
1.全卷满分120分。考试时间为120分钟。试题包含选择题和非选择题。考生答题全部答在答题卡上, 答在本试卷上无效。
2.请认真核对监考教师在答题卡上所粘贴条形码的姓名、考试证号是否与本人相符合,再将 自己的姓名、考试证号用0. 5毫米黑色墨水签字笔填写在答题卡及本试卷上。
3.答选择题必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后, 再选涂其他答案。答非选择题必须用0. 5毫米黑色墨水签字笔写在答题卡的指定位置,在其他位置答题一律无效。
第I卷(选择题 共60分)
从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
1.—I usually go to school by ______ bike.
—Why don’t you take ______ bus since you live so far away
A.a; a B.the; the C./; a D.the; /
2.—Was the dolphin show ______
—Yes. And I still feel ______.
A.excited; excited B.excited; exciting
C.exciting; excited D.exciting; exciting
3.Mr. Black used to ________ in the center of Shanghai, but now he is used to ________ in the countryside.
A.live; living B.living; living C.living; live D.live; live
4.My uncle ________ the club in 2014. He ________ the club for over 3 years.
A.joined; has been a member of B.joined; has joined
C.has joined; has joined D.has joined; has been in
5.一Last night I went to a concert of Chinese folk music. Erquan Yingyue was so sad but beautiful that I sensed a strong sadness and pain under the beauty.
一So it was. The musician who played it last night to play the erhu since he very young.
A.learned; was B.has learned; am
C.has learned; was D.learned; has been
6.I don’t feel ______ when I am ______ at home because I have many books to read.
A.lonely; alone B.alone; lonely C.lonely; lonely D.alone; alone
7.—How long can we ______ these books
—For two weeks.
A.borrow B.lend C.keep D.return
8.—Why are the windows so dirty
—Because we ______ them for a long time.
A.have cleaned B.didn’t clean C.don’t clean D.haven’t cleaned
9.—Hello, may I speak to Daniel
—Sorry, he’s not in at the moment. He ______ Suzhou already.
A.has gone to B.has been to C.has been in D.is going to
10.---Is it the most wonderful football game you have ______ watched
--Yes, I have ______ watched such a wonderful game before.
A.ever; never B.yet; ever C.already; yet D.ever; yet
11.—When did your parents ______
—They ______ for 20 years.
A.marry; got married B.marry; have got married
C.get married; have got married D.get married; have been married
12.—How long is it since he ______ this school
—He ______ for three years.
A.has left; has left B.left; has been away C.leaves; has left D.left; has left
13.I don’t think the film is wonderful. ________, its ending is OK.
A.In fact B.And C.For example D.Anyway
14.I have ______ in touch with my pen friend for many years ______ writing letters.
A.got; in B.got; by C.kept; with D.kept; by
15.— The changes are good for people.
— ________. I like the present transport but I can’t stand the pollution.
A.Yes, I agree with you B.No, you are welcome
C.In some ways, I agree with you D.No, I agree with you
Everyone loves the Internet. However, the Internet isn’t 16 safe. Nobody controls the information on it and everyone can 17 it. In order to keep you safe online, you should 18 the rules.
You must 19 your passwords secret. Don’t 20 them with your friends. And don’t keep them in a file(文件夹) on your 21 . People can use your passwords to enter websites that you use and find the 22 about you. You mustn’t open a file, message, or photo 23 someone you don’t know. Sometimes these things may take viruses (病毒) with them. 24 they can come into your computer.
Only give 25 information on safe sites (站). You mustn’t give 26 your name, address, or phone number if you don’t know them. You mustn’t put your photos on public sites. Anyone can 27 them. Someone may copy photos from the Internet and use them for the 28 things.
You must say no and tell your parents 29 someone on the the Internet asks you to meet him. Some people don’t tell the truth on the Internet. It can be very 30 to meet online “friends”. You must tell your parents or an adult if you aren’t sure about something.
