
We asked you to tell us how you've made someone's day.Thanks for your wonderful replies!Here are just a few.
"My family and I set out a box of snacks for our postal carriers (邮递员).I enjoyed watching them take a snack.Sometimes they even waved to me.I look forward to putting out another snack box." Lyllieanne Tippery,age 7,Virginia
"For World Kindness Day one year,I wrote nice messages on Post-It notes and gave them to my teacher.She posted them on kids' notice boards." Kara Goodwin,age 8,Ohio
"I like to help my mom by watching my little brother so she can get chores done" Charlie Webb Carson,age 7,Louisiana
"My friends and I did two cake sales at the music school where my mom and dad work.We raised $303 and gave the money to a local homeless shelter (收容所).It was a very fun experience and it was great to know l helped somebody!" Hope Jacklin,age 10,Illinois
"I like to make people laugh.I like the smiles on their faces and the laughs of the crowd." Connor Mitchell,age 8,Alabama
Your Turn!What kind things have you done?What you did may give other kids ideas!Share yours with us.Mail to:803 Church Street Honesdale.PAI8431.
1.What nice thing did Charlie do? ______
A. He wrote notes to his teachers.
B. He looked after his little brother.
C. He gave snacks to postal carriers.
D. He sold cakes at the music school.
2.How can you contact (联系) the magazine to share your experience? ______
A. By calling. B. By writing a letter.
C. By sending an email. D. By visiting a website.
3.In which column (栏目) of a magazine can you read this text? ______
A. Kind Kids. B. Book Club.
C. Photos of the Week. D. News Around the World.
Medellin,the second largest city in Colombia,used not to be a great place for kids to grow up.Today,however,the people of Medellin are working together to make it a safer and more beautiful community.How are they doing this?Through art,of course!
The local government has given artists permission to paint murals (壁画) on certain walls through out the community.Artists are able to share their feelings with others.They express themselves in their work.They also express a shared culture and shared values and memories.This builds respect among the residents (居民).
The government's interest in the community helps the residents believe in the political system.To further support the residents of Medellin,the local government also provides residents with brightly colored paint to paint their houses.As residents plan and paint their homes together,they appreciate and understand each other more.
Another way Medellin is using art to improve their neighborhoods is by giving kids art classes Community centers,such as Casa Morada,teach kids how to paint and help them plan murals for public spaces.This is not only fun,but it has a serious side to it as well.It keeps kids out of trouble and gives them a sense of pride in their neighborhood.
Because of art,bright colors surround the community of Medellin.It gives the residents joy,pride,and a sense of togetherness.As a result,Medellin is becoming a safer,more beautiful place.
4.What does the underlined "it" in the first paragraph refer to? ______
A. Medellin. B. Colombia. C. Government. D. Art.
5.According to the writer,what isn't the theme of the paintings on the walls around the community? ______
A. The artists' feelings. B. Memories of the city's.
C. The city's culture. D. Respect to the government.
6.What does the government give local people to paint their houses? ______
A. Money support. B. Painting skills.
C. Colored paint. D. Part-time workers.
7.What is one of the results of having art lessons for many kids? ______
A. Interesting them in art. B. Understanding the government.
C. Freeing them of failure. D. Owning pride in neighborhoods.
Cyclocross is cross-country bicycle racing.Racers spend only part of a race on their bikes because only part of the two-mile race is smooth.Other parts of the race have the challenge of obstacles(障碍).When racers reach them,they can ride over them,or pick up their bikes and run.
To be a top racer,you must dismount without slowing down at all.To do this,swing your right leg over the bike seat.At the same time,move the bike away from your body.This makes room for your right foot to hit the ground next to your left foot.As your right foot nears the ground,take your left foot away from the bike.Put both feet on the ground and start running!
As soon as you are running,you have to decide what to do with your bike.You may shoulder it or lift it.It's important to practice both skills.Sometimes you need to run fast and jump over some obstacles .As your feet hit the ground,you reach down and catch the bottom of your bike.Lift up carefully and keep the bike on your right shoulder while you run.Some times you may lift your bike.You catch the top of your bike.Then you lift the bike high enough to get over the obstacles and carefully put the bike on the ground.
After you have carried your bike across an obstacle,you will need to remount .As soon as your bike is on the ground,push off with your left leg,swing your right leg over the bike seat,and move into riding position.Remounting can be the hardest skill of cyclocross.You can learn by watching someone who remounts well.
Cyclocross is a great way to stay active and have fun.However,it can be dangerous.Make sure that you are well prepared.Then,you will just need to go!
8.What can we learn about cyclocross from the text? ______
A. It's a no-obstacle bike race. B. It's a cross-city bike race.
C. It's a challenging bike race. D. It's a dangerous running race.
9.What does the underlined word "dismount"in paragraph 2 mean? ______
A. Pick up a bike. B. Get off a bike.
C. Get back on a bike. D. Practice riding a bike.
10.Why does a racer have to shoulder a bike in a race? ______
A. To jump over obstacles. B. To take care of the bike.
C. To make room for others. D. To hit the ground harder.
11.What is the text mainly about? ______
A. The skills of cyclocross racing.
B. The history of cyclocross racing.
C. The records of cyclocross racing.
D. The popularity of cyclocross racing.
4th AugustI'm excited because tomorrow I'm going to the hills with my aunt.I'm going to take my dog,Dizzy for a walk and then we're going to go swimming in a lake.We're not going home until after dinner!
