
1. 英语试卷总分值100分,总答题时间90分钟。
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第一部分 听力(共两节,满分15分)
1. What’s Jack’s favorite food
A. Hamburgers. B. Strawberries. C. Chips.
2. What’s Tina’s hairstyle now
A. She’s got long curly hair. B. She’s got short straight hair. C. She’s got short curly hair.
3. When does Mark usually watch movies
A. During the week. B. At weekends. C. Only on Sundays.
4. How does Peter feel
A. Happy. B. Tired. C. Upset.
5. Where does Julie want to go this summer vacation
A America. B. England. C. London.
6. What does David like about his school
A. The students are hard-working. B. The history class is fun. C. The teachers are interesting.
7. What doesn’t Lily like about her school
A. Her English teacher isn’t nice. B. She doesn’t have many friends. C. Her school is far from her home.
8. Which one is Mark’s new pet
A. Larry. B. Yoyo. C. Lucky.
9. Why does Kate love cats
A. Because they don’t eat much.
B. Because she can walk them every day.
C. Because they get excited when she comes home.
10. What’s the possible relationship between Mark and Kate
A. Father and daughter. B. Friends. C. Teacher and student.
11. What is Wang Wei good at
A. Running. B. Basketball. C. Tennis.
12. How long does Wang Wei play tennis in the morning
A. Half an hour. B. Three hours. C. Two hours.
13. What does Wang Wei have for lunch
A. Eggs and milk. B. Chicken, apples and soup. C. Carrots, rice, fish and meat.
14. What does Wang Wei do at the end of the day
A. He watches TV. B. He plays basketball. C. He runs.
15. What does Wang Wei think of his life
A. Busy but healthy. B. Boring but healthy. C. Healthy but boring.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分30分)
A traditional (传统的) English breakfast is a very big meal: sausages, bacon, eggs, tomatoes and mushrooms. But today many people just have cereal with milk, or toast with marmalade, jam, or honey. Marmalade and jam are not the same! Marmalade is made from oranges and jam is made from other fruit.
For many people, lunch during the week is a quick meal. In cities there are a lot of sandwich shops where office workers can choose the kind of bread they want and then the salad and meat to go in the sandwich. On Sundays many families have a traditional lunch. They have roast meat, with potatoes, vegetables and gravy. Gravy is a sauce made from the meat juices.
“Tea” means two things in Britain. It’s both a hot drink and a meal! Some people have afternoon tea, with sandwiches, cakes, and, of course, a cup of tea. Cream teas are popular. You have scones (a kind of cakes) with cream and jam.
British people usually have dinners between 6:00 and 8:00, and often the whole family eat together.
The British like food from other countries, too, like Italy, France, China and India. Eating in Britain is quite international!
1. What food is usually not in a traditional English breakfast
A. Tomatoes. B. Cereal. C. Mushrooms. D. Eggs.
2. What do British people often have for Sunday lunch
A. Roast meat with vegetables and gravy. B. Sandwiches and tea.
C Scones with cream and jam. D. Cereal with milk.
3. What are the two meanings of “tea” in Britain, according to the passage
A. A hot drink and a morning meal. B. A cold drink and a morning meal.
C. A hot drink and an afternoon meal. D. A sort of coffee and a dessert.
4. What is TRUE according to the passage
A. Lunches are very important for British people, always with many courses.
B. The way British people eat and their daily meals are changing these days.
C. British people love their traditional meals and hardly ever try international food.
D. The whole British family usually eat all the meals of the day together.
【答案】1. B 2. A 3. C 4. B
细节理解题。根据“A traditional (传统的) English breakfast is a very big meal: sausages, bacon, eggs, tomatoes and mushrooms.”可知,传统的英式早餐是非常丰盛的一餐:香肠、培根、鸡蛋、西红柿和蘑菇,没提到麦片。故选B。
细节理解题。根据“On Sundays many families have a traditional lunch. They have roast meat, with potatoes, vegetables and gravy.”可知,星期天,许多家庭吃传统的午餐。他们有烤肉、土豆、蔬菜和肉汁。故选A。
细节理解题。根据“‘Tea’ means two things in Britain. It’s both a hot drink and a meal! Some people have afternoon tea...”可知,“茶”在英国有两个意思,它既是热饮又是一顿饭,是下午茶。故选C。
推理判断题。根据“The British like food from other countries, too, like Italy, France, China and India. Eating in Britain is quite international!”可知,英国人也喜欢其他国家的食物,在英国吃饭是很国际化的,由此推知,如今,英国人的饮食方式和日常饮食正在发生变化。故选B。
A very old Seychelles giant tortoise (塞舌尔巨龟) named Jonathan turned 191 years old on December 4th, 2023! That’s really old — he was born even before people invented (发明) the telephone and photographs. Jonathan has two Guinness World Records (吉尼斯世界纪录). He is the oldest living land animal and the oldest known tortoise or turtle.
Jonathan lives on St. Helena, a small island. People think he was born around 1832. They guess this because he was already 50 years old when he came to the island in 1882. Some people even think he might be older than 191 years old!
Everyone on the island knows Jonathan, and he’s quite famous. He’s even on the island’s money. The island’s governor (长官) decided in 2022 that December 4th would be Jonathan’s birthday, and they celebrate (庆祝) it for three whole days!
Tortoises like Jonathan usually live up to 150 years, but Jonathan has lived much longer. He’s still going strong, even though he can’t smell (闻) much and is almost blind (失明的). He still loves to eat! Dr. Hollins from the Guinness World Records said Jonathan is healthy. They hope he might live to be 200 years old, or maybe he’s already that old!
