八年级英语下册(牛津译林版)Unit3 Online tours单元话题语法填空练习(含解析)

Unit 3 Online tours
Do you use emojis (表情符号) on your mobile phone One of the nicest things about emojis is that people 1 all over the world can understand them. But I have 2 (recent) learned that some emojis have different meanings in China. So we need to be careful when using emojis.
Take 3 smiling face emoji for example. At first, I 4 (think) that it was just a normal, friendly smile. But later, I found that it could mean something different. It could mean that someone was looking down on you or even 5 (laugh) at you. Later I read online that although the emoji was smiling, its eyes were looking downward, which made it look like a fake (虚假的) smile.
What about the smiling face 6 a waving (挥动的) hand It certainly looks friendly enough. 7 in fact, some people use this emoji to show that they don’t want to talk to someone—the hand is waving “goodbye.” It is telling you that “You should not talk to me again”.
In fact, some emojis also have double meanings in Western countries. One of my favorite emojis is the “cry-laugh” emoji. At first, it meant “rolling on the floor laughing” or ROFL. But over the years, the meaning 8 (change). It is often used to describe situations that are sotragie (悲伤的) that you can’t help but laugh to cheer 9 (you) up.
It looks like the language of emojis changes over time, just like real language.
We should be 10 (care) about how we use it when speaking to others.
(2023下·江苏无锡·八年级校考阶段练习)Today there are already robots working in factories. Some can 11 (help) to build cars, and they do simple jobs over and over again. Fewer people will do such jobs in the future 12 they are boring, but robots will never get bored.
Scientists are now 13 (try) to make robots look like humans and do 14 same things as we do. Some robots in Japan can walk and dance. They are fun to watch. However, some scientists believe it will be 15 (difficulty) to make them really think like a human.
Scientists also believe that there will be 16 (many) robots in the future. These new robots will have many different 17 (shape). Some will look like humans, and others might look like animals. 18 India, scientists make robots that look like snakes. If buildings fall down with people inside, 19 (this) snake robots can help look for people under the buildings. This was not possible 20 years ago, but computers and rockets also seemed 20 (possible) 100 years ago. We never know what will happen in the future.
(2024上·福建泉州·八年级统考期末)We live in a computer age. People like scientists, teachers, writers and students use computers to do all 21 (kind) of work. But more than 30 years ago, computers couldn’t do much work and they 22 (be) big and expensive. Very few people were 23 (interest) in them or knew how to use them. Today computers are smaller and 24 (cheap). They can do much work and many people like to use them. Many people have them at school, in the office, 25 home or even in their handbags.
Computers become an important 26 of our lives because they can work quickly and seldom make mistakes (错误). Computers can do 27 lot of work instead of people. Writers use computers to write, teachers use them to teach and 28 (child) use them to play puters can also remember what you put into 29 (puters are very 30 (use) in our everyday life. They are our good friends. Would you like to have a computer
Some scientists in the US 31 (one) had the idea of linking computers together in the 1960s. They wanted computers in universities, research (研究) departments and the military (军队) to communicate with each other. At that time, computers filled whole rooms and were 32 (difficulty) to use.
Slowly, many researchers started to link their computers together. 33 in the 1980s the Internet 34 (open) to business and personal use. Today, people all over the world are using the Internet 35 (free).
There are many ways to use the Internet. For example, we can use it to communicate with other people. The most popular way 36 communicate is through electronic mail, or “email”. We can also use online messenger services to send messages to people. The Internet allows us to use the World Wide Web (also known as WWW 37 the Web). The Web is made up of many 38 (connect) pages of information. We can use the Web to play games, read the news or learn about our favourite 39 (sport) stars and singers.
The Internet 40 (change) the way we live so far. It allows us to explore (探索) the whole world from the top of our desk.
Could robots pass a test that middle school students take Guess what-there 41 (be) one that can.
US 42 (scientist) made an AI system (系统) called Aristo. They had it take the same science test that some students in the 43 (eight) grade take. The New York Times reported Aristo could answer 90 percent of 44 test questions and got a passing grade.
