
宜城市2023—2024 学年度上学期期末学业质量测试
(本试卷共6页, 满分90分, 考试时间100分钟)
1. 答卷前, 考生务必将自己的姓名、考试号填写在试题卷和答题卡上, 并将考试号条形码粘贴在答题卡上指定位置。
2. 选择题每小题选出答案后, 用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑, 如需改动, 用橡皮擦干净后, 再选涂其它答案标号, 答在试题卷上无效。
3. 非选择题 (主观题) 用0.5毫米的黑色签字笔直接答在答题卡上每题对应的答题区域内, 答在试题卷上无效。
4. 考试结束后, 请将本试题卷自己保留, 答题卡上交。
选择题 (客观题) (共55分)
一、选择填空 (本大题共10小题, 每小题1分, 满分10分)
从每小题A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。)
1. —Do you like “A thousand-mile journey begins with the first ________”
—Yes. It’s a famous Chinese saying by Laozi.
A. step B. mind C. hand D. foot
2. —Do you know the idiom (成语) “Meng’s mother makes three moves”
—Yes. It tells that a mother did all she could to offer her child the best ________.
A. invitation B. information C. experience D. environment
3. — I heard Guanjiaxiang in Xiangyang opened up the street on the last day of 2023.
— Yes. I had fun there to celebrate the ________ of the new year.
A. ending B. opening C. beginning D. programming
4. —The live streamer (直播货主) Dong Yuhui ________ to become famous overnight.
—In fact, that’s the result of years of his hard work.
A. seemed B. planned C. advised D. expected
5. —Do you know that a terrible earthquake (地震) ________ in Ganshu on the morning of December 19th.
—Yes. More than 110 people died.
A. ended B. shook C. arrived D. happened
6. —I heard both you and your friend bought EVs (新能源车) made in China. Why
—We ________ this kind of cars to save money and the earth.
A. gave B. hoped C. chose D. advised
7. —China’s homegrow C919 large aircraft test flight (国产大飞机试飞) was successful on May 28th, 2023.
—All the Chinese people were ________ excited about it.
A. hardly B. truly C. quickly D. beautifully
8. — Granpa, you said you wrote to your friends far away when you were young. Then ________ did you write to them
— About twice a month.
A. How far B. How often C. How long D. How soon
9. —The Spring Festival is one of the ________ festivals in China.
—Not only that now, but it is a United Nations’ holiday!
A. best B. earliest C. most expensive D. most traditional
10. —What are your parents doing besides working these days
—They are ________ the Spring festival, like cleaning up the house or shopping.
A. finding out B. hanging out C. looking for D. preparing for
二、完形填空 (本大题共10小题, 每小题1分, 满分10分)
A woman in a small village was not happy with her life. She thought she always had problems.
One day, a wise (充满智慧的) old man came and lived in her village. Many people went to him with their problems and asked for ____11____. The woman also ____12____ to visit the old man.
The woman arrived at the old man’s house one morning, but she didn’t meet him until evening. When she finally met the old man, she said, “Sir, I am upset about my life. Problems are always around me. Please tell me ____13____ to end them.”
The old man said, “It’s too ____14____ today. I will answer your question tomorrow. Will you do a small job for me ”
The woman thought for one minute and ____15____
“There are 20 camels (骆驼) behind my house. I want you to take care of them tonight. You can’t go to sleep ____16____ all of them sit down,” the old man said.
The next morning, the old man asked the woman, “Did you sleep well ”
The woman replied, “I couldn’t sleep ____17____ for a minute. I tried hard but I couldn’t make all camels sit down. If I made one camel sit down, then another one would stand up. It made me tired and ____18____.”
The old man said, “Life is ____19____. If you solve one problem, another will appear. Just ____20____ who you are and life as what is like. And learn to solve problems one by one and enjoy life.”
A. news B. hope C. advice D. service
A. forgot B. learned C. refused D. decided
A. how B. what C. when D. where
A. late B. cold C. easy D. early
A. tried B. agreed C. appeared D. discussed
A. if B. though C. after D. unless
A. ever B. only C. even D. again
A. ready B. angry C. normal D. available
A. fresh B. similar C. normal D. dangerous
A. mix B. stand C. cover D. accept
三、阅读理解 (本大题共两节, 满分35分)
第一节 (共15小题, 每小题2分, 满分30分)
阅读下面三篇材料, 根据材料内容从每小题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出一个最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
2023 “Xiangyang in My Eyes” Photo Competition
Are you interested in taking photos Do you want to show your best photo of Xiangyang and win a big prize Then join us and follow these steps Now!
Snap (拍照) it!
Take a photo on the subject “New Era (时代), New Xiangyang”.
★Photos should show how Xiangyang has developed (发展) in the last years, including (包括) wonderful life or special sights (风景) in Xiangyang.
