Unit 2 Let's play sports单元综合测试卷(含听力音频+听力原文+解析)

七年级上册英语Unit 2 单元综合测试
姓名:_________ 班级:_________ 学号:_________
1.答卷前,考生务必用黑色签字笔将准考证号、姓名、考场号和座位号填写在答题卡上。用2B 铅笔在“考场号”和“座位号”栏相应位置填涂考场号和座位号。将条形码粘贴在答题卡“条形码粘贴处”。
2.作答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用 2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案,答案不能答在试卷上。
1. A.Yes, he does. B.Yes, it is. C.No, I don’t.
2. A.Yes, he does. B.Tom. C.He doesn’t have a bat.
3. A.It’s under the chair. B.They are on the desk. C.They are books.
4. A.It’s hers. B.No, she doesn’t. C.No, she isn’t.
5. A.Let’s play tennis. B.I have a tennis. C.That sounds good.
6.What does Miller do after school
A.He plays volleyball. B.He plays computer games. C.He goes to the school library.
7.Who is a volleyball star
A.Lucy’s classmate. B.Lucy. C.Lucy’s mother.
8.Does Gina like sports
A.Yes, she is. B.No, she doesn’t. C.Yes, she thinks it’s relaxing.
9.What does the woman like doing after dinner
A.Running. B.Walking. C.Jogging.
10.What did Linda do over the weekend
A.She played football.
B.She played tennis.
C.She wrote a letter.
11.Does Helen have a basketball
A.Yes, she does. B.No, she doesn’t. C.No, she isn’t.
12.Where is the tennis ball
A.On the sofa. B.Under the bed. C.Under the chair.
13.What is on the bed
A.A ball. B.A bag. C.A hat.
14.What does Helen think of her basketball
A.The basketball is new. B.The basketball is in the bag. C.The basketball is lost.
15.What will(将要) they do first
A.Ask Bob for a basketball. B.Play basketball. C.Play tennis.
16.The teachers in our school each ________ a computer now.
A.are having B.have C.is having D.has
17.__________ is a good form of exercise for young and old .
A.The walk B.Walking C.To walk D.Walk
18.The red car is Jim’s and the blue one __________ me.
A.belongs B.belongs to C.belonged to D.is belonged to
19.—I feel stressed from time to time. Could you give me some advice
—________ share worries with your parents
A.Why don’t you B.How about C.Would you like D.What about
20.There are many trees ________ the building, and they make us feel cool in summer.
A.in the front B.in front C.in front of D.in the front of
21.—Do you think Brazil will beat Japan in the next match
—Yes, they have better players, so I _______ them to win
A.hope B.except
C.expect D.prefer
22.My cousin __________ dancing, but I __________
A.enjoy; doesn’t B.enjoys; don’t C.enjoys; does D.enjoy; don’t
23.–Why are you so _______ –I am watching an _______ basketball game.
A.exciting; excited B.excited; exciting
C.exciting; exciting D.excited; excited
24.— Do you want _______
— Thank you.
A.anything else B.other anything C.else anything D.anything other
25.A: What _______ do you like to do
B: I also like swimming.
A.other B.else C.others D.another
This is our classroom. It's not big, but it's very nice. The walls are ____26____and the desks and chairs are new. On one of the walls, there is a ____27____and we can find Beijing, Shanghai and Hangzhou on it. There are some ____28____on the teacher's desk. They are for our ____29____, Miss Gao. She is a good teacher and we all like her. I'm on ____30____today. I come to school early. I help my teacher ____31____her books and pictures on her ____32____. I tell her everyone is here. But I'm ____33____, Liu Mei is not at ____34____. I don't know _____35_____ she is. But I think she's at home.
26.A.young B.same C.fine D.white
27.A.map B.clock C.kite D.photo
28.A.games B.numbers C.flowers D.lights
29.A.friend B.daughter C.mother D.teacher
30.A.line B.duty C.turn D.time
31.A.know B.find C.put D.give
32.A.desk B.bike C.chair D.floor
33.A.good B.young C.right D.wrong
34.A.eight B.home C.table D.school
35.A.what B.which C.where D.how
Swimming is not only good for the body, but also a great way to relax. Let’s get moving! I learn to swim this summer. I really want to play in the water, but I am afraid to go under the water. It is my first swimming lesson. My teacher is Mr Yang. He has a big and cool swimming pool. I enjoy swimming with my teacher. He teaches me a lot about the swimming. He teaches me to swim like a fish. It is interesting. I’m not afraid of the water now. Swimming is healthy for us. It is cool to swim when the weather is hot. Many people think swimming is very easy to learn. But it isn’t. I wanted to quit before, because it is so difficult. At last, I learned to swim and I enjoy it now. It is a good habit to swim every day. And I do it now. I want to be a good swimmer one day.
