云南省玉溪市红塔区2023-2024上学期期末教育质量监测九年级 英语试题(含解析)

九年级英语 试题卷
第一部分 英语知识运用(共二节,满分20分)
第一节 单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
1.You'd better wear masks and keep ________ away from getting the flu.
A.yourself B.your C.myself D.us
2. doing exercise and eating healthily, we can always stay in good health.
A.With B.By C.To D.At
3.-I don't care what Lucy thinks.
-Well,you .Her suggestions are of some value.
A.would B. might C.should D. could
4.I won't go to the movies this evening ________ I'm free.
A.or B.unless C.because D.than
5.The sports meeting has been ________ till next week because of the bad weather.
A.put on B.put out C. put off D.put up
6.-Nowadays,there are more high-speed railways(高铁)in Yunnan.
-Great! They'll really make people's travel________ much.
A.easy B. easier C. easiest D.easily
7.I don't know if Tom .If he ________ ,I will tell you.
A.will come;will come B.comes, will come
C. comes; comes D.will come;comes
8.My grandparents used to ________in the countryside, but now they are used to in the city.
A.living;living B.live;living
C.live;live D.living;live
9.Which book do you want, Betty You have to make a .
A.choice B. survey C.wish D.call
10.The teacher asked the boys ________.
A.how many trees they have planted B. when was Edison born
C.if they were interested in that movie D.what they will do with the problem
第二节 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
“It is never too late and you are never too old to start something new!" said Ellen Rema. She began to learn English at the age of fifty. In just a few years, she has made a lot of 11 ! Ellen chose to study English online 12 no evening classes were offered in the area she lived in.
“My son always said,'Mom, you are a bit 13 .'He couldn't understand why I spent so many bours 14 English,but I love it,"se said. “I finished all my courses after two years, but I found I still had 15 .”
Instead of 16 ,she chose to continue. And now, to make her English better, she has 17 a new plan for herself. "Studying online is 18 boring,so you need self-discipline(自律),”said Ellen.“If you really want to learn, never give up.”“It was fun. I have learned so much 19 other cutures and traditions,” she said. Ellen has been able to put 20 English to use by visiting England five times.“Tm very thankful to the Internet.My life has changed a lot,” said Ellen.
11. A. progress B. mistakes C.decisions D.choices
12. A. although B.until C. because D.so
13.A.crazy B.nervous C.lazy D.funny
14.A. preparing B.studying C. discussing D.listening
15.A. difficulties B. rules C. courses D.time
16.A. cheering up B. turning down C. giving up D.cutting down
17. A.worked B.finished C.reached D.made
18.A. neither B.never C.also D.hardly
19.A.about B.for C.in D.with
20. A.our B.her C.their D.my
第二部分 阅读理解(共三节,满分30分)
第一节 根据短文内容,判断正误(正确“T”,错误“F”),并将所选答案涂到答题卡的相应位置上。
A boy lost his arms in an accident. Since then, he had to depend on the arms of his younger brother. Except for writing with his toes(脚趾),he could hardly do anything in his life. As the two brothers grew up together,they often argued. Then one day, his younger brother left him. So he was very sad and didn't know what to do.
A girl lost her hands because of a fire. Though her elder sister wanted to take care of her,she decided to be completely independent. Once she wrote, “I am lucky. Though I lost my hands, I still have legs. Though my wings(翅膀)were broken,my heart can still ly.”
One day, the boy and the girl were both invited to a television interview program. They were both asked to write something with their toes. The boy wrote “My younger brother's arms are my arms.”while the girl wrote “Broken wings, llying heart."
21.After losing arms, the boy had to depend on his younger sister's arms.
22.As the two brothers grew up together,they lived a happy life.
23.The girl who also lost her hands decided to be completely independent.
24.One day,not only the boy but also the girl was invited to a talent show.
25.Both of them were asked to write something with their toes.
