
I've always been intrigued by scars. I find it funny when people are ashamed of the scars they have (1) their bodies. To me, scars shine a light on who a person (2) is.
I have far too many stories to (3) about my scars. Of course, I've got the usual kind that everyone has from when they were clumsy little kids. Like the ones on my knees and elbows. But I also have the kind of scars that tell a more valuable and complex story.
I was born in the year 2000. My parents knew before I was born that I'd be a handful(难管的人) because I was diagnosed(诊断) with a variety of (4) issues while still in the womb(子宫).
Ten days after I was born, I had my first surgery, gaining my first of many scars. I (5) myself to be quite different because my experiences are rare and very (6) people have the same scar as I do. It's original, like me.
Then, after several more months of going in and out of the hospital, I received my biggest and most meaningful scar from a six-hour open-heart surgery. This one runs all the way vertically(垂直地) down my chest. Typically, the heart is a symbol of (7) , so I see this scar as representative of my ability to love.
Today, I am completely healthy. (8) I still go to the hospital for yearly check-ups, my heart condition does not make my life worse. I'm able to (9) any physical activity that I please without worries. If it weren't for my scars, nobody would know I am any different from the next person.
The thing is, I love my scars. I wear them as badges of bravery and survival. They're conversation starters. I often feel angry when people complain about their scars and I wonder why they would want to hide their best stories. I wonder why they call their survival an imperfection(不完美). If you have a scar, big or small, be (10) of it. It's part of who you are.
1.A. on B. with C. of D. in
2.A. certainly B. doubtfully C. truly D. specially
3.A. speak B. talk C. tell D. say
4.A. mental B. medical C. exact D. wonderful
5.A. know B. consider C. think D. make
6.A. much B. many C. little D. few
7.A. love B. peace C. energy D. talent
8.A. So B. Otherwise C. Also D. Although
9.A. ask for B. take part in C. deal with D. charge with
10.A. tired B. sick C. afraid D. proud
Many scientists once believed that physical similarities between identical twins are genetic (基因的), while their personalities, intelligence and other differences between them are an effect of their environment. Now scientists are discovering that the boundaries between genes and environment are not so clear.
Twins Jim Springer and Jim Lewis were adopted(领养) as babies and raised by different couples. When the Jims finally met at age 39, they discovered they had plenty in common. Both were six feet tall, 180 pounds. They had the same smile and the same voice. When scientist Thomas Bouchard Jr. invited the Jim twins to his lab, people there found it very hard to tell them apart.
But the similarities didn't stop at the physical. They'd both had dogs named Toy. They had both married women named Linda and then their marriage broke up. They'd both been policemen, enjoyed music, and left love notes around the house for their wives. They had so much in common, it seemed unlikely these were just coincidences(巧合).
The Jim twins were just one of 137 sets of separated twins Bouchard tested. When they compared the twins' IQ scores, Bouchard and his team reached a surprising conclusion. They concluded that intelligence was mostly connected to genes rather than to training or education. It seemed the differences in family and environment had little effect.
However, genes can't control everything, argues geneticist Danielle Reed, who also studies twins. Reed's research shows that though nothing can truly change our DNA, environmental differences that a child experiences before birth and in their first year can sometimes affect the way the DNA behaves, making even identical twins into very different people. "What I like to say is that Mother Nature writes some things in pencil and some things in pen," She explains. "Things written in pen you can't change. That's DNA. But things written in pencil you can."
1.How many physical similarities between the Jim twins are mentioned
A. 2. B. 3. C. 4. D. 5.
2.What did Bouchard's study find about the twins
A. Each seemed to be as tall as their twin.
B. Each had the same hobby as their twin.
C. Each had almost the same ability as their twin.
D. Each had about the same IQ level as their twin.
3.What is Reed's opinion about genes and environment
A. Only DNA has an effect on our development.
B. Environment could possibly change some things about us.
C. There are no boundaries between genes and environment.
D. Environmental differences can sometimes change our DNA.
It was my first day at school.It was also Miss Caroline's first day to be a teacher.
Miss Caroline began the day by reading us a story about cats.Then she started to teach us the alphabet (字母表).
When Miss Caroline discovered that I was literate (有读写能力的),she said, "Tell your father not to teach you any more.It's best to begin reading and writing with a fresh mind."
After supper that night,Atticus sat down with the paper and called, "Scout,ready to read?"
I told Atticus I didn't feel very well and didn't think I'd go to school any more if it was all right with him.
"You never went to school and you do all right,so I'll just stay home too.You can teach me like Grandaddy taught you."
"No,I can't," said Atticus. "I have to make a living.Besides,they'd put me in prison if I kept you at home.Now what's the matter?"
I told him what happened at school. "Miss Caroline said you taught me all wrong,so we can't ever read any more.Please don't send me back,please sir."
"First of all," he said, "if you can learn a simple trick,Scout,you'll get along a lot better with all kinds of people.You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view—"
"—until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."
Atticus continued, "You learned many things today.Miss Caroline learned several things herself.We could not expect her to learn all our ways in one day,and we should understand her when she knew no better."
"But if I keep on going to school,we can't ever read any more…"
"That's really worrying you,isn't it?"
When Atticus looked at me,I saw the look on his face that always made me expect something. "Do you know what a compromise (妥协) is?" he asked.
"Breaking the law?"
"No,an agreement.It works this way," he said. "If you promise me to go to school,we'll go on reading every night as usual.Is it OK?"
"Yes sir!"
4.What happened to Scout on her first day at school? ______
A. She was not able to read the alphabet.
B. She lost interest in reading and writing.
C. She couldn't follow Miss Caroline in class.
D. She was asked to stop learning from Atticus.
5.What does the underlined part in Paragraph 11 mean? ______
A. To play a small trick on him. B. To walk hand in hand with him.
C. To tell him about your thoughts. D. To think from his point of view.
6.What did Scout agree to do towards the end of the story? ______
A. Go to school. B. Stay at home. C. Teach herself. D. Make a living.
7.What can we infer from the passage? ______
A. Scout didn't trust Atticus. B. Scout didn't like reading.
C. Atticus was a wise father. D. Atticus was mad at Scout.
Hearts and Hands At Denver there was a flood of passengers into the coaches on the eastbound B.&M. Express. In one coach there sat a very young woman dressed in elegant taste. Among the newcomers were two young men, one of handsome presence with a young, bold face and manner; the other a messy, glum-faced person, heavily built and roughly dressed. The two were handcuffed together.
As they passed down the aisle of the coach the only vacant seat offered was the one facing the attractive young woman. Here the linked couple seated themselves. The young woman's glance fell upon them with a distant, quick disinterest; then with a lovely smile brightening her face and a tender pink coloring her rounded cheeks, she held out a gray-gloved hand and her full, sweet voice flowed.
"Well, Mr. Easton, if you will make me speak first, I suppose I must. Don't you ever recognize old friends when you meet them in the West "
The younger man roused himself sharply at the sound of her voice, seemed to struggle with a slight embarrassment which he threw off instantly, and then clasped her fingers with his left hand.
"It's Miss Fairchild," he said, with a smile. "I'll ask you to excuse the other hand; it's otherwise engaged just at present."
