辽宁省盘锦市第一完全中学2023-2024九年级下学期开学考试英语试题 (含解析)

According to the traditional Chinese lunar calendar, for every 19 years there will be seven leap months. There are some traditions during leap month in China, which are different in different places.
In some part of Central China’s Henan Province, daughters will prepare wild goose-shaped pastries for their parents before the leap month comes, wishing for happiness and luck. In some parts of East China’s Shandong Province, the married daughters will send fish made by dough to their parents, which means “wealth”. And they will also send dough-made toads to wish their parents good health.
People living near Wuyi Mountain in East China’s Fujian Province have the tradition of drinking tea during the leap month, and only women can attend. Women in the village take turns holding the tea party, and they drink tea while talking to one another.
Just like other festivals, a get-together dinner is very important among the traditions of the leap month. When leap month comes, parents will invite the married daughter to return home and have dinner together, wishing for happiness and good luck.
1.How often does the leap month happen
A.Every 19 years. B.Every 7 years.
C.Every 2 to 3 years. D.Every year.
2.Which of the following gift is for wealth
A.A goose-shaped pastry. B.A get-together dinner.
C.A dough-made toad. D.A dough-made fish.
3.Who will be invited to return home when leap month comes
A.The married son. B.The married daughter.
C.The married grandson. D.The married granddaughter.
4.In which part of a magazine can we read the text
A.Culture. B.Language. C.Environment. D.Travel.
Life can sometimes feel like it’s uncontrollably toward disasters—just like the feeling you get when you’re lost control of your moving car. It’s the feeling of complete helplessness and panic. While we may be feeling overwhelmed with everything going on in our lives right now, there are still some steps we can take to control our lives again.
The first thing we need to do is to accept. When we’re feeling overwhelmed, it only means we are living, breathing humans. Life is like a roller coaster ride with its ups, downs, twists and turns. It’s also like the change of the seasons. Sometimes we forget this.
When we accept it, no matter how much we try, we may not be able to control our reality. But we can change our expectations to match our reality. This may mean changing our goals and tasks. Changing may feel like failure and giving up at the moment, but this ability is a chance to create success in the long term. Working with reality rather than against it can give us the ability to think and hope.
Sometimes, when we’re feeling overwhelmed, we may pay no attention to the things we manage to complete. However, celebrating our small wins creates space for gratitude in our hearts. Celebrating wins (whatever size) allows us to clearly see the progress we are making.
Feeling overwhelmed may be a part of life, but if we just step back a bit, we can see the ups and downs of our roller coaster ride are just called LIFE!
5.Why did the writer describe life as a roller coaster ride and the change of the seasons
A.To show life is full of challenges.
B.To suggest we should learn to get used to changes.
C.To suggest we should have fun sometimes.
D.To show feeling overwhelmed is a natural part of life.
6.What should we do when we are unable to deal with real situations
A.Be against the reality. B.Change our goals.
C.Try it again and again. D.Give up our hope.
7.What can we learn from Paragraph 4
A.Celebrating small success can do good to us.
B.Small expectations are better than big wins,
C.Stopping dreaming helps people succeed.
D.Small wins make people go to wrong places.
8.What is the best title for the passage
A.Get away from difficulties B.Get over the feeling of being overwhelmed
C.Control our life D.Accept and get used to reality
You’re out enjoying the city when you find a group of people on the sidewalk. They are standing around some street dancers. The dancers are young, and they’re wearing backward baseball caps, baggy pants, and sports shoes.
As the music plays, the dancers take turns showing off their movements. They slide their feet back and forth before they drop to the ground. Then, they spin around on their heads and backs. Sometimes, they even stop their bodies for a short time in the middle of a move.
The dance they perform is break dancing. The young break dancers move with lots of speed, power, and energy. You can see that they have a great deal of talent. You can also see their love for break dancing. It’s really cool to watch.
Break dancing is a form of dance full of energy. It mainly has four kinds of movements. They are toprock, footwork, power move, and freeze. Also, the music that is used has clear drum breaks.
Breaking got its start in New York City in the early 1970s. Young people fell in love with it, and thanks to TV, movies, and newspapers, the dance quickly got popular in many different cultures. By 2010, there were independent competitions around the world.