第二节 根据短文内容,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项,并将所选答案涂到答题卡的相应位置上。(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
Our school is going to add different kinds of labor courses(劳动课程).The courses will begin next week and can help you get some practical(实用的)skills.
26. If you want to experience cooking, where can you take the labor course
A.Room 205,Dining Hall B. Room 501,Building 2
C. Room 101, Building 3 D. The School Garden.
27. What kind of chance will Course 2 bring to you
A.Developing a healthy eating habit.
B Becoming interested in cleaning.
C. Learning how to make traditional artworks by hand.
D. Spending more time in planting flowers, vegetables and trees.
28. Which tool is the most likely to be used in Course 3
29. Which course may be influenced by the weather
A. Course 1. B. Course 2. C. Course 3. D. Course 4.
30. Who may the passage be written for
A. Parents. B. Students. C.Farmers. D.Teachers.
One day, Zhou Yu ordered Zhuge Liang to make 100,000 arrows(箭)in ten days. Zhou Yu thought it was impossible, but Zhuge Liang said, “Give me three days." Then he asked Lu Su to lend him 20 boats, and the soldiers put some scarecrows(稻草人)in line on the boats. He asked Lu Su not to tell Zhou Yu what was happening.
When Lu Su came again to see Zhuge Liang, he found nothing unusual. Nothing happened on the second day,either. On the early morning of the third day, Zhuge Liang invited Lu Su for a boat ride. The 20 boats were tied together. Zhuge's fleet went towards the camp of Cao Cao. The surface of the river was covered with thick mist (浓雾).People could hardly see each other on the river. When Zhuge's fleet got close to the Cao camp, Zhuge Liang ordered his soldiers to shout and beat drums heavily to pretend an attack(假装进攻).But Zhuge Liang and Lu Su only sat inside one boat drinking wine to enjoy themselves.
As soon as the Cao camp heard the shouting and drum beating, they thought it was a surprise attack by the Zhou Yu camp. They could see nobody on the river, so they had to order 3,000 soldiers to shoot arrows to stop the sudden attack. One side of the scarecrows was quickly full of arrows. When both sides were full of arrows, the day broke. Zhuge Liang ordered his soldiers to return. The soldiers shouted in excitement, “Thank you, Cao Cao,for your arrows." After they got back to their camp, they collected more than 100,000 arrows in all from the scarecrows.
31. How many days did Zhou Yu give Zhuge Liang for him to make 100,000 arrows at first
A.One day. B. Two days.
C.Three days. D.Ten days.
32. The underlined word “[eel" probably means in Chinese.
A.船桨 B.船帆 C.甲板 D.船队
33. Who came up with the idea to get the arrows
A. Zhou Yu. B.Zhuge Liang.
C. Lu Su. D.Cao Cao.
34. The soldiers in the Cao camp shot arrows because
A. the Zhou Yu camp started an attack
B.they could see each other on the river
C. they thought the shouling and drum beating were a surprise attack
D. Lu Su beat the drums
35. How did Zhou Yu probably feel after Zhuge Liang returned with over 100,000 arrows
A. Surprised. B. Bored. C. Tired. D.Lonely.
A woman teacher in Lijiang, Yunnan Province has changed the lives of many children in the mounlains,especially the girls. She is the headteacher of Huaping High School for Girls. It is the first public high school for girls in China that does not charge tuition(收取学费).And it is well-known for its high percentage(百分比)of graduates who enter universities. Without her, nothing would have happened. She is Zhang Cuimei.
In 2001,Zhang,a leacher of local middle school, was chosen to be the part-time president of a center for homeless children in Huaping. She found that many girls there had little chance of getting education. Zhang decided to set up a school for girls, mainly for thos who are unable to continue their high school studies.
Between 2002 and 2007, Zhang spent her vacations on the streets asking people for money for her school.Many people didn't understand what she was doing. Luckily, Zhang and her dream have finally got attention from the public and the government. With the local government's support, Huaping High School for Girls was opened in September in 2008.
