
专题09 阅读理解-任务型阅读
Today’s students are really good at improving themselves online. Here are three apps the students like using to help their study.
“I love using Duolingo to learn foreign languages. I’m using it to learn French, while some of my classmates are learning Russian and Italian,” said 14-year-old Zhang Qi from Tianjin. Students can learn foreign languages in a fun way by using Duolingo. “The teachers are very cute cartoon characters. It makes the learning process interesting,” he added.
Li Shuhe, a 14-year-old girl from Hunan, used wikiHow a lot. “This app has over 160,000 articles that teach you how to solve all kinds of problems, from fixing a toilet to dealing with someone’s hurtful words. It even teaches you how to have fun by yourself. I find it is quite creative and useful,” she said.
Surprisingly, many students use Douyin to study today. Zhou Caiyan, a 15-year-old boy from Zhejiang, said, “I followed a Douyin account, which includes all the important points of our biology lessons. Before the exam, I just spent one hour reviewing those videos. Thanks to Douyin, I got the fourth place in my class during the recent biology examination!”
Three 1 the students like using
Duolingo Students can use it to learn 2 in a fun way.
wikiHow It teaches students how to solve all kinds of 3 . It teaches students how to have fun by themselves, which is quite 4 .
Douyin Many students use it to 5 today.
Maps mark seas, countries, cities and our homes, and guide us through the world. To know them better, let’s take a look at how maps have changed over the centuries.
Many ancient countries used maps. One of the first is thought to have been drawn on the wall in Lascaux, France, around 16,500 years ago. Hidden among the drawings of birds and bulls (公牛) is a map of the stars. The Babylonian Map of the World is the oldest known earthly map, which shows Babylon and its neighboring towns on the stone.
Claudius Ptolemy made maps go global. Born in Egypt around 100 AD, he was the first person to try to make a world map. With the help of math, Ptolemy marked around 10,000 locations from Britain to Asia and Africa.
Perhaps the most commonly used world map is the Mercator Projection. It was introduced in 1569 by Gerardus Mercator. An important part of maps is the imaginary lines of longitude, latitude and the equator.
Mercator took the globe and made it flat (平的), but to do this he had to make the areas further north and south larger, while the areas nearer the middle stay about the right size. The reason for this is that the Earth is like a ball, but a map is flat. It is easy to find places, but some people said it was unfair because places including Canada, the UK and Europe appeared much bigger than they really were.
In the 19th and 20th centuries, modern technology allowed map makers to produce maps showing locations exactly. Today, many people view maps on their phones. Researchers are working to map the floor of the oceans and to locate every tree on Earth. Scientists are also trying to map the past by using the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). This invention will collect light from stars and may find the secrets about the beginning of the universe (宇宙).
The History of Maps Maps provide us with information of 1 . Ancient maps * One of the first maps is a map of 2 around 16,500 years ago. * The oldest earthly map is the Babylonian Map of the World. Maps go global * The first world map was drawn by using 3 . * The imaginary lines introduced to the Mercator Projection made it most commonly used, but it still needed 4 . Maps and 5 * Maps can be used on the phone. * Maps can help us know more about the oceans, the land and the universe through JWST.
About 80% of the land animals make homes in the forest. But their homes are disappearing(消失) all over the world. In the last 10,000years, we’ve lost 30% of all trees that were once on the earth. That’s bad news for animals because cutting down trees destroys(破坏) the homes of animals that live in the forests. What’s worse, some pollutions caused by human activities like water pollution and air pollution are bringing further losses to the forests. Therefore, as good friends of animals, it is necessary for us to take some actions to protect their homes-forests.
●Plant more trees by taking part in the volunteering, projects and activities.
●Take extra plastic bags along and pick up litter on your walk to keep the forest clean.
●Put out campfires before moving on when you go camping to avoid wildfires in the forest.
●Don’t cut down trees for disposable chopsticks(一次性筷子).
●Don’t take rocks, flowers and leaves from the forest floor which might provide homes for small animals.
●Don’t destroy the animals’ homes and habitats.
Huge and beautiful forests where a great variety of animals make homes are ready for us to explore. Whenever you have a chance to get close to nature, make wise choices and take the advice mentioned above to protect homes for our dearest friends.
