Unit2 Body Language单元测试(含解析)

Unit 2 Body Language单元测试(深圳卷)
英 语
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第一部分 选择题(50分)
阅读下面短文, 从短文后所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将相应字母编号涂黑。(共 10 小题, 每小题1分)
In February, 2021, a young man in Italy posted a video on Tik Tok about his new neighbor and their unbelievable piano talent! They 1 their friendship by two pianos separated by one wall.
One day in January, the young man 2 an idea when he heard the music from his neighbor. He wrote a note to his neighbor and 3 him to play a song together: the classic “My Heart Will Go On” by Celine Dion.
The next day, hearing the music from the neighbor, the young man was both 4 and moved. Their communication soon 5 piano duets (二重奏) through the wall, where each of them would create great music together.
Later, the young man 6 that his neighbor’s name was Emil and he was 78 years old. His wife had passed away in December from COVID-19. Emil felt so sad and the only 7 thing left to him was playing the piano. He played it for his wife at 2 pm every weekend.
8 , Emil passed away in his sleep a few weeks later. When the young man learned the news, he felt so sad. To express his feeling, the young man wrote a letter to Emil, “Dear Emil, I knew very little about you, 9 you changed my life. You gave me back my passion (激情), and we shared that with the world. You’ll be in my 10 , I’ll keep playing, thinking of how powerful music can be. You said I was your light, but you’ve been mine, too. Bye, Emil.”
1.A.heard B. changed C. built D. cut
2.A.came up with B.looked forward to C.stayed away from D.got out of
3.A.allowed B.invited C.took D.taught
4.A.bored B.tired C.excited D.worried
5.A.turned into B.looked into C.broke into D.ran into
6.A.learned B.said C.hoped D.doubted
7.A.famous B.correct C.strange D.happy
8.A.Unluckily B.Hopefully C.Perfectly D.Probably
9.A.but B.and C.so D.or
10.A.way B.house C.heart D.bag
第一节 阅读下列短文, 从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选山最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将相应字母编号涂黑。(共 15 小题, 每小题2分)
A boy named Yes lived in a small kingdom. He had a brother named No. No was different from Yes, and he wasn’t good at anything.
One day, Yes and No’s father, Okay, asked his two sons to take it in turns to look after his animals. Yes did his job very well, but No felt bored with it. He just lay down and forgot about the animals. When the animals ran on the road, the King’s carriage was passing by. He fell off the carriage and hurt himself.
The King was very angry. He ordered Yes and No to work for him as punishment. Soon he found that Yes was helpful. However, every time he asked No to do something, he always messed it up.
One day, the King decided to have a big party. The first cook said, “I bring my apple pie for the party.” The King thought that apple pie would be delicious, so he asked Yes to get it. The next cook said, “I offer the King chicken soup.” The King didn’t like it. “No!” he shouted. Then No dropped the soup before the King could even smell it.
Soon this started catching on around the kingdom. If people liked something, they would say “Yes”. If they didn’t want anything, they would say “No”. Ever since, Yes has meant yes, and No has meant no in the kingdom.
11.What do we know about Yes, No and Okay
A.Yes could do things very well. B.No wanted to be the same as Yes.
C.No wasn’t smart, but he was kind. D.Okay was the King of the kingdom.
12.What happened to the King
A.He had difficulty looking after the animals. B.He had no cooks to work for him.
C.He hurt himself in the palace. D.He had an accident.
13.What is Paragraph 4 mainly about
A.What food the King chose for the party. B.How Yes and No got ready for the party.
C.How the King asked Yes and No to work for him. D.Why the King asked Yes and No to work for him.
14.What does the underlined phrase “catching on” in the last paragraph probably mean
A.Keeping quiet. B.Getting popular. C.Sounding interesting. D.Becoming successful.
15.What can we learn from the passage
A.Yes and No messed up the party. B.Yes and No made the King happy.
C.The King enjoyed holding parties most. D.The King preferred apple pie to chicken soup.
Actions speak louder than words in successful salons (沙龙). When we communicate with salon clients (客户), we use words, the tone of voice and body language. As you’d guess, the three are not of equal importance. Research shows some surprising facts — body language is the most important of all.
Here are some ways for hair and beauty salons to give right body gestures.
Keeping good contact shows respect and interest in what hair and beauty clients have to say. Have eye contact for 60% ~ 70% of the time during the first salon communication. Any less and you will show that you are having no interest in them and their problems.
Show you’re friendly, listening and interested by moving your head just a little to one side or the other.
