苏教译林版九年级上册英语第一单元Unit 1 Know yourself单元测试卷(含解析)

九上英语第一单元《Know yourself》单元测试卷
班级:___________ 姓名:___________ 学号:___________
1.—When are you going to Beijing for your holiday?(  )
—I haven't decided. ______ this Sunday ______ next Sunday is OK.
A. Not only; but also B. Neither; nor
C. Either; or D. Both; and
2. As a student,I can't afford ______ a new mobile phone. (  )
A. buy B. buying C. to buy D. bought
3.My cousin wears his glasses every day. Without his glasses,he is ______ blind. (  )
A. as long as B. as well as C. as bad as D. as good as
4. The doctor has devoted most of his time to ______ the patients. (  )
A. look after B. looking after
C. looks after D. looked after
5.—What?You mean I'll have to ______ extra work?
—Don't have a cow, Jason. I do believe you can make it. (  )
A. take up B. take off C. take on D. take away
6. "Do you mind if I sit here?"" ______. It's for Mr. Brown. "(  )
A. Not at all B. Never mind
C. Better not D. Of course not
7. We may meet all kinds of difficulties in the future,but we should be confident enough to ______ any challenge. (  )
A. put on B. get on C. take on D. try on
8. We had been walking for over 20 miles, and we were completely exhausted. What does "exhausted" mean in English?(  )
A. energetic B. tired C. worried D. proud
9.—Why did Julie win this year's singing competition?
—I think she really has a gift ______ singing and practices hard. (  )
A. for B. as C. with D. on
10.—I can't believe Kitty has prepared the birthday party by herself.
—We all helped her. Just as the saying goes, " ______. "(  )
A. Rome is not built in a dayB. Many hands make light work
C. Burn the candle at both endsD. Where there is life, there is hope
People born under different star signs show different work characteristics.
Aries won't be happy if they have to(1)   from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. every day. They don't like regular jobs even if you give them much (2)  . If Aries are asked to work in this way,they will be(3)   and careless with details. They want new and challenging tasks. So you'd better let them work on their own (4)   let them lead other workers.
Taurus are the best workers. They are(5)   and hard﹣working. They like working according to schedule (时刻表). Because they are so careful,some may(6)  to work a bit slowly,but they will always finish the work.
Taurus are happy to be asked to do(7)   work,but they need to get paid. Gemini have a quick (8)   and love to talk. You will find them walking from desk to desk and(9)  about news in the office. They can be powerful to change others' ideas and make others(10)   with them. Don't get into any arguments with Gemini because they will surely win.
(1)A. support B. act C. work D. sleep
(2)A. love B. help C. money D. happiness
(3)A. happy B. excited C. angry D. crazy
(4)A. and B. so C. but D. or
(5)A. loyal B. lazy C. impatient D. selfish
(6)A. turn B. appear C. come D. happen
(7)A. simple B. dirty C. practical D. personal
(8)A. mind B. time C. step D. way
(9)A. hear B. find C. prevent D. keep
(10)A. play B. talk C. share D. agree
It is said that people born under different star signs have different characteristics. Here are four people born under different star signs.
Taurus Tom,an old man from England,has enough money to buy anything,but he is not willing to spend money on something he needs and wants. He has few friends and an old dog is his only partner. He is really tightfisted and lonely.
Gemini Jack,born on 9 h June,is a 16﹣year﹣old English boy. "A Gemini is a curious and clever person,and I am just this kind of person," he said. My lucky colour is orange. I believe that my star sign decides what will happen to me in my life.
Cancer Mary was born on 1st July. She loves her family and cooking is her favourite. The French girl cares about nothing but business. She is hard﹣working.
Virgo Lucy was born on 23rd August and is modest and practical. The girl from Australia is studying in a college(大学). She likes reading and hopes that she can be a scientist in the future.
(1)Who is from England and likes orange best?  
A. Tom. B. Jack.
C. Mary. D. Lucy.
(2)We can know that Jack is    according to the materials.
A. lonelyB. hard﹣working
C. cleverD. modest
(3)What's the meaning of the underlined word"tightfisted"in Chinese?  
