
1.What does Frank's hometown produce
A.Silk. B.Tea. C.Cotton.
2.Whose dictionary are the speakers probably talking about
A.Jenny's. B. Bob's. C.Alan's.
3.What kind of music does Peter like
A.Rock music. B.Classical music. C.Country music.
4.How does Tom learn English
A. By reading books.
B. By listening to tapes.
C. By watching English movies.
5.Where does the conversation probably take place
A. In a bookstore.
B. In a flower shop.
C. In a clothes store.
6.What does Cindy think of the report
A.Amazing. B.Important. C. Interesting.
7.Which invention is the most useful
A. The telephone. B. The plane. C.The Internet.
8.What is Lisa like now
A. She has short hair.
B.She is thin.
C. She wears glasses.
9.How long has Lisa exercised in the sports center
A.For one year. B. For two years. C.For three years.
10.What might Jack do next
A. Talk with his friend.
B.Write to his friend.
C. Do exercise with Lisa.
11.Where does Tony study now
A.In London. B.In New York. C.In Beijing.
12.Who did Tony go back to the neighborhood with
A.His family. B.His teacher. C.His classmate.
13.Why does Mr. Green like working as a shopkeeper
A. Because he loves folding clothes.
B. Because he likes answering questions.
C. Because he enjoys meeting new people.
14.When does Ms. King get up in the morning
A. At 7:30. B.At 8:30. C.At 9:30.
15.How does Tony like the people in his neighborhood
A. Friendly. B. Interesting. C. Humorous.
Young Jim was glad when the ship finally arrived. He said 1 to his shipmates, carrying a heavy bag on his shoulder.
With him was Ben. Jim 2 the old sailor(水手)on Treasure Island - he was a nice person, but had become a bit strange after being on the desert island for three 3 !
“What are you going to do now, Ben ” he asked.
“A thousand pounds worth of treasure is 4 for me! I will live a happy life!” He waved goodbye as he 5 .
The minute Jim got home, his mother rushed outside. “Oh, my darling boy ! It’s so good to see you --- I thought you had been lost at sea!” she cried 6 .
Jim showed her the one thousand pounds worth of treasure 7 made. She was amazed!
More than 8 weeks later, while Jim was helping his mom with dinner, Ben appeared in front of him.
“Bad luck, Jim ! The 9 weighed me down, and there were so many things to spend it on. In fifteen days, I had lost every coin!” Ben said.
This was a sad turn of events! Jim asked Ben if he had any family he could 10 with.
He sighed. “I've been on that island for years, so I've forgotten so many things. I wouldn't know where to find them ! I couldn't 11 tell you when my birthday might be!”
Jim felt sorry for him ! He went into the kitchen and came out with a 12 .
Jim told Ben, “ 13 you don't know when your birthday is, let's say it's today !” When Ben tore(撕破) the paper off the box and smelled what was 14 it, a tear came to his eye.
“A CHEESE CAKE! The very thing I missed on that island for so many years. You’ve taught me a 15 --- Gold coins come and go, but friendship is a treasure that lasts forever! ”
16.A. hello B. sorry C.thanks D. goodbye
17.A.met B. hugged C. caught D.interviewed
18.A. days B.weeks C. months D. years
19.A. short B. enough C. healthy D. famous
20.A. gave up B. fell down C. walked off D. woke up
21.A. slowly B. quietly C. excitedly D. nervously
22.A.it B. he C.she D.we
23.A.two B.three C. four D. Five
24.A. work B. pain C. family D. treasure
25.A. help B. stay C. deal D. play
26.A. only B.yet C. even D.still
27.A. toy B.box C. book D. flower
28.A. Until B. Unless C. Since D.Before
29.A.in B.on C. under D.behind
30.A. lesson B.decision C. choice D. secret
Jackie is writing a summary and feedback about School Day to his teacher.
School Day was held successfully on May 6th. Twenty-four student helpers from Grade 8 were divided into four groups. Each group had a task to raise money for the children in poor areas.