16.A.always B.sometimes C.often D.never
17.A.try B.touch C.open D.use
18.A.break B.make C.follow D.forget
19.A.keep B.give C.write D.leave
20.A.cover B.agree C.share D.start
21.A.telephone B.computer C.printer D.radio
22.A.notice B.news C.information D.advice
23.A.about B.from C.with D.for
24.A.And B.But C.Or D.So
25.A.careful B.possible C.wonderful D.important
26.A.someone B.anyone C.something D.anything
27.A.look for B.look after C.look up D.look at
28.A.hard B.easy C.wrong D.right
29.A.because B.since C.while D.when
30.A.strange B.surprise C.dangerous D.different
三、 阅读理解(本题共15小题;每小题2分, 满分30分)
请认真阅读下列短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
Young Music Scene Concert Young musicians from all over Germany perform at Young Scene Concert at Berlin’s famous Quasimodo music hall. The concert is part of the Berlin Festival. Time: 15~20 Nov. Cost: Various Phone: +34 (0) 45 839 5986 Email: info@quasimodo.de
Documentary Film Month Cinemas, schools and libraries across France and the French-speaking world take part in November’s Documentary Film Month. About 120, 000 visitors take part each year. We are at 25 Road Pyramids, 75001 Paris. Time: 1~20 Mar Cost: Various Phone: +12 (0)1 43 38 19 73 Email: info@paris-
Craft (工艺) Show You can come to the show twice a year, in spring and at Christmas in Direct Energy Centre. There are hundreds of artisans (手艺人) from across Canada selling jewellery, pottery(陶器), glass, ironwork and clothing. Time: 26 Nov.~7 Dec. Mon.~Fri. 11 am~10 pm Sat. 10 am~8 pm Sun. 9 am~6 pm Cost: $10 Phone: +7 658 198 3245 Email: askus@
Canada Blooms Toronto Garden and Flower Show The Canada Blooms Show every year at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre (会议中心) is the country’s largest indoor garden show. Time: Mon. 9 am~6 pm Sun. 11 am~5 pm Cost: $18; under 12 free Phone: +1 235 447 8768 Email: info@mtccc.com
31.People can enjoy music at Young Scene Concert from ________.
A.1~20 Mar B.15~20 Nov C.26 Nov~7 Dec D.1 Mar~20 Nov
32.You can e-mail ________ if you want to see a documentary film.
A.info@mtccc.com B.askus@
C.info@paris- D.info@quasimodo.de
33.You can buy ________ at the Craft Show.
A.glass, ironwork and clothing B.different kinds of flowers
C.classic music CDs D.some books about film
Delia was a young pianist. Her husband Joe was a talented young painter. They lived in a small flat in New York.
Each of them was taking lessons — Joe with a famous art teacher, and Delia with a great pianist from Germany. They were the best teachers, so lessons were expensive, more than they could really afford, but when you love your art, nothing’s too much. But soon, the money began to run out and they couldn’t afford the lessons any more.
Then one day Delia came home and told Joe that she had met a man. The man’s daughter, Sally, wanted to learn the piano — and he was going to pay her $50 an hour.
“Delia,” Joe said, “I’d be much happier if you kept up your lessons.” Delia said that it didn’t matter. She said, “When I’ve made some money, I’ll start again. When you love your art, nothing’s too much.”
A few days later, Joe came home and proudly took $200 from his pocket. “I met a man from Vermont,” he said, “who bought one of my paintings. And he wants to buy more!”
Then, one day, Joe came home and saw that Delia’s hand was burned. He asked her what had happened. “Oh,” said Delia. “My student, Sally, asked me to pour some coffee for her. So I did — and I dropped the coffee and burned my hand.”
Joe sat down and told Delia to sit down too. “Delia, what have you been doing the last two weeks ” he asked. She took a deep breath and started to cry. “Oh Joe — I couldn’t get any students so I got a job in a coffee shop. And today I burned my hand with hot water. So I can’t work any more. I’m sorry, Joe — but we’ll still have money from the man in Vermont, won’t we ”
Joe looked at her. “There’s no man in Vermont,” he said. “I haven’t sold any paintings. I’ve been working in a drugstore (药店),and today someone came from the coffee shop to buy cream for a woman who’d burned her hand. So when I saw you — well, I guessed.”
They both laughed. “So we’ve told each other lies,” said Joe. “But when you love your art ...”
Delia put her fingers to his lips (嘴唇). “No, Joe,” she said, “just ‘When you love ...’”
34.Who does the underlined word “They” mean in the passage
A.The young couple Joe and Delia.
B.The rich man and his daughter Sally.
C.The art teacher and the German pianist.
D.The man in Vermont and the waitress.
35.How did Joe most probably feel when he first knew about Delia’s plan
A.Proud but a bit afraid.
B.Excited but a bit angry.
C.Curious(好奇的) but a bit sad.
D.Cheerful but a bit worried.
36.What did Delia want to say in the end
A.When you love your art, you can’t tell lies.
B.When you love someone, you can’t tell lies.
C.When you love your art, nothing’s too much.
D.When you love someone, nothing’s too much.
