Unit 3 A visit to Garden City 周测试题(无答案)

1.Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon _______ 20 July 1969.
A.on B.in C.at D.for
2.Help others whenever you can ____ you will make the world a better place to live in .
A.but B.or C.and D.because
3.---My parents never stop talking about how I should study hard.
--- _____ do my parents.
A.Both B.So C.Neither D.Also
4.---Where is the morning paper
---I ______ it for you at once.
A.got B.get C.was getting D.will get
5.You will meet new and _________ people that may give more meaning to your life.(excite)
6.Both of his parents like to listen to music.(改为否定)
______ of his parents ______ listen to music.
7.Johnson has been an engineer _____ 1980. He has been an engineer ______ more than 20 years.
A.for,since B,in,since C.since,for D.since,in
8.David has made quite a few friends since he came to Shanghai.
A.some B.many C.several D.a few
9.---Have you finished your homework
--- Yes, I _______ it last night.
A.finish B.have finished C.finished D.will finish
10.My youngest sister has just learnt how to ______ the time
A.tell B.see C.speak D.look
11.He _______ the magazine for two weeks. He should go to the library to renew it.
A.borrowed B.has borrowed C.has lent D.has kept
12.It seems that it is going to rain. You’d better ______ the windows open when you go out.
A.leave B.not leave C.to leave D.not to leave
13.Tim’s mother is a shop __________, she likes her job very much.(assist)
14.She sits at home all day, watching TV and feeling ________.(use)
15.When you cross the road, it’s _______ to look left first and then right.(save)
16.My mother teaches Maths in a school.(对划线提问)
________ _______ your mother teach in a school
17.They have stayed there for two hours.(保持句意不变)
They have stayed there _______ two hours ______.
18.Don’t you know that Tom is a little boy of _______ words He is always so quiet.
A.a few B.few C.a little D.little
19.His father joined the party ______________.
A.since three years age B.in two years’ time
C.for three years D.three years ago
20.---Will you go to Hong Kong with us
---I ________ Hong Kong before. So I won’t go there this time.
A.has been to B.has gone to C.have been to D.have gone to
21.Cotton ________ clothes.
A.is used to make B.use to make C.used for making D.use for making
22.The foreign _________ are going to travel in some southern provinces of China.(visit)
23.If anyone phones me, ask for ______ number so that I can call them back.(they)
24.Tim’s mother ___________ in Fudan University for quite a few years.(teacher)
25.________ is the most important for people who live in the earthquake areas.(safe)
26.Susan had a good time during her stay in Shanghai.(改为否定句)
Susan _______ _______ a good time during her stay in Shanghai.
27.Kitty’s cousins have come to Garden City to visit the Li family.(划线提问)
_______ ________ Kitty’s cousins come to Garden City
28.We began to learn English three years ago.(保持句意不变)
We _______ ______ English _____ three years.
29.We can go to the museum by bus. We can go there by underground too.(保持句意)
We can go to the museum _______ by bus ______ by underground.
30.We came to Nanjing three years ago, so we _______ here for three years.
A.have been to B.have been in C.have been D.have gone
31.Mr. Cai will ________ our class tomorrow because our class teacher is ill.
A.in charge B.in charge of C.be in charge of D.have charge of
32._______ you know fresh vegetables are good for health, you should eat them more.
A.Since B.Because C.Though D.Unless
33.We should _______ the waste paper in order to save a lot of money.(use)
34.The underground helps people to travel around the city more _______.(easy)
35.My grandparents have live together _________ for more than 50 years.(happy)
36.Alice is good at not only English but also French.(保持句意不变)
Alice is good at English and French ________ _______.
37.My father went to England in 2013 and 2015.(保持句意不变)
My father ________ ________ _______ England ________.
38.There is still ________ fish on the plate. Please finish it off.
A.little B.a little C.few D.a few
39.My grandma used to live in the countryside. But now she _______ the life in the city.
A. is used to B.used to C.is used for D.used for
40.Her sister has been a secretary for five years.(保持句意不变)
Her sister has _______ _______ a secretary for five years.
41.A cable car is used for ______ people to the top of the hill.(carry)
42.We will _________our old school library next month.(building)
43.Giving up a bad habit is more difficult than starting it.(保持句意不变)
It is _______ to start a bad habit ______ to give it up.
44.Today every ________ aged eighteen or over has the right to vote.(city)




下一篇:Unit 2 Going to see a film周测试题(无答案)