Unit 3 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?阅读综合训练 2023-2024鲁教版英语八年级上册(含答案)

In the summer of my eleventh year,my house burned to the ground at night. Thankfully, ms family ran away from the I with our dogs. Yet, we had nothing but the night clothes we were sleeping in, I felt so 2. .I didn’t know what would happen to us.
The next day my Mom’s friends 3 me a few T-shirts and pairs of jeans. One pair of
them was too short and the other pair too long 4 I didn’t care. At least I had some clothes
again. My dad returned to the broken house to see what be could 5 .The only thing he could find was my mom’s wedding(婚礼)rings.
As the autumn days came, my dad rented(租) us a house near our 6 house. As we moved in, our friends and our community 7 to give all they could to help us get back on our feet, There were more clothes, furniture, food, money, and 8 some books for me to read. I felt so happy.
Looking back now I am thankful for all we went through that 9 because it helped teach me so much about life and people, I 10 much from what people did for me. When you had nothing left but love, for the first time I knew that love is enough.
( )1.A.fire B.water C.air D.light
( )2.A.excited B.tired C.shocked D.surprised
( )3.A.told B.lent C.sold D.gave
( )4.A.and B.but C.or D.so
( )5.A. watch B.find C.look D.borrow
( )6.A.old B.new C.small D.big
( )7.A.experienced B. started C.continued D.happened
( )8.A.even B.ever C.already D.yet
( )9.A.spring B.summer C.sutumn D.winter
( )10.A.heard B.saved C.kept D.learned
Everybody has a story to share. What's wours Please tell before a new book comes out.
The Day Everything Changed
by George Rucker
As an 11-year-old African-American boy growing up in Philadelphia, playing baseball in the streets was my hobby. There were both black people and white people in my neighborhood, and no one cared how anvone looked. We just played together.
One spring day—April 4, 1968. my world chaneed. My mother ran outside and told me to get in
the house. Martin Luther King, Jr.was killed. As I sat on the floor and watched the fires, shouts
and fights on the news, I sadly knew it wasn’t easy for our black to live in America.
Giving Out Candy Hearts
by Jane Hoffman
I volunteer at a free restaurant feeding homeless and hungry people. One day, a lady in her late 40s wearing old clothes walked up and down the line of people waiting to be
served. She gave out little candy hearts. She sat at my table and told me her story:Once her
children grew up,her husband terribly beat her and made her stay away from home. After she
became homeless, she learned that he had given her AIDS(爱滋病).
She knew she was dying, but gave out candy hearts to try and bring happiness into every
person’s day.
( )1.Which of the following is TRUE
A.George Rucker used to live difficultly in America.
B.George Rucker was finally killed on April 4,1968.
C.In the end, George felt sad because he was black.
D. George Rucker fought against the white in the streets.
( )2. Where did Jane Hoffman help to feed homeless and hungry people
A.In his neighborhood. B.In the restaurant. C. In the streets nearby. D.In the hospital.
( )3. We can learn from the second story that .
A. Jane Hoffman lived a happy life B.Jane’s husband loved her
C.Jane Hoffman had no children D.Jane’s husband had AIDS
Gus Hutt was at the beach checking his fishing lines early in the morning on Oct.26 when he saw
the boy floating(飘) in the water.
“I thought it was just a toy,”he told the local newspaper.“His face looked just like toy baby with
his short hair wetted down. But then he let out a little cry and I thought ‘Oh god,this is a baby and it’s alive.’”
The boy left his parents’ tent while they were sleeping and ended up in the ocean.The holiday
camp owner Rebecca Salter told the newspaper that the rescue(救援) was difficult after
Hutt, a visitor at the campground, had decided to fish at a different place than usual.
“My husband came around the corner with the baby in his arms,"the wife said."I ran into the
house and got a lot of towels and blankets so he would be warm. He was just crying the whole
The baby’s mother shouted when someone told her that he found his baby in the water.
“They were shocked,"Salter said.“They woke up to find their baby wasn’t there...it must be a terrible accident. It’s a miracle.”
The boy’s footprints were clear in the sand, showing where he walked from the tent into the water. He floated about 50 feet before Hutt saw him.
( )1.What was Gus Hutt doing at the beach
A.He was swimming. B.He was fishing. C. He was playing. D.He was boating.
( )2. Where did the baby come from
A.From a boat. B.From the tent. C.From his home. D.From a hotel.
( )3. Who ran into the house to get towels and blankets
A.The baby’s mother. B.The baby’s father. C.Gus Hutt. D.Rebecca Salter.
( )4. Which of the following is TRUE
A.When the baby left, his parents were fishing.
B.The parents took good care of their baby.
C. Salter tried to help Gus Hutt save the baby.
D. After the baby floated 50 feet, Hutt found him.
Jackson was driving back home along a road one evening. He just lost his job. It was winter and it was very cold, just like his feelings.
An old lady with her car was standing on one side of the road. She needed help. No one stopped to help her.Jackson stopped in front of her and got out of his car.1 . Even when he put a smile on his face. the old lady still looked worried. Was he going to hurt her He didn’t look safe,and he
looked poor and hungry.
Jackson knew how she felt. He said,“I’m here to help you,madam.2 . By the way, my name
is Jackson.”
The lady thought for a while and then went into his car.3. Jackson went under her car to
repair it.When he finished,he got dirtv and his bands hurt.Then the lady told him that her name
was Anie. She asked Jackson how much she should pay for his help.