37.Which of the following can best describe the coupled life
A.Full of joy. B.Full of love.
C.Full of lies. D.Full of surprise.
I gave the young man I had rescued bread and water I had saved. After his run and hiking to the cave, he was tired out. I showed him a blanket and a blanket and he fell quickly asleep.
As I studied him, I guessed his age at around twenty-six. He was tall with straight strong limbs (肢). The young man slept for only about a half hour before crawling out of the cave. Again he made gestures (手势) to show that he was grateful to me.
We communicated primarily by gestures at first. Soon my new servant showed himself much better at learning my language than I was at learning this. I called him Friday, for it was on Friday that I rescued him. He quickly learned “yes” and “no” and the names for various items.
We spent a full day at the cave, then returned to the beach to see if his captors (野人) remained. They had gone. Over time, Friday told me that when two tribe (部落) went to war, the victor always took away the bravest warrior (士兵) of the enemy tribe. They even ate him to get the ferocity (残暴) and courage of the warrior. I felt sick after hearing this. It sounded more than a little disgusting to me. However, Friday felt it was as natural as breathing.
—Extracted from The Adventure of Robinson Crusoe
38.I gave Friday the following things EXCEPT ________.
A.clothes B.blanket C.food D.water
39.Which of the sentence is TRUE about Friday
A.He was a tall and strong man at the age of thirty-six.
B.He was so tired that he slept for about an hour.
C.He was so clever that he was better at learning my language than me.
D.He was good at communicating with my new servant.
40.Which of the following order is TRUE
①. I gave him the name Friday.
②. He learnt some gestures and communicated well with me.
③. He had a short sleep and pulling himself out of the cave.
④. I saved the young man and gave him food and water.
A.②③④① B.④②③① C.④③①② D.②③①④
41.Which of the following surprised me most
A.The two tribes went to war to fight for bread, water and other items.
B.The two tribes had servants to take away the bravest warrior.
C.The bravest warrior became the victor of the two tribes after the war.
D.The bravest warrior was eaten because his ferocity and courage were wanted.
It has been forty years since China’s Reform and Opening-up(改革开放). Let’s see how China has changed through the years.
1978—1988: New Look
In a 1978 Japanese documentary(记录片)China’s New Look, there was a scene showing Chinese people’ life back then. In front of an old-fashioned TV set, some Shanghainese gathered around to watch a TV show. In 1981, only one out of every 170 city families in China had a color TV.
1988—1998: ________
In October 1990, the first McDonald’s on the Chinese mainland opened for business in Shenzhen. It quickly became the hottest tourist spot(旅游景点). Many Chinese customers waited in line and shouted to the shop assistant, “I want 10 Big Macs,” recalled a waiter at McDonald’s at that time.
1998—2008: Here Comes WTO
For many Chinese, the year 2001 was very unforgettable. It marked the start of a new millennium(一千年)and led to a whole new era(时代)as China joined the World Trade Organization(WTO). From 2001 to 2017, China’s average(平均)growth of the import(进口)of goods and services was more than twice the world’s average.
2008—2018:New Beginning
Shanghai, a city of long-time business culture, is always a step ahead in China’s foreign trade. With the successful hosting of China’s first import expo(展览会)in November 2018, the city went on to develop China’s import business. The expo will be remembered as a new beginning for China’s import history.
42.Which picture shows the scene of China’s New Look
A.B.C. D.
43.Which of the following can be put in “1988—1998: ________”
A.West Meets East B.New Way of Living
C.All Over the World D.Never Forget Old Times
44.What can we learn after China joined the WTO
A.Chinese people began to travel abroad. B.China grew very fast in its imports.
C.China became more and more popular. D.Foreigners bought a lot of products from China.
45.When and where was China’s first import expo held
A.In Shanghai, in November, 2001. B.In Shenzhen, in November, 2001.
C.In Shanghai, in November, 2018. D.In Shenzhen, in November, 2018.
第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共60分)
四、词汇(本题共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)
A. 请根据括号中的中文提示、英文释义或句意, 写出句中所缺单词, 使句子通顺。
46.Fred comes from China, while Lucy comes from France, a (欧洲) country.
47.Targeted poverty alleviation has improved the living (环境) of millions of people.
48.All the players will (get sth.) flowers and applaus because of their hard work.
49.The basic (something can form part of sth. larger) of society is family.
50.A miracle(奇迹) is something that seems but happens anyway.
B. 请根据句意从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空,使句子通顺。
pollute twenty rule direct communicate
51.Don’t worry. The exchange students will fly to Hong Kong. They still have enough time.