1.For animals, it is bad news to trees.
2.Human activities like water pollution and are bringing further losses to the forests.
3. campfires before moving on to avoid wildfires in the forest.
4.Try to use less disposable to protect more from being cut down.
5. you get close to nature, please make choices and take the advice above to protect homes for our dearest friends.
Some people succeed, while others may not. This is because some people own certain qualities, which others don’t have. If you want to be successful, you should have the following qualities at least.
The first thing you must remember is that in order to succeed, you must be optimistic(乐观的). If you do not expect to win, you will not try as hard as those who do expect to win. You also need to have a clear purpose and a reason for doing something. If you do not have a purpose, you will not do your best to work hard and make sure that every detail you have done is right.
Reading is another thing to success, as it will help you learn about how other people have achieved success. If you want to learn how to set up a successful business, you should read books about like Bill Gates and Jerry Yang, who have achieved amazing success in their areas of business.
Another quality that helps people succeed is creativity—thinking about things differently and wondering how others will do the same thing. Think about some successful people you know. They might be successful with a little creativity, but the most successful people are the most creative ones.
Practicing is equally important if you want to succeed because practice makes perfect. Practice every day at any career you are in, and by doing so, you will see yourself, your business and your self-confidence begin to grow. If you feel confident about what you do, this confidence will make other people believe in you more as well. Your workmates will be happy to work with you, and your boss will give you more important things to do. Finally if you succeed, you can look people in the eye and smile confidently.
Success is yours for the taking! Cheers!
1.Some people can succeed because they own , while others have.
2.To be is the first thing you must remember in order to succeed. People who expect to win will try than those who don’t.
3. is another thing to success. You should read books about people like Bill Gates and Jerry Yang to learn how to set up .
4.Creativity means people should wonder how the same thing by others. And the more successful people are, they are.
5.A man who succeeds should have at least qualities and if you are confident, you will also get others you more.
When a young elephant is born, it stands quickly on its feet. It drinks milk from its mother for a few years.
The mother elephant teaches it how to use its nose. She teaches it many things. The mother elephant is very important to a young elephant.
Elephants travel a lot. Sometimes they have to cross rivers. A young elephant can be washed down river. Or it can fall into a hole. When young elephant is separated from its mother, it becomes an orphan(孤儿). Sometimes young elephant becomes an orphan because its mother has been killed.
In the wild, a young elephant needs its mother. It can’t live without her. It can get sick.
Some people, called keepers, take care of the orphan elephants in a park. The keepers take care of the elephants until they can take care of themselves. Then, the keepers take the elephants back to the wild.
The keepers need to teach a young elephant how to feed. To make it more comfortable, they rest its nose against a huge coat, which feels a little like its mother.
In the wild, a young elephant will go under its mother to find protection from the sun. In the park, the keepers put an umbrella over them.
Orphan elephants don’t forget where they were cared for.
1.A young elephant drinks milk from its mother for several months.
2.A young elephant becomes an orphan if it’s parted from its mother or its mother dies.
3.The orphan elephants are looked after by the keepers in the wild.
4.The keepers protect young elephants from the sun with a large coat.
Liam Pope-Lau is a student at St. Michaels University School in Victoria, Canada. A few years ago, he fell into the ocean when he was learning to sail (航行) on a boat. He had no idea what he was in for (即将遭受) at that moment. “ I just remember how cold I was,” said Liam. “ It really kind of scared me and shook me up.” Thankfully, Liam was wearing a life jacket (救生衣).
“Even if it was summer, I got really cold in the water,” said Liam. “ Later I looked up this physiological phenomenon (生理现象) on the Internet and found out it is called hypothermia (失温症). Liam saw many people die of hypothermia every year. So he decided to create something to help people keep warm in water-related (与水相关的) accidents.
Liam then went to his friend, Fraser Tuck, for help. And together they came up with the idea of “LifeHeat” —a self-heating life jacket. After several experiments (实验), Liam and Fraser came across calcium chloride (氯化钙): a chemical (化学品) that creates heat when touching water. The boys put the chemical into a small bag, which can be glued to the inside of a common life jacket.
Liam and Fraser spent a lot of time on LifeHeat, and they even tested their invention by jumping into the ocean themselves. They won several prizes and got some advice from experts. Now Liam and Fraser are still working to improve LifeHeat. They hope to turn it into a business.
