人教新目标八年级下册英语第一次月考测试卷(Units 1~3)(含答案+听力音频+听力书面材料)

(测试内容:Units 1~3)
时间:100分钟 满分:120分
题序 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 总分
( )1. A. He should take his temperature. B. He likes eating cakes.
C. He wants to have a rest.
( )2. A. I want to play with Lily. B. I hate rainy days.
C. Sorry, I'm doing the dishes.
( )3. A. My mother is good at cooking. B. I hardly slept last night.
C. I enjoy living here.
( )4. A. He wants to have a nice dinner. B. I watched a movie.
C. I want to clean up the city park.
( )5. A. Sure, you can. B. Take it easy. C. Yes, I play basketball well.
( )6. What's the matter with the boy
A. B. C.
( )7. Which picture is right
A. B. C.
( )8. What should the boy have
A. B. C.
( )9. What is Jane going to do
A. B. C.
( )10. What did Gary do last night
A. B. C.
( )11. When did Tom go to the zoo
A. Last month. B. Last weekend. C. Last Friday.
( )12. What does Tom think of the voluntary work
A. Interesting. B. Tiring. C. Boring.
( )13. Which topic is Ann interested in
A. Language learning. B. Online shopping. C. Animals and plants.
( )14. How many books did David borrow
A. Two. B. Seven. C. Ten.
( )15. Where may the conversation take place
A. On the street. B. At a shop. C. In a library.
( )16. How old is Jeff
A. 10. B. 12. C. 14.
( )17. What does Jeff often do when his mother cooks supper
A. He stays in the kitchen with her.
B. He plays games with his father.
C. He watches TV.
( )18. What does Jeff help his mother do after supper
A. He washes clothes. B. He does the dishes. C. He sweeps the floor.
( )19. What did Jeff have for supper last Friday
A. Pancakes and milk. B. Dumplings and soup. C. Pancakes and soup.
( )20. Who had supper with Jeff last Friday
A. His grandparents. B. His father. C. His mother.
( )21. Mary didn't want to speak because she had sore throat.
A.a B.an C. the
( )22.-My grandma is used to in the countryside.
-Oh. So is my grandma.
A.live B. lives C.living D. lived
( )23.A group of elephants in Yunnan Province have trouble a proper living place. We should help them.
A.find B. found C. to find D. finding
( )24.-Which dress do you prefer, the red one or the green one
- . I like blue.
A.Any B. Either C. Neither D. Both
( )25.-What's your plan for the summer holiday
-I'll go to Chengdu as soon as the school term .
A.end B. ends C. will end
( )26.The of the Olympic players shows us that we should try our best to achieve our dreams.
A.risk B.spirit C. control D. decision
( )27.-Shall we the things we don't use to the people in need
-Good idea.
A. set up B. put off C. give away D. get off
( )28.-Are you going to do a part-time job after going to college
-Yes. I don't think I should always my parents.
A. turn on B. put on C. depend on D. come on
( )29.Jimmy money after buying food for homeless animals.
A. ran out of B. cleaned up C. put off D. turned down
( )30.-My phone doesn't work. I use yours
-Sure. Here you are.
A.Must B. Could C.Need D. Would
Everyone admires heroes. When we are asked 31 are our heroes, someone well-known like Yang Liwei or Zhong Nanshan may come to mind. They make a big difference to the world. 32 there are "everyday"heroes in our daily life.They may not be so 33 to the public, but these common people are also working hard to build a better world. Among them is Sun Jun.
Sun Jun comes from a poor village. The villagers didn't use to have enough food. He knew much about 34 .He learned to save food at an early age. When he was a college student, he found that the problem of food waste was more and more 35 .He started to collect unsold food from restaurants and stores for homeless people.
After graduating, Sun Jun joined a volunteer 36 called Green Food Bank, which was set up in Shanghai in 2014. The purpose of the organization is to build a bridge between people who are ready to help others and those who are 37 .It works by collecting and 38 free food for the poor, the disabled and so on.
Sun's team developed a phone app. It can show how much food restaurants remain each day. Usually, the workplaces of volunteers are not far from the restaurants, 39 they can just walk there to get the food for free. Then it can be given out in just a few hours.
So far, Sun and his team have done something 40 to the society. On the one hand, they've saved a lot of food. On the other hand, they've helped some people 41 .More volunteers and restaurants join them now. The small actions of these heroes can make a 42 influence (影响) than we imagine.
Why does Sun do 43 these things He says, "Thanks to Grandpa Yuan Longping, we are almost no longer short of food. We need to think about how to44wasting. There's a long way to go, but I won't 45 halfway. It's just the beginning. We still have much to do."