The rise of breaking isn’t over yet. In 2024, it will enter the world stage as an official sport at the Paris Olympics. There, 16 male and 16 female break dancers will go head-to-head for the gold. This is great news for breaking and break dancers everywhere!
9.The writer starts the text by ________.
A.listing numbers B.describing a scene
C.raising questions D.giving a suggestion
10.Where did break dancing appear first
A.In the US. B.In France. C.In China. D.In Brazil.
11.Which of the following is TRUE about break dancing
A.It is soft and gentle. B.It is a traditional dance.
C.It is an official Olympic sport now. D.It is popular among young people.
12.What is the best title of the passage
A.Where does break dancing come from B.How can you break dance well
C.Break dancing is changing people’s lives D.Break dancing is entering the world stage
①Researchers have used high technology to learn about a famous painting by the Dutch painter Johannes Vermeer. The painting is called Girl with a Pearl Earring. Vermeer was considered as one of the greatest art masters during the Dutch Golden Age of painting in the 1600s.
②The researchers’ tests have found out important information about how Vermeer did the painting. He began making the work with brown and black paints on a piece of cloth. Then, he drew the girl’s outline in black before working from the green background to the foreground.
③A careful examination even showed where some of the paints came from. The white came from the Peak District in northern England. The blue was made from a valuable stone found in Afghanistan. The red was made from insects living in Mexico and South America.
④Abbie Vandivere was leader of the research project. She expressed surprise that Vermeer used so much blue in the painting, noting, “The blue paint was more valuable than gold in the 17th century.” Vermeer, however, did not travel around the world to get the paints. He most probably bought them in his hometown of Delft.
⑤The research findings do not just show information about Vermeer’s paints, but also tell us about Dutch and world trade in the seventeenth century. Sadly, the researchers failed to find out if the girl ever existed.
13.Vermeer used ________ to start working on the painting.
A.black and white B.brown and black
C.blue and brown D.red and white
14.Abbie was surprised at so much blue used in the painting because _________.
A.people at that time didn’t like the color
B.the paint was too common at that time
C.few painters used the paint at that time
D.the paint was very expensive at that time
15.The research hasn’t found out _________.
A.where Vermeer did the painting B.who the girl in the painting was
C.how Vermeer began his painting D.when the girl’s outline was drawn
16.Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage
A. B. C. D.
Face-changing is a kind of trick used in Sichuan Opera, and a skill to express inner feelings and thoughts of characters in the play. It is said that face-changing came from the ancient people. 17
The skills in face-changing generally have three kinds: smearing, blowing and pulling.
Smearing is to smear the colored paints on the face and during performance the actor would smear the paint to turn his face to another color. 18 For example, he can only smear on his nose.
Blowing can only be used with powders. During performance the actor would dance to throw his face close to the powder and blow it. 19 The actor must pay attention to closing his eyes, mouth and holding his breath when blowing.
Pulling needs more skills. The masters draw the facial mask on a piece of silk, cut it and tie silk thread to each mask before gluing them to the actor’s face. The silk thread is tied to the actor’s clothes, which is easy to control but not eye-catching. During the performance, the mask will be pulled off one by one under the cover of dancing movements. 20 The actor’s movements must be skillful and fast so that they can have a perfect performance to cheat the people’s eyes.
In all, face-changing is a very special art of Sichuan Opera. It has been performed in many other Chinese operas and even abroad.
A.Each actor is dressed in traditional clothes.
B.Then the face can be changed into green, red, black and so on for several times on end.
C.The paints can be smeared only on a specific part to change that part.
D.They drew different shapes on their faces to drive the beasts away.
E.The powder will stick to the actor’s oiled face quickly and change it to another color.
Over the last few years, I have volunteered for different organizations and carried out different roles. However, no matter what kind of volunteering, I have always loved it, and I would 21 others to give it a go. Here are my top three 22 why I think volunteering is so important.
First, it’s an opportunity to get experience and 23 . By volunteering, you are carrying out a job. Even though you’re not getting paid, you can get 24 experience and skills which might be helpful to you in the future. For example, many volunteering roles will help you get experience in working as a team.
Second, you can meet new 25 . One of the best things about volunteering is meeting the other volunteers! They are probably interesting people, and you might become great 26 with them.