He slightly raised his right hand, bound at the wrist by the shining "bracelet" to the left one of his companion. The glad look in the girl's eyes slowly changed to a confused horror. The glow faded from her cheeks. Her lips parted in a vague, relaxing distress. Easton, with a little laugh, as if amused, was about to speak again when the other, the glum-faced man who had been watching the girl, stopped him. The glum-faced man had been watching the girl.
"You'll excuse me for speaking, miss, but I see you've met the marshal(执行官) before. If you'll ask him to speak a word for me when we get to the prison he'll do it, and it'll make things easier for me there. He's taking me to Leavenworth prison. It's seven years for cheating."
"Oh!" said the girl, with a deep breath and returning color. "So that is what you are doing out here A marshal!"
"My dear Miss Fairchild, " said Easton, calmly,"I had to do something. Money has a way of taking wings unto itself, and you know it takes money to keep step with our crowd in Washington. I saw this opening in the West, and—well, a marshalship isn't quite as high a position as that of ambassador(大使), but—"
"The ambassador," said the girl, warmly," doesn't call any more. He needn't ever have done so. You ought to know that. And so now you are one of these dashing Western heroes, and you ride and shoot and go into all kinds of dangers. That's different from the Washington life. You have been missed from the old crowd."
The girl's eyes, fascinated, went back, widening a little, to rest upon the glittering handcuffs.
"Don't you worry about them, miss," said the other man. "All marshals handcuff themselves to their prisoners to keep them from getting away. Mr. Easton knows his business."
"Will we see you again soon in Washington " asked the girl.
"Not soon, I think," said Easton. "My butterfly days are over, I fear."
"I love the West," said the girl carelessly. Her eyes were shining softly. She looked away out the car window. She began to speak truly and simply without the gloss of style and manner: "Mamma and I spent the summer in Denver. She went home a week ago because father was slightly ill. I could live and be happy in the West. I think the air here agrees with me. Money isn't everything. But people always misunderstand things and remain stupid—" "Say, Mr. Marshal," growled the glum-faced man. "This isn't quite fair. I'm needing a drink and haven't had a smoke all day. Haven't you talked long enough Take me in the smoker now, won't you I'm half dead for a pipe."
The bound travelers rose to their feet, Easton with the same slow smile on his face.
"I can't deny a want for tobacco," he said, lightly. "It's the one friend of the unluck. Good-bye, Miss Fairchild. Duty calls, you know." He held out his hand for a farewell.
"It's too bad you are not going East," she said, reclothing herself with manner and style. "But you must go on to Leavenworth, I suppose "
"Yes," said Easton,"I must go on to Leavenworth."
The two men walked down the aisle into the smoker.
The two passengers in a seat nearby had heard most of the conversation. Said one of them: "That marshal's a good sort of chap. Some of these Western fellows are all right."
"Pretty young to hold an office like that, isn' t he " asked the other.
"Young!" exclaimed the first speaker, "Why—Oh! Didn't you catch on Say—did you ever know an officer to handcuff a prisoner to his right hand "

8.Why did Mr. Easton seem ashamed when he met Miss Fairchild
A. His clothes were messy and dirty.
B. He was ashamed of lying to Miss Fairchild.
C. He didn't hold a high position as ambassador.
D. He was handcuffed to another man.
9.The underlined word "agree with" in Paragraph 15 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. be of the same opinion B. be good for
C. be fresh and clean D. be popular and welcome
10.Which of the underlined sentences tells us Mr. Easton's true identity(身份)?
A. but I see you've met the marshal before.
B. And so now you arc one of these dashing Western heroes, …
C. Pretty young to hold an office like that, isn't he
D. Say—did you ever know an officer to handcuff a prisoner to his right hand
11.What does "Hearts" in the title "Hearts and Hands" stand for
A. Easton's love for money.
B. Miss Fairchild's enjoyment of the West.
C. The marshal's kindness toward Easton.
D. The passenger's praise for the marshal.
One Saturday afternoon, Amy found her sisters Meg and Jo getting well dressed. They were going to the theater with their friend Laurie. Amy wanted to come too.
"I can't take you, dear, because you aren't invited", but Jo cut in impatiently. "You can't go, Amy. Laurie invited only Meg and me".
Amy cried, "You'll be sorry for this, Jo."
While Jo and Meg were at the theater, Amy burned up Jo's book of writings. Jo's loving work of several years was gone in the fire.
That night, Mother asked Jo to forgive(原谅) her sister, but Jo refused.
The next day, Jo went to the river with Laurie to skate on the ice. Amy followed them. Jo saw her coming but turned away. Laurie was carefully skating and didn't see Amy. He warned Jo to stay away from the middle of the river. The ice there was thin. Jo heard him, but Amy did not. Jo realized that Amy probably hadn't heard.
Something turned Jo round. She happened to see Amy throw up her hands and go down. The ice broke. Jo tried to call Laurie, but her voice was gone, and for a second she could only stand there. Suddenly, "Bring a rail(横杆), Jo. Quick, quick!" Jo fetched some wood and pulled it across the ice. Together they got the child out.
When Mother had put Amy to bed, Jo asked, "Are you sure she is alive "
"Quite safe, dear." replied her mother.
"Mother, I get angry so quickly. Today, without Laurie, it might have been too late. Oh, Mother, what shall I do "
"I get angry every day of my life," said Mrs. March. "but I've learned to regulate it. I've learned to stop myself saying the angry words, and you must try to do the same, my dear."
Jo looked at Amy in her bed and gave her a big kiss. Amy opened her eyes and held out her arms. They held each other close.
(Adapted from Little Women by Louisa May Alcott)
12.Which is the correct order of the following events
①Jo kissed Amy and held her close.
②Jo went to the theatre with Laurie.
③Amy burned up Jo's loving work.
④Amy fell into the river through the ice.
A. ①②③④ B. ②③④① C. ②④③① D. ④③②①
13.Jo didn't tell Amy not to skate in the middle of the river because ______.
A. she was still angry with Amy B. she didn't think it was dangerous
C. she wanted Laurie to help Amy D. she knew Amy was good at skating
14.From the underlined sentences, we can infer that ______.
A. Jo regretted being too angry B. Jo didn't care about Amy
C. Jo was surprised Amy was safe D. Jo knew how to save Amy
15.The underlined word "regulate" probably means ______.
A. show B. increase C. bring D. control
Have you ever watched online videos to do some exercise Physical exercise is good for our mind, body and spirit. Today, working out through online videos is becoming very popular. Since the Internet is widely used, it's very easy for us to do so. (1)
One of my friends, Lin Fei, followed short workout videos to do daily exercise. "With live programs I feel like working out with my friends, which encourages me to hold on to the last minute." she said. (2) "I have a fear of working out at the gym because I don't like being watched by others. Working out at home makes working out much more enjoyable." he said.
(3) When I told my plan to my elder sister, a PE.teacher, she reminded me that workout videos could be helpful but might still carry some problems.
"Without being with someone in person, you will be less willing to work out to your best. Working out at the gym allows you to have advice in real time and get pushed harder." my sister said to me. "Well, if you really want to have a try, first, choose proper programs or videos. That's very important. And then ask your friends for advice. (4) Anyway, don't be addicted (沉迷的) to it You should try different ways to work out to be healthy."