52.We can’t drink the water from the river.
53.You can find all the names of Qing Dynasty in this book.
54.The problems between parents and their children sometimes come from bad skills.
55.China has known more about the world in the early century.
C. 请根据句意从方框中选择合适的动词,并用其适当时态填空,使句子通顺。
make read feel write have
56.I wonder if we a trip after the monthly test is over.
57.The programme they last is really useful.
58.In Spring, the wind soft and gentle.
59.Mr. Smith a report morning but I don’t know whether he has finished it.
60.I like novels written by J.K. Rowling. I all her works about Harry Potter so far.
五、短文填空(本题共10小题;每小题1分, 满分10分)
Long long ago, in a small, lonely village, there was a place known as the House of 1000 Mirrors. A small, happy little dog heard of this place and decided to pay a v 61 . He ran all of his way with a happy heart. When he r 62 there, he jumped happily up the stairs to the doorway of the house. There was a hole in the door. He looked t 63 the hole with his ears lifted high and his tail shaking fast. To his surprise, he found h 64 looking at 1000 other happy little dogs with their tails shaking just as fast as his. He smiled a great smile, and was answered with 1000 great smiles just as warm and f 65 as his. As he left the house, he said to himself, “This is a wonderful place. I will come back and visit it often.”
In this same village, a 66 little dog, who was sad and in blue all the day, decided to visit the house, too. He slowly climbed the stairs and hung his head low as he looked into the hole in the door. To his great s 67 , he saw the 1000 unfriendly dogs looking at him, so he shouted at them right away. Then he was frightened to see 1000 little dogs s 68 back at him at the same time. He left the house q 69 and thought to himself, “That is a terrible place, and I will never come back and visit it.”
Life is like a mirror. If you smile at it, it will smile b 70 at you. All the faces in the world are mirrors of our different lives.
六、阅读与回答问题(本题共5小题;每小题2分, 满分10分)
请认真阅读下面短文, 并根据短文内容回答问题。
Tao Xing, 12, and Tao Jun, used to be afraid of the end of the Chinese New Year holiday as their parents would return to their jobs in distant cities and they would be left at home. However, this year, they had no reason to be sad.
After five years of living with their uncle in a village in Chongqing, the children have their parents back by their sides.There are more than 60 million “left-behind” children in the countryside when their parents moved away to work in the cities. Tao Xing and Tao Jun’s mother Yu Changmei and their father Tao Yonghong could only return home twice a year from their jobs in Guizhou Province.
Now more and more such kind of families becomes reunited(重聚的)ones. The Tao family is just one of them. In 2015, China’s migrant(移民)population fell for the first time in about 30 years as people pay more attention to the problems faced by left-behind children. Migrants are encouraged to return hometown. They are needed to work for the development of the countryside and provide support for lonely children. “Their parents’ company(陪伴)is the best gift children can receive. It’s difficult for children to grow into adults. They require parents care and help,” said Guan Xinping, a professor of social policy at Nankai University.
71.Where did Tao Xing and Tao Jun’s parents work last year
72.Who did Tao Xing and Tao Jun live with in a village in Chongqing for five years
73.How often did Tao Xing and Tao Jun’s parents return home from their jobs in Guizhou
74.Are migrants encouraged to return hometown now
75.What does the sentence “Their parents company is the best gift children can receive.” mean
76.“You can either travel or read, but either your body or soul must be on the way.”去旅行,这是身体在路上,可以拓宽人的眼界;去读书,这是灵魂在路上,让心智成长。
身体在路上 1. 喜欢旅游。 1) 原因……; 2) 游玩时应该注意哪些(自由发挥1-2点)。 2. 叙述自己曾经去过的1个旅游景点。
灵魂在路上 1. 喜欢阅读。 1) 表现……; 2) 原因……; 2. 介绍你读过的最喜欢的书。(自由发挥2-3句话)。
总结 你的个人观点 (自由发挥1-2句)。
1. 注意人称和时态。
2. 要点齐全,可适当增加细节使句子通顺、连贯。
3. 不要逐字翻译,词数100左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。
We students should always improve ourselves. Travelling and reading are good for us. Our body and mind must be on the way.
