearly where he is,what should the caller do? (不超过10个词)
第四部分 写 IX. 单词拼写 根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明确,语言通顺。
29.(1分)At the Spring Festival Gala,we saw the f     (著名的) poet Libai and felt excited.
30.(1分)It's fun that Russian visitors come to the morning m     (市场) in Heihe to have breakfast.
31.(1分)Silk Road got its name because silk was one of the main things transported a     (沿着) this road.
32.(1分)He r     (饲养) cows while his brothers grow wheat for a living.
33.(1分)You can believe in him,for the whole thing is c     (证实).
X. 书面表达
34.(20分)假如你是李辉,你的一位英国笔友Kate发来电子邮件,说她下星期来中国,她向你询问中国的餐桌礼仪。请你根据下面提示给她回一封电子邮件,告诉她有关情况。词数80~ 100。参考词汇:toast (vt.&为……举杯敬酒)
Dear Kate,
I'm glad to receive your email.Now I want to tell you something about the Chinese table manners.________
Li Hui
第二部分 英语知识运用V. 单项填空 从每小题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
Ⅵ. 完形填空 阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。
第三部分阅读理解 VII. 补全对话根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个为多余选项。
VIII. 阅读理解 阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。
28.【答案】(1)She is a dispatcher in the Emergency Center.
(2)In 2007.
(3)He should describe the buildings around to the dispatcher.
第四部分 写 IX. 单词拼写 根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明确,语言通顺。
X. 书面表达
34.【答案】Dear Kate,
I'm glad to receive your email.Now I want to tell you something about the Chinese table manners.In China,we must wait until everyone is at the table.And when the dinner starts,the host doesn't eat every dish first.He waits for the guests and elders to dig in.We don't tap bowls with the chopsticks,which is considered impolite.We shouldn't reach across the table to get something to eat,because in that case,we may break or knock something over.Besides,we usually toast good health or success of the host and thank him for his treat.Hope to see you in China and everything goes well.
Li Hui