5. Where can you possibly read this article
A. In a menu. B. In a magazine. C. In a diary (日记). D. In a novel (小说).
6. What is one reason why people think Jonathan may be older than 191 years
A. He is almost blind and can’t smell much. B. He’s famous and is on the island’s money.
C. He was already 50 years old in 1882. D. He has two Guinness World Records.
7. Why is December 4th celebrated for three days on St. Helena
A. Because it’s the island’s birthday.
B. Because it’s the day Jonathan was really born.
C. Because it’s the day Jonathan came to St. Helena.
D. Because it’s the day people choose as Jonathan’s birthday.
8. What is the main idea of the last paragraph
A. Jonathan is the oldest but not very strong. B. Jonathan may live to be 200 years old or more.
C. People may not know Jonathan’s real age. D. Jonathan is almost 200 but is still very happy.
【答案】5. B 6. C 7. D 8. B
细节理解题。根据“They guess this because he was already 50 years old when he came to the island in 1882. Some people even think he might be older than 191 years old!”可知,他们之所以这么猜,是因为他在1882年来到这个岛时已经50岁了。有些人甚至认为他可能超过191岁。故选C。
细节理解题。根据“The island’s governor (长官) decided in 2022 that December 4th would be Jonathan’s birthday, and they celebrate (庆祝) it for three whole days!”可知,该岛的州长在2022年决定将12月4日定为乔纳森的生日,他们庆祝了整整三天。故选D。
Sometimes, we see many pictures of young, tall, and very thin women on TV and in magazines. There are many articles telling people how to lose weight (减肥). It seems like becoming thinner can help people find true happiness.
But looking at those pictures can sometimes make us feel sad or want to eat in a way that’s not good for us. The good news is we don’t have to change how we look to be happy. What matters (要紧) is how we see ourselves and what we think about our own bodies.
Knowing what makes us happy and what we’re good at can make us feel strong and confident (自信的). Doing things like playing outside and eating healthy food, if you really want to, helps a lot too. The key is to feel good about ourselves. If we love ourselves, we’re more likely (可能的) to make friends and be happy.
Sometimes, the pictures we see show (表明) only one idea of what’s beautiful. But there are also companies, like Dove, that want to show real people are beautiful too. They use real women of different body sizes, skin colours and ages in their advertisements to tell us that everyone is beautiful in their own way.
So, remember, you don’t have to be like the people in the pictures to be happy. You’re already amazing just the way you are!
9. Why looking at pictures of thin women may make people feel sad
A. Because they hope they can be taller and thinner. B. Because they think the women aren’t beautiful.
C. Because they dislike the colors in the pictures. D. Because they want to eat unhealthier food.
10. What are the two things that can help people feel strong and better
A. Eating unhealthy food and watching TV. B. Playing outside and eating healthy food.
C. Changing their looks and reading magazines. D. Losing weight and using Dove products (产品).
11. What does Dove want to say in its advertisements
A. Only tall women are beautiful. B. Everyone should change their look.
C. People are beautiful in their own way. D. Dove only sells soap and shampoo.
12. Which one can be a good title (题目) for this passage
A. How to Be Really Tall and Thin B. Being Happy Just the Way You Are
C. Eating Healthy Food for True Happiness D. The Magic of Dove’s Advertisements
【答案】9. A 10. B 11. C 12. B
推理判断题。根据“Sometimes, we see many pictures of young, tall, and very thin women on TV and in magazines.”和“But looking at those pictures can sometimes make us feel sad...”可知,看到很多瘦高个子的年轻女人的照片,有时候会让我们感到悲伤,因为我们会希望自己像她们那样,变得又高又瘦。故选A。
细节理解题。根据“Knowing what makes us happy and what we’re good at can make us feel strong and confident (自信的). Doing things like playing outside and eating healthy food, if you really want to, helps a lot too.”可知,知道什么让我们快乐和我们擅长什么会让我们感到坚强和自信,在外面玩和吃健康的食物对我们也有很大的帮助,故选B。
细节理解题。根据“They use real women of different body sizes, skin colours and ages in their advertisements to tell us that everyone is beautiful in their own way.”可知,德芙在广告中使用不同身材,不同肤色和年龄的真实女性形象,是为了告诉我们每个人都有自己独特的美。故选C。
最佳标题题。根据最后一段“So, remember, you don’t have to be like the people in the pictures to be happy. You’re already amazing just the way you are!”可知,你无需成为照片里那样的人才能获得快乐,你就是你自己,你本来就很棒,故B项“做自己才快乐”最适合作为标题。故选B。
Like any family, the Silvas have a television, and everyone likes to watch TV. Mr. and Mrs. Silva love reality shows — they love those about cooking the best. The children like everything and never miss anything! They spend all their time in front of the television, which Mr. and Mrs. Silva don’t like at all.
One day, Mr. Silva is fed up. He puts the television in a closet. “From now on, you only watch TV on weekends,” he says. But on Tuesday, Mr. Silva has to take it to his room for the cooking show. On Thursday, the kids have to watch a very important documentary for their history class.
Mr. Silva is angry! One day, he passes a store and sees a television for sale. He has an idea! In the afternoon, when the children go back home from school, the television is gone. The next day, on the way to school, the children see their dear television in the shop window!
In the following week, the Silvas do everything to forget about the television! Mr. and Mrs. Silva bring lots of interesting books from the library and help the kids clean their rooms.
Until one day, the kids are playing in the attic (阁楼) when suddenly (突然地) … wow! There it is! Their television! Mr. Silva has to tell everything. He never takes it to the store. He just pretends (假装) the one in the shop is theirs. The kids are all surprised!
Mr. Silva brings down the television, but that week, the kids just read the library books and tidy up their rooms. They have a lot of fun, and watch much less TV than before!