36.The writer learns how to swim in_______
A.spring B.summer C.autumn D.winter
37.Why does the writer learn to swim _______
A.Because he likes Mr Yang. B.Because he thinks swimming is cool.
C.Because he really wants to play in the water. D.Because he likes water.
38.Mr Yang teaches the writer to _______ .
A.go under the water B.swim like a fish
C.play in the water D.swim in hot days
39.What does the underlined word “quit” mean in Chinese _______
A.放弃 B.坚持 C.享受 D.忘记
40.What can we learn from the passage _______
A.The writer has a big pool. B.The writer swims every day now.
C.The writer is afraid of water now. D.Swimming is easy to learn.
Nick, 13, is tall and strong. He is good at running. Two weeks ago a new student came. His name is David. He is thin and short. He plays soccer well, and he can run very fast. Larry told Nick about it. Of course, Nick did not believe it.
“Why not have a race with him ” said Larry.
“Good idea!” said Nick. “I’ll have a race with him after school.”
After school, Nick went to the playground. He did some warm-up exercises for half an hour, and got ready for the race. He was sure that he could win it. Larry had to take part in a club activity that afternoon, so he could not watch the race between Nick and David.
That evening Larry went to see Nick. They began to talk about the afternoon race. Nick’s grandmother heard them in the next room. She came in and asked, “Which place ”
“The second place,” answered Nick.
His grandmother was very happy to hear that, and asked, “Which place did David win, then ”
“The last but one.”
41._______is NOT mentioned(提到) in the passage
A.Nick B.David C.Larry D.Nick’s teacher
42.Nick did not believe Larry’s words because _______.
A.David is often ill B.David is short and thin
C.David is a new student D.he does not know David at all
43.Larry did not watch the race because he had to _______.
A.take part in a club activity B.do some warm-up exercises
C.see his grandmother D.prepare for his birthday party
44.The underlined part “The last but one” means “_______” in Chinese.
A.第二名 B.最后一名 C.倒数第二名 D.第三名
45.From the passage, we can know _______.
A.David was Nick’s friend B.David is good at running
C.Nick won the race D.Nick was very happy
Street-ball is a city game. People play it on playgrounds and in gyms around the world.
Usually only one side of the court is used in the street-ball, but the rules of the game are almost the same as basketball games. The number of players in a game may be only 2, and it is called one-to-one.
Sometimes there are also two teams of five players each. It is easy for you to join a streetball game. You only need to go to an outdoor court. If there are some teams playing, and they agree to let you take part in, then you have a chance to join any team.
Street-ball is a very popular game in the world, and it is very popular with the young people. Some cities in the United States even have street-ball programs on TV. It is said(据说) that this is a good way for young people to keep away from troubles such as crimes(犯罪) and drugs(毒品).
46.Where do people usually play street-ball _______
A.On the hill. B.In the classroom. C.On playgrounds. D.In the water.
47.The rules of street-ball games are almost the same as _______ games.
A.baseball B.football C.volleyball D.basketball
48.What does the underlined word “troubles” mean in Chinese _______
A.麻烦 B.荣誉 C.诱惑 D.纠缠
49.Why do people say the street-ball game is good for the young people _______
A.Because it is very popular.
B.Because it can be played by two people.
C.Because it can make them strong.
D.Because it can keep them from some troubles.
50.What can we know from the passage _______
A.It’s not easy to join a street-ball game.
B.The street-ball game is only for good players.
C.The street-ball is very popular with young people.
D.There are many programs on TV about the street-ball game all over the world.
情景交际 根据情景补全下面对话。
A: Hello! Li Ming!
B: Hi! Zhang Jun. _______________51_______________
A: I’m going to the library to return the books.
B: ________________52________________
A: Yes. I think I will be free this Sunday.
B: There will be a basketball game in the gym and I have two tickets.
A: Yes, I’d like to. _______________54_______________
B: It will begin at 3:00 on Sunday afternoon.
A: ________________55________________
B: Let’s meet outside the gym at 2:40 p.m. this Sunday.
