
考试时间:90分钟 分值:120分
( )1. Tomb Sweeping Day, which is considered as traditional Chinese festival, fell on fifth of April this year.
A. a; a B. the; the C. a; the D. the, a
( )2.—How naughty Andrew is! He often drives his toy car high speed.
—That's why everything in the house is a mess.
A. at; in B. at; at C. in; in D. in; at
( )3. On March 15, Axiom Space shows its new spacesuit to the public. NASA's new spacesuit helps astronauts move more .
A. early B. easily C. easy D. hardly
( )4.—Why do you like spring best Tina
—In my opinion, it people when they feel blue and it also brings hope.
A. comes up B. wakes up C. gives up D. cheers up
( )5. According to the new law, if people spread untrue news on the Internet, they .
A. will punish B. will be punished C. punish D. are punished
( )6. It is amazing that a fossilized snail was found inside an amber. The fossil is about years old!
A. 99 millions B. 99 million of C. 99 millions of D. 99 million
( )7.—My mother a pair of shoes for me on the Internet two days ago.
—Wow! Can you show me the link
A. booked B. ordered C. borrowed D. lent
( )8. A film called The Knockout(狂飙)has won high since it was first shown on screen.
A. prize B. price C. praise D. present
( )9.—Linlin, do you know
—In a few months, I think.
A. how soon will Shenzhou-15 return to the Earth
B. how long Shenzhou-15 will return to the Earth
C. how long will Shenzhou-15 return to the Earth
D. how soon Shenzhou-15 will return to the Earth
( )10.—Mess was presented with the award of the FIFA Best Player of the Year on February 27,2023.
—Yes, his hard work pays off, just as the saying goes, .
A. No pain, no gain. B. All roads lead to Rome.
C. Many hands make light work. D. The early bird catches the worm.
What memories do you have of your grandparents 11 do you keep the memories of your loved ones
12 my 56th birthday, my daughter Beth gave me two beautiful 13 butterflies. I 14 them on the wall so that I could admire them throughout the day. They carried our memories.
My mom 15 when I was 25 years old, and Beth was just a baby. She never got to meet her grandma, which made it 16 for me to keep my mom's memory alive for Beth. One day when Beth was 7, we were playing outside, and she 17 said how much she missed her grandma.
I told her that her grandma loved 18 very much and that she was watching over her from heaven(天堂). I even 19 that maybe she was taking a ride on the back of a butterfly to get a closer look. At that moment, a butterfly just 20 out of nowhere, flew around Beth's face, and then flew away. We 21 laughed with joy.
Since then, it seems like butterflies follow us 22 we go. Whenever we are outside, they come down, circle around us, take a good look and fly away. It 23 like my mom's love is still watching over us from the butterflies. Even in winter, I can take comfort in looking at the wooden butterflies that Beth gave me and I will think of my mom's love.
The wooden butterflies have become a symbol of our bond(情感纽带). They 24 us of the moment when a butterfly brought us together and filled our hearts with happiness. And even now, they continue to bring us closer to the woman who holds a special place in our 25 .
( )11. A. What B. How C. Where D. Who
( )12. A. At B. In C. On D. From
( )13. A. wooden B. woolen C. glassy D. plastic
( )14. A. went B. moved C. gave D. hung
( )15. A. gave away B. passed away C. put away D. took away
( )16. A. early B. easy C. hard D. possible
( )17. A. angrily B. finally C. slowly D. suddenly
( )18. A. her B. she C. hers D. she's
( )19. A. spoke B. said C. talked D. made
( )20. A. heard B. feared C. appeared D. cleared
( )21. A. neither B. none C. all D. both
( )22. A. whatever B. wherever C. whoever D. whomever
( )23. A. feels B. smells C. tastes D. sounds
( )24. A. recommend B. represent C. remember D. remind
( )25. A. hearts B. hands C. arms D. legs
Welcome to School Dance Club Are you tired of siting too long Do you want to be healthier Join the School Dance Club and move your body! Choice of dances: folk, modern, pop, etc. Level of difficulty: Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 Teachers: Helen White —13 years of teaching experience —Graduated from International Master Dance School John Smith —First prize winner of “Dancers on Stage” for 4 years starting from 2016 Ken Power —Skilled in different kinds of dance, especially in “fusion(融合)” dance Who to join: Aged 12~15 If you would like to be one of us, please kindly fill in the form and send it to Maria Cooper's office before 18th March.