Third, it’s a way to get confidence. Many people who do voluntary work say that it has helped them to 27 more confident. For example, I have always been a shy person, but my volunteering experience has made me not afraid of talking to strangers and 28 in front of a crowd!
These are just a few of the many reasons why I suggest that you 29 volunteering opportunities. If you like, you can start with something small! The most important thing to remember is that as well as 30 others, you can get a great deal out of it too!
21.A.encourage B.order C.require D.allow
22.A.rules B.plans C.reasons D.choices
23.A.actions B.dreams C.hobbies D.skills
24.A.awful B.musical C.national D.valuable
25.A.facts B.problems C.people D.family
26.A.brothers B.pilots C.friends D.scientists
27.A.feel B.smell C.sound D.taste
28.A.exactly B.even C.still D.almost
29.A.care for B.look for C.prepare for D.wait for
30.A.paying B.warning C.helping D.thanking
Do you know World Letter Writing Day It falls 31 September 1st every year. It was set up by Richard Simpkin in 2014. He encouraged people 32 (take) a break from today’s social media (媒体) and write a letter to someone by hand.
Who should you write to Think about a friend or relative that lives far away. A parent or best friend would also love to receive 33 (you) letter.
How do you write a letter 34 (general) speaking, a letter includes these parts. The date and a greeting (问候语) such as “Dear…” should be at the top of the letter. A closing such as “Love” or “Yours truly” needs to follow the body. End it by 35 (sign) it.
Why should you pick up a pen and write a letter It is a surprise that may make someone’s day. It’s 36 good way to show people that you have been thinking of them. Everyone loves a personal touch. It makes 37 (enjoy) memories (回忆). Some people save 38 (letter) and look at them over the years.
A recent study shows that letter writing 39 (make) the writer happy, too. “Handwriting is your DNA.It’s your fingerprint that only you can share with others,” said Richard Simpkin.
So, get some paper 40 pick up a pen. Start writing a letter today!
Cute lion heads, deafening gongs and drums, an excited crowd—these are all part of the lion dances you often see during Chinese holidays.
The lion dance has been performed for more than 2,000 years. Chinese people believe that lions can drive away bad things and bring good luck.
Wang Rentao, 41, has been performing the lion dance for 28 years. He was born in Zhongkeng Village in Dongguan, Guangdong. Wang watched villagers perform it when he was young. “It’s a tradition with a long history here and the love for the lion dance is in everyone’s blood,”Wang said.
He is now the head of the village’s lion dance team. In 2019, the team took part in the celebration of the 70th birthday of New China at Tian’anmen Square. Wang was very proud of the team’s achievements.
The team is famous for dancing on quincuncial piles (梅花桩), one of the most difficult lion dance skills. Performers jump from one pile to another at a height of about 2.5 meters. The piles are about 1.8 meters away from each other. When performing, performers need to have enough team spirit, which can also show the unity of the people.
“The training is really hard. Performers need to have a great base of kung fu skills first. Even with that, they can fall from the piles and get hurt.” Wang said. “It can take many years to learn this skill.”
The lion dance is popular not just in China, but in overseas Chinese communities. Many overseas Chinese see the lion as a symbol of China. The lion dance reminds them of the culture of their homeland.
41.What can you see in the lion dances during Chinese holidays
42.Why do Chinese people like lion dancing
43.What did Wang Rentao do in 2019 at Tian’anmen Square
44.Say something about another form of celebration of Chinese culture on a traditional festival. (30 words or more)
45.遨游在学海中的我们,在努力拼搏的同时,也在一天天地进步着。我们的进步,除了自己的努力之外,还源于那些在我们周围帮助我们的人。请以“My thanks to you all”为题,向帮助过我们的人表达一下你的感恩之心。
1. 短文意思连贯,语句通顺,可适当发挥。
2. 词数:100 词左右。开头已给出,不计入总词数。
My thanks to you all
How time flies! I’m a student in Grade Nine now. Thank all of you for giving me so much love and help during my life.