( )31.A.that B.what C.who D.which
( )32. A. However B. But C.Though D. Or
( )33. A. famous B. helpful C.friendly D.close
( )34.A.danger B. hunger C.nature D. culture
( )35.A.different B.popular C. serious D. difficult
( )36.A. party B.club C.organization D. school
( )37. A. in need B. in silence C. in excitement D. in surprise
( )38.A.providing B. buying C.selling D.borrowing
( )39.A. until B. if C. because D. so
( )40.A. careful B. peaceful C. meaningful D. awful
( )41.A.successfully B. suddenly C. slowly D. quietly
( )42.A.worse B. smaller C. fewer D.greater
( )43.A.both B. every C. either D. all
( )44.A.begin B. stop C. continue D. consider
( )45.A. give up B. put up C. give out D. make up
This morning I fell over and broke my leg when playing football. The teacher took me to the hospital. The doctor asked me to stay here for three days. She said that when I got home, I must stay in bed for two more weeks.
Last week I fell down while I was playing games with my friend. I hit my teeth. My mom took me to the dentist's(牙科诊所) in her car. The dentist checked my teeth and told me to take some medicine. He said that it was nothing serious. He told me not to be worried.
I went to the cinema with my parents. It was very hot in the cinema and I started to feel awful. I then fell on the floor and my mom tried to wake me up. My dad called an ambulance(救护车). A doctor came and checked some parts of my body. He said I was fine, but he also told me to go home and rest for two days.
( )46. How long did the doctor ask Naomi to stay in hospital
A.For two days. B. For three days.
C. For a week. D. For two weeks.
( )47. What was the matter with Lisa
A. She felt sick. B. She had a cold.
C. She hit her teeth. D. She broke her leg.
( )48. Who called the ambulance for Nancy
A. Her mom. B. Her teacher. C. Her friend. D. Her dad.
( )49. What did the doctor ask Nancy to do
A. Have a rest. B. Drink more water.
C. Do more exercise. D. Take some medicine.
( )50. What do the three students talk about
A. Hobbies. B. Accidents. C. Careless mistakes. D. School subjects.
One of my least favorite chores is cleaning my bedroom, but I have to do it. If my bedroom is untidy, I find it hard to relax and impossible to do any work! My mom always says "a tidy home means a tidy mind", and I think this is true.If everything is a mess, you just can't think clearly.
Studies show that people are usually more successful if they work, study, or live in a clean and tidy environment. A study showed that a high percentage(百分率) of children with bad behavior (行为,举止) came from messy houses. Children who grow up in dirty houses tend to be unhealthy and they fall sick more often too.This is why people with tidier homes are often healthier and more successful. My mom is a good example of this. She makes sure our home is always very clean and comfortable, so my sister and I hardly ever fall sick. Everyone loves her and she is very successful at her job in a bank.
I am not a naturally(天生地) tidy person. I sometimes throw my clothes on the floor because I am too tired to put them away, and I often leave rubbish on my desk. It is not easy to keep things clean all the time, but I am trying to develop the habit of tidying up everyday. Maybe one day I will be as tidy and successful as my mom!
( )51. The writer hates to do chores but she has to do them because .
A. her mother makes her do them
B. she wants to help her mother
C. she can't relax or work if her room is untidy
D. she thinks doing chores is good exercise
( )52. What does the sentence "a tidy home means a tidy mind"mean
A. If everything is a mess, you can't think clearly.
B. The tidier your home is, the cleverer you are.
C. A person with a tidy home usually has a healthy lifestyle.
D. A smart person's home is always clean and comfortable.
( )53. What is the result of the study
A. No kids like to live in messy homes with their parents.
B. A lot of children from messy homes have bad behavior.
C. People with tidier homes are healthier and more successful.
D. Parents and kids should keep the house clean and tidy together.
( )54. Which of the following words can be used to describe the writer's mother
A. Untidy. B. Lazy. C. Beautiful. D. Successful.
( )55. Which of the following is NOT true about the writer
A. She is a naturally tidy person.
B. She wants to be like her mother.
C. She is lazy sometimes but she is trying to be tidy.
D. She thinks tidying up every day is a good habit.
It is difficult for parents of every family to teach their children to do housework.
Shatian School in Shanghai is making its students do house-work for their parents. The third graders(三年级学生) must learn how to cook and clean. The sixth graders must learn to do the laundry (洗衣服) and the seventh and eighth graders must learn how to cook balanced meals with 15 yuan.
Many parents think it's a good way for children to try house-work but they don't know how to do it at home. With the following ideas, you really can get your children to help at home.