Liam and Fraser have advice for kids that want to create their own new technology. “Don’t be afraid to try it out because you never know where it could end up,” they said.
Judge the following statements true (T) or false (F) according to the passage.
1.Liam fell into the ocean without wearing a life jacket a few years ago.
2.Liam decided to create something to help people keep warm in water-related accidents.
3.Liam and Fraser Tuck thought of the idea of “LifeHeat” together.
4.The underlined word “They” in Paragraph 4 refers to “experts”.
5.Liam and Fraser encourage kids to create their own new technology.
Zengzi, also called Zeng Shen, became a good student of Confucius(孔子)when he was 16.
Early one morning, Zengzi’s wife left for the market. Her little son wanted to go with her. But he was too young and the market was too far.
Then she cheated(欺骗)her son and said, “I will soon be back. You stay at home and wait for me. If you do as I say, I will kill a pig and make a nice dish for you.” The child went back to the house happily.
When Zengzi’s wife got back from the market, she showed no sign of killing a pig. So Zengzi himself prepared to do that, but his wife rushed to stop him and said, “Don’t do that. I just cheated the child.”
“Honesty(诚实)is the most important thing,” Zengzi said. “Children are like blank(空白的)pieces of paper. They understand nothing but they can learn from their parents’ actions. Because you have cheated your son, he won’t trust you anymore. In the future he will cheat others.”
Hearing her husband’s words, Zengzi’s wife regretted cheating the child. So she wanted to keep her word. She joined Zengzi in killing the pig, and cooked nice dishes for the child. While eating, the boy was happy and thankful to his parents.
One evening, when the child went to bed, he suddenly got up and ran outside. Zengzi asked him where he was going. The boy replied, “I promised I was going to return a toy to a friend today. But I forgot, so I am going to return it now.” The couple exchanged(交换)satisfied smiles, and waited until the boy came back.
1.Whose teacher was Confucius from the passage
2.How did Zengzi’s wife let her son stay at home
3.What did Zengzi think of honesty
4.Why did Zengzi’s wife kill the pig and cook dishes
5.Did Zengzi’s son become an honest person
When I was a child, my parents always told me that I should never talk to strangers. This was part of a whole list of things I should never do: Never accept food or candy from strangers, never get in a car with strangers, and so on. But if we didn’t start a conversation with strangers, we’d never make new friends. We’d never get a job. We may miss the joy that comes from talking with strangers. The more people you know, the more chances you’ll get. The following passage offers you some advice on how to break the ice. It will be easier to break the ice if you know more about different cultures.
British: Beautiful day, isn’t it The weather in Britain is changeable. So, it’s one of the topics the British care most about. And there’s a simple rule: Say “Yes” whether you agree with the person’s idea on the weather or not. That’s because the British start a conversation using the weather so that they can continue their talk.
French: Where did you go on holiday To talk with a French person, the safest way is to ask about his or her last holiday. French students enjoy a 10-to-15-day holiday every two months. Most French get more than six weeks of holidays per year.
American: So, where are you from The US is so big and people move so often that location is always a source of talk. You can try to find a connection with the place they’re from. For example, if someone’s from Las Angeles, you could say, “Oh, I have a friend who studied there.”
1.What did the writer’s parents always told him when he was a child
2.How is the weather in Britain
3.What is the safest way, if you start a conversation with a French person
4.Why do Americans always ask others where they are from
5.What does the passage mainly talk about
Do you know the project — Ning-Ning Cooperation(宁宁合作) The first “Ning” means Nanjing and the second one is Xining. It is set up to help Xining in education, medical care and so on. Nanjing is a city which lies to the southeast of Xining. It’s about 2000 kilometers away from Xining. Although it is far, moving stories never stop happening.
A girl named Feifei got serious heart problems. The doctor said she was in great danger. It was impossible to save her because of the high sea level (海拔) in Xining. Her family got into the dark when the bad news came. Luckily, they got great help from Nanjing Children’ s Hospital. The excellent doctors tried their best to save the girl. ①They gave her successful treatment(治疗). The responsible nurses also took good care of her. Soon Feifei got better. What’s more, the whole treatment was free. Feifei’s family needn’t pay for it because of this project.