考查冠词。by后接交通工具类名词表示“乘坐某种交通工具”时,名词前用零冠词;take a bus“乘坐公共汽车”。故选C。
考查非谓语动词。used to do sth过去常常做某事;be used to do sth被用来做某事;be used to doing sth习惯做某事。根据“but now”可知,前句描述的是过去常常发生的事情,故第一空应填动词原形。后句是指现在习惯了住在农村,故第二空应填动名词living,故选A。
考查动词时态。joined加入;has joined现在完成时;has been a member of…“是……的一个成员”;has been in“在……里面”。第一句话中有时间状语“in 2014”,是过去的一个时间,因此应用一般过去时态,排除C和D;第二句话中有“for over 3 years”,应用现在完成时。join是瞬间性动词,不能与一段时间搭配,排除B。故选A。
考查形容词辨析。lonely孤独的;alone独自的。根据“I don’t feel ...”可知第一空表示情感上的孤独,用lonely;再由“when I am ... at home”可知第二空表示客观上独自一人,用alone。故选A。
考查动词辨析。borrow借入;lend借出;keep保留;return返回。how long要与延续性动词一起连用,四个选项中只有keep是延续性动词,故选C。
考查时态。根据“for a long time”可知用现在完成时,其结构为have/has done;再由“Why are the windows so dirty ”可知很久没有清洗了,用否定句。故选D。
考查现在完成时。has gone to去了某地还未回来;has been to去过某地已经回来;has been in待在某地;is going to打算。根据“Sorry, he’s not in at the moment.”可知丹尼尔不在,他去了苏州,用has gone to。故选A。
【详解】句意:你的父母是什么时候结婚的?他们结婚有20多年了。考查固定词组和时态的用法。第一空指的是结婚,用get married固定词组结婚,故排除A和B;第二空结合for 20 years可知是现在完成时,因此用可以延续的be married表示。have been married for+一段时间表示结婚多长时间了故排除C,根据句意,故选D。
考查现在完成时用法。第一空根据句意可知,since自从,后面接句子用过去时,应填left;第二空for three years为延续性时间,动词为延续性动词,应填has been away。故选B。
考查词汇辨析。In fact事实上;And而且;For example例如;Anyway不管怎样。根据“its ending is OK”可知不管电影怎么样,结局还可以。故选D。
考查延续性动词用法和介词辨析。第一空根据for many years可知,应用延续性动词,keep in touch with sb “保持联系”是延续性动作,故用keep。in在;by通过;with用。根据句意可知,此处应用“通过”,表示方式,应用by。故选D。
考查情景交际。Yes, I agree with you是的,我同意你的观点;No, you are welcome不,不客气;In some ways, I agree with you.在某些方面,我同意你的观点;No, I agree with you不,我同意你的观点。根据下句“I like the present transport but I can’t stand the pollution.”可知有赞同的地方,也有不赞同的地方,C选项符合情景。故选C。
16.A 17.C 18.C 19.A 20.C 21.B 22.C 23.B 24.A 25.D 26.B 27.D 28.C 29.D 30.C
always总是;sometimes有时;often经常;never从不。根据“However, the Internet isn’t…safe”可知,网络并不总是安全的。故选A。
try尝试;touch触摸;open打开;use使用。根据“Nobody controls the information on it and everyone can…it.”可知,每个人都可以打开互联网,网上的信息没有人控制,所以不安全。故选C。
break打破;make制作;follow遵守;forget忘记。根据“In order to keep you safe online, you should…the rules.”可知,为了保证安全,应该遵守规则。故选C。
keep保守;give给;write写;leave离开。根据“You must…your passwords secret.”可知,此处是keep sth. secret“保密”。故选A。
cover覆盖;agree同意;share分享;start开始。根据“Don’t…them with your friends.”可知,此处指不要把密码分享给朋友知道。故选C。
telephone电话;computer电脑;printer打印机;radio收音机。根据“And don’t keep them in a file(文件夹) on your…”可知,此处指不要把密码存放在电脑上的文件中。故选B。
notice通知;news新闻;information信息;advice建议。根据“People can use your passwords to enter websites that you use and find the…about you”可知,此处指通过密码可以在网上找到关于你的信息。故选C。
about关于;from从;with和;for为了。根据“You mustn’t open a file, message, or photo…someone you don’t know.”可知,此处指不要打开来自陌生人传送的链接。故选B。
And和;But但是;Or或者;So因此。根据“Sometimes these things may take viruses (病毒) with them. …they can come into your computer.”可知,此处指一些东西携带病毒,会进入电脑,此处应用And表顺承。故选A。
careful认真的;possible可能的;wonderful精彩的;important重要的。根据“Only give…information on safe sites (站).”可知,此处指在安全的网站上保存自己的重要信息。故选D。