A. 富裕的B. 吝啬的
C. 奢侈的D. 豁达的
(4)What's Mary's star sign?  
A. Taurus. B. Gemini.
C. Cancer. D. Virgo.
(5)Which of the following is NOT true according to the materials?  
A. People born under different star signs have different characteristics.
B. Tom is an old English man with lots of money.
C. Jack believes that his star sign can decide his life.
D. Mary is hard﹣working and wants to be a scientist.
Are you learning English and do you need help with grammar?Do you want to learn new vocabulary or slang (俚语)?Well,you can find help online with these top 5 free English as a Second Language websites.
1. Dave's ESL Cafe
This is a complete website that can help you learn and practise English. You can read many stories and do a lot of exercises to test yourself. You can also post questions and answers onto the help centre.
You can get free English courses from and you'll get regular e﹣mails that will help you learn English.
3. The Classroom by Voice of America
You can watch videos and listen to news stories to improve your listening and vocabulary skills. You can also hear English words and their meanings.
4. Heinle's Newbury House Dictionary of American English
Do you need to find the definition of a word?Use this online dictionary to find simple and clear definitions,as well as example sentences and idioms (习语). You can also find different cultural facts.
5. Personal English Portal (门户网站) on YouTube
You can watch this series of videos on YouTube to develop your listening skills. You can also do a search for "learn English" on YouTube to find other videos. This is a good way to practise English and have fun.
(1)If you want to do English exercises and test yourself,you can go to   .
A. B. YouTube
C. Dave's ESL CafeD. the Classroom by Voice of America
(2)You can    at the help centre on the website Dave's ESL Cafe.
A. watch videos and picturesB. listen to news and music
C. watch movies and matchesD. read questions and answers
(3) often sends e﹣mails to its visitors to help them   .
A. get relaxedB. have fun
C. become famousD. learn English
(4)The underlined word "definition" means"   "in Chinese.
A. 来源B. 释义
C. 意图D. 背景
(5)From Heinle's Newbury House Dictionary of American English,you can find   .
A. cultural informationB. online libraries
C. interesting newsD. many storybooks.
Tom was a farmer. He worked on the farm all day,but sometimes he went to the town market to sell fruit and vegetables. One day,a terrible sound attracted his attention in the town market. He saw a young bull for sale. The bull was white and yellow. It was looking at Tom in fear. Tom walked up and touched its head gently. Just at that time they both seemed to have known each other for a long time. How amazing!Tom bought it at once and called it Amba.
From then on,Tom and Amba got on well with each other. But some friends told him that it was dangerous to have such a close relationship with an animal.
One afternoon,Tom was walking through the forest with Amba. Suddenly,Amba stopped walking and kept pushing Tom with its head. Tom was very surprised and looked around. There was a big snake in front of him. It was beautiful but poisonous. Quickly Amba stepped on the snake's tail with its foot and at the same time Tom picked up a stick and hit the snake's head heavily. Soon the snake. died.
Tom was very grateful for Amba's help. When people heard this,they were shocked at the bull's expression of love for Tom. But for Tom,Amba was not a bull but a member of his family.
(1)Tom worked   .
A. on the farmB. in the market
C. in the forestD. in the town
(2)Amba was   .
A. a small and nice cowB. a big and beautiful snake
C. a white and yellow bullD. a black and white dog
(3)From the passage,we know Tom and Amba   .
A. hated each otherB. got angry with each other
C. got on well with each otherD. disliked each other
(4)Which of the following statements is NOT true?  
A. Tom went to the town market to sell fruit and vegetables.
B. Tom's friends thought animals were safe.
C. Tom hit the snake's head heavily with a stick.
D. For Tom,Amba was a member of his family.
(5)The passage mainly wants to tell us   .
A. the love between humans and animals
B. the fight between a bull and a snake
C. how to keep an animal
D. how to train an animal.
1. We should pay a________ to what our leader said.
2. Premier Zhou Enlai devoted all his life to ________(work)for our country and people.
3. The student's ________(care) made him lose lots of marks in the Maths exam.
4. Tom was punished by his parents because of his ________(careless).
5. The woman waited for half an hour but the bus didn't come. Then she became ________(patient) and decided to take a taxi.