★A person can post no more than 4 photos. Both black-and-white photos and color ones are welcome.
Upload (上传) it!
Upload the photo at www..
Describe it!
Try to describe the photo with words and catch people’s eyes.
Share it!
Share the post with your friends and invite your friends to “Like” your photos.
The more “Likes” you get, the more possibly you will win.
First Prize 1 winner 3,000 RMB
Second Prize 3 winners 2,000 RMB
Third Prize 6 winners 1,000 RMB
The competition is open to people of all ages for free! Don’t forget to upload your photos before December 30th, 2023!
21. Which of the following fits (适合) the subject of the photo competition
A. The development of Xiangyang. B. The good schools in Xiangyang.
C. The delicious food in Xiangyang. D. The famous people in Xiangyang.
22. To enter (进入) the photo competition, Gina should ________.
A. pay some money B. be good at taking photos
C. upload her photos before August D. post some photos with words
23. From the article, we know ________.
A. only color photos can be accepted
B. over 20 people can get prizes in the end
C a person should upload at least four photos
D. anyone interested in taking photos can take part in the competition
24. The writer writes the article to ________.
A. teach people how to take good photos B. ask people to enjoy their wonderful life
C. expect people to come to show their skills D. invite people to take part in a photo competition
25. We may see the article in the part of “________” in a newspaper.
A. Life B. Sports C. People D. Business (生意)
A new way of traveling is getting popular in China this year. It’s called “special forces style tourism (特种兵式旅游)”. It means people travel to many places in a short time, usually on weekends. Most of these visitors are university students.
Zhang Yinghua is one of them. The 21-year-old young man started his “special forces style tourism” in March. “Because of COVID-19 (疫情), we couldn’t travel around in the past three years,” said Zhang. “But it’s different now. We can go out to take trips and have fun.” Zhang’s last trip was to Beijing. During the two days, he visited a lot of places, like the Palace Museum and the Summer Palace. “Thanks to the trip, I can know Beijing better,” said Zhang.
Chen Xiaowen a student at China Three Gorges University, likes to relax herself by traveling. In April, she took a one-day trip to Wuhan. After getting off the train at 7:00 a.m., she went to nine places of interest in Wuhan. That day, she walked about 40,000 steps.
“The trip was a little tiring (累人的), but I enjoyed it,” Chen said. “This kind of tourism is not good for everyone. Visitors need enough energy, because they have to visit as many places of interest as they can in a short time.”
26. Which of the following is TRUE about “special forces style tourism”
A. It’s usually a week long. B. It was the idea of special forces.
C. It’s popular with university students. D. It came to an end because of COVID-19.
27. How did Zhang probably feel about his trip to Beijing
A. Long. B. Cheap. C. Tiring. D. Wonderful.
28. The underlined word “energy” means “________” in Chinese.
A. 水 B. 钱 C. 食物 D. 精力
29. What can we know about Chen’s trip to Wuhan
A. She got to Wuhan by plane. B. She walked a lot during the trip.
C. She spent much energy taking photos. D. She visited over nine places of interest.
30. What’s the best title for the passage
A. It’s time to travel B. University life in China
C. The best way to travel D. “Special forces style tourism” gets hot
Do you know about Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) (中医) Many people turn to TCM when they don’t feel well. If you want to know about it, you can watch Gen Z (《后浪》).
Gen Z is a popular TV play. In the play, Ren Xinzheng, a teacher, knows a lot about TCM. He starts a project (项目) to teach the young talent about TCM. Sun Toutou, a girl, gets into Ren’s class and learns how to help people get better through TCM. She meets many difficulties (困难), but with her hard work, she becomes an excellent doctor in the end and helps people through TCM.
In most people’s eyes, TCM is a little boring and serious. However, Gen Z makes it interesting through stories and examples. For example, it talks about the 24 Solar Terms (节气) and what people should do on these important days to stay healthy. When we watch Gen Z, we can follow the timeline of the 24 Solar Terms to learn new things and have fun at the same time!
Many people in China like watching Gen Z. ▲ They are interested in China. Watching the TV play is a great way for them to learn about TCM and Chinese culture.
Gen Z is really a wonderful TV play for people to learn about TCM in a fun way! Go and watch this great play, and you’ll find out the world of TCM for yourself!
31. What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 1 refer to
A. TCM. B. How to keep healthy.
C. Something about medicine. D. Why many people turn to TCM.
32. What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about
A. Sun Toutou’s talent. B. The story of Gen Z.
C. The reasons why Gen Z is popular. D. The difficulty of becoming a doctor.
33. After watching Gen Z, people might think that TCM is ________.
A. fun B. simple C. serious D. expensive
34. The best sentence for “▲” in Paragraph 4 is “________”.
A. There are many famous actors in it. B. They expect to watch similar plays.
C. TCM plays an important role in people’s lives. D. It’s also popular with people in other countries.
35. The writer wrote the passage mainly to ask people to ________.
A. learn Chinese culture B. watch a great TV play
C. turn to TCM when feeling bad D. learn about TCM to stay healthy
第二节 (共5小题, 每小题1分, 满分5分)
Eyes are important to you, and good eyes help you see the world clearly. ____36____ You must want to know how to take good care of your eyes. Here are some questions for you to think over.
