2024年中考英语仁爱版一轮复习强化训练 课时8 七年级下册Unit 8(含解析)

课时八 七年级Unit 8
(2023·河南南阳二模)A person comes towards you and says “hi”, but you have no idea who he or she is. 1.   
A new study showed that face blindness (脸盲症) might be more common than we thought. One in thirty-three people (3.03 percent) may have it. Some have serious problems. They cannot even recognize (认识) friends or family members. But some just have smaller problems. 2.    People could be born with face blindness, or develop it if they hurt their brain.
3.    But according to Joseph DeGutis, the writer of the study, people with it may have a bad social life. “Recognizing someone is a social signal. It means you are important to me,” DeGutis told Harvard Medicine News. 4.    Worrying about recognizing faces may also make people stay away from social life.
5.    The studies on face blindness only began in the 1990s. Today, more scientists and organizations are working to tell more people about face blindness and its influence on our social life.
A.They spend a long time remembering faces.
B.In the past, people paid little attention to this.
C.Face blindness sounds like just a small problem.
D.If you often experience this, you may have face blindness.
E.Not recognizing others may lead to misunderstanding, and then have fewer friends.
(原创)The zero-sum game (零和博弈) happens when we divide the world into “us” and “them”.
When I was in kindergarten, my teacher usually let  1  play a game called “Musical Chairs”. A group of kids run around a row of  2  when music plays and try to sit down on one of them when the music stops. Sounds  3 , right Well, the fact is, the number of chairs is  4  one less than the number of children. So naturally, at the end of each round after the music stops, there is going to be one player that  5 , until the last and only player wins. And so, the zero-sum game  6 . There are not enough resources (资源) for all players. If you're in, I will be out. That's just how simple but cruel this  7  is. “The world is a zero-sum game”—that's the  8  which the game sends us.
“Why is a win-win situation so  9  to achieve ” you may ask. The answer lies in our language:  10  we hope to separate “us” from “them”. “Us” is people like you and me, who  11  our language, belief and traditions. And anyone who is not one of “us” usually falls into the group of “them”.
Throughout history, we have seen how “we” and “they” always get into  12  over even the smallest differences that separated “us” from “them”.
We are so used to dividing people  13  “us” and “them”, to the point that we don't see how it divides “us” as a whole.
But in my opinion, maybe going from a zero-sum game to a win-win situation simply needs a  14  in our mindset (思维模式). I mean why not Why not think of “them” as part of “us” Why not think of “their” future as “our” future So by doing this, we  15  dissolve (消除) the zero-sum game and create a shared future.
( )1.A.him B.them C.you D.us
( )2.A.desks B.chairs C.sofas D.beds
( )3.A.sad B.tired C.easy D.hard
( )4.A.seldom B.sometimes C.always D.never
( )5.A.loses B.wins C.misses D.sits
( )6.A.blows out B.takes place C.gives out D.grows up
( )7.A.game B.show C.project D.plan
( )8.A.trouble B.hope C.accident D.message
( )9.A.necessary B.difficult C.famous D.creative
( )10.A.while B.unless C.because D.though
( )11.A.share B.expect C.touch D.dislike
( )12.A.needs B.hopes C.trips D.fights
( )13.A.with B.onto C.from D.into
( )14.A.change B.story C.thought D.wonder
( )15.A.need B.dare C.can D.must
第一节 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。
temperature quiet quick they and
become take good glass once
(原创)What should we do when we are sick and have a fever The doctors summarized (总结) the following points for us.
Drink more water. The patients who have got a fever will lose much water in their bodies very 1.   . They should drink a lot of water to keep enough water in the body. Generally speaking, drinking eight 2.    of water a day is enough.
Don't wear too many clothes or stay in too hot places, which will disturb (扰乱) the normal temperature of the body 3.    make the fever more serious. The places in which patients who have a fever live should be clean and 4.   . It is right to keep the indoor 5.    between 18℃ and 20℃. Ventilate (通风) at least 6.    a day. Patients should have enough sleep time to get 7.    physical strength back.
Don't 8.    medicine blindly. Patients should go to the doctor in time if the condition 9.    more serious.
Physical exercise is one of the 10.    ways to keep healthy. So we should make a plan to exercise every day and stick to it.
第二节 阅读短文,根据语篇要求填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词。
We often read books in a library or a bookstore. Have you ever heard of a bookstore in the air
1.    is a bookstore in the Tianjin Radio and Television Tower. It is 257 meters high above the ground and covers 2.    area of about 600 square meters. There are about ten thousand different kinds 3.    books and magazines in it, including books about history, culture, art and so on. People can not only enjoy reading there, but can also overlook the whole view of Tianjin when they are tired. Every day hundreds of people go there 4.    read books and enjoy the scenery of Tianjin. 5.    a wonderful reading place!
1~5 DBCCA 6~10 BADBC
11~15 ADDAC
【文章大意】 本文是一篇说明文,介绍了“零和博弈”又称“零和游戏”的规则及弊端,以及破解“零和博弈”的方法。
1.D 考查代词词义辨析。根据句中的 “I” “my teacher” 等信息可知,老师是让“我”和同学们一起玩音乐椅子的游戏。
2.B 考查名词词义辨析。根据下文“sit down on one of them” “the number of chairs”等信息可知,孩子们是围着一排椅子绕圈。
3.C 考查形容词词义辨析。根据上文描述的游戏规则可知,那会让人觉得游戏很简单,再结合下文可知,这里是在用问句引起读者往下读的兴趣。
4.C 考查频率副词的用法。音乐椅子游戏就是我们常说的抢凳子游戏,每一轮都会有一个游戏参与者因坐不到凳子而被淘汰。
5.A 考查动词词义辨析。下文提到游戏直到最后一人胜出才会结束,因此游戏结束前每一轮都会有一个人被淘汰。
6.B 考查动词短语辨析。上文对音乐椅子的游戏规则进行了介绍,而这个游戏就类似于“零和游戏”。take place意为“发生”,符合文意。
7.A 考查名词词义辨析。句中的“simple”和“cruel”是对上文提到的“game”进行描述。
8.D 考查名词词义辨析。“The world is...”正是“零和游戏”所传达的信息(message)。
9.B 考查形容词词义辨析。上文提到在“零和游戏”中,参与游戏的人必分输赢,由此判断该游戏很难实现双赢。
10.C 考查连词辨析。上文用“Why”提出疑问,此处用“because”引导原因状语从句。
11.A 考查动词词义辨析。“我们”之所以把他人归为同类,是因为“我们”拥有相同的语言、信仰和传统。
12.D 考查名词词义辨析。上文提到,“我们”合则共享,而在历史进程中,“we”和“they”因为分属不同阵营,就会因琐事而陷入争斗中。
13.D 考查动词短语的搭配。divide与into连用,表示“将……分为……”。
14.A 考查名词词义辨析。根据下文“Why not think of ‘them’ as part of ‘us’ ”可知,要使“零和游戏”实现双赢局面,只需改变我们的思维方式。
15.C 考查情态动词用法。句意:因此通过这样做,我们可以消除“零和游戏”,创造一个共享的未来。can表示“能够”,符合文意。
1.quickly 2.glasses 3.and 4.quiet 5.temperature 6.once 7.their 8.take 9.becomes 10.best
1.There 2.an 3.of 4.to 5.What



上一篇:【通用版】2024年中考数学一轮复习重点考向专项梳理: 专题18 特殊四边形及圆的相关证明与计算 (原卷+解析卷)

下一篇:【通用版】2024年中考数学一轮复习重点考向专项梳理: 专题11 反比例函数 (原卷+解析卷)