Difficulties soon followed. Six months after it opened, 9 of its 17 teachers left because of the poor conditions and the students' poor performance. But Zhang wouldn't allow the school to be shut down. She led the teachers left to work harder.
“I want my students to go to good universities," Zhang said. During the past years, over 1,600 girl students have graduated and gone into universities like Wuhan University and Sichuan University. It makes Zhang proud.This great teacher believes education for women can make a big difference in a country.
36.Huaping High School for Girls is in Province.
A. Yunnan B. Hunan C. Sichuan D. Wuhan
37.Zhang Guimei decided to set up a school for girls to let them
A. find a job B. get education in high school
C. eat well D. continue middle school studied
38.According to the passage, to open the school, Zhang Guimei once
A. asked other teachers not to leave
B. wrote a letter to the local government
C. asked people for money on the streets
D. spent vacations talking with girls' parents
39. From the passage, what can we know about Huaping High School for Girls
A. It charges a little tuition for poor families.
B.At first, there were only 9 teachers working there.
C.There are more than 1,600 girl students in it now.
D.It started in 2008 with the local government's help.
40. Which of the following is the best title
A. Fighting for Girl's Education B. Facing the Problems Bravely
C. Studying at Huaping High School D. Going to High School Is Important
第三节 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填人空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。将所选答案涂到答题卡的相应位置上。(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
It’s always a happy moment to gel some pocket (口袋)money. 41 Now let's learn to spend your money in a better way.
Make a list
When you get your pocket money,don’t get too happy and impulsive (冲动的).We all have a lot of things that we want.. 42 That's why it is suggested making a list before spending money. Start with the thing you want most.You can also write down about how much it costs or how important it is in your life. 43 Help others
44 Helping others brings out the best in us and is one of the greatest joys in our lives. So consider using your pocket money to do something useful and helpful, to feel how you can make a difference.
Save as much as you can
There is an old saying,“Money doesn’t grow on trees." Wallets(钱包)sometimes might not be the best place to suve. They may tempt (诱惑)you into spending your money.Get a piggy bank(存钱罐)or save the money in the bank near your home. Someday when you look back, you'll get a strong sense of achievement by suving so much by yourself! 45
A. We can get lots of pocket money at the Spring Festival.
B. Just remember, every coin is important.
C.But do you really need them that much
D. Making a list can help you save all your money.
E. By doing this, you will see if it is necessary to buy it.
F. We all know that many people in the world are in need of our help.
G.But have you ever thought about how to spend your pocket money wisely
第三部分 写作(共三节,满分20分)
第一节 根据句意,用括号中所给词的适当形式填空,并将答案写在答题卡的相应位置上。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
46.Please be the first person responsible for own bealth.(you)
47. The Dragon Boat Festival is an important Chinese festival. (tradition)
48.You can ask the local people for directions if you get lost.(polite)
49.The Asian Games were beld in Hangzhou on September 23rd. (nineteen)
50. ChatGPT is an amazing technology .(produce)
第二节 将括号中所给的汉语部分译成英语,注意使用适当的形式,并将答案写在答题卡的相应位置
51.If we our dreams and never give up, we can achieve them one day.(坚持)
52. Kunming its pleasant weather.(以……闻名)
53. Learning to use the can help us to be understood well.(肢体语言)
54. Now many communication apps are very popular, but I prefer to meet and talk to people (亲自)
55.The Chinese government a large number of goods and sent people to the earthquake areas in Turkey this February.(捐赠)
第三节 书面表达(满分10分)
My Progress
提示:你在生活或学习中一定取得过不少进步,比如在生活技能、学习方法、良好习惯、身体健康、性格爱好等方面的提高或养成。请选取某个方面,结合自身经历,以My Progress为题、谈一谈你的进步及其取得过程。
第一部分 英语知识运用(共二节,1~10小题,每小题1分,11~20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)
第一节 单项填空:1~5:ABCBC 6~10:BDBAC
第二节 完形填空:11~15:ACABA 16~20:CDCAB
第二部分 阅读理解(共三节,21~25小题,每小题1.5分,26~40小题,每小题1分,41~45小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)
第一节 21~25:FFTFT
第二节 26~30:ACBDB 31~35:DDBCA 36~40:ABCDA
第三节41~45: GCEFB
第三部分 写作(共三节,46~55小题,每小题1分,书面表达10分,满分20分)
46. your 47. traditional 48. politely 49. nineteenth/19th 50.product
51. stick to 52. is famous/known/well-known for 53. body language
54. in person 55. gave away
第三节 书面表达
My Progress
We grow up in change. Growth makes our life full of meaning. Looking back at the three years of junior high school, the biggest progress I've ever made is that I have fallen in love with reading.
