Unit 8 A green world课时基础练(6课时含答案)

Unit 8 Task
1.This is a s problem. It can be solved easily.
2.If you want to be a top student, the first s is to listen carefully in class.
3.Before repairing the computer, you must turn off the p first.
4.T showers in winter takes longer time.
5.It is important for us to d a green lifestyle.
6.A class meeting (not hold) by our maths teacher next Friday.
7.He (invite) to speak at parents' meeting tomorrow.
8.The new computers (use) by the students the other day.
9.A lot of work (do) by the government to help people in Henan in 2021.
10.What fun they had (play) football outside just now!
11.Are you interested in (organize) parties
12.A talk on learning English (give) in the school hall next week.
13.The dirty clothes need (wash).
14. this show (support) by local government tomorrow
15.I (try) to help you organize the show if I have time.
  十九大报告提出要建设美丽中国、推进绿色发展、解决环境问题。作为新时代的中学生,如何响应党的号召,从我做起保护环境 请根据以下文字提示,并适当发表自己的观点,写一篇英语短文。
主题 Let's build a green city together
具体 做法 方式 益处
1.骑车、徒步出行 避免交通拥堵,减少空气污染
2.不乱扔垃圾,不随地吐痰 让城市变得干净、舒适
3.植树造林 美化城市,保护环境
你的 建议 联系自己的生活实际提出几条具体的合理建议(至少2条)
参考词汇:吐痰spit;垃圾箱dustbin;交通拥堵traffic jams;环境environment
  As a middle school student, it's our duty to help build a green city.
Unit 8 Task
1.simple 2.step 3.power 4.Taking
6.won't be held / isn't going to be held
7.will be invited 8.were used 9.was done
10.playing 11.organizing
12.is going to be given / will be given
13.washing / to be washed
14.Will; be supported
15.will try
As a middle school student, it's our duty to help build a green city.We can avoid the traffic jams and reduce the air pollution by riding bikes or walking.We mustn't throw rubbish or spit anywhere.In this way, we can keep our city clean and tidy so that we can live a comfortable life.And we'd better plant more trees to protect the environment and make our city beautiful.
In my daily life, I can pick up rubbish and put it into the dustbin wherever I go.I can also save the energy by turning off the lights when leaving the room.In a word, everyone can play a part in making our city greener.Unit 8 Reading
1.Boys and girls, you need to have a dream.The future of China (依靠) on you!
2.We all agree that the driver who drives after drinking wine (酒) should be (惩罚).
3.—Why are you in such a hurry, Cathy
—My dad and mum don't (let someone do something) me to stay out late.
4.The Chinese company is always trying to (to make something) the best smart phones all by itself.
5.It's known to all that Taiwan is part of China, and no one can (分开) it from our motherland.
6.—Do you want to go to listen to the talk on (recycle)
—Great! I am looking for some information for my article on the topic.
7.The main (different) between our brains and those of monkeys is that ours are bigger.
8.People who learn (wise) and well will achieve their dreams more easily.
9. (luck), the flowers and trees grow well because they are taken good care of by some volunteers.
10.Some Germans set up an (organize) to save the poor during the Nanjing Massacre (南京大屠杀).
  Scientists in Britain and the United States have made a new kind of enzyme (酵素) that eats plastics (塑料). With its help, plastics can be turned into smaller parts and go away quickly. Scientists believe that, in the future, it could solve the problem of plastic pollution.
The enzyme is able to break down PET, a form of plastic. PET was first made in the 1940s and is now widely used to make plastic bottles. It can remain in the environment for many years and pollute large areas of land and water. So it has always been a headache to deal with the waste from PET and other plastics.
The researchers made the discovery (发现) while examining the structure of a natural enzyme in Japan. They found that the natural enzyme was helping to break down PET plastics. So, they decided to make small changes to the enzyme by adding some amino acids (氨基酸). It made the natural enzyme's plastic-eating abilities work faster and better.
