Module 2 Experiences 短文首字母填空练习2023-2024外研版初中英语八年级下册(无答案)

八年级下册Module 2 短文首字母填空练习

The next morning Bobbie gets up very early. Phyllis is still sleeping. Bobbie pulls her hair (not very h1. ) to wake her up.
“What’s the matter ” asks Phyllis in a very sleepy voice.
“Wake up! We’re in our n2. house,” says Bobbie. “Don’t you remember Come on! Let’s go and prepare b3. for Mother. Peter’s downstairs.”
It’s cold in the kitchen. The children find some plates and cups in a box and p4. them on the table. Then they look for some tea and bread, but they can’t find any. There’s no s5. from Mother’s bedroom, so they decide to go outside. The early morning air is fresh, but the sun is warm.
The house is in a field on the top of a hill (山顶). There are m6. hills all around it. In the valley, below the house the children can see the railway line and the black mouth of a tunnel.
“Let’s go d7. and look at the railway,” says Peter.
“We can see the trains f8. here,” answers Bobbie. “Let’s sit here on the grass for a bit.”
When Mother comes out to look for them at eight o’clock, they are a9. asleep in the warm sun.
“Wake up, children!” she says. “Breakfast is e on! We have a lot of work to do today.”

The children have a nanny(保姆)called Nana—she is a big Newfoundland d11.! She is a wonderful nanny and looks after the children.
She loves them and they love her. Her doghouse is in the nursery(儿童房).
One evening Mr. and Mrs. Darling put on some very nice clothes. They are going to a dinner p12. with their friends. Mrs. Darling goes to the nursery. The children are playing h13..
Wendy sees her mother and says, “What a lovely dress!” “Yes,” says John, “you’re w14. a beautiful dress.” “Thank you,” says Mrs. Darling. “Your father and I are going to a dinner party this evening.”
Then she looks at Nana and says, “Nana, it’s almost half p15. eight. It’s time to put the children to bed.” Nana looks at Mrs. Darling with her big brown e16. and barks(狗吠). She goes to the bathroom and t17. on the hot water for Michael’s bath. But Michael does not like having baths. “No,” says little Michael, “I don’t want to have a bath! And I don’t want to go to bed, e18.!”
Nana is a good nanny and the children must listen to her. Michael has his bath. Then she gives the children their pajamas(睡衣)and they are r19. for bed now.
Mrs. Darling comes to the nursery a20. and smiles. “Good work, Nana! The children are in bed now.”

Today’s story is about Zhu Hui, a student from Shenzhen. He’s now s21. in the United States. He’s now living with a f22. in New York. Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. It’s 9:00 a.m. and Zhu Hui’s family are at home. His mum and aunt are m23. zongzi. His dad and uncle are watching the boat races on TV.
Is Zhu Hui also watching the races and eating zongzi Well, it’s 9:00 p.m. in New York, and it’s the night b24. the festival. But t 25. isn’t a Dragon Boat Festival in the US, so it’s like any o26. night for Zhu Hui and his host(主人)family. The mother is r27. a story to her young children. The father is watching a soccer game on TV. And what’s Zhu Hui doing He’s talking on the phone to his c28. in Shenzhen. Zhu Hui misses his family and wishes to have his mother’s d29. zongzi. Zhu Hui likes New York and his host family a lot, but there’s s30. “no place like home”.

After the party, Jo wanted to make friends with Laurie. She came to Laurie’s home, Laurie showed her around his b31. and library. Soon, the March family and the Laurence family became f32.. Beth liked p33. the piano. Mr Laurence sent her a p34.. Beth was thankful. In summer, the four sisters had a picnic with Laurie and they talked about their future happily. In winter, the March family received a l35. from their father. He was badly i36. and needed Mrs March to come, so the four girls must look after themselves. But few days later, Beth got scarlet fever (猩红热) from her n37. who lived not far away from her home. The mother sent a letter to them. She s38. that their father was still ill, so she couldn’t come home. L39., the doctor said Beth had got a little b40.. Everyone was happy.

The Smiths have a new computer. They have a son. His name is Tony. Every time Tony comes home from school, he goes to his room to do h41. homework. When he finishes it, he turns on the computer and p42. computer games.
It’s Tony’s birthday this Saturday. Mrs Smith doesn’t know what to buy f43. him. Mr Smith says, “What a44. buying a new computer for him He’s good at it. ”
“Dear, he loves playing computer games so much. It’s not g45. for his eyes, ” says Mrs Smith. She doesn’t want Tony to spend too much t46. on computer games. She wants to stop him from playing it for too much time.
Mr Smith has a good i47.. He wants to buy a dog for Tony. It can help Tony get much exercise. It’s good for Tony and the dog. And he can learn to l48. others.
“Sounds g49.!” says Mrs Smith. She is sure that Tony will love the present, b50. he also loves animals.

Tom likes chocolates (巧克力) very much, but his mother doesn’t g51. him chocolates, because she thinks they’re b52. for his teeth (牙齿). Tom has a very nice g53.. The old man loves his grandson very much and s54. he buys Tom some chocolates. Then his mother lets him eat t55. because she wants to make the old man h56..
On Sunday evening, it is Tom’s b57.. He says, “Please, God (上帝), l58. them give me a big box of chocolates for my birthday.” His mother says, “God can’t hear you. D59. shout (喊).” “I know, ”says the clever boy with a smile. “But Grandfather is in the next room, and he c60..”

I live in Suzhou. It’s a beautiful city. It’s famous for its beautiful g61.. Every year, many v62. come here for a trip. I live in a tall building. I have a bedroom of my o63., but sometimes I share it w64. my cousin. I often i65. my friends to have a party in my house. I keep a dog and some goldfish at home. The dog always f66. me everywhere when I come back from school. I often watch the goldfish s67. in the water. I feed them and look after them w68.. They are my good friends.
I’m good at my lessons. I work very hard. I h69. to go to work in Beijing when I finish school in the future. I have many hobbies. I like music and I am good at p70. the piano. I usually take part in some outdoor activities and have a good time.




下一篇:2023-2024七年级英语下册同步练习(人教版)Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?Section A 1a~2d(含答案)