someone某人;anyone任何人;something某事;anything任何事。根据“You mustn’t give…your name, address, or phone number if you don’t know them.”可知,此处指不要给任何不认识的人自己的信息,此处是否定句,应用anyone。故选B。
look for寻找;look after照顾;look up查阅;look at看。根据“You mustn’t put your photos on public sites. Anyone can…them.”可知,此处指人们可以看到网上发布的照片。故选D。
hard困难的;easy容易的;wrong错误的;right正确的。根据“Someone may copy photos from the Internet and use them for the…things.”可知,此处指某些不法之徒会利用网上的照片做一些错误的事情。故选C。
because因为;since既然;while然而;when当……时。根据“You must say no and tell your parents…someone on the the Internet asks you to meet him.”可知,此处指当网上有人要求你去见他,应该告知父母,故用when引导时间状语从句。故选D。
strange奇怪的;surprise惊讶的;dangerous危险的;different不同的。根据“Some people don’t tell the truth on the Internet.”可知,网上的人很多都是不真诚的,私下和网友会面是危险的。故选C。
31.B 32.C 33.A
31.细节理解题。根据第一个表格的“Time: 15~20 Nov.”可知时间:11月15~20日。故选B。
32.细节理解题。根据第二个表格的“Email: info@paris-”可知电子邮件: info@paris-。故选C。
33.细节理解题。根据第三个表格的“There are hundreds of artisans (手艺人) from across Canada selling jewellery, pottery(陶器), glass, ironwork and clothing.”可知来自加拿大各地的数百名工匠出售珠宝,陶器,玻璃,铁制品和服装。故选A。
34.C 35.D 36.D 37.B
34.词义猜测题。根据“Each of them was taking lessons — Joe with a famous art teacher, and Delia with a great pianist from Germany. They were the best teachers”可知,乔和一位著名的美术老师学习,迪丽娅和一位德国钢琴家学习,他们都是最好的老师。“They”指代美术老师和德国钢琴家。故选C。
35.推理判断题。根据乔说的话“I’d be much happier if you kept up your lessons.”可知,当他第一次知道迪丽娅要去给别人上课时,他为迪丽娅感到高兴,但乔更想让迪丽娅继续上课,所以还有些担心。故选D。
36.推理判断题。根据“when you love your art, nothing’s too much.”以及文章的理解可知,妻子骗丈夫去给人上课挣钱,其实是去咖啡店打工,丈夫骗妻子卖画挣钱,其实是在药店打工,妻子烫伤了自己的手,但他们都为对方考虑,因此最后妻子想要说 “当你爱一个人,没有什么大不了”。故选D。
37.推理判断题。根据“Delia put her fingers to his lips (嘴唇). ‘No, Joe,’ she said, ‘just ‘When you love…’ ’ ”可知,当乔发现妻子其实是在咖啡店当服务生,丈夫其实是在药店上班时,他们都用善意的谎言欺骗着对方,其实是爱的表达,因此这对夫妻 “满满的都是爱”。故选B。
38.A 39.C 40.C 41.D
38.细节理解题。根据“I gave the young man I had rescued bread and water I had saved.”及“I showed him a blanket and a blanket and he fell quickly asleep.”可知,我没有给他衣服。故选A。
39.细节理解题。根据“Soon my new servant showed himself much better at learning my language than I was at learning this.”可知,他非常聪明,比我更擅长学习我的语言。故选C。
40.细节理解题。根据“I gave the young man I had rescued bread and water I had saved.”可知,我救了那个年轻人,给了他食物和水,此为④。根据“The young man slept for only about a half hour before crawling out of the cave.”可知,他睡了一会儿,从洞穴里爬了出来,此为③;根据“I called him Friday, for it was on Friday that I rescued him.”可知,星期五我给了他这个名字,此为①;根据“He quickly learned “yes” and “no” and the names for various items.”可知,他学会了一些手势,和我交流得很好,此为②。因此正确的顺序是:④③①②。故选C。
41.细节理解题。根据“They even ate him to get the ferocity (残暴) and courage of the warrior. I felt sick after hearing this.”可知,让作者感到吃惊的是最勇敢的战士因为他们的残暴和勇气,被吃掉了。故选D。
42.A 43.A 44.B 45.C
42.细节理解题。根据“In front of an old-fashioned TV set, some Shanghainese gathered around to watch a TV show.”(一些上海人聚集在一台老式电视机前观看电视节目。)可知,此处A选项图片符合情景,故选A。
43.段落大意题。根据“In October 1990, the first McDonald’s on the Chinese mainland opened for business in Shenzhen. It quickly became the hottest tourist spot(旅游景点). ‘Many Chinese customers waited in line and shouted to the shop assistant, ‘I want 10 Big Macs,’ ’recalled a waiter at McDonald’s at that time.’”可知,这段主要描述的是西方的食物进入中国。故选A。