My aunt's meeting us tomorrow at 9 a.m.to drive us there,so I should go to sleep now.
5th August
Today something awful happened.We were having a lovely day in the hills.Dizzy was happy and we had a lovely picnic.But when we went to the lake,things started to go wrong.We were swimming when Dizzy cut her leg badly on a rock.She fell over and started crying.We put a bandage round her leg and carried her back to the car.
It looks really painful so we're taking her to the vet (兽医) this evening.
6th August
The vet gave Dizzy a prescription (处方) for some medicine,and she said that Dizzy needs to have a small operation (手术).
Also,I think I've got the flu.When I got out of the lake,I was so worried about Dizzy that I forgot to get warm and dry.My mum gave me some medicine for my headache.She told me to go to bed and rest.But when I lie down,I can't sleep because I'm so worried about Dizzy.
7th August
I've got some great news.Dizzy's operation was a success!Dizzy's resting at the vet's at the moment and the vet says she can come home tomorrow.Hooray!
I'm feeling better too.So I'll be able to look after Dizzy when she gets home.
12.What was the writer doing when Dizzy cut her leg? ______
A. She was walking with Dizzy. B. She was having a picnic.
C. She was swimming in a lake. D. She was driving home.
13.In what order did the following happen? ______
a.The writer took some medicine.
b.The writer's aunt drove her to the hills.
c.Dizzy was taken to the vet.
d.Dizzy fell over and cried.
e.Dizzy was given a prescription.
A. a-c-b-d-e B. b-a-e-c-d C. b-d-c-e-a D. d-b-c-a-e
14.When can Dizzy go back home? ______
A. On 5th August. B. On 6th August. C. On 7th August. D. On 8th August.
15.What kind of texts are these? ______
A. E-mails. B. Diaries. C. Ads. D. Notices.
What Makes A Movie A Hit?
( 1) ______
Some stars have fans who will go and see any movie they are in.However,not all movies that have big stars in them are successful,and using famous actors can be expensive!
( 2) ______
There are lots of movies which come from books,comics,computer games or TV shows.Just think of Harry Potter,Wonder Woman,X-Men,Star Wars,etc.People already love these,so they can't wait to see the movie.
( 3) ______
Before people go and see a movie,they often check to see what others write or talk about it in the newspapers or on the websites.Also,people who love a movie will tell their friends how good it is.
( 4) ______
This is really important.As well as posters,most big movies will now have a website that.gives extra information about the movie.Also,when a new movie comes out,the stars of the movie usually travel around the world and give interviews to get people interested in the movie.
( 5) ______
Awards(奖) like the Oscars and the Golden Globes let people know which movies are good to watch.A movie that gets an award often becomes much more popular than before.
A.Make a movie that might win a prize. B.Use a story or characters people like. C.Advertise the movie well. D.Use actors who are really famous. E.Make a movie with high technology. F.Make a movie that people will write or talk about.
It is in November.As the plane climbs through the clear sky,22-year-old Jones (1) ______ today's process in his mind.His heart is racing,but he's (2) ______ that he's ready for his first jump.Stay calm,he tells himself (3) ______ he sits in the back of the plane.
The plane reaches 12,000 feet,right over the flat landing point.A green light begins(4) ______ on the wall right in front of him,a signal that the pilot has given his OK for the jump to(5) ______ .Though Jones will be managing his parachute(降落伞) himself,he will not be(6) ______ .Experienced parachutist,Sheldon McFarlane,who has 25 years and some 10,000 jumps under his belt,will be right(7) ______ .McFarlane slides open the plane's side door and makes a sign for Jones to(8) ______ the ready place near the door.
Jones(9) ______ a little as he feels the cold air rush into the plane.The wind is so noisy that he can hear (10) ______ but his own heartbeat.He is nervous but focused on McFarlane,who will follow to guide him (11) ______ a set of help and support using hand signals and radio orders.McFarlane will also film the jump (12) ______ Jones can watch it later.
He climbs into position,checking(13) ______ his helmet,his jumpsuit and every part of the parachute.He's ready to jump. "Check in," he says with a thumbs(拇指)-up to McFarlane.
"OK,"(14) ______ McFarlane with a return thumbs-up.
Fighting the strong winds,Jones looks down at the green-and-brown pattern of the (15) ______ .In the distance,he sees the bright blue of the Indian Ocean.
"Sky!" he shouts,indicating that he knows in which direction to jump.McFarlane gives him another thumbs-up.