A: OK. See you then.
B: See you.
Don’t forget where you _________ __________.
The teachers in this school ________ ________ ________ the safety of the children.
We can _____________ the police _________ __________ when we have problems.
Paul ______ _____ _______ the scientist and wants to become like him.
People who watch the show usually ________ ________ ________ in deciding the winner.
Dear Tommy
I spend 8 hours at school. I like some parts of the day and I don't like others.I love_____________________________________________________________________________________
E-mail me soon!
1. C
Do you have a soccer ball
2. B
Who has a ping-pong bat
3. A
Where is the basketball
4. B
Does your sister have a baseball bat
5. C
Let’s play tennis.
6. C
W: Let’s play computer games after school, OK
M: Sounds boring. I always go to the school library
7. B
W: Mike, do you play volleyball with your friends
M: No, I don’t like it. But my sister Lucy is a volleyball star in my school.
8. C
M: I like sports. What about you, Gina Do you like it
W: Yes. It’s very relaxing.
9. C
M: What do you like doing after dinner
W: I like jogging.
10. B
M: Did you play football over the weekend, Linda
W: No, but I played tennis.
M: Do you have a basketball Let's play basketball, Helen.
W: OK, but I can't find my basketball now.
M: Is it under the chair
W: No, it isn't. My tennis ball is under the chair.
M: What's that on the bed
W: It's a bag. The basketball is not in that bag.
M: Is it on the sofa
W: No, it isn't. I think my basketball is lost.
M: OK, we can play tennis.
W: But I don't want to play it. My friend Bob has a basketball. Let's go and ask him for it.
16. B
考查动词时态。分析句子可知,“The teachers”是主语,“each”是其同位语。主语是复数,所以动词要用复数形式,可排除CD选项;“have”表示“有”的时候不用进行时态,排除A选项。故选B。
17. B
考查非谓语动词。walk“步行,散步”,句子缺主语,根据“a good form of exercise”可知句子表达“散步”,walk用作名词时可以表示“散步”,但它是可数名词,单数形式常与不定冠词连用,排除D,这里没有特指的意味,所以排除A;另外动名词作主语表示抽象的一般行为,而不定式则表示具体某一次的动作,此处指的是一般的情况而非某次具体的行为。故选B。
18. B
考查belong to的用法。belong to 意为“属于”,是固定短语,排除A;属于不及物动词,无被动语态;排除D;根据连词and前的一般现在时态,故后句也应用一般现在时态。故选B。
19. A
20. C
21. C
考查动词。 希望,不能表述为hope sb. to do sth.;其后可接that从句;除了; 期待,可接不定式做宾补;更喜欢;结合题意及they have better players他们有更好的球员。所以是期待他们赢。故选C。
22. B
考查动词时态和助动词辨析。短语enjoy doing sth.表示“喜欢做某事”;主语cousin是第三人称单数,谓语动词enjoy用单数第三人称形式,前空可排除AD两项。后半句主语I是第一人称,助动词需用do;but表转折,可知本句是否定句,需在do后加not。故选B。
23. B
考查形容词的辨析。excited“感到兴奋地”,描述人的情感;exciting“令人兴奋的”,描述事物的特征。第一个空的主语是you,因此用excited,排除A/C;第二个空用来修饰后面的名词basketball game,因此用exciting。故选B。
24. A
25. B
试题分析:句意:A:你还喜欢干什么?B:我也喜欢游泳。其他的什么用what else。故选B。
26.句意:墙是白色的,桌椅是新的。A. young年轻的;B. same相同的;C. fine 好的;D. white白色的。由句子This is our classroom.这是我们的教室。可知,墙应该是白色的。故选D。
27.句意:在其中一面墙上,有一张地图,我们可以在上面找到北京、上海和杭州。A. map地图;B. clock 闹钟;C. kite 风筝;D. photo照片。结合语境可知,教室的墙上一般挂地图。北京、上海和杭州可以在地图上找到。故选A。
