Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7 选词填空10篇(含解析)

Unit14 选词填空10篇
what that be instruction thank double use overcome final first of all provide know
Today is a day to be 1 and to be inspired. 2 , we have much to be thankful for. Thanks to our school and fine teachers, we have received a great education. It will be 3 to us all the life. We are prepared to move on no matter 4 we will meet in our lives.
We also want to thank our families. It is good 5 that we are lucky to have our families in our corner, supporting us along the way. Thanks, Mom and Dad. I would not be here today without you.
6 , we should thank each other. The friendship 7 we have formed here will last a lifetime. We have supported and helped each other succeed at Peterson. I hope we will continue to 8 support and encouragement for each other in the future.
Now, what can we be inspired by today Personally, I am inspired by our classmate Alan who has 9 so much to be here today. Alan, you have been so brave in the face of failures. Whenever I get a little down, I remember the talks we have had. Thank you for that!
When we leave here today, celebrate what we have got and look forward to 10 the inspiration for others.
value, forever, through, unforgettable, who, share, by, memory, separate, back
Good morning, everyone. Standing here, I know it’s time to say goodbye. When I look 11 to the past three years, many beautiful 12 rush to my mind. When I walk 13 classrooms, it seems that the lessons will never stop. I can’t forget the sunshine coming in 14 the windows. I can’t forget the library where I used to go. I can’t forget tidy uniforms and lovely smiles. I’ll remember the important people 15 helped and supported me — my teachers and my friends. These moments are so 16 that I feel like 17 them with you.
Although we have to go our 18 ways now, I hope we can 19 the happy time we spent together. My dear school, I love you 20 . And I really don’t want to say goodbye.
age who like child though protect you ask find fall about complete
A female swimming athlete once set a goal(目标)for herself. She decided to swim across the English Channel before she retired. If she could succeed,she would be the first person in the world 21 did it. On that day,she jumped into the sea without any hesitation(犹豫)and swam towards the opposite bank without any 22 .In the journey,she faced heavy fog,heavy rain and heavy waves. 23 she was tired,she still carried on swimming. But in the end,she gave up. And she didn't know that the opposite bank was only one mile away when she gave up.
Later she 24 about the reason. And she said,“The reason why I gave up is that I could not see the place which I was going to reach 25 ."It was a great pity that one mile broke her dream.
Since we were young 26 ,too many success stories have been telling us about courage and persistence(坚持).But they never told us where 27 courage and persistence. You can only have courage when you know where your goal is. You can only manage to persist when you know where your goal is.
And that's because when you know where your goal is,you can only prepare 28 well in the mind. Courage and persistence never 29 from the sky. They come from weighing between input and output.
A life without goals is 30 a ship without a compass. It goes nowhere. There is no courage or persistence in a life without goals.
attend change congratulate solve go
31.He me if l win the first prize.
32.You a lot since you started junior high school.
33.I the graduation ceremony last week.
34.Mary to the movies three times a month.
35.The problem by my teacher a moment ago.
not allow to give overcome grow up raise
36.The famous teacher a speech in our school in three days.
37.He stay out late on school nights.
38.She injury to win the Olympic gold medal last year.
39.These days, they money for charities.
40.So far, all of you so much and I'm so proud of you.
keep cool, write, bring, overcome, be
41.He a letter to his favorite band about his dream of hearing them play now.
42.- Can you come to celebrate the end of junior high school this Sunday, Tom
-No problem. I a graduation cake.
43.Lucy and Lily good friends since they were in Grade 7.
44.She always no matter when and where she gives a speech.
45.All of our difficulties and we won the game in the end.
go by, look back at, overcome, make a mess, double
46.With the help of the modern machines, our steel products in the last few years.
47.—Jack, can you help me walk the dog now
—Sorry, mom. I my answers to the test to make sure they are all correct.
48.If you don’t stop the excited children, they in the room.
49.Time and they know each other better and better.
50.Bill’s bad habit of copying others’ homework and his grades improved.
advise double teach have miss
51.Judy Ms. Lee and Mr. Brown the most after junior high school.
52.At the age of 24,he to become a teacher.
53.Don't trouble him. He the kids to play the piano.
54.Judy put in more effort and her exam scores .
55.Each of them many cards and gifts every New Year.
Graduation is coming! Many students are leaving school.What are they taking with them A lot of things for sure,but the most important thing is 56 .