1.A. gets over B. comes over C. flies over D. goes over
2.A. certain B. afraid C. angry D. sorry
3.A. although B. because C. as D. unless
4.A. failing B. beating C. flashing D. disappearing
5.A. stop B. start C. continue D. repeat
6.A. alone B. active C. absent D. awake
7.A. down B. behind C. away D. up
8.A. take off B. take out C. take down D. take up
9.A. relaxes B. shakes C. waves D. nods
10.A. nothing B. something C. anything D. everything
11.A. for B. from C. through D. past
12.A. as soon as B. as long as C. so that D. even though
13.A. carefully B. bravely C. happily D. proudly
14.A. asks B. answers C. greets D. mentions
15.A. sea B. field C. forest D. mountain
Traffic School
Have you ever driven through a red traffic light?Have you ever parked in the wrong place or Driven(1) ______ (fast) than the speed limit(限制)?The answers are probably " yes ".Every year(2) ______ (thousand) of drivers become " offenders "- they break the rules of the road.But(3) ______ are the punishments for this offence?
In most countries drivers have to pay a fine(罚款),(4) ______ (usual)$100-$300.But in the USA,Australia and some(5) ______ (Europe) countries offenders also get points on their driving license.After they get(6) ______ certain number of points,they can't drive.
Life is difficult when you can't drive.So far some states in the USA(7) ______ (introduce)a new way to avoid this-Traffic School.Offenders have a choice:They can get points on their license(8) ______ they can do a course at Traffic School.
Traffic Schools run "driver improvement courses".They cost about $100 and take from four(9) ______ twelve hours.Most people do the course in a classroom,but in some states drivers can do the course online.Drivers learn the rules of the road and they learn how(10) ______ (be) better drivers.They don't have to take a driving test,but at the end of the course they have to pass a written examination.
1.I like to spend time with my parents on Saturdays and S ______ .
2.The firefighters saved eight people in the big fire,three men and f ______ women.
3.We f ______ some hens and saw some baby pigs.
4.Cooking is one of the b ______ living skills that students have to learn.
5.Tree Planting Day is on the twelfth day of M ______ .
6.Nick b ______ a glass bottle by accident and hurt his finger.
7.I cut the apple into q ______ and give them to my parents and two cousins.
8.All the tickets were s ______ out,so Tom went away disappointedly.
9.S ______ is the seventh day of a week.
10.She never took a taxi,even though she could a ______ the cost.
假定你是Li Ping,收到下面一封邮件,请阅读后回复,词数80左右可适当增加细节,请行文连贯.
Dear all, As the 19th Asian Games will be held in Hangzhou in September this year,we are looking for some volunteers for this big historical event.Do you want to join us?What are your interests and hobbies?What volunteer job are you interested in and why?Did you have the experience of volunteering? Looking forward to your reply! HAGOC
Dear sir/ madam,
Yours truly,
Li Ping2024中考英语冲刺模拟试卷-其二(浙江杭州专用)
We asked you to tell us how you've made someone's day.Thanks for your wonderful replies!Here are just a few.
"My family and I set out a box of snacks for our postal carriers (邮递员).I enjoyed watching them take a snack.Sometimes they even waved to me.I look forward to putting out another snack box." Lyllieanne Tippery,age 7,Virginia
"For World Kindness Day one year,I wrote nice messages on Post-It notes and gave them to my teacher.She posted them on kids' notice boards." Kara Goodwin,age 8,Ohio
"I like to help my mom by watching my little brother so she can get chores done" Charlie Webb Carson,age 7,Louisiana
"My friends and I did two cake sales at the music school where my mom and dad work.We raised $303 and gave the money to a local homeless shelter (收容所).It was a very fun experience and it was great to know l helped somebody!" Hope Jacklin,age 10,Illinois
"I like to make people laugh.I like the smiles on their faces and the laughs of the crowd." Connor Mitchell,age 8,Alabama
Your Turn!What kind things have you done?What you did may give other kids ideas!Share yours with us.Mail to:803 Church Street Honesdale.PAI8431.
1.What nice thing did Charlie do? ______
A. He wrote notes to his teachers.
B. He looked after his little brother.
C. He gave snacks to postal carriers.
D. He sold cakes at the music school.
2.How can you contact (联系) the magazine to share your experience? ______
A. By calling. B. By writing a letter.
C. By sending an email. D. By visiting a website.
3.In which column (栏目) of a magazine can you read this text? ______
A. Kind Kids. B. Book Club.
C. Photos of the Week. D. News Around the World.
1. 细节理解题。根据表格三"I like to help my mom by watching my little brother so she can get chores done"("我喜欢帮妈妈照看我的小弟弟,这样她就可以完成家务了")可知,他照看他的小弟弟。故选B。
2. 细节理解题。根据最后一段Mail to:803 Church Street Honesdale.(邮寄地址:教堂街803号。)可知,你通过写信联系杂志分享你的经验。故选B。
3. 推理判断题。根据表格三"I like to help my mom by watching my little brother so she can get chores done"("我喜欢帮妈妈照看我的小弟弟,这样她就可以完成家务了")以及最后一段What kind things have you done?What you did may give other kids ideas!Share yours with us.(你做过什么好事?你所做的可能会给其他孩子带来灵感!和我们分享你的吧。)可知,你能在杂志中的善良的孩子这个栏目读到这篇文章。故选A。
Medellin,the second largest city in Colombia,used not to be a great place for kids to grow up.Today,however,the people of Medellin are working together to make it a safer and more beautiful community.How are they doing this?Through art,of course!