( )26. Which kind of dance can't you learn in the School Dance Club
A. Folk dance. B. Modem dance. C. Ballet dance. D. Pop dance.
( )27. According to the poster, who may be the most suitable to join the club
A. An adult who wants to keep fit. B. A 13-year-old girl who wants to be healthier
C. Tom's mother who likes modem dance. D. A singer who is good at singing folk songs
( )28. How can you join the club if you are interested in it
A. By making a phone call. B. By sending an e-mail.
C. By visiting the website. D. By sending a letter.
It's been 51 years since man last landed on the moon, but now NASA is planning to return as part of its Artemis mission(阿尔忒弥斯计划). This time, astronauts will be wearing a new high-tech spacesuit made by space tech company Axiom.
The spacesuit is a beautiful combination of black and orange, which will stand out on the moon's surface. The helmet is much larger than before, providing astronauts with a wider view(视野). There's also a video camera that can send videos from the moon back to Earth. The shoes of the suit are also better insulated(隔绝)from the moon's cold surface.
Astronauts on missions before often found their suits to be large and heavy, making it hard to move easily.
Having learned from a long history of spacesuits, this new suit has better mobility(灵活性). It has more joints(关节)so that astronauts can bend(弯)over, raise their arms and move their fingers more easily, reported the BBC.
Also, unlike spacesuits of the past, this one has been designed with women in mind, with different sizes available. Spacewalks on the international space station had to be canceled for women in the past because of ill-fitting suits.
NASA chief Bill Nelson said the new spacesuits "will open chances for more people to explore and do scientific studies on the moon than ever before," according to The Guardian. This is in line with the plans of NASA's Artemis mission to land the first woman and persons from different races(种族)on the moon.
( )29. When was the last time man landed on the moon
A. 1969. B. 2022. C. 1972. D. 2023.
( )30. What information about the spacesuit can we learn according to Paragraph 2
A. The spacesuit will make it hard to see the astronauts on the moon.
B. The spacesuit can help astronauts see with a bigger view.
C. Astronauts will still feel cold by wearing the spacesuit.
D. It can make their recorded videos clearer.
( )31. Why does this suit have better mobility
A. Because it can reduce weight. B. Because it makes the size smaller.
C. Because it adds more joints. D. Because it uses things that can bend easily.
( )32. What do we know about NASA's Artemis mission
A. It will send scientists to the international space station.
B. It will use the new spacesuits made by NASA.
C. It took about 51 years to get prepared.
D. It plans to send different groups of people to the moon.
I studied medicine at Cambridge University and got a job as a doctor on a ship called The Antelope. In May, 1699, we left England for the South Seas. The journey went well until a violent storm sent us completely off course and we found ourselves somewhere in the East Indies. Here, our ship hit some rocks. The rocks wrecked the ship and we had no choice but to abandon it. As I threw myself into the sea, I thought that this was the end.
But luck was with me. I could swim quite well and I did not want to end my days without a fight. I swam and swam until I saw land.
I arrived on the beach, alone and exhausted and fell down and slept.
The next day, I woke up with the sun on my face. I remembered that I was in a new land and I wanted to explore it. But when I tried to get up, it was impossible. There were hundreds of strings, tied to every part of my hair and clothes. I could not move.
"What's happening " I asked myself. "What strange place is this Who has tied me to the ground " Then I felt something on my leg. It was moving up my leg and walking on my body. I looked down and saw the most incredible thing. A tiny man, no more than fifteen centimetres tall, was standing on my chest! Then there was another and another. Lots of tiny people were standing on me. Where was I Who were these people
I was afraid and I shouted so loudly that they all ran away. I then managed to free my left arm from the strings. But soon the tiny people came back. This time they had bows and arrows and I knew that they wanted to attack me.