At her suggestions, I finally followed an online workout program with personalized help that is held for three months. After the first period of training, I felt it very practical and helpful when I put in the right amount (数量) of work along with a strong will. Using online videos to work out is a much cheaper and time saving choice than going to the gyms. (5)
A.With their examples, I decided to give it a try. B.That means we can work out anytime anywhere. C.I can get what I want to get my health improved by going to gyms. D.Their experiences can give you a good sight into what you can expect. E.Coaches can give you some help. F.But it can be difficult sometimes when I'm too lazy or too busy to stick to it. G.Another friend of mine, Michael, told me that workout videos let him feel so comfortable.
1.A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G
2.A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G
3.A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G
4.A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G
5.A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G
第一节 根据下列句子所给汉语注释或首字母,写出空白处各单词的正确形式,每空限填一词。
1. Along the way, many demons(妖怪) could change t to look friendly to cheat Xuanzang.
2. Sometimes, Xuanzang was (绑架) by these demons and the Monkey King had to save him.
3. Zhu Bajie, or Pigsy, was very n and dishonest, while Sha Wujing, or Sandy, was quiet and honest.
4. Many young people like Zhu Bajie because of his sense of h , which often makes them laugh.
5. C with their journey, life we live now is much more comfortable. We should cherish it.
6.How much is the lovely toy (值……钱)?
7.All the soldiers stayed up all night, (守卫) the entrance to the church.
8.To be honest, I've never found a diet that really (奏效).
第二节 根据短文,从方框中选择适当的单词或短语,填入其正确形式,每个单词或短语仅用一次。
The health condition of the giant panda Ya Ya at the Memphis Zoo in Tennessee, the U. S, triggered concern among Chinese netizens(网民) who hoped the panda would return to the motherland as soon as possible. According to the photos (1) on the Internet, skinny and dirty Ya Ya lived in poor (2) . The giant panda displayed stereotyped behavior except for extensive skin diseases, suspected malnutrition(营养不良) and diarrhea(腹泻), a volunteer in America told Top App.
The Chinese Association of Zoological Gardens (CAZG) said that it attached great (3) to Ya Ya and would communicate with the Memphis Zoo after sorting out information from Ya Ya's fans and netizens. And Chinese experts (4) to the Memphis Zoo to check Ya Ya's health condition in March this year. It seemed Ya Ya would come back soon.
Female giant panda Ya Ya, together with male giant panda Le Le, was rented by the Memphis Zoo in 2003 and Le Le died in early February 2023.
Luckily, giant panda Ya Ya finally arrived at Shanghai Pudong International Airport from Memphis, Tennessee at the end of April. The zoo hosted a farewell party for the 23-year-old female panda on April 8, with hundreds of people (5) the event.

Dancing with the Light
A few years ago,I visited the Classical Gardens of Suzhou.During the visit,my attention was drawn away from the plants,bridges and stones,towards (1) ______ walls of the gardens.Mostly white,some parts of the walls are losing small (2) ______ ( piece) of their covering.This creates space in which light and plants can be (3) ______ ( see).The walls are not only the boundaries of the gardens,but they also form protected paths that guide you on a trip.
The memory of the white walls stayed with me.I kept (4) ______ ( imagine) how many shadows (影) could be collected by them to dance with the light.This fantastic moment was so lively (5) ______ I came back to explore it with my camera.
Working (6) ______ ( free) with these walls and their marks,I began to feel like collecting all the stories that were painted there.Weather and time have turned these (7) ______ ( amaze) white walls into Chinese landscape paintings.
I (8) ______ ( take) the photos during the month of June,just after the rain.The air was full of small drops of water,showing the light and the color (9) ______ the things around.As color was born out of a dance between light and a body,when photographing in color I found(10) ______ ( I) enjoying a moment of this dance.
Touch down to Earth
China welcomed three heroic astronauts Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu home on April 16. This return ended the Shenzhou XIII astronauts' six-month space mission. It also marks a major breakthrough for China's efforts in space.
In order to return home safely, they did a lot of preparations before leaving the space station.
If you are coming home after a long journey, you have to pack up. For astronauts in space, besides their personal belongings, they "packed" experimental data and samples, they would be further researched on Earth.
The astronauts had to tidy up a large number of materials, including goods on the Tianzhou 3 cargo spacecraft, according to Zhong Weiwei, a researcher at the China Astronaut Research and Training Center.
Since the space station had no room service, the three astronauts needed to "clear the house" on their own. They collected a great amount of waste. This included leftover foods, sanitary(卫生) waste and waste from in-orbit experiments. The waste was then put into the orbital module(轨道舱), which burnt up as it reentered Earth's atmosphere.
To ensure their safe and sound return, the three astronauts had been doing physical exercise to train their muscles for the return to Earth. Based on their in-orbit physical examinations and data, experts had customize(定制) exercise plans for each of them to ensure a safe landing. Travelling in space has been a dream for every Chinese. And now we are looking forward to more explorations.
(1) How did experts help the three astronauts return?___________________
(2) What preparations did the astronauts do before returning to Earth (Give the answer with no more than 20 words)___________________
(3) What do you think of staying in space?Why do you think so (Give the reason with no more than 15 words)___________________
双减"工作之一是减轻学生过重的作业负担,控制中小学生的书面作业总量,合理布置不同类型的作业。为此,某英文杂志社正在开展以"My Creative English Homework" 为主题的征文活动。请你写一篇征文,讲述自身经历,提出合理建议。内容包括:
My Creative English Homework
Doing English homework helps us to practice and use what we ve learned in class.
(2023·江苏省苏州市·模拟题) I've always been intrigued by scars. I find it funny when people are ashamed of the scars they have (1) their bodies. To me, scars shine a light on who a person (2) is.
I have far too many stories to (3) about my scars. Of course, I've got the usual kind that everyone has from when they were clumsy little kids. Like the ones on my knees and elbows. But I also have the kind of scars that tell a more valuable and complex story.
I was born in the year 2000. My parents knew before I was born that I'd be a handful(难管的人) because I was diagnosed(诊断) with a variety of (4) issues while still in the womb(子宫).
Ten days after I was born, I had my first surgery, gaining my first of many scars. I (5) myself to be quite different because my experiences are rare and very (6) people have the same scar as I do. It's original, like me.
Then, after several more months of going in and out of the hospital, I received my biggest and most meaningful scar from a six-hour open-heart surgery. This one runs all the way vertically(垂直地) down my chest. Typically, the heart is a symbol of (7) , so I see this scar as representative of my ability to love.
Today, I am completely healthy. (8) I still go to the hospital for yearly check-ups, my heart condition does not make my life worse. I'm able to (9) any physical activity that I please without worries. If it weren't for my scars, nobody would know I am any different from the next person.
The thing is, I love my scars. I wear them as badges of bravery and survival. They're conversation starters. I often feel angry when people complain about their scars and I wonder why they would want to hide their best stories. I wonder why they call their survival an imperfection(不完美). If you have a scar, big or small, be (10) of it. It's part of who you are.