13. What does “is fed up” in Paragraph 2 mean
A. Very excited. B. Very hungry. C. Very upset. D. Very amused.
14. What’s the first rule Mr. Silva tells his family about watching TV
A. They can only watch television for homework.
B. They cannot watch television at home anymore.
C. They can watch television any time they want.
D. They can only watch television on weekends.
15. Why does Mr. Silva put the television in the attic
A. He wants to buy a new one in the store.
B. There is something wrong with their television.
C. He is worried about his family’s television habits.
D. He needs more space (空间) in the living room.
16. What is the main idea of the passage
A. The Silvas enjoy watching many sorts of television programmes together.
B. The Silvas find ways to watch less television and do many other things in life.
C. Mr. Silva takes the TV to a store because the children never stop watching it.
D. Mr. Silva thinks of many rules to change their kids’ television habits.
【答案】13. C 14. D 15. C 16. B
词义猜测题。根据“They spend all their time in front of the television, which Mr. and Mrs. Silva don’t like at all. One day, Mr. Silva is fed up. He puts the television in a closet. ‘From now on, you only watch TV on weekends,’ he says.”可知孩子们一直看电视,席尔瓦先生把电视放进壁橱并制定规则只能周末看电视,可推出他因为孩子们一直看电视而不高兴,is fed up与very upset意思相近。故选C。
细节理解题。根据“ ‘From now on, you only watch TV on weekends,’ he says.”可知第一条规则是他们只能在周末看电视。故选D。
推理判断题。根据“He puts the television in a closet. ‘From now on, you only watch TV on weekends,’ he says.”及“Mr. Silva is angry! One day, he passes a store and sees a television for sale. He has an idea! In the afternoon, when the children go back home from school, the television is gone.”及下文没有电视时孩子们的转变,可推出把电视放在阁楼上是因为他担心家人看电视的习惯。故选C。
___17___ Sarah loves going on adventures (探险) like hiking. She likes to do exciting things. She wants to explore more new places and have lots of fun outside. ___18___ John is a big fan of books. He reads lots of different stories and talks about them with his friends. He wants to read even more books and share stories with others. ___19___ Emily really likes being healthy and strong. She exercises and eats good food to stay fit. She wants to stay strong and help her friends be healthy too. ___20___ David loves learning how new technology works. He wants to learn more about cool technology and maybe even make some of his own someday. A: “Yoga Superhero” Be a superhero for Yoga! Join our team of yoga heroes and start a fun journey of exercise. Our app is like your special tool (工具) for becoming stronger and healthier. Become a health hero and invite your friends to stay strong and fit together! B: “Alltrails” Explore (探索) exciting places! Our app is like a special map on your phone, guiding you to cool spots in the great outdoors. It’s time for some outdoor fun! And, we also tell you when to be careful, so you can explore safely! C: “WeightWise” Welcome to WeightWise, your partner on your journey to be a thinner you! Our app can help you lose weight with fun. We will make special meal and exercise plans just for you, so you’ll reach your weight goals soon! D: “Genius Lab” Come to our app and become a tech expert (技术专家)! It’s like joining a fun tech school on your phone. You can learn about cool technology and even create your very own things. Get ready to be amazed, everyone! E: “Story World” Jump into a world of stories! Our app is like a magical bookshelf with fantastic stories just for teenagers. Read, imagine (想象), and then you can share fantastic stories with your online pals. Let your imagination go crazy!
【答案】17. B 18. E
19. A 20. D
根据“She likes to do exciting things. She wants to explore more new places and have lots of fun outside.”可知喜欢令人兴奋的事情,想要探索新地方,B项“探索令人兴奋的地方!我们的应用程序就像你手机上的一张特殊地图,引导你在户外找到凉爽的地方。是时候去户外玩了!而且,我们也会告诉你什么时候要小心,这样你就可以安全地探索了!”与之相匹配。故选B。
根据“He wants to read even more books and share stories with others.”可知想要读更多书并和别人分享故事,E项“跳进一个充满故事的世界!我们的应用程序就像一个神奇的书架,里面有专为青少年准备的精彩故事。阅读,想象,然后你可以和你的网友分享精彩的故事。让你的想象力疯狂起来吧!”与之相匹配。故选E。
根据“She exercises and eats good food to stay fit. She wants to stay strong and help her friends be healthy too.”可知想要锻炼并保持健康,A项“成为瑜伽的超级英雄!加入我们的瑜伽英雄团队,开始一段有趣的运动之旅。我们的应用程序就像是你变得更强壮、更健康的专用工具。成为健康英雄,并邀请您的朋友保持强壮和健康!”与之相匹配。故选A。
根据“He wants to learn more about cool technology and maybe even make some of his own someday.”可知想要了解更多科技方面的内容,并想某天制作出自己的科技作品,D项“来我们的应用程序,成为一个技术专家!这就像在手机上加入一所有趣的技术学校。你可以学习很酷的技术,甚至创造你自己的东西。大家准备好被惊艳吧!”与之相匹配。故选D。
第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分25分)
Brian is a funny student. He loves watching comedies best and hopes to become a comedy actor one day. When he hears about the talent show to be held at this school, Brian ____21____ to take part in it.
He has never acted in public before, and he is very excited. But some students ____22____ him. “You are not funny but silly,” Ken, one of his classmates, says. “No one will like what you do,” ____23____ boy also says to him loudly. Brian can’t understand why they are so unkind to him. He is ____24____. But he remembers ____25____ his friends like his jokes, and also his teachers says he is very funny. So he starts to prepare for the show.
Brian does a great ____26____ at the talent show. Everyone loves his performance (表演), and he wins the first prize!
As the years go on, Brian meets more people like Ken. ____27____, most people encourage (鼓励) him and some help him to become even funnier. He gets a lot of chances to perform in ____28____. He is even invited to appear on television.
Now Brian is a famous comedy actor! He is doing what he loves best. He ____29____ feels worried any more, and he laughs all day long!
Don’t let what others say ____30____ the joy from you. Be the best and happiest that you can be — that’s where your energy (精力) should go.
