
一、阅读理解(满分 30 分)阅读下列语篇,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
1.(6分)Mr Ford:We have to think about who's going to be the producer for Fair bank Radio next year. ①
Amy:Well,Nick's made no secret that he'd like to do it.And I think he'd be a good choice.
Mr Ford:What do you think,Tom?
Tom:Well,I think he'd do a good job.But then again,I think Laura would,too.
Amy:Laura?She doesn't want the job,does she?
Tom:Well,actually she does.She's not as open about it as Nick but she had a word with me the other day and told me she'd really like to do it.
Amy:Well,she'd be an excellent choice.She's got a great eye for an interesting story.
Mr Ford:So would you choose her ahead of Nick?
Amy:That's a difficult one.She'd be fantastic but then it would break Nick's heart.I don't know,Mr Ford.I think we're going to have to leave it up to you.
Mr Ford:OK.Well,thanks you two.I'll get back to you.
Mr Ford:Well,it hasn't been easy,but I think I've finally made up my mind.
Laura:So,who is it?
Mr Ford:Well,you're both excellent reporters and you've both proved that you've got the ability,which is why we've decided...
Mr Ford:...to divide the job and have two producers.Congratulations to both of you.
Laura:Thanks.We won't let you down.I promise.
(1)How does Tom know that Laura is interested in the job?    
A.Laura has made it open.
B.Laura told him herself.
C.Amy told him.
D.Mr Ford told him.
(2)Which of the following has the closest meaning to the phrase"leave it up to you"?    
A.give it up to you
B.ask you to change idea
C.let you decide
D.reply to you another day
(3)Which of the following is NOT true?    
A.Tom has known that Laura wants the job earlier than Amy.
B.Nick has kept it a secret that he wants to be a producer.
C.Mr Ford also thinks it is difficult to make the decision.
D.Not only Nick but also Laura is chosen as the producer.
2.(8分)After my mother was diagnosed(诊断)with Alzheimer's(阿尔茨海默病),the plants in our house began to die.Some leaves were turning brown and many of the stems were even bare(光秃秃的),I remembered the deep,earth y smell that would rise up in our house after my mother had watered them weekly.Back then,I never connected it with the basic care-taking work of my mother.
I had been so focused on the increasing demands(要求)of her own care that the plants had escaped my notice.My mother's kind caregivers have since brought new ones to add to her collection,and my father buys fresh flowers every week at the fruit and vegetable market.
Even as Alzheimer's steals so much of her memory,her desire to care is still there.I would guide her down the steps to water one of the plants herself with her little white watering can.I watched as her trembling(颤抖的) hands plucked(摘),she smiled up at me with deep satisfaction because being able to care for something is still what brings her the greatest joy.
I began Mother's work,pouring water into the thirsty soil(土壤),and soon they came to life.That's the thing about houseplants:They ask nothing.They wait quietly,no matter how thirsty they are.
I look at plants differently these days.It is clear for me that the things we spend a lifetime cultivating are never truly lost;the love she has planted in me still blooms(开花).
(1)Why did the plants in the writer's house begin to die?    
A.They were attacked by a disease.
B.They were not paid attention to by the writer.
C.The writer's mum didn't like them anymore.
D.The writer was not good at caring for them.
(2)How did the writer make the dying plants alive?    
A.By watering them regularly.
B.By plucking the brown leaves.
C.By moving them out of the house.
D.By asking a gardener for help.
(3)What brings the greatest joy to the writer's mother?    
A.Memories of the past.
B.Her caregivers' help.
C.Caring for the plants.
D.New plants bought by her husband.
(4)What does the writer mainly want to tell us?    
A.We should always care for our family.
B.Alzheimer's has a huge impact on people.
C.Plants can bring us happiness.
D.Small acts of kindness are powerful.
3.(8分)The next time you want to say sweet words to your friends,you might want to speak in their left ear.The direction from which you hear sounds can affect how much you like them.Scientists from Switzerland recently found.
The scientists invited thirteen people to their study.They listened to different sounds from three directions:the front,left and right.During the study,their brains were scanned at the same time.
Positive sounds such as laughter caused the strongest brain activity when they heard from the left.All areas in the brain related to hearing are active.This means people may be happier when"good" sounds go in their left ear.This didn't happen when negative sounds such as scared screams,came from the left.Also,the brain isn't usually as active as it is when hearing sounds from the front or right.
However,scientists still don't know the reason for this.In the future,scientists want to learn more about this and also see if other body parts have such differences,such as the left and right hand.
