Unit4 A good read语法填空精准练(含解析)牛津译林版八年级英语下册

Unit 4 A good read(语法填空精准练)
Dear Cindy,
In your last mail, you asked me about my hobbies. Well, my hobby is reading books 1 reading helps open up my eyes to the outside world. When I’m free, I like to spend time in the school reading room 2 a good book in my hand. Sometimes, however, I don’t know which book to choose. 3 she has taught Chinese for only about 3 years, she’s one of the 4 (good) teachers I’ve ever met. She does everything she can 5 (help) us become good learners. She likes reading, too. And she often lends us some good books of 6 (her). A few days ago, she advised me to read a book 7 (name) Little Women. It’s about four sisters growing up. It was such 8 good book that I couldn’t put it 9 . I wanted to share the book with you yesterday, so I called you at about 3 p.m. But you were not at home. I guess you 10 (play) sports outside at that time, right Hope everything goes well with you.
Wang Ziyue is a 14-year-old boy. He spends his vacations running a mobile (可移动的) library. Wang got 11 idea of building a library in 2018. At the time, he was spending his summer vacation at his grandma’s home in a town. He found that many children in the town watched TV all day on 12 (they) vacation as they had few books at home. Wang thought, “If these children have more books to read, they 13 (spend) less time watching TV.” During the winter vacation in 2019, he 14 (choose) more than 500 books and took them back to the town.
At his grandma’s home, Wang decided 15 (build) a small library to share his books with others. And there was a board in front of the library. It read, “You’re halfway to 16 (live) a better life by reading and learning more.” His library helped to make some children fall in love with reading. 17 , Wang didn’t stop there. He made a cart (手推车) into a mobile library. On market days (赶集日), he took his cart to the market so that some children were able to read the books 18 (easily) than usual. For four years Wang has helped hundreds 19 children, and his library now has about 1, 200 books. Many people praise Wang for what he has done. They say although the library is small, it 20 (true) helps the children in the town a lot.
Peter is a sixth-grader in the US. His family are excited that Grandpa is moving from Florida to their city. In order to make Grandpa live 21 (comfortable), Peter’s parents let Peter move out of his room. Peter thinks it’s 22 (unbelieve), because he 23 (have) his room for nearly 12 years so far. He loves his grandpa but wants his room back. Peter starts a war (战争) and 24 (make) fun of his grandpa. At last, they both want to stop the war because they really love each other. Grandpa comes up with 25 idea of making a room for 26 (he), so Peter gets his room back.
This story is from the book The War with Grandpa by an American 27 (write) Robert Kimmel Smith. Although it 28 (come) out in 1984, it is still quite popular among young people. In 2020, it was made into a movie and became one of the 29 (popular) ones around the world.
This book teaches readers an important lesson. Fighting is never the answer. Talking about your feelings can play a part in 30 (help) you solve problems.
If you’d like to enjoy a funny but meaningful story, please find some time to read the book. You’ll get a lot from it.
The book Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince is popular 31 children. It 32 (sell) well. You can see and hear the advertisements (广告) about the book here and 33 . Why is the book so popular Because it’s interesting. After reading it, I lost myself in the magic world. I can’t help thinking: Every country has a long history and 34 (color) culture. We have our own culture, 35 . But why is there a 36 (different)
First, in some countries, many 37 (child) books are written for teaching, and they’re boring. So children aren’t 38 (interest) in them. Second, 39 (few) children enjoy reading the same stories. They know the end when they read the beginning. 40 (final), the needs of children are very important. The writers seldom think about children’s needs. I think the writers should use children’s language to write stories. Maybe children will like them.
Peter is a sixth-grader in the US. His family are 41 (exciting) that Grandpa is moving from Florida to their city. That is, Peter has to move out of his room to make his grandpa live 42 (comfortable). Peter loves his grandpa but wants his room back. Peter starts a war(战争) and 43 (make) fun of his grandpa. At last, they both want 44 (stop) the war because they really love each other. Grandpa comes up with an idea of making a room for 45 (he), so Peter gets his room back.
This story is from the book The War with Grandpa by an American 46 (write) Robert Kimmel Smith. Although it 47 (come) out in 1984, it is still quite popular among young people. In 2020, it was made into a movie and became one of the 48 (popular) ones around the world.
This book teaches readers an important lesson. Fighting is never the answer. Talking about your feelings can play a part in 49 (help) you solve problems.
If you’d like to enjoy a funny but meaningful story, 50 (find) some time to read the book, you’ll get a lot from it.
