
1.纸 ________ 2.将来 ________ 3.环境 ________ 4.行星 ________
5.地球 ________ 6.种植 ________ 7.部分 ________ 8.和平 ________
9.海 ________ 10.天空 ________ 11.太空 ________ 12.人类 ________
13.仆人________ 14.有危险的 ________ 15.已经 ________ 16.工厂 ________
17.相信 ________ 18.甚至 ________ 19.形状________ 20.倒塌 ________
21.在……里面 ________ 22.可能的 ________ 23.不可能的 ________
24.一方(的意见、态度、立场) ________ 25.很可能 ________ 26.在……期间 ________
27.假期 ________ 28.单词 ________ 29.摇动 ________ 30.西瓜 ________
31.勺 ________ 32.增加 ________ 33.最后 ________ 34.食盐 ________
35.食糖 ________ 36.干酪 ________ 37.机器 ________ 38.掘 ________
39.洞 ________ 40.三明治 ________ 41.黄油 ________ 42.片 ________
43.传统的 ________ 44.秋天 ________ 45.英格兰 ________ 46.庆祝 ________
47.(使)混合 ________ 48.(使)充满 ________ 49.盘子 ________ 50.覆盖 ________
51.接待 ________ 52.温度________                                                                                                                                                      
1.参与(某事)________________ 2.太空站;宇宙空间站________________
3.多次;反复地________________ 4.许多;大量________________
5.突然倒下;跌倒;倒塌________________ 6.寻找;寻求________________
7.奶昔________________ 8.接通;打开________________
1.Will people use money in 100 years 100年后人们还使用钱吗?
[解释]in 100 years意为“在100年以后”,其中in为介词,其后跟一段时间表示“在……之后”,通常用于一般将来时,对其提问时须用how soon(多久)。
—How soon will your mother finish cooking dinner 你的妈妈多久会把饭做好?
—In an hour.一小时后。
练习:(1)他三小时之后回来。He will be back ________ three hours.
(2)他星期日动身,三天后到达北京。He started on Sunday and arrived in Beijing ________ three days.
2.When it is ready, place the turkey on a large plate and cover it with gravy.火鸡烤好后,把它放在一个大盘子里并把肉汁覆盖在上面。
[拓展]cover用作名词时,意为“封面;盖子”。The cover of the magazine is nice.这本杂志的封面很漂亮。
[辨析]cover...with...意为“用……把……覆盖”;be covered with意为“被……所覆盖”。
练习:(1)他用一张报纸把课桌覆盖着。 He________the desk with a newspaper.
(2)那座山终年覆盖着厚厚的雪。The mountain ________________ thick snow all year round.
(  )1.—Do you like the city life or the country life
—It is hard to say.In the city it is ________ interesting, but in the country there is ________ pollution.
A.more; less B.less; more C.more; fewer D.much; much
(  )2.It will be difficult for a robot ________ the same things ________ a person.
A.doing; like; from do; as D.does; as
(  )3.—Would you please turn down the music, Mina I'm doing my homework.
—Sorry, I'll do it ________.
A.slowly B.probably C.suddenly D.immediately
(  )4.I don't know if it ________ tomorrow.If it ________, I will stay at home.
A.will rain; rains B.rains; will rain C.will rain; will rain D.rains; rains
(  )5.—When will the party be held
—________ two weeks' time, ________15th July.
A.In; on B.In; in C.On; on D.At; on
(  )6.—If you are tired, you can go to have a break.
—OK, I will ________ later.
A.relax B.excuse C.present D.mix
(  )7.If there is ________ pollution, the air in our city will be ________ dirtier.
A.less; more B.more; much C.less; less D.more; more
(  )8.—Mum, I'm not feeling well.
—Well, let me take your ________.Luckily, there's no fever.
A.temperature B.condition C.illness
(  )9.That mountain in the city ________ a snake.
A.look like like C.likes liking
(  )10.—What do you think of a turkey dinner, Anna
—Oh, it's a big ________ meal on Thanksgiving.It has a long history.
A.meaningless B.personal C.physical D.traditional
(  )11.There ________ two pieces of turkey on the table and there ________ some relish on the pieces.
A.are; are B.are; is; is; are
(  )12.—Dad, can I eat out with my friends this evening
—________ your homework first, and then we'll talk about it.
A.Finishing B.Finish C.To finish D.Finishes
(  )13.Please ________ to return my book by Friday.I will use it on Saturday.
A.don't forget B.not to forget C.not forget D.forget not to
(  )14.—The box is too heavy to carry.What's in it
—Oh, it is ________ books.
A.filled with B.covered with C.used for D.asked for
(  )15.—Dad, my favourite TV show will be on soon.
—OK, dear.I'll help you ________ the TV right now.