Do you blink (眨眼睛) often You may forget to blink when staring at (盯着看) a phone, and this will make your eyes get dry. Blinking can keep your eyes wet and comfortable. Try to make it a habit when looking at a screen.
____37____ When you stare at computers or phones for a long time, your eyes often feel tired. So, try to spend less time on screens and enjoy more time with your friends and family.
Do you give your eyes lots of rest (休息) When you are watching TV or playing online games, remember to take breaks. You can try the 20-20-20 rule: After 20 minutes of work on the screen, look at something 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds. It’s really useful. ____38____ When you have enough sleep, your eyes can get ready for the work of the new day.
How many hours do you spend on outdoor (户外的) activities ____39____ The natural light (光线) and the real beauty help your eyes stay healthy.
Do you like to eat fruits and vegetables Foods like carrots, blueberries and peppers are healthy food. Your eyes need them. ____40____
Do you do the right things If not, you can start from now to take care of your eyes.
A. How much time do you spend on screens
B And don’t forget to get enough sleep at night.
C. The brightness (亮度) of your screen should be comfortable.
D. They help your eyes get the things they need to work at their best.
E. But it’s very common to see many of you wearing glasses these days.
F. Doctors say that being outdoors at least two hours a day is good for kids’ eyes.
非选择题 (主观题) (共35分)
四、语法填空 (本大题共10个空, 每空1分, 满分10分)
Dear Susan,
I’m sorry to hear that you are not feeling well these days. I know you ___41___ (make) some mistakes in the last math exam. And you are very upset. Would you mind me ___42___ (give) you some advice
It’s normal for ___43___ teenager to make some mistakes in the exam. Sometimes it’s because you are ___44___ (care), and sometimes it’s just because the exam is a little difficult for you. Don’t worry about it too much. Make sure you can learn something useful from the exam. It’s much ___45___ (important) than worrying about it. If you have problems with your math, why not ask your math teacher ___46___ help Don’t be afraid that your math teacher will be angry with you. I think your math teacher will be kind enough ___47___ (help) you. You should also be more careful when you do your homework or take an exam next time.
As long as you work hard all the time, I believe you will ___48___ (certain) get good grades in the future. Don’t be sad. When you meet some problems, you should try your best ___49___ (solve) them. ___50___ you can’t solve them yourself, you can talk with someone you trust to share them. As we know, sharing a problem is like cutting it in half.
I hope my advice can help you and things can work out soon.
五、完成句子 (本大题共20个空, 每空0.5分, 满分10分)
阅读下列各小题, 根据汉语句子提示完成句子, 并将所填答案填写在答题卡相应题号后的横线上。
51. 我最好的朋友Linda和我有一些共同之处。
My best friend Linda and I have some things ________ ________.
52. 她像我一样外向,我们两个人都很勤奋。
She is ________ ________ ________ me. and we are both hard-working.
53. Linda和我也有许多不同。例如,她不能忍受情景喜剧,因为她认为那些故事都是编造的。
Linda and I also have many differences. For example, she ________ ________ soap operas, because she thinks those stories are ________ ________.
54. 我却在表演喜剧方面有天赋,我打算成为一个喜剧演员。
But I am ________ ________ comedies, and I’m ________ ________ ________ a comedian.
55. 尽管她在许多方面不同于我,我们关心并照顾彼此,而且我们分享问题,彼此从来不保守秘密。
Though she is different from me in many ways, we ________ ________ and ________ ________ each other. And we share problems and never ________ them to ________.
六、书面表达 (本大题满分15分)
56. 从出生在一个普通家庭到毕业于西安外国语大学,从曾经的英语教师到东方甄选的高级合伙人和网络直播网红,董宇辉,2023年很火也很励志,他直播带货时中英文切换自如,传统文化和生活哲学交替,成语层出不穷,这些都源于他的实力和努力,实际上,我们每个人都能成为更好的自己,请以“Be a Better Teenager”为题,写一篇短文。
Be a Better Teenager
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________宜城市2023—2024 学年度上学期期末学业质量测试
(本试卷共6页, 满分90分, 考试时间100分钟)
1. 答卷前, 考生务必将自己的姓名、考试号填写在试题卷和答题卡上, 并将考试号条形码粘贴在答题卡上指定位置。
2. 选择题每小题选出答案后, 用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑, 如需改动, 用橡皮擦干净后, 再选涂其它答案标号, 答在试题卷上无效。
3. 非选择题 (主观题) 用0.5毫米的黑色签字笔直接答在答题卡上每题对应的答题区域内, 答在试题卷上无效。
4. 考试结束后, 请将本试题卷自己保留, 答题卡上交。
选择题 (客观题) (共55分)
一、选择填空 (本大题共10小题, 每小题1分, 满分10分)
从每小题A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。)
1. —Do you like “A thousand-mile journey begins with the first ________”
—Yes. It’s a famous Chinese saying by Laozi.