Humans have a unique way of reacting to sounds as previous studies pointed out.For example,people are more alert when they hear sounds from the back.Also sounds that travel toward a person may cause more fear than those traveling away.These can be explained by evolution.In the past,when humans lived in the wild,sounds that were getting closer or from the back were usually very dangerous.
(1)If you say sweet words to someone's left ear,the person will be    .
A.more surprised
B.more relaxed
(2)What can we learn from Paragraph 3?    
A.The left ear can protect people from negative sounds.
B.When we say bad words,we should speak to people's right ear.
C.The human's left brain is usually more positive than the right one.
D.The brain will be more active when positive sounds come from the left.
(3)What is the last paragraph mainly about?    
A.Different explanations of why humans fear sounds.
B.Dangers humans know from sounds in the past.
C.Humans have the ability to know where sounds come from naturally.
D.Humans have evolved to react to sounds differently by their directions.
(4)In which section of a magazine can you read the text?    
A.Health and sport.
B.Science and humans.
C.History and technology.
D.Population and environment.
4.(8分)Follow these steps to develop your own personal learning plan and work to achieve your goals(目标).
Find a learning goal
Before creating a personal learning plan,you need to find your goal.Your goal should be possible,yet challenging enough to challenge you.It should also be important enough that you'll focus on it over other things.(1)   .For example,how would you define(定义) success in your new skill?Be sure to have a clear finish line in mind for your goals.
Break your goal into smaller goals
To more easily reach your overall learning goal,break it down into smaller goals.(2)   .By breaking your goal into smaller goals,it'll be clear what you need to learn and how to get there.
After finding your overall goal and smaller goals,it's time to use this information to develop a complete plan.
Organize your plan in an order,listing each of your learning goals,the actions you need to take to reach them,and the date by which you would like to complete each action.It's important to make your plan in a way that shows whether you've been successful in meeting each smaller goal and how close you are to meeting your larger goal.
Be responsible for yourself(对自己负责)
After you've successfully created a personal learning plan,your work has only just begun.It's important that you are responsible for yourself and follow through on the learning activities you've planned.
Learning new skills can take time,but you have to put in the necessary time to meet your goals.(4)   .
A.Develop your plan
B.Decide what needs to be learned
C.You also need to decide how to judge your success
D.Try to set aside time each week to focus on your learning
E.Think of these smaller goals as the steps you need to take to achieve your final goal
二、完形填空 语言知识运用(共20 小题)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(每小题1.5分,满分 15 分)
5.(15分)Some scientists say that animals in the oceans are increasingly threatened by noise pollution caused by human beings.
The noise(1)    affects sea creatures comes from a number of human activities.It is caused(2)    by industrial underwater explosions,ocean drilling(大洋钻探计划),and ship engines.Such noises are added to(3)    sounds.These sounds include the breaking of ice fields,underwater earthquakes,and sounds made by animals(4)    .
Decibels(分贝)measured in water are not the same(5)    those measured on land.A noise of one hundred and twenty decibels on land causes pain to human ears.In water,a decibel level of one hundred and ninety﹣five would have the same effect.
A research team of American and Canadian scientists discovered that powerful underwater explosions were causing whales in the area to lose their hearing.This seriously affected the whales'(6)   to exchange information and find their way.Some of the whales(7)    died.
Some scientists have suggested(8)    a noise limit of one hundred and twenty decibels in oceans.Many researchers whose work(9)    ocean sounds are against a limit of one hundred and twenty decibels.They say such a limit would mean an(10)    to important industrial and scientific research.Many scientists suspect that noise is a greater danger than they believed.They want to prevent noises from harming creatures in the ocean.
(1) A.what B.who C.that D.whose
(2) A.hardly B.completely C.only D.mainly
(3) A.cultural B.natural C.industrial D.central
(4) A.itself B.themselves C.it D.them
(5) A.with B.as C.from D.of
(6) A.talent B.direction C.ability D.knowledge
(7) A.ever B.never C.even D.already
(8) A.set B.sets C.to set D.setting
(9) A.comes from B.depends on C.lives on D.puts on
(10) A.start B.middle C.entrance D.end
三、阅读下面短文,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词。 (每小题2 分,满分20 分)
6.(20分)It was a long,hot summer that year,and Anne enjoyed it with her whole heart.When it was over(1)   (know)as"the Entrance".Anne grew so quickly that one day Marilla was surprised(2)   (find)that the girl was taller than herself.
After(3)   (month)of studying,Anne went to town for the exams.When she returned to Green Gables,three weeks passed without the exams(4)   (appear).Anne did not know what to do with(5)   (she)!
Then,one evening,Anne(6)   (sit)at her open window when she saw Diana coming up the hill with a newspaper in her hand.