44.细节理解题。根据“From 2001 to 2017, China’s average(平均)growth of the import(进口)of goods and services was more than twice the world’s average.”(从2001年到2017年,中国商品和服务进口的平均增长率是世界平均水平的两倍多。)可知中国的进口增长很快。故选B。
45.细节理解题。根据“With the successful hosting of China’s first import expo(展览会)in November 2018, the city went on to develop China’s import business.”(随着2018年11月中国首届进口博览会的成功举办,上海继续发展中国的进口业务。)可知,中国第一届进口博览会在2018年11月在上海举行。故选C。
【详解】句意:由于他们的辛勤工作,所有的运动员都将收到鲜花和掌声。根据英文提示“get sth.”和“because of their hard work”可知,此处是指收到鲜花和掌声,receive“收到”,动词,助动词will后应为动词原形。故填receive。
【详解】句意:社会的基本单位是家庭。根据英文释义“something can form part of sth. larger”可知,此处说的是“某物可以成为更大事物的一部分”,应该是unit“单位,单元”,结合is可知,名词应用单数形式,故填unit。
【详解】句意:奇迹看似不可能但是无论如何都会发生。根据“but happens anyway.”可知,后半句转折说无论如何都会发生,说明前一句在质疑,表示“不可能”,用于系动词“seems”后,需用形容词,其英文为impossible。故填impossible。
51.directly 52.polluted 53.rulers’ 54.communication 55.twentieth
【解析】51.句意:别担心。交换学生将直接飞往香港。他们还有足够的时间。根据“… fly to Hong Kong”和备选单词可知,此处指“直接地飞往”,direct“直接的”,形容词,副词形式为 directly,修饰动词fly。故填directly。
52.句意:我们不能喝这条河污染的水。根据“can’t drink the … water”和备选单词可知,此处指污染的水,pollute“污染”,动词,形容词形式为“polluted”,表示“受污染的”,修饰water。故填polluted。
53.句意:你可以在这本书中找到所有清代统治者的名字。根据“the … names of Qing Dynasty”和备选单词可知,此处应填复数名词所有格形式,rule“规则”,名词,ruler“统治者”,复数“rulers”,其所有格形式为rulers’,表示“统治者的”。故填rulers’。
54.句意:父母和孩子之间的问题有时源于糟糕的沟通技巧。根据“The problems between parents and their children”和备选单词可知,此处是问题来源于不好的沟通技巧,communicate“交流、沟通”,动词,其名词形式communication,communication skills表示“沟通技巧”。故填communication。
55.句意:20世纪初,中国对世界的了解更多了。根据“in the early … century.”和备选单词可知,此处应为序数词,表示“20世纪初”,twenty“二十”,序数词为twentieth“第二十”。故填twentieth。
56.will have 57.made 58.feels 59.was writing 60.have read
【解析】56.句意:我想知道月考结束后我们是否会去旅行。结合选词及“a trip”可知,此处指的是“有一场旅行”,have“有”,主句是一般现在时,从句表达的动作还没有发生,应用一般将来时,故填will have。
57.句意:他们最后制作的节目真的很有用。根据“The programme”及选词可知,此处指的是“制作的节目”,make“制作”,结合“last”可知,动词用过去式,故填made。
58.句意:春天,风感觉很柔和。根据“the wind...soft and gentle.”及选词可知,春风是感觉很柔和,feel“感觉”,是动词,主语是不可数名词,动词用三单形式,故填feels。
59.句意:史密斯先生上午正在写报告,但我不知道他是否写完了。根据“a report morning but I don’t know whether he has finished it.”及选词可知,此处指的是“上午在写报告”,write“写”,描述的动作是过去正在进行的,应用过去进行时,故填was writing。
60.句意:我喜欢J.K.罗琳写的小说。到目前为止,我已经读了她所有关于哈利波特的作品。根据“all her works about Harry Potter so far.”及选词可知,此处指的是“读”,且动词要用现在完成时,主语是I,助动词用have,故填have read。
61.visit 62.reached 63.through 64.himself 65.friendly 66.another 67.surprise 68.shouting 69.quickly 70.back
61.句意:一只快乐的小狗听说了这个地方,决定去参观一下。根据所给空前面的“a”可知,应该填的是可数名词单数,由“ heard of this place”可知,应该是去参观一下,pay a visit“参观,拜访”,故填visit。
62.句意:当他到达那里时,他高兴地跳上楼梯,来到房子的门口。分析句子结构可知,应该填的是动词,由前文的“He ran all of his way with a happy heart”和“he jumped happily up the stairs to the doorway of the house”可知,应该是当他到达那里时,reach“到达”,时态是一般过去时,故填reached。
63.句意:他把耳朵举得很高,尾巴抖得很厉害,从洞里往外看。根据所给空后面的“the hole”可知,应该是通过洞向外看,through“通过”,表示从物体中间穿过,故填through。
