
6~10 BACBA
11~15 DCEBA
A-B) 16~20 ABCAC
C) 21~25 ACACC
D) 26~30 CBCBC
31. 准备我的餐食花了太多时间。
32. She works in a company.
33. Less than 20 yuan.
34. I hope I can stay in Shanghai in the future.
35. The food is cheap and delicious. /...
36. more serious 37. studying 38. so
39. as 40. me 41. wins 42. grades 43. really 44. broke 45. because
II. 写作技能。
46. most crowded 47. France 48. First
49. reading 50. like 51. them
52. the 53. will say
54. to give 55. If
56. It was great.
57. What do you think of it
58. What else did you do
59. How was the weather there
60. How long did you stay there
61. What do you want to be when you grow up
62. 然而,在他12岁时,他有了最终的回答。
63. Last month I made the soccer team.
64. 为了实现他的梦想,他刻苦练习。
65. 经过两年的努力,他足球踢得很好。2024年上期成章实验中学八年级入学测试 英语
班级:_________ 学号:_________ 姓名:__________ 分数:_________
总分:100分 时量:70分钟
There are always lots of worries in our life.When I was a teenager, Mom said to me,"Anna, it's 1.________    to have worries in life. Don't worry.Wait! One day your luck will change(改变). Then you'll 2.________ your problems."
At the age of 21, I graduated (毕业) from 3._________. One day, I wanted to host(主持)4.________. I went to Chicago and knocked on the door of every station. But they turned me 5.________ every time.They thought that I didn't have enough experience.I felt really 6._________.I went back home, Mom said to me, "Wait! One day your luck will change." Then she advised me to try another radio station in Iowa. I 7._________ her advice.
At a small radio station in Iowa, the manager told me that he had someone. As I left his office, I asked, "Could I do anything else if I can't host a sports program?" I waited and then 8.________, he said, "Certainly! " I worked very hard at the radio station. 9._________ the manager found I was careful and was talented in hosting programs. After two years, I finally started my favorite job.
I 10._________ my mother. And I will never forget her words,"Wait!One day your luck will change.Then you will become successful."
( )1. A. terrible B. normal C. unusual
( )2. A. get into B. look for C. work out
( )3. A. primary school B. middle school C. college
( )4. A. a sports program B. a talk show C. a party
( )5. A. off B. over C. down
( )6. A. excited B. upset C. sick
( )7. A. took B. refused C. answered
( )8. A. to my sadness B. to my disappointment C. to my surprise
( )9. A. Quietly B. Slowly C. Really
( )10. A. trust B. hate C. beat
Grain in Ear,or Mangzhong in Chinese, is the ninth solar term (节气) of the year. 11._________ Mangzhong is a pun (双关语) on the phrase "busy planting" in Chinese. 12.________ "Busy" is the keyword. Farmers need to plant various crops (庄稼), such as beans and sweet potatoes.They also need to harvest wheat (小麦) and vegetables in time.
13._________ In southern China, this period of time is called the plum rain season (梅雨季节). Plum rains often happen during June and July. Plums become ripe (熟的) during this time, so this long summer period of rainy or cloudy weather is called the plum rain season.
Plum rains might be unpleasant, but plum wine has been popular among the Chinese for thousands of years. 14. _________ However, fresh plums (梅子) taste sour. Therefore, Chinese people make wines with them instead of eating them directly.They also use plums to make a sour plum drink and preserved plums.
15._________ They put plums into rice wine and added sugar.Then they sealed (密封) the mixture in a bottle and kept it for 30 days before drinking.Today, people still make plum wine with alcohol, and such drinks can be kept for years.  
A.How did the ancient Chinese people make plum wine? B.Plums are good for people's health. C.It describes what a farmer's life is like during this period of time. D.It falls on June 5 this year. E.Grain in Ear usually begins a period of increased rainfall.
阅读下列材料,从每题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中,选出最佳选项。(共15题,计30分)
Beijing International Horticultural Expo(世界园艺博览会) Time:April 29﹣October7 Theme:Live Green,Live Better. Many flowers and herbs from both China and other countries are on display(展示) at the expo.There are also lots of wildflowers. Around 110 countries and international organizations(组织) take part in the expo. The expo has 41 outdoor display centers and about 2,500 activities.
( )16. How long will the expo last
A.More than 5 months. B.More than 6 months. C.Less than 5 months.
( )17. Which of the following about the Beijing International Horticultural Expo is true?    
A.You can't see wildflowers at the expo.
B.There are many flowers and herbs from both China and other countries.
C.About 41 countries and international organizations take part in the expo.
Indoor Water Park
Opening time ◆9:00 a.m. -- 6:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday; ◆8:00 a.m. -- 10:00 p.m. from Saturday to Sunday
Ticket price ◆Adults: 150 yuan/person; 130 yuan/member ◆Children: above 1.2 meters, 75 yuan/person; 60 yuan/member; under 1.2 meters free
Should not take food,pets,knives,rings
Things to remember ◆Children under 1.4 meters and old people above 60 should stay with other adults (成年人). ◆You should follow the rules in the water park. ◆If you have some health problems and aren't suitable (合适的) for water activities, you'd better not come in.