This is big progress (进步). Four years ago, 700 computer scientists tried 45 (make) AI systems that could pass similar tests. But none scored 46 (high) than 60.
Aristo 47 (pass) the test because it can not only understand language, but also use logical (逻辑的) thinking to solve difficult problems. For example, it can understand what a forest fire is 48 what it could do to animals. Aristo reads many questions before 49 (take) the test. What’s more, it could find the logic in the questions and answers 50 (successful).
People may often see robots in some movies. The robots in the movies are 51 (strong), faster and cleverer than people. In real life, robots are helping humans in 52 lot of ways. People can see many robots in 53 (factory). They 54 (usual) help people do many dangerous, difficult or boring jobs. There are already robots working in American hospitals. At one hospital, a robot 55 (take) meals from the kitchen to sick people’s rooms. It never loses its way 56 it has a map of the hospital in its computer. Some people can’t look after themselves at home and robots can help 57 (they). For example, some people can’t see clearly. They hope 58 (move) around with the help of robots. Scientists are making robot dogs to help these people. 59 the future, some robot dogs will appear in the street. People believe there 60 (be) more and more robots in the near future. They’ll help people make the world more beautiful.
ChatGPT is a chatbot. OpenAI created it. Earlier this year, the company’s website became one of the world’s fifty most-visited. When people ask a question online, they will get 61 answer to it from the chatbot. The answer reads like an essay (文章).
A growing number of educators say it’s too late to keep AI out of their classrooms. In a recent survey, 73% of 62 (teacher) said they heard of ChatGPT, and 33% used it to come up with 63 (create) ideas for classes. 64 Washington, students used the program to help with their math. In London, a teacher used ChatGPT to simplify texts for students, 65 their English is not good enough.
ChatGPT doesn’t always get things right. But teachers say this can give a way to make students become more 66 (interest) in study. The program created some essays. Some teachers ask students 67 (check) those essays. Sarah Millard, a teacher in Rochester, had students critique (评论) a ChatGPT essay on Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. She said students 68 (enjoy) it a lot.
Some educators say it would be unfair to other students if teachers let some students use AI to do 69 (them) schoolwork. It’s not clear how much AI will change schooling. One thing is 70 (certainly): There’s no substitute (替代) for human connection. One teacher says, “I high-fived my students. I cried with my students. A computer will never do that.”
Are you interested in robots Do you have a robot at home When we watch movies 71 the future, we sometimes see robots. They are usually like human 72 (servant). They help with the housework and do jobs like working in dirty or 73 (danger) places.
Now robots 74 playing a very important role in our lives. We can see robots 75 (build) cars in factories, helping in hotels and even visiting other planets in space. Robots can do many things well, 76 some simple things like picking up something small or putting on clothes are difficult for them. Maybe 77 makes you feel surprised. That’s because our brains (大脑) can tell us how 78 (use) our hands. However, robots can’t. So they often break things.
Many scientists are trying to solve the problem. Ken Goldberg from University of California had 79 idea. He built a database (数据库) to help guide robots pick up things 80 (easy).
Most scientists believe that there will be more robots helping humans in the future.
