人教版新目标八年级下册Unit3Could you please clean your room?提升培优卷(含解析)

1.—Could you please do the dishes —________. I cut my finger and I m trying not to get it wet.
A. Yes, sure B. No problem
C. Sorry, I m afraid I can t D. That would be fine
2.—________ I take a seat here —No, you can t. They re only for the old and children.
A. May B. Must C. Will
3.Susan s mother was very happy today, because Susan ________ her little brother when she wasn t at home.
A. agreed with B. depended on C. worked on D. took care of
4.During the exam, _________ you are, _________ mistakes you ll make.
A. the more careful; the less B. the more careful; the fewer
C. the more careless; the less D. the more careless; the fewer
5.—Which color do you like, red or blue —________. I like green.
A. Either B. Both C. Neither D. None
6.—Didn t Frank know the cause of the accident —Yes. He kept quiet about it ________ lose his job.
A. not in order to B. in not order to C. in order not to D. in order to not
7.—Yang Ming, could you please teach me Chinese —________.
A. Not at all B. It is a big deal C. With pleasure D. That's all right
8.I'm sure there is no need ________ you ________ with such a young man.
A. of; to talk B. of; talking C. for; talk D. for; to talk
9.—Can I ________ a dictionary from you, Lucy —Sure. But you can only ________ it for a week.
A. borrow; keep B. lend; lend C. borrow; lend D. lend; keep
10.—I heard Jerry fell ________. Does he feel better now —Yes, he does. Maybe he can go back to school tomorrow.
A. ill B. blind C. healthy D. strong
A few weeks ago, I found a beautiful pair of shoes waiting for me at the store. They were green, blue, red and white, with just the right style. I could almost hear them calling (11) —“ Leila, Leila, Leila!”
“Mom!” I pointed at the (12) shoes. “Those are the ones I need! Can I have them Please ”
“Let s see how (13) they are,” said Mom.
My heart broke when we saw the price—$100! I knew Mom would (14) buy them. “I only have $25,” Mom said. I (15) what I was going to do.
Autumn was surely here. The days were (16) , and the leaves were falling from the trees. I was looking out of the window one afternoon, watching the fallen leaves in the yard when I got a(n) (17) . I ran downstairs.
“Mom,” I called into the living room. “I think I know (18) I can make money to buy those shoes!”
Mom looked up from her book. “And how s that, Leila ”
“People want their (19) clean and tidy. I can rake(耙)leaves for them.”
A smile slowly appeared on Mom s face. “Now that s a good idea!”
Each week, I (20) leaves in people s yards and took them away. It took five (21) of hard work. I raked leaves until I got blisters(水疱)on my hands. My coats and trousers got dirty, but I didn t (22) . As time went by, I was getting closer to my dream shoes. In the end, I got enough (23) .
The big day finally came. Mom drove me to the store, and I walked (24) into the shoe store. I found the shoes I d wanted so much and tried them on in my size. They fit me (25) ! I finally had the right shoes I wanted!
11.A. me B. you C. him D. them
12.A. big B. old C. ugly D. colorful
13.A. funny B. heavy C. expensive D. different
14.A. always B. usually C. sometimes D. never
15.A. hated B. agreed C. refused D. wondered
16.A. darker B. cooler C. wetter D. longer
17.A. gift B. idea C. e-mail D. photo
18.A. how B. why C. when D. whether
19.A. stores B. rooms C. yards D. schools
20.A. talked about B. played with C. listened to D. picked up
21.A. days B. weeks C. hours D. years
22.A. care B. decide C. follow D. answer
23.A. time B. money C. coats D. shoes
24.A. sadly B. angrily C. excitedly D. secretly
25.A. well B. only C. very D. also
It was half past five in the evening when Nancy came home from work. She walked into the living room and looked at her three children.
The children were fourteen, eleven and eight years old. They were watching TV happily.
The room was dirty and untidy. There were empty glasses and dirty clothes on the floor. Toys were here and there.
Nancy got angry. “What a mess!” she said to her children. “I work all day and have to do housework all evening. I m very tired. I need to have a good rest. I won t do the housework any more!”
Nancy did as she said. She didn t do any housework. Every evening she sat on the sofa and watched TV. A week later, every dish in the kitchen was dirty. All the children s clothes were dirty, too. Every rubbish bag was full.
Then one day Nancy got very surprised when she came home from work. The kitchen was clean. The children had cleaned it!
The next day, when Nancy got home, she found the living room was clean, and the children were washing their clothes. Nancy was happy and went to help them.
Now Nancy and her three children do the housework together. Then they all sit on the sofa and watch TV.
26.Nancy usually ________ in the evening before she got angry.