( )18. How long is the water park open on Tuesday?   
A.For seven hours B.For eight hours C.For nine hours
( )19. An adult member and a child member(above 1.2 meters)should pay ________ for the tickets.
A.190 yuan B.205 yuan C.225 yuan
( )20. What can visitors probably take to the Indoor Water Park?   
Rings B.Food C.Mobile phones
①Autumn offers colorful leaves and cool air for comfortable walks. People around the world love this golden season. Many countries have their own special ways of celebrating it.
②In the U.K., the Harvest Festival celebrates a successful harvest.The festivities usually include seasonal decorations(装饰), singing and more.Autumn also means roast (烤)dinners by an open fire and watching the fireworks on Guy Fawkes Night. It falls on November 5.
③In North America, Thanksgiving is an important celebration. It takes place in late November every year.Turkey always has a place at the Thanksgiving dinner table. They often take walks in the parks or have trips to see the beautiful autumn leaves.
④In France, thousands of people go into the forests to pick mushrooms. Germans make a traditional pumpkin soup. It can be warm or cold.When it comes to apples, there are many different kinds of delicious autumn dishes across Europe. For example, apple pancakes are a popular dish throughout autumn in many countries.
⑤Some countries can get quite creative. A traditional favorite in China is mooncakes. They are a key part of China's Mid-Autumn Festival. It falls on the 15th day of the eighth month in the Chinese lunar calendar.
( )21. When is Guy Fawkes Night
A.On November 5. B.On August 15. C.In late November.
( )22. Where do French people pick mushrooms
A.In the parks. B.By the lake. C.In the forests.
( )23. What are a popular dish throughout Autumn in many countries
A.Apple pancakes. B.Banana pancakes. C.Strawberry pancakes.
( )24. What is the structure of the passage?    
A. B. C.
( )25. What is the best title of the passage?    
A.Creative autumn festivals B.Delicious food in autumn C.Autumn traditions in the world
Changsha is a city famous for its food and here people spend a lot of time eating. Xiang Cuisine (菜系) is one of the Eight Cuisines in China and has a fine look and a hot taste. Street dining and restaurants in the city make every visitor's mouth hot. From the special snacks—Stinky Tofu to the famous Kou Wei Xia (spicy crayfish) at Pozi Street, there are many kinds of delicious food that will not let any visitors down.
Chairman Mao, who was Hunanese,once said that the more chilies (辣椒) one eats, the braver one becomes. It was a joke but it shows that food can make differences to the spirit of a person.
Pozi Street is the most popular place among visitors and it is famous for its spicy crayfish, a popular market food for Changsha people.The crayfishes are lightly cooked in hot water until they turn red. It would take about five minutes.They are then put in cooking oil, with hot chilies and garlic sauce (大蒜酱) for just thirty seconds when cooking wine and some water are added. The crayfishes are then cooked for another fifteen minutes to give them a spicy taste. The dish is spicy and hot and that's Changsha people's favorite!
Besides, there are other delicious foods including chilies with pork, duck dishes, cold dishes, soups, noodles and dumplings. Every evening, a line of restaurants on Pozi Street welcome visitors with bowls of bright﹣colored dishes and no one can say no to them! The crowded market will last late into the night until about three or even four o'clock!
This is the food culture in Changsha.The people there made mouth-watering food, and the food gives people joy to enjoy their lives in the city.
( )26.How many cuisines are there in China?    
A.Six. B.Seven. C.Eight.
( )27.What is the feature (特征) of Xiang Cuisine?    
A.A normal look and a fine taste. B.A fine look and a hot taste. C.A hot look and a normal taste.
( )28.What does the underlined word "spirit" mean in Chinese?    
A.想法 B.行为 C.精神
( )29.How much time do we need to cook the spicy crayfish?    
A.About 15 minutes. B.About 20 minutes. C.About 30 minutes.
( )30. What can we learn from the text?    
A.Chairman Mao tells a joke to make people eat more chilies.
B.Spicy crayfish is the only delicious food in Changsha.
C.The food market in Changsha will last until 3 a.m.or 4 a.m.
At noon, the Tongxin Canteen (餐厅) in Shanghai is crowded. Ms.Chen is waiting in line.She lives by herself and works in a company nearby. "①Preparing my meals takes too much time.I usually spent about two hours cooking but only ten minutes eating," she said. For a long time, she depended heavily on food deliveries (外卖).Her parents worried about her a lot.
The Tongxin Canteen is a perfect place for Chen. It's one of the city's community canteens. It is to provide(提供) quick healthy meals at good prices for the elderly. A basic meal with one meat dish and two vegetables costs less than 20 yuan (US$2.70).It is a better price than those in downtown restaurants. People call it "senior canteens"(老年人餐厅) at first. Now,however,these canteens are becoming popular with young people. Many of them share their dining experiences with others.Then more and more young people come to eat at community canteens.