A.turn on B.turn off C.turn down D.turn up
Four months ago, I had the chance to represent (代表) China as a member of Chinese team to take part in the International Public Speaking Competition (IPSC).The __16__ challenge I met at that time seemed to be the audience.They did not share the same culture __17__ we did, and they might have their own likes and dislikes.So what would they want to near on __18__ international stage I believed that they would expect us to mix our culture with theirs __19__ problems that are shared globally (全球地).
When I started preparing for that speech, I kept asking __20__: What Chinese wisdom can I bring to the world Which stories do I want the world to know Finally, I decided to share my ideas __21__ difficult situations of mothers for the finals.People all over the world know that __22__ love is the greatest in the world.I __23__ some ideas of child caring through the survey in Shanghai.The ideas were very __24__ and finally I ended up doing my best to have a good prize.
It was a magical feeling when the People's Republic of China __25__ along with my own name.Every time I think of that moment, I feel a sense of pride.
The young have the responsibility to tell Chinese stories to the world.The more Chinese stories we tell to the world, the more we can spread our Chinese culture throughout the world.                                                                                                                                                                                    
(  )16.A.big B.bigger C.biggest
(  ) C.until
(  )18.A.a C.the
(  )19.A.solve solve C.solving
(  ) C.myself
(  )21.A.on C.for
(  )22.A.mother B.mother's C.mothers
(  )23.A.provided B.provides C.provide
(  )24.A.create B.creative C.creation
(  )25.A.speak B.spoke C.was spoken
“Nancy, try to cook for us today,” my mother called.“But Mum, I don't know how to cook,” I said.“Today I will__26__ you to cook,”said my mother.I didn't know__27__ it would go, but I agree.
I saw my mother cook rice before, so I did it easily.__28__ when it came to cooking vegetables, I didn't know how to do it.My father asked me to cut up one cabbage and make other ingredients (原料) __29__.“Now put some garlice (大蒜) into the pot.Then,__30__ some turmeric (姜黄根粉) and put the cabbage.Don't forget to add some salt.” My father stood next to me and told me what I should do.__31__ finishing the cabbage, I cooked beef soup.__32__, I finished cooking the meal in almost two hours.I __33__ the food to my parents.They ate it and said it was wonderful.At last, it was __34__ turn to eat the food.I thought it was terrible.
From that day on, I learnt to cook.The first experience of __35__ my own cooking was so terrible, but it taught me a great lesson.I started respecting food, as I learnt that one had to try his best to cook it.
                                                                                                                                        (  )26.A.shake B.question C.expect D.teach
(  )27.A.what C.which D.where
(  )28.A.Because B.So C.But D.If
(  )29.A.ready B.traditional C.lucky D.similar
(  )30.A.fall B.cover C.pick D.add
(  )31.A.Through B.After C.From D.Before
(  )32.A.Quickly B.Loudly C.Finally D.Quietly
(  )33.A.served B.turned C.filled D.shared
(  ) B.his C.our D.their
(  )35.A.waiting B.reaching C.discussing D.tasting
danger agree true when servant scientist probable it improve try a safe
I, Robot is a movie about the future.There are lots of robots in it.And the robots are just like humans' 36.________.The year is 2035 and there are lots of robots in humans' homes.They help with the housework and do jobs like cooking or working in dirty or 37.________ places.Most people think robots are good, but a police officer called Spooner 38.________.He thinks 39.________ is impossible for humans to get on well with their robots! But a 40.________ named Susan believes robots can be humans' good friends.She guesses (猜想) one day robots will 41.________ become more powerful (强大的) than humans and can help humans to 42.________ their lives.
43.________ Spooner and Susan work together, they find that something is wrong with the world's robots.A few robots have their own thoughts and they're 44.________ to get out of humans' control (控制).Of course these robots' dream can't come 45.________.Humans work hard to control their robots again and they are successful at last.
1.paper 2.future 3.environment 4.planet 6.plant 7.part 8.peace
9.sea 12.human
13.servant 14.dangerous 15.already 16.factory
17.believe 18.even 19.shape 20.fall
21.inside 22.possible 23.impossible 24.side
25.probably 26.during 28.word
29.shake 30.watermelon 31.spoon 32.add
33.finally 34.salt 35.sugar 36.cheese
37.machine 38.dig 39.hole 40.sandwich
41.butter 42.piece 43.traditional 44.autumn
45.England 46.celebrate 47.mix 48.fill
49.plate 50.cover 51.serve 52.temperature
(二)重点短语默写 a part in station 3.over and over again
4.hundreds of 5.fall down 6.look for 7.milk shake
8.turn on
1.(1)in (2)after
2.(1)covered (2)is covered with
1~5 ACDAA 6~10 ABABD 11~15 BBAAA
B)语法选择 16~20 CABBC 21~25 ABABC
C)完形填空 26~30 DBCAD 31~35 BCAAD
36.servants 37.dangerous 38.disagrees 40.scientist
41.probably 42.improve 43.When 44.trying 45.true