John McGeehan, one of the lead researchers, said, “We've made an improved enzyme. It's better than the natural one. And we are trying to make more improvements to it.” He went on, “The enzyme is not harmful to humans or animals, and it is friendly to the environment. So we are considering putting it into wider use.”
The team is now trying to make the enzyme break down PET in large quantities (大量地). “We'll see that the plastic pollution may be stopped with this technology. However, there is still a long way to go,” John McGeehan added.
( )11.According to the scientists, the enzyme may solve the problem of     pollution.
A.air B.water
C.light D.plastic
( )12.The underlined phrase “break down” in the passage probably means “    ” in Chinese.
A.实验 B.生产
C.发明 D.分解
( )13.Researchers discovered that a natural enzyme helped eat plastics     .
A.in Britain B.in the US
C.in Japan D.in China
( )14.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
A.The scientists are still trying to improve the enzyme.
B.The enzyme will pollute large areas of land and water.
C.The natural enzyme works better than the improved one.
D.The natural enzyme is harmful to humans and animals.
Unit 8 Reading
1.depends 2.punished 3.allow 4.produce 5.separate
6.recycling 7.difference 8.wisely 9.Luckily
11.D 解析:细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句中的“it could solve the problem of plastic pollution”可知,答案选D。
12.D 解析:词义猜测题。break down后面的宾语为PET,由其后的a form of plastic可知,PET 是一种塑料。第一段末尾提到酵素(enzyme)可以解决塑料污染,故可推知,分解塑料才能解决塑料污染。故选D。
13.C 解析:细节理解题。根据第三段第一句“The researchers made the discovery (发现) while examining the structure of a natural enzyme in Japan.”可知,研究人员在日本检测一种天然酵素的结构时有了这个发现。故选C。
14.A 解析:细节理解题。根据第四段第三句“And we are trying to make more improvements to it.”可知,A选项正确;第四段第四句“The enzyme is not harmful to humans or animals, and it is friendly to the environment.”可知,B、D两项均错误;第四段第二句“It's better than the natural one.”可知,C 选项与文章意思相反。Unit 8 Comic strip & Welcome to the unit
1.The e has become better and better.
2.Don't worry. There is nothing s with your head.
3.I think you'd better have a s before dinner after a hard day at work.
4.It's w for him to spend his pocket money on books.
5.—What are you doing in the garden
—I am d a hole to plant an orange tree.
6.You have caught a cold,but it's nothing (严重的).
7.My friends plant some (面包果) trees in their gardens.
8.—What is he doing
—He is (挖) a hole in the garden.
9.You are (明智的)to answer this question in such a way.
10.The teacher says we can (回收利用)waste to protect our environment.
11.We must try our best to reduce the air (污染).
12.Do you know how we can (节约) energy
13.Everyone should know how to protect the (环境).
14.The costs were (减少) by 20% last year and it was a great success.
15.The heavy rain will (造成) many problems.
How important it is for humans !
—Why do so many people like Mini Marathon
—Because it our health.
To protect our environment, everyone should .
Your uncle should let your cousin go to school by underground instead of .
Tom was too careless when he left the classroom yesterday evening.
A:Where have you been, Fang Li You weren't in your office.
B:21. .
A:What did you see there
B:I saw that the paper factory was pouring waste water into the river nearby. The river has become very dirty. Lots of fish have died.
A:22. !
B:Do you think we can do something
A:23. . We can write a story about it to the TV station and the newspaper.
B:24. !
A:I hope more and more people can realize the problem and take action to protect the environment.
B:25. .
Unit 8 Comic strip & Welcome to the unit
1.environment 2.serious 3.shower/seat
4.wise 5.digging
6.serious 7.breadfruit 8.digging 9.wise
10.recycle 11.pollution 12.save
13.environment 14.reduced 15.cause
16.to protect the environment
17.is good for
18.live a green life
19.driving her to school
20.to turn off the lights
21.I've been to a paper factory
22.That's terrible / How terrible
23.Yes, of course
24.Good idea
25.I hope soUnit 8 Grammar
1.This work needs close teamwork. Nothing (achieve) if we don't work well together.