A. cleaned the house B. watched TV all the time
C. sat on the sofa and talked with her children D. did the housework with her children
27.Nancy s youngest child was ________ years old.
A. six B. eight C. eleven D. fourteen
28.Every day when Nancy got home, ________.
A. the dishes were clean B. the room was dirty and untidy
C. the children were playing with their toys D. the children were doing their homework
29.Nancy was surprised when she got home one day, because ________.
A. the rubbish bags were full B. the children were not at home
C. the children were cooking dinner D. the children had cleaned the kitchen
30.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage
A. Nancy came home from work at 5:30 p.m.
B. Nancy didn t do the housework for a week.
C. The children were too young to wash their clothes.
D. Now Nancy and her children do chores together before watching TV.
Life is competitive—some kids can do something faster or better than other kids. This might not seem fair, but all people are different and how well you can do something is different from others. This means there are "winners" and "losers". and lots of people are neither winners nor losers but in-between. You can choose to be a good winner or an even better loser whether you are competing against others or yourself. Being a good winner No one likes a "show off". No one likes someone who takes all the praise for the efforts of a team. No one likes people who put others down to make themselves look good. To be a good winner you need to: ◆Be modest (谦虚的). ◆Thank those who helped you for their efforts. ◆Keep trying to improve your skills. ◆Aim for the next step up in whatever you are doing well. Being an even better loser Of course it's disappointing to lose, especially if you are close to winning. Behaving badly or angrily, name-calling and going on about things being "unfair" won't change the final result and will only make you look like a bad sport. And no one likes bad sports, either. To be an even better loser you need to: ◆Behave politely, nicely and kindly. ◆Congratulate the other team. ◆Keep any negative (消极的) thoughts to yourself—at least until you are away from the game. It's OK to let out your negative thoughts to your best friend or parents later. And if you don't do very well in a game, try harder to learn for the next one. Improving yourself makes you a winner, too.
31.What can we learn from the first paragraph
A. We are either losers or winners.
B. We should face winning and losing properly.
C. We can do nothing about winning and losing.
D. We are always competing with others not ourselves.
32.What should a better loser do when losing
A. Let out his anger to his parents at once.
B. Express his negative feelings in the game.
C. Try harder to improve himself in the next game.
D. Behave badly to his team members or competitors.
33.Which one is NOT proper if we succeed
A. Going on improving our skills.
B. Telling our team members to aim higher.
C. Thanking our team members for their efforts.
D. Putting down others to make ourselves look good.
34.Who is probably a bad loser
A. Tom keeps saying the game is unfair when he loses.
B. Jim encourages his teammates after their team loses.
C. Anna thanks her coach for what he has done though she fails.
D. Cindy shows her congratulations to other competitors even if she fails.
35.What is the passage written for
A. Telling us what we can learn from losing.
B. Offering advice on what we can do to win.
C. Encouraging us to become a winner instead of a loser.
D. Giving advice on how to deal with winning and losing.
An 11-year-old boy from Germany has caused an event. He said he's the victim (受害者)of forced labor because his mother asks him to do the chores.
He even called the police station to complain (抱怨)he was being treated like a slave (奴隶)after his mother told him to do the chores.
Household tasks such as washing up and cleaning the home are boring for all but the tidiest among us. But this young boy's actions have made it clear just how much he hates housework.
Police say the boy from Aachen, who has not been identified, spoke to an officer on the 110 number. Clearly unwilling to carry out boring jobs, he said: "I have to work all day long. I haven't any free hobby."
His mum replied: "He plays all day long and when told to tidy up what he's done, he calls it forced labor." She also said that he'd been threatening (威胁)to call them having complained about having to lend a helping hand around the house during the summer holidays.
Lots of kids are unwilling to do it when it comes to cleaning. But how can they be encouraged so parents don't end up working hard Perhaps pocket money is a good encouragement. Money or reward is often a good way to get people to work hard.
Or maybe if he understood the true meaning of "forced labor" he'd stop complaining about being treated like a slave!
(1) 回答问题。
Why did the boy say he was the victim of forced labor
(2) 用英语列举文中提到的两个令人厌烦的家务事。①________ ②________
(3) 从文中找出与“Many children are unwilling to do the cleaning.”意思相同或相近的句子。_______________________________________________________________________________
(4) 根据短文内容填空。每空不超过3个单词。
An 11-year-old boy from Aachen, Germany was unwilling to do ①________, so he spoke to an officer on the 110 number, saying that he had to work all day long and hadn t ②________.
Many parents want to let their kids enjoy themselves when they're still young. Others may think children can't finish the housework as well as possible. They seem to be right, but they don't realize (意识到) the importance of giving kids chores. There are several reasons for doing chores for kids.
