Unit 1 Friends练习江苏省2023-2024牛津译林版八年级英语上册(无答案)

8A U1练习
一 单项选择题
1.She played the piano than we had thought.
A.successful B.successfully C.more successful D.more successfully
2 .The text is easier and interesting than that one.
more;much B.much;much C.more;more D.much;more
3 When he walked my desk,he knocked my books the floor.
passed;onto B.past onto C.passed into D.past;into
4 Finally,he won the Award for the Best Singer because of his nice
sound B.noise C.voice D.shout
5.Mary writes than boy in her class
A.more careful;the other B.more carefully,any other
C.more carefully,the other D.more carefully,any
8.( )Ken was late for school.The bell rang right after he entered the classroom.
A.still B always C Already D.almost
10. children there are in a family, their life will be.
A.The less;the better B.The fewer;the better
C.Fewer;richer D.More;poorer
11.—I can't decide which coat I should buy.--I think you should buy the white one.It's really fit you,
A.with B.on C.for D.to
12 .--Which do you think is ,travelling by air,by train,or by bus
--Well,if I could choose,I would travel by air.I think it is very safe.
safe B safer C.the most safe D.the safest
13.The weather in Guangzhou is warmer than of Beijing.
A.it B that C this D one
14 is the height of the tallest classmate in your class
What B.How C.How tall D.How short
15.1 spend less time housework than my sister .
A.to do,does B.doing,doing C.to do,doing D.doing,does
16.It made me quite when I thought of my dear sick dog.( )
A.worry B.worry about C.worried D.worrying
17.As the second Island in China,Hainan Island covers a smaller area than of Taiwan Island.( )
A.large,it B.larger; that C.largest: it D.largest; that
18.—Hello!How are you today
-Hi.I'm feeling very I just had a test and I'm not sure how well or how badly I did.
bored B surprised C.excited D.nervous
19 .It's true that Wendy has more books than But my books are more interesting than
A.I,hers B.I,she C.mine,hers D.me,her
20.---How are you feeling now,Jim
---I'm feeling after a good sleep.Thanks.
more better B.more well C.much better D.much well
二 用所给词适当形式填空
1.Never______(say) any bad things about others, will you
2.I believe you_____(find) your lost dog one day
3. It's important to practise_______ (speak) English every day.
4.We _______(be) very happy if you can join us.
5.The English teacher_____(test) the whole class on Unit 1 now.
6.Thanks for_____(share) your umbrella with me.
7.Who is the best at_____(play) basketball in your class
8.I don't know when_____(start) tomorrow morning, either.I'll check it for you.
9.The singer's _____(smile)eyes look pretty.
10.Who is the _____(fat),David,Daniel or Tom
11.Can you make her smile again I like her _______(微笑的)eyes.a _______(英俊的)young man in a few years.
12 Chinese people are _______ (勤奋的)
13 .There's a lot of _______(竟争)in both school and society.
Jerry is the _______(害羞)of the two.
Ann _______(选择) some good apples and put them in her basket.
There is a _______(直的)road between the two villages.
54 The plane flew at a _______ ( 高 度 ) of three thousand metres.
I don't know which skirt to _______(选择)can you give some advice(意见)
We are talking about our future_______( 计划)in the class meeting.
20 Lucy is a tall and slim girl with a _______( 马 尾辨).
三 翻译句子
1 你要做一个诚实的人,这样才能交到朋友
2 那个带着小圆眼睛的女孩是我们班级的
3 Lisa 总是很耐心解决我的问题
4 他总是把我的东西撞翻在地
5 我喜欢她明亮的带着微笑的眼睛



上一篇:沪粤版物理八年级上册《5.2 探究物质的密度》同步练习(含解析)