The local government has given artists permission to paint murals (壁画) on certain walls through out the community.Artists are able to share their feelings with others.They express themselves in their work.They also express a shared culture and shared values and memories.This builds respect among the residents (居民).
The government's interest in the community helps the residents believe in the political system.To further support the residents of Medellin,the local government also provides residents with brightly colored paint to paint their houses.As residents plan and paint their homes together,they appreciate and understand each other more.
Another way Medellin is using art to improve their neighborhoods is by giving kids art classes Community centers,such as Casa Morada,teach kids how to paint and help them plan murals for public spaces.This is not only fun,but it has a serious side to it as well.It keeps kids out of trouble and gives them a sense of pride in their neighborhood.
Because of art,bright colors surround the community of Medellin.It gives the residents joy,pride,and a sense of togetherness.As a result,Medellin is becoming a safer,more beautiful place.
4.What does the underlined "it" in the first paragraph refer to? ______
A. Medellin. B. Colombia. C. Government. D. Art.
5.According to the writer,what isn't the theme of the paintings on the walls around the community? ______
A. The artists' feelings. B. Memories of the city's.
C. The city's culture. D. Respect to the government.
6.What does the government give local people to paint their houses? ______
A. Money support. B. Painting skills.
C. Colored paint. D. Part-time workers.
7.What is one of the results of having art lessons for many kids? ______
A. Interesting them in art. B. Understanding the government.
C. Freeing them of failure. D. Owning pride in neighborhoods.
【解析】4.代词指代题。根据第1段"the people of Medellin are working together to make it a safer and more beautiful community."(麦德林人民正在共同努力,使其成为一个更安全、更美丽的社区。)故此处it指代"麦德林"。故选A。
5.细节理解题。根据第2段"Artists are able to share their feelings with others.They express themselves in their work.They also express a shared culture and shared values and memories.This builds respect among the residents (居民)."(艺术家能够与他人分享他们的感受。他们在工作中表达自己。它们还表达了共同的文化、共同的价值观和记忆。这在居民之间建立了尊重。)可知艺术家能够与他人分享他们的感受,他们还表达了共同的文化、共同的价值观和记忆。故选D。
6.细节理解题。根据第3段"To further support the residents of Medellin,the local government also provides residents with brightly colored paint to paint their houses"(为了进一步支持麦德林的居民,当地政府还为居民提供色彩鲜艳的油漆来粉刷他们的房子。)可知当地政府还为居民提供色彩鲜艳的油漆来粉刷他们的房子。故选C。
7.细节理解题。根据第4段"It keeps kids out of trouble and gives them a sense of pride in their neighborhood."(它让孩子们远离麻烦,让他们对自己的社区感到自豪。)可知这些课让孩子对自己的社区感到自豪。故选D。
Cyclocross is cross-country bicycle racing.Racers spend only part of a race on their bikes because only part of the two-mile race is smooth.Other parts of the race have the challenge of obstacles(障碍).When racers reach them,they can ride over them,or pick up their bikes and run.
To be a top racer,you must dismount without slowing down at all.To do this,swing your right leg over the bike seat.At the same time,move the bike away from your body.This makes room for your right foot to hit the ground next to your left foot.As your right foot nears the ground,take your left foot away from the bike.Put both feet on the ground and start running!
As soon as you are running,you have to decide what to do with your bike.You may shoulder it or lift it.It's important to practice both skills.Sometimes you need to run fast and jump over some obstacles .As your feet hit the ground,you reach down and catch the bottom of your bike.Lift up carefully and keep the bike on your right shoulder while you run.Some times you may lift your bike.You catch the top of your bike.Then you lift the bike high enough to get over the obstacles and carefully put the bike on the ground.
After you have carried your bike across an obstacle,you will need to remount .As soon as your bike is on the ground,push off with your left leg,swing your right leg over the bike seat,and move into riding position.Remounting can be the hardest skill of cyclocross.You can learn by watching someone who remounts well.
Cyclocross is a great way to stay active and have fun.However,it can be dangerous.Make sure that you are well prepared.Then,you will just need to go!