Use an open hand gesture with the palms (掌心) facing up. Do not point with one finger as this appears not polite. I think it’s better for you to have your palms slightly and outward, because it is seen as open and friendly.
Respect clients’ personal space. This is very important in the hair and beauty business. Don’t get too close.
Hold your head up. Making your head go down can give the impression that you don’t feel like helping anyone or you are not happy.
Crossing your arms or legs appears defensive (怀有戒备心的) and “closing down”, so you should try not to do that.
And finally, your mouth can give away your true feelings. A true smile is always the best.
16.How many methods of giving right body language for hair and beauty salons are mentioned in the passage
A.Five. B.Six. C.Seven. D.Eight.
17.Which of the following can show that “Actions speak louder than words”
A.Most of the body language is better than words.
B.Words are necessary but unimportant in daily communication.
C.The tone of voice means nothing during the communication.
D.Words account for less than body language in communication.
18.Which of the following should NOT be used in hair and beauty salons
A.Moving your head slightly while listening. B.Lowering your head.
C.Keeping good eye contact. D.A beautiful smile.
19.What’s the writer’s opinion on “having your palms slightly up and outward” while talking to a client
A.Worried. B.Having no interest. C.Being against. D.Supportive.
20.Which of the following is Not mentioned in the passage
A.Not getting too close to a client. B.Smiling warmly at a client.
C.Not crossing your arms. D.Keeping nodding at a client.
In a class, I wrote some notes on the blackboard. One girl quickly took a picture of the blackboard using her smart phone. When I looked at her notes, she said, “Sorry. Was it wrong to take a picture ”
“I can’t read my own handwriting,” she explained. “It’s best if I take a picture of your writing so I can get a better understanding of the notes.”
Those words parted a hot discussion about taking a picture instead of taking notes. Some students took pictures of notes because they knew their phone was a safe place to keep things. They might lose paper, but they wouldn’t lose their phones. Some students took photos because they wanted to record (记录) exactly what had been written on the blackboard. Others said that they preferred to listen to the teacher attentively.
★ However, it does raise some questions about the method. Is a picture a good replacement (替换物) for the process of note-taking
Teachers encourage students to take notes because the act of doing so is more than just recording necessary information. It helps prepare the way for understanding. Encouraging students to take notes seems to be an old-fashioned (过时的) teaching method. However, a method with along history doesn’t mean it’s out-of-date. Writing things down makes a student’s brain take an active part in class.
Taking a picture does record the information. However, it cuts off some of the necessary mental involvement (精神参与). So who can decide which is more useful
21.Why did the girl take a picture with a smart phone according to her words
A.Because she was not hard-working.
B.Because it was the easiest learning method.
C.Because it saved some time to take notes.
D.Because it helped her understand the notes better.
22.What does the third paragraph mainly want to tell us
A.Good things about taking pictures of the notes in class.
B.Different methods to record information in class.
C.The main reasons for writing down notes in class.
D.Ways to make students listen to the teacher carefully in class.
23.What could be put in the blank “★” in the fourth paragraph
A.Writing things down might seem so difficult.
B.It may be good to use cameras to take notes.
C.Taking pictures isn’t as great as students usually think.
D.In fact, taking notes in class isn’t useful nowadays.
24.What is the writer’s opinion about taking notes and taking pictures
A.Taking notes in class is an out-of-date learning method.
B.Taking notes makes students hate class learning.
C.Taking notes helps students learn better than taking pictures.
D.Taking pictures is as useful for learning as taking notes in class.
25.What’s the best title for the passage
A.How should teachers teach students
B.Taking pictures is better.
C.Why not take notes in class
D.Taking pictures or taking notes
第二节(每小题1分,共 5分 )
Thousands of years ago, life was very difficult. 26 People had to hunt them for food, but that was dangerous, and not a lot of fun. To make people fall in love with hunting, the brain invented a trick: the feeling of happiness. 27 The chemicals would make them happy.
Today, we no longer hunt wild animals, but our brain still produces the same chemicals, when we eat our favourite food, when we meet our friends, when we listen to our favourite mu ic, or when we do a good job at school, for example.
The bad news: 28
Let’s look back thousands of years again. Imagine people sitting around a fire, eating a nice piece of tiger meat happily. Suddenly they heard something terrible from behind a bush. Their brain produced another chemical and their feeling of happiness was gone. A feeling of fear appeared.
The good news: 29
You can train your brain to be happy by thinking of wonderful things more often. Another good idea is to keep a happiness journal(日志). 30 And before you fall asleep, think about what was good for you during the day.
A.We can’t be happy all the time!