1.A. on B. with C. of D. in
2.A. certainly B. doubtfully C. truly D. specially
3.A. speak B. talk C. tell D. say
4.A. mental B. medical C. exact D. wonderful
5.A. know B. consider C. think D. make
6.A. much B. many C. little D. few
7.A. love B. peace C. energy D. talent
8.A. So B. Otherwise C. Also D. Although
9.A. ask for B. take part in C. deal with D. charge with
10.A. tired B. sick C. afraid D. proud
1. 句意:当人们为自己身上的伤疤感到羞耻时,我觉得很有趣。A.on 在…上;B.with和;C.of …的;D.in在…里。伤疤在身体的表面,所以用介词on,故选A。
2. 句意:对我来说,伤疤照亮了一个人的真面目。A.certainly确切地;B.doubtfully怀疑地;C.truly真地;D.specially特别地。根据I also have the kind of scars that tell a more valuable and complex story(我也有那种伤疤,背后有价值和更复杂的故事)可知,伤疤体现一个的真面目,故选C。
3. 句意:关于我的伤疤,我有太多的故事要讲了。tell“告诉”,后面通常跟双宾语,tell sb sth或tell sth to sb(告诉某人某事);say一般作及物动词,着重说话的内容,它的宾语可以是名词,代词或宾语从句。talk一般为不及物动词,意为“交谈,谈话”,着重强调两人之间的相互说话;speak强调说的动词,不强调说的内容。根据stories可知与tell连用,故选C。
4. 句意:在我出生前,我的父母就知道我很难对付,因为我还在子宫里的时候就被诊断出患有各种各样的疾病。A.mental心理的;B.medical医学的;C.exact确切的;D.wonderful精彩的。根据Ten days after I was born, I had my first surgery, gaining my first of many scars(出生十天后,我做了第一次手术,留下了许多伤疤中的第一个)可知,身上有疾病,与medical有关,故选B。
5. 句意:我认为自己很不一样,因为我的经历很少见,很少有人有和我一样的伤疤。A.know知道;B.consider认为;C.think 思考;D.make使,让。根据because my experiences are rare(因为我的经历很少见)可知,我认为自己与别人不一样,故选B。
6. 句意:我认为自己很不一样,因为我的经历很少见,很少有人有和我一样的伤疤。A.much许多,修饰不可数名词;B.many 许多,修饰可数名词复数;C.little几乎没有,修饰不可数名词;D.few几乎没有,修饰可数名词复数。根据I (5) myself to be quite different(认为自己与众不同)可知,所以没有人跟我是一样的,修饰people,表示否定,故选D。
7. 句意:一般来说,心脏是爱的象征,所以我把这个伤疤看作是我爱的能力的代表。A.love爱;B.peace 和平;C.energy 能量;D.talent天才。根据so I see this scar as representative of my ability to love.(所以我把这个伤疤看作是我爱的能力的代表)可知,心是爱的象征,故选A。
8. 句意:虽然我每年都去医院做检查,但我的心脏状况并没有使我的生活变得更糟。A.So因此;B.Otherwise 否则;C.Also也;D.Although虽然。根据Today, I am completely healthy.(今天我完全康复了)可知,虽然每年都要去做检查,故选D。
9. 句意:我可以参加任何我喜欢的体育活动而不用担心。A.ask for要求;B.take part in 参加C.deal with 处理;D.charge with指责。根据with worries(没有任何担心)可知,可以参观身体活动,故选B。
10. 句意:如果你有疤痕,无论大小,都要为它感到骄傲。A.tired 累的;B.sick生病的;C.afraid 害怕的;D.proud骄傲的。根据It's part of who you are.(它是你身体的一部分)可知,无论大小,应该为此感到骄傲,故选D。
Many scientists once believed that physical similarities between identical twins are genetic (基因的), while their personalities, intelligence and other differences between them are an effect of their environment. Now scientists are discovering that the boundaries between genes and environment are not so clear.
Twins Jim Springer and Jim Lewis were adopted(领养) as babies and raised by different couples. When the Jims finally met at age 39, they discovered they had plenty in common. Both were six feet tall, 180 pounds. They had the same smile and the same voice. When scientist Thomas Bouchard Jr. invited the Jim twins to his lab, people there found it very hard to tell them apart.
But the similarities didn't stop at the physical. They'd both had dogs named Toy. They had both married women named Linda and then their marriage broke up. They'd both been policemen, enjoyed music, and left love notes around the house for their wives. They had so much in common, it seemed unlikely these were just coincidences(巧合).
The Jim twins were just one of 137 sets of separated twins Bouchard tested. When they compared the twins' IQ scores, Bouchard and his team reached a surprising conclusion. They concluded that intelligence was mostly connected to genes rather than to training or education. It seemed the differences in family and environment had little effect.
However, genes can't control everything, argues geneticist Danielle Reed, who also studies twins. Reed's research shows that though nothing can truly change our DNA, environmental differences that a child experiences before birth and in their first year can sometimes affect the way the DNA behaves, making even identical twins into very different people. "What I like to say is that Mother Nature writes some things in pencil and some things in pen," She explains. "Things written in pen you can't change. That's DNA. But things written in pencil you can."
1.How many physical similarities between the Jim twins are mentioned
A. 2. B. 3. C. 4. D. 5.
2.What did Bouchard's study find about the twins
A. Each seemed to be as tall as their twin.
B. Each had the same hobby as their twin.
C. Each had almost the same ability as their twin.
D. Each had about the same IQ level as their twin.
3.What is Reed's opinion about genes and environment
A. Only DNA has an effect on our development.
B. Environment could possibly change some things about us.
C. There are no boundaries between genes and environment.
D. Environmental differences can sometimes change our DNA.
1. 根据第二段Both were six feet tall, 180 pounds.They had the same smile and the same voice.(两人身高6英尺,体重180磅,笑容和声音都一样。)可知两人都有6英尺高,180磅重。他们有着相同的笑容和声音。因此可知这对吉姆双胞胎在身体上有4个相似之处。故选C。
2. 根据第四段They concluded that intelligence was mostly connected to genes rather than to training or education. It seemed the differences in family and environment had little effect.(他们得出的结论是,智力主要与基因有关,而不是与训练或教育有关。家庭和环境的差异似乎没有什么影响。)因此可知每个人的智商水平和他们的双胞胎差不多。故选D。
3. 根据最后一段Reed's research shows that though nothing can truly change our DNA,environmental differences that a child experiences before birth and in their first year can sometimes affect the way the DNA behaves,(里德的研究表明,尽管没有什么能真正改变我们的DNA,但孩子出生前和第一年所经历的环境差异有时会影响DNA的行为方式。)可知里德的研究表明,虽然没有什么能真正改变我们的DNA,但孩子在出生前和第一年所经历的环境差异有时会影响DNA的行为方式。故选B。
It was my first day at school.It was also Miss Caroline's first day to be a teacher.
Miss Caroline began the day by reading us a story about cats.Then she started to teach us the alphabet (字母表).
When Miss Caroline discovered that I was literate (有读写能力的),she said, "Tell your father not to teach you any more.It's best to begin reading and writing with a fresh mind."
After supper that night,Atticus sat down with the paper and called, "Scout,ready to read?"
I told Atticus I didn't feel very well and didn't think I'd go to school any more if it was all right with him.
"You never went to school and you do all right,so I'll just stay home too.You can teach me like Grandaddy taught you."
"No,I can't," said Atticus. "I have to make a living.Besides,they'd put me in prison if I kept you at home.Now what's the matter?"
I told him what happened at school. "Miss Caroline said you taught me all wrong,so we can't ever read any more.Please don't send me back,please sir."
"First of all," he said, "if you can learn a simple trick,Scout,you'll get along a lot better with all kinds of people.You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view—"
"—until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."