8.What can we learn about cyclocross from the text? ______
A. It's a no-obstacle bike race. B. It's a cross-city bike race.
C. It's a challenging bike race. D. It's a dangerous running race.
9.What does the underlined word "dismount"in paragraph 2 mean? ______
A. Pick up a bike. B. Get off a bike.
C. Get back on a bike. D. Practice riding a bike.
10.Why does a racer have to shoulder a bike in a race? ______
A. To jump over obstacles. B. To take care of the bike.
C. To make room for others. D. To hit the ground harder.
11.What is the text mainly about? ______
A. The skills of cyclocross racing.
B. The history of cyclocross racing.
C. The records of cyclocross racing.
D. The popularity of cyclocross racing.
【解析】8.细节理解题。根据第一段"Racers spend only part of a race on their bikes because only part of the two-mile race is smooth.Other parts of the race have the challenge of obstacles."(选手们只花一部分时间在自行车上,因为两英里的赛程中只有一部分是平坦的。比赛的其他部分有障碍的挑战。)可知,这是一个有挑战性的比赛,故选C。
9.词义猜测题。根据第二段"To be a top racer,you must dismount without slowing down at all.To do this,swing your right leg over the bike seat.At the same time,move the bike away from your body."(要成为一名顶级车手,你必须完全不减速下车。要做到这一点,把你的右腿放在自行车座位上。同时,把自行车从你的身体上移开。)可知,要成为一名顶级赛车手,速度必须要快,而且要做到在不减速的情况下从自行车上下来,所以划线单词是指"get off a bike",故选B。
10.细节理解题。根据第三段"As soon as you are running,you have to decide what to do with your bike.You may shoulder it or lift it.It's important to practice both skills.Sometimes you need to run fast and jump over some obstacles."(一旦你开始跑步,你就必须决定如何处理你的自行车。你可以扛着它,也可以举起它。练习这两种技能很重要。有时你需要跑得快,跳过一些障碍。)可知,这样做是为了随身带着自行车。故选B。
4th AugustI'm excited because tomorrow I'm going to the hills with my aunt.I'm going to take my dog,Dizzy for a walk and then we're going to go swimming in a lake.We're not going home until after dinner!
My aunt's meeting us tomorrow at 9 a.m.to drive us there,so I should go to sleep now.
5th August
Today something awful happened.We were having a lovely day in the hills.Dizzy was happy and we had a lovely picnic.But when we went to the lake,things started to go wrong.We were swimming when Dizzy cut her leg badly on a rock.She fell over and started crying.We put a bandage round her leg and carried her back to the car.
It looks really painful so we're taking her to the vet (兽医) this evening.
6th August
The vet gave Dizzy a prescription (处方) for some medicine,and she said that Dizzy needs to have a small operation (手术).
Also,I think I've got the flu.When I got out of the lake,I was so worried about Dizzy that I forgot to get warm and dry.My mum gave me some medicine for my headache.She told me to go to bed and rest.But when I lie down,I can't sleep because I'm so worried about Dizzy.
7th August
I've got some great news.Dizzy's operation was a success!Dizzy's resting at the vet's at the moment and the vet says she can come home tomorrow.Hooray!
I'm feeling better too.So I'll be able to look after Dizzy when she gets home.
12.What was the writer doing when Dizzy cut her leg? ______
A. She was walking with Dizzy. B. She was having a picnic.
C. She was swimming in a lake. D. She was driving home.
13.In what order did the following happen? ______
a.The writer took some medicine.
b.The writer's aunt drove her to the hills.
c.Dizzy was taken to the vet.
d.Dizzy fell over and cried.
e.Dizzy was given a prescription.
A. a-c-b-d-e B. b-a-e-c-d C. b-d-c-e-a D. d-b-c-a-e
14.When can Dizzy go back home? ______
A. On 5th August. B. On 6th August. C. On 7th August. D. On 8th August.
15.What kind of texts are these? ______
A. E-mails. B. Diaries. C. Ads. D. Notices.
【解析】12.细节理解题。根据5th August(八月五日)中日记的内容We were swimming when Dizzy cut her leg badly on a rock.(我们在游泳时,迪兹被一块石头严重划伤了腿。)可知,迪兹腿受伤时作者和家人正在游泳。故选C。
13.细节理解题。根据4th August(八月四日)中日记的内容I'm excited because tomorrow I'm going to the hills with my aunt.(我很兴奋,因为明天我要和我姨妈去爬山。)可知,八月五号作者姨妈带作者去爬山,所以b是第一件事,排除选项A和D;再根据5th August(八月五日)中日记的内容We were swimming when Dizzy cut her leg badly on a rock.She fell over and started crying.(我们在游泳时,迪兹被一块石头严重划伤了腿。她摔倒了,哭了起来。)可知,在山上的湖里游泳时小狗腿受伤大声哭泣,所以d是第二件事,排除选项B。故选C。
14.推理判断题。根据7th August(八月七日)中日记的内容Dizzy's resting at the vet's at the moment and the vet says she can come home tomorrow.(迪兹现在在兽医那里休息,兽医说她明天就可以回家了。)可知,明天小狗能出院回家,即八月八日。故选D。
What Makes A Movie A Hit?
( 1) ______
Some stars have fans who will go and see any movie they are in.However,not all movies that have big stars in them are successful,and using famous actors can be expensive!
( 2) ______
There are lots of movies which come from books,comics,computer games or TV shows.Just think of Harry Potter,Wonder Woman,X-Men,Star Wars,etc.People already love these,so they can't wait to see the movie.
( 3) ______
Before people go and see a movie,they often check to see what others write or talk about it in the newspapers or on the websites.Also,people who love a movie will tell their friends how good it is.
( 4) ______
This is really important.As well as posters,most big movies will now have a website that.gives extra information about the movie.Also,when a new movie comes out,the stars of the movie usually travel around the world and give interviews to get people interested in the movie.
( 5) ______
Awards(奖) like the Oscars and the Golden Globes let people know which movies are good to watch.A movie that gets an award often becomes much more popular than before.
A.Make a movie that might win a prize. B.Use a story or characters people like. C.Advertise the movie well. D.Use actors who are really famous. E.Make a movie with high technology. F.Make a movie that people will write or talk about.