If you want to make your children think that they can do every-thing quite right, please don't always scold(批评) them but give them lots of praise(赞扬) at home. Talk more about what they did right, not about what they didn't do. If your child finishes some difficult work, give him or her a Sunday trip or a ball game with Dad as a reward.
( )56. from Shatian School should learn to wash the clothes.
A. A third grader B. A sixth grader C. A seventh grader D. An eighth grader
( )57. Parents should when the children do housework.
A. scold them if they are wrong B. give them a lot of praise
C. ask them not to do difficult work D. not make them do it
( )58. What does the underlined word "reward"mean in Chinese
A.诱惑 B.目标 C.奖励 D.说明
( )59. From the passage we know that
A. all the students in Shatian School like doing housework
B. all the parents know how to make their children do housework
C. the students in Shatian School must do housework at home
D. all the parents don't want their children to do housework
( )60. What would be the best title for the passage
A. How to Do Housework B. How to Teach Children
C. School and Housework D. How to Let Children Do Housework
When children are badly ll,they'll sometimes stay in hospital for a long time. So they often miss school or talk less with their friends. This can make them feel lonely. That's why the global nonprofit(非营利的) organization, TEACH,which stands for Together Educating All Children in Hospitals,appeared.
Seven years ago, students from 15 universities volunteered in about 30 hospitals around the world to bring an educational program to sick children, which helps develop their interest in science and nature. And most importantly, they cheered up the sick children and made a big difference to their lives.
Isaac Snyder, TEACH Executive Director, said that it was heart-warming to watch the older students help the sick children with some of the more useful activities, such as engineering experiments(实验). Unlike other programs, the program of TEACH makes children experience more than just reading books, watching movies or playing online games. It teaches kids how science can be used for their own health problems. Besides cheering up kids to see science in a new light, it helps kids understand the health problems that are putting them in hospital. "It can make sick children not be afraid and help them have a positive attitude(积极态度) towards science,"Isaac explained.
Isaac knows TEACH can also cheer up volunteers to start anew life in medicine. Take Isaac as an example. Though Isaac start-ed out as just a volunteer, he finally studied medicine and made a difference to the lives of sick children. When people asked Isaac,"What did you see as those sick children joined in the program of TEACH ", he shared, "The parents told the volunteers that this was the first time their children had smiled in days, and they were so happy."
( )61. What is TEACH
A. A hospital room. B. A travel program. C. A volunteer organization.
( )62. What is the biggest help of TEACH for sick children
A. To help them understand hospitals. B. To cheer them up to be hopeful.
C. To offer them medical education.
( )63. Which is the most important in helping children become less afraid of health problems
A. Giving them knowledge(知识) of health problems.
B. Reading books.
C. Playing online games with them.
( )64. How do the sick children feel about TEACH's program
A. Easy but unhappy. B. Boring but important. C. Creative and happy.
( )65. What is the best title for the passage
A. Sick Children Can Have a Lot of Fun in Hospital
B. How to Make Sick Children Feel Less Lonely and Sad
C. TEACH Uses an Educational Program to Help Sick Children
Laughter is important to our health. But sometimes we feel bad, or people around us make us feel bad. What should we do
Confidence is a feeling.66. But it shouldn't make you think that you are better than others. That is not true confidence.
Our confidence can be hurt. For example, a classmate's opinion might have a big effect(影响) on us.67. But next time, ask yourself: Who is making the criticism(批评) If the person is only trying to make you feel bad, don't worry about it. You wouldn't want to make friends with such people.68. .
Feeling low
We all have moments when we're not all that happy. It's usual for people at your age.
69. .You are becoming taller. Your face looks a little different from how it looked when you were a child. You may want to find out more about yourself and the world.
70. .Depression(抑郁) is one possible problem. Depressed people feel sad. They can't sleep well. Their eating habits change. If you have those problems, talk to your parents and doctor.
A. If the person is criticizing you to help you, respect the advice.
B. But if you feel bad all the time, there may be a problem.
C. But most people think happiness is necessary.
D. Lots of changes are happening to your body and in your life.
E. We care about what others say, and that's OK.
F. It makes you feel like you can do something.
G. Why are there so many people who have depression
Zhang Guimei showed us how to be a good teacher and the importance of a teacher in students' lives.
In 2008, Zhang Guimei founded the Huaping High School for Girls in Lijiang, Yunnan Province. This is a special high school,which doesn't ask for tuition fees(学费) from girls in poor families.In 2003, Zhang began to raise money for the school, but her efforts were often met with suspicion(质疑) and even misunderstanding.From 2003 to 2007, Zhang spent her spare time asking people to raise money for her school. However, the money she got was not enough. In 2007, after the media(媒体) reported her, the government promised to help her project.