Firstly, I’d like to
1.C 2.D 3.B 4.A
1.推理判断题。根据第一段“for every 19 years there will be seven leap months.”可知,每19年就会有7个闰月,故每2到3年就会有一个闰月。故选C。
2.细节理解题。根据第二段“the married daughters will send fish made by dough to their parents, which means “wealth”. ”可知,出嫁的女儿会赠送面鱼给她们的父母,寓意“财富”。故选D。
3.细节理解题。根据第四段“When leap month comes, parents will invite the married daughter to return home and have dinner together, ”可知,闰月到来的时候,父母会邀请出嫁的女儿回家并一起吃饭。故选B。
5.D 6.B 7.A 8.B
5.推理判断题。根据“When we’re feeling overwhelmed, it only means we are living, breathing humans. Life is like a roller coaster ride with its ups, downs, twists and turns. It’s also like the change of the seasons. Sometimes we forget this.”可知,当我们感到不知所措时,这只意味着我们是活生生的、会呼吸的人,生活就像过山车,有起有落,有曲折,这也像季节的变化,因此举过山车和四季的更迭是为了说明感到不知所措是人生的一部分。故选D。
6.细节理解题。根据“When we accept it, no matter how much we try, we may not be able to control our reality. But we can change our expectations to match our reality.”可知,我们可以改变我们的期望,以符合我们的现实。故选B。
7.推理判断题。根据“However, celebrating our small wins creates space for gratitude in our hearts. Celebrating wins (whatever size) allows us to clearly see the progress we are making.”可知庆祝我们的小小的成功在我们心中腾出了感恩的空间,庆祝胜利(无论大小)可以让我们清楚地看到我们正在取得的进步,说明庆祝小小的成功对我们有好处。故选A。
9.B 10.A 11.D 12.D
9.细节理解题。根据“You’re out enjoying the city when you find a group of people on the sidewalk. They are standing around some street dancers...”可知通过描述一个人们跳霹雳舞的场景开篇。故选B。
10.细节理解题。根据“Breaking got its start in New York City in the early 1970s”可知霹雳舞最初出现在美国纽约。故选A。
11.细节理解题。根据“Young people fell in love with it,”可知年轻人喜欢霹雳舞,所以它在年轻人中很受欢迎。故选D。
13.B 14.D 15.B 16.A
13.细节理解题。根据“He began making the work with brown and black paints on a piece of cloth”可知,维米尔首先用棕色和黑色来开始作画。故选B。
14.推理判断题。根据“The blue paint was more valuable than gold in the 17th century”可知,艾比对这幅画作中使用如此之多的蓝色颜料感到惊讶,是因为当时蓝色颜料比黄金的价格都要高,非常昂贵。故选D。
15.细节理解题。根据文章最后一句“Sadly, the researchers failed to find out if the girl ever existed.”可知,研究人员没有发现画作中的少女是否曾经存在,不知其到底是谁。故选B。
17.D 18.C 19.E 20.B
17.根据“It is said that face-changing came from the ancient people.”可知,此处是整体介绍变脸。选项D“他们在脸上画了不同的形状来驱赶野兽。”符合语境,故选D。
18.根据“For example, he can only smear on his nose.”可知,说的是只能涂在一个部位。选项C“涂料只能涂抹在一个特定的部分来改变该部分。”符合语境,故选C。
19.根据“During performance the actor would dance to throw his face close to the powder and blow it”可知,在表演时,演员会跳舞,把他的脸扔到粉末附近,然后吹它。选项E“这种粉末会很快粘在演员涂了油的脸上,变成另一种颜色。”符合语境,故选E。
20.根据“The silk thread is tied to the actor’s clothes, which is easy to control but not eye-catching. During the performance, the mask will be pulled off one by one under the cover of dancing movements”可知,这里介绍的是如何快速变脸。选项B“然后可以连续几次把脸变成绿色、红色、黑色等等。”符合语境,故选B。
21.A 22.C 23.D 24.D 25.C 26.C 27.A 28.B 29.B 30.C
encourage鼓励;order命令;require要求;allow允许。根据“others to give it a go”可知鼓励其他人参加志愿者活动。故选A。
rules规则;plans计划;reasons原因;choices选择。根据“why I think volunteering is so important.”可知是介绍了三个原因。故选C。
actions行动;dreams梦想;hobbies爱好;skills技能。根据“ experience and skills”可知是得到经验和技能。故选D。
awful可怕的;musical音乐的;national国家的;valuable宝贵的。根据“ experience and skills”可知能够得到宝贵的经验。故选D。
facts事实;problems问题;people人;family家庭。根据“One of the best things about volunteering is meeting the other volunteers!”可知遇到新人。故选C。
brothers兄弟;pilots飞行员;friends朋友;scientists科学家。根据“you might become great”可知和这些志愿者可能成为好朋友。故选C。