②What a(an) ________ and ________ project it is! Thumb up(点赞) for our country, for Nanjing and for the project!
1.请在文中找出与 “ All her families were heartbroken when hearing the terrible news.” 意义相近的句子。
What a(an) and project it is!
Ink wash painting, Peking Opera, paper cutting, puppets (木偶)... What will happen if we use these traditional art styles in animation (动画)
(A)_______ fact, Chinese animators have been working on this. Their works are full of Chinese flavor (特色). Recently, restored 4K editions (修复的超高清版本) of several Chinese animations have come out to let audiences (观众) see what makes a classic.
Little Tadpole Looking for Mummy (《小蜊斜找妈妈》), which came out in 1960, is China’s first ink wash animation. You can enjoy its 4K edition on the video platform (平台). Getting ideas from the great artist Qi Baishi, the animators drew all the animals, plants and rocks in the film with ink and brushes. Though it was only about 15 minutes long, it took lots of work. Animators drew everything (B) ______ hand. (D) They used different kinds of lines and colors to bring everything to life, such as black tadpoles, red goldfish, pink lotus flowers and so on. The French newspaper Le Monde says the film is just like a poem.
The Legend of Sealed Book (《天书奇谭》), a cartoon film that first came out in 1983 and opened in cinemas on November 5, 2021. (C) It uses ink wash painting for its backgrounds, too. The cartoon film also borrows other arts. The makeup used in Peking Opera inspired the looks of the characters. It helps show their personalities. Lovely boy Dansheng looks like wawasheng, roles for kids in Peking Opera. A fox wears huadan makeup to make her more attractive.
There are other traditional art styles in animation like paper cutting and puppets, too. “It shows Chinese artists’ goals (目标) in animation — unique (奇特的), funny and beautiful,” said the director QianYunda.
1.在文中 (A) 和 (B) 的空白处分别填入适当的词:________ ________
3.将文中划线部分 (D) 改写为Different kinds of lines and colors ________ ________ to bring everything to life.
4.从文中找出两个能展现中国艺术家对动画期望的形容词:________ ________
训练题01【2023·湖南益阳·中考真题】 (阅读填表) 【答案】1.apps 2.foreign languages 3.problems 4.creative and useful 5.study 【导语】本文主要介绍了用来帮助学习的三个应用程序。 76.根据“Here are three apps the students like using to help their study.”可知本文主要介绍了用来帮助学习的三个应用程序。故填apps。 77.根据“ Students can learn foreign languages in a fun way by using Duolingo.”可知可以用Duolingo学习外语。故填foreign languages。 78.根据“This app has over 160,000 articles that teach you how to solve all kinds of problems”可知wikiHow教你如何解决各种问题。故填problems。 79.根据“It even teaches you how to have fun by yourself. I find it is quite creative and useful”可知wikiHow甚至教学生们如何独自享受乐趣,很有创意,很有用。故填creative and useful。 80.根据“Surprisingly, many students use Douyin to study today”可知很多学生使用Douyin学习。故填study。