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4
School postcards (Leader: Natalie) Chinese paintings (Leader: Tina) Recycling bags made by students (Leader: Leo) Homemade snacks by parents (Leader. Nick)
In short, all of the groups did well on School Day and got no poor opinions from the visitors.
Opinions from 100 students have been collected. Most students thought the activities were good. The following is a satisfaction(满意) feedback form.
Satisfaction Feedback(反馈)
31.When was School Day held
A. On May 6th. B. On March 6th. C. On June 8th. D. On July 8th.
32.What did Tina’s group sell
A. School postcards. B. Chinese paintings.
C. Recycling bags. D. Homemade snacks
33.Which group was the most popular
A. Group 1. B. Group2. C.Group 3. D. Group 4.
TV host and children’s book writer Markette Sheppard has always been a good storyteller. In her new picture book, Ninja Nate, which came out in September, she has written an inspiring story that helps children find courage.
Ninja Nate is about a ninja young boy named Nate who has a robotic leg because of a recent accident. Because he thinks other kids will tease him, he wears a ninja costume to hide his leg. In the story, Nate realizes that if he wants others to accept his difference, he has to embrace it first.
Sheppard grew up in Los Angeles, California, and wanted to be a news reporter from a young age. She told the reporter that she would create news reports and ask her dad to film her works.
After graduating with a master’s degree in journalism(新闻)from American University in Washington D.C. Sheppard became the host of Great Day, Washington, CBS’s morning show in Washington D.C. It was a “dream job,” she said.
She decided to try writing a book after becoming a parent. “I wanted to do something more and tell different types of stories,” she said.
Sheppard was inspired to write Ninja Nate, her third book, after reading a news story about a boy with a robotic leg. She thought about her young son and said she hoped he grew up with the courage to celebrate differences, “What makes you different is your superpower,” she said.
34.Markette Sheppard is good at______.
A. hosting parties B. drawing pictures C.writing reports D. telling stories
35.The underlined word “ tease ” in Paragraph 2 probably means “______”.
A. listen to B. laugh at C. look after D.wait for
36.Sheppard wrote Ninja Nate______.
A. after she became a mom
B. before she worked as a host
C. when she got a degree in the university
D. when she was a reporter at a young age
37.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage
A. The Power of Dreams B. The Love for Children
C. Reporting News for All D. Writing to Encourage Kids
More than 50 years ago, a famous British band called the Beatles split up (解散). They haven't recorded any music together since then, but artificial intelligence(AI) has helped to create one last Beatles song. This is just one of the ways that AI is changing the world and how we live. As technology improves, the use of Al is spreading.
The invention of AI
In the 20th century, scientists began to wonder if computers could think like us. In 1950, the British expert Alan Turing created the “Turing test” to see whether a computer is intelligent.
During this test, a human tester puts questions to a person and a computer at the same time. Both answer the questions, and the tester must decide which answers came from the human. If the tester can't tell the two apart, the computer is intelligent. Many people believe AIs that can write, like the ChatGPT system, have already passed this test.

AI is part of everyday life. It can study lots of information and from that work out what is likely to happen next. Self-driving cars, for example, use AI to make decisions. In hospitals, AI can study information about thousands of people to work out what might be wrong with a patient from their test results. Tools like ChatGPT can write computer code, stories and even solve maths problems.
The future of AI
Some people worry about how AI might influence their jobs. If computers can create pictures , music and text, could artists, musicians and writers one day be replaced Many people also fear that AI could be used to invent and spread lies. Even those who work in AI say there should be rules about how it is used. However, AI can spark(激发)creativity too. AI is very good at suggesting drugs to treat diseases, and can even invent new medicines. It can help us fight weather change by finding clever ways to reduce our energy use. One day it might even find a way to solve our energy needs completely.
38.In Paragraph 1, the writer leads into the topic by _____.
A. telling stories B. asking questions C. giving examples D. listing numbers
39.Alan made the “Turing test” to ________.