28.句意:老师的桌子上有一些花。A. games游戏;B. numbers 数字;C. flowers 花;D. lights灯。由下文的句子They are for our   29  , Miss Gao. She is a good teacher and we all like her. 它们是给我们的高老师的。她是一位好老师,我们都喜欢她。可知,高老师的桌子上的是学生们给她的一些花。故选C。
29.句意:它们是给我们高老师的。A. friend朋友;B. daughter 女儿;C. mother 母亲;D. teacher老师。由句子She is a good teacher and we all like her.可知,Miss Gao是一位老师。故选D。
30.句意:我今天值日。A. line线;B. duty 值日;C. turn 轮流;D. time时间。on duty“值日”的意思。故选B。
31.句意:我帮助老师把她的书和照片放在书桌上。A. know知道;B. find发现;C. put 放; D. give给。put on把……放到上面;故选C。
32.句意:我帮助老师把她的书和照片放在书桌上。A. desk书桌;B. bike自行车;C. chair 椅子;D. floor地板。结合语境可知,我是把老师的书和照片放在她的书桌上。故选A。
33.句意:但我错了,刘梅不在学校。A. good好的;B. young 年轻的;C. right 对的;D. wrong错误的。由句子I tell her everyone is here.和Liu Mei is not at   34  .说明我是错的。故选D。
34.句意:但我错了,刘梅不在学校。A. eight八;B. home 家;C. table 桌子;D. school学校。由语境可知,我告诉老师每个人都到了,结果刘梅没在学校。故选D。
35.句意:我不知道她在哪里。A. what什么;B. which 哪一个;C. where 哪里;D. how怎么样。由句子But I think she's at home.可知,本题询问的是刘梅在哪里。故选C。
完形填空题与单项选择题不同,它给出的是一篇意思较为完整的短文。做该题型试题时,首先应跳过空格通读全文,以全文为背景,联系句子的上下文进行推理和判断,从4个选项中选出一项进行试填。考生可以从词义用法、固定搭配、逻辑推理和上下文的联系等方面去考虑。最后应再把全文通览一遍,细心检查所选答案能否使短文上下连贯,前后呼应,词句通顺,使短文意思完整。检查时还应从语法、惯用法、逻辑推理和事情发生的情节等方面进行考虑,以达到准确无误之目的。第29小题是考查名词词义辨析,要结合上下文做出准确判断,句意:它们是给我们高老师的。A. friend朋友;B. daughter 女儿;C. mother 母亲;D. teacher老师。由句子She is a good teacher and we all like her.可知,Miss Gao是一位老师。故选D。第8小题是考查形容词词义辨析,要结合上下文做出准确判断,句意:但我错了,刘梅不在学校。A. good好的;B. young 年轻的;C. right 对的;D. wrong错误的。由句子I tell her everyone is here.和Liu Mei is not at   34  .说明我是错的。故选D。
细节理解题。根据“I learn to swim this summer.”可知,作者在夏天学游泳。故选B。
细节理解题。根据“I really want to play in the water, ”可知,作者学游泳的目的是想要在水中玩耍。故选C。
细节理解题。根据“He teaches me to swim like a fish.”可知,老师教作者像鱼儿一样游泳。故选B。
词义猜测题。根据后面的“because it is so difficult”可以推断,因为游泳太难,所以作者想放弃。故quit表示“放弃”,故选A。
推理判断题。根据“It is a good habit to swim every day. And I do it now.”可知,作者现在每天游泳。故选B。
42.细节理解题。根据His name is David. He is thin and short. 他的名字叫大卫。他又瘦又矮。可知,尼克不相信拉里的话,因为大卫又矮又瘦。故选B。
43.细节理解题。根据Larry had to take part in a club activity that afternoon, so he could not watch the race between Nick and David. 那天下午拉里不得不参加俱乐部的活动,所以他不能看尼克和大卫之间的比赛。可知,拉里没有看比赛,因为他必须参加俱乐部的活动。故选A。
44.词意猜测题。根据“The second place,” answered Nick.可知,Nick是第二名。因为只有Nick和David两人比赛,故David是第一名,也是倒数第二名。故The last but one的意思是:倒数第二名。故选C。
45.推理判断题。根据“The second place,” answered Nick.可知,Nick是第二名。可知,是David赢得了比赛,因此可以推知大卫擅长跑步。故选B。
46.细节理解题。根据People play it on playgrounds and in gyms around the world. 世界各地的人们在操场和体育馆里玩。故选C。
47.细节理解题。根据Usually only one side of the court is used in the streetball, but the rules of the game are almost the same as basketball games. 通常街球比赛只使用球场的一侧,但比赛规则几乎与篮球比赛相同。可知,街球与篮球比赛规则是一样的。故选D。
48.词义猜测题。句子It is said(据说) that this is a good way for young people to keep away from troubles such as crimes(犯罪) and drugs(毒品).的意思是:有人说,这是年轻人远离犯罪和毒品等麻烦的好方法。可知,单词troubles是“麻烦”的意思。故选A。
49.细节理解题。根据It is said(据说) that this is a good way for young people to keep away from troubles such as crimes(犯罪) and drugs(毒品). 有人说,这是年轻人远离犯罪和毒品等麻烦的好方法。故选D。
