英语外研版2019选择性必修三UNIT 1连词成句翻译训练

BOOK 6 UNIT 1连词成句翻译训练
序号 单词 汉译 序号 单词 汉译
1 self-critical   23 outward  
2 enlarge   24 beast  
3 boost   25 loyal  
4 boost one’s confidence   26 novelist  
5 obsessive   27 graceful  
6 pretend   28 comprehension  
7 misjudge   29 exclaim  
8 identical   30 compassion  
9 dormitory   31 accent  
10 roommate   32 immense  
11 from head to toe   33 monster  
12 makeover   34 resemble  
13 overlook   35 savage  
14 bother   36 pebble  
15 pill   37 heartbreaking  
16 skinny   38 expression  
17 acknowledge   39 intently  
18 assumption   40 repay  
19 saving   41 profound  
20 welfare   42 tenderness  
21 psychology   43 motive  
22 finding  
句子 翻译
Being self-critical helped me enlarge my understanding of my own mistakes.
The company tried to boost its sales(销售额)by pretending to offer discounts(优惠).
She needs a makeover to boost her confidence before the interview.
He is so obsessive about cleaning that he bothers his roommates in the dormitory.
They are identical twins, but their personalities are completely different.
I overlooked the small mistake he made, choosing to acknowledge his effort instead.
Taking a pill to sleep every night is not a good solution for your insomnia(失眠).
She used to be skinny, but now she has a more graceful figure(身材).
Our assumptions about the project were completely wrong, causing us to misjudge its complexity(复杂性).
Saving money is important, but you also need to invest in your own welfare.
The findings of the psychology study surprised everyone in the field.
He is an outward person, always expressing his feelings without holding back(隐瞒).
The loyal dog followed its master everywhere, resembling a beast protecting its territory(领土).
The novelist exclaimed in joy when he finished his latest book.
Compassion is an important quality that we should all try to have.
Her accent made it difficult for others to understand her at first.
The immense love that he felt for her was heartbreaking to witness(见证).
She stared at him intently, trying to read his expression.
He wants to repay his debts as soon as possible to start a new life.
The profound meaning of the poem was lost on(对…无意义)the students who didn't comprehend its beauty.
The self-critical artist pursues(追求)perfection, constantly enlarging her skillset(技能).
Boosting morale(士气)through positive reinforcement(强化)can greatly enhance team performance.
He pretended to be confident, but his obsessive(反复出现的)behavior betrayed(泄露)his anxiety.
She misjudged her roommate's intentions, assuming her malice(有恶意)from head to toe.
A makeover can do wonders(有奇效)to boost one’s confidence, especially after a breakup(分手).
Don't overlook the small details; they can make or break a project.
Bothering others with trivial(琐碎的)matters is a sure way to lose friends.
Taking a pill to relieve(缓解)pain is sometimes necessary, but it's not a long-term solution.
She used to be skinny and insecure(缺乏信心的), but now she's graceful and confident.
Our assumptions about the dormitory life were completely wrong; it's actually quite fun.
Saving money is a good habit that can contribute to(有助于)one's future welfare.
The psychologist's finding about the patient's motive was profound.
He exclaimed in surprise when he saw the identical twins walking towards him.
Compassion and understanding are essential in any relationship.
Her accent gave her away(暴露)as a foreigner, even though she tried to hide it.
The immense size of the monster made it a formidable(令人畏惧的)opponent(对手).
He resembled his father in both appearance and personality.
The novelist's graceful sentences captivated(使着迷)readers from the first page.
Acknowledging one's mistakes is the first step towards self-improvement.
Don't bother me with trivial(琐碎的)details; I have more important things to attend to(处理).
Enlarging the photo will help us see the details more clearly.
Boosting sales is the main goal of any marketing campaign.
Pretending to be someone you're not will only lead to disappointment in the end.
We misjudged the distance and ended up walking much farther than expected.
The identical houses on the street made it difficult to find my friend's place.
I overlooked the obvious solution because I was too focused on the complex details.
Taking a pill for every little ache and pain is not a healthy habit.
She used to be skinny as a rail(铁轨), but now she's gained a healthy weight.