B.We can train our brain to be happy!
C.There used to be lots of wild animals.
D.Write down three happy things in it every day.
E.We can trick our brain into happiness by smiling.
F.When people hunted an animal, their brain produced two chemicals.
第三节 (每小题1分,共 5分 )
右面的材料A-F分别介绍了六家能提供休闲活动的公司。请根据 Susan,Kemal,Frank,Charlotte,Tom 五个人的情况,帮助他们选择合适的公司活动,并将其标号填入题前括号内。
31 Susan hates walking and would like to try something that brings her into contact(接触)with animals. 32 Kemal is looking forward to doing something challenging(有挑战性的). He also wants a bird’s-eye view of the whole area he will visit. 33 Frank wants to go for a walk with his family. He’d also like to have lunch out with them. 34 Charlotte plans to go surfing with her friends. Some of them are experienced surfers while the others are not good at it at all and want to learn some skills. 35 Tom wants to enjoy the natural beauty with other people by cycling in a forest. A.Swallow Aviation Get a bird’s-eye view of the countryside and see from the air by taking a special plane. It’s an adventure that’s for the brave. B. Country Lanes Based in a lovely forest, it provides a relaxing experience for both newcomers and experienced cyclists to look for fun. C. Llama Treks Let this company’s friendly South American animals walk with you through the hills. The llamas(美洲蛇)carry your bags while you enjoy the sightseeing. The most popular trip is a four-hour walk with a stop at a country restaurant. D.Windtek The water here is warm. Experienced surfers will have an exciting day in the open air. Beginners can find private coaches or practise on their own. There must be lots of fun. E. Island Link It will take you to a beautiful, walker-friendly island. Some of its paths are in the coastline, while others pass through woods. You probably won’t see another walker all day. F. Park Stables Park Stables offers rides on horses. Beginners are welcome and riding hats and boots are provided free.
第二部分 非选择题(25分)
三、语法填空(每小题1分,共 10分 )
Studying in another country, can be a difficult experience, so you had better remember the following things. You can’t completely enter another country if you don’t leave 36 (you) home behind.
When you are abroad, do not always speak on your mobile phone to people at home or spend much time 37 the Internet. If you have made a decision to study in a foreign country, you just need to speak 38 (confident). It is natural for anyone 39 (make) mistakes when learning a new language. Be 10 times 40 (polite) than usual. People are more likely to be helpful and 41 (patience) if you are nice and polite. If you are staying with a family, make sure to clean the room 42 make your bed, and always be polite when talking to them. Try get into the local society. School is important, and the cultural experience is also important. We all like to get good 43 (grade) and do well in school, but we can’t fully understand the culture only in the classroom. Do not waste your time. Everyone may have bad days 44 they miss home. These days will pass. Go and learn about 45 world and, most importantly, have fun.
46.你们学校将要举办一场关于“How to improve body language”的演讲比赛。请你就此写一篇演讲稿,内容包含:
1.提高肢体语言的建议(至少3点):①交谈时要有眼神交流 ②倾听时偶尔点头 ③……;
How to improve body language
Body language plays an important role in our daily lives. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
1.C 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.A 7.D 8.A 9.A 10.C