A. wonder if computers could think like humans
B. show humans are more intelligent than computers
C. get two answers to the questions at the same time
D. find out the differences between humans and computers
40.Which of the following can be put into ▲
A. The use of AI B. The problems of AI
C. The safety of AI D. The predictions of AI
41.What is the main purpose of the passage
A. To tell the importance of AI. B. To share the advantages of AI.
C. To explain the difficulties of AI. D. To introduce the information of AI.
It's common to wonder sometimes, “What if something goes wrong ” It's important to recognize(识别) that thought and manage it so that you don't lose yourselves in the worry.
Worrying about the future is a normal part of life. From time to time, everyone wonders what would happen if something doesn’t go to plan: “What if I make a mistake ” or “What if everyone laughs at me ". These “what-if” worries focus on a bad result. Spending a lot of time “what if-ing” makes you not want to do things, and it can make it hard to pay attention to what you're doing or what people are saying.
There are different ways you can help yourself. Expert Angela McMillan suggests creating an “IF / THEN ” plan. “For example,” she says, “IF you have to stand up in front of the class, THEN you will take three deep breaths and remind yourself you have prepared and you’re OK. Or IF the social event is really noisy and you don’t know what to do, THEN you can step outside for a few minutes.” You can also know what you're worrying about and then challenge it. Try thinking about what could go right. For example, instead of thinking “What if I miss the ball when I try to kick it ” You should ask “What if I score a goal ”
McMillan points out that most worries never happen. “Remember they are thoughts and the bravest thing we can do is to not let the worry win,” she says. Try to focus your attention on what you’re doing. That could be the book you’re reading, the TV show you're watching or the conversation you’re having. Getting angry with yourself will make you feel worse, so be kind to yourself. Think about how you would talk to your classmate who is feeling worried-and then speak to yourself in that same way.
42.Spending a lot of time “what if-ing” might make you _______.
A. happy and relaxed B. safe and peaceful
C. worried and stressed D. impolite and surprised
43.What is Paragraph 3 mainly about
A. How often do the worries happen
B. How do you deal with the worries
C. What will happen if you miss the ball
D. Why does the expert suggest creating the plan
44.If you have to speak in public, what might be McMillan’s suggestions
①Pay attention to what could go right.
②Take deep breaths and believe in yourself.
③Think about what if something goes wrong.
④Get angry with yourself when you are worried.
A.①② B.③④ C.②③ D.①④
45.We can infer that the passage is written for _______.
A. Parents B. teachers C. students D. experts
46.It’s teachers’ job to pass on k___________ to their students.
47.If you don’t do your homework, your parents will p__________ you.
48.My brother s____________ going bike riding yesterday, but we were all too busy to go.
49.It’s quite i____________ to ask a lady about her age or other too personal questions.
50.Do you have a pair of s___________ I want to cut the paper.
51.Everyone is busy in today’s society, which makes the ability of using time w_______ extremely important.
52.Many foreigners were amazed by the beauty of Hangzhou during the 19th A_________ Games.
53.You need to prepare a brief self i_________ before you go to the job interview.
54.The book is very popular with young people and has been t___________ into many languages.
55.You have not changed at all! You look e________ the same as five years ago.
as late write product humorous
Dong, who used to be an English teacher at New Oriental Group(新东方), became popular ①_______ a live-streamer(主播) in June, 2022. Thanks to his ②_______ hosting style, he soon had a huge number of fans. They bought lots of ③_______ from East Buy just because of him. His fans on Douyin hit a surprising 31 million. The ④_______ news on December 6th spread rapidly throughout the Internet. It is said that the words said by Dong was ⑤_______ by the team and not by himself. It quickly made many of Dong's fans question the company for taking away his longtime efforts. The number of fans dropped to 28 million by December 10th.
57.Scientists who studied the influences of gardening found that ①______ (take) part in the activity twice a week can improve mental (精神的) health. ②_________ team from the University of Florida studied 32 women who did not have any health problems. None of the women have gardened before.
