Unit 3 Where did you go?单元测试(无答案)

2024年六年级英语下册检测卷 Unit 3 Where did you go
中文 英文 中文 英文 中文 英文
去 照相 海滩
野营 买 篮
去野营 礼物 角色
钓鱼 摔倒 舔
骑 落下 笑
受伤 骡子
吃 能
拍照 直到
二、 英汉互译。
骑马__________________ 骑自行车_______________
去野营________________ 伤着我的脚_____________
去钓鱼________________ 吃新鲜的食物___________
去游泳_________________ 拍照___________________
买礼物_________________ 看电视_________________
1.right, are, all, are(.)
2. saw, lots, we, there, grapes, of(.)
3. where, last, go, Saturday, you, did( )
4. go did you there how ( ) ________________________________________________
5. Turpan, did, go, you, to( )
6.was,summer,holiday,how,your (?)
7.off,my,fell,I,bike,Saturday,last (.)
8.did,do,you,what,there (?)
9.father,my,bought,for,me,gifts (.)
10.go,where,last,holiday,did,Amy,winter (?)
1.She ________(take) a dancing class yesterday.
2.John didn't ________(drink) tea with his grandpa last night.
3.My brother often ________(make) snowmen in winter.
4.Sarah ________(buy) a film magazine last Saturday.
5.I ________(hurt) my foot yesterday.
( )1. A. bike B. plane C. bus
( )2. A. camping B. fishing C. swimming
( )3. A. interesting B. good C. beautiful
( )4. A. horses B. grapes C. apples
( )5. A. forest park B. museum C. zoo
(  )1.A. We fell off the bike.    B.We rode a bike. C.We rode a horse.
(  )2.A. I went swimming last week. B.I went camping last weekend.
C.I went to a forest park last week.
(  )3.A. We went to Hainan. B.We saw lots of grapes.
C.We went there by plane.
(  )4.A. How was your holiday B.How was the beach
C.How was your weekend
(  )5.A. Where did Sarah go last winter holiday
B.What did Sarah do last winter holiday
C.How did Sarah go to the park
(  )1.Come and look at my photos from the ________ holiday.
A. summer      B. winter      C. Labour Day
(  )2.Robin played the part of a ________.
A. dog B. cat C. pig
(  )3.Did you go to ________?
A. Sanya B. Turpan C. Tianjin
(  )4.In the ________,Mum ate some ________ fruit.
A.morning;fresh B.afternoon;bad C.morning;bad
(  )5.I took lots of pictures,and I also ________.
A.went fishing B.went camping C.went swimming
( ) ——What did you do over your holiday —— .
A. I went there by train B. I went camping C. It was good
( )2. _________ you______________ to the park last Sunday
A. Do; go B. Did; went C. Did; go
( )3. My mother _______________ a skirt for me yesterday.
A. bought B. buys C. buy
( )4. I often _______ shopping on the weekend, but I _______ go last weekend.
A. go; don’t B. went; didn’t C. go; didn’t
( )5. I ____________ good food in Dalian last holiday.
A. eat B. eats C. ate
( )6. Listen! The birds _______________ .
A. singing B. is singing C. are singing
( )7. My father is a businessman. He____________ to Australia next week.
A. is going to B. goes C. go
( )8. Last week, I ___________a cold.
A. has B. have C. had
(  ) 9.Where did you ________ last night
A. go        B. do        C. went
(  )10.—________ did you go to school. —By bike.
A. What B. How C. Where
(  )11.We ________ a lot of fun yesterday.
A. have B. Had C. having
(  )12.—Did you take pictures —No,________.
A. I don't B. I'm not C. I didn't
B.I went to Sichuan over the holiday.
B:I went there by train.
A:Did you see pandas
B:3.________And I saw elephants,too.
B:Yes,they are big. They are much bigger than the pandas.
B:Yes,I took many pictures.
A.Yes,I did.
B.Are they big
C.Where did you go over the holiday
D.Did you take pictures
E.How did you go there
Chen Jie lives in Beijing. Her uncle lives in Hangzhou. Chen Jie and her parents went to visit her uncle last summer holiday. They went there by train. It was a long trip. Chen Jie slept on the train. Her uncle met them at the train station. She visited the West Lake with her cousin. It was beautiful. She took lots of pictures and ate good food.
( )44. Chen Jie went to Hangzhou last winter holiday.
( )45. Chen Jie and her parents went by train.
( )46. Chen Jie didn’t sleep on the train.
( )47. Chen Jie went to the forest park in Hangzhou.
( )48. Chen Jie went to visit her grandparents.
1.My sister ________ ________ of me last week.      
2.I ________ ________ ________ at my uncle's farm last Sunday.
3.Li Ming fell off his bike and ________his ________.
4.We ________ ________ yesterday afternoon.
5.We ________ ________ last weekend. It was interesting.
Ann went to Qingdao with her friends on her holiday. They went there by train. They went to the beautiful beach. The weather was sunny and hot. So they had great fun playing in the water. They ate lots of fresh fish for lunch. In the afternoon, they rode bikes. Jack fell off his bike and hurt his leg. So Jack stayed at the hotel and watched TV. On the second day, Ann took many pictures of the sea. And she bought some gifts for her parents. Anyway, they had a good time.
(  )1.Ann went to Qingdao by train.
(  )2.The weather was cool and windy.
(  )3.They didn't eat fresh fish.
(  )4.Jack stayed at the hotel because he hurt his foot.
(  )5.Ann bought some gifts for her parents.
亲爱的同学们,还记得去年暑假你们都去了哪了,做了哪些有趣的事情吗?请以“Last Summer Holiday”为题写一篇短文。
2. 不少于6句话。
1. Health is happiness.健康就是幸福。
2. No man can do two things at once.一心不可二用。
3. Once bitten, twice shy.一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。
4. Nothing is impossible.一切皆有可能。
5. One man’s fault is other man’s lesson.前车之鉴。
6.One good turn deserves another.礼尚往来/善有善报。



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