A. tries B. decides C. enjoys D. jumps
A. laugh at B. shout at C. smile at D. look at
A. other B. others C. another D. the other
A. frightened B. confused C. relaxed D. stressed
A. how far B. how many C. how often D. how much
A. deal B. job C. work D. thing
A. Actually B. Luckily C. Finally D. Absolutely
A. newspapers B. magazines C. movies D. concerts
A. sometimes B. usually C. often D. never
A. change B. hide C. take D. bring
【答案】21. B 22. A 23. C 24. B 25. D 26. B 27. B 28. C 29. D 30. C
tries尝试;decides决定;enjoys喜欢;jumps跳。decide to do sth.“决定做某事”。故选B。
laugh at嘲笑;shout at大喊;smile at对……微笑;look at看。根据“You are not funny but silly”可知有学生嘲笑他。故选A。
other其他的;others其他的人或物;another另一个的;the other两者中的另一个。此处泛指另一个男孩,用another。故选C。
frightened害怕的;confused困惑的;relaxed放松的;stressed焦虑的。根据“Brian can’t understand why they are so unkind to him.”可知不明白为他们为什么对他不友好,很困惑。故选B。
how far多远;how many多少;how often多久一次;how much多少。根据“his friends like his jokes”可知记得朋友多喜欢他的笑话,表示程度,用how much。故选D。
deal交易;job职业;work工作;thing事情。do a great job“做得很好”。故选B。
Actually事实上;Luckily幸运地;Finally最终;Absolutely绝对地。根据“most people encourage (鼓励) him and some help him to become even funnier”可知大多数人鼓励布莱恩,有些人还帮助他,由此推出他很幸运。故选B。
newspapers报纸;magazines杂志;movies电影;concerts音乐会。根据“Now Brian is a famous comedy actor!”可知是喜剧演员,应是在电影中表演。故选C。
sometimes有时;usually通常;often经常;never从不。根据“and he laughs all day long”可知不再担心。故选D。
change改变;hide躲藏;take带走;bring带来。根据“the joy from you”可知是把快乐从你身边带走。故选C。
Dream House in California is not a house for only one ____31____ two children. It’s a house for many children. It’s a family.
Imagine living in a hospital for many years because ____32____ illness. Imagine that one ____33____ (stay) in a cold street because there is no other place to stay. In Dream House every sick and homeless child ____34____ (have) got a warm bed, delicious food, nice doctors, etc.
Every child should have a happy childhood. Dream House may help make those children’s ____35____ (life) better than before. It may ____36____ (complete) change their roads of life.
【答案】31. or 32. of
33. stays 34. has
35. lives pletely
句意:加州的梦想之家不是只给一两个孩子住的房子。one or two children“一两个孩子”。故填or。
句意:想象一下,因为生病而在医院里住了很多年。because of“因为”。故填of。
句意:在梦想之家,每个生病和无家可归的孩子都有温暖的床,美味的食物,好医生等。have got“有”,sick and homeless修饰名词child,主语“child”是单数,其后接动词第三人称单数形式。故填has。
句意:梦想之家可能会帮助这些孩子的生活比以前更好。根据“those children’s”可知此处用名词复数,这里表示“这些孩子们的生活”。故填lives。
Do you want to travel by yourself Being an exchange (交换) student ____37____ (be) a good way. Exchange students can live in ____38____ foreign country and learn ____39____ (it) language and culture. Students go to a high school ____40____ live with a host family, often for six ____41____ (month) a year. ____42____ (this) programmes are very good for students. They can learn a lot about different cultures. It is also good ____43____ (learn) to be more independent (独立的) and make more friends. Besides (此外), exchange programmes can help them ____44____ their understanding of the world.
____45____ (choose) one of the programmes to join!
【答案】37. is 38. a
39. its 40. and
41. months 42. These
43. to learn
44. with 45. Choose
句意:交换生可以在国外生活,学习它的语言和文化。修饰“language and culture”用形容词性物主代词its表示“它的”。故填its。
句意:学会更独立和交更多的朋友也是件好事。it是形式主语,此处是“It is adj. to do sth.”结构。故填to learn。
句意:此外,交换计划可以帮助他们了解世界。help sb. with sth.“帮助某人做某事”。故填with。
第四部分 写作(共三节,满分30分)
46. A man named Ye said he liked dragons a lot. But when a real dragon came to visit him in his house, Ye was very s________, and he ran away.
【详解】句意:一个姓叶的人说他很喜欢龙。但是当一条真正的龙来到他的房子里拜访他时,叶非常害怕,他跑开了。根据“and he ran away”可知很害怕,跑了,结合首字母s可知用scared表示“害怕的”,形容词作表语。故填(s)cared。
47. After a whole day of work in the hospital, Mr. Clark is too tired to cook. So he o________ a beef sandwich and a drink from the restaurant.
【详解】句意:在医院工作了一整天后,克拉克先生累得连饭都不想做了。于是他从餐厅点了一个牛肉三明治和一杯饮料。根据“Mr. Clark is too tired to cook”可知累得连饭都不想做了,从餐厅点餐,用order表示“点餐”,结合“is”可知用一般现在时,he后用动词第三人称单数形式。故填(o)rders。
48. —Karen doesn’t come to school today. What’s wrong with her
—I’m not sure. P________ she is sick and goes to the doctor.
【详解】句意:——凯伦今天没来上学。她怎么了?——我不确定。也许她病了,去看医生了。根据“I’m not sure.”可知不确定凯伦怎么了,后面是推测,结合首字母P可知用Perhaps表示“可能,也许”。故填(P)erhaps。
49. Winnie the Pooh lives in Hundred Acre Wood. He loves many kinds of food, e________ honey.
【详解】句意:小熊维尼住在百亩森林。除了蜂蜜,他喜欢很多种食物。根据“He loves many kinds of food, e... honey.”可推出此处表示把蜂蜜排除在外,用except表示“除了……之外”。故填(e)xcept。
50. —Do you ever babysit anyone
—No, I don’t. The baby usually c________ a lot, and I don’t think I can do the job well.
【详解】句意:——你临时照看过孩子吗?——不,我没有。婴儿通常哭得很厉害,我认为我不能做好这项工作。根据“The baby usually... a lot”和首字母可知,此处指婴儿通常哭得很厉害,cry“哭,哭泣”;根据“usually”可知句子用一般现在时,主语“The baby”是第三人称单数,谓语动词用三单形式。故填(c)ries。
51. What is the d________ between / / and / / I can’t tell which is which.
【详解】句意:/ /和/ /有什么区别?我分不清哪个是哪个。根据“I can’t tell which is which.”可知分不清,询问区别,difference“区别”。故填(d)ifference。
52. In the final basketball game, Chinese women team plays a________ Japanese team, and wins the championship in the 19th Hangzhou Asian Games.