We asked some teachers to give 57 the last lesson.The lesson is proverbs about friends.Older people often teach proverbs to 58 people.Every culture has proverbs.They are short and easy to remember.
There is a German proverb that says,“Friendship is a plant that must be 59 .” It means that we need to 60 care of friends like taking care of a garden.Another proverb is from Japan,“Only your 61 friends will tell you when your face is dirty.” It means that only good friends tell you when you are making a 62 .
My grandfather told me,“Nobody is so rich 63 he can throw away a friend.” Everyone 64 friends.Be good to them.
Goodbye,friends! Don't forget us! I am 65 forward to seeing you again.
experience useful even student learn job foreign agree start skill
These days, more and more students in the UK are taking a “gap year” between their graduation from school and their university studies. This means that they take a year off to do something else, before the 66 their studies.
For most students, spending time in 67 countries is the favorite activity – and Australia is the favourite place to go.
Many parents, teachers and business people 68 that traveling can teach important values.
“After a year of traveling, I felt I’d grown up. I had 69 the importance of relationships with people, on all sorts of levels.”
There are many companies around the world that welcome these 70 on their projects – helping people in poorer countries., or 71 in your home country. Although you don’t get paid for your work, this kind of work can teach important 72 - decision- making and finding answers to problems, for example – that will help a student in a 73 one day.
Finally, getting some knowledge and experience in an area you hope to study or work in one day will always be very 74 .
If several university graduates are asking for the same job , gap year work experience allows you to say, “ I’ve already had some 75 of this kind of work.” And that can get you the job!
1.thankful 2.First of all 3.useful 4.what 5.to know 6.Finally 7.that 8.provide 9.overcome 10.being
1.句意:今天是一个感恩和鼓舞的日子。根据“Today is a day to be...and to be inspired.”和备选词可知,今天是一个感恩和鼓舞的日子,用thank的形容词thankful作表语。故填thankful。
2.句意:首先,我们有很多值得感谢的事情。此处用在开篇部分,备选词first of all“首先”符合语境,句首需大写首字母。故填First of all。
3.句意:它将对我们终生有用。根据“...we have received a great education. It will be...to us all the life.”可知,受到的教育对我们终生有用,用useful表示“有用的”,在句中作表语。故填useful。
4.句意:无论生活中遇到什么,我们都准备好继续前进。根据“We are prepared to move on no matter...we will meet in our lives.”和备选词可知,此处是no matter what结构,意为“无论什么”。故填what。
5.句意:我们很幸运,有家人在我们身边,一路支持我们。根据“It is good...that we are lucky to have our families in our corner, supporting us along the way.”可知,知道有家人在身边支持我们是很好的,know“知道”,用于“It is+adj+to do”句型中。故填to know。