【解析】1. 细节推理题。根据后句"Some stars have fans who will go and see any movie they are in.However,not all movies that have big stars in them are successful,and using famous actors can be expensive!"(有些明星有粉丝,他们会去看他们演的任何电影。然而,并不是所有有大明星出演的电影都是成功的,聘请著名演员可能会很昂贵!")可知,电影中使用著名演员可能会很昂贵。选项D"用真正有名的演员。"符合语境。故选D。
2. 细节推理题。( 2)根据后句"There are lots of movies which come from books,comics,computer games or TV shows.Just think of Harry Potter, Wonder Woman, X-Men, Star Wars,etc.People already love these,so they can't wait to see the movie."(有很多电影来自书籍、漫画、电脑游戏或电视节目。想想《哈利波特》、《神奇女侠》、《x战警》、《星球大战》等等。人们已经很喜欢这些了,所以他们迫不及待地想看这部电影。)可知,电影中使用了很多人喜欢的书籍、漫画、电脑游戏或电视节目。选项B"使用人们喜欢的故事或人物。"符合语境。故选B。
3. 根据后句"Before people go and see a movie,they often check to see what others write or talk about it in the newspapers or on the websites.Also,people who love a movie will tell their friends how good it is."(在人们去看电影之前,他们经常在报纸或网站上查看其他人写了什么或谈论了什么。此外,喜欢一部电影的人会告诉他们的朋友这部电影有多好。)可知,在人们看电影之前,经常会查看别人在报纸或网站上写了什么或谈论了什么。选项F"制作一部人们会写或谈论的电影。"符合语境。故选F。
4. 根据后句"This is really important.As well as posters,most big movies will now have a website that gives extra information about the movie.Also,when a new movie comes out,the stars of the movie usually travel around the world and give interviews to get people interested in the movie."(这真的很重要。除了海报,大多数大片现在都有一个网站,提供有关电影的额外信息。此外,当一部新电影上映时,电影明星通常会环游世界,接受采访,让人们对这部电影感兴趣。)可知,此处是说电影上映后,明星要会环游世界,接受采访,做好电影的宣传。选项C"好好宣传这部电影。"符合语境。故选C。
5. 根据后句"Awards (奖) like the Oscars and the Golden Globes let people know which movies are good to watch.A movie that gets an award often becomes much more popular than before."(像奥斯卡和金球奖这样的奖项让人们知道哪些电影值得看。获得奖项的电影通常比以前更受欢迎。)可知,获奖的电影更受欢迎。选项A"拍一部可能获奖的电影。"符合语境。故选A。
(2023·浙江省杭州市·模拟题)It is in November.As the plane climbs through the clear sky,22-year-old Jones (1) ______ today's process in his mind.His heart is racing,but he's (2) ______ that he's ready for his first jump.Stay calm,he tells himself (3) ______ he sits in the back of the plane.
The plane reaches 12,000 feet,right over the flat landing point.A green light begins(4) ______ on the wall right in front of him,a signal that the pilot has given his OK for the jump to(5) ______ .Though Jones will be managing his parachute(降落伞) himself,he will not be(6) ______ .Experienced parachutist,Sheldon McFarlane,who has 25 years and some 10,000 jumps under his belt,will be right(7) ______ .McFarlane slides open the plane's side door and makes a sign for Jones to(8) ______ the ready place near the door.
Jones(9) ______ a little as he feels the cold air rush into the plane.The wind is so noisy that he can hear (10) ______ but his own heartbeat.He is nervous but focused on McFarlane,who will follow to guide him (11) ______ a set of help and support using hand signals and radio orders.McFarlane will also film the jump (12) ______ Jones can watch it later.
He climbs into position,checking(13) ______ his helmet,his jumpsuit and every part of the parachute.He's ready to jump. "Check in," he says with a thumbs(拇指)-up to McFarlane.
"OK,"(14) ______ McFarlane with a return thumbs-up.
Fighting the strong winds,Jones looks down at the green-and-brown pattern of the (15) ______ .In the distance,he sees the bright blue of the Indian Ocean.
"Sky!" he shouts,indicating that he knows in which direction to jump.McFarlane gives him another thumbs-up.