【详解】句意:在最后一场比赛中,中国女队对阵日本队,获得第19届杭州亚运会篮球冠军。play against“与……对战”,是固定搭配。故填(a)gainst。
53. Let’s take a closer look at songbirds. They have beautiful furs. Their f________ have three toes forwards (向前) and one toe backwards.
【详解】句意:让我们来仔细看看鸣禽。它们有漂亮的皮毛。它们的脚有三个向前的脚趾和一个向后的脚趾。根据“have three toes forwards (向前) and one toe backwards”可推出有三个向前的脚趾和一个向后的脚趾,这是在描述鸣禽的脚,foot“脚”,结合“have”可知此处用复数feet。故填(f)eet。
54. Hangzhou is only a t________ home for some workers. They won’t stay here forever. When they make enough money, they may back to their hometowns.
【详解】句意:对于一些工人来说,杭州只是一个临时的家。他们不会永远待在这里。当他们赚到足够的钱时,他们可能会回到家乡。根据“When they make enough money, they may back to their hometowns.”可知赚够钱了就会回家乡,杭州是临时的家,“temporary”临时的,形容词作定语。故填(t)emporary。
55. In the holiday, people use lanterns (灯笼) and lights to b________ the dark street. If you go to the center of the city, it is even like day time.
【详解】句意:在节日里,人们用灯笼和灯来照亮黑暗的街道。如果你去市中心,就像白天一样。根据“In the holiday, people use lanterns (灯笼) and lights to b...the dark street.”可知,用灯笼和灯来照亮黑暗的街道,brighten“使明亮”,use sth to do sth“用某物做某事”,故填(b)righten。
come around; tell...about; in fact; not...any more; work as; make a noise; chef’s special; in the end; hardly ever; worry about; all the time; deal with
56. On Harry Potter’s 11th birthday, Hagrid ________ to say “happy birthday” to him, and brings a really nice birthday cake.
57. This stewed lamb with carrots is ________. That’s why many customers would like to have the dish.
58. In Quick Change, Helen’s adoptive parents both ________ taxi drivers. They live in a flat. A taxi office is below their flat.
59. Please don’t ________ in the classroom when others are quietly reading or doing homework.
60. My grandpa doesn’t wear glasses ________. He only wears them when he’s reading.
61. We are foreign language learners and it is our job to ________ the world ________ China and China’s stories.
62. On a cold snowy day, Roger’s family are waiting for the newborn dogs. One little dog is almost dead. Roger tries to save him. ________, they get fifteen puppies.
63. In A little Trouble in California the man that Andy and Mary meet on the beach looks dirty and unfriendly. ________, he is a police officer.
64. In a survey about family life, we find that mothers often ________ their kids a lot. Do their kids eat and sleep well Do they have a good time in the school
65. Mrs Green is afraid of dogs but her neighbor keeps two huge dogs in the yard. Her teenage son talks to the neighbor and helps her ________ the problem.
【答案】es around
57. chef’s special
58. work as
59. make a noise
60. all the time
61. ①. tell ②. about
62. In the end
63. In fact
64. worry about
65. deal with
句意:在哈利·波特11岁生日那天,海格过来对他说“生日快乐”,并带来了一个非常漂亮的生日蛋糕。根据“On Harry Potter’s 11th birthday Hagrid ... to say “happy birthday” to him”可知来对他说“生日快乐”,come around“来临,到达”,and连接并列谓语,与brings形式一致,用动词第三人称单数形式。故填comes around。
句意:这道胡萝卜炖羊肉是主厨的特色菜。这就是为什么许多顾客都喜欢这道菜的原因。根据“That’s why many customers would like to have the dish.”可知许多顾客喜欢这道菜,这是主厨的特色菜,chef’s special“主厨的特色菜”。故填chef’s special。
句意:在《Quick Change》中,海伦的养父母都是出租车司机。他们住在一套公寓里。出租汽车公司在他们公寓的下面。根据“taxi drivers”可知此处讲养父母的工作,work as“担任;以……身份而工作”,结合“live”可知用一般现在时,主语是复数,谓语用动词原形。故填work as。
句意:当别人安静地读书或做作业时,请不要在教室里制造噪音。根据“when others are quietly reading or doing homework”可知别人在安静读书,不要制造噪音,make a noise“制造噪音”,祈使句的否定形式“don’t+动词原形”。故填make a noise。
句意:我爷爷不总是戴眼镜。他只在读书的时候戴。根据“He only wears them when he’s reading.”可知并非一直戴眼镜,all the time“一直”。故填all the time。
句意:我们是外语学习者,向世界讲述中国和中国故事是我们的职责。根据“the world ... China and China’s stories”可推出是向世界讲述中国和中国故事,tell ... about ...“向……讲述……”。故填tell;about。
句意:在一个寒冷的下雪天,罗杰的家人正在等待新生的狗。一只小狗几乎死了。罗杰试图救他。最后,他们得到了十五只小狗。根据“On a cold snowy day, Roger’s family are waiting for the newborn dogs. One little dog is almost dead. Roger tries to save him.”可知经过等待和施救,最终得到了15只小狗,in the end“最后”,句子开头首字母大写。故填In the end。
句意:在《A little Trouble in California》中,安迪和玛丽在海滩上遇到的那个男人看起来又脏又不友好。事实上,他是一名警察。根据“he is a police officer”可知这是在讲那个男人实际上的身份,in fact“事实上”,句子开头首字母大写。故填In fact。
句意:在一项关于家庭生活的调查中,我们发现母亲经常为孩子担心很多。他们的孩子吃得好睡得好吗 他们在学校过得愉快吗?根据“Do their kids eat and sleep well Do they have a good time in the school ”可知母亲经常为孩子担心,worry about“担心”,根据“often”可知用一般现在时,主语是复数,谓语用动词原形。故填worry about。
句意:格林太太害怕狗,但她的邻居在院子里养了两条大狗。她十几岁的儿子和邻居交谈,并帮助她处理这个问题。根据“Her teenage son talks to the neighbor and helps her ... the problem.”可知是帮她处理问题,deal with“处理”,help sb. do sth.“帮助某人做某事”。故填deal with。
66. 假如你是Chris,一位来自英国的交换生,目前正在HFLS进行为期1个月的学习和生活。请阅读下面这封来自你妈妈的电子邮件,并予以回复。
Dear Chris, How is everything going I’m really interested in your life in China. I know Chinese people usually eat rice for meals. Do you like it What do you usually have for lunch What’s your favorite food there What’s your favorite subject at school Do you have any activities at the weekend By the way, you said you make a new friend there. What’s your friend like Looking forward to your reply. Yours, Mum
1. 针对邮件中的问题可适当发挥;
2. 邮件中不得出现真实的人名;
3. 词数不少于60;开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
Dear Mum,
I’m very happy to be in China as an exchange student.