4. This was not a job to him. This was helping someone in need.He told her that if she really
wanted to pay him back,the next time she saw someone who needed help,she should give that
person help.
A.Jackson never thought about getting money.
B.The lady looked very worried.
C.Jackson wouldn’t like to give her a hand.
D.Why don’t you wait in my car
E.There was something wrong with her car.
A. Safe Cows B. Sweet Sleep C.Get You Back D.Always Growing E.The Yellow House
( )1.On a cool night,my grandfather’s house was on a fire. We ran to the house. The firemen were
fighting against the fire.They let us stand nearby as they got water from the river by the
house.My grandfather was not too sad because his cows were safe.
( )2.Dad gave up working on the farm.He and Mom moved to town.But they kept a small piece of land for a garden and returned each week to take care of it. Now Dad is 93;he is now picking
tomatoes in the garden, saying to the plants,“What will you remember about me ”
( )3.That day, Larry’s doctor called and told me that Larry had a bad heart trouble.He would need an operation(手术).I felt sad about my baby.Happily, the operation was a success, and I said in
Larry’s ear,“I thought I would lose you,but I know I’ve got you back.”
( )4.Now my baby is almost six, and every night, after we read and sing songs and turn off the
light,I lie down with her before she falls asleep.I watch her eyelids(眼皮) start to flutter(颤抖).I smell her hair and kiss her face. And I wish I could do this every night.
( )5.I dreamed about moving into a big house.I looked at little yellow houses somewhere in
Chicago on a train.“Oh, look—there’s one!"I’d say as it passed by. Then one day,sitting in my yard,I noticed the yellow walls of my house. I already had a yellow house.And I was home!
根据短文内容,选择适当的单词填空,使短文意思完整。每个选项只用一次,有两项剩余。happily kindness driver rich six poor remembered asked it me thanked best
I took the bus to school every day when I was in primary school. Alvin, our bus 1. , picked us up every morning.We were all from 2. families. My parents could hardly support the
family with3.________children.
Once a month, Alvin stopped at the local bus stop. Then someone came out and 4. each of us if we wanted an ice cream or a drink. Alvin paid for 5. .At the end of the school year, he took us to his home for dancing. The 6. that he showed was amazing.We didn’t get treats like that too often, so what he did for us was 7. remembered.
Twenty years later, I called him and 8. him for all he did for us.I told him that he probably
couldn’t remember me,but I sure 9. him! And I could hear the smile in his voice when he said he was happy that I called.
He is the reason why I do my 10. to show kindness to everyone I meet. He has had a big influence on my life. And I am very pleased that I was able to tell him.
阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。A storm struck Houston, Texas, on May 7, 2019. It rained 1.______ (heavy)and brought much
water.Police and firefighters helped people leave homes. They also saved people from 2. (car) or trucks that were stuck on roads.
In just four hours, more than seven inches of rain 3. (fall) on Sugar Land. Cars
could not pass through any of the roadways.On the Internet, Sugar Land city officials(官员) help people to look 4. high ground.”
Tuesday’s rain hit parts of Texas that Hurricane ( 飓风) Harvey already hit almost 5. (second) years ago. Hurricane Harvey was a terrible storm that 6. on August 25.
It resulted in about $125 billion in damages (损失). In the Houston area,
36 people died and more 7. ____150,000homes fell down.
A spokesman talked to the reporters.The spokesman said that this 8. (week) storm is as strong as Hurricane Harvey two years ago.
But Houston may not be out of the trouble yet. There would be heavy rain 9. (late) in theweek.“Today should be our quietest time 10. (wait) for the rainfall in the next few
days,"said Don Oettinger.He is a National Weather Service reporter.
The family usually goes on weekend camping trips, but things took a turn when 8-year-old
Leia and her 5-year-old sister Caroline accidentally walked through their parents’ forest.The girls realized that they were walking in circles when they passed the same poles
in the forest.
Though Caroline and Leia were scared,thev remembered all the survival skills that they learned
from their camping trips and favorite television shows.
As temperatures dropped during their first night in the wild,the girls kept themselves from the rain by hanging one of their jackets over a bush and crowding together for warmth.They used the tree leaves to drink rainwater, and Leia encouraged her younger sister to think happy things and make sure that their father would save them.
Their parents became worried when their children didn’t get home before dark. They phoned the
police and the police asked 250 persons to look for the kids in the forest.
Carolina says that she remembered the most important rule for surviving in the wilderness:staying put.The two girls spent another night crowding in their “brush home"as they waited for people to
find them, Both nights, Leia kept watching tor wild animals while her younger sister slept.
Finally on Sunday afternoon, they heard people calling their names, and after shouting back, two
firefighters appeared from the woods and they were relaxed to find that the girls were safe.
1. Where did the two sisters accidentally walk through
2.How did they learn survival skills
3. What did Leia encourage her sister to do
4. How long did the two sisters stay in the bush home
5.Who found the two girls in the end
选词填空: driver poor six asked it kindness happily thanked remembered best
语法填空:heavily cars fell for two happened than week’s later to wait
阅读表达:1 They walked through the forest.
2 By going camping trips and watching television shows. 3 To think happy things.
4 Two days. 5 Two firefighters.



上一篇:第五章 透镜及其应用单元测试(无答案) 2023-2024人教版八年级上册物理