6.句意:最后,我们应该互相感谢。根据“we should thank each other”和前文可知,互相感谢放在最后,finally“最后”符合语境,句首需大写首字母。故填Finally。
7.句意:我们在这里形成的友谊将持续一生。根据“The friendship...we have formed here will last a lifetime.”可知,此处是定语从句,先行词是friendship,引导词在从句中作宾语,用that引导定语从句。故填that。
8.句意:希望今后我们能继续互相支持和鼓励。根据“I hope we will continue to...support and encouragement for each other in the future.”和备选词可知,提供支持和鼓励,provide“提供”符合语境,continue to do sth“继续做某事”。故填provide。
9.句意:就我个人而言,我们的同学艾伦给了我很大的启发,他克服了很多困难才来到这里。根据“I am inspired by our classmate Alan who has...so much to be here today.”可知,克服了很多困难才来到这里,overcome“克服”,用于现在完成时结构中,使用动词过去分词形式。故填overcome。
10.句意:当我们今天离开这里时,庆祝我们所获得的,并期待着成为使他人产生动机的人。根据“When we leave here today, celebrate what we have got and look forward to...the inspiration for others.”可知,期待着成为他人的灵感,be“成为”,look forward to doing sth“期待做某事”。故填being。
11.back 12.memories 13.by 14.through 15.who 16.unforgettable 17.sharing 18.separate 19.value 20.forever
11.句意:当我回顾过去的三年,许多美好的回忆涌上我的脑海。根据“When I look...to the past three years”可知,此处是look back to短语,意为“回顾”,故填back。
12.句意:当我回顾过去的三年,许多美好的回忆涌上我的脑海。根据“many beautiful...rush to my mind”和备选词可知,美好的回忆涌上脑海,memory“回忆”,many修饰可数名词复数,故填memories。
13.句意:当我走过教室的时候,课程似乎永远不会停止。根据“When I walk...classrooms”和备选词可知,此处是walk by短语,意为“走过”,故填by。
14.句意:我忘不了从窗户照进来的阳光。根据“I can’t forget the sunshine coming in...the windows.”可知,阳光从窗户照进来,through“(内部)穿过”符合语境,故填through。
16.句意:这些时刻是如此的难忘,我想与你们分享。此处在句中作表语,根据“These moments are so...”可知,这些时刻很难忘,unforgettable“难忘的”符合语境,故填unforgettable。
17.句意:这些时刻是如此的难忘,我想与你们分享。根据“I feel like...them with you”可知,想分享这些时刻,share“分享”,feel like doing“想要做某事”,故填sharing。
18.句意:虽然我们现在要分道扬镳了,但我希望我们能珍惜在一起的快乐时光。根据“Although we have to go our...ways now”可知,毕业要分道扬镳了,separate“分开的”,作定语修饰ways,故填separate。
19.句意:虽然我们现在要分道扬镳了,但我希望我们能珍惜在一起的快乐时光。根据“I hope we can...the happy time we spent together.”可知,希望能珍惜在一起的快乐时光,value“珍惜”,情态动词can后用动词原形,故填value。
20.句意:我亲爱的学校,我永远爱你。根据“My dear school, I love you...”和备选词可知,会永远爱学校,forever“永远”符合语境,故填forever。
21.who 22.protection 23.Though 24.was asked 25.completely 26.children 27.to find 28.yourself 29.fall 30.like
21.句意:如果她成功,她将是世界上第一个做那件事的人。分析句子结构可知此句是一个含有定语从句的复合句,先行词the first person指人,引导词在定语从句中作主语,故使用who或that来引导定语从句,结合备选词知填who。
22.句意:在那天,她毫不犹豫地跳入海中并在没有任何保护的情况下游向了对岸。由 without是介词可知此处填名词。Protect:保护,动词;名词形式protection;故答案是protection。
24.句意:后来有人问她原因。由后句句意“她说:‘我放弃的原因是……’”及备选词可知此处句意为“后来她被问到原因”,且由上下文语境知用一般过去时,故此处用一般过去时的被动语态,故填was asked。
27.句意:但他们从未告诉我们在哪里能找到勇气和坚持。根据上文“自从我们还是幼小的孩子起,太多关于成功的故事就一直告诉我们关于勇气和坚持的事。”和but可知“他们从未告诉我们在哪里能找到勇气和坚持。”故选动词find(找到),又因为前面是where,故此处考查“疑问词+动词不定式”结构,故应填to find。
28.句意:而且那是因为当你知道你的目标在哪里时,你只能在心里做好准备。短语prepare oneself (well):做好准备;根据主语you,结合句意可知填yourself。
29.句意:勇气和坚持永远不会从天上掉下来。由后句 “They come from weighing between input and output.它们来自投入和产出的权衡”可知此处句意为“勇气和坚持从来不是天上掉下来的”,fall from 意为“从……掉下来”,由前后文And that's because when you know where your goal is,you can only prepare ___8___ well in the mind.是一般现在时,可知此句时态应使用一般现在时,又因主语courage and persistence为复数,可知谓语动词使用原形,故填fall。