heard听说;changed改变;built构建;cut切。根据“their friendship by two pianos separated by one wall.”和下文可知,他们建立了友谊。故选C。
came up with提出,想出;looked forward to期待;stayed away from远离;got out of走出。根据“ an idea”可知,是想出或提出了一个想法。故选A。
allowed允许;invited邀请;took拿;taught教。根据“play a song together”和下文可知,邀请他邻居一起弹奏钢琴曲。故选B。
bored无聊的;tired累的;excited兴奋的;worried担心的。根据“and moved”可知,此时他是感动,可推测出也是兴奋的。故选C。
turned into变成;looked into调查;broke into闯入;ran into遇到。根据“through the wall”可知,是音乐穿过了墙壁,通过音乐交流,所以是交流变成了钢琴二重奏。故选A。
learned了解,得知;said说;hoped希望;doubted怀疑。根据“his neighbor’s name was Emil and he was 78 years old.”可知,这个年轻人是了解到这位邻居名字和年龄。故选A。
famous著名的;correct正确的;strange陌生的;happy开心的。根据“His wife had passed away in December from COVID-19.”和“Emil felt so sad”可知,他妻子去世他很伤心,可推测出弹钢琴是让他快乐的。故选D。
Unluckily不幸的是;Hopefully有希望地;Perfectly完美地;Probably或许,大概。根据“Emil passed away in his sleep a few weeks later.”可知,此处应是不幸的事。故选A。
but但是;and和;so所以;or或者。根据“I knew very little about you”和“you changed my life.”可知,存在转折关系。故选A。
way方法;house房子;heart心;bag包。根据“Emil passed away in his sleep a few weeks later.”可知,他邻居去世了,此处应是表达缅怀。故选C。
11.A 12.D 13.C 14.B 15.D
11.细节理解题。根据“Yes did his job very well, but No felt bored with it.”Yes很好地做工作,No觉得无聊。可知Yes能很好地做事情。故选A。
12.细节理解题。根据“When the animals ran on the road, the King’s carriage was passing by. He fell off the carriage and hurt himself.”当动物们在路上奔跑时,国王的马车正好经过。他从马车上摔了下来,伤了自己。可知国王遇到了意外。故选D。
13.段落大意题。根据“One day, the King decided to have a big party…Then No dropped the soup before the King could even smell it.”可知说的是国王遇到喜欢的菜让Yes来拿,不喜欢的就让No来拿,结果Yes接过了菜,No在国王闻到味道之前就打翻了国王不喜欢的菜,可知第四段讲的是国王如何让Yes和No为他工作。故选C。
14.词义猜测题。根据“Soon this started catching on around the kingdom. If people liked something, they would say ‘Yes’. If they didn’t want anything, they would say ‘No’.”如果人们喜欢某样东西,他们会说“是”。如果他们什么都不想要,他们会说“不”。很快这种情况就在国内流行起来,可推测catching on表示的是“流行”的意思,故选B。
15.细节理解题。根据“The first cook said, ‘I bring my apple pie for the party.’ The King thought that apple pie would be delicious, so he asked Yes to get it. The next cook said, ‘I offer the King chicken soup.’ The King didn’t like it.”第一个厨师说:“我带了我的苹果派去参加聚会。”国王认为苹果派会很美味,所以他答应了。下一个厨师说,“我给国王鸡汤。”国王不喜欢。可知国王更喜欢苹果派,故选D。
16.C 17.A 18.B 19.D 20.D
16.细节理解题。根据“Here are some ways for hair and beauty salons to give right body gestures.”可知,这是一些对于美容美发沙龙给予合适的肢体语言的方法,以下每一段是一种方法,一共7段。故选C。
17.细节理解题。根据“body language is the most important of all.”可知,肢体语言是最重要的。故选A。
18.细节理解题。根据“Hold your head up. Making your head go down can give the impression that you don’t feel like helping anyone or you are not happy.”可知,低头表示不想帮助任何人或是不高兴,所以不应该用在美容美发沙龙,故选B。
19.细节理解题。根据“I think it’s better for you to have your palms slightly and outward, because it is seen as open and friendly.”可知,手掌向外会被看作是开放的,友好的。所以作者支持与客户交谈时“手掌稍微向上和向外”。故选D。
20.细节理解题。根据“Don’t get too close”可知,不要离客户太近,选项A提到过;根据“A true smile is always the best.”可知,真正的微笑总是最好的,选项B提到过;根据“Crossing your arms or legs appears defensive (怀有戒备心的) and “closing down”, so you should try not to do that.”可知,不要交叉胳膊,这样是怀有戒心的表现,选项C提到过。选项D“对客户点头”文中没有提到过,故选D。
21.D 22.A 23.B 24.C 25.D
21.细节理解题。根据“ ‘I can’t read my own handwriting,’ she explained. ‘It’s best if I take a picture of your writing so I can get a better understanding of the notes.’ ”可知这个女孩用手机拍下老师的板书是为了更好地理解笔记。故选D。
22.细节理解题。根据“Some students took pictures of notes because they knew their phone was a safe place to keep things.”“Some students took photos because they wanted to record exactly what had been written on the blackboard.”可知这段主要解释拍笔记的好处。故选A。