Our assumptions about the project were way off base(离谱,相差甚远); we need to start from scratch(零).
Saving money now will ensure(保证)your financial security in the future.
句子 翻译
My roommate in the dormitory is obsessive about saving money, and he pretends not to be bothered by our complaints, but I can see the self-critical expression on his face when he misjudges his budget(预算).
The novelist with an accent from the south had a profound impact on my comprehension of literature; her graceful writing style and heartbreaking stories enlarged my understanding of the world.
The psychologist advised me to boost my confidence by acknowledging my strengths(优势)and not overlooking my achievements, which helped me overcome my obsessive need for perfection.
My loyal dog resembled a savage beast when he protected me from the immense monster in my nightmares(噩梦). His outward appearance was fierce, but his motive was pure(纯粹的)tenderness.
The pill the doctor prescribed(开药,开处方)to boost my energy levels made me feel more alive and less skinny, it was like a makeover from head to toe.
I exclaimed in surprise when I found out that my assumption about my roommate's motives was wrong; he wasn't trying to bother me, he was just trying to repay a favor(报恩).
The welfare worker showed immense compassion when dealing with the homeless man; her tender expression and profound understanding of his situation brought tears to his eyes.
From head to toe, the model's outfit(服装)resembled an identical copy of the one I saw in the magazine.
The actor's accent and outward appearance perfectly resembled the character he was portraying(扮演), making his performance more believable.
I intently listened to the professor's lecture on the psychology of motivation, trying to find ways to boost my own motivation and increase my savings.
Despite his savage appearance, the loyal dog showed tenderness towards his owner, carefully placing a pebble in his hand as if to say "I'm here for you."
The skinny runner's obsessive training paid off when she crossed the finish line first, boosting her confidence and making her feel graceful in victory.
My roommate pretended not to be bothered by the noisy dormitory, but I could see the self-critical look in his eyes as he struggled to sleep.
The psychologist's accent added a unique charm(魅力)to her sessions(会话), making it easier for clients(客户)to open up and share their deepest feelings.
The identical twins were hard to distinguish(区分)from each other, even from head to toe, but their different personalities made them unique individuals.
The welfare system(制度)is designed to help those in need, acknowledging that everyone deserves compassion and support during hard times.
The novelist's profound understanding of human psychology made her stories immersive(身临其境的)and heartbreaking, leaving readers wanting more.
I overlooked the small pebble on the ground, assuming it was harmless, but it turned out to be(证明是)a valuable finding that boosted our research.
The actor's intense(紧张的)expression and outward appearance perfectly resembled the monster that he was portraying(扮演), making the audience feel immersed(沉浸的)in the story.
The professor's tender voice filled the classroom with warmth, making it easier for students to comprehend the complex concepts he was teaching.
My roommate's obsessive cleaning habits were a bother at first, but I soon realized they were motivated by(以…为目的)a desire for order and harmony in our dormitory.
The pill the doctor prescribed(开药,开处方) to help with my anxiety made me feel more calm and less obsessive about small things.
The identical houses on the street made it hard to distinguish one from another, but the unique accents of their owners gave each home a distinct(明显的)personality.
The loyal employee's hard work and dedication(奉献)were finally acknowledged when he received a promotion(晋升)and a raise(加薪), boosting his morale(士气)and confidence.
The psychology student intently listened to the professor's lecture, eager to learn more about the motives behind human behavior.
The skinny model's graceful walk and confident expression made her stand out(突出)on the runway, despite her competitors' attempts to pretend they were better.
The savage beast's loud roar(吼叫)echoed(回响)through the forest, making it hard to overlook its presence(存在)even from a distance.
My assumption that the quiet student lacked confidence was proven wrong when he delivered(发表) an impressive presentation, showing his profound knowledge of the subject.
The welfare worker's compassion and understanding were evident(显而易见的)in her tender voice and outward appearance, making it easier for clients to trust her.
The identical twins' shared love for makeovers and fashion made them inseparable(形影不离的), always dressed from head to toe in matching outfits(服装)that expressed their unique personalities.
The loyal fanbase(粉丝团)was obsessive about the football team, never missing a game and always dressing in the team's colors from head to toe.