Chores help improve life skills (技能). They're young now, but when they grow up, they need to do washing, cooking and cleaning. They can't learn them at school. Learning these skills at home is important.
Chores help kids learn to be independent. Cleaning their rooms or washing their clothes can make them less dependent on others. They will think they can take care of themselves.
Chores help teach them to respect (尊重) others. They often can't realize what their parents do around the house until they move away from home. They may realize the mess of their rooms by doing housework themselves, so they can respect their parents' work at home.
Chores help improve planning skills. It feels like there are a lot of things to do in a day. How to spend time on them Chores can help older kids build good habits early. They learn to plan their time in a right way. It is also an important skill for them in the future.
(1) What does the writer think of some parents who don't let their children do chores (不超过5词)
(2) Where can the kids learn life skills according to the passage (不超过5个词) _______________________________________________________________________________
(3) When do kids think they can look after themselves (不超过5个词) _______________________________________________________________________________
(4) How can kids realize the mess of their rooms (不超过5个词) _______________________________________________________________________________
(5) What is the last paragraph mainly about(不超过5个词)
38.finger, my, her, mother, yesterday, cut
39. delicious meals, her, for, I, prepared
40. took, of, I, her, carefully, care
41. no, there was, difficulty, cooking, in
42spend, time, their, on, they, school, work, should_____________.
43.Ⅰ.Complete the sentences with proper words according to the Chinese or the first letters given.
(1) Ann, turn your radio down, or you'll wake up your (邻居).
(2) The (更早) kids learn to be independent, the better future they will have.
(3) Some students spend much of their time on schoolwork in o to get good grades.
(4) Playing computer games is a w of time. Also, it s bad for eyes.
(5) It's important for you to find a good way to relax if you have too much s at school.
(6) She (发展) the company from nothing and finally she made a big success last year.
(7) —Which would you like, apple juice or orange juice —N . I'd like some coffee.
(8) —Could I borrow your bookThe Old Man and the Sea —Sorry, I l it to Peter last Sunday.
(9) When he was i in hospital, his classmates went to help him with his studies every day.
(10) The glass d onto the floor and broke into pieces.
44.本单元以“家务、杂务”为话题,请用I think, help sb. (to) do, do chores, sweep the floor, make the bed, develop one's independence, look after (take care of)并结合课本内容写一篇30~50词的小短文,体裁不限。
【解析】句意:——请你洗碗好吗?——对不起,恐怕不行。我割破了手指,我尽量不弄湿它。考查情景交际。Yes, sure是的,可以;No problem没问题;Sorry, I'm afraid I can't对不起,恐怕不行;That would be fine那太好了。根据答语I'm trying not to get it wet可知,我尽量不弄湿我的手指,所以我不能洗碗,故应对请求表示拒绝。故选C。
【解析】句意——我可以坐在这儿吗?——不,你不能,它们只为老人和孩子提供。A. may也许,或许,可以;B. must必须;C. will将要。根据: I take a seat here?可知:我可以坐这里吗,表示委婉请求,用may,故选A。
【解析】句意:苏珊的妈妈今天很高兴,因为当她不在家的时候,苏珊照顾了她的小弟弟。A.agreed with同意;B.depended on依靠;C.worked on从事;D.took care of照顾。根据Susan s mother was very happy today.苏珊的妈妈今天很高兴。可知,应该是苏珊照顾了她的小弟弟,故选D。
【解析】句意:考试时,你越小心,犯的错误就越少。用the+比较级+主谓,the+比较级+主谓,意为"越……越……",固定句型。根据During the exam可知,用形容词careful小心,比较级是the more careful;less较少的,little的比较级,修饰不可数名词;fewer是few的比较级,修饰可数名词复数。mistakes是复数,用fewer修饰。
【解析】句意:——你喜欢哪一个颜色,红色还是蓝色?——都不(喜欢)。我喜欢绿色。A.两者中任何一个;B.两者都;C.两者中任何一个都不;D.三者或者三者以上中任何一个都不。根据问句中的red or blue可知是两者,故排除选项D;根据后面的句子I like green.可知,此空用neither来说明红色和蓝色任何一个都不喜欢,故选C。