Dear Mum,
I’m very happy to be in China as an exchange student. Life here is quite great for me.
In China, it’s common to eat rice for meals. And I enjoy eating it a lot. I usually have meat, vegetables and rice for lunch. But my favorite food is dumplings.
Of all the subjects at school, my favorite subject is Chinese. I have no classes on weekends and I can do what I like. For example, I usually visit different places of interest in China and taste the local food.
The most wonderful thing is that I make a lot of friends here. Lin Ping is my best friends. He is tall and he is outgoing. And he always helps me with my study.
I really have a good time here.
①enjoy doing 喜欢做某事
②places of interest 名胜古迹
③have a good time 玩得开心
①In China, it’s common to eat rice for meals. (it作形式主语)
②The most wonderful thing is that I make a lot of friends here. (that引导表语从句)杭州外国语学校2023-1初一年级期末考试英语试卷
1. 英语试卷总分值100分,总答题时间90分钟。
2. 本试卷分“试题卷”和“答题卷”。其中“试题卷”9页,“答题卷”2页。
3. 请将你的班级、姓名、座位号填写在“答题卷”的相应的位置。
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第一部分 听力(共两节,满分15分)
1. What’s Jack’s favorite food
A. Hamburgers. B. Strawberries. C. Chips.
2. What’s Tina’s hairstyle now
A. She’s got long curly hair. B. She’s got short straight hair. C. She’s got short curly hair.
3. When does Mark usually watch movies
A. During the week. B. At weekends. C. Only on Sundays.
4. How does Peter feel
A. Happy. B. Tired. C. Upset.
5. Where does Julie want to go this summer vacation
A. America. B. England. C. London.
6. What does David like about his school
A. The students are hard-working. B. The history class is fun. C. The teachers are interesting.
7. What doesn’t Lily like about her school
A. Her English teacher isn’t nice. B. She doesn’t have many friends. C. Her school is far from her home.
8. Which one is Mark’s new pet
A. Larry. B. Yoyo. C. Lucky.
9. Why does Kate love cats
A. Because they don’t eat much.
B. Because she can walk them every day.
C. Because they get excited when she comes home.
10. What’s the possible relationship between Mark and Kate
A. Father and daughter. B. Friends. C. Teacher and student.
11. What is Wang Wei good at
A. Running. B. Basketball. C. Tennis.
12 How long does Wang Wei play tennis in the morning
A. Half an hour. B. Three hours. C. Two hours.
13. What does Wang Wei have for lunch
A. Eggs and milk. B. Chicken, apples and soup. C. Carrots, rice, fish and meat.
14. What does Wang Wei do at the end of the day
A. He watches TV. B. He plays basketball. C. He runs.
15. What does Wang Wei think of his life
A. Busy but healthy. B. Boring but healthy. C. Healthy but boring.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分30分)
A traditional (传统的) English breakfast is a very big meal: sausages, bacon, eggs, tomatoes and mushrooms. But today many people just have cereal with milk, or toast with marmalade, jam, or honey. Marmalade and jam are not the same! Marmalade is made from oranges and jam is made from other fruit.
For many people, lunch during the week is a quick meal. In cities there are a lot of sandwich shops where office workers can choose the kind of bread they want and then the salad and meat to go in the sandwich. On Sundays many families have a traditional lunch. They have roast meat, with potatoes, vegetables and gravy. Gravy is a sauce made from the meat juices.
“Tea” means two things in Britain. It’s both a hot drink and a meal! Some people have afternoon tea, with sandwiches, cakes, and, of course, a cup of tea. Cream teas are popular. You have scones (a kind of cakes) with cream and jam.
British people usually have dinners between 6:00 and 8:00, and often the whole family eat together.
The British like food from other countries, too, like Italy, France, China and India. Eating in Britain is quite international!
1. What food is usually not in a traditional English breakfast
A. Tomatoes. B. Cereal. C. Mushrooms. D. Eggs.
2. What do British people often have for Sunday lunch
A. Roast meat with vegetables and gravy. B. Sandwiches and tea.
C. Scones with cream and jam. D. Cereal with milk.
3. What are the two meanings of “tea” in Britain, according to the passage
A. A hot drink and a morning meal. B. A cold drink and a morning meal.
C. A hot drink and an afternoon meal. D. A sort of coffee and a dessert.
4. What is TRUE according to the passage
A. Lunches are very important for British people, always with many courses.
B. The way British people eat and their daily meals are changing these days.
C. British people love their traditional meals and hardly ever try international food.
D. The whole British family usually eat all the meals of the day together.
A very old Seychelles giant tortoise (塞舌尔巨龟) named Jonathan turned 191 years old on December 4th, 2023! That’s really old — he was born even before people invented (发明) the telephone and photographs. Jonathan has two Guinness World Records (吉尼斯世界纪录). He is the oldest living land animal and the oldest known tortoise or turtle.
Jonathan lives on St. Helena, a small island. People think he was born around 1832. They guess this because he was already 50 years old when he came to the island in 1882. Some people even think he might be older than 191 years old!
Everyone on the island knows Jonathan, and he’s quite famous. He’s even on the island’s money. The island’s governor (长官) decided in 2022 that December 4th would be Jonathan’s birthday, and they celebrate (庆祝) it for three whole days!
Tortoises like Jonathan usually live up to 150 years, but Jonathan has lived much longer. He’s still going strong, even though he can’t smell (闻) much and is almost blind (失明的). He still loves to eat! Dr. Hollins from the Guinness World Records said Jonathan is healthy. They hope he might live to be 200 years old, or maybe he’s already that old!