Atticus continued, "You learned many things today.Miss Caroline learned several things herself.We could not expect her to learn all our ways in one day,and we should understand her when she knew no better."
"But if I keep on going to school,we can't ever read any more…"
"That's really worrying you,isn't it?"
When Atticus looked at me,I saw the look on his face that always made me expect something. "Do you know what a compromise (妥协) is?" he asked.
"Breaking the law?"
"No,an agreement.It works this way," he said. "If you promise me to go to school,we'll go on reading every night as usual.Is it OK?"
"Yes sir!"
4.What happened to Scout on her first day at school? ______
A. She was not able to read the alphabet.
B. She lost interest in reading and writing.
C. She couldn't follow Miss Caroline in class.
D. She was asked to stop learning from Atticus.
5.What does the underlined part in Paragraph 11 mean? ______
A. To play a small trick on him. B. To walk hand in hand with him.
C. To tell him about your thoughts. D. To think from his point of view.
6.What did Scout agree to do towards the end of the story? ______
A. Go to school. B. Stay at home. C. Teach herself. D. Make a living.
7.What can we infer from the passage? ______
A. Scout didn't trust Atticus. B. Scout didn't like reading.
C. Atticus was a wise father. D. Atticus was mad at Scout.
【解析】4.细节理解题。根据第一段It was my first day at school.It was also Miss Caroline's first day to be a teacher.(这是我上学的第一天。这也是Caroline小姐当老师的第一天。)第三段When Miss Caroline discovered that I was literate ,she said, "Tell your father not to teach you any more.It's best to begin reading and writing with a fresh mind."(当Caroline小姐发现我识字时,她说:"告诉你父亲不要再教你了。以全新的思维开始阅读和写作是最好的。")可知,作者上学的第一天被告知不要跟着父亲(Atticus)学习了。故选D。
5.推理判断题。根据第九段You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view—(你永远不会真正了解一个人,除非你站在他的角度考虑问题——)以及第十一段 ——until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.(直到你钻进他的皮肤里,穿着它走来走去。)可知,这里爸爸想教作者立足于对方的内心世界,站在对方的角度思考。故选D。
6.细节理解题。根据最后两段"If you promise me to go to school,we'll go on reading every night as usual.Is it OK?"("如果你答应我去上学,我们就像往常一样每天晚上读书。这样可以吗?")以及"Yes,sir!"(好的!)可知,故事的最后Scout同意去上学了。故选A。
7.推理判断题。根据第九段 "First of all," he said, "if you can learn a simple trick,Scout,you'll get along a lot better with all kinds of people.You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view—"("首先,"他说,"Scout,如果你能学会一个简单的把戏,你就能和各种各样的人相处得更好。你永远不会真正了解一个人,除非你站在他的角度考虑问题——")可知,父亲以小把戏做比喻,让儿子站在对方的角度思考问题,由此可以看出父亲很有智慧。故选C。
这篇短文主要讲述了作者第一天上学的经历,以及在学校遇到的问题。在第一天上学时,老师Miss Caroline给学生们讲了一篇有关猫的故事,然后开始教学生们字母表。当她发现作者已经识字时,建议他不要再由父亲教,而是让他重新开始学习。当晚,作者告诉父亲他不想再去上学了,因为老师说他的父亲教错了,不能再读书了。父亲Atticus告诉他,如果他能学会换位思考,就能更好地与人相处。他还告诉作者,Miss Caroline也在学习如何适应当地的文化。最后,Atticus与作者达成妥协,只要作者继续上学,他们就可以像往常一样每晚阅读。整篇文章通过一个小学生的视角,展现了家庭教育和学校教育之间的冲突,以及如何解决这种冲突。同时,文章也强调了换位思考的重要性,以及理解和尊重不同文化背景的必要性。
Hearts and Hands At Denver there was a flood of passengers into the coaches on the eastbound B.&M. Express. In one coach there sat a very young woman dressed in elegant taste. Among the newcomers were two young men, one of handsome presence with a young, bold face and manner; the other a messy, glum-faced person, heavily built and roughly dressed. The two were handcuffed together.
As they passed down the aisle of the coach the only vacant seat offered was the one facing the attractive young woman. Here the linked couple seated themselves. The young woman's glance fell upon them with a distant, quick disinterest; then with a lovely smile brightening her face and a tender pink coloring her rounded cheeks, she held out a gray-gloved hand and her full, sweet voice flowed.
"Well, Mr. Easton, if you will make me speak first, I suppose I must. Don't you ever recognize old friends when you meet them in the West "
The younger man roused himself sharply at the sound of her voice, seemed to struggle with a slight embarrassment which he threw off instantly, and then clasped her fingers with his left hand.
"It's Miss Fairchild," he said, with a smile. "I'll ask you to excuse the other hand; it's otherwise engaged just at present."
He slightly raised his right hand, bound at the wrist by the shining "bracelet" to the left one of his companion. The glad look in the girl's eyes slowly changed to a confused horror. The glow faded from her cheeks. Her lips parted in a vague, relaxing distress. Easton, with a little laugh, as if amused, was about to speak again when the other, the glum-faced man who had been watching the girl, stopped him. The glum-faced man had been watching the girl.
"You'll excuse me for speaking, miss, but I see you've met the marshal(执行官) before. If you'll ask him to speak a word for me when we get to the prison he'll do it, and it'll make things easier for me there. He's taking me to Leavenworth prison. It's seven years for cheating."
"Oh!" said the girl, with a deep breath and returning color. "So that is what you are doing out here A marshal!"
"My dear Miss Fairchild, " said Easton, calmly,"I had to do something. Money has a way of taking wings unto itself, and you know it takes money to keep step with our crowd in Washington. I saw this opening in the West, and—well, a marshalship isn't quite as high a position as that of ambassador(大使), but—"
"The ambassador," said the girl, warmly," doesn't call any more. He needn't ever have done so. You ought to know that. And so now you are one of these dashing Western heroes, and you ride and shoot and go into all kinds of dangers. That's different from the Washington life. You have been missed from the old crowd."
The girl's eyes, fascinated, went back, widening a little, to rest upon the glittering handcuffs.
"Don't you worry about them, miss," said the other man. "All marshals handcuff themselves to their prisoners to keep them from getting away. Mr. Easton knows his business."
"Will we see you again soon in Washington " asked the girl.
"Not soon, I think," said Easton. "My butterfly days are over, I fear."
"I love the West," said the girl carelessly. Her eyes were shining softly. She looked away out the car window. She began to speak truly and simply without the gloss of style and manner: "Mamma and I spent the summer in Denver. She went home a week ago because father was slightly ill. I could live and be happy in the West. I think the air here agrees with me. Money isn't everything. But people always misunderstand things and remain stupid—" "Say, Mr. Marshal," growled the glum-faced man. "This isn't quite fair. I'm needing a drink and haven't had a smoke all day. Haven't you talked long enough Take me in the smoker now, won't you I'm half dead for a pipe."
The bound travelers rose to their feet, Easton with the same slow smile on his face.
"I can't deny a want for tobacco," he said, lightly. "It's the one friend of the unluck. Good-bye, Miss Fairchild. Duty calls, you know." He held out his hand for a farewell.
"It's too bad you are not going East," she said, reclothing herself with manner and style. "But you must go on to Leavenworth, I suppose "
"Yes," said Easton,"I must go on to Leavenworth."