训练题02【2023·四川成都·中考真题】 (阅读填表) 【答案】1.geography 2.the stars 3.math/maths 4.improvement 5.modern technology 【导语】本文主要介绍了地图的发展历程。 1.根据“Maps mark seas, countries, cities and our homes, and guide us through the world”可知,地图标记着海洋、国家、城市和我们的家园,指引我们环游世界,也就是地图给我们提供地理的相关信息,故填geography。 2.根据“One of the first is thought to have been drawn on the wall in Lascaux, France, around 16,500 years ago. Hidden among the drawings of birds and bulls (公牛) is a map of the stars.”可知,最早的地图之一是16500年前的一幅星图,故填the stars。 3.根据“Born in Egypt around 100 AD, he was the first person to try to make a world map. With the help of math, Ptolemy marked around 10,000 locations from Britain to Asia and Africa”可知,第一幅世界地图是用数学绘制的,故填math(s)。 4.根据“It is easy to find places, but some people said it was unfair because places including Canada, the UK and Europe appeared much bigger than they really were”可知,找地方很容易,但有些人说这是不公平的,因为包括加拿大、英国和欧洲在内的地方看起来比它们的实际面积大得多,也就是还需要改进,故填improvement。 5.根据“In the 19th and 20th centuries, modern technology allowed map makers to produce maps showing locations exactly”可知,紧接着介绍了地图和现代科技的相关内容,故填modern technology。
训练题03【2023·青海·中考真题】 (阅读填空) 【答案】1. cut/chop down 2. air/land/soil/light/nuclear/industrial/waste pollution 3. Put out 4. chopsticks trees/forests/bamboos 5. Whenever/When/If/While/As/Once wisely/cleverly/smartly/correctly/rightly/carefully 【导语】本文主要介绍我们在保护森林方面应该做和不应该做的事。 1.根据“That’s bad news for animals because cutting down trees destroys(破坏) the homes of animals that live in the forests.”可知,这对动物来说是个坏消息,因为砍伐树木破坏了生活在森林里的动物的家园。cut/chop down“砍倒”符合语境,故填cut/chop;down。 2.根据“What’s worse, some pollutions caused by human activities like water pollution and air pollution are bringing further losses to the forests.”可知,一些由人类活动造成的污染,如水污染和空气污染,正在给森林带来进一步的损失。污染行为有很多,故填air/land/soil/light/nuclear/industrial/waste;pollution。 3.根据“Put out campfires before moving on when you go camping to avoid wildfires in the forest.”可知,当你去露营时,在继续前进之前扑灭营火,以避免森林里的野火。故填Put;out。 4.根据“Don’t cut down trees for disposable chopsticks(一次性筷子).”可知,不要为了一次性筷子而砍伐树木。除树木外,也不要砍伐森林、竹子等。故填chopsticks;trees/forests/bamboos。 5.根据“Whenever you have a chance to get close to nature, make wise choices and take the advice mentioned above to protect homes for our dearest friends.”可知,每当你有机会亲近大自然时,做出明智的选择,并采取上述建议,为我们最亲爱的朋友保护家园。故填Whenever/When/If/While/As/Once;wisely/cleverly/smartly/correctly/rightly/carefully。
训练题04【2023·江苏淮安·校考一模】 (阅读填空) 【答案】1. certain qualities don’t 2. optimistic harder 3. Reading a successful business 4. will be done the more creative 5. 4/four to believe in 【导语】本文主要讲述了成功所要具备的品质。 1.根据“This is because some people own certain qualities, which others don’t have.”可知这是因为有些人拥有一定的品质,而其他人则没有。故填certain qualities;don’t。 2.根据“The first thing you must remember is that in order to succeed, you must be optimistic(乐观的). If you do not expect to win, you will not try as hard as those who do expect to win.”可知你必须记住的第一件事是,为了成功你必须要乐观;如果你没有期待胜利,你就不会像那些期待胜利的人那样去努力。第二空根据连词“than”可知此处应用hard的比较级harder。故填optimistic;harder。 3.根据“Reading is another thing to success”和“If you want to learn how to set up a successful business, you should read books about like Bill Gates and Jerry Yang”可知阅读是成功的另一个品质,如果你想学习如何创办一个成功的企业,你应该读一些有关Bill Gates和Jerry Yang的书。故填Reading;a successful business。 4.根据“Another quality that helps people succeed is creativity-thinking about things differently and wondering how others will do the same thing.”可知另一个帮助人们成功的品质是创造性—用不同的方式去思考问题,想想别人会怎么做这相同的事。根据“the same thing…by others”可知此处应用一般将来时的被动语态,故第一空填will be done;根据“Think about some successful people you know. They might be successful with a little creativity, but the most successful people are the most creative ones.”可知,想想你认识的一些成功人士。只要有一点创造力,他们可能会成功,但最成功的人是最有创造力的人,由“the more successful”可知第二空应填“the+比较级”的结构,故第二空填the more creative。故填will be done;the more creative。 5.根据通读全文可知,想要成功必须具备四个方面的品质,故第一空填4/four;再根据“If you feel confident about what you do, this confidence will make other people believe in you more as well.”可知,如果你对自己的工作充满信心,这种信心也会让其他人更加相信你,第二空应填to believe in。故填4/four;to believe in。