The researchers divided the women ③________ two groups. The women either took part in gardening or took art classes. Both groups ④_________(simple) took part in their own activities twice a week for four weeks.
During the gardening activities, the women performed ⑤_______(task) ,such as planting and digging. After finishing the tasks, the women answered questions about ⑥_________(they) worries, sadness and so on. Also, their blood pressure and heart rate (率) ⑦_________(test) by the scientists.
While both groups experienced improved mental health, the group who gardened had a little more advantages, reporting ⑧_________(little) stress and sadness. The research team hopes to learn more about ⑨______ gardening and mental health are connected. “At the end of the study, many of them were saying not only how much they enjoyed the activities but also how they planned ⑩_______ ( keep) gardening ,” said Charles Guy, one of the study’s scientists.
58.Ring, ring, ring, the alarm bell sounds. It’s school time again! Are you ready for the new term How can we adjust to the new term Here are some ways to make the transition(过渡) from holiday to school a little easier.
It’s perfectly normal to feel nervous on the first day of school. Getting back to the school routine (常规) takes some time after a long winter break. So how can we deal with being nervous Just relax and be patient. Everything will go well once you get into the routine.
You have to change your body clock back to normal. Go to bed earlier the week before classes start. Also, having some warm-ups before school time is helpful. Doing exercise or making plans for the following week are some other good ideas.
It makes you feel organized if you have all the things you need. It is better to pack your schoolbag the night before school starts. Make sure you have enough pens, exercise-books and other stationery.
What about wearing something you like Maybe you got a new schoolbag during the holiday, or new sneakers that can put a spring in your step. If you wear a school uniform, you can wear your favorite watch or a new hair band to show your personal style.
The last but not least thing is to take care of yourself. Better to wear a mask in the crowd. You need to wash your hands before having meals or touching your faces. And it’s also very necessary to keep the windows of the classrooms open.
A. Start your school-year schedule(时间表) B. Back your school fashion C. Deal with your nerves D. Prepare your school things E. Say goodbye to old bad habits F. Look after your health
1. 词数80左右
2. 文中不能出现真实的人名和校名等个人信息
Dear Li Hua,
How is everything going I’m a little worried about myself now. You know I’m much shorter than other classmates. What’s worse, I’m becoming fatter and fatter. I want to be taller and thinner,then I can go to the school basketball team. What should I do?
Dear Mike,
Glad to hear from you.
Li Hua
解析:W: Is silk produced in your hometown, Frank
M: No, it isn't. Our hometown is known for tea.
解析:W: Bob, whose dictionary is that Is it Jenny's
M: No, she has no dictionary. Look! Here is a name Alan on it. It must be his.
解析:W: I like classical music. How about you, Peter
M: I prefer country music. It's my favorite.
解析:W: Tom, how do you learn English By reading books or watching English movies
M: Neither. In fact, I learn English by listening to tapes.
解析:W: Could you help me choose a pair of trousers
M: Sure. How about the brown pair It’s right for you.
解析:M:Hi, Cindy. I called you yesterday afternoon, but there was no answer.
W: Sorry, Mark. I was listening to a report in the school meeting hall.
M: What is the report about
W: The invention and life. It is really amazing.
M: What do you think is the most important invention
W: The most important one It’s really hard to decide. However, I think the Internet is the most useful.
M: I agree. The plane and the telephone are also very useful.
解析:M: Hey, Lisa!
W: Hi, Jack.
M: You have changed a lot. You are much thinner than before.
W: Yes. I have been exercising in this sports center for two years.
M: And you used to have very short hair and always wore a pair of glasses.
W: Yeah, people sure change. Jack, why are you here
M: I come here to meet a friend of mine. I have something important to tell him. I have to go.
W: OK! See you!
解析:Hello, my name is Tony. I study in New York now, but sometimes I miss my neighborhood in London. Last month I went back to my neighborhood with my classmate and interviewed people there about their jobs.