2.In the real world, mistakes happen and they must (deal) with carefully.
3.Taizhou and Changzhou (separate) by the Yangtze River, and a new bridge will connect the two cities in the near future.
4.Students (show) how to protect themselves every year.
5.I'm afraid more people (hurt) by pollution in the future.
6.The designer will (展示) his new clothes at the show.
7.Water pollution is bad for (活的) things.
8.Such bad books shouldn't be allowed to sell at any bookstores. They will (伤害) our children.
9.In the past, many rivers were (污染) seriously, but now they are cleaned up.
10.All the students know the importance of protecting the (环境).
As well as people, animals by noise.
Never rubbish rivers.
kills many wild animals.
Rubbish should not be everywhere.
The pollution has .
different away save friend buy
how short second if real
  Do you want to save the environment You probably can't fix everything on your own, but by taking small steps and keeping the environment in mind every day, you can make a 16. .
Firstly, think green. Challenge yourself to think about the environment in your life. If you turn off the lights when you leave a room, you'll 17. energy. If you take 18. showers than you used to, you'll save water.
19. , shop green. Shopping is fun, but 20. things you don't need is wasteful and bad for the Earth. Before you buy something, ask yourself how often you'll 21. use it. Keep yourself 22. from buying products with unnecessary packaging(包装).
Thirdly, dress green. Wear green trousers and T-shirts 23. you want. But what really matters isn't the colour, it's 24. the clothes are made. No matter where you shop, keep an eye out for the products made from environmentally 25. materials like organic(有机的) cotton, which is grown without the use of pesticides (杀虫剂).
Unit 8 Grammar
1.will be achieved 2.be dealt 3.are separated
4.are shown 5.will be hurt
6.display 7.living 8.harm 9.polluted
11.are harmed
12.throw; into
13.Air pollution
15.made many people ill
16.difference 17.save 18.shorter 19.Secondly
20.buying 21.really 22.away 23.if 24.how
25.friendlyUnit 8 Integrated skills & Study skills
1.Most people love the warm climate, the (nature) beauty.
2.Pushing kids so hard from such an early age is likely to have some (harm) results.
3.Kate fell off the bike and hurt badly, because she rode (care).
4.You'd better not pick the flowers when (pass) by the park near our school.
5.He brushes his (tooth) three times a day.
6.I have drunk the water, so the glass is (空的).
7.Noise pollution is (有害的) to our hearing.
8.We ran out of the (石油), so our car couldn't move.
9.I want to know who always play computer games, so I will do a (调查) in my class.
10.We should (形成) good living habits.
  As we all know, our government has done a lot to protect our environment. 11. many places, we see fish swimming in the river or trees on the hills. I think we students also can do something to protect the environment. 12. what can we do How can we protect our environment
For example, we can go to school on foot 13. by bike. We can use shopping baskets instead 14. plastic bags when we go shopping and we can use both sides of the paper when we write. In 15. word, if everyone cares more about our environment, our environment will be better and better.
It's important to learn how to protect the environment. Here are 3R rules for us.
Reduce means “use  16 ”. Don't waste things. If you want to reduce waste, you should use things  17 . A large number of trees are  18  to make paper every year. If everyone uses paper  19  and throws it out, more trees will be cut down. Before we buy something new, think whether it is really necessary.
Reuse means “use again”. Using things as long as possible. When we buy things, make sure  20  they can be used for a long time. Don't use a paper cup or a paper bag. It's  21  to use a china cup or a lunch box, because you can use them again.
Recycle means “change one thing into  22 ”. Although it  23  energy to change something into something else, it's better than throwing it away or burning it. Bottles, cans and paper can easily be  24 .  25  doing these things we can save lots of time and money.