When I was a child, I was never really very interested in nature. Then one day my aunt bought me 51 book for my birthday. It was called Birding on Borrowed Time. When she 52 (give) it to me, I was a little unhappy. It didn’t seem very interesting, and I wanted new games for 53 (I) phone. My aunt made me promise to read it. So I did, and I loved it. I found it was so interesting that I 54 (true) forgot about time. In fact, I didn’t do anything else before I finished it—no TV, no games, nothing. As soon as I finished the book, I went out and bought a pair of binoculars (望远镜).
After that, I found watching birds was one of 55 (interesting) things in the world. To watch the birds, I needed to read books 56 (learn) about birds. Now I know 57 (many) birds’ names than before, I can tell what they look like, how they fly and where to find them.
Watching birds is interesting 58 not easy. Sometimes I have to stay in one place 59 a long time, and I have to take heavy binoculars and cameras with me. But when you find a beautiful bird and take 60 (photo) of it, it is really exciting.
Which do you prefer to use when you are studying, iPads or books Here is 61 survey about it.
Some students think that iPads are 62 (good), because iPads can give them more choices. They can search for information on an iPad easily instead of 63 (look) everything up in different books. At the same time, students can send pictures 64 (direct) to a printer to photocopy them. With an iPad, they can save all 65 (they) homework on it. And homework will not be forgotten easily 66 teachers can send all the homework to their iPads.
But 67 (other) think that books are more helpful for learning. First, reading books won’t hurt their 68 (eye). 69 , what they read in books can leave a deeper impression on them. Third, some students usually use iPads to play games at school, which is bad 70 their study. So they prefer to use books.
Not long ago, I was 71 (sit) by a hospital bed in Houston. Beside me lying my 88-year-old father. He had a heart problem. It troubled me a lot, so all day both of us had nothing to do but having small boring talk about 72 (ill).
That day in the hospital, I noticed some books people had brought as gifts. My father had always been a reader ever 73 he was young. I started to read them for my father for the 74 (one ) time.
That afternoon, I read to 75 (he) for an hour. During that time, I could always hear his 76 (laugh). I came to realize that reading gave a way to make people happy in 77 face of difficulties.
My father was much 78 (happy) than before. A study showed that 79 (fiction) help people to relax, and poems (诗) can give rise to new thoughts, feelings and memories. In truth, almost any kind 80 books can be helpful. Reading is important in our lives.
Almost everyone has his own hobbies. My hobby is 81 (read). When I was young, I didn’t have any 82 (hobby). I always watched TV at home all day and my parents were worried about me.
One day, my father took me to my 83 (aunt) home. When I got there, I saw my cousin 84 (read) in his room. I ran to him and said, “Reading books is so boring. Why not 85 (go) out to play games That’s more interesting.”
“I don’t think so. Reading is really interesting, and also I can get a lot of 86 (know) from my books.” Then my cousin asked me some questions, but I couldn’t answer most of 87 (they). He was two years 88 (young) than me, but he knew much more. My face turned red. From then 89 , I decided to read more books than before. Little by little, I got to learn more and more. I felt happier and happier. So everyone, please put down your phones and pick up books to swim in it. You must make a 90 (different).
Book crossing, a new way of reading, is developing, with book lovers leaving 91 (they) books in public places, to be picked up and “borrowed” by others.
The Belarusian National Technical University was 92 first to support the idea in the country. Several years ago, the director of its library, Alexey Kalaban, 93 (see) a large glass box of books which were free 94 anyone to read at a Swedish (瑞典的) airport. He was very excited. 95 great the idea was! So he wanted to bring it to his country. The question was only where such books might be 96 (keep) in public.
“We put the bookcase in the main building. It is free to everyone. People can be 97 (easy) encouraged to read.” Kalaban explained. “Inside the case, there is a special list 98 (show) who gave the book and when they gave it.”
Teachers, students and even people living in the neighborhood brought their books. Besides, booksellers gave away a number of books too. 99 the help of so many people, every year, more such “safe” paces are found. Not long ago, a nightclub set up a shelf of books and magazines. During the dance break, people can pick up to read.
Nowadays, book crossing is being 100 (well) known to the world than before. No doubt, it’s a great way to push more people to read and make the whole world a library.