The two men walked down the aisle into the smoker.
The two passengers in a seat nearby had heard most of the conversation. Said one of them: "That marshal's a good sort of chap. Some of these Western fellows are all right."
"Pretty young to hold an office like that, isn' t he " asked the other.
"Young!" exclaimed the first speaker, "Why—Oh! Didn't you catch on Say—did you ever know an officer to handcuff a prisoner to his right hand "

8.Why did Mr. Easton seem ashamed when he met Miss Fairchild
A. His clothes were messy and dirty.
B. He was ashamed of lying to Miss Fairchild.
C. He didn't hold a high position as ambassador.
D. He was handcuffed to another man.
9.The underlined word "agree with" in Paragraph 15 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. be of the same opinion B. be good for
C. be fresh and clean D. be popular and welcome
10.Which of the underlined sentences tells us Mr. Easton's true identity(身份)?
A. but I see you've met the marshal before.
B. And so now you arc one of these dashing Western heroes, …
C. Pretty young to hold an office like that, isn't he
D. Say—did you ever know an officer to handcuff a prisoner to his right hand
11.What does "Hearts" in the title "Hearts and Hands" stand for
A. Easton's love for money.
B. Miss Fairchild's enjoyment of the West.
C. The marshal's kindness toward Easton.
D. The passenger's praise for the marshal.
8. 根据“The two were handcuffed together.(两人被铐在一起。)”和“The younger man roused himself sharply at the sound of her voice, seemed to struggle with a slight embarrassment which he threw off instantly, and then clasped her fingers with his left hand.(年轻人一听到她的声音,就猛然振作起来,似乎在竭力克制自己的一点尴尬,但他立刻把这种尴尬抛在脑后,然后用左手紧紧握住她的手指。)”可知,伊斯顿因为自己被逮捕所以见到费尔柴尔德小姐时显得很惭愧,故选D。
9. 根据“I could live and be happy in the West. I think the air here agrees with me.”可知,此处表示费尔柴尔德小姐喜欢西方,觉得西方的空气很适合她,所以agree with意为“适合”和be good for同义,故选B。
10. 根据“Say—did you ever know an officer to handcuff a prisoner to his right hand ”可知,此处表示警察不会把右手拷在囚犯手上,所以伊斯顿是囚犯,故选D。
11. 通读全文可知,本文中警察为了照顾伊斯顿在熟人面前的面子而配合伊斯顿,假装自己是囚犯,表现了警察的善良和热心,故选C。
One Saturday afternoon, Amy found her sisters Meg and Jo getting well dressed. They were going to the theater with their friend Laurie. Amy wanted to come too.
"I can't take you, dear, because you aren't invited", but Jo cut in impatiently. "You can't go, Amy. Laurie invited only Meg and me".
Amy cried, "You'll be sorry for this, Jo."
While Jo and Meg were at the theater, Amy burned up Jo's book of writings. Jo's loving work of several years was gone in the fire.
That night, Mother asked Jo to forgive(原谅) her sister, but Jo refused.
The next day, Jo went to the river with Laurie to skate on the ice. Amy followed them. Jo saw her coming but turned away. Laurie was carefully skating and didn't see Amy. He warned Jo to stay away from the middle of the river. The ice there was thin. Jo heard him, but Amy did not. Jo realized that Amy probably hadn't heard.
Something turned Jo round. She happened to see Amy throw up her hands and go down. The ice broke. Jo tried to call Laurie, but her voice was gone, and for a second she could only stand there. Suddenly, "Bring a rail(横杆), Jo. Quick, quick!" Jo fetched some wood and pulled it across the ice. Together they got the child out.
When Mother had put Amy to bed, Jo asked, "Are you sure she is alive "
"Quite safe, dear." replied her mother.
"Mother, I get angry so quickly. Today, without Laurie, it might have been too late. Oh, Mother, what shall I do "
"I get angry every day of my life," said Mrs. March. "but I've learned to regulate it. I've learned to stop myself saying the angry words, and you must try to do the same, my dear."
Jo looked at Amy in her bed and gave her a big kiss. Amy opened her eyes and held out her arms. They held each other close.
(Adapted from Little Women by Louisa May Alcott)
12.Which is the correct order of the following events
①Jo kissed Amy and held her close.
②Jo went to the theatre with Laurie.
③Amy burned up Jo's loving work.
④Amy fell into the river through the ice.
A. ①②③④ B. ②③④① C. ②④③① D. ④③②①
13.Jo didn't tell Amy not to skate in the middle of the river because ______.
A. she was still angry with Amy B. she didn't think it was dangerous
C. she wanted Laurie to help Amy D. she knew Amy was good at skating
14.From the underlined sentences, we can infer that ______.
A. Jo regretted being too angry B. Jo didn't care about Amy
C. Jo was surprised Amy was safe D. Jo knew how to save Amy
15.The underlined word "regulate" probably means ______.
A. show B. increase C. bring D. control
12. 根据第一段They were going to the theater with their friend Laurie.(他们和他们的朋友Laurie一起去看戏。)可知,他们打算和朋友Laurie一起去剧院,②排在第一位,排除A和D选项。根据第四段While Jo and Meg were at the theater, Amy burned up Jo's book of writings. (Jo和Meg在剧院的时候,Meg烧掉了琼的书。)可知,Amy把Jo最喜欢的书烧掉了,③排在第二位,排除C选项,故选B。
13. 根据第五段That night, Mother asked Jo to forgive(原谅) her sister, but Jo refused.(那天晚上,母亲请求Jo原谅她的妹妹,但琼拒绝了。)可知,Jo还没有原谅Amy,还在生她的气,故选A。
14. 根据倒数第三段"Mother, I get angry so quickly. Today, without Laurie, it might have been too late. Oh, Mother, what shall I do "(“妈妈,我太容易生气了。今天,如果没有Laurie,一切可能都太迟了。哦,妈妈,我该怎么办呢?”)可知,Jo很后悔自己太容易生气了,故选A。
15. 根据后面I've learned to stop myself saying the angry words, and you must try to do the same(我已经学会了不让自己说那些生气的话,你也必须试着这样做)可知,妈妈学会控制自己的情绪,所以让Jo也学会做同样的事情,所以regulate与control同义,故选D。
(2023·江苏省苏州市·模拟题) Have you ever watched online videos to do some exercise Physical exercise is good for our mind, body and spirit. Today, working out through online videos is becoming very popular. Since the Internet is widely used, it's very easy for us to do so. (1)
One of my friends, Lin Fei, followed short workout videos to do daily exercise. "With live programs I feel like working out with my friends, which encourages me to hold on to the last minute." she said. (2) "I have a fear of working out at the gym because I don't like being watched by others. Working out at home makes working out much more enjoyable." he said.
(3) When I told my plan to my elder sister, a PE.teacher, she reminded me that workout videos could be helpful but might still carry some problems.
"Without being with someone in person, you will be less willing to work out to your best. Working out at the gym allows you to have advice in real time and get pushed harder." my sister said to me. "Well, if you really want to have a try, first, choose proper programs or videos. That's very important. And then ask your friends for advice. (4) Anyway, don't be addicted (沉迷的) to it You should try different ways to work out to be healthy."