64.句意:令他吃惊的是,他发现自己看着另外1000只快乐的小狗,它们的尾巴抖得和他的一样快。根据后文的“looking at 1000 other happy little dogs with their tails shaking just as fast as his”可知,他发现自己正看着另外1000只快乐的小狗,用反身代词himself表示“他自己”,故填himself。
65.句意:他微微一笑,得到的回答是1000个灿烂的微笑,和他的一样热情友好。根据“warm and”可知,应该填的是形容词,由“He smiled a great smile”可知,应该是温暖友好的,friendly“友好的”,故填friendly。
66.句意:在同一个村子里,另一只整天穿着蓝色衣服、悲伤的小狗也决定去参观这所房子。根据后文的“little dog, who was sad and in blue all the day, decided to visit the house, too”可知,应该是另一个小狗,也决定去参观这所房子,another dog意为“另一只狗”,故填another。
67.句意:令他大吃一惊的是,他看到1000只不友好的狗正看着他,于是他马上对它们大喊大叫。根据后面的“he saw the 1000 unfriendly dogs looking at him, so he shouted at them right away”可知,应该是令他惊讶的是,to one’s surprise“使某人惊讶的是”,故填surprise。
68.句意:然后他很恐惧地看到1000只小狗同时向他大叫。根据前文的“so he shouted at them right away”可知,应该是看到1000只小狗向他大叫,see sb doing sth“看见某人正在做某事”可知,应该填动名词作宾补,shout“大叫”动名词形式是shouting,故填shouting。
69.句意:他迅速地离开了这所房子。根据“left the house”可知,应该填的是副词修饰动词,由“ Then he was frightened to see 1000 little dogs shouting”可知,应该是迅速地离开了这所房子,quickly意为“迅速地”,故填quickly。
70.句意:如果你对它微笑,它也会对你报以微笑。根据前文的“Life is like a mirror”可知,你对生活微笑,它也会对你报以微笑,smile back at意为“对……报以微笑”,故填back。
71.In Guizhou Province. 72.Their uncle. 73.Twice a year. 74.Yes, they are. 75.To children, parents’ care is very important.
71.根据第二段“Tao Xing and Tao Jun’s mother Yu Changmei and their father Tao Yonghong could only return home twice a year from their jobs in Guizhou Province.”可知,陶兴和陶军的父母去年在贵州省工作。故填In Guizhou Province.
72.根据第二段“After five years of living with their uncle in a village in Chongqing, the children have their parents back by their sides.”可知,陶兴和陶军跟着他们的叔叔一起生活了5年。故填Their uncle.
73.根据第二段“Tao Xing and Tao Jun’s mother Yu Changmei and their father Tao Yonghong could only return home twice a year from their jobs in Guizhou Province.”可知,陶兴和陶军的父母一年会回家两次。故填Twice a year.
74.根据最后一段“Migrants are encouraged to return hometown.”可知,现在是鼓励外出打工者返乡。故填Yes, they are.
75.根据最后一段“Their parents’ company(陪伴)is the best gift children can receive. It’s difficult for children to grow into adults. They require parents care and help”可知,父母的陪伴是孩子最好的礼物,没有父母的陪伴孩子们很难长大成人,他们需要父母的关心和帮助。故填To children, parents’ care is very important.
We students should always improve ourselves. Travelling and reading are good for us. Our body and mind must be on the way. I have been to Beijing. There, I visited the Forbidden City, Tiananmen Square and other scenic spots. When playing outside, we should pay attention to public health and civilized travel. When I read the books that I love most, I feel relaxed. Journey to the West is my favorite book. The monkey king always tries his best to solve the difficulties that he faces and never gives up. He really encourages me a lot in some ways. I think they can enrich our experience and better understand life.
①pay attention to注意
②try one’s best to do sth尽某人最大努力做某事
③give up放弃
①When I read the books that I love most, I feel relaxed.(时间状语从句)
②I think they can enrich our experience and better understand life.(宾语从句)