训练题05【2023·山东枣庄·中考真题】 (判断正误) 【答案】1.F 2.T 3.F 4.F 【导语】本文主要介绍了孤儿象与母亲分离后会被饲养员照顾。 1.细节理解题。根据“When a young elephant is born, it stands quickly on its feet. It drinks milk from its mother for a few years.”可知一头小象要连续几年喝大象妈妈的奶,不是几个月,故选F。 2.细节理解题。根据“When young elephant is separated from its mother, it becomes an orphan(孤儿). Sometimes young elephant becomes an orphan because its mother has been killed.”可知如果一只小象与象妈妈分离或象妈妈去世,它就会成为孤儿。故选T。 3.细节理解题。根据“Some people, called keepers, take care of the orphan elephants in a park.”可知饲养员在公园里照顾孤儿象,不是在野外,故选F。 4.细节理解题。根据“In the park, the keepers put an umbrella over them.”可知在公园里,饲养员们用雨伞给小象们遮阳,而不是大外套,故选F。
训练题06【2023·黑龙江牡丹江·中考真题】 (判断正误) 【答案】1.F 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.T 【导语】本文讲述一名学生Liam和朋友一起发明了一款自热式救生衣。 1.细节理解题。根据“Thankfully, Liam was wearing a life jacket (救生衣).”可知,利亚姆坠海时穿着救生衣。故答案为F。 2.细节理解题。根据“So he decided to create something to help people keep warm in water-related (与水相关的) accidents.”可知,利亚姆决定创造一些东西来帮助人们在与水有关的事故中保持温暖。故答案为T。 3.细节理解题。根据“Liam then went to his friend, Fraser Tuck, for help. And together they came up with the idea of ‘LifeHeat’ —a self-heating life jacket.”可知,Liam和Fraser Tuck一起想到了“LifeHeat”的想法。故答案为T。 4.词义猜测题。根据“Now Liam and Fraser are still working to improve LifeHeat. They hope to turn it into a business.”可知,现在Liam和Fraser仍在努力改进LifeHeat。他们希望把它变成生意,they指的是Liam和Fraser,他们不是专家。故答案为F。 5.细节理解题。根据“Don’t be afraid to try it out because you never know where it could end up”可知,利亚姆和弗雷泽鼓励孩子们创造自己的新技术。鼓励孩子们创造自己的新技术。故答案为T。
训练题07【2023·辽宁抚顺·中考真题】 (回答问题) 【答案】1.Zengzi’s./Zengzi’s teacher was Confucius. 2.By cheating her son. 3.He thought (that) honesty was the most important thing. 4.Because she wanted to keep her word. 5.Yes./Yes, he did. 【导语】本文主要讲述了曾子的故事——杀猪教子,告诉我们要言而有信,作为父母要以身作则,为孩子树立诚信的榜样。 1.根据“Zengzi, also called Zeng Shen, became a good student of Confucius(孔子)when he was 16.”可知,孔子是曾子的老师。故填Zengzi’s./Zengzi’s teacher was Confucius. 2.根据“Then she cheated(欺骗)her son and said, ‘I will soon be back. You stay at home and wait for me. If you do as I say, I will kill a pig and make a nice dish for you.’”可知,曾子的妻子通过欺骗儿子会杀猪做菜,让孩子待在家里。故填By cheating her son. 3.根据“‘Honesty(诚实)is the most important thing,’ Zengzi said.”可知,曾子认为诚实是最重要的事情。故填He thought (that) honesty was the most important thing. 4.根据“So she wanted to keep her word. She joined Zengzi in killing the pig, and cooked nice dishes for the child.”可知,曾子的妻子和曾子一起杀猪,是因为想对孩子信守诺言。故填Because she wanted to keep her word. 5.根据“One evening, when the child went to bed, he suddenly got up and ran outside. Zengzi asked him where he was going. The boy replied, ‘I promised I was going to return a toy to a friend today. But I forgot, so I am going to return it now.’ The couple exchanged(交换)satisfied smiles, and waited until the boy came back.”可知,曾子的儿子也成为了一个诚实的,信守承诺的人,因此应作肯定回答。故填Yes./Yes, he did.