On the message board(留言板) of the canteen, people can leave messages. One reads: "I'm a student studying in Shanghai and I really love eating here. ②我希望将来能呆在上海。 I want to help build this city."
Li is a delivery man. He often eats here, too. He sometimes helps deliver meals to people in need for free on weekends. "I always enjoy the public services in the community. I want to show my thanks and give something back." Li said.
31.请将文中划线句子①翻译成中文。_____________________________________________________   32. Where does Ms.Chen work ___________________________________________________________________   
33. How much does one meat dish and two vegetables cost _______________________________________   34. 请将文中划线句子②翻译成英文。___________________________________________________________   
35. If you go to the Tongxin Canteen, what would you write on the message board
综合填空。阅读短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。(共20题,计20分)
Jeff Green: My mother told me a good friend is like a mirror. I’m quieter and 36.____________(serious) than most kids. That’s why I like reading books and I study harder in class. My best friend Yuan Li is quiet too, so we enjoy 37.________(study) together. I’m shy 38. ________ it’s not easy for me to make friends. But I think friends are like books -- you don’t need a lot of them as long 39.________ they’re good.
Huang Lei: It’s not necessary to be the same. My best friend Larry is quite different from 40._________(I). He is taller and more outgoing. We both like sports, but he plays tennis better, so he always 41._________(win). However, Larry often helps to bring out the best in me. So I’m getting better at tennis. Larry is much less hard-working, though. I always get better 42._________(grade) than he does, so maybe I should help him more.
Mary Smith: I don’t really care if my friends are the same as me or different. My favorite saying is , “ A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart.” My best friend Carol is 43._________(real) kind and very funny. In fact, she is funnier than anyone I know. I 44.________(break) my arm last year but she made me laugh and feel better. We can talk about and share everything. I know she cares about me 45._________ she’s always there to listen.
Most people go to work by subway. The subway is the 46._________________ (crowded) place in a city. And the culture of subways is the window of a city. Paris is the capital of 47.________ (French) and its subways are also very special.You can enjoy its subway culture when you are in the city. 48.________(one), you can see many people reading books in the subway. No matter they are in the subway or at the station, there is always a book in their hand. I don't know in which city there are a lot of people 49._________(read) novels together in the subway like Paris.
The subway stations in Paris are not big, but each of them has its special facts. There are a lot of pictures on the wall of the stations. Some stations look 50._________ ships.Some stations have clothes, caps and shoes. And every station has a big advertisement picture. But many of 51._________(they) are for selling clothes and cosmetics (化妆品).
You can meet some beggars (乞丐) in the subway. But the beggars in the Paris subway are also very special. They are all begging by their craftsmanship (手艺). They often play 52._________ violin or guitar in the train. There are also beggars waiting at the gate. If the beggars have no craftsmanship, they 53.________ (say) their difficulties such as wife and many children waiting for food. After telling, they will go around the train. It is your freedom 54._________(give) the money or not.
55.________ you want to learn more about Paris, go to the subway and enjoy its culture by yourself.
Mary: Hi, Lisa. How was your winter vacation
Lisa: 56. _____________________. I did a lot of interesting things.
Mary: Did you watch the movie YOLO (《热辣滚烫》)
Lisa: Yes, I did. I watched it with my family at Wanda Cinema.
Mary: 57. _______________________________________
Lisa: It is great. I want to lose weight with Jia Ling now.
Mary: Me, too. 58. _______________________________________
Lisa: I also went to Sanya. It is really a good place to go especially in winter.
Mary: 59. ___________________________
Lisa: It was sunny and hot.
Mary: 60. ______________________________
Lisa: I stayed there for 5 days. I love the food, the sunshine... Everything was excellent.
Mary: That sounds great. I can’t wait to fly there.
What’s your dream 61.你长大以后想成为什么 People around the world like to ask their children this kind of questions.
Zhang Meng from Hunan had different answers to the questions when she was a little boy. 62.However, he had his final (最终的) answer when he was 12. After seeing his father play soccer everyday, he had a big dream. He wanted to be the best soccer player in the world one day. He tole us “ Like father, like son.” He also said, “ It’s a long way to go, but I will go step by step(一步步地). 63.上个月我成为了足球队的一员。
To make his dream come true, he practiced very hard. When his friends were playing different games, she
spent his time playing soccer. 65. After two years of hard work, he could play soccer very well. Now he practices for two hours every day. He hopes to play soccer better.
63. _______________________________________________________________________________________
64. _______________________________________________________________________________________
65. _______________________________________________________________________________________
(答题卡) 班级:_________ 学号:_________ 姓名:__________ 分数:_________
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
A)综合填空。 (A)
36. ____________ 37. ___________ 38._____________ 39._____________40.______________
41. ____________ 42. ___________ 43._____________ 44._____________45.______________
46. ____________ 47. ___________ 48._____________ 49._____________50.______________
51. ____________ 52. ___________ 53._____________ 54._____________55.______________