First we came to Mr. Green's clothes shop. He was busy folding clothes, but he still answered my questions. Mr. Green likes being a shopkeeper. Because he can meet new people.Our second stop was Ms. King’s coffee shop. It was full of yummy treats. Ms. King gets up at 7:30 a.m. to open the shop and everything is ready by 9:30 a.m. After we left the coffee shop,we visited other stores. I learned a lot about the people in my neighborhood. All of them were friendly and the interviews were interesting.
解析:考查名词。句意:他肩上扛着一个沉重的袋子,向他的船友告别。A.hello你好;B.sorry抱歉;C.thanks感谢;D.goodbye再见,告别。根据carrying a heavy bag on his shoulder.(他肩上扛着一个沉重的袋子)可知,他要下船了,所以是在向船友告别。故选D。
解析:考查动词。句意:吉姆在金银岛上遇见的老水手——他是个好人,但在荒岛上待了三年之后,变得有点奇怪了!A.met遇见;B.hugged拥抱;C.caught抓住;D.interviewed采访。根据With him was Ben.(和他在一起的是本。)可知,是在介绍本,本是他在金银岛上遇到的老水手。故选A。
解析:考查名词。句意:吉姆在金银岛上遇见的老水手——他是个好人,但在荒岛上待了三年之后,变得有点奇怪了!A.days天;B.weeks周;C.months月;D.years年。根据倒数第四段I've been on that island for years(我在那岛上待了很多年了)可知,本在岛上应该是待了三年。故选D。
解析:考查形容词。句意:一千英镑的宝藏对我来说就足够了!A.short短的;B.enough足够的;C.healthy健康的;D.famous著名的。根据I will live a happy life!(我将过上幸福的生活!)可知,本认为一千英镑的宝藏是足够的。故选B。
解析:考查动词短语。句意:他离开时挥手道别。A.gave up放弃;B.fell down跌倒;C.walked off走开,离开;D.woke up醒来。根据He waved goodbye(他挥手告别)可知,是要离开了。故选C。
解析:考查副词。句意:她激动地喊道。A.slowly缓慢地;B.quietly安静地;C.excitedly激动地;D.nervously紧张地。根据It's so good to see you—I thought you had been lost at sea!(见到你太好了——我还以为你在海上迷路了呢!)可知,是很激动。故选C。
解析:考查代词。句意:吉姆给她看了他找到的价值一千英镑的宝藏。A.it它;B.he他;C.she她;D.we我们。根据第一段carrying a heavy bag on his shoulder.(他肩上扛着一个沉重的袋子)可知,袋子里的是吉姆(他)找到的宝藏。故选B。
解析:考查数词。句意:两个多星期后,当吉姆正在帮妈妈做晚饭时,本出现在他面前。A.two两个;B.three三个;C.four四个;D.five五个。根据倒数第六段In fifteen days,I had lost every coin!(十五天之内,我就输光了所有的钱!)可知,十五天也就是两周左右。故选A。
解析:考查名词。句意:宝藏把我压得喘不过气来,有那么多东西要花钱。A.work工作;B.pain疼痛;C.family家庭;D.treasure宝藏。根据and there were so many things to spend it on.(有那么多东西要花钱。)可知,宝藏把本压得喘不过气来。故选D。
解析:考查动词。句意:吉姆问本是否有家人可以和他待在一起。A.help帮助;B.stay停留;C.deal解决;D.play玩。stay with sb.和某人待在一起,是固定用法。故选B。
解析:考查副词。句意:我甚至不能告诉你我的生日是什么时候!A.only只有;B.yet还;C.even甚至;D.still仍然。根据I couldn't...tell you when my birthday might be!(我……不能告诉你我的生日是什么时候!)结合选项可知,本甚至连自己的生日都不知道。故选C。
解析:考查名词。句意:他走进厨房,拿着一个盒子出来。A.toy玩具;B.box盒子;C.book书;D.flower花。根据倒数第二段When Ben tore(撕破) the paper off the box(当本撕破盒子上的纸时)可知,是拿着一个盒子出来。故选B。
解析:考查连词。句意:既然你不知道你的生日是哪一天,那今天就是你的生日!A.Until直到;B.Unless除非;C.Since既然;D.Before在……之前。根据...you don't know when your birthday is(……你不知道你的生日是哪一天)结合选项可知,此处用since引导原因状语从句。故选C。