23.细节理解题。根据下句“However, it does raise some questions about the method. Is a picture a good replacement for the process of note-taking ”可知作者提出质疑,一张照片真地能成为记笔记这个步骤的替代品吗?However“然而”此处应填和下句有转折关系的句子,选项B“使用照相机拍照可能是好的”符合语境。故选B。
24.细节理解题。根据“the act of doing so is more than just recording necessary information. It helps prepare the way for understanding.”“Writing things down makes a student’s brain take an active part in class”可知作者认为记笔记比拍照笔记更有助于学习。故选C。
26.C 27.F 28.A 29.B 30.D
26.由空格后一句“People had to hunt them for food, but that was dangerous, and not a lot of fun.”可知,空格处应对“them”即“打猎对象野生动物”进行介绍或提及。选项C“过去有很多野生动物。”符合情景。故选C。
27.由空格后一句“The chemicals would make them happy.”可知,此句中chemicals是第二次提及,应在空格处的句子进行介绍。选项F“当人们捕猎动物时,他们的大脑会产生两种化学物质。”符合情景。故选F。
28.由下文“Their brain produced another chemical and their feeling of happiness was gone.”可知,快乐这种感觉有时候也会消失。选项A“我们不可能一直快乐!”符合语境。故选A。
29.由下文“You can train your brain to be happy by ...”可知,可以通过训练大脑使之保持开心状态。选项B“我们可以训练我们的大脑让它快乐!”符合情景。故选B。
30.空格处所在段落主要提出如何通过训练让大脑保持快乐。由“Another good idea is to keep a happiness journal.”可知,空格处应填具体如何做。选项D“每天写下三件快乐的事。”符合情景。故选D。
31.F 32.A 33.C 34.D 35.B
31.根据“Susan hates walking and would like to try something that brings her into contact with animals.”可知,苏珊讨厌走路,喜欢尝试与动物接触的东西。 选项F“Park Stables—公园马厩提供骑马服务。 欢迎初学者,免费提供骑马帽和马靴。”与之相符,故选F。
32.根据“Kemal is looking forward to doing something challenging. He also wants a bird’s-eye view of the whole area he will visit.”可知,凯默尔期待着做一些有挑战性的事情,他还想鸟瞰他将要参观的整个地区。 选项A“Swallow Aviation—乘专机从空中鸟瞰乡村风光。 这是一场勇敢的冒险。”与之相符,故选A。
33.根据“Frank wants to go for a walk with his family. He’d also like to have lunch out with them.”可知,弗兰克想和他的家人去散步,他还想和他们一起出去吃午饭。选项C“Llama Treks—让这家公司友好的南美动物和你一起穿过山丘。当你观光时,美洲驼帮你拎包。最受欢迎的旅行是步行四小时,中途在乡村餐馆歇脚。”与之相符,故选C。
34.根据“Charlotte plans to go surfing with her friends. Some of them are experienced surfers while the others are not good at it at all and want to learn some skills.”可知,夏洛特计划和她的朋友去冲浪,他们中的一些人是经验丰富的冲浪者,而其他人根本不擅长冲浪,想要学习一些技能。 选项D“Windtek—这里的水是温暖的。经验丰富的冲浪者将在户外度过激动人心的一天。初学者可以找私人教练或自己练习。一定有很多乐趣。”与之相符,故选D。
35.根据“Tom wants to enjoy the natural beauty with other people by cycling in a forest.”可知,汤姆想和大家一起在森林里骑自行车,欣赏大自然的美景。选项B“Country Lanes—位于可爱的森林中,它为新手和有经验的自行车手提供了轻松的体验。”与之相符,故选B。
36.your 37.on 38.confidently 39.to make 40.more polite 41.patient 42.and 43.grades 44.when 45.the
37.句意:当你在国外时,不要总是用手机和家里的人说话,也不要花很多时间上网。On the Internet“网络上”,固定搭配。故填on。
39.句意:当学习一门新语言时,对任何人来说犯错误是很自然的。分析句子结构可知,句中的It是形式主语,真正的主语应是动词不定式。故填to make。
40.句意:比平时礼貌10倍。根据空后than的提示可知,空处形容词应用比较级形式;polite“礼貌的”,其比较级形式为more polite。故填more polite
42.句意:如果你和家人住在一起,一定要打扫房间、整理床铺,与他们谈话时要有礼貌。空前“clean the room”和空后“make your bed”是并列关系,故应用and“和”来连接。故填and。
44.句意:每个人都会在想家的时候过得很糟糕。根据前句“Everyone may have bad days”可知,应是当他们想家的时候,故空处应是when“当……时候”,引导时间状语从句。故填when。
How to improve body language
Body language plays an important role in our daily lives.
First, try to make eye contact with the listeners when we talk. Second, when others are speaking, we should nod occasionally to show that we are listening to them. Third, keep smiling while you are listening. All around the world, people use body language to express their feelings and exchange messages.
Without body language, it won’t be so convenient for all of us to communicate with each other. Body language makes a great contribution to our communications. And we can understand and know better through body language.
【详解】1.题干解读:本文是一篇演讲稿。要求根据提示问题,以“How to improve body language”为主题进行写作,注意要点齐全,可适当发挥。



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