A. step B. mind C. hand D. foot
考查名词词义辨析。step脚步;mind心思;hand手;foot脚。根据“A thousand-mile journey begins”可知,此处是说路是一步一步走出来的,故选A。
2. —Do you know the idiom (成语) “Meng’s mother makes three moves”
—Yes. It tells that a mother did all she could to offer her child the best ________.
A. invitation B. information C. experience D. environment
考查名词词义辨析。invitation邀请;information信息;experience经历;environment环境。根据“Do you know the idiom (成语) ‘Meng’s mother makes three moves’”可知,此处是说环境的重要性,故选D。
3. — I heard Guanjiaxiang in Xiangyang opened up the street on the last day of 2023.
— Yes. I had fun there to celebrate the ________ of the new year.
A. ending B. opening C. beginning D. programming
考查名词辨析。ending结束;opening开幕;beginning开始;programming程序设计。根据“the new year”可知应是庆祝新年的开始,故选C。
4. —The live streamer (直播货主) Dong Yuhui ________ to become famous overnight.
—In fact, that’s the result of years of his hard work.
A. seemed B. planned C. advised D. expected
考查动词辨析。seemed似乎;planned计划;advised建议;expected期待。根据“In fact”可知此处指董宇辉似乎一夜成名,seem to do sth表示“似乎做某事”。故选A。
5. —Do you know that a terrible earthquake (地震) ________ in Ganshu on the morning of December 19th.
—Yes. More than 110 people died.
A. ended B. shook C. arrived D. happened
考查动词辨析。ended终止;shook摇动;arrived到达;happened发生。根据“a terrible earthquake (地震) ... in Ganshu on the morning of December 19th”可知,12月19日早上甘肃发生了一场地震。故选D。
6. —I heard both you and your friend bought EVs (新能源车) made in China. Why
—We ________ this kind of cars to save money and the earth.
A. gave B. hoped C. chose D. advised
考查动词辨析。gave给;hoped希望;chose选择;advised建议。根据“both you and your friend bought EVs (新能源车) made in China”可知,你和你的朋友都买了中国制造的电动汽车,所以此处是“选择这种车”,故选C。
7. —China’s homegrow C919 large aircraft test flight (国产大飞机试飞) was successful on May 28th, 2023.
—All the Chinese people were ________ excited about it.
A. hardly B. truly C. quickly D. beautifully
考查副词辨析。hardly几乎不;truly真实地;quickly快速地;beautifully漂亮地。根据“All the Chinese people were...excited about it.”可知此处介绍中国人对试飞成功的强烈感情,B选项符合。故选B。
8. — Granpa, you said you wrote to your friends far away when you were young. Then ________ did you write to them
— About twice a month.
A. How far B. How often C. How long D. How soon
考查特殊疑问词辨析。how far多远;how often多久一次;how long多长时间;how soon多久以后。根据“About twice a month”可知此处询问写信的频率,故选B。
9. —The Spring Festival is one of the ________ festivals in China.
—Not only that now, but it is a United Nations’ holiday!
A. best B. earliest C. most expensive D. most traditional
考查形容词辨析。best最好的;earliest最早的;most expensive最贵的;most traditional最传统的。根据“The Spring Festival is one of the ... festivals in China.”可知,春节是中国的传统节日。故选D。
10. —What are your parents doing besides working these days
—They are ________ the Spring festival, like cleaning up the house or shopping.
A. finding out B. hanging out C. looking for D. preparing for
考查动词短语。find out查明;hang out闲逛;look for寻找;prepare for准备。根据“like cleaning up the house or shopping.”可知春节前做购物和打扫这样的准备。故选D。
二、完形填空 (本大题共10小题, 每小题1分, 满分10分)
A woman in a small village was not happy with her life. She thought she always had problems.
One day, a wise (充满智慧的) old man came and lived in her village. Many people went to him with their problems and asked for ____11____. The woman also ____12____ to visit the old man.
The woman arrived at the old man’s house one morning, but she didn’t meet him until evening. When she finally met the old man, she said, “Sir, I am upset about my life. Problems are always around me. Please tell me ____13____ to end them.”
The old man said, “It’s too ____14____ today. I will answer your question tomorrow. Will you do a small job for me ”
The woman thought for one minute and ____15____.
“There are 20 camels (骆驼) behind my house. I want you to take care of them tonight. You can’t go to sleep ____16____ all of them sit down,” the old man said.