1.A. gets over B. comes over C. flies over D. goes over
2.A. certain B. afraid C. angry D. sorry
3.A. although B. because C. as D. unless
4.A. failing B. beating C. flashing D. disappearing
5.A. stop B. start C. continue D. repeat
6.A. alone B. active C. absent D. awake
7.A. down B. behind C. away D. up
8.A. take off B. take out C. take down D. take up
9.A. relaxes B. shakes C. waves D. nods
10.A. nothing B. something C. anything D. everything
11.A. for B. from C. through D. past
12.A. as soon as B. as long as C. so that D. even though
13.A. carefully B. bravely C. happily D. proudly
14.A. asks B. answers C. greets D. mentions
15.A. sea B. field C. forest D. mountain
【解析】(1)考查短语。句意:当飞机在晴朗的天空中爬升时,22岁的琼斯在脑海中回顾了今天的过程。gets over克服;comes over来到;flies over飞跃;goes over回忆。根据"...today's process in his mind"(在脑海中今天的过程)可知,此处指在脑海里回忆了一下今天跳伞的过程。故选D。
(2)考查形容词。句意:他的心跳加速,但他确信自己已经为第一次跳伞做好了准备。certain确定的;afraid害怕;angry生气;sorry抱歉,难过。根据"His heart is racing,but..."(他的心跳加速,但...)可知,此句与前句是转折的关系,虽然心跳加速,但是他很确定做好了准备。故选A。
(3)考查连词。句意:坐在飞机后部时,他告诉自己要保持冷静。although尽管;because因为;as当……时候;unless除非。根据"...he sits in the back of the plane"(他坐在飞机后部时)可知,此处指当坐在飞机上时。故选C。
(4)考查动词。句意:他正前方的墙上开始闪烁绿光,这是飞行员已经同意开始跳跃的信号。failing失败;beating打败;flashing闪光;disappearing消失。根据"A green light begins..."(开始闪烁绿光)可知,闪着的绿光是跳伞的信号。故选C。
(5)考查动词。句意:他正前方的墙上开始闪烁绿光,这是飞行员已经同意开始跳跃的信号。stop停止;start开始;continue继续;repeat重复。根据"a signal that the pilot has given his OK for the jump to..."(这是飞行员已经同意开始跳跃的信号)以及前文可知,一切已经准备好了,此处是指可以开始跳伞了。故选B。
(6)考查形容词。句意:尽管琼斯将亲自控制他的降落伞,但他不会是独自一个人。alone独自;active积极的;absent缺席;awake醒着的。根据"Experienced parachutist,Sheldon McFarlane..."(经验丰富的跳伞运动员,谢尔登 麦克法兰)可知,琼斯在跳伞时,有经验丰富的麦克法兰陪同,所以此处指他不是独自一个人。故选A。
(7)考查介词。句意:经验丰富的跳伞运动员谢尔登 麦克法兰将紧随其后,他有25年的跳伞经验,大约有10000次跳跃。down向下;behind在……后面;away向远处;up向上。根据"Experienced parachutist,Sheldon McFarlane,who has 25 years and some 10,000 jumps under his belt,will be right..."(经验丰富的跳伞运动员,谢尔登 麦克法兰,他有25年的经验,跳了一万次)可知,因为Jones跳伞时有McFarlane陪同,所以这里要填behind,表示McFarlane就在Jones的后面。故选B。
(8)考查短语。句意:麦克法兰滑开飞机侧门,做了一个手势,让琼斯在舱门附近做好准备。take off起飞;take out去除;take down取下;take up占据。根据"McFarlane slides open the plane's side door and makes a sign for Jones to...the ready place near the door."(麦克法兰滑开飞机侧门,做了一个手势,让琼斯在舱门附近做好准备。)可知,此处指麦克法兰给琼斯做了个手势,让他在门口占个位子准备跳伞。故选D。
(9)考查动词。句意:冷空气涌入飞机时琼斯感觉到有点颤抖。relaxes放松;shakes颤抖;waves挥手;nods点头。根据"the cold air rush into the plane"(冷空气涌入飞机时)可知,冷风刮过来使他发抖。故选B。
(10)考查代词。句意:风太吵了,他只能听到自己的心跳声。nothing没有东西;something一些东西;anything任何东西;everything每一个东西。根据"The wind is so noisy..."(风太吵了)可知,风太吵了,他什么都听不到,只能听见心跳声。故选A。
(11)考查介词。句意:他很紧张,但专注于麦克法兰,麦克法兰将跟随他通过手势和无线电命令提供一系列帮助和支持。for为了;from从;through通过;past过。根据"...a set of help and support using hand signals and radio orders"(通过手势和无线电命令提供一系列帮助和支持)可知,麦克法兰将通过手势和无线电提供帮助。故选C。
(12)考查短语。句意:麦克法兰还将拍摄这次跳伞,以便琼斯稍后观看。as soon as一……就;as long as只要……就;so that以便,为了;even though尽管。根据"McFarlane will also film the jump...Jones can watch it later."(麦克法兰还将拍摄这次跳伞,琼斯稍后观看。)可知,麦克法兰拍摄这次跳伞是为了让琼斯稍后观看。故选C。
(13)考查副词。句意:他爬到合适的位置,仔细检查他的头盔、连身裤和降落伞的各个部分。carefully谨慎地;bravely勇敢地;happily开心地;proudly自豪地。根据"...his helmet,hisjumpsuit and every part of the parachute."(他的头盔、连身裤和降落伞的各个部分。)可知,琼斯检查了很多设备,所以此处是指仔细地检查。故选A.
(15)考查名词。句意:琼斯与强风搏斗的同时,低头看着田野上绿色和棕色的图案。sea大海;field田野;forest森林;mountain山。根据"green-and-brown pattern"(绿色和棕色的图案)可知,田野才有绿色和棕色的图案。故选B。
Traffic School
Have you ever driven through a red traffic light?Have you ever parked in the wrong place or Driven(1) ______ (fast) than the speed limit(限制)?The answers are probably " yes ".Every year(2) ______ (thousand) of drivers become " offenders "- they break the rules of the road.But(3) ______ are the punishments for this offence?