( )16.A.less B.fewer C.little D.few
( )17.A.closely B.quickly C.wisely D.easily
( )18.A.cut up B.cut down C.cut out D.cut through
( )19.A.careful B.careless C.carefully D.carelessly
( )20.A.where B.which C.that D.who
( )21.A.better B.worse C.best D.worst
( )22.A.anything else B.something else C.something other D.anything other
( )23.A.takes B.pays C.brings D.makes
( )24.A.made B.taken C.recycled D.used
( )25.A.For B.To C.With D.By
Unit 8 Integrated skills & Study skills
1.natural 2.harmful 3.carelessly 4.passing
5.teeth 6.empty 7.harmful 8.oil 9.survey
11.In 12.But 13.or 14.of 15.a
16.A 解析:根据reduce“减少”可判断use后接的副词为“更少”。few不可以用作副词。
17.C 解析:如果你想减少浪费,就应当明智地使用物品。
18.B 解析:根据下文“more trees will be cut down”可知,此处指砍伐树木。
19.D 解析:首先根据动词短语uses paper可知,此处应该用副词修饰,再根据“more trees will be cut down”和常识可知,不细心用纸而去浪费的结果是更多的树木被伐去做纸。
20.C 解析:make sure后常接that 引导的宾语从句。
21.A 解析:结合reuse可知,使用瓷杯和饭盒比用纸杯更好。
22.B 解析:else常置于不定代词之后,other常置于它所修饰的名词之前,所以排除C、D选项。该句为肯定句,故用something。
23.A 解析:固定句型:It takes sb....to do sth.。
24.C 解析:根据这一段的首个单词“recycle”可知答案。
25.D 解析:“通过做某事”用“by doing sth.”表示。Unit 8 Revision
1.Have they made up their minds about what to p in their factory next year
2.I failed in the maths exam again, and yesterday my father had a (认真的,严肃的) talk with me.
3.John does everything c , so his mother is always worried about him.
4.The s shows that most students work hard at their studies.
5.You'd better (养成) a good eating habit.
6.Nowadays chatting Apps are (wide) used in our daily life.
7.Both PM 2.5 and PM 10 are (harm) to people's health.
8.We won't have a clear sky if the air pollution is not (limit).
9.I think this student answered the difficult question most (wise) in his class.
10.The fish in the river died out because of the water (pollute).
The noise pollution has in our community.
Recently, I on water pollution.
Our school looks more beautiful .
Here are three steps .
The environment in our city for the better.
real nature simple reuse save
harm pollute necessary step change
  “Go Green” can mean many different things to different people. For some people, it means something very 16. . You may think about the environment. For others, it means that you should live in a way that is not 17. to the health of people or animals. It's not 18. for you to change your lifestyle completely (完全地), but small 19. can help make the environment cleaner and safer.
How can you “Go Green” The following 20. may help.
●You should use products (产品) that are good for the environment instead of using those that might 21. the environment.
●You should use washing and cleaning products with 22. materials and colours.
●You had better 23. the products you have used.
●You shouldn't buy things that you don't 24. need. You need to buy less because you must 25. the energy for the next generation (代).
In short, the “Go Green” message is thinking of the environment in everything you do.
五、在生活中,我们应该如何保护环境呢 请完成下列思维导图。
Unit 8 Revision
1.produce 2.serious 3.carelessly 4.survey 5.form 6.widely 7.harmful 8.limited
9.wisely 10.pollution
11.become a serious problem
12.have done a survey
13.with more trees around
14.to take
15.is changing
16.simple 17.harmful 18.necessary
19.changes 20.steps 21.pollute 22.natural 23.reuse 24.really 25.save
26.Ride a bike to school.
27.Share a car with your classmate to school.
28.Take a bus to go out.
29.Take a bag to go shopping.



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