5. Where can you possibly read this article
A. In a menu. B. In a magazine. C. In a diary (日记). D. In a novel (小说).
6. What is one reason why people think Jonathan may be older than 191 years
A. He is almost blind and can’t smell much. B. He’s famous and is on the island’s money.
C. He was already 50 years old in 1882. D. He has two Guinness World Records.
7 Why is December 4th celebrated for three days on St. Helena
A. Because it’s the island’s birthday.
B. Because it’s the day Jonathan was really born.
C. Because it’s the day Jonathan came to St. Helena.
D. Because it’s the day people choose as Jonathan’s birthday.
8. What is the main idea of the last paragraph
A. Jonathan is the oldest but not very strong. B. Jonathan may live to be 200 years old or more.
C. People may not know Jonathan’s real age. D. Jonathan is almost 200 but is still very happy.
Sometimes, we see many pictures of young, tall, and very thin women on TV and in magazines. There are many articles telling people how to lose weight (减肥). It seems like becoming thinner can help people find true happiness.
But looking at those pictures can sometimes make us feel sad or want to eat in a way that’s not good for us. The good news is we don’t have to change how we look to be happy. What matters (要紧) is how we see ourselves and what we think about our own bodies.
Knowing what makes us happy and what we’re good at can make us feel strong and confident (自信的). Doing things like playing outside and eating healthy food, if you really want to, helps a lot too. The key is to feel good about ourselves. If we love ourselves, we’re more likely (可能的) to make friends and be happy.
Sometimes, the pictures we see show (表明) only one idea of what’s beautiful. But there are also companies, like Dove, that want to show real people are beautiful too. They use real women of different body sizes, skin colours and ages in their advertisements to tell us that everyone is beautiful in their own way.
So, remember, you don’t have to be like the people in the pictures to be happy. You’re already amazing just the way you are!
9. Why looking at pictures of thin women may make people feel sad
A. Because they hope they can be taller and thinner. B. Because they think the women aren’t beautiful.
C. Because they dislike the colors in the pictures. D. Because they want to eat unhealthier food.
10. What are the two things that can help people feel strong and better
A. Eating unhealthy food and watching TV. B. Playing outside and eating healthy food.
C. Changing their looks and reading magazines. D. Losing weight and using Dove products (产品).
11. What does Dove want to say in its advertisements
A. Only tall women are beautiful. B. Everyone should change their look.
C. People are beautiful in their own way. D. Dove only sells soap and shampoo.
12. Which one can be a good title (题目) for this passage
A. How to Be Really Tall and Thin B. Being Happy Just the Way You Are
C. Eating Healthy Food for True Happiness D. The Magic of Dove’s Advertisements
Like any family, the Silvas have a television, and everyone likes to watch TV. Mr. and Mrs. Silva love reality shows — they love those about cooking the best. The children like everything and never miss anything! They spend all their time in front of the television, which Mr. and Mrs. Silva don’t like at all.
One day, Mr. Silva is fed up. He puts the television in a closet. “From now on, you only watch TV on weekends,” he says. But on Tuesday, Mr. Silva has to take it to his room for the cooking show. On Thursday, the kids have to watch a very important documentary for their history class.
Mr. Silva is angry! One day, he passes a store and sees a television for sale. He has an idea! In the afternoon, when the children go back home from school, the television is gone. The next day, on the way to school, the children see their dear television in the shop window!
In the following week, the Silvas do everything to forget about the television! Mr. and Mrs. Silva bring lots of interesting books from the library and help the kids clean their rooms.
Until one day, the kids are playing in the attic (阁楼) when suddenly (突然地) … wow! There it is! Their television! Mr. Silva has to tell everything. He never takes it to the store. He just pretends (假装) the one in the shop is theirs. The kids are all surprised!
Mr. Silva brings down the television, but that week, the kids just read the library books and tidy up their rooms. They have a lot of fun, and watch much less TV than before!
13. What does “is fed up” in Paragraph 2 mean
A. Very excited. B. Very hungry. C. Very upset. D. Very amused.
14. What’s the first rule Mr. Silva tells his family about watching TV
A. They can only watch television for homework.
B. They cannot watch television at home anymore.
C. They can watch television any time they want.
D. They can only watch television on weekends.
15. Why does Mr. Silva put the television in the attic
A. He wants to buy a new one in the store.
B. There is something wrong with their television.
C. He is worried about his family’s television habits.
D. He needs more space (空间) in the living room.
16. What is the main idea of the passage
A. The Silvas enjoy watching many sorts of television programmes together.
B. The Silvas find ways to watch less television and do many other things in life.
C. Mr. Silva takes the TV to a store because the children never stop watching it.
D. Mr. Silva thinks of many rules to change their kids’ television habits.
___17___ Sarah loves going on adventures (探险) like hiking. She likes to do exciting things. She wants to explore more new places and have lots of fun outside. ___18___ John is a big fan of books. He reads lots of different stories and talks about them with his friends. He wants to read even more books and share stories with others. ___19___ Emily really likes being healthy and strong. She exercises and eats good food to stay fit. She wants to stay strong and help her friends be healthy too. ___20___ David loves learning how new technology works. He wants to learn more about cool technology and maybe even make some of his own someday. A: “Yoga Superhero” Be a superhero for Yoga! Join our team of yoga heroes and start a fun journey of exercise. Our app is like your special tool (工具) for becoming stronger and healthier. Become a health hero and invite your friends to stay strong and fit together! B: “Alltrails” Explore (探索) exciting places! Our app is like a special map on your phone, guiding you to cool spots in the great outdoors. It’s time for some outdoor fun! And, we also tell you when to be careful, so you can explore safely! C: “WeightWise” Welcome to WeightWise, your partner on your journey to be a thinner you! Our app can help you lose weight with fun. We will make special meal and exercise plans just for you, so you’ll reach your weight goals soon! D: “Genius Lab” Come to our app and become a tech expert (技术专家)! It’s like joining a fun tech school on your phone. You can learn about cool technology and even create your very own things. Get ready to be amazed, everyone! E: “Story World” Jump into a world of stories! Our app is like a magical bookshelf with fantastic stories just for teenagers. Read imagine (想象), and then you can share fantastic stories with your online pals. Let your imagination go crazy!