At her suggestions, I finally followed an online workout program with personalized help that is held for three months. After the first period of training, I felt it very practical and helpful when I put in the right amount (数量) of work along with a strong will. Using online videos to work out is a much cheaper and time saving choice than going to the gyms. (5)
A.With their examples, I decided to give it a try. B.That means we can work out anytime anywhere. C.I can get what I want to get my health improved by going to gyms. D.Their experiences can give you a good sight into what you can expect. E.Coaches can give you some help. F.But it can be difficult sometimes when I'm too lazy or too busy to stick to it. G.Another friend of mine, Michael, told me that workout videos let him feel so comfortable.
1.A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G
2.A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G
3.A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G
4.A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G
5.A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G
【解析】1. 【文章大意】文章介绍了由于互联网被广泛使用,在线视频健身变得非常流行。根据前文Today, working out through online videos is becoming very popular. Since the Internet is widely used, it's very easy for us to do so.(如今,通过在线视频健身变得非常流行。由于互联网被广泛使用,我们很容易做到这一点。)可知介绍的是在线视频健身的优点,选项B“这意味着我们可以随时随地锻炼。”符合题意。故选:B。
2. 根据后文"I have a fear of working out at the gym because I don't like being watched by others. Working out at home makes working out much more enjoyable." he said.(“我害怕在健身房锻炼,因为我不喜欢被别人看着。在家锻炼让锻炼变得更加愉快。”他说。)可知介绍的是在线视频健身的对于某些害羞的人的好处,选项G“我的另一个朋友迈克尔告诉我,健身视频让他感觉很舒服。”符合题意。故选:G。
3. 根据后文if you really want to have a try, first, choose proper programs or videos.(如果你真的想尝试一下,首先,选择合适的节目或视频)可知介绍的是勇于尝试,选项A“有了他们的例子,我决定试一试。”符合题意。故选:A。
4. 根据前文And then ask your friends for advice(然后向你的朋友寻求建议)可知介绍的是向别人寻求建议,选项D“他们的经历可以让你对你的期望有一个很好的了解。”符合题意。故选:D。
5. 根据前文the first period of training, I felt it very practical and helpful when I put in the right amount(数量) of work along with a strong will. Using online videos to work out is a much cheaper and time saving choice than going to the gyms...(在第一期的培训中,当我投入了适量的工作和坚强的意志时,我觉得它非常实用和有帮助。使用在线视频锻炼比去健身房更省钱、更省时。)可知介绍的是坚持的好处,选项E“但有时当我太懒或太忙而不能坚持下去时,这就很难了。”符合题意。故选:E。
第一节 根据下列句子所给汉语注释或首字母,写出空白处各单词的正确形式,每空限填一词。
1.(2023·江苏省苏州市·模拟题) Along the way, many demons(妖怪) could change t to look friendly to cheat Xuanzang.
【解析】句意:一路上,许多妖怪为了欺骗玄奘,都变了身使自己看起来很友好。根据句意可知,妖怪们是给自己变身,故此处要用反身代词。根据many demons(许多妖怪)及首字母提示可知,此处的反身代词要用第三人称复数形式themselves,指代那些妖怪们自己。故填themselves。
2.(2023·江苏省苏州市·模拟题) Sometimes, Xuanzang was (绑架) by these demons and the Monkey King had to save him.
3.(2023·江苏省苏州市·模拟题) Zhu Bajie, or Pigsy, was very n and dishonest, while Sha Wujing, or Sandy, was quiet and honest.
4.(2023·江苏省苏州市·模拟题) Many young people like Zhu Bajie because of his sense of h , which often makes them laugh.
5.(2023·江苏省苏州市·模拟题) C with their journey, life we live now is much more comfortable. We should cherish it.
【解析】句意:与他们的旅程相比,我们现在的生活要舒适得多。我们应该珍惜它。be compared with表示“与……比较”。根据句意可知我们现在的生活与他们的旅程相比较,此结构常用来对比两件事情。如果其主语与主句主语相同,则该主语可以省略,同时be动词也省略,那么compared with就位于句首,用过去分词作状语。句首单词首字母要大写。故填Compared。
6.(2023·江苏省苏州市·模拟题)How much is the lovely toy (值……钱)?
7.(2023·江苏省苏州市·模拟题)All the soldiers stayed up all night, (守卫) the entrance to the church.
8.(2023·江苏省苏州市·模拟题)To be honest, I've never found a diet that really (奏效).
第二节 根据短文,从方框中选择适当的单词或短语,填入其正确形式,每个单词或短语仅用一次。
The health condition of the giant panda Ya Ya at the Memphis Zoo in Tennessee, the U. S, triggered concern among Chinese netizens(网民) who hoped the panda would return to the motherland as soon as possible. According to the photos (1) on the Internet, skinny and dirty Ya Ya lived in poor (2) . The giant panda displayed stereotyped behavior except for extensive skin diseases, suspected malnutrition(营养不良) and diarrhea(腹泻), a volunteer in America told Top App.
The Chinese Association of Zoological Gardens (CAZG) said that it attached great (3) to Ya Ya and would communicate with the Memphis Zoo after sorting out information from Ya Ya's fans and netizens. And Chinese experts (4) to the Memphis Zoo to check Ya Ya's health condition in March this year. It seemed Ya Ya would come back soon.
Female giant panda Ya Ya, together with male giant panda Le Le, was rented by the Memphis Zoo in 2003 and Le Le died in early February 2023.
Luckily, giant panda Ya Ya finally arrived at Shanghai Pudong International Airport from Memphis, Tennessee at the end of April. The zoo hosted a farewell party for the 23-year-old female panda on April 8, with hundreds of people (5) the event.
were sent
【解析】1. 【文章大意】本文主要讲了人们对熊猫丫丫遭遇的重视和采取的措施。
2. 句意:根据网上发布的照片,瘦骨嶙峋、脏兮兮的丫丫生活在恶劣的环境中。condition“环境”符合题意,in poor condition在恶劣的环境中,介词短语,为固定搭配。故答案为condition。
3. 句意:中国动物园协会表示,他们非常重视“丫丫”,在整理了“丫丫”粉丝和网友的信息后,将与孟菲斯动物园进行沟通。根据语境可知,形容词great后应接名词,形容词修饰名词。importance“重要性”符合语境,为不可数名词,应保持原形,作attached的宾语。故答案为importance。
4. 句意:今年3月,中国专家被派往孟菲斯动物园检查丫丫的健康状况。send“派送”符合题意,一般过去时。主语Chinese experts与send为动宾关系,故此处应用被动语态,结构为be+过去分词;复数名词后谓语动词为were done的形式。故答案为were sent。
5. 句意:4月8日,动物园为这只23岁的雌性熊猫举办了一场告别派对,数百人参加了这次活动。attend“参加”符合题意,其与逻辑主语people之间为主谓关系,故with后跟现在分词作状语。故答案为attending。
Dancing with the Light
A few years ago,I visited the Classical Gardens of Suzhou.During the visit,my attention was drawn away from the plants,bridges and stones,towards (1) ______ walls of the gardens.Mostly white,some parts of the walls are losing small (2) ______ ( piece) of their covering.This creates space in which light and plants can be (3) ______ ( see).The walls are not only the boundaries of the gardens,but they also form protected paths that guide you on a trip.
The memory of the white walls stayed with me.I kept (4) ______ ( imagine) how many shadows (影) could be collected by them to dance with the light.This fantastic moment was so lively (5) ______ I came back to explore it with my camera.