feel感觉;smell闻;sound听起来;taste尝起来。根据“more confident”可知是感到更自信。故选A。
exactly确切地;even甚至;still仍然;almost几乎。根据“has made me not afraid of talking to strangers and...in front of a crowd”可知不害怕和陌生人交谈,甚至可以在人群面前发言。故选B。
care for关心;look for寻找;prepare for准备;wait for等待。根据“volunteering opportunities”可知是寻找志愿服务的机会。故选B。
paying支付;warning警告;helping帮助;thanking感谢。根据“others, you can get a great deal out of it too!”可知做志愿者可以帮助别人。故选C。
31.on 32.to take 33.your 34.Generally 35.signing 36.a 37.enjoyable 38.letters 39.makes 40.and
31.句意:它是在每年的9月1日。“September 1st”是具体的时间,用介词on,故填on。
32.句意:他鼓励人们从今天的社交媒体中休息一下,手写一封信给别人。encourage sb to do sth“鼓励某人做某事”,故填to take。
34.句意:一般来说,一封信包括这些部分。generally enerally“一般来说”,句首需大写首字母。故填Generally。
39.句意:最近的一项研究表明,写信也会让写信人感到快乐。本句时态是一般现在时,主语是“letter writing”,动词用三单。故填makes。
40.句意:所以,拿起纸和笔。分析“get some paper...pick up a pen”可知,前后构成并列关系,用and连接。故填and。
41.Cute lion heads, deafening gongs and drums and an excited crowd. 42.Because Chinese people believe that lions can drive away bad things and bring good luck. 43.He performed lion dance with his team. 44.The dragon boat race is a form of Chinese culture on the Dragon Boat Festival. On that day, people row boats on rivers and the fastest team is the winner. This race is to remember the great Chinese poet Qu Yuan.
41.根据“Cute lion heads, deafening gongs and drums, an excited crowd—these are all part of the lion dances you often see during Chinese holidays.”可知在舞狮时可以看到可爱的狮子头,震耳欲聋的锣鼓,兴奋的人群。故填Cute lion heads, deafening gongs and drums and an excited crowd.
42.根据“Chinese people believe that lions can drive away bad things and bring good luck.”可知中国人相信狮子能驱走坏事,带来好运。故填Because Chinese people believe that lions can drive away bad things and bring good luck.
43.根据“In 2019, the team took part in the celebration of the 70th birthday of New China at Tian’anmen Square”可知王仁涛和他的团队在天安门表演了舞狮。故填He performed lion dance with his team.
44.开放性试题,言之有理即可。参考答案为The dragon boat race is a form of Chinese culture on the Dragon Boat Festival. On that day, people row boats on rivers and the fastest team is the winner. This race is to remember the great Chinese poet Qu Yuan.
My thanks to you all
How time flies! I’m a student in Grade Nine now. Thank all of you for giving me so much love and help during my life.
Firstly, I’d like to thank my great teachers. They teach me not only how to learn but also how to be a good person. Though they look serious and they are strict, they are always kind to me. Secondly, I want to thank my friendly classmates. As long as I have trouble, they are always there for me and help me out. I value the happy time that we spend together. Also, I will value our friendship forever. Thirdly, I’ll thank my parents for looking after me so well. They both stay by my side all the time.
In a word, I’ll try my best to study hard to get good grades. Also I’ll help people in need. I love all of you, and wish you all happy, healthy and lucky every day.
① 题材:本文是一篇话题作文;
② 时态:时态为“一般现在时”;
③ 提示:根据所给提示完成写作,不能遗漏信息,以第一人称为主。
①not only...but also不但……而且……
②look after照顾
③in a word总之
①Though they look serious and they are strict, they are always kind to me. (though引导的让步状语从句)
②As long as I have trouble, they are always there for me and help me out.(as long as引导的条件状语从句)