6. It takes me half an hour ________(do) my homework every day.
7.Li Ming and his parents go to see his grandparents at a ________(fix) date every month.
8.He has learnt to get himself ________(organize) by using computers.
9. Jack used to be a bright and ________(live) boy,but now he is always silent.
10. My mother is good at cooking ________ food?(west)
【解析】考查动词的固定搭配。A买,动词原形。B动名词/现在分词。C不定式。D过去式。句意"作为一名学生,我买不起一部新手机"。afford to do sth负担得起做某事。固定搭配。填不定式to buy买。
【解析】as long as的意思是"只要"; as well as 的意思是"也,又";as bad as的意思是"和…一样坏";as good as的意思是"无异;几乎,实际上;不亚于";根据"My cousin wears his glasses every day。Without his glasses,he is_____ blind。",因此可知这句话的意思是"我堂弟每天都戴着眼镜,如果没有眼镜,他就和瞎了一样。"综上所述,故选D。
【解析】答案:B 考查不定式。此题考查固定短语devote to doing sth奉献…做…根据句意医生已经致力于把他绝大部分的时间奉献给了照顾病人们
【解析】答案:C。考查情境对话。句意:你介意我坐在这儿吗?最好不要。这是给布朗先生的。Not at all一点也不;Never mind不介意;Better not最好不要;Of course not当然不是。根据题干It's for Mr。Brown。"可知应说最好不要。
【解析】考查动词短语。句意:未来我们可能会遇到各种各样的困难,但是我们应该足够自信去接受任何挑战。put on穿上,上演;get on上车,上马,进展;take on呈现,承担,具有; try on试穿,试验。根据题干We may meet all kinds of difficulties in the future。未来我们可能会遇到各种各样的困难,可知应说但是我们应该足够自信去接受任何挑战。
【解析】for"为、为了";with "与…一起";as "如同、作为";on"在…之上…的、在…时候",四者都是介词。因have a real gift for doing sth "做某事有天赋",由题干"—为什么朱莉赢得了今年的歌唱比赛?—我认为她真的有唱歌天赋和她努力练习。"可知,空格用for,因此答案应是for。
【解析】Rome is not built in a day冰冻三尺,非一日之寒。Many hands make light work人多好办事。Burn the candle at both ends劳逸结合。Where there is life, there is hope活着就有希望。根据句意我们帮助Kitty准备了生日聚会,人多力量大。
1-5、CCCDA 6-10、BBAAD
(1)C 动词辨析。A支持,B表演,C工作,D睡觉,根据后面If Aries are asked to work in this way如果白羊座被要求这样工作,可知是工作,故答案是C。
(2)C 名词辨析。A爱,B帮助,C钱,D幸福,根据后面If Aries are asked to work in this way如果白羊座被要求这样工作,可知应该是即使给更多的钱,故答案是C。
(3)C 形容词辨析。A开心的,B兴奋的,C生气的,D疯狂的,根据上文Aries won't be happy 白羊座不会高兴的,可知如果白羊座被要求这样工作,他们会生气,故答案是C。
(4)D 连词辨析。A和,B所以,C但是,D或者,根据上文描述,可知所以你最好让他们自己工作,或者让他们领导其他工人,选择关系,故答案是D。
(5)A 形容词辨析。A忠诚的,B懒的,C不耐心的,D自私的,根据后面and hard﹣working.努力工作,and是并列关系,应该也是忠诚的,故答案是A。
(6)B 动词辨析。A转,B出现,C来,D发生,根据后面to work a bit slowly及上文,应该是会显现工作有点慢,故答案是B。
(7)B 形容词辨析。A简单的,B脏的,C实际的,D实际的,根据后面but they need to get paid.但他们需要得到报酬。可知金牛座很乐意被要求做脏活,故答案是B。
(8)A 名词辨析。A想法,B时间,C步骤,D方法,根据语境Gemini have a quick (8)and love to talk.应该是双子座思维敏捷,爱说话,故答案是A。
(9)A 动词辨析。A听见,B发现,C防止,D保持,根据后面about news in the office.关于办公室的新闻。应该是听新闻,故答案是A。
(10)D 动词辨析。A玩,B谈论,C分享,D同意,根据They can be powerful to change others' ideas and make others(10)with them.他们有能力改变别人的想法,应该是让别人同意他们的观点,故答案是D。
【解析】(1)B,本题考查细节理解。根据文中My lucky colour is orange. 句意:橘红色是我的幸运颜色,可知Jack最喜欢的颜色是橘红色。故选:B。