—Selected from Gulliver's Travels
( )33. What can we learn by reading the first paragraph
A. Gulliver left South Seas for England. B. Gulliver wasn't good at medicine.
C. Gulliver arrived in England safely. D. Gulliver's ship crashed against the rocks.
( )34. What does the underlined word "exhausted" mean
A. Surprised. B. Tired. C. Excited. D. Interested.
( )35. Why was it impossible for Gulliver to get up the next day
A. Because he was tied to the ground by tiny people.
B. Because he was too afraid to move.
C. Because he was new to the new land.
D. Because he was too excited to explore it.
( )36. Which of the following shows the right order of the story
a. He swam to the land but found his body was tied.
b. He worked as a doctor in a ship.
c. Gulliver set off from England with other crew.
d. Gulliver graduated from Cambridge University.
e. His ship was knocked over because of the big storm.
A. b-d-c-e-a B. b-c-d-a-e C. d-b-c-e-a D. d-c-b-e-a
"Art is long, life is short," read a statement(声明)on March 28 when Japanese composer and musician Ryuichi Sakamoto passed away at the age of 71.
Sakamoto showed great interest in music when he was a little boy. He began studying composition at 11 and majored(主修)in music in college. He was always attracted by the sounds around him. When he was a high school student in Tokyo, he would ride the train and enjoyed himself by listening to the sounds it made.
In 1978, he formed a music group called Yellow Magic Orchestra(黄色魔术交响乐团). He made songs that influenced early hip-hop and techno.
But what made Sakamoto world-famous was his film music. In 1983, he composed the music for the movie Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence and acted in it as well. His film score for The Last Emperor, in 1987, won him an Oscar, a Grammy, and a Golden Globe.
Sakamoto always paid close attention to the real world and human society. In 2020, he gave a free music show for Wuhan people who were fighting the pandemic. He used Chinese-style instruments such as gongs(锣)and cymbals (钹)made in Wuhan to bring people strength and courage.
He also spoke against nuclear power(核能)following the 2011 Fukushima disaster. When visiting the disaster area, he found a water-damaged(损坏的)piano. He repaired it and made it into a work of art by adding sensors(感应器)to the keys. The instrument then became a machine that made sounds from seismic data(地震数据)collected from around the world. This was his way of reminding people to never forget the disaster.
( )37. What did Sakamoto's experience on the train want to show us
A. He was very interested in music. B. He could compose with noises.
C. He liked to take trains to travel. D. He could be easily distracted(分心的).
( )38. What did Sakamoto become world-famous for
A. His music group. B. His music for films
C. Hip-hop and techno music D. His actions against nuclear power
( )39. Why did Sakamoto produce a nonprofit music show in 2020
A. To remember the disease B. To introduce his music
C. To learn Chinese traditional instruments D. To inspire people in Wuhan
( )40. What do you think of Sakamoto's life
A. Terrible B. Busy. C. Meaningful. D. Common.
Koalas in New South Wales, Australia are now at risk of disappearing. So the government of New South Wales has a $34-million plan to protect the beloved animals.
Koalas are native to Australia. 41 Their sharp claws help them climb trees. They carry their babies in an opening of skin on the mother's stomach.
42 People are clearing the lands for farming and building houses, so koalas have fewer places to live in. Dog attacks, bush fires and hot weather are also making the koalas' life harder. And some koalas die of illnesses.
Over the last 20 years, the number of the koalas in New South Wales has fallen by 25 percent and there are about 36,000 koalas there now. 43
As part of its plan, the government of New South Wales is setting aside around 25,000 hectares of forest for the koalas to live freely. 44 And the state will build some special bridges so that koalas and other wildlife can cross roads.
Gabrielle Upton is the environment minister of New South Wales. 45
A. She said the state also plans to set up a group of wildlife hospitals to treat injured and sick koalas. B. They have large, hairy ears. C. The animals' numbers have fallen in other parts of Australia, too. D. Are koalas your favourite animals E. Koalas face several problems. F. Be careful not to go near them, or you may get hurt. G. It will also add more signs to help car drivers notice that koalas may walk into the roadways.
41. 42. 43. 44. 45.
46. Wang Wenbin, a famous spokesman has no difficulty (表达)himself clearly at different kinds of international meetings.
47.—Did your parents enjoy (他们自己)at Shanghai Disneyland last week
—Not exactly. There were too many people there.