The skinny girl's graceful dance moves captivated(使着迷)the audience, making her the star of the show despite(虽然)her initial(最初的)self-doubt.
My roommate's noisy habits were a constant(持续不断的)bother, but I overlooked them knowing that he was just expressing his outgoing personality.
The psychologist's profound understanding of human behavior made her an invaluable asset(财富)to the team, always offering insightful(有洞察力的)advice.
The identical twins were often mistaken for each other, but their different accents and manner made it easy to distinguish(区分)them.
The welfare program provided much-needed support to families in need, acknowledging that everyone deserves a helping hand during tough times.
The novelist's immersive(沉浸式的)writing style transported(使身历其境)readers to another world, making it hard to put the book down once started.
I assumed the small pebble I found was just a regular rock, but it turned out to be(证明是,结果是) a rare gemstone(宝石)worth a fortune(价值连城).
The actor's intense(激烈的)portrayal(扮演)of the villain(反派角色)left the audience in awe(肃然起敬), perfectly capturing(捕捉)the character's dark and savage nature.
The professor's tender and encouraging words motivated the students to excel(脱颖而出), making them feel valued and appreciated.
My roommate's obsessive cleanliness(清洁)was initially(最初)a surprise, but I soon realized it was a reflection of his organized and responsible nature.
The pill the doctor prescribed(开处方)helped alleviate(减轻)my long-term pain, allowing me to live a more normal and less restricted(受限制的)life.
The identical houses on the block were hard to distinguish(区分)at first glance(乍一看), but their unique architectural(建筑上的)details soon became apparent(显而易见的).
The loyal employee's dedication(奉献)and hard work were recognized with a promotion(晋升), which is a testament(证明)to his unwavering(坚定的)commitment(承诺)to the company.
The psychology professor's fascinating(吸引人的)lecture on the human mind attracted the students, sparking(点燃)their curiosity and desire to learn more.
The skinny model's confident stride(步伐)and radiant(灿烂的)smile stole the show(大出风头), proving that beauty comes from within.