The next morning, the old man asked the woman, “Did you sleep well ”
The woman replied, “I couldn’t sleep ____17____ for a minute. I tried hard but I couldn’t make all camels sit down. If I made one camel sit down, then another one would stand up. It made me tired and ____18____.”
The old man said, “Life is ____19____. If you solve one problem, another will appear. Just ____20____ who you are and life as what is like. And learn to solve problems one by one and enjoy life.”
A. news B. hope C. advice D. service
A. forgot B. learned C. refused D. decided
A. how B. what C. when D. where
A. late B. cold C. easy D. early
A. tried B. agreed C. appeared D. discussed
A. if B. though C. after D. unless
A. ever B. only C. even D. again
A ready B. angry C. normal D. available
A. fresh B. similar C. normal D. dangerous
A. mix B. stand C. cover D. accept
【答案】11. C 12. D 13. A 14. A 15. B 16. D 17. C 18. B 19. B 20. D
news新闻;hope希望;advice建议;service服务。根据“with their problems ”可知人们找老人帮他们解惑,希望老人能为他们提供解决问题的建议,故选C。
forgot忘记;learned学习;refused拒绝;decided决定。根据“The woman arrived at the old man’s house one morning”可知应是决定拜访老人,故选D。
how如何;what什么;when什么时候;where在哪。根据“ Problems are always around me”可知女子是问老人解决她的难题的方法,故选A。
late晚的;cold冷的;easy容易的;early早的。根据“I will answer your question tomorrow”和“but she didn’t meet him until evening”可知应是今天太晚了,明天回答问题,故选A。
tried尽力;agreed同意;appeared出现;discussed讨论。根据“There are 20 camels behind my house. I want you to take care of them tonight”可知应是女子同意了,故选B。
if如果;though虽然;after在……之后;unless除非。根据“I tried hard but I couldn’t make all camels sit down”可知应是如果不是所有的骆驼都坐下,女人不能睡觉,故选D。
ever曾经;only仅仅;even甚至;again再。根据“for a minute”和“If I made one camel sit down, then another one would stand up”可知应是甚至一分钟都不能睡,故选C。
fresh新鲜的;similar相似的;normal正常的;dangerous危险的。根据“If you solve one problem, another will appear”可知应是相似的,故选B。
mix混合;stand站;cover覆盖;accept接受。根据“who you are and life as what is like”可知应是建议女子要首先接受现实,故选D。
三、阅读理解 (本大题共两节, 满分35分)
第一节 (共15小题, 每小题2分, 满分30分)
阅读下面三篇材料, 根据材料内容从每小题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出一个最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
2023 “Xiangyang in My Eyes” Photo Competition
Are you interested in taking photos Do you want to show your best photo of Xiangyang and win a big prize Then join us and follow these steps Now!
Snap (拍照) it!
Take a photo on the subject “New Era (时代), New Xiangyang”.
★Photos should show how Xiangyang has developed (发展) in the last years, including (包括) wonderful life or special sights (风景) in Xiangyang.
★A person can post no more than 4 photos. Both black-and-white photos and color ones are welcome.
Upload (上传) it!
Upload the photo at www..
Describe it!
Try to describe the photo with words and catch people’s eyes.
Share it!
Share the post with your friends and invite your friends to “Like” your photos.
The more “Likes” you get, the more possibly you will win.
First Prize 1 winner 3,000 RMB
Second Prize 3 winners 2,000 RMB
Third Prize 6 winners 1,000 RMB
The competition is open to people of all ages for free! Don’t forget to upload your photos before December 30th, 2023!
21. Which of the following fits (适合) the subject of the photo competition
A The development of Xiangyang. B. The good schools in Xiangyang.
C. The delicious food in Xiangyang. D. The famous people in Xiangyang.
22. To enter (进入) the photo competition, Gina should ________.
A. pay some money B. be good at taking photos
C. upload her photos before August D. post some photos with words
23. From the article, we know ________.
A. only color photos can be accepted
B. over 20 people can get prizes in the end
C. a person should upload at least four photos
D. anyone interested in taking photos can take part in the competition
24. The writer writes the article to ________.
A. teach people how to take good photos B. ask people to enjoy their wonderful life
C. expect people to come to show their skills D. invite people to take part in a photo competition
25. We may see the article in the part of “________” in a newspaper.
A. Life B. Sports C. People D. Business (生意)
【答案】21. A 22. D 23. D 24. D 25. A
细节理解题。根据“Photos should show how Xiangyang has developed (发展) in the last years”可知,照片应该能显示出襄阳在过去几年里的发展。故选A。
细节理解题。根据“Try to describe the photo with words and catch people’s eyes.”可知,要进入摄影比赛,Gina应该张贴一些带有文字的照片。故选D。
细节理解题。根据“Are you interested in taking photos ”和“The competition is open to people of all ages for free!”可知,所有对摄影感兴趣的人都可以参加这次比赛。故选D。
A new way of traveling is getting popular in China this year. It’s called “special forces style tourism (特种兵式旅游)”. It means people travel to many places in a short time, usually on weekends. Most of these visitors are university students.