解析:考查介词。句意:当本撕破盒子上的纸时,闻了闻里面的东西,泪水涌上了他的眼睛。A.in在……里面;B.on在……上面;C.under在……下面;D.behind在……后面。根据When Ben tore(撕破) the paper off the box(当本撕破盒子上的纸时)可知,是闻了闻盒子里面的东西。故选A。
解析:考查名词。句意:你教会了我一个道理——金币来了又去,但友谊是永远的宝藏!A.lesson教训,道理;B.decision决定;C.choice选择;D.secret秘密。根据gold coins come and go,but friendship is a treasure that lasts forever!(金币来了又去,但友谊是永远的宝藏!)可知,这是本从中悟出的道理。故选A。
解析:细节理解题。根据第1段TV host and children's book writer Marktte Sheppard has always been a good storyteller.(电视节目主持人兼儿童读物作家Marktte Sheppard一直是一位善于讲故事的人。)可知Marktte Sheppard是一位善于讲故事的人,故选D。
解析:细节理解题。根据第2段Because he thinks other kids will tease him,he wears a ninja costume to hide his leg.(因为他认为其他孩子会取笑他,所以他穿了一件忍者服装来隐藏他的腿。)可知tease是嘲笑的意思,故选B。
解析:细节理解题。根据第4段She decided to try writing a book after becoming a parent.(为人父母后,她决定试着写一本书。)可知为人父母后,她决定试着写一本书,故选A。
解析:标题归纳题。根据第5段She thought about her young son and said she hoped he grew up with the courage to celebrate differences,"What makes you different is your superpower,"she said.(她想起了年幼的儿子,说她希望他在成长过程中有勇气庆祝差异,"让你与众不同的是你的超能力,"她说。)可知写作鼓励孩子符合语境,故选D。
解析:细节理解题。根据第一段More than 50 years ago,a famous British band called the Beatles split up(解散).They haven't recorded any must together since then,but artificial intelligence(AI) has helped to create one last Beatles song.(50多年前,英国著名乐队"披头士"解散了。从那以后,他们再没有录制过任何歌曲,但人工智能(AI)帮助创作了披头士乐队的最后一首歌。)可知文章是用举例子的方式引出文章话题。故选C。
解析:细节理解题。根据第三段In the 20th century,scientists began to wonder if computers could think like us.In 1950,the British expert Alan Turing created the"Turing test" to see whether a computer is intelligent.(在20世纪,科学家们开始怀疑计算机是否能像我们一样思考。1950年,英国专家艾伦 图灵发明了"图灵测试"来检验计算机是否智能。)可知艾伦做了"图灵测试",想知道计算机是否能像人类一样思考。故选A。
解析:推理判断题。根据第五段AI is part of everyday life.It can study lots of information and from that work out what is likely to happen next.Self-driving cars,for example,use AI to make decisions.In hospitals,AI can study information about thousands of people to work out what might be wrong with a patient from their test results.Tools like ChatGPT can write computer code,stories and even solve maths problems.(人工智能是日常生活的一部分。它可以研究大量的信息,并从中得出下一步可能发生的事情。例如,自动驾驶汽车使用人工智能来做决定。在医院里,人工智能可以研究成千上万人的信息,从他们的测试结果中找出病人可能出了什么问题。像ChatGPT这样的工具可以编写计算机代码、故事,甚至解决数学问题。)可知此处介绍的是AI的用途。故选A。
解析:主旨大意题。根据第一段This is just one of the ways that AI is changing the world and how we live.As technology improves,the use of AI is spreading.(这只是人工智能改变世界和我们生活方式的一种方式。随着技术的进步,人工智能的应用正在普及。)及全文可知文章介绍了AI的相关信息。故选D。