1.because 2.with 3.Though/Although 4.best 5.to help 6.hers 7.named 8.a 9.down 10.were playing
2.句意:我喜欢待在学校阅览室里,手里拿着一本好书。根据“a good book in my hand”可知是手里拿着书,表伴随用介词with。故填with。
4.句意:虽然她只教了大约3年的语文,但是她是我见过的最好的老师之一。此处是结构one of the+最高级+名词复数“最……的……之一”。故填best。
5.句意:她尽她所能帮助我们成为优秀的学习者。“She does everything she can”的目的是“help us become good learners”,作目的状语用动词不定式。故填to help。
7.句意:几天前,她建议我读一本叫《小妇人》的书。句中有谓语动词,a book和name之间是被动关系,故此处用过去分词。故填named。
9.句意:这是一本如此好的书,我不能放下它。put down“放下”,此处指把书放下。故填down。
10.句意:我猜你们那时正在外面做运动。根据“at that time”可知此处表示过去正在做的事情,用过去进行时,主语是you,be动词用were。故填were playing。
11.the 12.their 13.will spend 14.chose 15.to build 16.living 17.However 18.more easily 19.of 20.truly
11.句意:王在2018年萌生了建图书馆的想法。根据“got...idea of building a library”可知是特指建造图书馆的主意,用定冠词the。故填the。
13.句意:如果这些孩子有更多的书可以读,他们看电视的时间就会更少。句子是if引导的条件状语从句,遵循主将从现,主句用一般将来时will do。故填will spend。
14.句意:2019年寒假,他挑选了500多本书带回了小镇。根据“in 2019”可知句子用一般过去时,动词用过去式chose“选择”。故填chose。
15.句意:在奶奶家,王决定建一个小图书馆,和别人分享他的书。decide to do sth.“决定做某事”。故填to build。
18.句意:在赶集的日子里,他把推车带到市场上,这样一些孩子就能比平时更容易地阅读书籍。此处修饰动词用副词,根据“than”可知此处用副词的比较级more easily。故填more easily。
19.句意:四年来,王帮助了数百名儿童,他的图书馆现在有大约1200本书。hundreds of“数百的”。故填of。
21.comfortably 22.unbelievable 23.has had 24.makes 25.an 26.himself 27.writer 28.came 29.most popular 30.helping
23.句意:彼得觉得难以置信,因为到目前为止,他已经拥有自己的房间将近12年了。根据“for nearly 12 years so far”可知,时态为现在完成时,应用“have/has done”结构,主语为he,应用has done。故填has had。
26.句意:爷爷想出了一个主意,为他自己打造出了一个房间,所以彼得重新回到了他的房间。根据“so Peter gets his room back”可知,应是爷爷想办法为他自己打造出了一个房间,用反身代词himself。故填himself。
27.句意:这个故事出自美国作家Robert Kimmel Smith的《祖孙大战》一书。根据“ an American...Robert Kimmel Smith”可知,此处指“美国作家”,writer“作家”,an后跟单数名词。故填writer。
28.句意:虽然它是1984年出版的,但仍然很受年轻人的欢迎。由时间状语“in 1984”可知,时态是一般过去时, 所以空处用过去式。故填came。
29.句意:在2020年,它被拍成了电影,成为世界上最受欢迎的电影之一。 one of the+形容词最高级+名词复数,表示“最……之一”,固定句型;popular的最高级是most popular。故填most popular。
30.句意:谈论你的感受可以帮助你解决问题。play a part in doing sth.“在做某事中起作用”,空处用help的动名词。故填helping。
31.with 32.sells 33.there 34.colorful 35.too 36.difference 37.children’s 38.interested 39.fewer 40.Finally
31.句意:《哈利·波特与混血王子》这本书很受孩子们的欢迎。根据“The book Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince is popular...children.”可知,这本书很受孩子们的欢迎,be popular with“受……欢迎”,故填with。
33.句意:你可以到处看到和听到关于这本书的广告。根据“You can see and hear the advertisements (广告) about the book here and...”可知,此处是here and there“到处”。故填there。
35.句意:我们也有自己的文化。根据“Every country has a long history and...culture. We have our own culture, ...”可知,我们也有自己的文化,肯定句句末,表示“也”,应用too。故填too。
38.句意:所以孩子们对它们不感兴趣。根据“So children aren’t...in them.”可知,孩子们对它们不感兴趣,be interested in“对……感兴趣”,故填interested。