训练题08【2023·湖南株洲·统考一模】 (回答问题) 【答案】1.His parents always told him not to talk to strangers. 2.Changeable. 3.To ask about his or her last holiday. 4.Because the US is so big and people move so often. 5.Some advice on how to break the ice. 【导语】本文主要讲述了一些关于如何打破僵局的建议。 1.根据“When I was a child, my parents always told me that I should never talk to strangers.”可知,当作者还是个孩子的时候,他的父母总是告诉他不要和陌生人说话。故填His parents always told him not to talk to strangers. 2.根据“The weather in Britain is changeable”可知,英国的天气多变。故填Changeable. 3.根据“To talk with a French person, the safest way is to ask about his or her last holiday.”可知,与法国人交谈,最安全的方式是询问他或她最近的假期。故填To ask about his or her last holiday. 4.根据“The US is so big and people move so often that location is always a source of talk.”可知,是因为美国太大了,人们搬家太频繁了。故填Because the US is so big and people move so often. 5.根据“The following passage offers you some advice on how to break the ice. It will be easier to break the ice if you know more about different cultures.”可知,本文就如何打破与陌生人谈话的僵局给出了一些建议。故填Some advice on how to break the ice.
训练题09【2023·青海西宁·中考真题】 (综合任务) 【答案】1.Her family got into the dark when the bad news came. 2.The excellent doctors/Excellent doctors/Doctors 3.F 4.warm/helpful important/meaningful 5.The Project — Ning-Ning Cooperation 【导语】本文主要介绍了“宁宁合作”这个项目,解释了两个“宁”代表了什么,并举了一个女孩生病的例子讲述这个项目的好处。 1.“All her families were heartbroken when hearing the terrible news.”表示“听到这个可怕的消息,她的家人都很伤心”,与文中“Her family got into the dark when the bad news came”句意相近,故填Her family got into the dark when the bad news came. 2.根据“The excellent doctors tried their best to save the girl. ①They gave her successful treatment”可知,优秀的医生们对她进行成功的治疗,所以They指代“(优秀的)医生”,故填The excellent doctors/Excellent doctors/Doctors。 3.根据“Nanjing is a city which lies to the southeast of Xining. It’s about 2000 kilometers away from Xining. ”可知,南京是一个位于西宁东南的城市。它离西宁大约2000公里,图片表示的位置不对,故填F。 4.根据倒数第二段的讲述可知,这个项目及时救助了一个女孩的生命,而且整个治疗都是免费的,所以此处感叹这个项目多么温暖/有帮助,且重要/有意义的,故填warm/helpful;important/meaningful。 5.根据“Do you know the project — Ning-Ning Cooperatio”可知,本文主要介绍了“宁宁合作”这个项目,所以适合本文的标题为“The Project — Ning-Ning Cooperation”,故填The Project — Ning-Ning Cooperation。
训练题10【2022·辽宁锦州·中考真题】 (综合任务) 【答案】1.In by 2.The Legend of Sealed Book 3.were used 4.unique funny 5.Use traditional art styles in animation 【导语】 本文主要讲述了动画制作中使用传统艺术风格。 1.第一空根据“fact”可知是考查固定短语in fact“事实上”;第二空根据“Animators drew everything...hand”可知是指动画师们用手画所有的东西,by“用,通过”。故填In;by。 2.根据“The Legend of Sealed Book (《天书奇谭》), a cartoon film that first came out in 1983 and opened in cinemas on November 5, 2021. (C) It uses ink wash painting for its backgrounds, too”可知1983年首映的动画片《天书奇谭》于2021年11月5日上映。它的背景也是水墨画。可知此处是It指的是《天书奇谭》,故填The Legend of Sealed Book。 3.原句“They used different kinds of lines and colors to bring everything to life”是主动语态,此处主语是“Different kinds of lines and colors”,所以要用被动语态,句子是一般过去时,应用一般过去时的被动语态,主语是复数,be动词用were。故填were;used。 4.根据“It shows Chinese artists’ goals (目标) in animation — unique (奇特的), funny and beautiful,”可知它展示了中国艺术家在动画方面的目标——独特、有趣和美丽。故填unique;funny。 5.根据“What will happen if we use these traditional art styles in animation (动画)”以及通读全文可知,本文主要讲述了动画制作中使用传统艺术风格,故填Use traditional art styles in animation.