50.细节理解题。根据Streetball is a very popular game in the world, and it is very popular with the young people. 街球是世界上一种非常流行的运动,它深受年轻人的喜爱。故选C。
51.Where are you going
52.Will you be free this Sunday
53.Would you like to go with me
54.When will it begin
55.When and where shall we meet
51.细节理解题。根据下文的句子I’m going to the library to return the books. 我要去图书馆还书。可知,上文应该问Zhang Jun去哪里?所以应该填Where are you going 符合语境。故答案为Where are you going
52.细节理解题。根据下文的句子Yes. I think I will be free this Sunday. 是的。我想这个星期天我有空。可知,上文应该问Zhang Jun这个星期天是否有空?所以应该填Will you be free this Sunday 符合语境。故答案为Will you be free this Sunday
53.细节理解题。根据上文的句子There will be a basketball game in the gym and I have two tickets.体育馆有一场篮球赛,我有两张票。以及答语Yes, I’d like to. 是的,我想去。可知,该句话应该问Zhang Jun愿意去吗?所以应该填Would you like to go with me 符合语境。故答案为Would you like to go with me
54.细节理解题。根据下文的句子It will begin at 3:00 on Sunday afternoon.星期天下午3点开始。可知,上文应该问篮球赛什么时候开始?所以应该填When will it begin 符合语境。故答案为When will it begin
55.细节理解题。根据下文的句子Let’s meet outside the gym at 2:40 p.m. this Sunday. 我们这个星期天下午2:40在体育馆外碰头吧。可知,上文应该问他们什么时间和在哪里集合。所以应该填When and where shall we meet 符合语境。故答案为When and where shall we meet
56. come from
根据句意,横线上是“你是哪里人”的意思,也就是你来自哪,结合句子结构,缺少谓语动词,Don’t forget提示本句是一般现在时,故答案是(e (2). from。
57. pay attention to
分析题干空缺部分意思应为“关注…”,含有词意的固定短语为pay attention to。
58. ask for help
根据语境可知,本题需用一般现在时。根据语意可知,空处应填“向……求助”,即ask sb. for help;又因情态动词can后跟动词原形,所以ask用原形即可。故填ask;for;help。
59. looks up to
钦佩可以用admire也可以用look up to,但是本题有三个空,且and后的wants是一般现在时,故填looks up to。
People who watch the show usually ________ ________ ________ in deciding the winner.
【答案】play a role
“担任着…..角色”固定短语play a role in, 从句子结构可知这里是由who引导的定语从句,先行词是people,是复数,所以play用原形,故填play a role。
Dear Tommy
I spend 8 hours at school. I like some parts of the day and I don't like others. I love reading because I can learn a lot about the world from it. My favourite activity is morning exercises, because they are good for us. They can help us get ready for the day. I also love drawing. It’s fun. But I don’t like singing because I am not good at it. I think it’s boring. I don’t like playing soccer, either, I think it’s too different for me. This is something about my school life. What about you
E-mail me soon!
这是一篇优秀的作文。首先短文内容完整、充实,符合题目的要求。短文中作者介绍了自己最喜欢做的事情和不喜欢做的事情,并阐述了原因,理由充分、合理。其次短文结构清晰,叙述有条理。作者先讲述了自己喜欢做的事情;然后是不喜欢做的事情。结尾有总结句,并反问对方的情况,与对方有互动。第三,短文中句式多变,力求用不同的词汇、句型表达,语句通顺,语法规范、准确,使用了正确的人称和时态。文章中还有一些好的句型,如I love reading because I can learn a lot about the world from it. My favourite activity is morning exercises, because they are good for us.两句话中使用了原因状语从句;But I don’t like singing because I am not good at it. I think it’s boring. I don’t like playing soccer, either, I think it’s too different for me中使用了句型like doing sth.、连词But表示转折,以及短语be good at, either, too difficult for me等等。



上一篇:Unit 1 My school 测试卷(含答案 无听力原文及听力音频)