39.句意:第二,越来越少的孩子喜欢读同样的故事。根据“...children enjoy reading the same stories.”可知,越来越少的孩子喜欢读同样的故事,fewer“更少的”符合语境,故填fewer。
41.excited 42.comfortably 43.makes 44.to stop 45.himself 46.writer 47.came 48.most popular 49.helping 50.find
41. 句意:爷爷要从佛罗里达搬到他们的城市,他的家人都很兴奋。exciting一般修饰物,修饰人用形容词excited“感到兴奋的”。故填excited。
44.句意:最后,他们都想停止战争,因为他们真的爱对方。want to do sth“想要做某事”。故填to stop。
45. 句意:爷爷想出了一个主意,为他自己腾出一个房间,所以彼得得到了他的房间。根据“so Peter gets his room back.”可知,应是爷爷想办法为他自己腾出了一个房间,用反身代词himself。故填himself。
46.句意:这个故事出自美国作家Robert Kimmel Smith的《祖孙大战》一书。根据“an American…Robert Kimmel Smith.”可知,此处指“美国作家”,writer“作家”,an后跟单数名词。故填writer。
47.句意:虽然它是1984年出版的,但仍然很受年轻人的欢迎。由时间状语in 1984可知,时态是一般过去时,所以空处用过去式。故填came。
48. 句意:2020年,它被拍成了电影,成为世界上最受欢迎的电影之一。one of the+形容词最高级+名词复数,表示“最……之一”,固定句型。popular的最高级是most popular。故填most popular。
49.句意:谈论你的感受可以帮助你解决问题。play a part in doing sth“在做某事中起作用”,空处用help的动名词。故填helping。
51.a 52.gave 53.my 54.truly 55.the most interesting 56.to learn 57.more 58.but 59.for 60.photos
51.句意:然后有一天,我姑姑给我买了一本书作为生日礼物。根据“Then one day my aunt bought me…book for my birthday.”可知,空后为单数名词book,是以辅音音素开头,此处应填不定冠词a“一个”,表泛指。故填a。
52.句意:当她给我的时候,我有点不高兴。give“给”,动词。根据“When she…it to me, I was a little unhappy.”可知,句子时态为一般过去时,此处应用动词give的过去式gave。故填gave。
53.句意:它似乎不是很有趣,我想要手机上的新游戏。I“我”,为人称代词的主格。根据“I wanted new games for…phone”可知,空后为名词phone,此处应填形容词性物主代词作定语来修饰名词,I的形容词性物主代词为my“我的”。故填my。
54.句意:我发现它是如此有趣,以至于我完全忘记了时间。true“真正的”,形容词。根据“I found it was so interesting that I…forgot about time.”可知,此处指的是“我完全忘记了时间”,应用副词来修饰动词forgot,true的副词形式为truly“完全地”。故填truly。
55.句意:从那以后,我发现观鸟是世界上最有趣的事情之一。interesting“有趣的”,形容词。根据“I found watching birds was one of…things in the world.”可知,one of+the+形容词最高级+可数名词复数“最……的……之一”,此处应填形容词interesting的最高级形式。故填the most interesting。
56.句意:为了看鸟,我需要读书去了解鸟。learn“学习”,动词。根据“I needed to read books…about birds.”可知,此处指的是需要读书去了解鸟,空处应用动词不定式作目的状语。故填to learn。
57.句意:现在我知道了比以前更多的鸟的名字,我能说出它们的样子,它们如何飞行以及在哪里能找到它们。根据“Now I know…birds’ names than before”可知,than“比”,此处应用形容词many的比较级more“更多的”。故填more。
58.句意:观鸟很有趣,但并不容易。根据“Watching birds is interesting…not easy.”可知,观鸟很有趣,但并不容易;此处应用but“但是”,表转折。故填but。
59.句意:有时候我不得不在一个地方待很久,还要带着很重的双筒望远镜和相机。根据“Sometimes I have to stay in one place…a long time”可知,此处指的是“有时候我不得不在一个地方待很久”,应用介词for,for+一段时间,表示动作的延续性。故填for。
60.句意:但是当你发现一只漂亮的鸟并拍照时,那真是令人兴奋。photo“照片”,可数名词。根据“when you find a beautiful bird and take…of it”可知,此处指的是发现一只漂亮的鸟并拍照,应用名词photo的复数形式。故填photos。
61.a 62.better 63.looking 64.directly 65.their 66.if /because 67.others 68.eyes 69.Second 70.for