30.句意:没有目标的生活就像没有指南针的船。短语be like: 像……,故填like。
31.will congratulate 32.have changed 33.attended 34.goes 35.was solved
空格处为动词,祝贺,congratulate。本句话为if引导的条件状语从句,在条件状语从句中,主句和从句的动作均发生在将来,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时,故空格处为一般将来时,故填will congratulate。
空格处为动词,变化,change。本句话为since引导的时间状语从句,从句用一般过去时,主句用现在完成时,空格处主语为you,故填have changed。
空格处为动词,参加,attend;根据last week确定为一般过去时,故填attended。
空格处为固定搭配看电影go to the movies;由three times a month确定为一般现在时,再由主语为Mary,为第三人称单数,故填goes。
空格处为动词,解决,solve;由a moment ago确定为一般过去时,再由主语problem与solve之间为被动关系,故填was solved。
36.will give 37.isn't allowed to 38.overcame 39.are raising 40.have grown up
give a speech为固定搭配,意为“做演讲”;根据in three days可知,该句时态为一般将来时。故答案为will give。
根据on school nights可知,“他不能在外面待很晚”,选项中只有not allow to为否定含义;主语he和动词allow之间为被动关系,因此该句为被动语态。故答案为isn't allowed to。
根据injury和win the Olympic gold medal可知,她克服伤痛赢得了奥运金牌,故选overcome;根据last year可知,句子时态为一般过去时。故答案为overcame。
根据money可知,raise和give符合句意;动词give的用法为give sth. to sb.,故give排除;根据these days可知,该句时态为现在进行时,表示一个动作持续一段时间。故答案为are raising。
根据I'm so proud of you可知,你们都成长了很多,因此选grow up;根据so far可知,句子时态为现在完成时。故答案为have grown up。
【分析】该题为选词或短语填空,选项均为动词,因此首先需判断句意,选出相应的词语或短语,根据句中时间状语判断句子时态,从而使用动词的适当形式填空。如小题5,根据I'm so proud of you可知,你们都成长了很多,因此选grow up;根据so far可知,句子时态为现在完成时。故答案为have grown up。
41.is writing 42.will/am going to bring 43.have been 44.keeps cool 45.were overcome
由语境和所给的词语提示可知,应该选择write;由now可知,该题的时态为现在进行时。其结构是:am/is/are+动词的现在分词。主语是He,因此be 动词用is。故答案为is writing。
42.句意:——汤姆,这个星期天你能来庆祝初中毕业吗? ——没问题。我要带一个毕业蛋糕。
由语境和所给的词语提示可知,应该选择bring;根据时间状语this Sunday可知,该题的时态应该用一般将来时。其结构是:will+动词原形,或be going to结构。故答案为will/am going to bring。
由语境和所给的词语提示可知,应该选择be;根据从句since they were in Grade 7.可知,主句的时态为现在完成时,其结构是:助动词has/have+动词的过去分词。主语是Lucy and Lily,因此助动词用have。故答案为have been。
由语境和所给的词语提示可知,应该选择keep cool;根据always可知,该题的时态为一般现在时,主语是She,因此谓语用三单形式。故答案为keeps cool。
由语境和所给的词语提示可知,应该选择overcome;All of our difficulties和overcome之间是被动关系,因此应该用被动句。再根据we won the game in the end.可知,该题的时态为一般过去时,所以该题用一般过去时的被动句来写。其结构是:was/were+动词的过去分词。主语All of our difficulties是复数,因此be动词用were。故答案为were overcome。
46.have doubled 47.am looking back at 48.will make a mess 49.goes by 50.was overcome
根据our steel products“我们的钢铁产品”可知,应该是动词double“翻番”,in the last few years是现在完成时的标志词且主语是our steel products,故答案填have doubled。
根据所给空后面的make sure they are all correct可知,应该是look back at“回顾”,根据now可知,时态是现在进行时且主语是I,故答案填am looking back at。
根据所给空前面的the excited children可知,应该是make a mess“一团糟”,if引导的条件状语从句,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时,故答案填will make a mess。
根据所给空后面的they know each other better and better可知,应该是pass by“过去”,由and连接的句子,前后时态一致,所以应该用一般现在时且主语是time(第三人称单数),故答案填goes by。