Zhang carries on strict school rules. She plans every minute of her students' timetable. At 5: 20 a.m, she wakes up all the girls. They must take a nap in the afternoon. They are only allowed outside of the school for three hours a week. And long hair is not allowed in school. She wants to change the lives of many girls from poor families through education. Eleven years later, over 1, 600 girl students have graduated(毕业) from the school and received higher education.
When people asked why she made so many efforts to help girls in the mountains to receive better education, she just said, "I believe it is really important for girls to receive education. I hope they can be happier than me. And it will be the greatest comfort to me."
71. Why is the Huaping High School for Girls special
72. When did the government promise to help Zhang's project
.73. Why did Zhang make so many efforts to help those girls
76.Because of his k she got enough money to pay for her education.
77.Kate wanted to turn the room into a study,w her husband preferred a kitchen.
78.Reports show that exercising every day is a good way to relax ourselves from s .
79.The old man never feels (孤独)because we often go to visit him.
80.Doing chores helps to develop children's (独立) and teach them to look after themselves.
Dear Mr. Li,
I'm very proud that Hangzhou will hold the Asian Games.
Wang Meng
1. Tom has a fever. What should he do first
2. Lucy, could you take out the rubbish now
3. What's the matter with you You look sleepy.
4. What do you want to do this Sunday
5. Could I visit the poor boy with you
6. W: What's the matter, boy
M: I have a sore leg.
7. M: Where's Sarah She's not at school today.
W: She has a stomachache.
8. M: Oh, I have a fever, Mom.
W: You should drink lots of water.
9. M: What's the matter, Jane
W: I think I'm too tired because of reading and playing tennis.
10. W: You look tired, Gary.
M: Yes, I stayed up and watched a football game last night.
W: Hi, Tom. What are you doing
M: I'm looking at some photos. I took them last weekend when I went to the zoo to do some volunteer work.
W: What did you do there
M: I cleaned the zoo and took care of the animals. It was great fun.
W: I like spending time with animals, too.Maybe I can go with you next time.
M: Great! I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time there.
W: Hello, Mr. King. I am looking for books.Can you help me
M: Sure, I'd love to. What kind of book do you want, Ann
W: This term, I want to learn a new course,something about online shopping. Are there any books on this topic
M: Yes, there are ten, but David borrowed two of them the other day, and you can take the rest.
W: That's great. Our exam will be on the seventh of May. Could I keep the books until then
M: I am afraid not. How about borrowing the books one after another
W: Sure. By the way, can I get one of them now
M: OK. Here you are.
W: Thanks.
M: You're welcome.
Jeff is 12 years old. When his mother cooks supper in the kitchen, he likes to stay in the kitchen, too. Sometimes his mother asks him to cut up some vegetables. He does it very well. After supper, he helps his mother do the dishes. Last Friday, Jeff's mother went to see Jeff's grandparents. Jeff tried to do the cooking at home. He cooked vegetable soup and pancakes. When his father got back from work, he was surprised to see the food on the table. "Who cooked these he asked. "It was me,"Jeff said. "I wanted to give you a surprise."
一、1-5 ACBCA 6-10 ACACA 11-15 BABAC 16-20 BABCB
二、21-25 ACDCB 26-30 BCCAB
三、31-35 CAABC 36-40 CAADC 41-45 ADDBA
四、46-50 BCDAB 51-55 CABDA 56-60 BBCCD 61-65 CBACC
五、66-70 FEADB
六、71. Because it doesn't ask for tuition fees from girls in poor families.
73. Because she believes education is important and hopes they can be happier than her.
75.A Good and Strict Teacher/A Great Teacher—Zhang Guimei
七、76. kindness 77. while 78.stress 79.lonely 80.independence
八、Dear Mr. Li,
I'm very proud that Hangzhou will hold the Asian Games. I want to join you as a volunteer for the coming Hangzhou Asian Games.
I've been to many Asian countries, such as Japan, Thailand and Singapore. I've learned a lot about their cultures. Besides, I'm good at English and I can speak Japanese well too. So I think it is easy for me to communicate well with the players. What's more, I've worked as a volunteer many times. I'm hard-working and responsible. I can get on well with everyone.And I do well in organizing different activities. So I'm sure I'll be the right person you want.
I'm looking forward to your reply.
Wang Meng
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
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下一篇:八年级下册(牛津译林版)Unit4 A good read 语法Grammar 疑问词to do和must与have to的用法(含解析)