Zhang Yinghua is one of them. The 21-year-old young man started his “special forces style tourism” in March. “Because of COVID-19 (疫情), we couldn’t travel around in the past three years,” said Zhang. “But it’s different now. We can go out to take trips and have fun.” Zhang’s last trip was to Beijing. During the two days, he visited a lot of places, like the Palace Museum and the Summer Palace. “Thanks to the trip, I can know Beijing better,” said Zhang.
Chen Xiaowen, a student at China Three Gorges University, likes to relax herself by traveling. In April, she took a one-day trip to Wuhan. After getting off the train at 7:00 a.m., she went to nine places of interest in Wuhan. That day, she walked about 40,000 steps.
“The trip was a little tiring (累人的), but I enjoyed it,” Chen said. “This kind of tourism is not good for everyone. Visitors need enough energy, because they have to visit as many places of interest as they can in a short time.”
26. Which of the following is TRUE about “special forces style tourism”
A. It’s usually a week long. B. It was the idea of special forces.
C. It’s popular with university students. D. It came to an end because of COVID-19.
27. How did Zhang probably feel about his trip to Beijing
A. Long. B. Cheap. C. Tiring. D. Wonderful.
28. The underlined word “energy” means “________” in Chinese.
A. 水 B. 钱 C. 食物 D. 精力
29. What can we know about Chen’s trip to Wuhan
A. She got to Wuhan by plane. B. She walked a lot during the trip.
C. She spent much energy taking photos. D. She visited over nine places of interest.
30. What’s the best title for the passage
A. It’s time to travel B. University life in China
C. The best way to travel D. “Special forces style tourism” gets hot
【答案】26. C 27. D 28. D 29. B 30. D
细节理解题。根据“It means people travel to many places in a short time, usually on weekends. Most of these visitors are university students.”可知,特种兵式旅游是受大学生欢迎的。故选C。
推理判断题。根据“Zhang’s last trip was to Beijing. During two days, he visited a lot of places like the Palace Museum and the Summer Palace. ‘Thanks to the trip, I can know Beijing better,’ said Zhang.”可推测出,张应华觉得他的北京之旅是精彩的。故选D。
词义猜测题。根据“Visitors need enough energy, because they have to visit as many places of interest as they can in a short time.”可推测出,energy的中文意思应该是“精力”,表示游客们需要有足够的精力。故选D。
细节理解题。根据“In April, she took a one-day trip to Wuhan. After getting off the train at 7:00 a.m., she went to nine places of interest in Wuhan. That day, she walked about 40,000 steps.”可知,陈晓文在武汉旅行期间走了很多路。故选B。
Do you know about Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) (中医) Many people turn to TCM when they don’t feel well. If you want to know about it, you can watch Gen Z (《后浪》).
Gen Z is a popular TV play. In the play, Ren Xinzheng, a teacher, knows a lot about TCM. He starts a project (项目) to teach the young talent about TCM. Sun Toutou, a girl, gets into Ren’s class and learns how to help people get better through TCM. She meets many difficulties (困难), but with her hard work, she becomes an excellent doctor in the end and helps people through TCM.
In most people’s eyes, TCM is a little boring and serious. However, Gen Z makes it interesting through stories and examples. For example, it talks about the 24 Solar Terms (节气) and what people should do on these important days to stay healthy. When we watch Gen Z, we can follow the timeline of the 24 Solar Terms to learn new things and have fun at the same time!
Many people in China like watching Gen Z. ▲ They are interested in China. Watching the TV play is a great way for them to learn about TCM and Chinese culture.
Gen Z is really a wonderful TV play for people to learn about TCM in a fun way! Go and watch this great play, and you’ll find out the world of TCM for yourself!