根据所给空后面的his grades improved可知,应该是overcome“战胜”,Bill’s bad habit of copying others’ homework是主语发不出战胜的动作,所以要用被动语态,由improved可知,时态是一般过去时,主语是Bill’s bad habit of copying others’ homework是单数,故答案填was overcome。
51.will miss 52.was advised 53.is teaching 54.doubled 55.has
【解析】51.句意:朱迪初中毕业后将最想念Ms. Lee and Mr. Brown。
根据after junior high school.可知用一般将来时,其结构是will+动词原形。根据题意,故填will miss。
根据语境可知用被动语态,根据时间状语At the age of 24可知用一般过去时态的被动语态,其结构是was/were done的形式。advise动词,建议,过去分词是advised。主语是单数。be动词用was。根据句意,故填was advised。
根据语境Don't trouble him可知后面 的句子用现在进行时,其结构是be doing的形式,主语是单数,be动词用is。根据题意,故填is teaching。
根据上文Judy put in more effort可知下文是说成绩翻了一倍,put在这里是过去式,下文double也用过去式。根据题意,故填doubled。
根据时间状语判断,句子的时态为一般现在时,each of..表示……中的每一个,谓语动词用单数has。根据句意,故填has。
【分析】通读整个句意,理解所缺单词在句中的成分,看看是作定语,主语,谓语还是宾语;还有一个是固定的句型或短语,如第3小题,考查动词时态,句意:别打扰他。他正在教孩子们弹钢琴。根据Don't trouble him可知用现在进行时,其结构是be doing的形式,主语是单数,be动词用is。根据题意,故填is teaching。
56.friendship 57.us 58.younger 59.watered 60.take 61.real 62.mistake 63.that 64.needs 65.looking
56.句意:当然会带走很多东西,但最重要的是友谊。friendship友谊,是一个名词,在句中作宾语。根据下文的内容We asked some teachers to give  2   the last lesson. The lesson is proverbs about friends.可知,这篇短文是关于友谊的,故这里应填friendship。
58.句意:年纪大的人经常会把这句话谚语教给更年轻的人。young年轻的,是一个形容词。根据句意可知,这里是与句子的主语Older people对应的,故也应填比较级形式younger。
59.句意:在德语中有一句谚语是这样说的:友谊就像一颗必须浇水的植物。water浇水,是一个动词。根据句子结构可知,这里that引导的是定语从句,修饰名词plant,他们之间构成被动关系,应使用被动语态,must be+过去分词,故这里填watered。
60.句意:它的意思是说我们需要想照顾花园一样照顾朋友。take care of…是固定短语,照顾。句中使用的句型是need to do sth.需要做某事,故这里填动词原形。
62.句意:这个谚语的意思是只有真正的好朋友才会在你犯错的时候告诉你。mistake错误,是一个名词。这里make a mistake是固定短语,犯错。故这里填mistake。
65.句意:我盼望着能再见到你们。look forward to…是固定短语,盼望着…,后面跟名词或者动名词形式作宾语。根据句意可知,这里表示现在正在进行的动作,应使用现在进行时态,空前有了be动词的形式am,这里应填现在分词looking。
【分析】这篇短文给我们介绍了很多关于朋友的谚语,告诉我们在生活中,朋友是多么的重要。文章内容贴近学生的日常生活,关于友谊这个话题学生们也很熟悉,因此理解文意是比较简单的。题型是选择适当的单词补全短文,在文章前有10个单词,与文章中的空格是一一对应的。做题时,应先浏览所给单词,弄清楚他们的意思、词性等;然后阅读短文,掌握大意,并根据句意选择适当的单词,再根据单词在句中的作用、句中使用的句型等,使用单词正确的形式。例如第3小题,根据句意和句中的Older people可知,这里应填与年纪更大的人对应的年轻人,而且也应用比较级形式,故填younger。再如第6小题,这个空后是名词friend,这里应填形容词形式,且结合句意可知,“真正的朋友”才会指出你的错误,因此这里应将副词really变成形容词real。
66.start 67.foreign 68.agree 69.learnt/learned 70.students 71.even 72.skills 73.job 74.useful 75.experience
【分析】试题分析:短文大意: 如今,越来越多的英国学生在高中毕业和去念大学之前会找到一个所谓的“空档年”。这意味着他们会休学一年,在开始大学生活前,去做一些别的事情。
66.句意:在开始大学生活前。所填词放在名词短语their studies 前面该是一个及物动词,结合所给词汇可知该填写start,开始。
69.句意:我了解到了和各种级别的人的关系的重要性。所填词跟在助动词had 之后。该是一个实意动词的过去分词。结合所给词汇可知该填写learnt/learned,学习,学会,了解。
70.句意:世界上有很多公司欢迎这个项目的学生。所填词被指示代词these 修饰该是一个复数名词,结合所给词汇可知该填写students,学生。
72.句意:尽管你不不能得到报酬,但这类工作可以教你重要的技能。所填词被形容词important修饰该是一个名词,结合所给词汇可知该填写 skills,技能。
75.句意:我已经有过这项工作的类似经验了。所填词被形容词some修饰该是一个名词。联系前面句子If several university graduates are asking for the same job , gap year work experience allows you to say 结合所给词汇可知该填写experience,经验。