1.from 2.recently 3.the 4.thought 5.laughing 6.with 7.But 8.has changed 9.yourself 10.careful
1.句意:表情符号最大的好处之一就是全世界的人都能理解它们。根据“people...all over the world”可知,此处需填介词from“来自”,表示来自各地的人们。故填from。
2.句意:但我最近了解到一些表情符号在中国有不同的含义。根据“But I have...learned that some emojis have different meanings in China”可知,此处需填副词修饰动词learned。recent“最近的”副词为recently“最近地”。故填recently。
3.句意:以笑脸表情符号为例。根据“Take...smiling face emoji for example”可知,此处表示特指,需填定冠词the。故填the。
4.句意:起初,我以为这只是一个普通的、友好的微笑。根据“I...that it was just a normal, friendly smile”可知,此处需填谓语动词,且时态为一般过去时。think“认为”过去式为thought。故填thought。
5.句意:它可能意味着有人看不起你,甚至嘲笑你。根据“It could mean that someone was looking down on you or even...at you”可知,此处需填动名词跟looking并列。故填laughing。
6.句意:带着挥手动作的笑脸有什么含义呢?根据“What about the smiling face...a waving (挥动的) hand”可知,此处需填介词。with“带着、有着”表伴随。故填with。
7.句意:但事实上,有些人用这个表情符号来表示他们不想和某人说话—挥手说“再见”。根据“in fact,...”可知,此处需填连词。结合“It certainly looks friendly enough”和“some people use this emoji to show that they don’t want to talk to someone”可知,两句的关系为转折关系。首字母需大写。故填But。
8.句意:但随着时间的推移,含义发生了变化。根据“But over the years, the meaning”可知,此处需填谓语动词。结合“over the years”,时态为现在完成时。主语“the meaning”为第三人称单数。故填has changed。
9.句意:它经常被用来描述非常悲伤的情况,你忍不住笑起来让自己高兴。根据“It is often used to describe situations that are sotragie (悲伤的) that you can’t help but laugh to cheer...up”可知,此处需填反身代词,表示让自己高兴。you的反身代词为yourself“你自己”。故填yourself。
10.句意:当我们和别人说话时,我们应该注意如何使用它。根据“We should be...about how we use it when speaking to others”可知,此处需填形容词。care的形容词为careful“小心的”,作表语。故填careful。
11.help 12.because 13.trying 14.the 15.difficult 16.more 17.shapes 18.In 19.these 20.impossible
根据空前“are now”可知此处表示现阶段正在持续的动作,用现在进行时,其结构为be doing,空前有be动词are,try的现在分词是trying。故答案为trying。
根据上文中“Today there are already robots working in factories.”讲现在已经有机器人,结合题干中“in the future”可知此处是说未来比现在有更多机器人,用many的比较级more。故答案为more。
根据空前“many different”可知此处用shape的复数形式shapes表示“形状”。故答案为shapes。
根据空后“snake robots”是复数形式,可推出此处用this的复数these表示“这些”。故答案为these。
根据空后“100 years ago”讲一百年前,结合常识可知一百年前计算机和火箭似乎也是不可能的,用possible的反义词impossible表示“不可能的”。故答案为impossible。
21.kinds 22.were 23.interested 24.cheaper 25.at 26.part 27.a 28.children 29.them 30.useful
21.句意:像科学家、教师、作家和学生这样的人使用计算机做各种工作。all kinds of意为“各种各样的”,故填kinds。
22.句意:但是30多年前,计算机不能做很多工作,而且又大又贵。根据“more than 30 years ago”可知,该句为一般过去时,主语they为复数,故填were。
23.句意:很少有人对它们感兴趣或知道如何使用它们。be interested in意为“对……感兴趣”, 故填interested。
25.句意:许多人在学校、办公室、家里甚至手提包里都有。at home意为“家里”,故填at。
26.句意:电脑成为我们生活的重要组成部分,因为它们工作速度快,很少出错。根据“because they can work quickly and seldom make mistakes”可知,这里指成为我们生活的重要组成部分,part意为“部分”,不定冠词an后跟单数名词,故填part。
27.句意:电脑可以代替人做很多工作。a lot of意为“很多”,故填a。
31.first 32.difficult 33.Then 34.was opened 35.freely 36.to 37.or 38.connected 39.sports 40.has changed