31. What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 1 refer to
A. TCM. B. How to keep healthy.
C. Something about medicine. D. Why many people turn to TCM.
32. What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about
A. Sun Toutou’s talent. B. The story of Gen Z.
C. The reasons why Gen Z is popular. D. The difficulty of becoming a doctor.
33. After watching Gen Z, people might think that TCM is ________.
A. fun B. simple C. serious D. expensive
34. The best sentence for “▲” in Paragraph 4 is “________”.
A. There are many famous actors in it. B. They expect to watch similar plays.
C. TCM plays an important role in people’s lives. D. It’s also popular with people in other countries.
35. The writer wrote the passage mainly to ask people to ________.
A. learn Chinese culture B. watch a great TV play
C. turn to TCM when feeling bad D. learn about TCM to stay healthy
【答案】31. A 32. B 33. A 34. D 35. B
细节理解题。根据第一段“Many people turn to TCM when they don’t feel well. If you want to know about it, you can watch Gen Z”可知,很多人在身体不舒服的时候求助于中医,如果你想了解它,你可以观看《后浪》,由此可知it指的是“中医”。故选A。
推理判断题。根据第三段“When we watch Gen Z, we can follow the timeline of the 24 Solar Terms to learn new things and have fun at the same time!”可知,当我们观看《后浪》时,我们可以按照24节气的时间线学习新事物,同时享受乐趣!由此推知,在观看《后浪》后,人们可能会觉得中医是有趣的。故选A。
推理判断题。根据前一句“Many people in China like watching Gen Z.”可知,很多中国人喜欢看《后浪》;根据后两句“They are interested in China. Watching the TV play is a great way for them to learn about TCM and Chinese culture.”可知,他们对中国感兴趣,看电视剧是他们了解中医和中国文化的好方法。由此推知,此处应与“外国人与这部剧”有关,D选项“它在其他国家也很受欢迎”符合语境。故选D。
推理判断题。根据最后“Gen Z is really a wonderful TV play for people to learn about TCM in a fun way! Go and watch this great play, and you’ll find out the world of TCM for yourself!”可知,作者认为《后浪》是一部精彩的电视剧,呼吁大家观看。故选B。
第二节 (共5小题, 每小题1分, 满分5分)
Eyes are important to you, and good eyes help you see the world clearly. ____36____ You must want to know how to take good care of your eyes. Here are some questions for you to think over.
Do you blink (眨眼睛) often You may forget to blink when staring at (盯着看) a phone, and this will make your eyes get dry. Blinking can keep your eyes wet and comfortable. Try to make it a habit when looking at a screen.
____37____ When you stare at computers or phones for a long time, your eyes often feel tired. So, try to spend less time on screens and enjoy more time with your friends and family.
Do you give your eyes lots of rest (休息) When you are watching TV or playing online games, remember to take breaks. You can try the 20-20-20 rule: After 20 minutes of work on the screen, look at something 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds. It’s really useful. ____38____ When you have enough sleep, your eyes can get ready for the work of the new day.
How many hours do you spend on outdoor (户外的) activities ____39____ The natural light (光线) and the real beauty help your eyes stay healthy.
Do you like to eat fruits and vegetables Foods like carrots, blueberries and peppers are healthy food. Your eyes need them. ____40____
Do you do the right things If not, you can start from now to take care of your eyes.
A. How much time do you spend on screens
B. And don’t forget to get enough sleep at night.
C. The brightness (亮度) of your screen should be comfortable.
D. They help your eyes get the things they need to work at their best.
E. But it’s very common to see many of you wearing glasses these days.
F. Doctors say that being outdoors at least two hours a day is good for kids’ eyes.
【答案】36. E 37. A 38. B 39. F 40. D
根据“You must want to know how to take good care of your eyes.”可知此处讲一些人眼睛出问题了,E项“但是现在看到你们很多人戴眼镜是很常见的。”符合语境。故选E。
根据“When you stare at computers or phones for a long time, your eyes often feel tired.”可知此处讲到花在屏幕上的时间,A项“你花在屏幕上的时间有多长?”符合语境。故选A。
根据“When you have enough sleep, your eyes can get ready for the work of the new day.”可知要有充足睡眠,B项“晚上别忘了保证充足的睡眠。”符合语境。故选B。
根据“How many hours do you spend on outdoor (户外的) activities ”可知提到户外活动,F项“医生说,每天至少在户外待两个小时对孩子的眼睛有好处。”符合语境。故选F。
根据“Foods like carrots, blueberries and peppers are healthy food. Your eyes need them.”可知讲这些健康食物的好处,D项“它们可以帮助你的眼睛获得最佳工作状态所需的物质。”符合语境。故选D。
非选择题 (主观题) (共35分)
四、语法填空 (本大题共10个空, 每空1分, 满分10分)
Dear Susan,
I’m sorry to hear that you are not feeling well these days. I know you ___41___ (make) some mistakes in the last math exam. And you are very upset. Would you mind me ___42___ (give) you some advice
It’s normal for ___43___ teenager to make some mistakes in the exam. Sometimes it’s because you are ___44___ (care), and sometimes it’s just because the exam is a little difficult for you. Don’t worry about it too much. Make sure you can learn something useful from the exam. It’s much ___45___ (important) than worrying about it. If you have problems with your math, why not ask your math teacher ___46___ help Don’t be afraid that your math teacher will be angry with you. I think your math teacher will be kind enough ___47___ (help) you. You should also be more careful when you do your homework or take an exam next time.
As long as you work hard all the time, I believe you will ___48___ (certain) get good grades in the future. Don’t be sad. When you meet some problems, you should try your best ___49___ (solve) them. ___50___ you can’t solve them yourself, you can talk with someone you trust to share them. As we know, sharing a problem is like cutting it in half.
