2022-2023浙江省杭州市临平区人教PEP版三年级下册期中基础性学力检测英语试卷(原卷版+解析版 无听力原文及音频)

1. 听音,选单词。请选出你听到的单词。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
( ) 1. A. tail B. tall
( ) 2. A. brother B. other
( ) 3. A. funny B. family
( ) 4. A. man B. woman
( ) 5. A. friend B. children
2. 听句子,判断图片与所听内容是否相符,相符打“√”不符打“×”。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
( ) 1.
( ) 2.
( ) 3.
( ) 4.
( ) 5.
3. 听句子,选择恰当的应答语。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
( ) 1. A. I’m a girl. B. I’m from China.
( ) 2. A. She’s Amy. B. He’s Tom.
( ) 3. A. Wow, so tall. B. Wow, it is black and white.
( ) 4. A. He is my grandpa. B. No, he isn’t.
( ) 5. A. Nice to meet you. B. I’m from the USA.
4. 听音,根据括号内的字母,写出四线格中所缺的单词。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
1. The bird has long . ( e, g, l, s )
2. Mum, can I have some, please ( l, i, k, m )
3. My cat is very. ( t f, a )
4. Look, I have a new. ( n, p, e )
5. Happy birthday, Sam. A for you. ( i, t, g, f )
5. 听音,选择正确的选项。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
A. 听第一篇小短文,完成1—3小题。
( ) 1. Sandy is from ______.
A. Canada B.China C. the UK
( ) 2. The little girl is ______.
A. Sandy B. Sandy’s mother C. Sandy’s sister
( ) 3. There are ______ people(有几口人) in Sandy’s family.
A. three B. four C. five
B. 听第二篇小短文, 完成4—5小题。
( ) 4. The tiger is ______.
A. big B. big and fat C. short and fat
( ) 5. The ______ has a long tail.
A. bear B. monkey C. kangaroo
A. girl B. grandmother C. bird D. teacher E. big
6. giraffe elephant _________
7. student pupil _________
8. man woman _________
9. thin short _________
10. brother sister _________
A. small B. rabbit C. grandpa D. He E. pupil
11. —Who’s that boy
—_________ is my baby brother.
12. Ann is eight years old. She is a _________.
13. My father’s father is my _________.
14 It has long ears. It has red eyes. It is a _________.
15. Look, the kangaroo has a _________ head.
16. Look! The giraffe _________ so tall. ( )
A. is B. has
17. This is Mike. _________ is a student. ( )
A He B. She
18. I _________ big eyes and a small nose. ( )
A. am B. have
19. Look at this _________. She is my mother. ( )
A. man B. woman
20. The dog _________ big ears. ( )
A. have B. has
21. —Hi, this is my new friend, Amy. ( )
—Nice to meet you.
A. B.
22. —Who’s that old woman ( )
—She’s my grandmother.
A. B.
23. —Look at that animal. ( )
—Wow, it’s so big. It has big ears.
A. B.
24. —Is that your father ( )
—No. He’s my teacher, Mr Yang.
A. B.
25. —Hi Tina. Where are you from ( )
—I’m from the USA.
A. B.
Mr Ye: Come on, children! ____26____
All: Great!
Mike: Hi, Lisa. ____27____
Lisa: He’s Tom. He’s my new friend.
Mike: Where is he from
Lisa: ____28____
Mike: Wow! He’s very tall. ____29____
Lisa: Haha, he’s very nice. Mike, look at that panda.
Mike: It’s so fat.
Lisa: Yes. ____30____ It’s very funny.
A. He is from Canada.
B. Who’s that boy
C. Let’s go to the zoo.
D. It has a fat body and short legs.
E. And he has big eyes and a small mouth.
Hi, I’m Tom. I have five new friends. Please come to meet them. Tim is from America. He is thin. And his father is a teacher. Peter is from Australia. He is a student. He has long arms. Liu Gang is from China. He is a short boy. Sue is from Canada. She has small eyes. Ann is from the UK. She is a tall girl.
31. 根据短文内容,将人物与对应国家的标志性建筑连线。
Liu Gang Sue Peter Ann Tim
32. 上述小朋友都长什么样子呢?请根据短文内容填空,每空一词。
(1) Tim is .
(2) Ann is .
(3) Sue has eyes.
(4) Liu Gang is .
(5) Peter has arms.2022学年第二学期期中基础性学力检测样卷三年级英语
1. 听音,选单词。请选出你听到的单词。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
( ) 1. A. tail B. tall
( ) 2. A. brother B. other
( ) 3. A. funny B. family
( ) 4. A. man B. woman
( ) 5. A. friend B. children
【答案】 ①. A ②. A ③. B ④. B ⑤. A
2. 听句子,判断图片与所听内容是否相符,相符打“√”不符打“×”。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
( ) 1
( ) 2
( ) 3.
( ) 4.
( ) 5.
【答案】 ①. × ②. √ ③. √ ④. × ⑤. ×
【详解】1. Look! My dad is thin. I’m fat.
2. Big, big, make your eyes big.
3. Look at the animal. It is from Canada.
4. I have a new friend. She is from Australia.
5. Long, long, make your arms long.
3. 听句子,选择恰当的应答语。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
( ) 1. A. I’m a girl. B. I’m from China.
( ) 2. A. She’s Amy. B. He’s Tom.