【解析】句意:——弗兰克不知道事故的原因吗?——是的。他对此保持沉默,为了不丢掉他的工作。in order to意为“为了”,动词不定式的否定形式是在to前加not,故选C。
【解析】点拨:Not at all不客气;It is a big deal它是件大事;With pleasure很愿意;That's all right不客气。问句提出一个请求,回答应为肯定或否定;而交际用语语气要委婉。C项表示答应对方请求,符合语境。其他三项均不用于回答请求,故选C。
【解析】句意:我认为你没有必要和年轻人这么说话。句型:there is no need for sb. to do sth. "对于某人没有必要做某事“,结合句意和选项可知选D。
1. 略
2. 略
3. 略
4. 略
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7. 略
8. 略
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11. 略
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13. 略
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15. 略
1. 根据文章第三段句子The room was dirty and untidy. There were empty glasses and dirty clothes on the floor. Toys were here and there.房间又脏又乱。地板上有空杯子和脏衣服。玩具随处可见。和第四段南希生气时所说的话I work all day and have to do housework all evening.我整天工作,晚上还得做家务。由此可知,南希通常在晚上下班后得打扫房子,然后她就很生气。故选A。
2. 根据文章第二段第一句The children were fourteen, eleven and eight years old.孩子们分别为十四岁、十一岁、八岁。由此可知,南希最小的孩子是八岁。故选B。
3. 根据文章第三段第一句The room was dirty and untidy.房间又脏又乱。和第五段最后三句A week later, every dish in the kitchen was dirty. All the children s clothes were dirty, too. Every rubbish bag was full.一周后,厨房里的每一个餐具都是脏的。孩子们的衣服也都是脏的。每个垃圾袋都是满的。由此可以推断出,每天南希到家的时候,房间都是又脏又乱。故选B。
4. 根据文章倒数第三段句子Then one day Nancy got very surprised when she came home from work. The kitchen was clean. The children had cleaned it!后来有一天,南希下班回家时感到非常惊讶。厨房很干净。孩子们把它打扫干净了!由此可知,有一天,南希下班回家时感到非常惊讶,是因为孩子们把厨房打扫干净了。故选D。
5. 根据文章最后一段句子Now Nancy and her three children do the housework together. Then they all sit on the sofa and watch TV.现在南希和她的三个孩子一起做家务。然后他们都坐在沙发上看电视。因此D选项是正确答案。故选D。
1. 略
2. 略
3. 略
4. 略
5. 略
36.【答案】【小题1】Because his mother asks him to do the chores.
【小题2】①washing up ②cleaning the home
【小题3】Lots of kids are unwilling to do it when it comes to cleaning.
【小题4】①the chores ②any free hobby
【解析】1. 问题:为什么这个男孩说他是强迫劳动的受害者?由文章第一段中“He said he's the victim(受害者)of forced labor because his mother asks him to do the chores. 他说他是强迫劳动的受害者是因为他的妈妈要求他做家务。”可知,他这么说的原因是因为他的妈妈要求他做家务,句首字母要大写,故填Because his mother asks him to do the chores.
2. 根据文中第三段“Household tasks such as washing up and cleaning the home are boring for all but the tidiest among us. 除了最整洁的人之外,诸如洗碗和打扫房间这样的家务活对我们所有人来说都是令人厌烦的。”可知,洗碗和打扫房间是两件令人厌烦的家务事,故填①washing up ②cleaning the home。
3. 例句:很多孩子都不愿意打扫卫生。关键词:children,unwilling,cleaning,通过在文中查找关键词可知,文章倒数第二段第一句“Lots of kids are unwilling to do it when it comes to cleaning. 当要打扫卫生时,很多孩子都不愿意做。”和例句意思相近,故填Lots of kids are unwilling to do it when it comes to cleaning.
4. 句意:一名来自德国亚琛的11岁男孩不愿意做家务,于是他打电话给110的一名官员说,他不得不整天工作,没有任何自由的业余爱好。由文章第二段“He even called the police station to complain(抱怨)he was being treated like a slave(奴隶)after his mother told him to do the chores. 他甚至打电话给警察局抱怨说他的母亲要求他做家务,他认为他被当作奴隶一样。”可知他不想做家务;由文章第四段“...he said: “I have to work all day long. I haven t any free hobby.”他说:“我不得不整天工作,我没有任何自由的业余爱好。””可知,此题是文中原句,故填①the chores ②any free hobby。
37.【答案】【小题1】They are not quite right.
【小题2】At home.
【小题3】When they are less dependent on others.
【小题4】By doing housework themselves.
【小题5】Chores help improve planning skills.
【解析】1. 略
2. 略
3. 略
4. 略
5. 略
38.【答案】My mother cut her finger yesterday
39.【答案】I prepared delicious meals for her
40.【答案】I took care of her carefully
41.【答案】There was no difficulty in cooking
42.【答案】They should spend their time on school work./They should spend time on their school work.
【解析】1. 略
2. 略
3. 略
4. 略
5. 略
6. 略
7. 略
8. 略
9. 略
10. 略
44.【答案】I think children should do chores on weekends or during holidays. For example, they can help their parents make the bed and sweep the floor. Because doing chores helps to develop their independence and teaches them how to look after themselves.




下一篇:牛津译林版八年级下册Unit2 Travelling Reading 大练 (无答案)