48. Memecore is a new and (受欢迎的)trend in 2023's world of fashion.
49. Lanzhou beef noodles, a Chinese style of hand-pulled noodles that started in Lanzhou, have been popular for a few
50. Many heads of Culture and Tourism introduce their places of interest (通过,凭借)short videos on TikTok.
Michelle Yeoh became the first Asian woman to win the Oscar for Best Actress on March 12 this year. She was born in Malaysian, which I 51 in South-east Asia. She started acting at the age of 22 years old. She is good at playing female roles in action films. However, she isn't s 52 with her acting skills. She learns from other actors and actresses all the time. In her free time. She goes to different countries for f 53 study. C 54 with other actresses, she isn't the most beautiful, but she must be the most hard-working one. She proves that age and beauty do not matter. Most actresses of her age have stopped working due to all kinds of reasons, she never gave up. I also believe that if we never give up, we will have the p 55 of achieving success one day.
51. 52. 53. 54. 55.
set off fireworks; have a good voice ; take place; something; make a difference; widely; by hand; break out; lie down; a waste of
56. All life in the world cannot live without water, but water never asks for in return.
57.—The panda Ya Ya has returned to China from the USA.
—Look! She on the grass and eating bamboo happily over there.
58. In the past few months, computer games to his study.
59. My elder brother likes the singer Zhang Jie best. He and his songs are worth listening to.
60. A terrible forest fire in Sichuan last month and a lot of trees were burnt in it.
61. Buying things you don't need is just money.
62. These flowers look like the real ones. In fact, they are all made .
63.—I waved to you, but you didn't see me.
—I with my friends at that time.
64. Chinese is used in the world than before because it is becoming more powerful.
65. The 19th Asian Games between September 23 and October 8 in Hangzhou, won't it
A mouse was surprised and frightened to discover that the farmer and his wife had a mousetrap in the house. It ran to warn everyone, "There is a mousetrap in the house!" and wanted to get some help from them.
The hen raised its head and said, "Mr. Mouse, this mousetrap is only for you. I won't be worried about it." The mouse turned to the pig. "I am sorry, Mr. Mouse, but the mousetrap has nothing to do with me, either!" the pig said. Then the mouse turned to the cow. "It sounds like you have a problem, not me," the cow said. The mouse returned to the house with head down and it was very sad because no one would help it.
That night the farmer's wife heard a loud sound and she rushed to see what was caught. In the darkness she could not see that it was a snake. The snake bit the farmer's wife. The wife caught a bad fever and the farmer thought the best way to treat a fever was chicken soup. So the farmer killed the hen for the soup. The wife got worse and her friends came to visit her. The farmer had to kill the pig to feed them. But the wife didn't get better and died. Her friends came and the farmer had to kill the cow to feed all of them.
So remember when anyone of us is in trouble, we may all be in trouble.
66. What did the couple prepare in order to deal with the mouse
67. How did the mouse feel when no one wanted to help it
68. What do you think of the hen in the passage
69. What happened to the hen, the pig and the cow at last
70. What should you do when others need your help
Dear Millie,
I am planning my trip to China these days. Can you recommend a city for me to visit What places of interest can I visit there When is the best time to visit it and why What can I buy for my friends when I come back Look forward to your reply.
Dear Tom,
I am excited to know that you will visit China.
Hope to see you soon in China!
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
46. expressing 47. themselves 48. popular 49. centuries 50. through
51. lies 52. satisfied 53. further pared 55. possibility
56. anything 57. is lying down
58. have made a difference 59. has a good voice
60. broke out 61. a waste of
62. by hand 63. was setting off fireworks
64. more widely 65. will take place
66. A mousetrap.
67. It felt sad. / Sad. He felt blue. / Blue.
68. It is silly. / Silly. It is stupid. / Stupid. / It is selfish. / Selfish.
69. They were killed.
70. We should help others. / Help others. / Give a helping hand. / Be kind to them. / Be ready to help them.
Dear Tom,
I am excited to know that you will visit China. I think the beautiful city of Hangzhou will be a good choice for you to visit because the Asian Games will be held in Hangzhou soon. It’s a big event for a sports fan like you.
But I don’t think it’s a good idea to rent a car if you come here, because parking costs are not cheap and it’s really convenient to get around by taxi or by bus.
As for souvenirs, I guess choosing some silk products like silk scarves or silk dresses would be a great idea. They are not heavy to carry and won’t take up too much space in your suitcase.
Hope to see you soon in China!



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