In most countries drivers have to pay a fine(罚款),(4) ______ (usual)$100-$300.But in the USA,Australia and some(5) ______ (Europe) countries offenders also get points on their driving license.After they get(6) ______ certain number of points,they can't drive.
Life is difficult when you can't drive.So far some states in the USA(7) ______ (introduce)a new way to avoid this-Traffic School.Offenders have a choice:They can get points on their license(8) ______ they can do a course at Traffic School.
Traffic Schools run "driver improvement courses".They cost about $100 and take from four(9) ______ twelve hours.Most people do the course in a classroom,but in some states drivers can do the course online.Drivers learn the rules of the road and they learn how(10) ______ (be) better drivers.They don't have to take a driving test,but at the end of the course they have to pass a written examination.
【小题7】have introduced
【小题10】to be
(2)考查数词。句意:每年都有成千上万的司机成为"违规者"——他们违反交通规则。空前无具体数字,需用thousands of"数以千计的"表示泛指。故填thousands。
(6)考查冠词。句意:在他们得到一定数量的分数之后,他们就不能开车了。a certain number of表示"一定数量的……"。故填a。
(7)考查动词。句意:到目前为止,美国的一些州已经推出了一种新的方法来避免这种情况——交通学校。根据"So far"可知本句需用现在完成时(have/has done),主语是复数,助动词用have。故填have introduced。
(10)考查动词。句意:司机学习道路规则,他们学习如何成为更好的司机。how to do sth表示"如何做某事"。故填to be。
1.(2023·浙江省杭州市·历年真题)I like to spend time with my parents on Saturdays and S ______ .
2.(2023·浙江省杭州市·历年真题)The firefighters saved eight people in the big fire,three men and f ______ women.
3.(2023·浙江省杭州市·模拟题)We f ______ some hens and saw some baby pigs.
故答案为 found.
4.(2023·浙江省杭州市·模拟题)Cooking is one of the b ______ living skills that students have to learn.
5.(2023·浙江省杭州市·模拟题)Tree Planting Day is on the twelfth day of M ______ .
【解析】根据Tree Planting Day(植树节)结合常识可知,植树节在是3月12日,March"三月",符合语境。
6.(2023·浙江省杭州市·模拟题)Nick b ______ a glass bottle by accident and hurt his finger.
【解析】根据该句主语Nick和后面的谓语动词hurt可知,此句为一般过去时;再由hurt his finger(伤到了手指)可知,打破了玻璃瓶,所以才会伤到了手指。break"打破"符合语境,其过去式是broke。
7.(2023·浙江省杭州市·模拟题)I cut the apple into q ______ and give them to my parents and two cousins.
8.(2023·浙江省杭州市·模拟题)All the tickets were s ______ out,so Tom went away disappointedly.
【解析】sell out 卖光,其中sell是动词;它与主语tickets间是动宾关系,使用被动语态,be动词were后使用sell的过去分词sold.
9.(2023·浙江省杭州市·模拟题)S ______ is the seventh day of a week.
【解析】根据"the seventh day of a week"和首字母可知,应填Saturday"星期六";在国外,星期日是一周的第一天,而星期六则为一周的最后一天。
10.(2023·浙江省杭州市·模拟题)She never took a taxi,even though she could a ______ the cost.
【解析】afford 付得起,动词;空格处缺谓语,且afford放在句中句意通顺,情态动词could后使用动词原形.
(2023·浙江省杭州市·模拟题)假定你是Li Ping,收到下面一封邮件,请阅读后回复,词数80左右可适当增加细节,请行文连贯.
Dear all, As the 19th Asian Games will be held in Hangzhou in September this year,we are looking for some volunteers for this big historical event.Do you want to join us?What are your interests and hobbies?What volunteer job are you interested in and why?Did you have the experience of volunteering? Looking forward to your reply! HAGOC
Dear sir/ madam,
Yours truly,
Li Ping
【答案】Dear sir/ madam,
The 19th Asian Games will be held in Hangzhou in September this year.So I would like to be a volunteer.(写信目的)I am outgoing and good at communicating with people.I like playing the piano.I also like playing basketball.(性格和爱好)I am interested in volunteer work,because it can not only help others,but also develop my ability to do things.【高分句型一】(喜欢志愿者工作及原因)I used to be a volunteer for the Beijing Winter Olympics.In order to do volunteer work better,we received several weeks of training before the game.【高分句型二】I am good at English,so my duty is to communicate with foreigners.Many foreigners are very friendly,and I soon become friends with them.(志愿者工作经历)
Looking forward to your reply!
Yours truly,
Li Ping
I am interested in volunteer work,because it can not only help others,but also develop my ability to do things.我对志愿者工作很感兴趣,因为它不仅可以帮助别人,还可以培养我的做事能力。
not only...but also...不仅……而且……
In order to do volunteer work better,we received several weeks of training before the game.为了更好地做志愿者工作,我们在赛前接受了几周的训练。
in order to do sth.为了干某事。