62.句意:一些学生认为使用iPad更好,因为iPad可以给他们更多的选择。根据“because iPads can give them more choices.”可知,此空应填good“好的”的比较级形式,故填better。
66.句意:如果老师能把所有的家庭作业都发到他们的iPad上,家庭作业就不会轻易忘记。/家庭作业不会轻易忘记,因为老师可以把所有的家庭作业都发到他们的iPad上。分析句子可知,本句为条件状语从句或者原因状语从句,用if“如果”和because“因为”引导均可,故填if /because。
67.句意:但也有人认为书籍对学习更有帮助。根据“But...think that books are more helpful for learning.”可知,此处指其他人,others“其他人”符合题意,故填others。
68.句意:首先,读书不会伤害他们的眼睛。根据“First, reading books won’t hurt their...”可知,此处指他们的眼睛,应填可数名词复数,故填eyes。
69.句意:其次,他们在书中读到的东西可以给他们留下更深的印象。根据“First, reading books won’t hurt their...”可知,此处指第二,second符合题意,故填Second。
70.句意:第三,一些学生通常在学校用iPad玩游戏,这对他们的学习不利。be bad for“对……有害”,故填for。
71.sitting 72.illness 73.since 74.first 75.him 76.laughter 77.the 78.happier 79.fictions 80.of
71.句意:不久前,我坐在休斯顿一家医院的病床旁。根据was可知,此处是过去进行时,其结构为was/were doing,sit的现在分词是sitting。故填sitting。
72.句意:这让我很困扰,所以我们俩整天无所事事,只是无聊地聊着生病的事。talk about sth“谈论某事”,此处要用ill的名词形式illness“疾病”。故填illness。
73.句意:我父亲从小就喜欢读书。根据“My father had always been a reader ever...he was young.”可知,时态为过去完成时,用since“自从”连接表示自从他小时候。故填since。
74.句意:我第一次开始为我父亲读它们。for the first time“首次、第一次”,固定搭配,空处应用one的序数词形式。故填first。
75.句意:那天下午,我给他读了一个小时的书。根据“I read to... (he) for an hour”可知,此处缺宾语,he的宾格是him。故填him。
76.句意:在那期间,我总是能听到他的笑声。根据“I could always hear his...”可知,空处缺名词,laugh的名词是laughter“笑声”。故填laughter。
77.句意:我逐渐认识到,阅读是一种使人们在困难面前感到快乐的方式。in the face of“面对”,固定搭配。故填the。
79.句意:一项研究表明,小说有助于人们放松,诗歌可以产生新的想法,感受和记忆。根据“and poems”可知,空处与此处为并列关系,应用复数形式。故填fictions。
80.句意:事实上,几乎任何种类的书都可能是有用的。any kind of“任何种类的”,固定搭配。故填of。
81.reading 82.hobbies 83.aunt’s 84.reading 85.go 86.knowledge 87.them 88.younger 89.on 90.difference
84.句意:当我到那时,我看到我的表弟正在他的房间里看书。分析句子可知,此处使用固定短语see sb. doing sth.,表示“看到某人正在做某事”,read的现在分词是reading。故填reading。
85.句意:为什么不出去玩呢?分析句子可知,此处是句型Why not do sth. 表示“为什么不做某事呢?”因此Why not后面接动词原形;go out“出去”。故填go。
86.句意:“我不这么认为。阅读真的很有趣,而且我可以从我的书中获得很多知识。”分析句子可知,a lot of修饰可数名词复数或不可数名词,knowledge“知识”,不可数名词。故填knowledge。
87.句意:然后我的表弟问了我一些问题,但是大多数我答不上来。分析句子可知,介词of 后面接名词或代词的宾格形式;they“它们”,人称代词主格,对应的人称代词的宾格形式是them。故填them。
89.句意:从那时起,我决定比以前更加多读书。分析句子可知,此处使用介词on构成固定短语from then on,表示“从那时起”。故填on。
90.句意:你肯定会有所作为。分析句子可知,此处使用different的名词形式difference构成固定短语make a difference,表示“有影响,有作为”。故填difference。
91.their 92.the 93.saw 94.for 95.How 96.kept 97.easily 98.showing 99.With 100.better
93.句意:几年前,图书馆馆长阿列克谢·卡拉班在瑞典的一个机场看到了一个大玻璃盒子,里面装着书,任何人都可以免费阅读。see“看见”,是动词,根据“several years ago”可知,此处用一般过去时,故填saw。
99.句意:在这么多人的帮助下,每年都有更多这样的“安全”地方被发现。固定短语with the help of表示“在……的帮助下”,故填With。
100.句意:如今,图书漂流比以前更广为人知了。well“好地”,是副词,根据“than before”可知,此处用比较级,故填better。



上一篇:Unit4 A good read短文首字母填空精准练(含解析)牛津译林版八年级下册