33.句意:然后在20世纪80年代,互联网对商业和个人使用开放。根据“many researchers started to link their computers together.”可知,许多研究者开始把他们的电脑连接在一起,然后发展到对商业和个人开放,副词then“然后”符合语境,句首单词首字母大写。故填Then。
34.句意:然后在20世纪80年代,互联网对商业和个人使用开放。be opened to“对……开放”,根据“in the 1980s”可知,时态是一般过去时,主语是the Internet,be用was。故填was opened。
35.句意:今天,全世界的人们都在自由地使用互联网。此处修饰动词are using,用副词形式。故填freely。
36.句意:最流行的沟通方式是通过电子邮件,或“电子邮件”。the most popular way to do sth“做某事最受欢迎的方法”。故填to。
37.句意:因特网使我们能够使用万维网(也称为WWW或万维网)。根据“WWW ... the Web”可知,两者是选择关系,用or连接。故填or。
39.句意:我们可以使用网络玩游戏,阅读新闻或了解我们最喜欢的体育明星和歌手。sports stars“体育明星”。故填sports。
40.句意:到目前为止,互联网改变了我们的生活方式。根据“so far”可知,时态用现在完成时have/has done,主语是The Internet,助动词用has。故填has changed。
41.is 42.scientists 43.eighth 44.the 45.to make 46.higher 47.passed 48.and 49.taking 50.successfully
42.句意:美国科学家制造了一个名为Aristo的人工智能系统。由“They had it”可知,此处指科学家们,应用复数形式。故填scientists。
45.句意:四年前,700名计算机科学家试图制造能够通过类似测试的人工智能系统。try to do sth.“试着做某事”,固定用法。故填to make。
47.句意:Aristo之所以能通过测试,是因为它不仅能理解语言,还能运用逻辑思维解决难题。由“got a passing grade”可知,描述过去的事情应用一般过去时。故填passed。
48.句意:例如,它可以了解森林大火是什么以及它会对动物造成什么影响。由“it can understand what a forest fire is…what it could do to animals”可知,此处是并列关系,应用and连接。故填and。
51.stronger 52.a 53.factories 54.usually 55.takes 56.because 57.them 58.to move 59.In 60.will be
51.句意:电影中的机器人比人类更强壮、更快、更聪明。根据“faster and cleverer than people”可知,空处应用strong的比较级stronger“更强壮”。故填stronger。
52.句意:在现实生活中,机器人在很多方面帮助人类。a lot of“许多”,固定搭配。故填a。
55.句意:在一家医院,一个机器人把饭从厨房送到病人的房间。主语a robot单数形式,时态为一般现在时,谓语动词take用三单形式。 故填takes。
56.句意:它从来不会迷路,因为它的电脑里有医院的地图。根据“It never loses its way...it has a map of the hospital in its computer.”可知,前后句表示因果关系,且后半句是原因,故用because引导原因状语从句。故填because。
57.句意:有些人在家不能照顾自己,机器人可以帮助他们。根据“robots can help...”可知,空处缺少宾语,应用they的宾格形式。故填them。
58.句意:他们希望在机器人的帮助下四处走动。hope to do sth“希望做某事”,固定搭配,空处应填move的不定式形式。故填to move。
59.句意:在未来,一些机器狗将出现在街上。in the future“在未来”,固定搭配,句首字母大写。故填In。
60.句意:人们相信在不久的将来会有越来越多的机器人。根据“in the near future”可知,时态为一般将来时,there be句型中一般将来时结构为there will be。故填will be。
61.the/an 62.teachers 63.creative 64.In 65.because/as 66.interested 67.to check 68.enjoyed 69.their 70.certain
66.句意:但是老师说,这可以让学生对学习产生更大的兴趣。become interested in“对……感兴趣”,故填interested。
67.句意:有些老师让学生检查那些作文。ask to do“让做某事”,故填to check。
71.about 72.servants 73.dangerous 74.are 75.building 76.but 77.it 78.to use 79.an 80.easily
【分析】 本文主要讲述了机器人可以为人类做很多事情。
71.句意:当我们看关于未来的电影时,我们有时会看到机器人。movies about the future“关于未来的电影”。故填about。
75.句意:我们可以看到机器人在工厂里制造汽车,甚至游览太空中的其他星球。see sb doing sth”看见某人正在做某事”。故填building。
78.句意:那是因为我们的大脑可以告诉我们如何使用我们的手。特殊疑问词+动词不定词作宾语,故填to use。
79.句意:加州大学的肯 戈德堡有一个想法。泛指有一个想法,idea是元音音素开头,故填an。
80.句意:他建立了一个数据库来帮助引导机器人轻松地捡起东西。根据“pick up things”可知,用副词easily”容易地”修饰动词短语pick up。故填easily。



上一篇:2023-2024八年级英语下册(牛津译林版)Unit 3 Online tours单元测试(含解析)