I hope my advice can help you and things can work out soon.
【答案】41. made
42. giving 43. a
44 careless
45. more important
46. for 47. to help
48. certainly
49. to solve
50. If
句意:我知道你在上次数学考试中犯了一些错误。根据“in the last math exam”可知,从句用一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填made。
句意:你介意我给你一些建议吗?mind sb doing sth“介意某人做某事”,此空应填动名词,故填giving。
句意:这比担心它重要得多。根据than可知,此空应填比较级,故填more important。
句意:如果你在数学上有问题,为什么不找数学老师帮忙呢?ask sb for help“向某人求助”,固定搭配,故填for。
句意:我认为你的数学老师会很仁慈地帮助你的。be+形容词+enough to do sth“足够……做某事”,动词不定式作结果状语,故填to help。
句意:当你遇到一些问题时,你应该尽你最大的努力去解决它们。try one’s best to do sth“尽某人最大努力去做某事”,此空应填动词不定式,故填to solve。
句意:如果你不能自己解决问题,你可以和你信任的人分享。“you can’t solve them yourself”是“you can talk with someone you trust to share them”的肯定条件,用if引导条件状语从句,故填If。
五、完成句子 (本大题共20个空, 每空0.5分, 满分10分)
阅读下列各小题, 根据汉语句子提示完成句子, 并将所填答案填写在答题卡相应题号后的横线上。
51. 我最好的朋友Linda和我有一些共同之处。
My best friend Linda and I have some things ________ ________.
【答案】 ①. in ②. common
【详解】根据句意可知,空白处表示“共同”,应用介词短语in common,意为“共同”。故填in;common。
52. 她像我一样外向,我们两个人都很勤奋。
She is ________ ________ ________ me. and we are both hard-working.
【答案】 ①. as ②. outgoing ③. as
53. Linda和我也有许多不同。例如,她不能忍受情景喜剧,因为她认为那些故事都是编造的。
Linda and I also have many differences. For example, she ________ ________ soap operas, because she thinks those stories are ________ ________.
【答案】 ①. can’t ②. stand ③. made ④. up
【详解】分析中英文可知缺少“不能忍受”和“编造”,且时态是一般现在时。“不能”can’t,后接动词原形,“忍受”stand;“编造”make up,those stories作主语,和make up之间是动宾关系,故用被动语态,are后加过去分词构成被动语态,make的过去分词是made。故填can’t;stand;made;up。
54. 我却在表演喜剧方面有天赋,我打算成为一个喜剧演员。
But I am ________ ________ comedies and I’m ________ ________ ________ a comedian.
【答案】 ①. talented ②. in ③. going ④. to ⑤. be##become
【详解】根据中文意思可知本题考查形容词短语be talented in sth.“在某方面有天赋”和动词be/become“成为”,而由语境和“am”可知第二个句子时态为一般将来时,且其谓语结构为“be going to do”,故填talented;in;going;to;be/become。
55. 尽管她在许多方面不同于我,我们关心并照顾彼此,而且我们分享问题,彼此从来不保守秘密。
Though she is different from me in many ways, we ________ ________ and ________ ________ each other. And we share problems and never ________ them to ________.
【答案】 ①. care ②. about ③. look ④. after ⑤. keep ⑥. ourselves
【详解】根据中文意思可知本题考查动词短语care about“关心”,look after“照顾”和keep...to oneself“保密”,由语境可知句子时态为一般现在时,主语为we,所以动词应用原形,同样因为主语为we,所以最后一空的反身代词应用ourselves“我们自己”,故填care;about;look;after;keep;ourselves。
六、书面表达 (本大题满分15分)
56. 从出生在一个普通家庭到毕业于西安外国语大学,从曾经的英语教师到东方甄选的高级合伙人和网络直播网红,董宇辉,2023年很火也很励志,他直播带货时中英文切换自如,传统文化和生活哲学交替,成语层出不穷,这些都源于他的实力和努力,实际上,我们每个人都能成为更好的自己,请以“Be a Better Teenager”为题,写一篇短文。
Be a Better Teenager
Be a Better Teenager
Teenagers are the hope of our country. So we should try our best to be better teenagers and serve our country in the future.
In order to be a better teenager, I plan to do the following things. First, I should develop healthy living habits. Only in this way can I live and study well. Second, I should make a study plan and put it into action so that I can learn better. Third, I should be kind to others. When they are in need, I should give a helping hand.
In a word, if I try my best, I will become better and better.
①in order to为了
②living habits生活习惯
③put sth into action把……付诸实施
④give a helping hand给予帮助
①I should make a study plan and put it into action so that I can learn better. (so that引导目的状语从句)
②When they are in need, I should give a helping hand. (when引导时间状语从句)
③In a word, if I try my best, I will become better and better. (if引导条件状语从句)




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