(2)C,本题考查信息综合。根据文中A Gemini is a curious and clever person. 句意:双子座是一个好奇而聪明的人。可知因为Jack是双子座的,所以他比较聪明。故选:C。
(3)B,本题考查综合理解。根据文中..has enough money to buy anything,but he is not willing to spend money on something he needs and wants. 句意:他有足够的钱来买任何东西,但他不愿意把钱花在他的需要和想要的东西。可知Tom是一个很吝啬的人。故选:B。
(5) D,本题考查综合理解。根据文中The French girl cares about nothing but business. She is hard﹣working. 句意:法国女孩只关心生意,她很勤劳。可知Mary是个工作狂,只关心生意上的事情,她的理想不是想当个科学家。故选:D。
【解析】(1)C。细节理解题。根据This is a complete website that can help you learn and practice English。You can read many stories and do a lot of exercises to test yourself。戴夫的ESL咖啡馆是一个完整的网站,可以帮助你学习和练习英语。你可以阅读许多故事和做大量的练习来自我测试。故选C。
(2)D。细节理解题。根据You can also post questions and answers onto the help center。你也可以提出问题和答案到帮助中心。故选D。
(3)D。细节理解题。根据You can get free English courses from About。com and you'll get regular e﹣mails that will help you learn English。你可以从About。com获得免费英语课程,你会得到定期的电子邮件,这将帮助你学习英语。故选D。
(4)B。词义辨析题。根据you need to find the definition of a word?你需要找到一个词的释义吗?故选B。
(5)A。细节理解题。根据You can also find different cultural facts。你还可以找到不同文化的事实。故选A。
【解析】(1)A。细节理解题。根据"He worked on the farm all day"他整天在农场上工作。故选A。
(2)C。细节理解题。根据"The bull was white and yellow。"这头牛是白色和黄色相间的,故选C。
(3)C。细节理解题。根据"From then on,Tom and Amba got on well with each other。"从那以后,他俩相处的很好,故选C。
(4)B。细节理解题。根据"some friends told him that it was dangerous to have such a close relationship with an animal。"一些朋友告诉他,有这样的一个亲密动物朋友是危险的,因此可知B是错误的,故选B。
【解析】根据首字母提示可知,pay attention to"注意…"固定搭配。填名词attention。
【解析】根据Premier Zhou Enlai devoted all his life to ____(work)for our country and people,可知周恩来总理一生致力于为国家和人民工作。这里devote to doing sth。
【解析】答案:carelessness。考查单词填空。句意:这个学生的粗心使他在数学考试中失去了很多分。根据题干The student's ___(care) made him lose lots of marks in the Maths exam。可知这里因为粗心失去了很多分,所有格后应跟名词,应该用名词形式。
【解析】答案:carelessness 考查单词填空。根据题干:his后面要用名词,careless是形容词,名词是 carelessness粗心。
【解析】从The woman waited for half an hour but the bus didn't come。判断后面句子说的是没有耐心了,这里用impatient。
6、to do
【解析】根据It takes me half an hour_____(do) my homework every day。可知句子考查It takes sb some time to do sth表示花费某人多长时间做某事。
【解析】根据Li Ming and his parents go to see his grandparents at a _____(fix) date every month李明和他的父母每个月都会在固定的时间去看望祖父母。可知这里用过去分词fixed,表示事先约定好的。
【解析】根据He has learnt to get himself _____(organize) by using computers。可知他学会了通过使用计算机来让自己有条理。这里考查get sb done。故填organized。



上一篇:Unit 3 Welcome to Sunshine Town 自主拓展训练(5) (无答案)

下一篇:苏教译林版七年级上册英语第四单元Unit 4 My day单元测试卷(含解析)