The savage beast's powerful roar(吼叫)echoed(回响)through the jungle, a clear warning to any who dared to approach too close.
My initial(最初的)assumption that the quiet student was shy proved wrong when he confidently shared his ideas in class, impressing his classmates and the teacher.
The welfare worker's kind eyes and compassionate smile put the clients at ease(放松), making them feel comfortable sharing their stories and struggles.
The identical twins' shared passion for music brought them closer together, bonding(建立)over their love for playing instruments and singing from the heart.
1. 自我批评帮助我扩大了对自己错误的认识。
2. 该公司试图假装提供折扣来提高销售额。
3. 面试前她需要打扮一下以增强自信。
4. 他太爱打扫卫生了,以至于打扰了宿舍里的室友。
5. 他们是同卵双胞胎,但性格却完全不同。
6. 我忽略了他犯的小错误,而是选择承认他的努力。
7. 每天晚上吃药入睡并不是解决失眠的好办法。
8. 她过去很瘦,但现在身材更匀称了。
9. 我们对项目的假设是完全错误的,导致我们错误地判断了它的复杂性。
10. 存钱很重要,但你也需要为自己的福利投资。
11. 这项心理学研究的发现让该领域的每个人都感到惊讶。
12. 他是个外向的人,总是毫不掩饰地表达自己的感情。
13. 这只忠诚的狗到哪里都跟着主人,就像一头野兽在保护自己的领地。
14. 小说家写完他的新书后高兴地叫了起来。
15. 同情心是我们都应该努力拥有的重要品质。
16. 她的口音起初使别人很难听懂她的话。
17. 他对她无限的爱是令人心碎的见证。
18. 她目不转睛地盯着他,试图读懂他的表情。
19. 他想尽快还清债务,开始新的生活。
20. 学生们不理解这首诗的美,因而失去了它的深刻含义。
21. 这位自我批判的艺术家追求完美,不断扩大自己的技能。
22. 通过正强化来鼓舞士气,可以极大地提高团队绩效。
23. 他假装很自信,但他的强迫行为暴露了他的焦虑。
24. 她错误地判断了室友的意图,认为她从头到脚都是恶意的。
25. 改头换面能神奇地增强一个人的自信,尤其是在分手之后。
26. 不要忽视小细节;他们可以成就或破坏一个项目。
27. 用鸡毛蒜皮的事去打扰别人,一定会失去朋友。
28. 有时吃药来缓解疼痛是必要的,但这不是长久之计。
29. 她过去骨瘦如柴,缺乏安全感,但现在她优雅而自信。
30. 我们对宿舍生活的假设是完全错误的;这其实很有趣。
31. 存钱是一种好习惯,可以有助于一个人未来的福利。
32. 心理学家对病人动机的发现意义深远。
33. 当他看到那对同卵双胞胎朝他走来时,他惊讶地叫了起来。
34. 同情和理解在任何关系中都是必不可少的。
35. 她的口音暴露了她是外国人,尽管她竭力掩饰。
36. 那怪物的巨大体型使它成为一个令人生畏的对手。
37. 他在外貌和性情上都像他父亲。
38. 这位小说家优美的散文从第一页起就吸引了读者。
39. 承认错误是自我提升的第一步。
40. 不要拿琐碎的细节来烦我;我有更重要的事要做。
41. 放大这张照片可以帮助我们更清楚地看到细节。
42. 促进销售是任何营销活动的主要目标。
43. 假装成为别人只会让你最终失望。
44. 我们对距离估计错误,结果走了比预期远得多的路。
45. 街上那些一模一样的房子使我很难找到我朋友的住处。
46. 我忽略了显而易见的解决方案,因为我过于关注复杂的细节。
47. 每有一点疼痛就吃药并不是一个健康的习惯。
48. 她过去骨瘦如柴,但现在体重正常了。
49. 我们对这个项目的假设是大错特错的;我们需要从头开始。
50. 现在存钱可以保证你将来的经济安全。
1. 我宿舍的室友痴迷于省钱,他假装不介意我们的抱怨,但当他对预算判断错误时,我可以看到他脸上的自我批评表情。
2. 这位南方口音的小说家对我的文学理解产生了深远的影响;她优美的文笔和令人心碎的故事扩大了我对世界的认识。
3. 心理学家建议我通过承认自己的优势而不是忽视自己的成就来增强自信,这帮助我克服了对完美的过分追求。
4. 在我的噩梦中,我那忠诚的狗在保护我不受巨大怪物的伤害时,就像一只凶猛的野兽,它的外表很凶猛,但它的动机却是纯粹的温柔。
5. 医生给我开的药丸让我感觉更有活力,不那么瘦了,从头到脚都焕然一新。
6. 当我发现我对室友动机的假设是错误的时,我惊讶地叫了起来;他不是想打扰我,他只是想报答我。