"Anne,you've passed," she cried
"Well now,I always said it," said Matthew(7)   (excited)."I knew you could beat them all easily."
Marilla made Anne a beautiful green dress for special occasions.As Marilla watched Anne packing her things,she began to cry.
"Marilla!" Anne sat down next to her."I will always be your little Anne,who will love you and Matthew and dear Green Gables every day of her life."
The day finally came for Anne to go to town.The next day,Anne and the rest of the Avonlea students went to Queen's Academy.Anne made a(8)   (decide)that she would try hard to win the Avery scholarship(奖学金).If she won the scholarship,she would(9)   (give)money to attend Redmond College.Then,one day she would become a real graduate!Imagine how(10)   (pride)Matthew would be then!
7.(3分)AI 入选 2023 年最受欢迎的词汇之一。(choose)
8.(3分)尽管这些老人已经退休,他们依然在社区做志愿者。(even though,stop)
9.(3分)你认为人类的一些职业会被 ChatGPT取代吗?(replace)
四、阅读表达 阅读下面短文,根据短文后的要求答题。
10.(16分)Whether you have watched the film Never Say Never or not,you must have heard of its name.Since it came out on July 6,the film has grossed over 2.2 billion yuan,making it a big hit in 2023.
Adapted(改编)from real﹣life events,the film describes how ordinary people seek a way out from difficulties.For different reasons,it is easy for the kids to do bad things or even break the law.Worried about this,Xiang Tenghui,decides to help the kids out.He provides them with food and clothes,and more importantly,hoping to change their lives.Although they go through lots of difficulties and misunderstandings,they finally find a way out to pursue their future.
Wang Baoqiang,the director and lead actor of the film,said that it took him six years to produce the movie,to some degree,mirrors his own personal journey of seeking a breakthrough from his life.
Born in a small village in Henan Province,Wang began to study martial arts at 6 years old and had struggled as a stand﹣in actor(龙套)for a long time before becoming known to viewers because of the 2004 film A World Without Thieves.He then acted lots of films and became more and more famous,he challenged himself to be a director.Although he went through a big change in his family life,he never gave up hope.Never Say Never,fully shows his talent and hard work.
"The film has not only helped me get out of the difficult situation but also brought value and meanings to my own life,"Wang said.
(1)What does Never Say Never show us?
(2)How does Xiang Tenghui help the children?
(3)What is the director of the movie like in Paragraph 4? (至少从两方面描述)
(4)Please translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.(请将文中画线句子翻译成汉语)
(5)What can you learn from the characters and creators of the film?(至少两条)
五、写作(满分 20分)
11.(20分)Teens Around the World 是一个国际青少年交流网站,近日有人发了一个关于习惯的帖子。假如你是李华,请你阅读原帖后,结合自己的实际,用英语跟帖。
1)80 词左右;
Teens Around the World
Subject:The habit that influences me most
Good habits lead to a happy life.You must have lots of good habits.Which one influences you most?How long have you got into the habit?How does it influence your study and life?Share your experiences with us.Eric
Li Hua
一、阅读理解(满分 30 分)阅读下列语篇,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
二、完形填空 语言知识运用(共20 小题)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(每小题1.5分,满分 15 分)
三、阅读下面短文,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词。 (每小题2 分,满分20 分)
6.【答案】(1)known(2)to find(3)months(4)appearing(5)herself(6)was sitting(7)excitedly(8)decision(9)be given(10)proud
7.【答案】AI has been chosen as one of the most popular words of 2023.
8.【答案】Even though those old people have retired,they still have not stopped volunteering in the community.
9.【答案】Do you think some human occupations will be replaced by ChatGPT?
四、阅读表达 阅读下面短文,根据短文后的要求答题。
10.【答案】(1)This movie shows us how ordinary people seek a way out from difficulties.
(2)He provides them with food and clothes,and more importantly,teaches them to practise wrestling。
(3)He is talented and hardworking.
(5)①Never give up when you're in trouble.
②No matter how difficult it is,as long as you don't give up,you will eventually solve it.
五、写作(满分 20分)
11.【答案】Dear Eric,
My name is Li Hua,and the habit that influences me most is waking up early.I've been doing this since I was a child.It not only gives me plenty of time to prepare for school but also allows me to enjoy a peaceful morning routine.This habit has greatly improved my study habits as I'm always refreshed and ready to learn.It also positively impacts my life,making me feel more in control and productive.
Waking up early has become a cornerstone of my daily life,shaping me into a more disciplined and focused individual.
Li Hua



上一篇:鲁科版物理八年级下册《9.5 功的原理》同步练习(答案)