解析:推理判断题。根据第一段These"what-if""worries focus on a bad result.Spending a lot of time"what if-ing" makes you not want to do things,and it can make it hard to pay attention to what you're doing or what people are saying.(这些"假设"的担忧集中在一个不好的结果上。花很多时间"假设"会让你不想做事情,也会让你很难注意到自己在做什么或别人在说什么。)可推知,花很多时间"假设"可能会让你担心和紧张。故选C。
解析:段落大意题。根据第三段"Remember they are thoughts and the bravest thing we can do is to not let the worry win,"she says.Try to focus your attention on what you're doing.(她说:"记住,这些都是想法,我们能做的最勇敢的事情就是不要让担心占上风。"试着把注意力集中在你正在做的事情上。)可知,第三段主要讲了你该如何处理烦恼。故选B。
解析:细节理解题。根据第二段IF you have to stand up in front of the class,THEN you will take three deep breaths and remind yourself you have prepared and you're OK.(如果你必须站在全班同学面前,那么你就深呼吸三次,提醒自己你已经准备好了,没事的。)和You can also know what you're worrying about and then challenge it.Try thinking about what could go right.(你也可以知道你在担心什么,然后挑战它。试着想想什么是对的。)可知,如果你必须在公共场合讲话,McMillan的建议是:深呼吸,相信自己;想想什么是对的。故选A。
解析:推理判断题。根据第二段IF you have to stand up in front of the class,THEN you will take three deep breaths and remind yourself you have prepared and you're OK.(如果你必须站在全班同学面前,那么你就深呼吸三次,提醒自己你已经准备好了,没事的。)和第三段Think about how you would talk to your classmate who is feeling worried-and then speak to yourself in that same way.(想想你会如何与感到担忧的同学交谈,然后用同样的方式与自己交谈。)可推知,这篇文章是为学生写的。故选C。
解析:根据题干(老师的工作是把知识传给学生。),考查词汇knowledge (知识),不可数名词,故答案为:knowledge。
解析:根据句意“我哥哥昨天去骑自行车,但是我们都太忙了以至于不能去。”和首字母s可知此处表示“我哥哥建议昨天去骑自行车”。suggest (建议)是动词,作主句的谓语动词。yesterday (昨天)是一般过去时态时间标志,所以谓语动词要用过去式。故填Suggested。
解析:根据句意及首字母提示(你有一把剪刀吗 我想剪纸。),可知考查词汇scissors(剪刀),通常用复数形式,故答案为:scissors。
解析:根据句意和所给单词首字母可知,此处要表达“自我介绍”这一含义,“自我介绍”意为“self introduction”,所以此处填introduction。
解析:根据句意和提示词,可以猜测出空格处应该填“翻译”,translate...into... :把……翻译成……,固定搭配,根据句意,这本书被翻译成多种语言,被动语态,结构为be+动词过去分词,translate过去分词translated,故答案为translated。
57.答案:①taking②A③into④simply⑤tasks⑥their⑦were tested⑧less⑨how⑩to keep
①根据“So how can we deal with being anxious Just relax and be patient.”可知,本段建议是要正确对待即将上学的这种焦虑情绪,C选项“处理好紧张的情绪”符合,故选C。
②根据“You have to change your body clock back to normal. Go to bed earlier the week before classes start…”可知,此段建议要将身体的生物钟慢慢调整到上学的状态,A选项“开始新的学年时间表”符合,故选A。
③根据“It makes you feel organized if you have all the things you need”可知,此段建议要准备好所有的学校物品,D选项“准备你的学校物品”符合,故选D。
④根据“If you wear a school uniform, you can wear your favorite watch or a new hair band to show your personal style”可知,本段的建议与上学的仪容仪表有关,B选项“回归学校时尚”符合,故选B。
⑤根据“The last but not least thing is to take care of yourself”可知,此段建议要注意个人健康,F选项“照顾好你的健康”符合,故选F。