7. 福利工作者在对待无家可归者时表现出极大的同情心;她温柔的表情和对他处境的深刻理解使他热泪盈眶。
8. 模特的衣服从头到脚都和我在杂志上看到的一模一样。
9. 演员的口音和外表与他所扮演的角色非常相似,使他的表演更加可信。
10. 我专注地听着教授关于动机心理学的讲座,试图找到提高自己的动力和增加储蓄的方法。
11. 尽管外表野蛮,但这只忠诚的狗对主人表现出温柔,它小心翼翼地把一块鹅卵石放在主人手里,好像在说:“我在这里为你服务。”
12. 当她第一个冲过终点线时,这位瘦削的跑步者的执着训练得到了回报,增强了她的信心,让她在胜利时感到优雅。
13. 我的室友假装不被宿舍的嘈杂打扰,但我能看到他挣扎着入睡时的自我批评的眼神。
14. 这位心理学家的口音为她的疗程增添了独特的魅力,让客户更容易敞开心扉,分享他们最深的感受。
15. 同卵双胞胎彼此很难区分,甚至从头到脚都很难区分,但他们不同的性格使他们成为独特的个体。
16. 福利制度旨在帮助有需要的人,承认每个人在困难时期都应该得到同情和支持。
17. 这位小说家对人类心理的深刻理解使她的故事引人入胜,令人心碎,让读者想要更多。
18. 我忽略了地上的小鹅卵石,以为它是无害的,但事实证明它是一个有价值的发现,推动了我们的研究。
19. 演员紧张的表情和外表与他所扮演的怪物非常相似,让观众感到沉浸在故事中。
20. 教授温柔的声音使教室充满了温暖,使学生更容易理解他所教授的复杂概念。
21. 我室友强迫性的清洁习惯一开始让我很困扰,但我很快意识到,这是出于对宿舍秩序与和谐的渴望。
22. 医生给我开的缓解焦虑的药片让我感觉更平静,也不那么纠结于小事了。
23. 街上的房子都一模一样,很难把它们区分开来,但房主独特的口音让每所房子都有了鲜明的个性。
24. 这位忠诚员工的辛勤工作和奉献精神终于得到了认可,他得到了晋升和加薪,鼓舞了他的士气和信心。
25. 心理学专业的学生专心地听教授讲课,渴望更多地了解人类行为背后的动机。
26. 尽管她的竞争对手试图假装自己比她强,但这位苗条的模特优雅的走路姿势和自信的表情让她在t台上脱颖而出。
27. 野兽的吼声在森林中回荡,即使从远处也很难忽视它的存在。
28. 当他发表了一篇令人印象深刻的演讲,展示了他对这门学科的渊博知识时,我认为这位安静的学生缺乏自信的假设被证明是错误的。
29. 这位福利院工作人员温柔的声音和外表体现了她的同情心和善解人意,让客户更容易信任她。
30. 这对同卵双胞胎对化妆和时尚的共同热爱使他们形影不离,从头到脚总是穿着相配的衣服,表现出他们独特的个性。
31. 这个忠实的粉丝团痴迷于这个足球队,从不缺席一场比赛,从头到脚总是穿着球队的颜色。
32. 尽管一开始她对自己心存怀疑,但她优雅的舞步吸引了观众,使她成为了节目的明星。
33. 我室友吵吵闹闹的习惯一直给我带来困扰,但我忽略了这些,因为我知道他只是在表达他外向的个性。
34. 这位心理学家对人类行为的深刻理解使她成为团队的宝贵财富,总是提供有见地的建议。
35. 这对同卵双胞胎经常被误认为是彼此,但他们不同的口音和举止使他们很容易区分。
36. 这项福利计划为有需要的家庭提供了急需的支持,承认每个人在困难时期都应该得到帮助。
37. 这位小说家沉浸式的写作风格将读者带到了另一个世界,让人一开始就很难放下书。
38. 我以为我发现的小鹅卵石只是一块普通的石头,但它原来是一颗价值连城的稀有宝石。
39. 演员对反派角色的激烈演绎让观众肃然起敬,完美地捕捉到了角色黑暗和野蛮的本性。
40. 教授的温柔和鼓励的话语激励着学生们去超越,让他们感到被重视和欣赏。
41. 我室友的洁癖起初让我感到惊讶,但我很快意识到这是他有条理和负责任的天性的反映。
42. 医生给我开的药丸减轻了我的慢性疼痛,让我过上了更正常、更少限制的生活。
43. 街区里相同的房子乍一看很难区分,但它们独特的建筑细节很快就显现出来了。
44. 这位忠诚员工的奉献精神和辛勤工作得到了晋升,这是他对公司坚定不移的承诺的证明。
45. 心理学教授关于人类思维的精彩讲座吸引了学生,激发了他们的好奇心和学习更多知识的愿望。
46. 这位苗条的模特自信的步伐和容光焕发的笑容抢尽了风头,证明了美丽来自内心。
47. 凶猛的野兽的咆哮声在丛林中回荡,对任何胆敢靠近的人都是一个明确的警告。
48. 当他自信地在课堂上分享自己的想法,给同学和老师留下深刻印象时,我最初认为这个安静的学生很害羞的想法被证明是错误的。
49. 福利院工作人员慈祥的目光和富有同情心的微笑让客户感到轻松,让他们感到舒适,分享他们的故事和难事。
50. 这对同卵双胞胎对音乐的共同热情让他们走得更近了,建立起了对演奏乐器和发自内心地唱歌的热爱。
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上一篇:2.3 声的利用 课时练习(答案) 2023-2024物理人教版八年级上册

下一篇:奥数专题:奇数与偶数(知识点+同步练习) 五年级下册数学人教版(无答案)