第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分25分)
Brian is a funny student. He loves watching comedies best and hopes to become a comedy actor one day. When he hears about the talent show to be held at this school, Brian ____21____ to take part in it.
He has never acted in public before, and he is very excited. But some students ____22____ him. “You are not funny but silly,” Ken, one of his classmates, says. “No one will like what you do,” ____23____ boy also says to him loudly. Brian can’t understand why they are so unkind to him. He is ____24____. But he remembers ____25____ his friends like his jokes, and also his teachers says he is very funny. So he starts to prepare for the show.
Brian does a great ____26____ at the talent show. Everyone loves his performance (表演), and he wins the first prize!
As the years go on, Brian meets more people like Ken. ____27____, most people encourage (鼓励) him and some help him to become even funnier. He gets a lot of chances to perform in ____28____. He is even invited to appear on television.
Now Brian is a famous comedy actor! He is doing what he loves best. He ____29____ feels worried any more, and he laughs all day long!
Don’t let what others say ____30____ the joy from you. Be the best and happiest that you can be — that’s where your energy (精力) should go.
A. tries B. decides C. enjoys D. jumps
A. laugh at B. shout at C. smile at D. look at
A. other B. others C. another D. the other
A frightened B. confused C. relaxed D. stressed
A. how far B. how many C. how often D. how much
A. deal B. job C. work D. thing
A. Actually B. Luckily C. Finally D. Absolutely
A. newspapers B. magazines C. movies D. concerts
A. sometimes B. usually C. often D. never
A. change B. hide C. take D. bring
Dream House in California is not a house for only one ____31____ two children. It’s a house for many children. It’s a family.
Imagine living in a hospital for many years because ____32____ illness. Imagine that one ____33____ (stay) in a cold street because there is no other place to stay. In Dream House every sick and homeless child ____34____ (have) got a warm bed delicious food, nice doctors, etc.
Every child should have a happy childhood. Dream House may help make those children’s ____35____ (life) better than before. It may ____36____ (complete) change their roads of life.
Do you want to travel by yourself Being an exchange (交换) student ____37____ (be) a good way. Exchange students can live in ____38____ foreign country and learn ____39____ (it) language and culture. Students go to a high school ____40____ live with a host family, often for six ____41____ (month) a year. ____42____ (this) programmes are very good for students. They can learn a lot about different cultures. It is also good ____43____ (learn) to be more independent (独立的) and make more friends. Besides (此外), exchange programmes can help them ____44____ their understanding of the world.
____45____ (choose) one of the programmes to join!
第四部分 写作(共三节,满分30分)
46. A man named Ye said he liked dragons a lot. But when a real dragon came to visit him in his house, Ye was very s________, and he ran away.
47. After a whole day of work in the hospital, Mr. Clark is too tired to cook. So he o________ a beef sandwich and a drink from the restaurant.
48. —Karen doesn’t come to school today. What’s wrong with her
—I’m not sure. P________ she is sick and goes to the doctor.
49. Winnie the Pooh lives in Hundred Acre Wood. He loves many kinds of food, e________ honey.
50. —Do you ever babysit anyone
—No, I don’t. The baby usually c________ a lot, and I don’t think I can do the job well.
51. What is the d________ between / / and / / I can’t tell which is which.
52. In the final basketball game, Chinese women team plays a________ Japanese team, and wins the championship in the 19th Hangzhou Asian Games.
53. Let’s take a closer look at songbirds. They have beautiful furs. Their f________ have three toes forwards (向前) and one toe backwards.
54. Hangzhou is only a t________ home for some workers. They won’t stay here forever. When they make enough money, they may back to their hometowns.
55. In the holiday, people use lanterns (灯笼) and lights to b________ the dark street. If you go to the center of the city, it is even like day time.
come around; tell...about; in fact; not...any more; work as; make a noise; chef’s special; in the end; hardly ever; worry about; all the time; deal with
56. On Harry Potter’s 11th birthday, Hagrid ________ to say “happy birthday” to him, and brings a really nice birthday cake.
57. This stewed lamb with carrots is ________. That’s why many customers would like to have the dish.
58. In Quick Change, Helen’s adoptive parents both ________ taxi drivers. They live in a flat. A taxi office is below their flat.
59. Please don’t ________ in the classroom when others are quietly reading or doing homework.
60. My grandpa doesn’t wear glasses ________. He only wears them when he’s reading.
61. We are foreign language learners and it is our job to ________ the world ________ China and China’s stories.
62. On a cold snowy day, Roger’s family are waiting for the newborn dogs. One little dog is almost dead. Roger tries to save him. ________, they get fifteen puppies.
63. In A little Trouble in California, the man that Andy and Mary meet on the beach looks dirty and unfriendly. ________, he is a police officer.
64. In a survey about family life, we find that mothers often ________ their kids a lot. Do their kids eat and sleep well Do they have a good time in the school
65. Mrs Green is afraid of dogs but her neighbor keeps two huge dogs in the yard. Her teenage son talks to the neighbor and helps her ________ the problem.
66. 假如你是Chris,一位来自英国的交换生,目前正在HFLS进行为期1个月的学习和生活。请阅读下面这封来自你妈妈的电子邮件,并予以回复。
Dear Chris, How is everything going I’m really interested in your life in China. I know Chinese people usually eat rice for meals. Do you like it What do you usually have for lunch What’s your favorite food there What’s your favorite subject at school Do you have any activities at the weekend By the way, you said you make a new friend there. What’s your friend like Looking forward to your reply. Yours, Mum
1. 针对邮件中的问题可适当发挥;
2. 邮件中不得出现真实的人名;
3. 词数不少于60;开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
Dear Mum,
I’m very happy to be in China as an exchange student.




下一篇:Unit3 Welcome to Sunshine Town 语法Grammar+名词所有格和物主代词(含解析)