Working (6) ______ ( free) with these walls and their marks,I began to feel like collecting all the stories that were painted there.Weather and time have turned these (7) ______ ( amaze) white walls into Chinese landscape paintings.
I (8) ______ ( take) the photos during the month of June,just after the rain.The air was full of small drops of water,showing the light and the color (9) ______ the things around.As color was born out of a dance between light and a body,when photographing in color I found(10) ______ ( I) enjoying a moment of this dance.
【解析】1. 句意:在参观期间,我的注意力从植物、桥梁和石头上转移到了花园的墙壁上。根据"walls of the gardens."(花园的墙壁)可知此处是特指花园的墙壁,应用定冠词the,故填the。
2. 句意:大部分墙壁是白色的,有些部分正在失去小块的覆盖物。piece"块",可数名词,此处应用复数表示泛指,故填pieces。
3. 句意:这创造了可以看到光线和植物的空间。see是动词,根据"can be"可知是含有情态动词can的被动语态can be done,故填seen。
4. 句意:我一直在想象,它们能收集多少影子,与光共舞。keep doing sth"一直做某事",为固定短语,故填imagining。
5. 句意:这个奇妙的时刻是如此的生动,以至于我带着相机回来探索它。根据"so lively...I came back to explore it with my camera."(这个奇妙的时刻是如此的生动,以至于我带着相机回来探索它。)可知此处是so...that"如此……以至于……"引导的结果状语从句,故填that。
6. 句意:在这些墙壁和它们的标记上自由地工作,我开始想收集所有画在那里的故事。free是形容词,此处修饰动词应用副词freely,故填freely。
7. 句意:天气和时间把这些令人惊叹的白墙变成了中国山水画。空后是名词,所以此处应用形容词amazing"令人惊奇的"修饰物,故填amazing。
8. 句意:这些照片是我在六月雨后拍摄的。take是动词,根据语境和后句可知,本句是一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填took。
9. 句意:空气中充满了小水滴,显示出周围事物的光和颜色。根据"the color...the things around"(显示出周围事物的光和颜色)可知是指周围事物的颜色,应用of所有格,表示"……的",故填of。
10. 句意:因为色彩是光与身体之间的舞蹈而产生的,所以当我拍摄彩色照片时,我发现自己在享受这种舞蹈的时刻。根据 I found(10) ______ (I) enjoying a moment of this dance.(我发现自己在享受这种舞蹈的时刻。)可知主语是I,所以宾语应该用反身代词myself,故填myself。
Touch down to Earth
China welcomed three heroic astronauts Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu home on April 16. This return ended the Shenzhou XIII astronauts' six-month space mission. It also marks a major breakthrough for China's efforts in space.
In order to return home safely, they did a lot of preparations before leaving the space station.
If you are coming home after a long journey, you have to pack up. For astronauts in space, besides their personal belongings, they "packed" experimental data and samples, they would be further researched on Earth.
The astronauts had to tidy up a large number of materials, including goods on the Tianzhou 3 cargo spacecraft, according to Zhong Weiwei, a researcher at the China Astronaut Research and Training Center.
Since the space station had no room service, the three astronauts needed to "clear the house" on their own. They collected a great amount of waste. This included leftover foods, sanitary(卫生) waste and waste from in-orbit experiments. The waste was then put into the orbital module(轨道舱), which burnt up as it reentered Earth's atmosphere.
To ensure their safe and sound return, the three astronauts had been doing physical exercise to train their muscles for the return to Earth. Based on their in-orbit physical examinations and data, experts had customize(定制) exercise plans for each of them to ensure a safe landing. Travelling in space has been a dream for every Chinese. And now we are looking forward to more explorations.
(1) How did experts help the three astronauts return?___________________
(2) What preparations did the astronauts do before returning to Earth (Give the answer with no more than 20 words)___________________
(3) What do you think of staying in space?Why do you think so (Give the reason with no more than 15 words)___________________
【答案】【小题1】The experts customized exercise plans for each of astronauts to ensure a safe landing.
【小题2】The astronauts had to pack up, tidy up a large number of materials and clear the house.
【小题3】I think staying in space is very busy. Because astronauts need to do a lot of experiments and work.
【解析】1. 【文章大意】这篇短文主要讲述了神州十三号飞船返回时,航天员需要做的准备。
根据最后一段Based on their in﹣orbit physical examinations and data, experts had customize(定制) exercise plans for each of them to ensure a safe landing(根据他们在轨道上的体检和数据,专家们为他们每个人定制了锻炼计划,以确保安全着陆。)可知,专家们为航天员们制定锻炼计划,以确保安全着陆。故答案为The experts customized exercise plans for each of astronauts to ensure a safe landing。
2. 根据第三段If you are coming home after a long journey, you have to pack up. For astronauts in space, besides their personal belongings, they "packed" experimental data and samples, they would be further researched on Earth.(如果你在长途旅行后回家,你必须收拾行李。对于太空中的宇航员来说,除了他们的个人物品,他们还"打包"了实验数据和样本,他们将在地球上进行进一步的研究。)第四段The astronauts had to tidy up a large number of materials, including goods on the Tianzhou 3 cargo spacecraft, according to Zhong Weiwei, a researcher at the China Astronaut Research and Training Center.(据中国航天员研究训练中心研究员钟伟伟介绍,航天员们不得不整理大量物资,包括天舟三号货运飞船上的货物。)以及第五段 Since the space station had no room service, the three astronauts needed to "clear the house" on their own.(由于空间站没有客房服务,三名宇航员需要自己"清理房间"。)可知,宇航员在返回地球前,需要打包、整理物资以及打扫自己的房间。故答案为The astronauts had to pack up, tidy up a large number of materials and clear the house。
3. 根据题干What do you think of staying in space Why do you think so (你觉得呆在太空里怎么样?你为什么这么认为?)可以回答,我认为待在太空中很忙碌。因为宇航员需要做大量的实验和工作。故答案为I think staying in space is very busy. Because astronauts need to do a lot of experiments and work。
(2023·江苏省苏州市·模拟题) 双减"工作之一是减轻学生过重的作业负担,控制中小学生的书面作业总量,合理布置不同类型的作业。为此,某英文杂志社正在开展以"My Creative English Homework" 为主题的征文活动。请你写一篇征文,讲述自身经历,提出合理建议。内容包括:
My Creative English Homework
Doing English homework helps us to practice and use what we ve learned in class.
【答案】My Creative English Homework
Doing English homework helps us to practice and use what we've learned in class. Doing creative homework can make us more interested in English. Last winter vacation, our teacher asked us to design a poster about the Spring Festival. That was my favourite homework. It took me about three hours to finish it. ①It not only helped me go over the knowledge we've learned, but also provided a good chance to spread Chinese traditional culture.
②It can help us to have a better understanding of the book. Besides, we can do some surveys on our hobbies and write reports. In this way, our English will develop quickly.
I hope we'll have more creative English homework in the future.
① have a better understanding of...对......有更好地理解
② in my opinion在我看来
① It not only helped me go over the knowledge we've learned, but also provided a good chance to spread Chinese traditional culture. (动词不定式作后置定语)
②In my opinion, it's also a good choice to write book reviews.(it作形式主语,动词不定式作真正的主语)