( ) 3. A. Wow, so tall. B. Wow, it is black and white.
( ) 4. A. He is my grandpa. B. No, he isn’t.
( ) 5. A. Nice to meet you. B. I’m from the USA.
【答案】 ①. B ②. A ③. A ④. B ⑤. A
4. 听音,根据括号内的字母,写出四线格中所缺的单词。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
1. The bird has long . ( e, g, l, s )
2. Mum, can I have some, please ( l, i, k, m )
3. My cat is very. ( t, f, a )
4. Look, I have a new. ( n, p, e )
5. Happy birthday, Sam. A for you. ( i, t, g, f )
【答案】1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
【详解】1. The bird has long legs.
2. Mum, can I have some milk, please
3. My cat is very fat.
4. Look, I have a new pen.
5. Happy birthday, Sam. A gift for you.
5. 听音,选择正确的选项。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
A. 听第一篇小短文,完成1—3小题。
( ) 1. Sandy is from ______.
A. Canada B.China C. the UK
( ) 2. The little girl is ______.
A. Sandy B. Sandy’s mother C. Sandy’s sister
( ) 3. There are ______ people(有几口人) in Sandy’s family.
A. three B. four C. five
B. 听第二篇小短文, 完成4—5小题。
( ) 4. The tiger is ______.
A. big B. big and fat C. short and fat
( ) 5. The ______ has a long tail.
A. bear B. monkey C. kangaroo
【答案】 ①. B ②. A ③. B ④. A ⑤. B
A. girl B. grandmother C. bird D. teacher E. big
6. giraffe elephant _________
7. student pupil _________
8 man woman _________
9. thin short _________
10. brother sister _________
【答案】6. C 7. D
8. A 9. E
10. B
A. small B. rabbit C. grandpa D. He E. pupil
11. —Who’s that boy
—_________ is my baby brother.
12. Ann is eight years old. She is a _________.
13. My father’s father is my _________.
14. It has long ears. It has red eyes. It is a _________.
15. Look, the kangaroo has a _________ head.
【答案】11. D 12. E
13. C 14. B
15. A
句意:—那个男孩是谁?—他是我的弟弟。问句主语是that boy,答语主语用he他,故选D。
16. Look! The giraffe _________ so tall. ( )
A. is B. has
17. This is Mike. _________ is a student. ( )
A. He B. She
18. I _________ big eyes and a small nose. ( )
A. am B. have
19. Look at this _________. She is my mother. ( )
A. man B. woman
20. The dog _________ big ears. ( )
A. have B. has
【详解】句意:狗有大耳朵。本题考查动词的形式。主语The dog是第三人称单数,后面的动词用第三人称单数形式,has是have的第三人称单数,故选B。
21. —Hi, this is my new friend, Amy. ( )
—Nice to meet you.
A. B.
22. —Who’s that old woman ( )
—She’s my grandmother.
A. B.
23. —Look at that animal. ( )
—Wow, it’s so big. It has big ears.
A. B.
24. —Is that your father ( )
—No. He’s my teacher, Mr Yang.
A. B.
25. —Hi, Tina. Where are you from ( )
—I’m from the USA.
A. B.
Mr Ye: Come on, children! ____26____
All: Great!
Mike: Hi, Lisa. ____27____
Lisa: He’s Tom He’s my new friend.
Mike: Where is he from
Lisa: ____28____
Mike: Wow! He’s very tall. ____29____
Lisa: Haha, he’s very nice. Mike, look at that panda.
Mike: It’s so fat.
Lisa: Yes. ____30____ It’s very funny.
A. He is from Canada.
B. Who’s that boy
C. Let’s go to the zoo.
D. It has a fat body and short legs.
E. And he has big eyes and a small mouth.
【答案】26. C 27. B 28. A 29. E 30. D
Hi, I’m Tom. I have five new friends. Please come to meet them. Tim is from America. He is thin. And his father is a teacher. Peter is from Australia. He is a student. He has long arms. Liu Gang is from China. He is a short boy. Sue is from Canada. She has small eyes. Ann is from the UK. She is a tall girl.
31. 根据短文内容,将人物与对应国家的标志性建筑连线。
Liu Gang Sue Peter Ann Tim
32. 上述小朋友都长什么样子呢?请根据短文内容填空,每空一词。
(1) Tim is .
(2) Ann is .
(3) Sue has eyes.
(4) Liu Gang is .
(5) Peter has arms.
【答案】31. 32. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
根据“Tim is from America. Peter is from Australia. Liu Gang is from China. Sue is from Canada. Ann is from the UK.”,可知蒂姆来自美国,彼得来自澳大利亚,刘刚来自中国,苏来自加拿大,安来自美国,第一幅图是加拿大的建筑,第二幅图是澳大利亚的建筑,第三幅图是中国的建筑,第四幅图是美国的建筑,第五幅图是英国的建筑。故答案为。
(1)句意:蒂姆很_______。根据“Tim is from America. He is thin.”,可知蒂姆很瘦,故答案为。
(2)句意:安很_______。根据“Ann is from the UK. She is a tall girl.”,可知安很高,故答案为。
(3)句意:苏有______眼睛。根据“Sue is from Canada. She has small eyes.”,可知苏有小眼睛,故答案为。
(4)句意:刘刚很_______。根据“Liu Gang is from China. He is a short boy.”,可知刘刚很矮,故答案为。
(5)句意:彼得有_______手臂。根据“Peter is from Australia. He is a student. He has long arms.”,可知彼得有长手臂,故答案为。



上一篇:甘肃省庆阳市西峰区黄官寨实验学校2022-2023八年级下学期第一次月考物理试卷( 含解析)

下一篇:第三单元解决问题的策略课堂通行证 (含答案) 苏教版数学六年级下册