When I was a child, I didn't enjoy books at all. Later, my mother always read stories to me and bought me books. In my free time, we always read books in the library together. Gradually, I began to love reading. While reading, I feel like talking with a wise man. He can guide me to a wonderful world. Slowly, I found I could write better articles in Chinese. Reading is not only a fantastic way to enjoy my free time, but it also helps me to be better.
Now books are my friends. Through reading, I have made a lot of progress.
7.D 该题考查if的两个用法,第一空if译为“是否”,引导宾语从句,句子意为“我不知道汤姆是否将会来”,故需要用将来时;第二空if译为“如果”,引导条件状语从句,应用主将从现,故选D。
8.B 该题考查 used to 与be used to的用法区别,前者译为“过去常常做······.”,后接do,后者译为“习惯于做······”,后接doing,故选B。
10.C 该题考查宾语从句,主句有一般过去时态词 asked,从句也需要用相应的过去时态,且应为陈述语序,故选C。
12.C 该题考查连词,根据上下文可知Ellen所居住的地区没有晚上的课程,所以她选择了上网课,前句为结果,后句为原因,故选C。
18.C 该题考查副词,根据上下文得知Ellen 认为网课也还是无聊的,因此需要自律,其他A、B、D三个选项均为否定,故选C。
24.F 该题为细节理解题,根据文中第三段“the boy and the girl were both invited to a television interview program.”可知男孩和女孩是去一个电视访谈节目,而不是才艺秀,故为F。
32.D 该题为词义猜测题,根据上文可知20条船被绑在一起,朝着曹操的营地前进,可得出fleet为船队,故选D。
35.A 该题为推理判断题,根据第一段“Zhou Yu thought it was impossible”和“He asked Lu Su not to tell Zhou Yu what was happening.”两句可知:周瑜对诸葛亮的计划毫不知情,也觉得造10万支箭做不到,而结局是诸葛亮借箭成功,周瑜肯定是吃惊意外的,故选A。
39.D 该题为推理判断题,根据第三段“Huaping High School for Girls was opened in September in 2008.”可知华坪女子高中是2008年建校,故选D。
40.A 该题为主旨大意题,根据第一段第一句和最后一段最后一句可知,张桂梅用教育改变了很多大山女孩的命运,这是她为之奋斗之事,故选A。
41.G 该题考查文章主题句,根据下文可知文章是讲明智使用零花钱的方法,故G选项就是提出疑问,下文进行相应解答。
45.B 该题考查文章结论句,最后一段在讲要存钱攒钱,B选项意为“每一分钱都很重要”,正好作为总结相呼应。
50.product 该题考查动词变名词,题意为“ChatGPT是一项令人惊叹的科技产品”,producc为动词,应变为名词“product产品”,学生易误写为“production生产”。
55.gave away 该题考查动词短语,捐赠是“give away”,根据题中的“sent”一词锁定时态为一般过去时,故还应将“give”变为“gave”。




下一篇:Unit 4 Why don't you talk to your parents? 检测卷 (含答案)